Quality Business Essay Examples for Your Learning

Case study on job satisfaction

Job satisfactionis the level of the employee's satisfaction with the conditions of work, salary and the working atmosphere at the workplace. Job satisfaction is the issue which affects the quality of the work and has a direct impact on the human health, because a healthy employee is the hardworking employee.

The causes of 9/11

Some would say that a few of the 9-11 causes are: " The 9/11 attacks were the fruit of Bin Laden's flawed strategic reasoning, US foreign policies in the Middle East, in particular its support of Israel, and Decline and stagnation in the middle east and the " humiliation" of the Islamic world". Another theory β†’


Contracts for the International Sale of Goods al Affiliation) Under the CISG, the basic rule for the person who bears the risk of loss is that the buyer bears the risk of loss or damage to the goods after the risk has passed to the buyer unless the contract states otherwise. When the seller hands β†’

The reflection of the

One of the major points to understand with relation to entrepreneurship is the manner in which the market is developed and divided. With the increase in the task force, the consequent of this is that the market will extend and every segment gets a manager.

Locke and human understanding

Locke believes that the operation of our minds is within the body while Descartes suggests that the mind of a man is different from the body. When Locke writes "...the operation of our own mind within us..".he basically disapproves Descartes opinion that the body is separated from the mind.

Cause & effect essay: standartized tests

The pressure of standardized tests is incredible, whether it is a grade six PAT in Alberta or an SAT exam in the United States that determines college acceptance. The reason for standardized tests is to gain tangible proof on how students are progressing in school and who is ready to attend college.

Global finance investment decision

In 2010 alone, the company was able to reach a market share of 3%, but with the opening of the new factory, this is likely to increase and possibly overtakeFordMotor Company's dominance in the region. The new model is expected to increase to 90, 000 units in 2013 within the region as well as overseas.

The meaning of general economy

The author of The Meaning of General Economy discusses the various viewpoints in the aspect of the economy. In the comparison of the production of automobiles and the general movement of the economy, the author states that people accept the fact that the interdependence is obvious and instead look at the economy as an isolatable β†’

To this day

The Indonesian Massacre of 1965 is a crime that, to this day, has not received, the rightful recognition that it deserves, from the rest of the world for the atrocity that it was. Stopping the coup within 24 hours, Suharto claimed the coup was the working of the PKI, though there was no evidence to β†’

Ken frazier case study

Basing the argument on the potential effect of such allegation to the companys future, a time curbing the spread of the claims was the most decisive action. Question 5 Among the supporting factors that lead to the appointment of Ken as the CEO is the talent he displayed in handling a crisis in defending the β†’

I.r.s. plan to uncover companies tax strategies

With that, each year the companies have to report possible tax liabilities to the IRS that they managed to avoid due to doubtful means that may be disallowed in an audit. In conclusion, the new law is a difficult pill for the big companies to swallow.

The fault in our stars book and movie review

It was a story that they turned into a movie and there is a reason why and i am going to tell you. It made me look at life a lot diffrent.but if you want to find out more your just gonna have to read the book and watch the movie.

Functional area interrelationships

Kudler Fine Foods Virtual Organization In the twenty first century, the companies that truly stay alive and make an impact on the business and markets are those that have learnt the skill of quickly adapting to changing times and technology. Analysis of Organizational Structure Kudler Fine Food's organizational structure comprises of groups of management personnel β†’

Case study enron company

A list of the five recent recommendations is summed up as follows: Rationalizing work program in detecting fraudulent and misappropriation of fallopian statements for the sake of stakeholder, the company and the economy at large. Improving the effectiveness of Audit committee Raised membership and sole audit committee responsibility and authority in the composition of audit β†’

Gun control vs gun rights

It is the need of the hour to strengthen laws and legislature regarding the sale and purchase of firearms. This is the reason enough to monitor and curtail the ownership of guns.

