Quality Business Essay Examples for Your Learning

Gambling with the future: aig’s insurance trading research paper examples

Although this side of the business remained profitable for the company, losses incurred by a division in London reached over a quarter of a billion in losses during the third quarter of 2008. Because of the financial intricacies involved in the deals, federal executives decided to bailout AIG out of bankruptcy (American International Group Inc., β†’

Coca cola company industry and competitive analysis

And I want to play all day but not always because I want to first my study. And when the nurse is there to get our blood pressure my mother's blood pressure is the highest blood pressure at all.

Notice, agenda, minutes essay sample

Daulatpur, Khulna February 15, 2000 NOTICE A meeting of the Board of Director of the company will be held on Wednesday, 22nd February, 2000 at 3, 40 p.m at the registered office of the company at 25, Punch Bibi Road, Daulatpur to review the prevailing market conditions and to refax β†’

Example of biology report

Effectiveness and action of different antibiotics on bacterial cells Introduction Antibiotics are used to kill microorganism or inhibit their ability to multiply. A simple mechanism of determining the effectiveness and action of antibiotics on bacteria is using the zone of inhibition method.

Research paper on allstate and progressive insurance comparison

In that view, the leading firms including Allstate and Progressive have been identified to have adapted strategies that seek to maintain their leadership. However, although the two companies are leaders in the market, they apply different approaches in marketing and advertising their products. There has also been consolidation of the β†’

Marketing plan for midnite king local food joint essay examples

The degree of success it will have to the market mainly depends on to what extent to which the enterprise will employ the right methods in these fields. Midnite king's ability to put into action what it has learned through the research of the market is a function to being successful in the consumer arena. β†’

Foreign news argumentative essay example

It is, therefore, important to examine why the media continues to give such biased reports about other foreign countries. There are a number of reasons why the media continues to give impartial news about foreign countries. For example, media house have become so intent on giving biased news about other foreign β†’

Android os and apple os draft essay sample

Both Android and Apple have a operating system or OS. Even though Android and Apple have different platforms regarding operating systems, they both have a lot of basic smartphone functionality that is share between them both. Android is less restrictive than Apple phones.

Good example of leadership at general electric corporation term paper

He is in charge of all aspects of the company including operations in the company and decision-making. Significance of the Leader Jeffrey Immelt plays a significant role in General Electric Corporation. Under the leadership of Immelt, G.E.has risen to be competitive and a market leader in various sections.

Pacific oil company failed negotiation

This is evidenced by the fact that the market for VCM would be oversupplied in a few years due to the building of new chemical plants and a drop in demand. Pacific only needed to secure an extension from Reliant to enable them to maintain operations for just a while longer or until they could β†’

Us airline industry term paper samples

Examples of these changes are the requirement to advertise the full fare for transparency, and the right to claim for compensation on delayed flights or loss baggage if the airline is at fault. The strong voice of the buyers in the airline industry is considered the main driver in the improvement of quality β†’

The advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing research paper

THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF CLOUD COMPUTING. Introduction Cloud computing is the use of software and hardware that are delivered as a service over a network which entrusts remote services with a users data, software and computation. Advantages Cloud based services offer benefits to businesses by providing highly scalable data solutions, with β†’

Good how to evaluate mergers and acquisitions: microsoft acquisition of nokia devices case study example

1-Strategic rationale: what are the primary reasons for the acquisition? In September 2013, Microsoft acquired Nokia at a cost of $7 billion in a bid to strengthen its position as one of the leading players in the mobile universe. Before the partnership with Nokia, Microsoft was virtually irrelevant in the mobile market β†’

Free term paper on netflixs marketing strategy change

Thus, the change in Netflix strategy failed to meet most of the challenges by its inability to communicate change benefits, to explain the success factors of the change and to anticipate the whole complexity of the process. The discussion of the change management process in the organization leads to a number of valuable conclusions. In β†’

Starbucks delivering customer service

The data allowed us to calculate the annual expected revenues by taking 12, the number of months in a year, times the product of each component given in Exhibit 9 for each category of customer. Unsatisfied β†’

Example of process innovation proposal essay

Failure to identify these challenges during the development of the business innovation model can pose a challenge on the performance and attaining of the projected benefits. In the hospitality industry these phase is essential as it implicates on the need to evaluate the returns and the effects of the model on the entire business.

