Quality Business Essay Examples for Your Learning

Cadbury csr

They started sponsoring community-focused events, training or employing the community people, donating the materials, products, promotional materials, equipment and furniture. The actions of Cadburys social actions are: Cadbury Schweppes' Community Investment Programme was developed by management and staff to help support three principal areas of focus: educationand enterprise; health and β†’

Reference the incidence of foot disease. a

The countries with the largest number of diabetic people will be in India, China by 2030.Vigilance of good foot care is mainly type 2 diabetes mellitus patients and health care providers to reduce the incidence of foot disease. Aims and Objectives- The purposes of this study were to assess the level of foot self-care performed β†’

Free restview hospital case study example

Jack had the coercive power as he coerced Mary to add Standard Software to the list, and turned down her idea of including boards in the review committee. Knowing well the relations between Jack and the president of Standard Software, she recommended inviting board to the presentation.

Example of essay on decision making and communication

For instance, if two parties are engaged in a deal, then the party that controls the agenda is able to increase the strength of its position and cause the other party to be influenced in its favor. The items to be tabled for discussion are actually decided by the person or the party in control β†’

New opportunities in community settings essays examples

According to White & Hall , nursing case management is special in the sense that it is a dynamic and follows a systematic approach that offer health care services to a particular population. It is vital that the nurse case managers to be able to identify and facilitate β†’

Stress management and conflict resolution

Secondly, the radiologist ought to contemplate the fact that the conflict between him and the internist has come about because of their job description, which involves saving lives. Additionally, the radiologist must tell the internist that he knows the reasons that made him upset and raise his voice.

The role of uncertainty of outcome and scoring in the determination of fan satisfaction in the nfl

The paper " The Role of Uncertainty of Outcome and Scoring in the Determination of Fan Satisfaction in the NFL" is a great example of a management article review. From the article " The Role of Uncertainty of Outcome and Scoring in the Determination of Fan Satisfaction in the NFL" written by Paul, Wachsman & β†’

The hardest decision i ever made

I opened the letterbox and there it was: the leaflet that changed my whole life. That leaflet was not any leaflet: it was a publicity leaflet for the best rhythmic gymnastics club that was moving its training location to the public school near my house. On the leaflet there was a name β†’

Free essay about organizational structure and culture

The devil wears Prada utilizes the divisional structure as evidenced by different divisions. The impact of organization's structure and culture can business performance Business performance entails the independent criteria of a business to assess the overall result of the business in relation to established goals and objectives. On the other hand, the organizational culture β†’

Electronic health records report samples

The 60 members of the staff in the hospital include doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians, radiologists, health records personnel, and the subordinates. The manager will offer leadership and guides the project team to ensure that the hospital benefits from the implementation of an Electronic Heath system.

Sainsbury operations

There is also a scope for SAINSBURY'S to meet its target growth and regain its position if it is ready to make a few changes in its operations in terms of a better inventory management , Robust technological advancements and creating a better customer base. The report discusses the various successful implementations and certain flaws β†’

Confucianism in cultural studies essay samples

Confucius wanted to be an advisor to one of the leaders in authority in order to ensure that his work is implemented. Proper ethics is essential in ensuring there is peace in any country since people are in good relations with each other. The Confucianism teachings have an influence on the social relations and morals β†’

Consequences of the hrm approach to people management management essay

It can also be seen as the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's most valued assets which is the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of a business. This technology also required the employment of a great number of people with low wages β†’

Adult learning assignment

Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice 7: 1 2010 1 Addressing student cynicism through transformative learning Fernanda Duarte The first part of the paper contextualises the discussions to be developed through a brief examination of the core findings of the above mentioned study; the second reflects on the pedagogical insights that emerged from β†’

Safe administration of intravenous medication and management of central line

This literature review will provide important information regarding the safe administration of intravenous medication and the management of the central line. Safe Administration of Intravenous Medication. The first step in safe administration of intravenous medication is assessment of the patient's condition and satisfying the 5 Rights of drug administration; Right Patient, Right Dose, Right Medication, β†’

Example of essay on defining characteristics of the presidential and parliamentary system

In his role as head of government, the president is the chief of the executive arm of government. In a parliamentary system where there is little separation of powers, the president is a member of the legislature and is directly involved in the legislative process.