Suicide prevention

It's sad that someone would be able to get to the point of wanting to take his or her own life in the first place. Most of those who have thought of committing suicide would never even dare to tell someone about it, but if you are fortunate enough to know that someone close to β†’

What managerial implications can be drawn from capital structure theories for dividend policy? essay

Page 2 Capital Structural Theories Capital structural theories are designed with a concept of valuation of the firm; it is the earnings of the firm and the investments made by the firm. In order to make a dividend policy the firm should have a capital structure theory that will determine the value of the firm β†’

Case study proper procedure

Outline the specific steps Cliff should have taken with Songs prior to their meeting with Cindy to ensure the meeting went smoothly with no surprises. Cliff should have had explain to Songs prior to their meeting with Cindy, on to details of what this meeting was fully about.

Communication studies

In this way these and so much aspects constitutes of the great arena of the research on the intercultural communications whereby the research on the intercultural communication means the studyof aspects that addresses the nature of intercultural of observable interaction and the communication forms as being the major focus of the empirical investigations. The intellectual β†’

Analysis on the book uprising by margaret peterson haddix

The three characters were " Bella and Yetta and Jane," as little Harriet, the little girl Jane was being a governess to, would say. Yetta was the first of the three girls to be in the strike.

The was superior nature of presidential rule.

The idea that brings both thelarge-N design and case studies together is the practice of small-N studies. One of the main strengths of these types of studies arethat they are " specified, complex models that are sensitive to variations bytime and place".." Perils of Presidentialism" isan example of small-N analysis.

Innovation and strategic management

Moreover, though the study of the role of innovation in the strategic management, the article tries to emancipate the people regarding the need to embrace innovations in a bid to boost the business and at the same time reduce the ease of carrying out business with the aid of information technology tools for instance computers. β†’

Dimensions of service quality of burger king

Dimensions of Service Quality of Burger King Evaluation of quality service at a service provision centre is effectively done through the use of dimensions of quality including tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The reason for the assertion is that in terms of empathy, assurance, responsiveness, and tangibles the restaurant meet the quality needs fully β†’

Computing in the cotswolds

With the help of technology specialists ABK, the college developed the Gloscat Commun-IT van, a mobile computing centre taking e-learning and computer access to some of the remotest areas of the county. The Commun-IT van removes the financial implications and the headache of organising and installing costly ICT infrastructure, and also the problem of disposing β†’

One 2 one

The company has consistently had the right services available at the right time and at the right price, and continues to hold its own by being at the forefront of market innovations. Cybermation has turned out to be a key player for One 2 One." You work with us more as a partner than as β†’

Of mice and men analysis

The main moral conflict deals with George's responsibility to Lennie, and to the rest of the group. He always wanted the best for him and this was the last resort, he had to put Lennie out of his own misery.

Salem witch trials essay sample

In the year 1692 in the city of Salem, Massachusetts, the population was mainly made up of Puritan settlers, a group of English Christians who did not agree with the church of England. The first theory for the cause of the mass hysteria in Salem was based on the serious tensions within and towards the β†’

Paper or electronic?

She reports that the school saved a tremendous amount of money by converting from the use of paper to their electronic counterparts". Our species has progressed far with the invention of paper, now it is time to take a step up.

Blockbuster, marketing strategy

To compete against Netflix in the future Blockbuster needs to find a more convenient way for customers to get entertainment. By giving customers the ability to get their movies thru the mail, over the Internet, or by coming in to one of their stores, Blockbuster is providing added convenience and value to their customers.

Starbucks – case analysis and problem solving

Establishment and management of Superior Coffeehouse: Starbucks Corporation used a very sophisticated location strategy and demographic analysis to identify and capture the premium location for stores as possible its competitors could. The resources coupled with the capabilities developed by the strategy of the company have given Starbucks to develop some distinctive competencies of unique service β†’

Global management, people, and the digital divide

Global Management, People, and the Digital Divide Emergence of computers and their advanced peripherals has played a significant role in revolutionising the modern society. However, failure to access such funds continues to widen the gap between the poor and the rich, especially in regard to internet accessibility.