Sample essay on finance

Unlike Company B, it is focused on one product line of ethical pharmaceuticals with more focus on robust R&D rather than its brand management or development. On comparing the business scenario of both the companies, one thing that is straight forward is high end operations of the Company A. It β†’

Magical realism in the company of wolves

She also introduces many no name characters in the beginning that do not have much meaning, that builds up to the plot of the story. The story " The Company of Wolves" contains elements of the folktale " Little Red Riding Hood" like, the theme of reality and illusion and the two main characters; which β†’

Successful funding of a business venture term paper samples

In this case, the company in question is a sole proprietorship company meaning that fewer legal requirements will be required as to when the company could have been a partnership. The first step according to Smith will be to choose the name of the company. For the registration requirement of the company, the β†’

Example of perception project critical thinking

The fans of Beyonce are likely to become the customers to this soft drinks company because they will affiliate with soft drinks during the concerts and tours where Beyonce is involved. During the launch of her songs and videos the concerts are designed and colored with the products of the as well as promotion of β†’

Federal agencies

For company's like the Federal Agencies thinking professional as well as showing how real professional work is given to each and every people in the agency, but one things is not present which is also very common to private firms as well is the " familyorientation" within the organization, where managers are leaders and β†’

Investigation on the current strategic situation of british petroleum within the energy sector

The company is forging to still be a worldwide class operator, a responsible citizen and be a good employer to employees." We strive to be a world-class operator, a responsible corporate citizen and a good employer." BP business model The company believes that the best manner to attain sustainable success as a group is β†’

An example of a business plan for a hypothetical company

Initial focus will be development in the European and Latin American markets, or for European clients in the United States market.1. Providing European clients with development for the United States and Latin As it grows it will take on people and consulting work in related markets, such as the rest of Latin America, and the β†’

Nestle: case study of supply chain management and logistics essays example

They will be adequately trained by Nestl 's quality department, who would ensure that the quality of work and product is maintained all throughout the supply chain. - Moreover, Nestle would consider the international market rates for coffee, which would ensure the pricing is justified and there are no malpractices by anyone in the supply chain. β†’

Free employment and labor law essay example

Hackenberg files the grievance and it is not resolved, it may take the form of a collective dispute (Managementstudyguide.com, 2014). Effective management takes steps concerning an employee grievance to eliminate the cause of the grievance. The verdict of the court was the Bryson was terminated because she was not able to fulfill the responsibilities of β†’

Free essay on what is erp system architecture

Enterprise architecture provides a holistic approach in addressing the problems encountering the business; this is because enterprise architecture teams provide solutions that address the problems of the business across the board. Solutions to the business are delivered in a more consistent and structured manner to tackle the problems of the business. IT Governance is another β†’

Case study of lincoln electric company

Integrative Case: The Lincoln Electric Company Abstract " We are a global manufacturer and the market leader of the highest quality welding, cutting and joining products. 30 Identify the stakeholders of the company you chose (Lincoln Electric or Southwest Airlines) and discuss the β†’


The value chain of Tesco has been demonstrated in the following diagram: Fig 6: Value Addition in Value Chain of Tesco Inbound LogisticsThe overall costleadershipstrategic management of Tesco is exhibited in its lean and agile inbound logistics function. In order to put Tesco's value chain analysis into perspective, it should be noted that despite cost β†’

Evaluation of five categories of innovation adopters for reliance jio company

Further, the benefits of business analytics on the innovation and three issues solved by business analytics during the ongoing management is explained. Introduction to the Innovation Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited aka Jio is an Indian mobile network. This will be implemented by providing the services of Jio to its employees and staff β†’

Free critical thinking on wynn resorts ltd

The location of the proposed subsidiary also supports this expansion strategy given that the area would enable the company to offer more services and products to its customers and therefore enable differentiation. The only disadvantage with this strategy is that the firm will bear all the risks and costs associated with the project. Therefore, the β†’

Example of business leadership and business integration essay

This team is also charged with the mandate of preparing the business for the new entry, perform valuation in order to determine and reflect the potential and position of the business for the initial public offering, and sell the story of the company to the potential investors. The internal management of the company is working β†’