Facilities management – good business turns risk into opportunity

Organizing management in the quickest possible time with least amount of risk to one's capital and with as little effort as possible is the mantra that has put facilities management in the forefront of any establishment today after the static office environments that existed in the 1970s and 1980s. Competition and Facilities The competition β†’

Human resource management ethics assignment

The marks of 2 best class tests/quizzes be considered out of 3 class tests/quizzes) The semester report and/or assignment will be submitted by the students to the teachers concerned, by a date fixed by the Head of the Department of Management Studies. After valuation of the semester report and/or assignment , the β†’

Admission essay on masters of business administration (mba)

With the changing business trends and strategies in the corporate world, I believe having a comprehensive understanding of the current management models and business concepts is the most appropriate move to keep up with the market economy and ensure total quality management of products and services. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology β†’

Historical development of strategic management as a field of study

The structure-conduct-performance framework and the notion of strategic groups, as well as providing a foundation for research on competitive dynamics, are flourishing currently. The IO paradigm also brought econometric tools to the research on strategic management. Finally, this review examines the future directions, both in terms of theory and methodologies, as the β†’

Free essay on technologies and strategic information systems plans

The integration of hardware and software developed in the previous years with data has made it possible to profile the patterns of quality and utilization. Information technology has impacted on healthcare costs. Electronic delivery of health information and services is significant for rural hospitals to receive consultative services from large and developed hospitals. Healthcare challenges β†’

Performance appraisal vs. salary increases case study

The reason why I say this is not recognized is because an employee who is producing quality work will not feel appreciated while everyone else in their department gets the same appraisal as them even though some of the colleagues do not work as hard. In addition to the recommendations made by the two experts, β†’

Airlines and turbulence in the sky

This problem, however, while not costing customers, is costing the industry millions of dollars. Also costing many of the airlines money are other, cheaper airlines. Adding to this woe is the fact that, with unions involved, the cost of labor and employees is not cheap. Another problem is that having " major" and " minor" β†’

The internal migration policy of the eu essay

Even though there are still some opponents and critics, we can clearly see that the EU brought a lot of advantages and made the country richer and better to live in. Austria joined the EU in 1995 and now, 12 year later, we can outline the positive, as well as the negative things, that occurred. β†’

Free term paper on lodging manager

In the case of a lodging manager, then the job description is to plot, direct, or organize functions in a company or unit that offers lodging and accommodation services. The manager aims at greeting and registering clients entering the establishment. The manager has to allocate tasks to employees, and plan for shifts to ascertain that β†’

The experiences that strengthened my leadership skills

In the end of the day, and while we had been waiting for the buses to come to take the children back to their home, we have been informed that the buses still need more than thirty minutes to arrive. After twenty minutes the children started resenting and fidgeting they refused to stay together, every β†’

Study on interact telecommunications company management essay

Planning will help Interact employees understand the importance of their job and how it relates to the broader organizational objectivesBuilds the partnership between the management & the employeeIdentifies what the employee must do to be successful, including development activitiesInteract should also plan to Identifies how supervisor must do to help employee be successfulSimplifies performance evaluation β†’

Studds-nolan case study essay

4 ) What would hold been your recommendations to Studds or Nolan? The writers sentimentIntroduction: This instance analyze expressions at the jobs that Nolan and Studds had in the procedure of holding to a joint-venture and talks the determination of continuing with the jointventure. My personal recommendations to Studds or Nolan would be the β†’

Operational human resource management term paper

In reviewing existing policies, these steps address the need, goals and effects of the policy review, monitoring and impacts of the review of management based on past actions. Consultation of stakeholders, staff and management of the jewelry business should be emphasized in order to develop effective policy, procedures and rules. The review will also be β†’

Good nursing admission questions admission essay example

I hold a Bachelor of Arts Degree; that is my pride hence I have the capability of sitting in class to attain a degree in nursing that has always been my dream career inferring from my mom who is a nurse. I have in the past been a perpetual procrastinator though I now believe in β†’

Henri fayols management theory management essay

Before mentioning and applying Henri Fayol's theory in Fonterra Company, we should know the strategies and the objectives of this company and after interviewing the manager of the company, he mentioned below objectives of the company and to get accomplished these goals he said that the functions mentioned by Henri Fayol and Mintzberg's in management β†’

