Quality Business Essay Examples for Your Learning

Whale rider vs. the secret of roan inish

Although The Secret of Roan Inish has a moral of family values, actually the Whale Rider has a better moral because of leadership, gender does not matter, and how anybody can be a leader. In the Whale Rider, Pai has to find a way to prove to her grandfather that she is worthy of being β†’

The white sheet of snow

I knew my time would run out quickly and I had to finish the task before me. On Monday morning the mailperson would need to walk down the lines of the sidewalk before my house and the only way it would be possible is if I had prepared the path in advance.

Free college tuition

Students who opt to receive loans for college often end up having to repay a huge debt to the bank at the end of their four years in college and now have to try and support themselves with huge financial burdens hanging over their heads. Free college education would help the world become a better β†’

Is rocket internet a hub for innovation or just another copycat

It is Unethical to Copy Business Models Though history has it that copying of business models has been a phenomenon in the business arena, it is highly questionable the extent to which such business practices are ethical. Therefore, Rocket Internet's actions may be legal but in terms of business ethics, the company is compromising β†’

Key considerations when raising expansion stage capital

The investors in ventures scrutinize the company and asses it growth potential, whether there is a chance of whooping great profits within a short time. Most significantly, the entrepreneur needs to know that the process needs a deep commitment in time.

Case study on respiratory system

Respiratory systemis the set of organs which enable gas exchange in the human body supporting the life of the organism. Very often the problem of the case is a certain disease connected with respiratory system and a student is expected to find effective solution to the problem.

Rules: meant to be broken or follewed?

We sometimes feel that we are restricted and we cannot do anything. We find these rules suffocating and feel that these rules are the root cause which take away our rights and independence.

Organizational behaviour

This will ensure that the fresh employees are able to meet the goals of the company and ensure a productive workforce after the induction process. Xciting Company should therefore integrate organizational behaviour within the induction process that will acquaint the new employees with knowledge of the goals and objectives of the company.

Diversity exercise

Hotel Rwanda is based on the 1994 war between two tribes in Rwanda; the Tutsis and the Hutus. While I watched the movie I believe that I would not bring myself to do most of the cruel things that people did in the movie.

Mktg 522 marketing plan

1 Market Demographics The profile for the typicalPegasuscustomer consists of the following geographic, demographic, and behavior factors: Geographics Pepper Lunch plans to initially open restaurants in Los Angeles, CA and New York City due to the diversity in the populations in these cities. With the highest demand for fast-food in the world, USA is a β†’

Understanding the chinese consumer inferences

It should be noted that when a product is faced with product-harm crisis, other brands take the customer's loyalty, especially if the product is new and is being introduced to the market. The performance of the brand, and the purchase frequency decrease when a product faces this crisis.

Ib biology lab report

Sometimes the best thing to do for your method is to draw a diagram of the experimental set up and refer to it. The uncertainty of the quantitative data and the units of the uncertainty need to be recorded once in the column heading.

Improving communication skills

According to my communication quadrant scores, I am sure that there is need to improve for me to achieve better communication. To improve my communication, I have to overcome the demeanor brought by the intimidating character in body guarding industry.

Stress related literature and study

Much of the research to date has focused on the associations of stress and self-esteem to actual suicide but not to ideation. And according to the local study of Roxel Apruebo, there are simple ways of coping with stress.

Summary of company valuation methods

Factors such as " economies of scale, economies of scope, or different perceptions about the industry and the company" also affect the value of the company. Fifth, cash flow discounting-based methods aim to assess the company's value by aproximating the cash flows it will produce in the future and then discounting them at a discount β†’

Market model patterns of change

If one of the competitors increases, its price from the optimal price to P1 the other firms in the market may not follow the trend, therefore the quantity demanded will decrease by a greater margin from Q to Q0. On the other hand, if one of the competitors in the market decides to decrease the β†’

Things you need to know about conjoint analysis

After you are done with the conjoint analysis, you are left with a result. Since it is getting into the minds of the consumers, you need to run the analysis on a huge sector of people.

City budget

According to the Scott a budget preparation requires a study and evaluation of previously made budgets to understand the trend and the constants that are independent of time. A combination of recurrent and fixed/investment of year's expenditure are added to find the general expenditure of the current year and a liberal approach is applied to β†’

Econ 2200 study guide

58% per year average real wages in manufacturing grew despite rapid-growth in less-skilled, less-literate immigration from southern to eastern Europe between 1890-1914 -increased supply of labor from immigration depressed manufacturing wages, but the rising factory-driven demand for labor prevailed -these increases in living standards occurred during a period of laissez-faire capitalism, aided by free trade β†’

Discussion questions case study

The outline in Just in Time manufacturing system is frequently in the form of product focal point and manufacturing cells. Moreover, the process of refurbishing the business to maintain the new production philosophy might at times overshadow the profits of using this system.

