Quality Business Essay Examples for Your Learning

Importance of financial structure and statements

The profitability of a company is dependent on the financial structure as a company would not be able to operate without finances and it would have nothing to offer or sell to its customers. Profitability and Value Creation The objective of company management is the creation of value β†’

Bernie ebbers and scott sullivan

Evidence suggests that Ebbers and Sullivan help considerable power and influence that prevented accouting staff from complaining, or even knowing, about the fraud. Ebber's group also restricted distribution of company - level financial reports and prevented sensitive reports from being prepared at all. Accountants did not even have access to the computer β†’

Accounting information system and special journals

The person that records the incoming cash receipts should not be the same person that is posting the customer payments to their accounts. Jeff is the custodian of the petty cash fund, and he should be the only one responsible for that petty cash fund.

The role of accountants accounting essay

In the olden system of accounting it was not so demanding, this has currently increased due to complex IT structures and computerization of the accounting and business. The implementation of ERP has put accountants in organized way, though a company should decide on the tools of ERP, the primary objective of the accountant is to β†’

Occupational health and safety of reckon ltd construction essay

This study will supply you with a basic apprehension of Purpose This study is intended to be an overview of the Occupational Health & A ; Safety of Reckon Ltd. Reckon Business profile Reckon is a taking ASX listed provider of award-winning direction solutions for the wealth direction, SOHO, SME and accounting β†’

Introduction law prevails. this has been pronounced

Introduction The European Court of Justice has been the central authority responsible for shaping the legal regime of European Union and its Member States for the past thirty years, developing a relation between communal legal order and national laws; promoting uniformity in community law in all states of the EU β†’

Should ministers or senior bureaucrats be held accountable for the department?

Accountability should be the responsibility of those who have the greatest opportunity to control departmental situations. Therefore, it is not reasonable to blame Ministers for the actions of their Department, as it is the Deputy Ministers and Senior Bureaucrats who run the day to day operations of Ministerial departments and influence not β†’

This house believes that liberalization is not good to the philippines essay

The youth officials who answered the call for public service are being pushed to the wall of accounting for all the shenanigans of the whole political system and our detractors are suggesting only the abolition of the institution that directly governs the youth is the answer. We recognize that we are the primary agents of β†’

The all the previous accumulated profits and losses

The assigned company isDominos Australia and the latest annual report available is for FY2017 or theyear ending on July 2, 2017.From your firm's financial statement, list each item of equity and writeyour understanding of each item. Discuss any changes in each item of equity foryour firm over the past year articulating the reasons for β†’

Analyzing financial ratios

The goal of the Review Project is to take you through the full accounting cycle, allowing you to practice each step and use it as you move on to the next step. This project, on the other hand, will help you to consider a series of individual situations, how they should be β†’

A. curcumene (0.43%). essential oils (eo) are secondary

The antimicrobial properties of the essential oil fromplant extracts are resulted from the synergy of its active compounds. Table 2 shows that turmerone is the mostconcentrated major functional group in the turmeric oil used as the antimicrobialagent in this study. Thus, it was expected that the antimicrobialactivity of the turmeric oil is attributed to the β†’

Using the right tool: does it compensate for inexperienced managers? essay

DiscussionDevelopments in technology have led to the emergence of tools that can be used by businesses in ensuring that their activities are managed in the best possible way. Computing and information tools have come up as some of the most important assets in ensuring that organizational information needs are accurately addressed. It is therefore clear β†’

Example of research paper on the landing of the mars rover curiosity

The curiosity of the rover is five times heavy and twice long as the spirit and opportunity rovers which landed on mars in 2004. How fast was the Rover Launched? In April 2004 NASA gave defined proposals for the scientific instrument the Rover and among this eight good proposals were chosen in December of the β†’

Organizational stress: positive or negative? essay sample

For instance research conducted by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions in 2003, highlighted that the stress is the second cause of health problems at work. In this post, I have provided a definition of the organizational stress, its causes and the way it affects the organization. The stress β†’

Personal attributes of great leaders

Compassion is a rather broad term, but can be defined in this context in the sense that those leaders who have a desire to help and represent others will often receive support from the masses and this will help fuel their successful pursuits. In terms of superior leaders having natural born traits, this is a β†’

Larry page

Page was first attended the University of Michigan for a bachelor's degree in Engineering and then decided to pursue a master's degree in computer science at the Stanford University, here is where he met Sergey Brin and started the project that would change his life forever. The idea began while searching a β†’

Leadership critical analysis

The Broom Model of Leadership focuses on how well, or poorly the team participates In a given situation. The Fiddler Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness focuses on the leadership style of person In charge, as well as the power that person has over a specific situation. Relationship motivated leadership is for those leaders β†’

Was caesar a good leader?

