Quality Business Essay Examples for Your Learning

An overview of the pestel framework

The aim is to assess how exactly the factors influence business performance. Managers can choose any based on the nature of the firm and the factors they wish to study.

Contemporary issues in managing human resources business essay

We have come to a conclusion that to achieve workforce diversity, managers will need 5 keys that will enable them to manage a diversity team in its most effective and efficient way for the company. One of the differences that managers are about to make is supporting the affinity groups that sent out a positive →

Recruitment plan free essay example

It gives employers the opportunity to learn more about the background, experience and education of the potential employees. Interviews: gives us an opportunity to assess the strengths and weaknesses of potential employees.

Do you actually like volunteering?

People who volunteer for community service are supposed to be offering themselves to undertake some purpose to impact members in a community in a positive way, to teach themselves how to be responsible citizens by contributing to the community. Are community service hours and awards not part of that impression they are trying to make?

Case study organizational behavior

The captain of the police department is trying to convince a group of young police officers who lack the motivation and role perception to do proper paper work for every case they undertake, in order to avoid poor outcomes in court. In this case study, a local police department in a large city is facing →

Stop bullying

The New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights is a brilliant new law and is 100% necessary, considering how serious and endless bullying has become in the school setting. Bullying is a serious epidemic in the school setting.

Natural disasters narrative essay

Natural disasters happen at least once a year and to most of the countries surrounded by water, or in the southern part of the states. That was a crisis that affected a country as a whole, lots of people died and the city was put into an economic downturn until they had the money to →


Buying the materials and maintaining the groupware is always challenging, because it requires a lot of money to purchase and effectively maintain them. It is simple and easy to use by all the stakeholders.iv) It promotes overdependence on a particular groupware provider.

From poverty to power: the inspiring story of tomas rivera

After the Rain: Tomas Rivera, the Legacy and Life UCTV University of California Television.N.p, n.d.Web. After the Rain: Tomas Rivera, the Legacy and Life UCTV University of California Television.N.p, n.d.Web.

Deprived a chance

Imagine a person who came from a school that is probably not the best is offered the chance to get a good education, compared to a student who has already gotten some of the best education the country has to offer. They have already had the chance to get a good education and it will →

The act

It would be a shame to live in a country where students are encouraged to attend college and follow their dreams, yet there was a major road block standing in in the way of many of their dreams. Those students who are disadvantaged and cannot afford to pay $40 for an ACT test, or end →

Logistics and supply chains networks

Due to the dynamics in the fast-paced business world, firms are rapidly adopting a responsive model, and this significantly affects the logistic processes and the supply chain. Therefore, a consolidated view of transportation and logistics within the supply chain is imperative to adopt the right model in operation.

Discussion board

Running Head: Advent of Internet Advent of Internet and Organizational Behavior Submission Advent of Internet and Organizational Behavior Question How has the advent of the Internet changed organizational behavior? Internet and communication technology has enabled the policy makers and managers to accomplish integration of diverse information of the organizational functionary.

Smart grid

Study the product portfolio of ABB and its competitors; if feasible take a survey to understand and analyze the needs of utility consumers and suggest what enhancements and additional features that ABB can provide to its customers to compete in the market with its product portfolio, in this smart grid era. Then analyze the merits →

Case study university of phoenix material

Case Study you will find the answers on the next questions: What steps of the scientific method does Linda Incorporate into this activity? What different answers do students provide to the Inquiry question between the first and second experiment?

Gcse music analysis peripetie-schoenberg

Peripetie is the fourth of his Five Orchestral Pieces, and this set work was of an experimental nature, and required a large orchestra.* First performance was given in 1912 in Proms, London.* The title means ' A sudden reversal'- refers to the fact that ideas from the start of the movement return in reverse order →

Muslim phobia

The differences in the belief system of the Muslims have little cause on Muslim phobia. This is the cultural aspect of the Muslim community that leads to the arousal of disapproval and prejudice among the Americans, as well as the whole world at large.

Business forecasting

In general, the larger the sample size, the more confidence there is in the sample representing the population data. With the proper use of these statistical tools a business forecaster can take a process or a set of data points representing the past sales history and calculate a reasonably accurate forecast to use for business →

The business ethics

The future of the business is determined by the current trends of business social responsibility- the obligation of a company to recognize the expectation of the society in its decision making. Lack of business ethic in a company will greatly affect the the trust of the stakeholders and customer satisfaction eroding the royalty of investors, →

Personal narrative – moving

I had lived my whole life in that house and I did not want to leave what I had always known. In the beginning, it was just a crazy idea to me and I thought there was no way that we would ever move.

