Quality Business Essay Examples for Your Learning

Organization development- see description for topics

Implementing Change Powerfully and Successfully. This article covers the eight-step change model that John Kotter, a renowned change expert established including creating urgency, forming a powerful coalition, creating a vision for change, communicating the vision, eliminating the obstacles, creation of short term wins, building on the change and adopting the change in the corporate culture. β†’

Human resources task 1

X made the company aware of his religious beliefs, it might have been possible to make allowable accommodations for him. Mr. X's shift. Secondly, to avoid any legal issues around Title VII or the Civil Rights Act of 1964 I recommend implementing a " best practices" policy.

Employment research about marriot hotel

The stand grew into the Hot Shoppes eatery chain and developed into the present Marriott International hotel company (" Doha Prepares for the Opening of Marriott Marquis City Center Doha Hotel," n.d).. 4529958 Doha Prepares for the Opening of Marriott Marquis City Center Doha Hotel...

You are required to complete the following two exercises in the seminar class through reflection upon the learning developed from todays seminar activities & class discussions

The author is quick to point out 15 attributes that should be in habit to ensure that an individual becomes a successful leader. Before diving into this discussion, the author is quick to give a little summary of defining leadership itself. In sports, leadership is fuelled by motivation to be the best, make peers proud, β†’

Hrm less ethnocentric more polycentric

The practice of the polycentric approach is the belief that each country is unique. This idea allows a company to adapt and develop unique business and marketing strategies to the cultures of each country the company works in. The use of ethnocentric approach is costly for the human resources making staff planning more complicated and β†’

Occupational safety and health administration noise standarts

ACGIH-TLVs do not have a legal force in the USA; they are only recommendations/ guides and not regulatory limits due to individual susceptibility, hence ACGIH is not a standard-setting body. ACGIH guidelines are used to measure workplace and personal noise exposure limits, assess the risk of hearing loss, determine the need for hearing conservation program β†’


This figure represents one out of every eighteen deaths from various causes. Stroke is the third deadliest killer after heart diseases and cancer On average, a person dies of stroke every four minutes Priority Populations Affected Females suffer from stroke mostly with the percentage standing at 60% against 40% of males. In β†’

Db2 employment recruitment and select

The functions are mainly the major reasons the organization and the job description exist in the fast place so they are usually handled with care and only experts are involved in the duties. The other function involves the non essential functions, as the name suggests they are additional duties laid form a major function being β†’

The swimming pool 2

The swimming pool case study The main problem is that the new maintenance engineer was not qualified to run the pool operations, the general manager of the club had just fired the previous engineer who was qualified in this field.Mr. Besides, the manager believed that four day training on the basics of the maintenance and β†’

Value of the experience at career centre

This becomes a critical part that equips the students with the necessary tools to succeed in their future, whether in furthering education or in transition into the workforce. The services offered at the career centre provide students with the essential support to meet their future prospects. This enables the students to be absorbed into the β†’

Do you accept extra hours at your work should your work ethic be based upon the state of the economy

The hours varies depending on the week and it is very possible to be working 26 out of 40 hours in just the weekends. YOUR RESPONSE HERE: It is true that the ability to accept the need to work more hours depend on one's preferences and values; as well as how one is genuinely interested β†’

Explain how you will conduct an effective reference check

I will conduct an effective reference check by first finding out whether the reference I am interested in checking has been identified by the employee as one of the referees or not. However, if the employee has not mentioned that reference as a referee to me, I will first get written consent of the employee β†’

The importance of human resource in a non-administrative association

A NGO must endeavor to draw in, create and hold qualified and eager workers as they are the way to the achievement of one's the same old thing. HR in a NGO is the same to HR in some other segment, yet the issues that HR experts look inside the NGO business are very one β†’

Career management plan

The most widely used resources are money, time, and support relationships. In order to be competitive in the current world, one has to invest financial resources into the wellbeing of the career. Building relationship helps a person to know more about the world of business, thus ripening the chances of a thriving career. Question 2 β†’

Human activity and climate change

The increase in carbon dioxide has been attributed to the use of fossil fuel as well as changes in the way in which land is used while methane and nitrous oxide are linked primarily to agriculture including animal husbandry. Additionally, the concentration of to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in 2005 was much greater than β†’

Customer intimacy and other value disciplines

In other words, it is difficult for the Benz car makers to sell their top models in India whereas the same model could be the best seller in America. Same way, it is difficult for Indian car manufacturer Maruti to sell their cars in America even though they are the best sellers in the Indian β†’


During the seventh step, there is making of the selection decision. In the ninth step, there is a probationary period. There are various external sources of recruitment.