Employee turnover research papers examples

The assistant manager position is the second position with the highest turnover although most of these employee turnovers are recorded in the Westchester region than in the Bronx. The turnover in the shift supervisor's position is equal in both regions. In social services, the data presented is as follows Broken down further, we have β†’

Bureaucracy and administrative management essay sample

This nonpersonal, objective form of organization was called a BUREAUCRACY. KEYPOINTS * MAX WEBER was the first of management theorists who were concerned the management structure with the sets of rule and regulations * Weberian bureaucracy is characterized by hierarchical organization, action taken on the basis of and recorded in written rules, β†’

Servant leadership

This led to a more enterprising relationship between leaders and servants, giving rise to self-driven and responsible followers. The main aim of servant leadership is for the leader to make an initiative of taking care of all the needs of followers. They will do this by giving one another spectacular service, marketing their company and β†’

Management process responsible

Coordinating marketing activities Means having a clear plan of action and the whole emphasis of the planning process is for the organisation to think about the customer and the market. Statute laws like the Consumer protection law, and voluntary agreements like the monitoring of advertising by the Advertising standards authority, all require organisations to understand β†’

Analyze the behavior style of the participants in both group and individual situations.(cbs reality show survivor)

Analyze the behavior style of the participants in both group and individual situations.name: Instructor: Date due: Introduction Personality can be termed the way an individual reacts to and interacts with other people. Her comments show that she easily makes friends in a crowd but at the same time is not overly emotional, traits that β†’

Software architecture department assignment

The Software Architecture Manager will oversee the work of the entire department. The Business Process Architect and Chief Architect will work very closely with upper management to understand the process of the business and the strategic goals and objectives. In order for sales to double over the next year, we need to ensure business needs β†’

Business law case-thomas vs thomas assignment

Drew appealed the district court for determining there was an express oral employment contract separate and apart from the promise; and it prematurely dismissed the unjust-enrichment claim considering the Thomas Motors transfer was not enforceable. ISSUES: The court granted the motion, finding that the parties did not enter into a valid enforceable interact because β†’


This chapter gives the necessary information to get any document to be read and received in the way you want it. Because it offers excersises for myself as a business communicator with the purpose of to find my stregths and weaknesses.

Management structures essay

Needless to say, there are various management structures, but each one of them does affect both daily and long term activities of a company. Departmentalization In general, departmentalization refers to grouping activities into separate departments that are coordinated by a specialist or a group of specialists depending on the size of an organization. The β†’

While discussing the intervention with caroline she told

My data management skills were often used to carry outthese tasks as I was responsible for data handling and entering and checkingdata. My statistical and analytical skills also were important as I had to beable to examine and manipulate data in SPSS and identify and evaluate generalpatterns to see what the data was saying. Theintervention β†’

Ethics in strategic planning essay

An individual's values and way of behavior toward society, determine whether behavior is regarded as ethical or unethical. Social responsibility is a principle that organizations should contribute to the welfare of groups and individuals in its social environment and not be solely devoted to maximizing profits. When adhered to, the mission and vision statements can β†’

Management control

1)By control of management we mean the processes in which various scopes of business standards are developed with the aim of providing the most appropriate performances both in the human capital as well business processes for the most adequate and optimal business function. This is through providing a subsequent difference in the nature of β†’

Green supply chain management literature reviews examples

Over the years Kuwait has relied on the concept of Supply Chain Orientation. The concept has been in use up to the modern day, in the management of the supply chain to harness products' value while upholding commitment to supervising the complex dimensions of the inter-industrial associations, intrinsic to the supply chain. The Supply Chain β†’

The warfare at the side of a

The State of WV and it's political standing West Virginia could also be a state fashioned throughout the yankee warfare at the side of a yankee state, and is that the sole state to create by seceding from a Confederate state. It had been originally a neighborhood of} land Virginia Colony and β†’

Contemporary issues on human resources assignment

In pursuing the attempt to find convergence and divergence the writer will discuss pertinent areas of interest in the different notion of convergence using the US and European model, globalization and some clear divergences nuances and specific themes in the areas of divergent HRM practices in performance management and hiring practices. In a considering the β†’

Story telling

My grandfather was a man on his word and kept all the promises he made and only talked when he had something to say. He has always been a part of my life and I will never forget him.