Zara supply chain: overview

The swift flow is facilitated through advanced automation and logistics systems, with emphasis on postponement. We compare these network and flow approaches to those of Benetton and Gap, and argue that the key to Zara' success is this combination of a tightly integrated local network coupled to the most advanced flow systems. The study of β†’

Microsoft and sun

So Microsoft improved their JVM in the new version of Windows. And then Sun Microsystems, Inc.announced it has started an antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft Corporation. In its complaint , Sun alleges that Microsoft has engaged in extensive anticompetitive conduct, including the following: Fragmenting the Java platform; Flooding the market with incompatible Java Runtime Environments; β†’

Environmental issues caused by engineering companies essays examples

Due to the diverse nature of the company, its operations are prone to many environmental issues that have the potential of causing greater risks to flora and fauna. The outcomes of the environmental impact assessment towards the issue revealed that the establishment of the wind turbine in a location was against the rules of the β†’

Description of a company’s operation

The plastic is then exchanged to particular unit to be reused in light of the fact that PET cannot be reused all the while because of their diverse properties. There will be two units running parallel to each other. After the reusing procedure is finished one a player in PET drop is moved to the β†’

Financial analysis of microsoft corporation

Hallman is promoted in Shirley's place; the company becomes the first PC software firm to surpass $1 billion of sales in a single year. 1992: Bill Gates is awarded the National Medal of Technology for Technological Achievement. 1993: The Company introduces Windows NT. 1995: Bill Gates publishes his first book, The Road Ahead. 1996: The β†’

The success of apple: above and beyond its technology

The other part is the ease of doing business (that is, making the purchase and receiving support) that Apple delivers so harmoniously to its customers 6 Reasons Apple Is So Successful One of the more interesting questions I get asked about as an industry analyst who's followed Apple since 1981 is why Apple is so β†’

Cultural literacy essay sample

After the discussion begins, the tone changes to a more academic tone, giving the audience a sense of the facts of the cultural phenomenon itself. The purpose of this discussion is not to make a judgment on the increasing popularity of the iPhone, nor is it meant to act as a commercial for the iPhone, β†’

Sample essay on marketing

The two main profit maximization methods used are: Marginal Revenue Method and Total Cost-Total Revenue Method. Question 2 Say if the price elasticity of demand for a given product is inelastic, then in that case a price increase will also increase the total revenue. Whereas, the price elasticity is a measure of the relationship β†’

Free how cios overcome the competing values challenge article review sample

In this article, two propositions were proposed: everything else being equal, influence attempts are less likely to result in commitment to the new initiative when competing values exists between CIOs and the targets of their influence attempts; and the impact of competing values on the target's β†’

Good example of marketing analysis essay

Introduction Targeting is an important part of any marketing strategy and it is related to the framing of marketing strategy in relation to the specific group of customers that the company has identified. Coke is the brand product of Coca Cola and it is the leading soft drink in the industry.

Good apple invention (story about the company) essay example

This paper aims to explain to the readers about Apple Company's contribution to advanced technology, a brief story about the company, and its current status in the market. Another reason is the uncertainty on whether its iWatch and Apple TV will boost the company's business. Why " Apple" was chosen as name of the company β†’

How marriage between gaap & ifrs can effect managerial accounting research paper

There is a significant difference is found among the cash flow recognition in both of the accounting standards. There are differences found among the managerial based accounting in the disclosure of IFRS and GAAP.

An explosive problem at gigantic motors case study examples

List and number of all stakeholders involved in the case. List of principal stakeholders (here you should use a bulleted list). - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - Legislative branch of the government - Other state and federal government agencies - Other concerned stakeholders - Gigantic Motors Corporation - GMC's Rugged Trucks Company β†’

Accounting essay example

This kind of truthful accounting practice will provide a picture closer to the truth to the investors than a regulated accounting practice, which, in this case, provides a pessimistic picture about the earnings of the company. In most of the cases, companies try to decrease the allowance for uncollectible accounts because then the bad debt β†’

Free critical thinking on deductive study

The hypotheses have affirmative value, guiding the study's development towards finding whether or not research supports them. The literature review contributes to deducing the hypotheses in the analyzed study. In this way, the hypotheses are tested. Works Cited Audia Pino G & Greve, Henrich R." Less Likely to Fail: Low Performance, Firm Size, and β†’

Apple critical essay

The second situation occurs when the product's cost is too high and improved productivity is needed to bring it down. The Product Concept The product concept holds that consumers will favor products that offer the most quality, performance and innovative features, and that an organization should thus devote β†’

Research paper on type of market in operation

As the economists term it, the firms tend to expand due to the existence of the economies of scope or the economies of scale or interplay of both the factor in the market. Economy of scale refers to the situation when the marginal cost of production is lesser than the β†’

Success factors in goldman sachs research paper

The customer service in Goldman Sachs acts as a benchmark and a model to the other companies. The senior management recognizes the needs of the employees in their tenure with the company and supports career growth to avoid attrition and create a healthy environment.