They also say that he bribed the people to love him and he cheated the system. I believethat Caesar was a great leader for the Roman people because he created reforms to help the people, created a new government, and changed the course of history. Caesar was very helpful to the people β†’

Are leaders – born or made?

The most argumentative and the most widely researched topic in the field ofleadershipis if the leaders are born or made. A stabilized ongoing development of the intellectual growth and enhancement of various skills and talents at different levels of an individual development plays a pivotal role in the making of a great leader. Today's β†’

Individual management/leadership style

Leadership is the block at the top of the model of a good team, not because it is most important, but because it is the ultimate goal of an effective, efficient team. They understand that their route to success is, inevitably through engaging, focusing and mobilizing others' brainpower, horsepower and commitment. Team β†’

Leadership vs management

Gardner begins to challenge the idea that leadership exists within a single designated person and a situation. Instead, he positions leadership as moving toward and achieving a group AOL, not necessarily because of the work of one skilled individual but because of the work of multiple members of the group. A β†’

Case study on developing teamwork

It needs to get attuned to what the Service Department needs and what other factors can make them work better and produce good results. The leadership must also provide the necessary tools and equipment that the Service Department needs to make their work more efficient. While Ventura takes charge in the organization and performance aspects β†’

The importance of accountability

The United States health care system faces challenges in providing quality health care to diverse population. The effort to identify the culturally health care from the perspective of ethnically and diverse in detail to define cultural competence level of medical encounter are lacking the skills, and knowledge to identify the different cultural β†’

Leadership derailment

In this essay, I give an explanation of divisional manager of a certain motor vehicle workshop who derailed and as a result, he was demoted Thomas was the divisional manager of the automotive workshop which was the service center of the automotive company I used to β†’

Leadership is an abstract idea that accommodates many descriptions

In the social sphere, it can be regarded as the way in which some certain individual with desired characteristics like socialresponsibilitytake up the helms or control in social domains. This control is aimed at filling a vacuum that exists for the coordination of activities and the making β†’

Kant and leadership

I believethat a good leader is someone who is able to lead his followers on the basis of moral consideration for the life and welfare of each member of the organization, for instance. Without the moral consideration for the life and welfare of the members, the leader will hardly convince his members to follow his β†’

Leader interview

This paper discusses Shiela Moore, one of the Executive Directors of Casa Myrna Non Governmental Organization and herleadershipstyles in the organization. It also discusses her achievements and the challenges that she has faced, as well as her strengths and weaknesses and gives recommendations and a plan of action that explains how the β†’

Price leadership

The rivals will keep their prices constant in order to increase their sales at the expense of the firm that raises the price. That is, for upward changes in price, a firms demand is expected to be higly elastic, in contrast when the firm lowers it price, it is most likely that its rivals will β†’

A business leader that helped shape america essay sample

With his achievements in business, his philosophy and the spectacular story of his life, Carnegie left an imprint on the American business and culture of a nation. Andrew Carnegie was born in a small Scottish town on November 25, 1835, in his own words, " of poor but honest parents, of good kith and β†’

Biblical servant leadership

Yet He is the master, the greatest? he has the power and the ability to stand on top of the crowd but He Is also the least and the lowest to be able to wash the feet to human beings. The whole point of being a servant leader is that you know God is the β†’

Career assignment essay sample

Some academics believe that leadership is similar to management in many ways and both are essential for organisation to prosper , others argue that it differs in typical functions that present management such as budgeting, staffing and problem solving. Bennis and Nanus made the distinction very clear by saying " Managers β†’

Pacetta’s leadership principles

Especially in cases of non-performing personnel, managers and leaders of businesses should display the will and the courage to implement changes and do what is necessary for the organization to thrive and overcome the problems it is in. The principles that Pacetta outlined can be implemented in both military and non-military situations because of the β†’

Tb leadership

Despite the corporate realities of greed, competition, and the drive to achievegoalsand profits, leaders can act from moral values and encourage others to develop and use moral values In the workplace.0 2. All of us have the potential to live and act courageously, If we can push through our own fears.