Institute of medicine report

Abstract The purpose of this essay is to discuss the Institute of medicine report and its impact on the future of nursing, nursing is one of the fastest growing professions in healthcare industry today, there have been ongoing changes to the way we practice, and to keep up with these changes we need to educate β†’

My research paper

One of the unique ecosystems of Madagascar is the rainforest. The coastal rainforests of Madagascar are unique due to the fact that the plants are salt-tolerant and can extract water from the sand they grow in.

Real miscommunication

Is our world so diverse as to force us to differentiate between what is neat and " really neat?" Was the word " neat" not neat enough to delineate the speaker's true feelings? The word " really" is generally utilized in common speech to emphasize the truth of a statement.

Ethical dimensions of financial accounting assignment

If the management has a duty to maximize the profits to its shareholders, then it should be seen as unethical to consider the interests of anyone else. In the contrary, financial information are suppose to be intended for use of the general users whether it is internal or external to the organization, therefore it should β†’

Religious charities

There are deep controversies over values played out in the nonprofit sector around religious beliefs, personal responsibility and individual right, as well as the separation of the state and the church. Yale: Yale University Press Ehrlich, T.& Clotfelter, C.

Nestle’s international business strategies

In addition to nutrition, health and wellness, Nestle products bring consumers the vital ingredients of taste and pleasure Nestle's mission statement comes to life through the company's global executive team and key officers, led by its Chairman and former CEO Peter Brabeck-Letmath, and current chief executive, Paul Bulcke, who set the company's main thrust of β†’

Introduction of indian oil corporation business essay

This small amount of construction made the oil experts from different country forecast the prospect of the oil industry as a dull one and also doubted India's aptitude to search for new oil reserves. The Oil Industry in India itself shaped nearly 35 million metric tons of Oil from the year 2001 to 2005.

Change and culture sst case study

The job description of the universal worker is extensive and will offer many support services to the organization. The first of the steps and structures that will be put in place will be to make learning assessable and profitable.

Human nature and war analysis

These leaders are the mirrors of the society, and according to Stoessinger, the people in the society are evil; this is the reason they fight and kill each other. Therefore, they said that only a few people discuss and go in to war on behalf of the nation.

One bodacious barnacle

I am the one that seizes its growth. One bodacious barnacle that defies the book.

Building the bridge as you walk on it essay

The Eight Practices for Entering the Fundamental State of Leadership Robert Quinn, in Building The Bridge As You Walk On It, identifies eight separate steps that can help us achieve the Fundamental State of Leadership whenever we need to have a heightened level of empowerment in our lives. In our normal state, we may make β†’

3 lessons from tim ferriss about avoiding burnout

Related: The goal of this exercise is twofold: to help you identify inefficiencies and strengths. You need to identify which activities will achieve the highest ROI for the least effort and then zero in on only those tasks.

Buad case study

They were given the freedom to work on the project from the beginning to the end. They could come up with their ideas, hire the necessary, create and maintain the budget and present the final advertisement to the clients.

Wenzhou aike shoes company

The flashlight occurred when local citizens and business owner's rebel, riot, and set fire to a large amount of Lakes Inventory because they wanted to force the Chinese businesses out of Lech Shoes Market. Cooperation with foreign partnership Analyzing the Strategies Remain in Lech and Change Operations: After the fire in Lech, Sake was aware β†’

Case study on social constructivism

Social constructivismis a social and psychological theory, which studies the process of social-psychological construction of the social reality in the human activity. Social constructivism is the theory which supports the idea of the social development of the human being in the tight cooperation and communication in the human society.

Obesity in students

If the school systems and the government do not put some type of restriction on the food sold at schools, students will continue to choose unhealthy food causing the obesity level will continue to rise along with health complications in America's future. With the junk food consumed by students in schools and the lack of β†’

Quick loan business

As the author explains, the payday loan is very easy to get quickly. Payday loans offers a useful short term credit loan that assists the borrower in coping with expenditures as well as bills that requires to be paid before the borrowers next pay check.

