Quality Business Essay Examples for Your Learning

Specifications of task oriented leadership management essay

For instance, researchers who are of the opinion that culture specific position often cite the individualistic nature of the United States of America as support for the argument that leadership theories developed in the United States are limited in their applicability to different cultures. The obstacles encountered during the process of understanding leadership and the β†’

Dimensions of success in business negotiation

The specific emphasis in this study has been placed on the following topics; the International business negotiation, the philosophical foundation of negotiation behavior and negotiation strategies. The investigation aimed at the finding out the differences and similarities, which illustrated across the different cultures.2. This suggests a major divergence in the styles of Chinese β†’

Strategic management and business model essay sample

Explain how the vision, mission, and value of the new division align with the company's mission and vision. Summarize how the vision, mission, and values guide the division's strategic direction. Define your guiding principles and values for your division in the context of culture, social responsibility, and ethics.

Successful career in an non-governmental organization

This will enhance my skill set and make me a better individual. Finding a suitable job takes a lot of research and commitment, a job is really easy to get but the difficult part is to find a suitable job. Facebook is a great platform to look for jobs, more and more organizations have started β†’

Sales manager

Within this essay, Fayol's functions and Katz's skills will be discussed with reference to the manager's practical use of these managerial suppositions. Organizational size, technologyand environmental uncertainty will too be described and how it influences his work and organization, and the theory of management that is used will also be argued. As a manager in β†’

Plz put a good topic

He was not a bad leader; he was a good leader who ensured that the organization had attained the best human resources that can work in an effective and efficient manner towards the attainment of the goals of the organization. Furthermore he had not created goals for the organization and was instead operating to attain β†’

Project who moved my cheese

Underestimating the market leads to undermining the opportunities that are available in the market. As many opportunities are available, threats in the external environment need to be highlighted as well and dealt with resourcefully.

Speech word to word

Speech Presentation The strategic alliance between Northwest Airlines and Royal Dutch KLM The strategic alliance between KLM Royal Dutch Airlines andNorthwest Airlines was awarded the global 2007 Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals Award. The strategic alliance between Northwest Airlines and KLM signified a strategic sharing of routes as well as a joint operation β†’

Steps in developing effective communications

Furthermore, this helps to cement choices of the kinds of communication styles one wishes to use, the budget, audiences to use, and the ways of conducting an appraisal of the communications program. This pertains to the company's key purpose in terms of corporate communications in addition to the relationship it plays regarding the company's business β†’

Decision making in product purchasing

This is then followed by understanding whereby, the consumer should be able to know how the particular product will meet his needs.[1] The next stage is attitude under this the consumer must be able to develop a positive feeling towards the product depending on the persuasive message given about the product by the producers.

Kristen’s cookie company essay sample

In order to promise the exact time of delivery for new order, we should know after what time we will be free to start preparing this order and add 26 minutes to that time. We can fill the first order more quickly, if, for example, we have not started to prepare it yet, and the β†’

Operations management essay sample

The essence of operations management is value-added, or the degree to which the value of all outputs of an operation exceed the value of its inputs.6. List the basic sources of variation Four Sources of Variation: Variety of goods or services being offered| The greater the variety of goods and services offered, the greater β†’

How stress can affect life

According to Richard Lazarus, " stress is not an environmental stimulus, a characteristic of a person, nor a response, but a relationship between demands and the power to deal with them without unreasonable or destructive costs".. There are plenty things that can cause stress. The death of a loved one can cause tremendous stress on β†’

Production and operation management

The demand of their output however remained higher than their output. In order to see through their production plan while operating at the minimum possible cost, the firm chose to use subcontracts instead of hiring more workers. The company plan was to create an aggregate plan that cuts cost and increases the efficiency and output.

Good essay about how to discipline employees

The manager, after trying to discipline the employee, will feel inclined to get rid of the employee. The employee must be made to feel important, that he/she means a lot to the organization, and that is the reason why it is so necessary for the employee to correct his/her behavior.