Autoclear evolved from the Autolean project, whose objectives were to encourage SMEs in the UK's West Midlands automotive component supply chain to use the Internet and related technology to improve the running of their businesses. The project has now become a fully-commercial venture between Perwill and Mayflower and any other hub organisations that wish to β†’

Hovertec case study sv groups

Assembling a wiring loom cause of the complexity of the task and the high risk of error, the assembly of each loom is normally carried out by one technician who takes up to ten working days to assemble a complete loom. Management Nerve swift to point out that none of the " girls" possessed expertise β†’

Jamey rodemeyer and the increase in gay bullying and suicide

His father stated to WIVB, " To kids who are bullying they have to realize that words are very powerful and what you think is just fun and games is not to some people, and you are destroying a lot of lives". The day Jamey Rodemeyer died he wrote a thank you to Lady Gaga β†’


Kraft Foods Kraft Foods is one of the largest food companies in North America's food industry since it operates an admirable beverage and food businesses in the region. Threat of new entrants The threat of new firms getting into this industry is relatively low because of the spread knowledge about the reputation of the main β†’

Issue(s) with obamacare

The purpose of the article is to analyse several sources in relation to the main topic and determine how reliable the Obama care is. Additionally, since the article states, " Obama care has a new problem" it tries to prove that although the Act had encountered problems in the past, the condition is not improving.

Business essay example

You are to present information to the investor after assessing the various economic indicators of New Zealand in terms of implications for business development. In practice this refers to the price increase in the consumer price index, which tracks the prices of a basket of goods and service consumed by the average new slanderer.

Studying gender effect on entrepreneurial intentions among business graduates

H3: Entrepreneurial intentions have a positive correlation with value: Value has a positive correlation with entrepreneurship with the value of, so we will accept H3. H7: Entrepreneurial intentions have a positive correlation with motivation to comply: Motivation to comply has a positive correlation with entrepreneurship with the value of, so we will accept H7.

Quantitative data analysis

The respondent has the option of answering male or female to the following question." What is your gender? " The subject of desire is addressed using the following question." Do you wish to go to university after the Sixth Form? The in the finish ranking scale the difference in relation to each other's positions is β†’

Why you should come to my high school

No, you get the sweet luxury of having to wear your hair up, and the best part about it is you do not even have to bring your fall clothes out. The coaches know you come for the lack of air conditioning, so they constantly will make you do workouts and exercises that more than β†’

Banning cell phones from schools

Students need cell phones to keep in contact with their parents and maybe their parents told them to keep it with them at all time's. That's why I am trying to say do not take cell phones away from school properties.

Evaluate the effectiveness of the business activities

This in turn will help to increase customer quality as they are providing a more efficient way of doing business in the manner that the queues will have become shorter and so customers will have a quick and easy route to pay for their goods/services they have bought. In order to achieve this, Sainsbury's must β†’

Persons case

Canadian women were finally considered persons because of five women from Alberta who took the case as high as the British Privy Council to make women legally persons [1]. Women are not " qualified persons" within the meaning of section 24 of the B.N.A.

Should standardized testing evaluate teachers?

One of the reasons this is not an effective system of evaluation is that these tests are often reflecting on the work of the students, not the teachers. Another reason these evaluations are harmful to education is that these assessments will make teachers " teach to the test" instead of to the full curriculum.

Anti-dumping : a growing problem in international trade assignment

They have increased in importance in recent years and will become even more important in the future as a result of the Uruguay Round and the creation of the World Trade Organization. They have a chilling effect on price competition and cause the prices on a wide range of products to be higher than it β†’

Text (chapter 7)

of Recruiting, motivating and maintaining quality employees The success of a business is determined by the type of employees put at work in various sectors. The quality of output by each employee, according to her is determined by the level of motivation from the management.