Pedagogical practices case study

The focus will be on the delivery of learning opportunities, according to need, to maximize students' learning capacity and not to label the Children. During the settling-in period the child has the chance to meet new friends and to become more familiar in their new environment, whilst in the comfort of their parents.

Manipulatives: material and students

Charts not only send students the message that I value manipulatives, but also help students learn materials' names and how to spell them. How do I know when it's time for students to put away the materials? A.

Values orientation of senior nursing students

Introduction of the Study This chapter consists of five parts namely: Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study, Statement of the Problem and the Hypothesis, Significance of the Study, Definition of Terms and Delimitation of the Study. Globalization has altered the structure of the society which resulted o the emergence of new nursing habits, standards, β†’

Data analysis descriptine statistics

In our research we wanted to know what home buyers were looking for when purchasing a home or what were in some of the homes that were selling in the economy at today's state. We believed that it's important to understand and know what buyers are looking for and what's important to them for the β†’

Impact of cyber-crime

The public and the customers of CITIGROUP banks may lose faith and ultimately goodwill in the banking security and its performance. Attribution is an organized process of tracing back to try and determine the identity of the source of a cyber attack.

Reasoning and assumptions behind one’s maturity

This can cause him to become the immature character that he is because his childhood lurks about him and is always there for him to think about. Other factors that can contribute to this can be gender as explained in the modern sources.

Sufficient sexual education free essay example

The explicit effects of lack of sexual education in the school district have left a lasting impact on the state of Mississippi and the entire nation. To a group of high school students growing up in the era that is infiltrated with sex, the concept of abstinence should not be the only information a student β†’

Tthe process of national reach of tourist productions

The research concerns people over 18 years of age and out of the total number of respondents, the maximum belongs to the age-group over 65 and the minimum is aged between 18 and 24. In fact, the majority of the respondents are retired or the unemployed followed marginally by the professional class.

Inflows founding case study

Nary Murphy convinced six of his colleagues to quit their Jobs and focus on their passion of entrepreneurship, starting Inflows In the room of Murphy's house financed by $250 borrowed from Murphy's wife. Nary Murphy Nary Murphy had the biggest Influence of all the founders In shaping the work culture, values and policies at Inflows.

Abstract technology, whether by sharing private videos

In case the event happends at school, it is necessary to see a teacher, principal, or other member of the school that you trusted quickly. This is especially true in bullying situations wherephysical threats or other threats of violence are made to the victim.

Garden business essay

The case study will analyses two main factors of external environment influencing business, by further examining strength and weaknesses and finally suggesting recommendations to improve business Strength ND weaknesses: The labor of organization The owner John brought up in this business is well learned and passionate in terms of gardening. According to Schisms knowledge is β†’


Computer Ethics Insert Computer Ethics According to Debora, the increase in computers is causing more harm than good in terms of social issues. People can embrace the new developments of computers without fear of dangers that arise by using passwords and keywords to protect their personal information.

Importance of communication

Effective communication helps you in bringing desired results out of the communication.communication that involves words in cues is known as verbal communication. There is need of adaptation in code selection in accordance with the situation and the audience.

Physics for presidents

What are the advantages of the " Metric" system of units over the " English" system? Another advantage of the metric system is the simple vocabulary that is easy to use.

To zarf or not to zarf

I think that the true definition of this word is a way to express yourself and to proclaim who you are. So, are you a Zarf?

Essay about technology advantages and disadvantages – analytical essay

Analysis of cars on our roadsCars and other vehicles are now readily available and are technologically advanced enough to be safe for use every day and to work as a reliable tool for getting people and goods from one place to another in a relatively short space of time. The advantages of cars are that β†’

Students should be able to grade teachers

Even if students are not able to be a part of how the teachers are being assessed, it would be very valuable if they could give feedback or advice to their teachers. Students should be able to grade their teachers, because they spend the most time with them, and deserve a say.

The effects of social media on our society

The internet, is what has shaped and molded the social media we used today. Besides the change in the spelling of words and creation of new ones, social media such as twitter or text messaging has changed the meaning and use of the " period", and other punctuation marks.

The volatile 1850s

Like the Mississippi Compromise, the Compromise of 1850 was also a temporary solution to the argument over slavery, further dividing U.S.territory into free and slave states. If the Compromise of 1850 had been more successful, it would have taken a stronger decision toward the issue of slavery and helped further prevent the upcoming event of β†’

A sincere letter to school

I love how you seem to pair me up with the best and most unique kids in school! Thank you for making sure I learn all the useful skills I need to.