Production and operations management assignment

Operations management Is the management of that part of an organization that Is responsible for producing goods and/or services. If a business organization is a car, operations would be its engine, and Just as the engine is the core of what a car does, in a business organization, operations is the core of what β†’

International management essay sample

From this statement and Hofstede research the following variables which categorises this are: Hofstede research found the average or mean for countries used in his research is 51. Relating this back to the report countries this means that Japan with a rating of 54 and Spain with a rating of 57 β†’

Motivation important to managers

It is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as " a person who manages an organization, group of staff, or sports team", stated as " There are five basic operations in the work of a manager. Together they result in the integration of resources into a living and growing organism" The five stated operations are, β†’

Business law assignment

Invitation to treat is defined as " statements or actions that are not sufficient to amount to an offer as they are not made with the intention to create legal relations and are merely intended to draw the customer Into negotiations", by Rush J and Outlet M. Additionally, there Is no proof of Boris contacting β†’

Kmart: performance management tactics

Accurate category management can " even the playing field and eliminate the gulf of mistrust that sometimes exists between vendor/broker and retailer," said Ron Gellish, director of strategic market planning for Kmart. Discount Store News, May 1995) Performance Management Tactics; first step is to review the category, make sure both the retailer and vendor agree β†’

The doctor of sport management degree program

Even though I had to support myself as a bartender, my passion for soccer never waned. Diploma-Professional Jeweller After the fall of Communism, I had the opportunity to obtain my Professional Jeweler's Diploma in Constanta, Romania in 1991. I also competed in the Olympics for the Romania soccer team. 2.

Good example of reflections on assessment essay

At the same time an employee who is high on process emphasis, is likely to attribute the failure on the team and the situations. Gary Yukl comments that most of the leadership theories have weaknesses in conceptualization and assessment of the leadership processes. The leadership conceptualization questionnaire and the associated theory can help β†’

The needs for change at election law enforcement commission

The deregulation of the market for supplying electricity to the country was the dominant driving force for ELEC's change. This required ELEC to review the current rates charged to their clients and had to make the necessary adjustments to meet competitor's rates; otherwise, they would experience declining profits due to the shifting of clientele to β†’

Case study, sensible life products

There are numerous suitors for SLP owing to the fact that SLP is the only accredited producer of environmentally friendly disinfectant. Generally, market for disinfectant products has been increasing steadily owing to the increased awareness from campaigns focusing on the importance of cleanliness and disinfection. This is seemingly in line with all expectations and wishes β†’

Essays park

Keeping It In The FamilyEstablished in 1933, the Wong Hang family has made quite a name for itself in the country's tailoring business with the fourth generation currently running the show. Wong Hang is one of the greatest family business in Indonesia which can lasts more than 80 years." There are highs and lows, also β†’

Peter principle sees hr

This function has being an effective wage of rewarding hard and efficient workers. However, the Peter's principle has seen the promotion of workers to the next higher level that it may be done erroneously, where sometimes the worker tend to be more comfortable and perform effectively in his previous job. Apparently, it suffice to say β†’

Article analysis

Apple Takes First Steps Into the Trillion-DollarHealth Sector," John Tozzi describes the role of the Apple Watch in the strategic entry of Apple into the health industry. Apple wants to be in the business of innovation and excellence and I believe that the Apple Watch is a sure step towards it.

Organisational behaviour assignment

CHAPTER OUTLINE What Manager's Do | A. Importance of Developing Managers' Interpersonal Skills | Notes: | | Companies with reputations as a good place to work such as Hewlett-Packard, Lincoln Electric, Southwest | | | Airlines, and Starbucks have a big advantage when attracting high performing employees.| | | | | | A recent national β†’

Good example of the below are the most appropriate methods to boost profitability of a fast food research paper

For effective management of cash inflows, the management will require to create an environment whereby each item has been priced conspicuously and reflecting the cost of bringing the same to the table as well as the profit margins targeted by the restaurant. The first step towards ensuring proper inflow management will be ensuring that all β†’

Federalism in action a study of hurricane katrina essay

As it was the responsibility of both the state and the federal government the slow and inadequate response was severely criticized by the public and the media and the opinion was divided as to who had the constitutional obligation towards leading the response and relief initiatives. The subject of this essay is to study the β†’

In the instructions

History of Worker's Compensation This essay discusses the history of worker's compensation and its provisions in Indiana today. Because of this it became apparent that workers should have some level of security from the trouble of injuries or damages on the job. In Indiana, the current worker's compensation system is obligatory, implying that companies are β†’

Strategic/operational planning (nike)

Also, Nike has to be aware of the responses by it's employees of each product, for the initial response of the employees should inform Nike on the expected response of the consumers. Nike does consider their employees as the internal stakeholders of the company so it should be a priority β†’

The main advantage of total quality management

They must implement the change to achieve these objectives through their personal and continuous involvement and in the reeducation of everyone in the organization in TQM principles and practices. The quality management process includes the integration of all employees, suppliers, and customers within the corporate environment.