Rose company case analysis essay sample

I will be responsible for the management and administration of all functions and personnel, except sales, at the new plant. I expect the strategy employed at the Jackson Plant will have significant impact across the organization and be a model for other plants in the company. I think that this slower pace of change β†’

Laizzez faire

The Liberal reforms changed the economy, politic and social circumstances[l] , and lead Britain to a more well structuralizes and strong country. The reasons of the reforms were, changes in attitude, the Boer War, social reform, political changes and the fear of being overtaken.[4] The Ideology of Laissez fairer had assumed how a β†’

Nothing changes without leadership

Skill is the ability coming from one's knowledge, practice or aptitude to do something well; since leadership is a skill, there is therefore the need to learn and grow in the application of leadership abilities. Good leadership is a result of the active practice and application of the rights skills which can become a part β†’

Makes an effective leader

Previous studies have helped create the understanding that the ability of an effective leader is the result of their own personal traits under the categories of personality, and more recently, physical, social and work related characteristics." Traits are the distinguishing personal characteristics of a leader such as intelligence, values, self-confidence and appearance. Personally, the most β†’

Leadership qualities of harry s. truman

He was admired for his ability to maintain his Midwestern demure while being one of the world's most prominent leaders as President of the United States. Truman was a compromise candidate for vice president, almost an accidental president after Roosevelt's death 12 weeks into his second term. A Broadway play, " Give 'Em Hell, Harry" β†’

4 ways effective leaders deal with incompetent people

After all, even if a team fails because of a subpar member, it reflects poorly on the leader. Here are four tips on surviving as a leader when there are incompetent people on the team: 1. It's up to leaders to create an environment where everyone is on the same page, and there are no β†’

Historical trends in leadership theory and research

Some scholars ease the task of the leader by establishing a theoretical base for his or her exercise of authority and cotrol. More recent definitions regard leadership as an aspect of role differentiation in a group; that is leadership is viewed as the act of initiating and maintaining role structure, and seek to provide a β†’

Free john edgar hoover essay example

This paper aims to explore the exploits of J, Edgar Hoover, the first director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations who was at its helm for more than half a century. His hard work was recognized and he received appointment as the acting director of the newly formed Bureau of Investigations (later changed to the β†’

Multistream leadership at work in hawaii

Now Neubert and Buscher have personal concern to improve the situation for the members of the bar, and when their attention will be to get expansion opportunities it will not be totally for the members. What make this bar so special and success is the owners approached based on their values and the afforded they β†’

The impact of transformational leadership on employee motivation

A number of authors have argued that transformational leadership style enhances employee motivations and increases their commitment to the organization. For example, a study conducted by Avolio et al.on the impact of transformational leadership on performance and motivation of staff nurses in a public hospital of Singapore showed a positive relationship. Through such social, responsive β†’

Machiavelli – the qualities of the prince critical thinking

To Machiavelli, these qualities were important in uniting Italy. Question 2 In dealing with the question of whether it is better to be loved than feared, Machiavelli says, " The answer is that one would like to be both the one and the other; but because it is difficult to β†’

Essay on i am a leader

As a result of which, revealing what a person needs and what to offer him in order to arrange himself. Moreover, this should not be the so-called " purchase of location", and this should be taken into account, because the line between " give the person what he asks for the sake of gaining his β†’

Leadership behaviors of the path-goal leadership theory

The Path-Goal Leadership Theory was developed by the American psychologist Robert House to describe the way that leaders encourage and support their subordinates in achieving setgoalsby making the path that they should take clear and easy. It states that the leader must inspire subordinates by: one, stressing the relationship between the subordinates' β†’

Leader more feared than loved: evaluating chapter 17

This decision is most applicable during times of danger or emergencies, it is easier to break a bond of love when the situation arises, but the fear of punishment is always effective, regardless of the situation. Yet, Machiavelli reminded that when choosing to generate fear, a prince must be wary to avoid β†’

Leadership vs. management essay

Managers possess all kind of potential abilities, skills, academictheories of management, work experience which shapes managers into a diplomatic, situation-oriented individuals to act according to the breeze of atmosphere in an organization and to that effect, manager takes swing to that side. This does not mean that managers are very clever or uncomfortable individuals, whereas β†’