Personality case study

He is very interested in football, everyone likes him because of his height, kind personality and childish face, has good manners. There are some problems among the family in terms of unity and in short height.

Lesson plan for elementary and intermediate students

At the start of the lesson, greet students and initiate the speaking activity with the questions on the board, elicit an answer from the students in SPIT. At the start of lesson, greet the students, give out worksheet and tell them to listen to a song to fill in the blanks with the parts in β†’

Free trade of americas case

The basis of this paper is to answer the question whether the establishment of the Free Trade of Americas with Latin America, Central America and the Caribbean, would be beneficial for advancing the economy of the United States. Currently, the United States is operating in two FTAs, namely North American Free Trade Agreement and the β†’

The yellow wallpaper as an attack on radical feminism

She is describing the way the color looks to her of the wallpaper and how the color of it is disgusting and how it almost sickens her. Jane saw the woman behind the wallpaper many times and she even tried to show her husband and Mary the woman but they did not see it.

Fashionably early: the context and consequences of the flapper movement

The Flapper Movement of the 1920s embodied these demands, transforming women's request for opportunities and liberties into a full-fledged livelihood, securing women's power to use fashion as form of personal expression, and abolishing fashion's historic use of corsets, headwear, and undergarments as the swords of sexism. These factors include the First Great War, the emergence β†’


Though shareholders are considered separately from corporate entity and they are not held liable in company law, particular rules should be devised to hold shareholders responsible for their own obligations to the company irrespective of the company form. However, commerce would not be better served if the investors of a company were held responsible for β†’


This is the quote that Mohandas Gandhi said during one of his speeches, and was one of the quotes that had inspired Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, and Adolf Hitler were prime aspects of heroic leaders.


This has a net effect of overcrowding of the scientific field leading to competition hence resulting in increased number of retractions. All this has led to competition in the scientific world with grants being offered to a section of scientists only.


He seems to have a great passion and enthusiasm for the subject he is teaching a quality in teachers which I greatly admire. I hope he continues to be just as awesome of a teacher as he has already proven to be, and that he continues to learn and grow throughout all of his experiences.

What you need to know about quantitative risk analysis

Quantitative risk analysis is one type of analysis, but it usually follows after Qualitative Risk Analysis. When you need to know the risks of failure for a large project, consider doing a quantitative risk analysis.

Do the temples you have studied. bear out tomlinson’s view that there was a “lack of innovation in greek architecture?”

The temple of Zeus at Olympia for example, is one of the earliest temples to be built. The pediments of the temple showed two very legendary scenes: the pediment in the East showed the chariot race between Pelops and Oinomaos, and in the West a battle between Lapiths and Centaurs is depicted.

Ask ben from one tiger to another: pajama jam

What should I wear? As for what to wear, I think a lot of people are taking this way too seriously.

Cross cultural management

In the western culture, people go in at the business meeting and start talking business immediately. The two cultures are different in terms of business and social ethics.

Small-business owner

This memo mirrors the framework of the training, evaluation, benefits and compensation policies of the company. With the same business in mind, create a motivational and labor-relations strategy.

Business loans

Whereas it is important to take note from investing point of view that interest rates whether simple or compound must be reasonably higher for receiving higher returns in the long term. In a nutshell, all savings of earnings which appear in the form of investments in stocks, shares, corporate bonds, annuities, purchase equipment or buildings β†’

Is going to college and incurring debt worth it?

Majority of high schoolers choose to go to college and to get their degree and then put that degree into use when getting a job after college. Just imagine all of that time and labor investment they put in there high school days to just go a get a job and not putting all of β†’

Children’s literature

The axiomatic fact that, yes, a child's mind is underdeveloped, and that they do not think twice about certain matters serves as another aspect. Thunder Cake, and Pink and Say both transcends the stereotype that children literature can not be deemed as real literature.