Free critical thinking on global economics

However, in this case, it is observed that the Swiss franc is overvalued against the US$. In the long run, it is expected that the Swiss franc will depreciate against the US$.

Mgt490_case #3_style and systems essays examples

This is because the synchrony of the organizational style and the systems in place either impedes or enhances the efforts of organizational management. As an important system in the company's organizational style, innovation is one of the attributes that have propelled Google onto the pinnacle of global business.

Microsoft’s management planning

Along with a brief analysis of Microsoft's history and the impact that legal issues, ethics and corporate socialresponsibilityhave on the planning functions of management. There are different stages of management and within all of them the first function of management, the planning function, is involved. The three factors that influence Microsoft's strategic, operational, and contingency β†’

Free essay on strategic management accounting

Therefore, the variance through the use of the costing analysis keeps the management updated on the expectation of the business and especially on the business performance. The advantages of the standard costing The standard costing gives the rule of the measurement that helps in the evaluation of the business performance. In additional to this, β†’

Report on solutions for dossia foundation’s web portal development

This proposal seeks to make propositions that can be adopted to enhance the success of the project. Executive Summary This proposal has the following recommendations to counter the issues affecting Dossia foundation: Production of a web portal capable of handling millions of users and the relevant applications and architectures to β†’

Free case study about system feasibility study

Additionally, feasibility analysis helps to identify the resources required for the implementation of the project. In our case, the project will be the installation of fire detection equipment.

Good essay about ctos and cios

A table of Selected CIOs A table of Selected CTOs - Summary of CIOs As seen from the tables above, most of the CIOs have a Masters degree. None of the CIOs have a second degree in any field. Most of the CIOs on the list did their Bachelors and Masters in β†’

Ratio analysis of next plc

One reason could be that due to higher demands they had to stock up their inventories. This ratio indicates that the company was able to sustain the same level of costs in year 2011, but also that the trading department successfully negotiated better prices with suppliers. Just as for the operating margin, β†’

Case study on finance

The report also contains recommendations to the management to achieve the targeted sales and to counter issues related to the cash flows. The current picture of the company's financial does not show healthy performance in terms of its cash flows. The average collection period of the account receivables has increased β†’

Good entering foreign markets essay example

For example, it is easier to build an organization culture from scratch than it is to change the culture of an acquired unit. The article " Firm-specific advantages, entry modes, and performance of Japanese FDI in Thailand" examines the influence of multinational enterprises specific advantages and entry mode choice, on performance of their overseas subsidiaries. β†’

Growth opportunities essay

The contradiction of the two theories brings the need to unearth the reasons why different companies opt for different forms of capital structures. Gearing gives the proportion of entire company debt to equity capital. This means that the company is unable to reap all the benefits of tax relief.

On the other hand, mcdonalds boasts of being the leading global food retailer essay example

In this regard, the current discourse aims to present the following points: Ethical Tenets - Immanuel Kant conceptualized the ethical tenet which focuses on the study of duty where individuals should base decisions based on the motive behind an action. - John Stuart Mill believes in utilitarianism or " the idea that the moral β†’

Human resource practices in the u.k and france article review example

The importance of the article was to establish the effects of comparative training in the United Kingdom and France. The other factor that the article sought to establish was the impact of the institutional structures and the educational system on the business.