A life filled with needles

Would it be worth it to regulate food consumption every day, to be consistently tired and fatigue every day, to live with diabetes every day, and to stick a needle in flesh every day? Diabetes is not an illness to take lightly of, it has the capability of destroying organs and destroying lives.

Swot analysis examples for every business situation

However, before you start using a SWOT Analysis template and check out SWOT analysis examples, it is important to understand what this analytical method is all about. This analysis is used to list down favorable and unfavorable factors that go against a particular situation.

Wal-mart case

Wal-Mart Case Wal-Mart's sources of cost advantage Wal-Mart sells its products at relatively lower prices than its competitors since most of its products are produced cheaply in China and thus its suppliers supply the goods at lower prices. Do those sources of cost advantage enable Wal-Mart to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage in the U.

Global financial management

Carlos studied the problem and established that the starting of new assembling plants in the foreign countries would save the company from unnecessary costs. To reduce the entire production cost of its vehicles, CEO encouraged to source spares from suppliers; this reduced the costs of employees and further shifted the risks to the suppliers accordingly.

Generally accepted accounting principles

These should be upheld regardless of the principle of accounting used as they are important for uniformity of data as well as comparability of accounting information. For instance, the principle of consistency requires that a business must identify a method of accounting that it uses to treat a certain item in their line of production.

Alzheimer’s disease: find it before it finds you

Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative, progressive disease that affects the memory, cognitive abilities, and behavior of an individual. 3 Oct.2013." Recognizing Alzheimer's Disease".

Social enterprises

An example of social entrepreneurshipTake the case of a non governmental organization, the Spastics Society of India. Social entrepreneurship: A critical review of the concept.

The pro athletes

It can be noted that most of these athletes do give their money and time to charitable purposes. It is clear that having pro athletes as role models can be of immense beneficial to the youths.

Project 1

The incentives provided for self-policing are huge cutback or the removal of the gravity component of civil penalties, the settlement of not putting forward the criminal execution of the disclosing entity and abstaining from daily audit appeal. The violation must be disclosed within 20 days after the discovery to EPA.

What are the three levels at which a product can be seen?

The first economic use of the word was by Adam Smith, known as the father of modern economics.-Kotler et al For marketers, it is useful to divide the product into three main categories, being the Core Product, the Actual product and the Augmented Product. The Actual Product: This is the physical product into which the →

Ford case study

Assess consequences of decision: In the second step, the auditor assesses the consequences of the potential alternatives. Assess risks and uncertainties of the audit problem: In the third step, the auditor assesses the risks and uncertainties in the situation.

Case study statement of problem

At the end of the meeting Debbie discussed the meeting to one of her fellow supervisors, saying she gives them a chance to talk in the meetings but there is never a response. At the beginning of the meeting Debbie can explain why this meeting was called for and that she Is expecting to give →

Character analysis john proctor- the crucible

He is ashamed of this, and clearly shows that he does not want to repeat such an incident in the future." Put it out of mind, Abby". Despite the fact that he did not abide by the rules once, he does come across as someone who does so most of the time, and expects this →

Lack of parental concern

The increasing trend of substance use and abuse amongst the adolescents has been well attributed to the parents' ignorance about the fact of their children ever-engaging in the substance use and abuse. To them, the aspect of conforming to the societal norms is a way that is considered to be out of fashion and out →

Read. regurgitate. repeat.

The opportunity to receive an education, ability to go to school and to learn was simply not a fact of life for people centuries ago like it is today. Why when I walk down the halls of my school do I not see the faces of teenagers eager to get back in class and learn →

Clark atlanta university

The guy told me all the interesting things about the colleges but did not tell me too much because we were going to visit the college. Visiting the college made me happy and I am really considering for that to be one of the college I would want to go to.

A turning point in my life

I am randomly selected out of a group of one to go to the airport, pass all the security checkpoints, and depart from the airport with my family member. September 11th, 2001 is a day that will unfortunately be remembered throughout the world, and the shocking realization that other countries are jealous at our way →

Essay on the organizational change

The resistance that always comes in such cases is usually magnanimous and that is why it is essential to study the organization and the change process. Studies have provided various clues to the way a change in organization is bound to affect the employees depending on the size, age of the organization and momentum of →

Cassius: the persuader

After reading the play, it is obvious that by the end of Julius Caesar, Cassius has succeeded to persuade Brutus to turn against Caesar by reminding him that he is trustworthy, tearing down Caesar's character and strength, sending him fake letters of admiration, and building up his ego to make him feel popular. To do →

Swot analysis: using business strengths and weaknesses to increase customer satisfaction

To give a well-rounded overview of how to use SWOT analysis for a boost in customer satisfaction, we will start with the Strengths and Weaknesses first. It's best to use strengths and weakness analysis to identify the aspects of your business customers are satisfied with, but also what they dislike.