This paper will use Goodpaster's views to analyze the mission statement that, " the organization aims at treating its stakeholders fairly and ensuring that they get maximum satisfaction". Therefore, the mission statement is ethically correct because it states that the firm aims at treating its stakeholders fairly.

Good ole acme corporation case analysis

This paper is intended to present the analysis of the employment practice Good Old Acme Corporation allowed to materialize in the underpayment of female employees. If the President were able to perform an investigation and uncover legitimate reasons for the disparity in pay, the wage issue would be an ethical issue and not a β†’

Case study on waste management

Waste managementis the complex of decisions and actions aimed at the high-quality control of the wastes of all kinds and reducing the impact of pollution. A good case study should be interesting and convincing in order to persuade people in the importance of the wise and well-organized policy of waste management for the health β†’

A problem racial and cultural critique in richard wright’ works

For the sake of the story, it also shows that Dave feels inferior to the other workers in the field, and is quick to insult them because of this. The gun in this story is a definite symbol of manhood.

The flaws of today’s education system

The education system's attempt to conform the way students think and control every aspect of their learning and life is causing more harm than good. Students should be guided to become the optimal, personalized version of themselves, not limited to being defined by grades and their struggle succeeding in a flawed education system.

Aquaculture: our future of food

Therefore, the practice of aquaculture is a sustainable method of food production that both satisfy the growing appetite of the modern world while supplementing the world with economic, social and environmental benefits". In the past, rich resources of fish and marine life have supported the fishing industry and the mouths in the world.

Creative thinking

A creative thinking class would not be fruitful as the very nature of a traditional classroom setting and a set curriculum go against the very essence of creativity. A school could never recognize creativity for what it is because the school system is too rigid, and therefore a creative thinking class in school would not β†’

Comparative analysis of judaism and christianity

Prayers are said and then everyone says the Lord's prayer and then everyone will line up and go to the front of the church for communion where they will drink the wine which symbolizes the blood of Jesus and eat the bread which symbolizes the body. Judaism and Christianity are similar in the way where β†’

Leadership question 3

The authors' central lessons in the chapters four and five of their book " Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice" are based on explaining the philosophy of leadership. Rather, the ultimate criteria of leadership should be extended to a viable social system in which the workers and the system itself become more capable over time.

The impacts of taobao on e-business in china

Because of special advantages of TAOBAO, it boosted development of e-business and brought a lot effects for e-business. The strategy is in the huge extent of encouraging enterprises and private retail to accede to e-business and bring a change of expending.

Benidorm study

The marina hotel is in Benidorm near the beach I am doing this study because I have to, in this study I will investigate problems the tourist industry has on Benidorm, cover people's opinions, work out possible solutions to some problems. I hope you enjoy my geographal adventure into Benidorm.location Marina hotel Marina hotel β†’

Animals on strike

As you can see domestic violence is a terrible everywhere and an even bigger problem in the HSUS because there trying to lower the number of animal abusement and it is just getting higher. On the other hand, it is also not fair to the animal itself.

Sexual education in schools

Usealy teens loose trust in there parents and run off with there boyfriend/girlfriend and they think sex is the answer to everything. Young teens think that if you have sex with a condom nothing will happen but their wrong.

Business ratio

Liquidity ratio The current ratio Is an indication of a firm's market liquidity and ability to meet creditor's demands. Exact and YET have a current ratio that Is 1, 1632 and 1.

Second networking group

Second networking group The second plan in selecting a market targets is to critically evaluate the different market segments, in order to select the more attractive market group. The second group had smart objectives to bulldoze competitors in the market The group also showed greater signs of growth.

Social impact scholarship (mba scholarship)

With a Hult MBA, I would achieve these skills and help nonprofit organizations make approaches for spurring the targeted development. Finally, my Hult MBA would aid in the development of a system for lifelong effect.

Persuasive request

To reduce ones insurance costs while improving health at the same time employees are advised to join the fitness program. This is a huge opportunity for us to cut down insurance costs and improve the health status of the employees.