Org behavior essay examples

They can easily shift to another job if they have the opportunity, even if with slightly less pay. Question 5 One of the causes of job satisfaction is the existence of a culture in the workplace. This is the making of assumptions based on a larger group and applying the same to a specific β†’

Toyota prius

How well has Toyota dealt with these factors? The micro environmental factors are those forces close to a company, yet outside its internal environmental, that influence the ability of a business to serve its customers, forces such as customers, suppliers, competitors and other business that assistor influence a business's ability to sell, distribute, promote and β†’

Managing processes and projects report examples

By the unique designs of the cabins, the frames the cables and hub, the London Eye modestly but strongly locates next to the River Thames. London Eye utilizes the most advanced technology to ensure top security for the visitors. Customers have the chance to speed up the wait by buying the tickets in advance and β†’

What threats does hd face? case study example

Harley-Davidson is one of the oldest brands among the leading manufacturer of motorcycle in the United States with a market share of over 50%. In fact, its success is highly attributed to its brand loyalty, but at the same time Harley-Davidson faces a lot of threats in the struggle to maintain its dominance in β†’

Apple computer 2002 essay sample

This case basically introduces the history of the Apple Company, and shows the company's ups and downs in the computer industry. The objective of recruiting is about attracting the talent people to be the company's employees following goal of the company and labor demand forecasting.

Business ethics: research paper on zara brand

Now that they have grown to become a bigger company, they have enough money and capital to cut down on their negative resources and they can afford to invest in newer equipment that allows them to produce their products more ethically. Aims ZARA has many aims to this day. This is when their customers drop β†’

Good problems encountered by the company case study example

This was enabled by the Oracles multiple adjustments to their technology code. Searching a reliable partner The company had the challenge of finding a company that could provide the required solution to the task. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the operations manager to find modalities of reducing cost and time of implementing a β†’

Free essay on reflective statement

The skimming process of reading the case study gives the reader the much needed impression that his initial fears emanated from the jargon and the lack of understanding of the market strategies. Whilst having an overview of the historical management strategies of the firm in acquiring its status as one β†’

Free case study about strategies which could or should have been used by gms managers for the nummi

Lastly, they should have empowered them to act and given them a voice, to be heard and obeyed by other employees available on the premises. How the Proposed Strategies Would Have Changed Future of GM Empathy: Using a supportive tone while dealing with the NUMMI commandos would have turned β†’

Essay on selling a security program

The measures include the ability to carry out a cost and benefit analysis and this will show the benefit of placing the camera and at the same time calculate the amount spent in the camera and the money getting lost. Going by the cost analysis, the cost of the camera only comes once and if β†’

Financial analysis and comparison of nike and adidas stock

There are also many different patterns to the Adidas Ultra Boost, so there is always a pair of shoes that someone will like. The Trajectories of the Companies When comparing the two companies, Nike and Adidas seem to have become the unanimous top two in shoes and retail apparel. Nike is in the trajectory β†’

Compensation and benefits report examples

It is a show of appreciation for their work as well as an encouragement and incentive for the employees to work and attain the company's targets. The organization can measure the performance levels of individual or group levels in different ways. The method is easy because it only involves checking the performance of all employees β†’

What are functional silos and how did they evolve essay sample

In this type of architectures, all the software, data and resources are located in the server. The fifth critical step in systems integration is the authentication and authorization step.

Philippine long distance telephone company and sun cellular

What are the factors that contributed to URC' s success? Some of the factors that contributed URC's success are: Being innovative and aggressive frontrunner in the snackfoodindustry. And that's just to start you off. Because there is still the world beyond Asia.

Processes starbucks uses to comply with sec regulations

Incases where the firm is suspected or is alleged to violate it is the duty of the person who makes such discovery to report to the firm's manager, the team management at the sites or at the ethics committees directly. The firm therefore conducts an investigation in order to identify and also to confirm the β†’

A variety of microsoft word templates

Categories of the templates include Agenda Template, Quotation Template, Postcard Template, Letterhead Templates, Newsletter Templates and Envelope Templates. A variety of business templates are also available such as sales invoice, job description, cover sheet, bill of sale and meeting agenda templates among others. RSC Publishing also provides β†’

At&t financial statement analysis essay example

It is also the sole chance for AT&T to steal again the number one spot from Verizon as the largest mobile service provider in the country. The current trade policy on corporate merger challenges the two telecom companies on the grounds of monopoly and shrinking market competition. In the US alone the wireless sector has β†’

Quaker oats company

Achieve enduring profitable growth by expanding the brand and leveraging the strengths of the McDonald's system through innovation andtechnology" One of McDonald's corporate philosophies is to make the customers want to come back for more. The increasing demand by consumers for fresher and healthier food has pushed McDonald's and otherfast foodchains to alter β†’