The animalism was guilt-free. admitting the imperishable bung

The lagoons area unit already unhappy concerning there area unit freeways, other bourgeois ethics and nine-to-five jobs. It's not the austere paradise of bitter content, a few minimum of there's an internet association.lagune Spectacular The abbreviate stretches of white-, pink- and black-sand beaches up to the mark ar actual artlessly appealing springboards into the $64000 β†’

Crm tools

However, it is not on the same level when it comes toacademicresearch, marketing professionals, and large corporations. This does not demean the book, it only assures that it is useful for small businesses or beginners because it really encourages and helps the reader to start implementing CRM to make a business value β†’

Business law assignment

Rule 4: The principal must have the legal capacity to authorize the transaction at the mime the agent engages in the act and at the time the principal ratifies. The third party must also have the legal capacity to engage in the transaction. Application 4: Mouse, acting as the principal, does have the legal capacity β†’

Critical period dbq essay

From 1770 to 1775, as the population increased the value of the exports also roughly increased. But after the Articles of Confederation were implemented the growth of the value of the exports ceased. The national debt grew from 11 million to 28 million during the time span of the Confederation. Document A was also a β†’

Robin hood

The weaknesses faced by Robin Hood are that the resources available to him are quite low in number and he himself lacks familiarity with all the members of the organization. In order to implement the strategy of joining hands with Barons, first Robin Hood needs to contact the Barons and inform them about his strategy.

Ethical issues in transcultural healthcare term paper

The authority in a flat organization structure is shifted from the top management and the main decisions made depend on the departments or divisions in the organization. In a hybrid structure, the functions that are of most important to the organization are decentralized whereas the less important functions are centralized.

Credit disbursement management og habib bank ltd

In this part of the paper, the credit management of Habit Bank Ltd is to be discussed.3. The personnel of Habit Bank Ltd.

Laboratory management- general functions of a laboratory manager

They must promote the continuing professional development of staff and oversee the training of trainees. A lab manager must therefore make risk assessments for the laboratory and ensure that the company'sHealth & Safety policy is observed. The lab manager may also be involved in the development of new products and service to β†’

Cultures in organization : two case examples

Besides, the firm has a culture of employing new production procedures, while incorporating technological knowhow, in an endeavor to foster efficiency. In the second firm, the management had developed a culture of continued conscripting new and qualified employees within short time spans. A culture of integrity and accountability within the management and other employees was β†’

Total quality essay sample

Customer focus entails internal and external needs of the clients. The top management is responsible for implementation of the focus step. Identification of the customers and their current needs is crucial.

Brand management – equinox

Less Mills focus and efforts in being environmentally friendly and sustainable is a major point of difference for them compared to other fitness facilities within New Zealand. To capitalist on their efforts in sustainability a marketing camp gains focusing on publicizing and spreading the word about their efforts and achievements to β†’

It opinion on what this evidence may

They are alsosubjective; what one expert may believe to be insignificant could be deemed asimperative to another, and such remarks could be confusing to the jury andothers present in the court. Within laboratories, there are certain standards that must be metin order to create valid and reliable results across the board.

Example of critical thinking on confidentiality and truthfulness a healthcare and ethics paper

Stokes' daughter, to be saved from the primary and secondary complications of a renal disorder, can well be considered one of the rights that can be given to any patient. The first question is all about whether the father the one who refuses to let his daughter and the rest β†’

Example of public management essay

She is quick to say that if this is the basis where comparison is undertaken, then there is no difference between these two sectors (Boyne, Law, Powell, & Walker, 2003). Regarding public choice theory, there are changes that have been seen in the management of the public sector. There is lack of agreements and goals β†’

Example of nursing research proposal research paper

Implementing a Diabetic Education Program for Patients and Caregivers Abstract Method: Research question: How does teaming with patients and caregivers to implement a diabetic education program improve adherence and healthcare outcomes? Overview of the Study The study will focus on patients and caregivers who help them manage their diabetes β†’

Strategy and change essay sample

The risks of taking no action to improve the flow of knowledge and information within the organization and with its customers are becoming too serious to ignore. In skeet shooting and football, the clay pigeon and pass receiver are far more predictable in the timeframes of their seconds-long trajectories than the marketplace is in the β†’