Uncovering the blind spot article

Scharmer's strategy for bridging the gap is supported by Marquis and Huston's concepts of " problem solving" and " critical thinking". As the team leader, I isolated myself, analyzed the situation, and decided to persuade the team against the boycott and to outline to them the most appropriate strategy for solving the problem, an approach β†’

Case study of karen

The ego has the quality of being conscious and is responsible for controlling the demands of the id and of the instincts, becoming aware of stimuli, and serving as a link between the id and the external world. The goal of the therapy is to help Karen modify the behavior that results in her feelings β†’

The perils of obedience

The objective of this experiment is to monitor the level at which the subject will proceed on inflicting pain to the learner through obedience of the instructor's opinion. The results showed that a majority of people proceeded to the highest level of shock.

Buying things to solve personal problems

For me, it is always good to have a cup of coffee with a friend and to discuss my problems; the solution come spontaneously. Thus, buying things as a solution to emotional and personal problems is not the only way out.

Modern business assignment

Then, it takes the analysis one step further by elucidating the historical origins of differences in national institutions and corporate capabilities, and by considering the long-term relationship between trends in the international economy, the economic development of nations, and the nature of business systems. Considering the relationship between trends in the international economy, the economic β†’

“the gift of the magi” analysis

Henry makes a statement about gift giving in his short story " The Gift of the Magi." State what he says about gift giving and [discuss two ways he uses the story to make his statement.] In " The Gift of the Magi" O. Henry's statement that the wisest gift are those from the heart β†’

Critical analysis – youth violence

The author has included examples of youth violence and compared the percentage of the homicide rate from 1988 to 1994. Youth violence can be seen in every country, most of the violent behaviour is caused by the failure in our social institutions.

Starbucks business report

Although this expansion in the market meant that Cataracts would have more competition, Cataracts only profited from the Increased customer base In the following years and decades. Although this was a great way to expand the company and increase products, employees have recently been complaining about certain drawbacks of the new addition to Cataracts.

Productivity, efficiency and economic growth in china

The above reason clearly indicates that the appreciation of the renminbi against the dollar as a result of dropping the fixed exchange rate system does not necessarily mean that the country's economy is at stake. Of all the exits from the peg exchange system, only ten cases involve exits that led to the appreciation of β†’

Analysing the profitability and liquidity of super assignment

Comparability According to Johnson, comparability is the ability for ' users to compare similar companies in the same industry group and to make comparisons of performance over time'. As for the horizontal comparability, we can see that in the same year of 2011, the SOL's PM is 8.

British telecom case study

SOOT analysis was conducted to show the state of BET in business as a brand and its opportunities in new technology and markets in contrast to the decreased volume of fixed calls and another problem to resolve the huge amount of debts. Hence, a Marketing Information System was obviously the best alternative upon the goals β†’

Business users and households: activeion portable

The product is different from the rest of the products in the market. Synergy with the market mix 5.

Having a good washdown printer enclosure

If you use your printer in a dusty environment or a place where water can be splashed on it or even rain water gets into contact with your printer, you need to have a quality enclosure protecting it. To avoid this, use a quality enclosure to protect your printer.

Business law case study part of ibis

Defense may also argue assumption of the risk, however, Alex is aware that skiing is a dangerous sport that can inflict bodily arm but he exercised the proper caution while skiing and should not have to be subjected to obstacles and dangerous situations due to the negligence of IBIS. There is a clear case for β†’

Inditex analysis 2011

53% of sales are generated in Asia and the Rest of World, and the group's heavy exposure to the European market is one of the most important risk factors for Inditex, especially if the European debt crisis continues. The principal trade-off in this business model, from the standpoint of the gross margin, is the resulting β†’

The mother of modern dance

Known as " The Mother of Modern Dance", Martha Graham innovated a new system of movement, which is a series of " contract and release". As part of Martha Graham's technique, she used the method of breathing through movement called " contract and release".