Women in leadership roles

The majority of research related to women and leadership examines the barriers women face in entering or moving up in the leadership hierarchy. Kruger also examines how theenvironmentplays an important role in the realization of gender differences in leadership. The last article, " Gender and educational Leadership in England: a comparison of secondary headteachers' views β†’

Example of essay on comparison of oedipus the king and antigone

As a seer, he was to foresee the future and advise the king on exactly what to do for in order to promote unity, order and prosperity in the kingdom. In Oedipus the King, he was not respected as a divine official.

Case analysis: goodman company

Had they been involved in the planning stages, they could have communicated the pros and cons of adopting the new plan.- As a result, each shift accepted and reacted to the change differently.- The new plan was poorly implemented within the 1st shift. After the implementation of the new plan, all of the above factors β†’

Coaching leadership

A coach serve as the leader, the mentor and the engineer of the team in which he or she is in charge of the over all management of the team. Furthermore, coaches are responsible for training the athletes to their reputable field of sports and assess their performance in accordance to their β†’

Ethics, csr and leadership report – “business must act ethically”

In doing so, the importance of business ethics will first be identified, followed by a review as to how businesses can ensure that business ethics are being incorporated into their business. There is a growing need for organisations to reduce the risk of litigation by placing greater emphasis on the issues surrounding business ethics. If β†’

Margaret thatcher essays examples

Her expertise and enthusiasm created influence, and this uplifted her in the conservative party. Thatcher did not allow the opposition or her enemies to thwart her, and she did not make compromises that she was not prepared to make.

Evolution of leadership in the educational system

The disadvantages of the directive leadership style are: dissociates staff, non-development of employees and convenience. One might use this style of leadership when the faculty or staff is in danger of not accomplishing a task in a timely manner or in a crisis situation. The leaders in the district are a compilation β†’

Leadership models essay sample

The ideal leadership theory depends on the workplace setting and the dynamics of the organization or company. The four leadership models employed involves such as the behavior approach, the power and influence approach, trait theory, and the social exchange theory.

Leadership principles for effective change

This may seem difficult and out ofculturebut it can do a lot in making people accountable and willing to implement the changes discussed by the organization. " A clearly defined vision of the end result enables all the people to define the most efficient path for accomplishing the results". When a vision is clearly stated and β†’

People management fiasco in honda motors essay sample

There were many different mistakes the Japanese and Indian managers made that contributed to the failure of the HSMI and contributed to the present situation. I looked at the two biggest differences between the two the MAS and the UAI. MAS- Masculinity/FemininityUAI- Uncertainty Avoidance The MAS in japan is one of the highest β†’

Hamas, leadership and leadership structure

The recent changes in political scenario in the Palestine and Israel has given Hamas a broad role especially its stunning victory in the recent presidential elections. The first Intifada is marked by the foundation of Hamas in 1987. The initial meeting, which led to the foundation of he movement, was held in the house of β†’

An effective school environment essay sample

Brighouse and woods mention that there are seven processes that encompassed most activities of school life: The practice of teaching and learning The practice of management and organization The practice of collective review The creation of an environment most suitable for learning The promotion β†’

Autocratic style of leadership education essay

The function of the Educator is to put their mark and leave the pupil on their ain to finish the work. In this position the Administrators needs to work together with the Staff in order to accomplish the purpose and aim of the school.

Leadership analysis based on shackleton

Being able to keep close attention to the needs and wants of the individuals has helped him to identify the strength and weaknesses that he can use to his advantage. From these brief points of views, all these traits are necessary components of making a great leadership, and it has become the β†’


In this case study, Akio Toyoda's prove himself as today's leader by making few necessary changes in organization to boost his way to make Toyota as number one auto maker in the world. Entrepreneurial leadership Akio Toyoda can be categorized in entrepreneurial leadership because of his critical role in Toyota. He is impatient to see β†’

Leadership qualities: important leadership skills for workplace success

Many are convinced that being ahead of everyone is very prestigious, but they are really poorly aware of what a true leader should be, what qualities he must possess, so that people strive to follow him and would like to follow him. After all, in essence, this person is like a lighthouse that indicates where β†’