Motivational theory

They should also be outwardly focused and be more concerned about the welfare and safety of the individuals on their teams. Leaders should also know that they are servants of the people and not necessarily in the office to enrich themselves. In a life and death situation, I would personally keep calm and reassure my β†’

Pr strategy of mcbride financial advisors

This more focused emphasis on behavior change requires utilizing the mass media up to and including the modeling of recommended new behavior, whereas mass media were utilized in the persuasion/learning effects model to generate awareness and interest. The third group will involve families and individuals purchasing recreational properties. Also, the PR audience will involve financial β†’

Global diversity

She finally quit her job and files a lawsuit for sexual harassment against the law firm. Employee relations are part of the legal environment in the Human Resource Department that involves training, conflict resolution, advising, and punishing of the workforce as desired. In this case, Gladys's harassment from a senior partner should have been reported β†’

Research design challenges

Furthermore, adequate orientation and information dissemination pertaining to the purpose of cooperative learning- to help each other achieve the goals (Kennesaw State University., 2009) - will surely enhance the confidence of both classifications of students (the achievers and the low-performing ones), thereby promoting cohesiveness. The audience The target audience for this study would encompass β†’

Inclusion strategies for illegal migrants

In this paper, however, the author discusses a recent political issue on immigration, while trying to establish historical framework of the issue, its political context, media coverage and the potential effect of the issue on the economy and labor force. Therefore, this immigration issue is being politicized on the notion that illegal immigrants deplete the β†’

Db reply 2

It is usually the duty of the employer to ensure that the necessary modifications are made to ensure that these employees are comfortable. Family needs should be a very major consideration in any organization. The HR is therefore required to point out the various instances of poor performance before reprimanding the employee. Pay Discrimination β†’

Organizational behavior and job satisfaction

When Janet did not like George's report and sent back feedback, he took this very personally and assumed Janet did not value any of his opinions, however, her feedback could have been caused by a number of different reasons; George could have not presented his ideas in a coherent, organized way, or Janet could have β†’

Getting control of the greenfield city budget

He has stake in the way things are and offers to help through the restructure process. Susan Cheong is the budget officer in the office of the city manager. She is experienced and a professional in accounting. Nancy Schmidt is newspaper writer who engages in criticizing the leadership of the city. David Jamieson civic leader. β†’

Diversity in the workplace

Diversity in the Workplace Diversity in the Workplace Many employers and HR professionals face a new challengeof managing diversity at work. Good code of conduct helps them to develop a shared vision and understand each other better. In summary, it is a hard task to manage diversity in the organization; at the same time, it β†’

How to find the perfect candidate for a fashion company

The impact of training on ___B__ is the most significant, but most difficult, effect to demonstrate. ESSAY 1 Employees represent the quality of service of an organization. It is essential that every employee is the perfect candidate for each job. In the case of hiring Regional Managers for Baroque, Inc., it is important that β†’

Social science observation

The hypothesis to be tested include going to eat fast food can save more time than going to a restaurant, fast food is more delicious than restaurant food and lastly the price of first food is cheaper than restaurant food. Data The type of data to be collected is quantitative and continuous; it includes time, β†’

Human resource management & organisational analysis msc

I am interested in this course because I want to advance my knowledge and the career in the field of Human Resources and organizational. I am highly skilled and organized. I am confident that as I undertake the course in King's College, I will accomplish my goals and I will be in a better position β†’

The networking script

Would you recommend human resources for your own children as a career choice? Candidate B: Candidate B's networking is aimed at identifying those qualifications that are particularly important for gaining experience and succeeding at Staples in the Human Resources department. What are the most significant qualifications for succeeding in the Human Resources department? 2.

Qualifications and job preferences before beginning the job search

Once the sector in which the candidate prefers to work is finalized, it is essential for the candidate to understand the role he can take up in that sector based on his competencies and skills. This is important as otherwise; the candidate might end up in a role that is a misfit for him.