Hospitality management industries

They are dynamic demographic, demanding , exploring and hoteliers must be alert and strive to meet the demands and needs of this segment. In the coming decade, the consumer will be looking for resorts encircled by attractions and tourist sites, shopping malls and entertainment joints, subjected restaurants and hospitals with highly qualified staff. These consumers β†’

Freshii restaurant (report about staffing and job analysis )

Freshii restaurant knows this fact very well and the company is keen on keeping all its employees motivated and satisfied all the time. External recruitment and internal recruitment methods are used by Freshii time to time as per the needs of the situation. The importance of communication skills for the success of an employee is β†’

Diagnostic tools for the detection of dmd biology essay

There are besides malformations of the musculus where the map of the Achilless sinew and hamstrings are impaired due to shortening of the musculus fibres and fibrosis occuring in connective tissue. Of all the proteins that are involved in the formation of the DGC, the dystrophin protein is one of the best characterised DGC proteins. β†’

A comparative look at the work of baz luhrmann’s moulin rouge!

The Film heavily relies on the use of music to develop the trajectory of the story, from the involvement of a musical theatre production within the story called ' Spectacular, Spectacular' which is a genius use of a subplot in which they tell a story within a story which heavily influences the romance plot of β†’

Social media

Context-specific knowledge of the law and the appropriate use of legal tools. Legally astute managers, even in a social media setting, who understand and proactively manage the legal aspects of a business, can use the law and its legal system to increase the total value created and the share of that value β†’

Management practices employed by multinationals in controlling and managing the financial risks

And as long as there is movement of capital andfinanceowed to the rapid movement ofglobalization, corporate organizations will continually be faced by global factors like reactions to movements in currency markets (such as a undervaluing of a currency). Dominguez et al go further to argue that even emerging markets are likely to be β†’

Change management in organizations essay examples

The higher the education levels, knowledge and skills of the workforce, the more contribution they can make to the overall and long-term strategy of the organization. It is difficult to initiate change where the management does not analyse the culture of the organization. It is true that financial incentives are a great motivator to the β†’

Application of fayol’s functios at mcdonald’s essay sample

Division of work- The first thing one would notice in a Mc Donald's kitchen is the tools, the work process and the actual food. Unity of command: All the jobs in Mc Donald's are well-defined and streamlined such that each employee reports to a particular manager whereas all of them report to restaurant branch manager.

Project management

The three constraints are a very fundamental aspects and function of project management and call for the striking of a balance between them. The constraints of the specific time For the performance of a project to be successful it has to be handled within a specific period. The success of a project is, therefore, β†’

Characteristic of business performance check management essay

On the other hand, staff training program also provides the intense instruction on listening and communication skills which is critical for the high performance in the front of the house to gather the information about the needs, expectations and satisfaction. It also focuses that staff is less motivated and company need strategy to boost the β†’

Inventory management system proposal essay

To record an Inventory transaction, the system uses a barded scanner or RIFF reader to automatically identify the inventory object, and then collects additional information from the operators via fixed terminals , or mobile computers. In consideration to these facts this project is meant to design Inventory management system for Vandal com β†’

Public sector leadership

This challenge of global diversity is, perhaps, the biggest and the most problematic issue of contemporary public sector organizations. Different changes emerge every day and public sector leaders are expected to keep their policies up to date in order to be effective. Education and training are vital for teaching public sector leaders to be innovative β†’

Cost classifications persuasive essay

Product Costs These are costs identifiable to the product purchased or manufactured. Indeed in manufacturing enterprises product costs form part of the production cost of goods completed and are included in the stock value for finished products or work in progress. There are two types of costs β†’

Flexible budget essay sample

Advantages of a flexible budget over to a static budget The distinct difference between a flexible and static budget is that a flexible budget projects budget data for various levels of activity, whereas the static budget is a projection of budget data at one level of activity. A static budget remains at one β†’