Slaughter house audit essay

The study therefore investigates the direct and indirect effects of management of abattoirs on the quality of local built environment and the health of residents in their vicinity using Ogbomoso as a case study. The study indicated pollution of wells and air quality of the local built environment in the vicinity of the abattoir as β†’

Global financial crisis on japan country

Global financial crisis also reduced the flow of money in the country's economy. The senior managers of the largest Japan realized the need to cut cost for the sake of their company's survival.

Case study on chipko movement

Chipko movement functioned not to protect the natural environment, but to save the local villages which existed due to the use of the natural resources which could be found in the local forests. Nevertheless, the original idea of chipko movement inspired numerous organizations which protect natural environment from the harmful impact of people and the β†’

Superstitions that kill

Superstitious africans believe that the body parts of an albino is worth a lot of money, therefore they are compelled to hunt and kill these light skin humans in return to gain wealth. It is said that the arms and limbs of an albino is worth from $500-2, 000 dollars in the black market.

Organisation and behaviour

Organization and Behavior By Foundation Department Task The relationship between style of relationship and employee motivation has extensively been researched, and findings have indicated that there is an actual relationship between leadership style and motivation. It is the achievement of certain needs that motivates people, and they are in a hierarchical order from the very β†’

Ebay case analysis

The first ' office' of eBay was the living room in the residence of the man who founded the website. Bay, together with its subsidiaries, provides online marketplaces for the sale of goods and services, online payment services, and online communication offerings to a diverse community of individuals and businesses in the United States and β†’

An exception for smart people

Currently, large numbers of legal migrants allowed into the U.S.and are now permanent residents dominate both the public and private sectors of the U.S.economy where they contribute heavily to the future development of the great nation. Whereas the Congress and White House think of these legal migrants and permanent residents as the real cause of β†’

A&p review

The most interesting aspect of the story is that it teaches you to have good morals when you see someone discriminating against someone jsut b/c there doing something out of the ordinary such as the girls in the story going into the store in their bikinis and the manager embarrassing them infront of the whole β†’

Portland state university

One of the activities that helped me gain communication skills is the Client Project where I was in charge of the group that was assigned this task. The task of the project was to carry out research on a particular client in terms of his or her business activities after which I was to present β†’

Business writing

Essentially, the main aim of business writing is to convey a message to the targeted audience and the writer should be in control of this information since he or she is aware of what they want to achieve from such communication. The other important consideration when writing for business is that it should be short β†’

Roots of unethical international business business essay

International business is a process whereby a company attains its goals by the effective coordination of the procurement, allocation, and utilization of the human, financial, intellectual, and physical resources of the firm within and across national boundaries. This line of thinking is what led to the conception of the corporate social responsibility which refers to β†’

Kababji grill case study

How do customers Judge the quality of a restaurant? * By friendly and enjoyable staff, helpful and knowledgeable people about the products and services they provide.* By restaurant healthy and menu well presented.* Freshness of the goods used by customers which served in restaurant. 2) Indicate how and why each of these factors is important β†’

The headaches of glaxowellcome

I believe that market the replacement strategy in this case it was the best choice taken as by focusing ore on the product that the people on UK want or have interest on, it will show to their customer that the company really do cares about what the local customer want and need. Additionally, the β†’


The goal of the campaign was to launch a new mid- size burger to the general public.Mr. Wassermann, Todd, 2011) Strategy Employed to Accomplish Goal As part of the promotions for the launching of this new burger which was named W, Wend's created a ' game show onTwitterto help to grab attention without making mention β†’

Hodkinson and macleod’s argument & gage’s paradigmatic war

The strength of the method is that in such complexity, it was comparatively easy to estimate the importance of formal and informal learning. The method has two-way links of learning in common with anti-naturalists' argument.

Two million minutes

Two Million Minutes: Summary and Response Among the three superpowers of the world, ly the US, China, and India, the pace of growth of China and India is currently more than that of the US. It is good that students in the US are allowed more freedom and variety to choose their profession from.

The four planes of development

The first plane of development is a period of intense creation. This period is of very great fundamental importance for the formation of the child or the foundation of the personality of the child.


The Bahai-Faith affirms that soul is a rational and invisible quality that signifies God and that the soul will continues to live even after the physical death of the body because it is very distinct from the body and the mind. While most Christians believe in existence of soul through, some Christians believe in mortality β†’

The origin of christmas

It's the time of year that we drive around town to stare at the exterior of other people's houses and no one thinks that we are being creepy. So is that the origin of Christmas?