Healthcare systems to a national healthcare services

Healthcare Systems to a National Healthcare Services By The selected topic' from Healthcare systemsto a national healthcare services: abolishing treatment abroad, will seek to evaluate whether adaption of modern and contemporary technologies in communication can help nations not to import medical services. Is the investment in healthcare systems enough to abolish consumption of foreign health β†’

Unit 4 assessment professionalism

In order to make open door policy to be effect in an organization, it is important to have strategies for communicating the policy to all the members of the organization. By making the open door policy as an important policy in the organization ensures that the management and the subordinates understand what is required of β†’

Sample : diversity in law. enforcement: the report egidio a. diodati assumption cojlege

It is not fair to engage in such practices because they do not add any value to the organization. All the stakeholders should be made to feel that they are equal and not discriminated irrespective of their differences.

Slp – 1 adding value to the organization

Adding Value to the Organization Adding Value to the Organization Human resource management refers to the procedure of managing employees of an organization. According to Becton & Schraeder , functional strategy arises in a situation where the policies HRM are applied for the attainment of departmental goals, as well as the effective β†’

Transactional organization as a human resource management component

The organization has occupied all available means that include organic growth, acquisitions, and partnerships to become leading computer services and consulting in Europe and the top five IT management and services management in the world. In a transactional organization, the critical role is the achievement of the balance between control need and coordination of international β†’

Technology as a replacement of human resources

The rate of this replacement is very high because, with the huge pressure of growing population of world, technology is giving better and easy path to humans to deal with this fast era. As I have mentioned above that the technology is affecting the people relating to any profession of life, some people are familiar β†’

Human resources (hr) termination of employment

It may be due to failure to meet what we had agreed should be done in the period of probation, in this case the dismissal will be fair since the employee understands the reason as to why he is being dismissed. The exit interview will also allow the employee to leave the property that belonged β†’

Db3 hr — organizational/employee development – the value of utilizating motivational tools

Db3 hr - organizational/employee development - The value of utilizating motivational tools Although there are a number of activities that can be engaged within any given firm/entity as a means of increasing employee retention, the given case in question illustrates a situation in which it appears as if stakeholders are frustrated with the β†’

Human growth development

Towards the end of his last term of Presidency, Bill Clinton even managed to achieve the highest end-of-office approval rating of any US President since World War II. In this regard, the people of the United States view Clinton's personal setback as less relevant as compared to his achievements as a working President.

Hiring fbi agents

Such cut and dry approaches to determining the validity of candidates can backfire at times because it negates the human aspect of looking at other desirable qualities that might be present in excess and are just what the FBI is needing. Such a multiple hurdles approach to hiring would actually motivate to choose a career β†’

The reluctant receptionist

Even though she has a college degree, and the job she applied for was an HR assistant not a fill in receptionist. The importance of job descriptions Employee job descriptions are written statements that describe the duties, responsibilities, and the qualifications of a particular job. Employee job descriptions are based on information β†’

Ensuring fair employment practices abroad

Disney says that they try to stop these practice but the factory in China is hiding the problem. It is a problem even if the United States company says they want to stop it.

4 discussion questions to be answered

ENT1000 Entrepreneurship class. I think that the collection of personal information from unsuspecting web users is both a good marketing strategy and at the same it is an invasion of privacy. As much as both the websites and consumers are benefiting, at the end of the day I believe that it is wrong to sell β†’

United states human resources

In a small scale business setting, such as a grocery, the role of human resources department is primarily to train workers to improve their performance; to hire and retain good and effective personnel and to attend to the compensation and benefits package to ensure loyalty and satisfaction of laborers. A common problem workers faces in β†’

Table of contents

While some essence or elements of the interview nature are subject to debate, I for myself agree that interviews are the right and best way to choose the right person for the job and to know the person personally to make sure that he or she is fit enough for the task and to influence β†’

Outsource and save substantially on overheads

This is exactly where we come in providing you with temporary human resource of the highest caliber that you can hire when you need and can ask us to withdraw as the intensity of your need recedes. We invite you to allow us the opportunity of boosting your bottom-line and be comrades in business prosperity β†’