Data information and knowledge in business

Data, information and knowledge The terms data information and knowledge always are mistakenly used for each other as they could be described as interchangeable, however there are significant differences between each of the three terms, this paper talks about the embodiment of information, data and knowledge in a business situationWhat is data? " Data is β†’

My objectives in seeking admission to this school essay

I saw it as a vocation and a chance to be able to help the students who may not have a real chance in life without my help. With the help of my students, I discovered my deep love for this profession that allowed me a chance to help shape the lives and futures of β†’

Effectiveness and efficiency of organizational structure juicy red tomato essay

It has been many times concluded that the personnel is one of the most valuable resource of a company and mainly because most of the employees, if they are properly awarded, become very attached to the place where they work and are capable of making great efforts for the success of the company that pays β†’

Responsibility, power and empowerment

Leaders must learn to use this power to motivate others in order to allocate work in order to achieve the overall goal of the organization. Therefore, it is essential for leadership to understand the power behind responsibility, power and empowerment.

Big time toymaker essay

A few days before the expiration of the of the exclusive negotiation agreement, BTT and Chou reach a verbal agreement on Strat, and Chou receives an email with the details of their discussed agreement. Chou takes this email a written agreement, even though the word " contract" was never used. Although this is not the β†’

Development of management thought assignment

2-0 Major Management Approaches Studying management started around the end of the nineteenth century , and study was relevant to than one before even by completing it or by view other parts of the organization that the one before did not concentrate In It. So studying these theories Is very important to managers to understand β†’

I deal with a variety of issues.

The issues in the agency are always present, majority of the new employees will keep to themselves, because going to upper management with a problem or issue you may lose your job. That being said upper management lacks skills to deal with a variety of issues. I believe the lack of trust, team effort and β†’

Theory of constraints

Therefore, the theory can be regarded as a set of tools, which creates and implements a set of " levers" that synchronizes the parts of a system in order to obtain an array of magnitude improvements in the performance of the entire system. However, it is important to note that the theory has specifically been β†’

Management ethics at bp

Its actions are argumentative based on the facts and the rational thing that ought to be done at the time of the incidents. Looking at its business norms and the theoretical standpoints that contrast, therefore, paves way for arguments on the ethics of its business practices. An example of this is the β†’

Importance of team management

All members of the team are of equal importance and work individually and cooperatively to finish assigned tasks. In the new context of globalization and free trade, organizations have to communicate on a national and international level.

Rbv is an in uential theoretical framework management essay

Nowadays where the competitive structure is shifting, the dynamic capabilities by which company managers integrate, make and re-configure internal and external competencies to respond to rapidly changing environments become the essence of sustained competitive advantage. The dynamic capabilities seeks to identify and categorize the prerequisites for maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage in the market.

Paper for management

Managers will be trained to inform employees clearly on what is of them. Managers will be trained to be tolerant of the diversity of employees from different backgrounds.

So for this reason, installing colonial administration did

To some extent this iscertainly the case; compared with other regions under the control of Japan inthe first half of the 20th century, Taiwan was treated relativelywell. Undoubtedly, the intensity of coercive actions in Taiwan was clearlylower than in Korea or China. In addition, unlike China and Korea, at the time of attempt to establishJapanese β†’

Read chapters 10 and 11 and review power-point slides and managing the safety function and psychology and safety

While performing the planning function for safety of the organization, managers have to identify the number of resources that will be required by the department of safety to counter any future accidents. The managers identify the need for resources through prior incidents and the reasons that led to the failure of control of prior incidents.

Performance development plan

This development plan will also allow me to determine how myleadershipstyle will impact the success of the team and give me the ability to adapt to different behavioral styles by reviewing each individual DISC Platinum Rule - Behavioral Style Assessment. Personal and Individual Team Characteristics Personal β†’

Dyson human resource management assignment

From this have gathered that Tyson have a keen interest in improving the skills of their workers and focus on motivation roles when training and courses for employees to go on. This could suggest Tyson to have a soft HARM as it indicates that they believe that employees are he most important resource, which they β†’

Project recommendation

However, in case of abandonment of the project, the company will not receive any return on investment in the project, even though the consequences of a late start up might be catastrophic. When the magnitude and timing of investment in the Project Stargazer is gauged and the timing of investment gains is directly proportional to β†’