Canada, the united states and the cold war essay

The Cold War was the most subtle war in history, but the world came very close to a nuclear war that had the potential to inevitably wipe out mankind. The two main opponents in this war were the Soviet Union and the United States. This conflict took place over a course of fourteen days, and β†’

Good essay about stress management

Stress management is one of the most important things that young people should learn to be in control of their lives. Specific objectives: to discuss various ways of stress management Thesis: stress management is important among the youths to be in control of their lives Preview: Today, stress management will be discussed, and β†’

Essay on change management assignment

One of the major changes that we have to adapt to is the need to be more involved in the affairs of the hospital where we work. This implies that the new knowledge, skills, and capabilities gained in phase of the change management process should be able to promote a sense of awareness and value β†’

The relationship of leadership qualities and organizational culture management essay

In innovative culture employees of the organization encourages to bring changes in company products, its services and to bring value added services to the product to bring more business for the organization, in innovative organization culture powers are distributed to every single employee of the organization and employees use to think its his/her organization and β†’

Msc in information management

NOT means that the terms that user specifies 'not' must not be contained in the retrieval of records. A Boolean search system accepts Boolean queries as input and uses the normal interpretation of first-order logic augmented with proximity operators to select a set of documents that satisfy the query. In a best match retrieval system β†’

All american lunch, supper, & touch screen menus

With the hiring of a highly qualified and experienced team of professionals, it will surely offer the right level of satisfactory services to its clients. It will really make it win their confidence. However, despite this impressive performance, the management of Touch Taste Caf still has to do a lot to improve on its weak β†’

Accounts receivables management

Receivables management, also termed credit management, deals with the formulation of credit policy, in terms of liberal or restrictive, concerning credit standard and credit period, the discount offered for early payment and the 156 collection policy Ana procedures undertaken It does so In suns a way Tanat together these policy variables determine an optimal level β†’

The ways to save on food and drink costs

Australian households spend an average of up to 17 per cent of their weekly income" up to $380" on food and drinks each week, depending on the size of their household. A person can save at the grocery store if they plan purchases according to their actual needs instead of going in blind. Set a β†’

Free research paper on bridging cultural differences and conflict resolution

The rise of telecommuting and improved technology has led to emergence of virtual teams within organizations. - The definition of a virtual team - The scope of work done by the virtual teams - The presence of various cultural backgrounds in workplaces Types of Conflicts There are various types of conflicts faced by virtual β†’

Leadership styles research paper

The most important responsibilities of a leader include: - Bringing new ideas and plans for the development and achievement of the organization's goal is one of the most important responsibilities of a leader. - Another important and crucial responsibility of leader is to maintain the confidence level of the employees and to encourage them at every step β†’

Can criminals be rehabilitated essay

Rehabilitation means to restore to useful life, as through therapy and education or to restore to good condition, operation, or capacity.[i] The assumption of rehabilitation is that people are not natively criminal and that it is possible to restore a criminal to a useful life, to a life in which they contribute to themselves and β†’

Nurse management assignment

In relation to this assignment and because the focus of this assignment is on the staff nurse effectively managing the care of the bereaved person the author will focus on the issue of the importance of good leadership in supporting staff in what could be an emotionally challenging environment. In relation to supporting the staff β†’

Force field analysis assignment

HELPING FORCES HINDERING FORCES Team leadership developmental training is an item that is needed to be addressed Leadership Team Effectiveness That one team member that is always negative about any changes or suggestions that will improve the company The Ability to recognize a person that is a good candidate for a team leader Procrastination β†’

Yuliya tyan tashkent city, sergeli district, 5-22-17 tel:

Education and Qualification Management and Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent 2016- presentBusiness and Management Modules include Essential Study and Employment Skills, Intro to Managing and Leading People and Intro to Business Operations and Services Academic lyceum under textile and light industries 2013-2016 Korean Language School Sejong 2014-2015 School #300 2004-2013 IELTS score 5. 5 β†’

Free research paper on leadership vs. management

Major functions of managers are: - Planning: Effective planning of different type of resources and work activities to produce desired results. - Organizing: Organization of supporting functions and processes in an effective manner. - Budgeting: financial limitations are critical to projects and common to occur. They coordinate different tasks in manner to maintain smooth flow of activities. - Resource β†’