Good essay on chronic kidney disease

BUN and creatinine are elevated with presence of polyuria and nocturia. Renal failure: Approximately 90% of the renal parenchyma has been destroyed making the GFR 10% of the normal. Sodium and water regulation is completely lost which results in edema, acidosis, uraemia and hypocalcemia. End-stage renal disease: Less than 5% GFR gives rise to uraemicsundrome β†’

Defining formalization and mentioning its advantages and disadvantages for leaders and followers

Such formalization techniques are part of the organizationalcultureand those who happen to be in leadership have to abide by the known standards of management. Formalization results in conflict of leadership strategies and professional values. Employees' activities are governed through laws and procedures and leaders may not be able to exercise their leadership β†’

Options for implementing a leadership change

If Gene One is to remain competitive and successful, the CEO and the Board of Directors believe that the company must go public within the next three years. There is a 36-month deadline for this strategy to be implemented to help Gene One realize its growth targets, establish the company as a strong competitor and β†’

Contingency theory essay sample

These two factors will be discussed along with other aspects of Fiedler's theory." In Fiedler's model, leadership effectiveness is the result of interaction between the style of the leader and the characteristics of the environment in which the leader works". The first major factor in Fiedler's theory is known as the leadership style. It β†’

Leadership in action

In this particular manner, the author of thisinterviewreport decided to talk to one of the managers of the said Call Center Agency so as to be able to look deeper on how managers of the said type of organizations keep up with the challenges of meeting the different responsibilities left in their care which includes β†’

Why i want to be an nco essay sample

Why I Want To Become A NCO March 6, 2013 I want to be a NCO to train and lead soldiers. The responsibilities of a NCO are to train, instruct and mentor Soldiers to be disciplined, to uphold the standards of their job and to lead and keep the outmost integrity β†’

Exemplary leadership

This analysis examines how a leader utilizes organizational power, the magnitude to which the leader is constrained by contingency factors, how the leader deals with ethical issues, and the leader's decision-making style and influence tactics in addition to other characteristics. The leader detailed in this analysis is proven to be effective based β†’

Ethical leadership – analysis

This means that the leader needs to involve the employees and inform them on various changes and adjustments happening in the organization. Reader suggests that the leader should also encourage thoughtful dissent and show the employees that he/she truly cares. In Dalton, the leader should celebrate the successes In the organization and be β†’

Leadership lessons from d-day: a book review

For this book review, I chose Victory Principles: LeadershipLessons from D-Day by Leonard Kloeber, Jr., a retired army officer. This book is not only a mere history book but it also provides a lesson on leadership principles based on what was applied by β†’

Management process essay sample

The process of organizing involves designing and development of structure of relationships between members of the team or group assigned to carryout the planned task. Leading refers to the process of motivating, directing and guiding the people in the organization for carrying out the their work as per plans and objectives.

Case study practicum in educational leadership education essay

But principals at the school degree, and superintenA dents at the territory degree, are unambiguously positioned to supply a clime of high outlooks, a clear vision for better instruction and acquisition, and the agencies for everyone in the system - grownups and kids - to recognize that vision. As one principal late put it, " β†’

Good nagarjuna and the search for the middle way essay example

It is necessary to understand this notion if one wants to grasp the idea of motion and time Nagarjuna proposes. The same kind of reasoning is found in many other sections of the book. His conclusion is that it is neither one nor the other, and the same principle could β†’

An analysis of flexible leadership style

A leader who utilizes the flexible leadership style will provide a suitable working surrounding to his subordinates, and make them working in positive emotion; hence, the subordinates would provide more profits to the company. Additionally, in different situations, the leader needs to change the leadership style to fit the current β†’

Lewin’s leadership styles

Lewin's framework is popular and useful, because it encourages managers to be less autocratic than they might instinctively be. The Blake-Mouton Managerial Grid The Blake-Mouton Managerial Grid was published in 1964, and it highlights the best leadership style to use, based on your concern for your people and β†’

Leadership and tech final exam

The there is the first level manager that gives the daily drill down of operations notes and ensures the deliverables are made.. Then the senior manager who's task is the developing the budget, travel keeping the organization fresh with the latest each, and constantly keeping a fresh vision of the organization.64.