Customer relationship management essay example

These five components are what called " serviqual": tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The tangibility is determined by the quality of the goods; reliability on the other hand is the relationship of dependency about an organization to its customer; responsiveness is the attitude of giving the customer at the other end β†’

Philosophy of management

Having gained their consent, she took the campaign to other levels. Moved by her determination to improve the health of our nation, my manager took practical steps to convince the people as well as the government. She arranged public visits to the hospitals to show them children that have acquired the genetic diseases. My manager β†’

Project management chapter notes

Midrange tools: A step up from low end tools, midrange tools are designed to handle larger rejects, multiple users, and multiple projects. All of these tools can produce Gaunt c harts and network diagrams, and can assist in critical path analysis, resource allocation, project tracking, and status reporting. Microsoft Project is still the β†’

Is there a problem of costal management at porlock bay? essay sample

The advantage of this costal protection is that the groynes will keep the material in the bay. The disadvantage of this type of protection is it is very hard to transport the rocks to the area.

The impact of the decision on the social work profession

This paper seeks to examine the priority of the protection given to children in the United Kingdom and the extent to which policy and legislation exists to enforce the objectives ofchild protection. Whilst the exact content of these rights is not strictly relevant to the current discussion, suffice to say that there is a clear β†’

Module ii: fundamental concepts of managerial economics

That is true because future is uncertain.* Theory of the firm Meaning of a firm A firm is an organization that combines and organizes resources for the purpose of producing goods and/or services for sale.* Firms can be classified as follows * Small, medium and large * Proprietorship , partnership (owned by two or β†’

Physical or physiological difference essay

It is with these " stigmas" individuals that takes a toll on the mind and body of the person that makes then try to become the norm or even mask their condition in order to fit in. The both of these questions are difficult to answer because we have a society that is so deeply β†’

Retail management in big bazaar

For the purposes of this module, we define alcohol use by adults as the consumption of alcohol for social or religious purposes without demonstrating the characteristics of alcohol abuse or alcoholism Alcohol abuse is defined as the continued use of alcohol despite the development of social, legal, or health problems. It is β†’

The importance of a support staff

Today, in any business whether large or small being a Receptionist, Secretary, Administrative Assistant, Bank Teller or any support staff personnel requires one to be professional, polite and courteous. This is the first representation and impression that customers have of the business and the upmost professionalism should be portrayed. Support Staff's Involvement β†’

Herd health surveillance and management health essay

We need the 'prevalence ' , in order to better understand how TB in a population could be quantified. 'Prevalence ' is the entire figure of bing instances happening at one peculiar clip.: Prevalence = chronic conditions Diseases - count the entire figure of disease persons 'Prevalence rate'A is the sum of the population who β†’

Scheduling to the prepared queue. comparison of 2

After that, the consecutive method is then sent from thehighest of the prepared queue. If te ? to Thenthe method management block of the method with the biggest hardware burstlength is to start out the execution. After that, the successive method is then moving towards from thepinnacle of the prepared queue.

Why employees resist organizational change

Irrespective of the efficiency of the old system, if things worked for them in the old system, they would be reluctant to accept the change. In order to accept the change and work according to it, people need to come out of their comfort zone that they have developed in the old setting.

The development program for graduate students

Students can even help in figuring out whether the instructor has the analytical skills and the experience required to teach a particular subject to the undergraduate sections. Thirdly, grades of students in their exams can even help identify whether the students are able to understand the teacher or not.

Behavior management plan for high school

This is the reason why this paper is presented by the author. The idea is to primarily raise suggestions that are viewed effective by the author for further application on the systems of solution that the said high school is applying to be able to meet the β†’

Sales force assignment

In field sales management, the structure consists of the unit manager, district manager, regional manager, general manager and vice president of sales. The unit manager is often referred to as the manager-in-training with interaction taking place at the customer level. The general manager is sometimes referred to the vice president of sales and marketing. This β†’

Time management and other general management tasks commerce essay

The most normally recognized definition of emphasis ( chiefly attributed to Richard S Lazarus ) is that emphasis is a status or feeling experienced when a individual perceives that " demands exceed the personal and societal resources the person is able to mobilise." In short, it ' s what we feel when we think we β†’

Options for implementing leadership change essay

For the initial public offering to occur successfully, Gene One must adjust its leadership structure and style to align with the long-term vision of the company. Strong leadership is vital for the implementation of change to make the initial public offering a success for Gene One.