Advertisement present on the internet

My lecturer recommended my work and asked me to assist him in some of his private assignment to gain more experience in the business world. I have taken internship exercises in two companies as indicated in the resume. I have attached the certificates with the resume. I thank you in advance for considering my interview β†’

Organization development

The lack of a clear mode of communication between the management and junior members of the group 2. The lack of moral support from the management that demoralizes the junior staff as depicted by the act of the project manager staying aloof of his team and moving from one group to another making jokes. β†’

Jobs roles in latin america

Jobs Role in Latin America Latin America has one of the largest economies in the world. Countries with the most engineering jobs include Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, and Peru. Computer Programming With the entry of the internet in the market, the number of computer programmers has increased tremendously.

Proficiency and glib expertise of a person

Next, the average cost is calculated after dividing total costs by total units produced. Part 4 Average total cost = TC / TU = 600 / 40 = 15 Average total cost = 900 / 100 = 9 Average total cost = 1400 / 200 = β†’

Discussion board forum

This is worse still, continual and perpetual levels of stress are not only harmful to an individual's physical health, they are also harmful to the way in which an individual identifies with their work experience and chooses to complete certain tasks. Unfortunately, there are a number of key drawbacks with respect to this particular approach. β†’

Human resource management pt 4

The sixth importance helps the employee understand the type and span of compensation including the benefits to be derived from the post and finally the seventh importance is all about physical surroundings and location of the place of work. This job description lacked pertinent areas of my job such as whom to report to, my β†’

Human resources – workplace competence

The main elements in the workplace include the human resources and other aspects of production like time and efficiency in duties. In this context, John is skilled and knowledgeable in his area of expertise. However, he has a weakness in articulating his expertise skills with other aspects of production in the workplace.

Recruitment selection & placement class; case study 1

By focusing on people, the company has also identified the procedures and practices of people that affect the company's productivity, turnover, profitability and sales. 2. The satisfaction of its customers relies on the quality of service that they obtain from the employees and the ability of the employees to serve the customers accurately and quickly.

Trainings woeful countenance by david m. kopp

The authors cite several of the axioms of this approach, which associate customer buying with the appearance of the face, or the shape of the skull: a Jew's nose is acquisitive; a pointed chin is a mark of cunning; a broad forehead denotes idealism; a receding forehead indicates idealism. Having firmly established their case as β†’

Ethics in group counseling

Moreover, the paper postulated that parental abuse also is an important area of focus because substance abuse issues are a serious problem in the home and substance abuse often leads to physical abuse. The article then provided an overview of group counseling. Parental disclosure is considered an important issue insofar as the group leader must β†’

The seven principles of the future employee by jacob morgan

Morgan points out that the rate of employees in flexible work schedules will be a lot higher than it has been in the other years so long as they have access to Wi-Fi. Such a trend is likely to have several implications on workplace justice particularly when it comes to issues of fairness. Such flexible β†’

Disc 1

Human and Resources Contribution to Achievement of organizations Goals and Objective Human and Resources Contribution to Achievement of organizations Goals and Objective The human and resources department is one of the most influential and department of an organization. The department then fires up the competent staff to add that extra effort to achieve the β†’

An interview with a hotel salesperson

According to Sharon, one of her jobs is to ascertain customer's needs and this is perhaps the most important part of her job because when the customers are satisfied with the quality service the company provides through the salesperson, the company grows as a result of clients being faithful to the company and also may β†’

Performance appraisals

Performance Appraisal and number affiliation submitted Performance Appraisal Performance appraisal is the process through which a manager tests and assesses the behavior of an employee by comparing these behaviors with current standards, document the comparisons and use these results to relay response of where the employee should improve and why. Every company has a goal β†’

Health care organization and random drug testing

For that reason, there is no one in health care team that can be allowed to serve the patients while their health and capability are in question. Consequently, the use of drugs such as alcohol and others like opioids that may impair the capacity of performance and accuracy of service delivery is something that is β†’

Collaborative learning in the virtual workplace

Virtual instructor-led trainings will define the future of learning and therefore the goal should to identify technologies that enable improved collaboration and interactive participations. References 1. Collaborative Learning in the Virtual Workplace. 3.