Tupac: teaching us perishing aggressive corruption

These police officers did not do anything to provoke such a ridiculous act of crime, Shakur just had a gun and figured it was okay to point and shoot. Not to mention, " Biggie had more flows than 2Pac", cannot forget, " Biggie had a better MSG freestyle", after all, " Biggie was the King β†’

What i’ve learned

I have learned to deal with it, and so can you. I have learned to deal with it and so can you.


A facts and circumstances test aimed at establishing whether a worker is subject to the control of the recipient of the service is the most appropriate test used to distinguish between an employee and an independent a contractor. A civil servant can also be dismissed by the employer and when the services are terminated the β†’

Las vegas visitors case study

Problem Denis has to prepare a forecast for the number of visitors to Lass Vegas in order to prove that revenue for Dumper's limousine service will grow in 2013. After running forecast models, it is predicted that visitors to Lass Vegas will experience small growth with seasonal highs and lows in the foreseeable future.

Dedicate to educate

Like Douglas, I believe that society does not have the right to define your ultimate worth and potential. It is a necessity and one that should be afforded to all.

Hrd case study

There are a number of problems and constraints, which concern the human resources development in the tourism sector, biz, shortage of qualified manpower, shortage of tourism training infrastructure and qualified trainers, working conditions in the tourism sector, and lack of proper strategies and policies for human resources development. This too necessitates the involvement of well-educated β†’

Diversity case study

As a result the problem of diversity is equal for every person, because everybody can be a victim of racial abuse today, so, in order to give people the idea about diversity and tolerance, students are required to prepare case studies on the topic. The analysis of such a topic is mostly based on the β†’

The internal control system of any company

The relevance of the case is to show the need for a strong internal control system which will help in fraud detection. There is a need to monitor and frequently check the internal control system of any company to ensure no fraudulent or criminal activities takes place.

Meridith knows women case

Sell Information for profits- They have so huge Information about their customers that they can sell to other companies and make profits. They can start expanding itself globally to reach more and more customers.

Forms of compulsion

The 12-step program starts with the plain admission that compulsion or addition of any sort is beyond one's control and it is only the greater power that can strengthen us to overcome its grips. The video coverage on the 12-step program greatly influenced my view that the rehabilitation pack is equally effective and feasible method β†’

Essay on the ivy hysteria

Maybe search the different options in your own community, even if community college is not your #1 choice. Do your research and you might find out you would prefer a different college than Ivy League.

How biases affect investors behaviour

On the contrary, an investor who has a personality of risk-taking is more likely to make investment decisions that attract higher risk and returns. The investors who use contrary opinion rule viewed the majority to be on the wrong side/incorrect and chose to make their investments decision based on the opposite direction.

Behavioral aspects of project management paper

For example, the company can hold an annual ceremony to recognize and reward the most successful team of the year or the best team that completed the project strictly on schedule and within budget. Such ceremonies then become a part of the organization's culture, which in turn influences the future projects' selection and success.

Case study: troubleshooting information systems

Furthermore, there could have been some deficiencies in the training process which prevented employees from getting a full understanding of the system and being able to adapt to change. Also, in taking on a new project, he should have consulted his boss as to how to handle the turning over of the current project to β†’

Assignment example

Executives should also not walk away empty handed following the collapse of a company since they are not directly involved in the company's failure. Thus, top CEO's are not responsible for the misfortunes of a company.

Against the death penalty

Long life sentence, as a matter of fact, is a better method of controlling and deterring crime compared to death penalty. In the United States and other heterogeneous societies, the public and civil societies always feel that death penalty is violates the constitutional right of equality and protection.

Poor economy

One of the biggest concerns of the people of New York is the lack of money in the state. New York State government should concentrate on getting more money for the people of the state.

Professional communication of the conference

Our first care is to make your participation in the conference the most pleasant and comfortable to you. You can always find extra information about city restaurants at the information point that will be open throughout the work of the conference.

Business communication

Compensation scheme The system of compensation is vital in the development of the necessary motivation. The success of the company depends on the ability to motivate and cater for the welfare of the employees.

The decision for cans case study

The disadvantages of CANS going global are local customs of host countries that need to be considered, the lack of name recognition of the brand, the possibility of stronger global competition, having to develop a different marketing approach, and the possibility of different trade regulations. For example, in the US, testimonials and celebrity endorsements helped β†’