Analysis the southwest airlines environment and the industry management essay

Q1Analysis the Southwest Airlines environment and the industry-specific factors and firm-specific factors Southwest Airlines is an airline carrier that operates within the American domestic market. Q2The current strategy of Southwest AirlinesStrategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long-term: which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resources within β†’

Influences on providers

The ageing population and social-demographics have forced the healthcare providers to incur heavy healthcare costs. Influence on providers Introduction Healthcare spending has been increasing over the past 40 years. The increase in healthcare insurance will lead to early detection of the medical conditions thus a reduction in the overall medical costs incurred by β†’

Organisational behaviours and hrm

These characters have to be checked carefully to ensure non affects the organization negatively. Human resource management and staff management may differ in so many ways depending on the scope, nature of the roles and even the services with human resource management being broader in perspective in both compared to staff management that is narrower β†’

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

He expressively illustrates these needs or what he called " deficiency needs" by listing esteem, love and belonging, safety and physiological needs at the bottom of the pyramid while putting self-actualization at the top. He furthers that self-actualization is the level of needs that pertains to a person realizing his full potential, while self-esteem as β†’

Performance of the business

Advantages of having a private limited company is it is run by the directors and owners of the business so they know exactly what is going on. It will be protected by limited liability and all the profits will go to them. It is to make sure the quality of the service is at its β†’

Importance of cross-cultural management in an international essay

Fundamental concepts of cross-cultural management and different aspects Concept 1 national cultural dimension In the business context Concept 2 the influence of national culture on the business culture Concept 3 value orientations and dimensions They are complex and they result of Interaction between 3 elements: cognitive, affective, and directive. What you also see as an β†’


Whistleblowers of Misconduct in Organizations Will increasing rewards for whistleblowers to above 30 percent of the fines increase the reporting of corruption? Financial misconduct and overall white collar crime at the corporate level comes with negative economic implications. By increasing the rewards for blowing to at least 30% of the recovered sums therefore, congress will β†’

Independence, ambition, and reliability at workplace

It limits a person to what the environment offers rather than an interaction with the environment to make impacts." I will see it when I believe it" is, however, a proactive approach of an explorative mind that develops and implements ideas in an environment. Question 3 Examples of differences in expectations across generations in β†’

Lean manufacturing–mass customization & marketplace simulation

This means that a given company should be in a position to serve the customers or rather to take to the market exactly what the customers expect. Thus, the company should be in a position to understand the need for market segmentation.

Role of pharmaceutical supply chain in system approach to provide useful problem solving solutions

This story consists of characters such as the ones purchasing the raw materials, items and equipment used in creating the product and means of getting the item to the end consumer. As with any other story, a consumer expects this story to have a happy ending. This report considers the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain as a β†’

Conagra grocery product company

The trade marketing also got to decide the guidelines, for which the sales operation had to follow in making deals with customers. For any exception, sales managers had to get approval from trade marketing managers. If there were changes to the targets, only their system got updated and not the trade marketing's β†’

The role of network the impact of information technology assignment

" The built environment can be seen as a synthesis of social, environmental and economic issues, reflecting immediate and long-term problems and opportunities. Since the design, construction and maintenance of buildings and infrastructure are essential for economic development and sustainable growth as well as for the quality of life of citizens, the answers to many β†’

Trading: takes some wild chances then suffer a

A successful trading business requires a strategic plan that covers your actual business and your actual trading. Essentials of the business of trading include your business goals both long term and short term, and the strategies or actions you will take to achieve these goals. It is also essential that before you trade you have β†’

How modern branches of economy were formed

What they fail to comprehend is that the efficiency for one is loss to the other. Due to outsourcing, at one end there are benefits of efficiency and on the other extreme the small scale businesses are facing job losses. In India, the new education policy will have a profound impact on the marginalised communities β†’

Example of essay on business security issues and essentials of disaster recovery plan

This is where information systems come to the rescue of businesses to help them gather, store, organize and distribute large volumes of relevant data in an accurate, concise and timely manner to assist easy usage and retrieval of such information. The errors that occur on the part of the users, such errors most of the β†’