Conditions of african slaves

Chica de Silva always sought the social placement of her and her children in the bosom of local elite. She become the owner of many slaves and lived near to the local people.

Life decisions (i swear this isn’t as boring as it may sound)

I do not think he knew that he would one day go down in history, so why do I have to know. I would like to think that one day I too will sit enthroned in our nation's capital, be remembered, or win a Nobel Peace Prize, but how am I to know?

Bilingual education

To start off, bilingual education is beneficial to the students acquisition of knowledge. Access to a more diverse range of information and the ability to open up one's mind is just a few of them and thus, one can conclude that bilingual education is essential without a doubt.

How to plan a party

If you have the party in your backyard you will need to make sure your backyard is big enough for your guests to fit comfortably. You need to pick a theme you want for your party.

Marriott case solution

Wilson's viewpoint is for Mariott to have a high leverage ratio to approximately 40-45% and since the company is doing exceptionally well, it should not affect the firm's ability to pay its obligation in the future while maximizing benefit from unused debt capacity.Mr. Althought it does not change the cost of debt term in weighted →

Analysis of the first 3-5 minutes of sin city

This may tell the audience the look of the film, the focus then immediately changes to the woman in the red dress which makes the audience wonder why everything else is in black and white and only her dress is light up. Soon as she puts the cigarette to her red lips and there is →

Documentary film making

A thesis must be established by the documentary maker before the commencement of text construction whereby the process of making the documentary can be seen as the confirmation of their own ideas. The intention of this method is to make the documentary viewers fill like they are eye witnesses of the occurrences and events displayed →

The lottery, marxist criticism

The first Marxist Criticism is the positions of power and what they mean to the people in them. Summers being in a position of power also seemed to irritate the older members of the society".

Gandhi’s perseverance

In South Africa, Gandhi faced many injustices based upon his ethnicity; his reaction to those injustices was the beginning of the formation of his nonviolent philosophies that he brought to the Indian independence movement. In leading the Indian independence movement, Gandhi applied Satyagraha and encouraged his followers of the movement to do so as well →


This ensured dominating power of the government, and Lenin thought this was correct for his platform. Because of this, Stalin was appointed to the newly formed position of General Secretary.

Profits and supply and demand

Profits and Supply and Demand al Affiliation The project is of an idea by having the concept ment and justification to the financier as well as even looking at the feasibility analysis by checking the profitability of the business and stating projections. The overview of the idea, the profit and profitability, milestones and then the →


It bridges the gap, conveys the message to the listener and provides the speaker with either a positive or negative feedback which further enables the person to overcome the issues and elements of miscommunication. Analysis of the Article: In an article, " Effective Communication-That is just what I mean" by Santosh Sachdeva, the author has →

Managing change – case study analysis

The main changes in the external environment are the drop in the prices in the global market consecutively for many years resulted in the decrease in the profits and the profitability of the company. Right form of information will guide the personal to the desired output.

Problems with john

Since John has demonstrated and can continue to have great value to the firm, my suggestion would be the following: Have a meeting with John Express touch that we value him, and appreciate his service to the company. Express to John that it would be very unfair to other employees, in his and there departments, →

Mcdonald’s is managing stock

As customer tastes change, McDonald's needs to increase the range of new products it offers, so the challenge of reducing waste becomes even greater. Rhea new system In 2004, McDonald's introduced a specialist central stock management function known as the Restaurant Supply Planning Department.

Oshawa case study

Ezekiel or whom it may concern; am a student at JODI, and have spent some time in the downtown area; as a student of environmental science, I have noticed that there are not any recycling depots managed by the city in the downtown area. I am not sure if economic stimulus is needed for such →

Globalization criticism

The media and especially the internet have facilitated the flow of information across the globe, and currently, one can know what is happening at a distant nation simply pressing the right button. Communication is a crucial aspect in economic globalization since it facilitates the transfer of information concerning trade from one point to another.