Case study on severstal

- value chain of the industry In the steel industry, there are a number of stages that exist between the producers and the final customers. This creates a series through which the value of the steel is maximized. - macro environmental factor In the steel industry, there are a number of stages that exist β†’

Example of research paper on wide spread adoption of tax software and its implications on h&r block and business

As such, the paper aims at elaborating on how the adoption of tax software and especially the emergence of consumers who are technology savvy have impacted negatively on H&R Block and other similar businesses. Tax filers are shifting to the use of software and an online platform because it has β†’

Essay on enterprise resource planning (erp)

If used in the proper manner, communication between department heads will be easy and smooth especially when a problem exists in the performance of the company. Among the main key, implementation issues of the ERP is the ERP consultants' issue. The implementation of ERP requires functional, interpersonal and technical skills, and in the current time β†’

External factors affecting the performance of a busies enterprise essay sample

The government always takes part in the making of laws that govern the business enterprises in that particular country. SOCIAL FACTORS: These are factors that cause changes in the trends can affect the demand of the firm's products and the motivation of the workers to work.

Good business plan on sustainable marketing plan of o2 mobile uk

The objectives of this marketing plan include supporting of the youthful and the young individuals in the society in developing skills for life that can lead to the development of projects across UK communities that are linked to the mobile industry. This is because, through this project, the first mobile phones that do not require β†’

Knowledge management plan report examples

This paper will try and discuss the following issues: The effects that are brought about by knowledge management; The difference between knowledge management and information management; The various types of knowledge management; The chain of knowledge and the role it plays when they are used to measure the success of knowledge practices; and The β†’

Data security in corporate america essay examples

Security data warehouse gets to be more paramount as solid and fitting security systems are obliged to attain the fancied level of protection assurance. Huge numbers of the fundamental necessities for security are well-known, and apply similarly to an data warehouse as to whatever other framework: The application must keep β†’

Wal-mart third party supplier in china essays examples

Wal-Mart's third party suppliers in China are in competition with each other and suppliers in other countries for the Wal-Mart account. Third Party Suppliers in China are responsible for reporting to China's national and regional environmental governance agencies.

Benefits of outsourcing essay examples

It helps companies to stay focused on their core businesses, while minimizing the required workforce and enhancing the quality of work by outsourcing non-core activities to the specialized organizations. 2. Access to expert services and specialized products Outsourcing is usually carefully planned, since it helps the company to achieve its strategic objectives.

Sample argumentative essay on the organization of labor to a firms profit strategy

The paper will commence with a brief history on the organization of labor before delving fully into the importance labor to the profit strategy. The organization of labor can in actual sense be traced to the days of slavery. In fact, it is becoming increasingly clear the success of the firm's strategy may be dependent β†’

The impact of eu on uk businesses report

Introduction Being among the 27 states in the European Union , the United Kingdom is subject to the policies of trade adopted by the community. Owing to the fact that many nations have joined the EU, markets of products and services from the UK have expanded.

Good example of essay on accounting

At the ends of the period the difference of the debt side and the credit side of the accounts in the general ledger is going to go to the trial balance. The impact of the credit sales on the income statement will be increase in the sales, and it is β†’

The coca-cola company as an american multinational beverage corporation

The outsourcing method utilized by Coca-Cola has had both positive and negative impacts on different individuals and stakeholder groups because of variations implemented by Coca-Cola. Deviations in Coca-Cola's engenderment plans through outsourcing, such as the production of its bottles, have brought lots of advantages for the business. Moreover, this is propitious for its shareholders as β†’

Free essay on order no. 210530009

To name a few countries to this day, Rolls-Royce reports that " Canada's expertise is in both engineering and repair and overhaul in the Aerospace and Energy businesses. That's just the nature of a global economy.

Essay on is the customer always right

In this case, the customer is wrong and the sales person is right because he is more knowledgeable about the item that must be bought and his professional integrity is on line. Blindly adhering to the saying that the customer is always right sometimes results in customers who take advantage of this adage. The customer β†’

Resume of joe rizal

Sort and file the medical records of the new pupils.5. Classify and file the medical records of the pupils according to their sections for the next school year.