Global diversity

In addition, there is increased creativity and an improvement in the overall in the performance of a diverse workforce. Finally, it is advantageous to practice in accordance with the training of global diversity as they aid in teamwork within an organization and subsequently ensuring the achievement of goals and objectives. Reference Trompenaars, A..

Recruitment process of human

The specific objective of this report to survive in the competitive global arena, we have to change our recruitment and selection process and adopt the new tools and techniques and bring out the best recruitment system and its result for organizational success. 1 Objective of the study - To know the functions of HR in β†’

Just answer the question

Dealing with loss of jobs The organizational development professional can help in dealing with the stress caused by loss of jobs by enhancing the skills of the remaining workers. This can be achieved by coming up with training and education programs that help in improving the skills and knowledge of the remaining workers.

Program evaluation plan

From the coaching sessions and the tutorial, it is expected that the supervisors will have increased the quality of their ability to provide performance feedback to employees by April 30, 2015. Progress on the indicators will be measured by the number of sessions delivered, the number of sessions each supervisor attended, the level of participation β†’

The anatomy of glass ceiling

In contrast with the formal barriers, " glass ceiling" pertains " to less tangible hindrances" which are mostly based " in culture, society and psychological factors" that prevent a particular group's promotion to upper corporate positions. It is to have contended that " glass ceiling" exists although there is no concrete basis of its occurrence. β†’

Analysis of donation sought after hundreds displaced in qatar labour camp fire by kovessy

Many volunteers have been appealing for food and clothe donations for the displaced men. Firstly, the article highlighted the troubling facts about the living conditions of the employees in the labor camps. The reliance on volunteers and donors for charity is very concerning and unfair to the casualties.

Organizational behavior in the new york police department (nypd)

The four major elements of organizational behavior which greatly affects the effectiveness of security agencies such as the NYPD are the people, the structure, the technology and the environment. This step was an important facet in the revamp of the structure of the organization which greatly affects the behavior of the NYPD personnel.

How to become a childcare worker

Basically, the service offered should be tailor-made depending on the student background so that student develop the qualities that make him more resourceful, intelligent, understanding and he gets connected to the group and enjoy life and the process of learning. What effect do race, ethnicity, and culture have on the developing child or adolescent? The β†’

Human resources development

However, it is also crucial to ensure that the human resources are competent, well qualified and motivated to complete their tasks efficiently. Human resource development aims at enhancing an improving the employees' skills to ensure that they are competent, qualified and motivated in everything that they do. Human Resource Development can be defined as the β†’

Motivating employees in internship

It results in to lots of mistakes from the side of the employee. Diversity is a factor that creates a sense of unity in the organizational context.

Cat’s paw theory

The Cat Paw Theory is based on a French fable from the 17th century. The termination was illegal because it violated the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act. In order to avoid a ruling against a company based on Cat Paw's Theory HR resource managers can take measures to prevent its occurrence.

Training and development

A collection design compares a trained person to an untrained person or the same individual prior and after the training process. Moreover, when the comparison is made with an untrained person in a non-random manner, it forms the quasi-experiment design. Experimental collection design for training evaluation offers the best design to use in the determination β†’

Learning activity week 2

Katy took offense and said that he being sexist if he thought that he should be promoted because he was the man. Carl responded in an antagonistic manner that the company was the one being sexist if it would hire Katy when she was new to the company and did not have the same productivity β†’

What are the types of discrimination

Types of discrimination Types of Discrimination Discrimination can be regarded as the unfair treatment of one person over anotherwhere their ability to perform a particular task is similar. One of the types is discrimination by association; this is when a person with disabilities is discriminated from working with the other employees.

Baccalaureate degree in business management

Nevertheless, I have managed to incorporate my strengths and weaknesses in such a manner that I am now a mature and practical individual that poses the capabilities to contribute actively to bring some positive change in this globe. I have attained a Baccalaureate Degree in Business Management, and acquiring further academic experience by going for β†’

Advance women and ethically diverse individuals

It is important to try to put yourself in other peoples' shoes and to see things from their perspective. 3) Discuss the manager/administrator's Role within the organization The manager coordinates the activities of the organizations, communicating with key stakeholders. You also get a sense of what sort of people are usually attracted to do β†’

Employee development

In this case, Tarmac only recruits the best from the market in which the company maximizes on their skills and knowledge to create a competitive advantage while also making sure that the employees remain interested, motivated, and developed in order for them to retain their organizational commitment. How HRD is involved in the implementation of β†’