The challenge of intangibles

An incentive for the assessing and recording the worth of intangibles at the corporate level normally revolves around the assertion that many modern companies are ' knowledge-based' in that they generate key cash flow sources from their input in intangibles, and not mostly from the conventional utilization of material resources and a moderately low skilled →

Canceling art and music education.

Just think the kids would be affected the most and some teachers would be out of a job. Some kids may no ever have the chance to be in art and music.

Business in cleveland city

The varieties of the housing units in the city serve the mixed population that comprises the low, middle, and high-income social classes. Major hotels and tourist resorts in the city include Radisson Hotel, The Westin Cleveland, and Wyndham Cleveland hotels.

Organizational profile

The social initiative of this partnership is to boost the government's disaster management calibre, heighten the dependability and variance of the disaster workforce, encourage the morality of service, widen education and economic uplifting of the adult population, and attain major cost-efficiencies for the American tax-payer. When it comes to moral or ethical effects of FEMA's →

Management information system case study

They opened a small production facility in Carbondale which has since expanded to house 120 works involved in production, designing engineering and a corporate sales and administrative staff of close to 20 employees. Dirt Bikes uses a small public relation firm to place articles about new products and the company' story in the magazines.

Abc on plant performance

In contrast to earlier research that estimates the direct impact of ABC on plant performance, we develop an alternative research model to study the role of world-class manufacturing practices as a mediator of the impact of ABC. 12 A0.03 0.02 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.06 0.00 1.00 0.19 0.00 0.39 0.11 1.

Unfair education system for english

It's the grammar and the usage of the language of which the invigilators should be concerned of. I would appreciate if the board stops judging our opinions and give us marks for the proper usage of the language.

Global financial markets assignment

The main trend and events influencing the performance of the stock market in the country you are analyzing In order to analyses the US Stock market, I will be focusing on the S&P 500 Index. The graph also shows as soon as the bear market started and due to the excessive exposure to the housing →

Young goodman brown analysis essay

Fate in the Hands of the Devil Through a vivid portrayal of a dismal and foreboding mood, Hawthorne sets the background for Goodman Brown's grueling battle with faith. Further, Hawthorne establishes the mood of the story by focusing on Goodman Brown's loneliness.

Case study on missed abortion

During the case of the missed abortion the fetus, which is surrounded by the amniotic fluid, exfoliates from the uterine wall and is released from the uterine cavity under the womb's muscle contraction. Miscarriage can occur because of the incompatibility of the woman's and her fetus' blood; intoxication which occurs in the second half of →

Persuasive essay: how to improve your english

A good way to improve pronunciation is often to watch English movies in which people are speaking properly. Reading is also important in learning new words, as is looking up words you do not know in a dictionary so that you will be able to use them yourself.

“the man who was almost a man” racial criticism

It is clear that black characters are treated as inferior to white characters; this is made apparent through Dave's language, differences in social status of the characters, and relations between races. Dave, an average black child, is put in a situation where his manhood is given to him, tested, and revoked when he fails the →

Please stop this

Many people say the main focus is learning and education, but I see many different things going on in my school. So my one question is: Who is going to stop this before we lose anymore teens to suicide or drug and alcohol abuse?

Are the business day rules and regulation

The government will be in charge to enforce the rules to every booth in the event. The rules and regulations are made for a reason that is to keep the event organized and safe.

Queen nefertiti

This left Nefertiti in a awkward situation with her six daughters as Egypt' s people thought that this was the time to strike and get revenge on Nefertiti for what she did to the people of Egypt making them become monotheism. The reason why is when her husband died and she disappeared Egypt decided to →


What separated me from my peers then, and still does, is why I no longer felt waking up and going to school was something that i needed to do. Right now, i know what i want to do with life, and being home schooled keeps me focused, and keeps a passion for education inside of →

General motors

Although the turn of events that led to GM's bankruptcy had been predictive, critics were of the view that the sole reasons for the automobile giant's fall was hidden in its managerial faults as well as sudden upsurge of the global economic downturn. The bankruptcy of General Motors: A giant falls.

Week 6 – application assignment: the art of persuasion wrokplace

This recruitment manager will be working for you on an ongoing basis, just like your regular worker, other than the fact that he will be working from a distant location, conducting interviews and charging you less than what you pay to your current recruitment manager. 13 Persuasive Email, Meeting Schedule From: Dina Waterman To: All →

Associative property essay sample

Associative property comes from the root word " associate" which basically refers to the grouping of numbers, terms or operations we apply. When we are asked to apply the associative property of numbers, this means they want us to regroup things.