Situational leadership essay

First one is the relationship behavior which concerns meeting the personal needs of group members and concentrates on increasing the cohesiveness of the group, reducing interpersonal conflict and boosting group's morale. The second is the task leadership, which concerns the task the group is facing rather than member satisfaction. It is a task-oriented leadership theory β†’

Reading response on four by veronica roth

This made his family fall apart and caused the tension between him and his father. The author made this connection teen Tibias and his mother to show how his mother was the glue of their family and that Tibias was closer to her than he is to his father. Have to get out." β†’

My own interpretation of mandela’s 8 lessons in leaders

Courage is not the absence of fear it's inspiring others to move beyond it In tackling life's challenges, you must face fear head-on and find the guts that you may not falter when life is giving you a hard time. Do the right thing even when you stand alone and it eventually will pay off β†’

Teacher leadership does culture make a difference

One job of reassigning educational constructs from the West is undervaluing the impact of civilization on the successful execution of a policy in a context where the civilization is different , because taking an organisation is interwoven with the civilization of those supervised. Based on this definition, the function of a teacher leader β†’

Practice and role of transformational leadership

Researchers developedpersonalitytests and compared the results of average individuals with those perceived to be leaders. Until 1978, the focus of the majority literature on leadership was derived from the concern in organizational makeup to understand the impact of leadership styles in small group behavior and outcomes with similar variable models , while attention to β†’

Reflecting on my professional development essay sample

I now feel that I gave myself a better score than what I should have given myself due to the fact, before my studies, I did not entirely understand the difference between management and leadership. Within my role as a childminder, it is down to me to carry out the management duties, such as β†’

Scholarly articles on leadership

The successful principal understands that there exists a fine balance of caring for others and the need to accomplish specific tasks (Donaldson, Marnik, Mackenzie, & Ackerman, 2009). The following areas are targeted in this article: the need to become an effective consultant, the need to become a mediator and consensus builder, the β†’

Moments of truth

Energy: If the leader in an organization does not have the energy or the drive for the success of the organization, the employees will not have the energy or drive for the success of the organization. Leaders have to lead from the front by introducing innovative ideas to keep the company fresh and vibrant. Vision: β†’

A unique leadership solution for project managers

Caught between the demand of the situation and the limitation imposed on them, they often feel stifled and out of wits about what to do and how to do. Therefore, this study learns about the nuances of such situation through acase studyand then reviews appropriate literature to gather the elements of solution β†’

Aislamic leadership: a spiritual leadership paradigm

Islam, a religion of peace but often misjudged and misunderstood, has a very comprehensive concept of leadership that is centered on faith and valuesaccording to Allah. Hence, the focus of Leadership in Islam is on doing good things based on the source of Law of Islam. The main focus of leadership in β†’

Male gender roles and sexuality movie review examples

As such, Charlie takes on the role of a leader, a savior of their family's fortune thereby portraying leadership as a role men ought to take up. The male portrayal of Lola is one of controversial sexuality. Jarrold also portrays men's role as resenting and questioning the sexuality of others.

My leadership philosophy

Schell, 2012) I firmly believe that by knowing my subordinates, I will be able to communicate with them on a more productive level because I will know their educational background, work experiences, and other pertinent information they bring to the table. Furthermore, I will become tuned in to their needs such as β†’

Example of essay on character and leadership: greek’s perspective

These properties are explained in detail in the following paragraphs. A good leader desired by the Ancient Greek was the one who was ideal in the sense that he could attain/get the respect of those he led and also was capable of giving them respect in return. This means that the leader was required to β†’

Gender differences and leadership styles

In all my leadership study's this semester, I began asking myself if Hillary Clinton gets elected will the fact that she is a woman bring a different leadership style than President Bush's. Gender Differences and Leadership A number of studies focusing on gender and leadership style have been β†’

Leadership value

But this understanding is faulty as leadership is not a sole function of individual charisma or talent but a collective activity. Gilbert Fairnholm defines leadership as an interactive function of a leader and several followers jointly engaged" which means that there is a collective effort in terms of value and trust enough to β†’

The sights of leadership

HindsightLeadership: Tends to emphasise the value of experience and evidence. They look at the future through the eyes of the past. Although they reflect on the past and respond to the present, they are much more concerned with preparing for the future.

Fred maiorino case essay sample

Main Factors Leadership Skills Leadership is the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives. A good manager or a good leader is not only has a great β†’