Movie theater general manager assessment

Essentially, the movie theatre general manager will be expected to ensure proper coordination of various departments. The movie theatre manager will be required to exhibit budgeting and financial skills. Customer relations and staffing will be important components required for the position. Job Assessment The position of a theatre manager is critical to the success β†’

Communicating in the workplace

It follows then that I value feedback from my supervisor because feedbacks enables me to improve on my job. Valuing feedback from my supervisor however does not mean that I like my supervisor to be always on my back. While I value feedback to improve on my job, I would like however to work on β†’

Cipd diploma (human resource practice course )

The management should in this case provide measures to balance the two such as allowing workers flexible time to meet family obligations and to work effectively. Types of Employment Status The employment status in an employment relationship is vital as it determines the rights and responsibilities of employees. They are entitled to rights but β†’

Human resources management: overview

With regard to organizational effectiveness at Tesco, " Tesco Human Resources director for retailing service Therese Procter and CIPD strategic adviser Lee Sears regarding the role of the development of business organizations which include ensuring that the companies goal is met at every stage of the business process and engaging the employees toward the companiesgoals". β†’

Occupational safety and health administration

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Affiliation: Safety and security of workers in the workplace are two fundamental aspects to account for. Occupational Safety and Health Administration sets and enforces safety and health standards that should be adhered to in the workplace.

Ip1 managing high performance

Theory X and Y Management Styles Introduction Theory X is a domineering style of management. It views individuals as responsible, self-compelled as well as self-controlled with an accepting attitude that naturally merges with the organizational objectives. The chart indicating the percentage of the pros and cons of theory X and Theory Y No one β†’

Assignment (training and development )

A collection design compares a trained person to an untrained person or the same individual prior and after the training process. Moreover, when the comparison is made with an untrained person in a non-random manner, it forms the quasi-experiment design. Experimental collection design for training evaluation offers the best design to use in the determination β†’

Wal-mart human resources

Walton believed that employees play a vital role in the success of a retail business and gave considerable importance to them. To instill a spirit ofequalityand oneness among employees, the company adopted the practice of terming employees "" associates "" thus creating in them a sense of belonging and involvement in Wal-Mart's β†’

The swimming pool

Besides, the manager believed that four day training on the basics of the maintenance and repair of the pool would provide him with enough knowledge to effectively run the pool; she was wrong. It was the responsibility of the general manager to ensure that the current engineer as fit for all the positions. It appears β†’

An analytical approach for a research on employee retention

The analysis of a study is difficult because of the various types of research problems, research questions, and data. Producers in favor of the qualitative data analysis software packages support their advantages and uses.

Competency list with descriptions

It goes beyond classroom knowledge. Work with management team to solve complex issues related to written content The applicant should be good at interpersonal communication as well as understand the chain of command. Maintain current knowledge of technologies and new product lines The applicant should be in a position to keep up with β†’

Human resources at ict

The ICT departments and the finance department need to interact with each other so that the finance can tell the ICT department how much money to spend on ICT equipment and repairs. Human resources and administration The human resources department specialise in the recruitment of new staff. Human resources and all the other departments β†’

The work culture and methods of organizational behavior

By understanding these key factors, it will help the organization work towards changing behaviors to allow for desired goals. This document will analyze the organizational behavior by describing the type of culture, modes of communication in the organization, nature of authority, motivational techniques, areas of emotional intelligence embraced by the organization, and how the components β†’

School uniform essay

As a result of the granting dress codes, teachers have had to face these distractive behaviours, which interfere with learning, which is the mian achievement and focus in a school. Besides taking time away from educational purposes, these distractive clothing trends, which are in contravention of the school dress codes, send a message to students.

Strategic role of human resources management

Later on it was found that the efficient sources of competitive strength were to be looked for only inside the organizations themselves, which have the distinct advantage of non-imitable nature. It was also perceived that such resources, capabilities and competencies were located in the minds of the people and hence human resources are deemed imminent β†’

Analysis of od letter

I was in charge of the team meetings for the initial afternoon and through the early afternoon of the next day. He or she will be in a position to come up with means of motivating the employees and enhancing good relations with them.