Monday 2014 essay samples

The manager is always accountable for the performance of an organization and as a result, he or should work extra hard in order to ensure that the organization experiences positive performance. Managers should be prepared to take their roles carefully in order to be able to perform to the expectations of the organization. Significance of β†’


This demands that the company targets markets and allocates resources to ensure that it exploits such markets. Target marketing is a good opportunity for the company, which will allow in effective execution of plans and comprehension of the customer needs. As such, the return on investment through target marketing is high because the company will β†’

Knowledge partner-vp

In this situation, we have to identify the customers groups and who needs to be in the inner circle Knowledge Partner: Laboratories show Google to be out of the circle and knowledge network partner in the inner circle. Moreover, the organization should be able to analyze who is this person to pay for the network β†’

Adoption to overcome the obstacles to adoption

The social system as per theresearch done consists of family members, coworkers and neighbors. It focuseson the ties between an individual and the above groups. Furthermore social norms and neighbor effecthave been found to influence the consumer EV adoption behavior.

Tactical leadership vs organizational leadership assignment

When we think of leadership in the Army we automatic think of the process of influencing soldiers to accomplish a mission by providing directions, purpose and motivation, but when dealing with tactical or organizational leadership a leader has to think about a different role and take into account the time frame and how they β†’

Emergency management

Its main focus, just like that of the emergency management is also on the protection and safety of the civilians mostly from the perils caused by natural and man-made disasters. The process of having an effective emergency management depends mostly on the leaders of the groups or communities that are specially tasked β†’

Good essay about the sources and effects of stress that workers face

This submission will thus proceed to highlight the sources and effects of stress that workers face at work areas and job sites and how this stress can manifest itself in workers' attitudes and behaviour. One of the sources of stress in the workplace is lack of a proper working environment. Furthermore, without an assurance of β†’

Decision making in the team process

Anderson must have been at the crime scene to know these two facts: that the victim was shot and that he was shot at his apartment considering the fact that the police had informed Mr. Anderson must have been in the crime scene to know where the victim was murdered and how he was murdered, β†’

Online writing resources

User-centered writing, considers the writer, the user, and the consequences of acting upon the message. Tone in Business Writing The tone of writing depicts the writer's attitude towards the user and the subject. The subject of the email should be clear and meaningful.

Prodrive- to share it with anybody else.

Different forms of data can bestored in the pen drive i.e., whether the data is in the form of document or inthe form of images anything can be stored. The data stored in it can beconfidential and there may be chances that the owner of pen drive does not whatto share it with anybody else. β†’

Essentials for business law assignment

Through the Contract Law, there are different elements of a contract, genuineness of assent, fraud, duty to disclose in a contract, discriminate by a minor, and good faith. Through the Credit and Antitrust Law, there is credit insurance; the Clayton act 3, Tying Contract, Sherman Act 1, and Restraint of Trade that help form these β†’

Affects of revenue recognition

The revenue recognition under the Earnings Process Approach is visibly affecting the retailer and the business positively. The public companies' finances will be seen as the ones in the capital markets.

Leadership development

This move can be termed as the major decision taken in the recent times and has been brought about in a forced way owing to the company performance and non satisfactory responses from the profit index. The global trends and the overall reduction in the profit as a result of it is another reason that β†’

Free reflective journal essay sample

I thought that the management of information involved only the management of information technology systems. I have come to the realization that IM involves the collection and management of different forms of information from various sources and the continual distribution of that information to different audiences.

Busniess ethics

I personally use my code of ethics to associate and relate with others in the society. My parents and others members of the family are the ones responsible for my current personal code of ethics.


However, in the context of heightened awareness among employers and employees, there has been greater emphasis on non-financial rewards such as praise and recognition as it holds a deep and greater impact to the employees especially in the long run. This paper seeks to understand the nature of financial and non-financial rewards and comparison is β†’

Herzberg final exam management

Introduction In order to solve the problem of absenteeism in the company, I intend to come up with twomotivationtheories to enhance the employees' work enthusiasm and therefore Improve their work performance and efficiency. The existence of these two theories is necessary and served mainly to prevent dissatisfaction and improve employee engagement, thereby β†’

Report about pneumonia

The incubation period of pneumonia depends on the type of virus or bacteria leading to the infection. This is the third layer the body possesses in fighting pneumonia. For instance, T cells provide proteins that stimulate the B cells and the death of the body cells to prevent any infections such as pneumonia.