Case study in ob

They decided to distribute the macro to the other members of the group and swore them to secrecy. If it happens that the team leader was earlier informed, maybe he had been able to be a mediator and they had not come up with an ineffective decision.3.

“the sky’s the limit”

If the sky is truly the limit, what can be done to achieve this goal? The sky is all around us, and by telling our kids the sky is the limit, what are we truly saying?

Free essay on uniforms

We should keep wearing uniforms because if we stop wearing them it's going to cause more issues, such as bullying, plus the students are going to care more about what they wear then what they are supposed to be doing in school. How they are going to be distracted on what they are wearing then →

Argumentative: topic-daily homework essay

In conclusion, homework is a crucial part of students' education. Students deserve to have a more wholesome education and homework will guarantee that.

A research on the reputations of two companies

For a company to achieve a good reputation, they get involved with the community that they serve. Conclusion To both companies, it is important to note that their reputation depends on the quality of customer service that they provide.

Water to land

Thanks to the scientists study tsunamis to limit the death by using the sensors. I think they are explaining that the sensors in the ocean help to give out an early warning of a tsunami about to happen.

The challenge of foreign competition essay

Whether foreign competition is beneficial or not really depends in the state of a country's economy, or how well a company is prepared to face foreign and domestic competition. Conclusion Whether protectionism or free trade favors a country and its businesses or not depends primarily on the state of the economy and how well an →

Priceline case study

The Company also operate a price-disclosed hotel service in the united States, which enables the customers to select the hotel they want to book and the price of the reservation is disclosed prior to booking. The Company also offer the customers In the united States the ability to purchase retail airline tickets at disclosed prices →

Don’t take someone’s life

Using a phone while driving is very dangerous for the person driving and the people around that person. Are not injury, death, brain problems, amputations, and the loss of a loved one through death or life debilitating injury enough to make people stop using cell phones while driving?

School narrative essay

I know there are even some people who probably have to get up before me so I know they feel my pain when I say the hours in which school starts to us are unreasonable. I will get to the lunch problem soon but let's talk about these tests and quizzes they have us taking →

Theology 202 study guide 1

Bibliography is the theology of scripture Theology proper is the theology of God Christology is the theology of Christians Pneumatology is the theology of the Holy Spirit Anthropology is the theology of History What is total depravity? To what is the validity of one's faith measured?

Legal studies hsc essay plan

How is Justice achieved balance: equality, access, fairness Consider It is often said that the criminal Justice system works in favour of the accused and neglects the rights of the victims. Many factors must be considered when evaluating the effectiveness of the law in achieving Justice for all those involved in the criminal Justice system.

Food for thought

Schools should not prohibit eating and drinking outside of the lunchroom because hunger hampers learning more than eating in class, some students can not follow the lunch schedule for health reasons, and students' extended hunger can lead to overeating. The more that students eat outside of the lunchroom, the more crumbs, wrappers and spills there →

My decision to attend college essay

I have proven while working in the military that I can hold my own in the company of the best trained men in the world so I have no reason to fail in the same field once I become a civilian. It is my hope that upon the completion of this course, I will have →

Ikea case analysis

The corporate value of the company is to provide quality products while improving the quality of life. Question 4 The significant problem in IKEA is that the company is facing challenges on social shift as the technological innovations occur at a rapid rate.

A case of mistreatment at work

It continues to tell us how the two decided to confront her that afternoon to ask whether she had a problem with them. She told her that the organization had no morals at all and mistreatment, especially to people of color was the order of the day.

Intechnology plc

Executive summary: Technology challenge: To create a unified solution to manage and analyse the billable and non-billable time and performance of consultants, engineers and pre-sales staff across the organisation. But moving forward, the new solution provides us with a baseline by which to measure any future operational changes and to gauge the overall state of →

Case study al & fungus customers

In order for Al & Fun to execute on its promise to deliver added value to Its customers, the skills and competencies they must have Is rapid delivery of product. Most of their larger clientele Is In the fashion Industry and the need for a fast turn around of the product Is Imperative.

Purchase of goods and materials

The basic difference between the purchase of services and goods Is that, the services requires more professional knowledge and experience to evaluate Its performance. I want to change the Supplier Selection and Evaluation Matrix a little bit.

Descriptive essay: technology in our lives

The radiation goes away the millisecond the device stops, and all of it is trapped in the microwave box. For your information, the metallic pieces in your food are the minerals you need to live, not to mention the fact that salt is a metal.