Quality Business Essay Examples for Your Learning

Impact of work life imbalance on the productivity of workers in saudi public sector

Participation information sheet Name: ______________________________________________ Subject: _____________________________________________ It is to invite you to participate in the study that is conducted to determine the impacts of work life imbalance on the productivity of workers in Saudi. The main purpose of this study is to determine the impacts of work imbalances and its influences on the performance β†’

Employee health and wellness programs (ehwp)

Maylunas, 2005) Employee Health Wellness Program Examples of Employee Health and Wellness programs There are varieties of programs available to assist employees overcome habits that would interfere with their personal health. Employee Health The number of sick employees in the company would be a measure of the success of the wellness programs.

Unit assessment 5 professionalism

However, when offered a gift in such an environment, it is not easy to know the best approach, that is, whether to accept the gift or not. A nurturing environment makes employees feel that they are cared for and that their welfare is well considered by the organization.

Gp3 performance management and employee services

The performance management system will comprise of weekly performance reports, the start of the week objectives accomplishment and clearly defined goals and objectives to be accomplished in a given time frame which may last between a weekly plan to fortnight plan to monthly plan. Part 2: The performance management program which is based on effective β†’

The concept of leadership

Another facet of leadership is the calculation work undertaken in making leadership work visible to a range of audiences. And make the principles of effective leadership a true test of character.

Love, forgiveness, and trust: critical values of the modern leader

It is one of the most universal emotions that are displayed by human beings, and it is found in all the cultures of the world. Such activities are always extremely valuable to such individuals, and they involve an immense deal of dedication and these can be harnessed for the benefit of the organization.

Change in my career or major

This will greatly help in increasing the productivity of the workers which in turn will increase the quality of the products and services of the organization. This change will add value in my career in that I will be able to fully use my proven and excellent planning and organizational skills and well-developed listening and β†’

Work with the clients

Another intern is still busy and that means I have to step in and assist in cleaning up. After finishing, I go to the donation center, where I find too many clothes heaped together like a mountain.

Define tqm

Total quality management can apparently be defined as an organizational wide effort that seek to instill employment permit changes with regards the climate the organization, the means through which it integrates with itself, the means through which it integrates with the consumer, and the means through which the overall quality of the products or services β†’

An assessment of training

ROI assessment of training ROI assessment of training Explanations behind assessment of training To accept preparing as a business device To legitimize the expenses caused in preparing To help enhance the configuration of preparing. Degree of profitability as a measure Degree of profitability is a measure of the fiscal profits acquired by an association more β†’

Failing to build effective team and teamwork

The article also uses RIM to illustrate the effect of weak leadership and management in organizations. The two leaders failed to build effective teams and offer the right leadership to the company.

Serology international employee training

Tom Turblin has been assigned the role of selecting the most qualified employee to lead the new division that is going to be charged with the production of the kit.Dr. Tom decides that he will first begin with a re-evaluation of the academic qualification of all the employees that are employed by the firm.

Hearts and minds (1974)

This documentary relies on interviews of many common and important people related to the Vietnam War, interviews of a number of soldiers and policy makers, and many important civil and military leaders directly linked to the Vietnam War. It exposes the prejudices and biases of the American civil and military leadership that managed and conducted β†’

Job search in liberator medical supply inc

Your desired job title in 10 years if you took this position: AdministratorDuties or scope of your job in 10 years: The job may enable one to initiate a company where he/she can be an administrator. Your desired job title in 10 years if you took this position: senior accountantDuties or scope of your job β†’

#3 480

Job Analysis for an HRD Practitioner Skills: The roles of HRD practitioner are grouped into three major areas: consultancy, activities related to learning and management of HRD. Additionally, it is the responsibility of the HRD practitioner to ensure that an organization's objectives have been achieved.

Upholding ethics at siggy clear energy

Enforcing the new ethics programs Seeing the changes that need to be made in order to improve the company, the Learning Team suggests the following in order to address the needed changes in the Ethics program within the company: gaining proper feedbacks from company employees and ethical training for employees. In order to get results β†’

Hr strategic planning module 1 discussion

One of the concrete example where the various department and functions intersect with each other is through a project which is increasingly becoming common in business organizations. Projects are typically composed of people in the organization from various departments with different background and skillsets working together in order to achieve the goal of the project.

In the file

Management training and development Summary The reflection about management training and development is important at the moment especially because many organization across the world struggles to overcome the legacy of mismanagement. A balance between theory and practice is one of the issues in training and development.

Ethical dilemas

The next step is for the Director of Sales to indentify the the duties owe to the stakeholders especially the employees, and to ensure that everyone is happy. Some of the duties are following the company's protocols to reduce the liability for the company, making sure that employees can do their job in a safe β†’

Developed profile of an employee

In the highly competitive global business, it is very important to keep abreast of changes and upgrading your skills has become an intrinsic part of environmental changes. Last but not the least important are the entrepreneurial initiatives of the workers which add value to the organizational visions and goals.

Employment testing and human resource management

Ajila and Linus Okafor explore the historical antecedents of psychological testing, basic testing concepts, the types of tests used in industry, and the relevance of these tests in the field of Human Resource Management. While Ajila and Okafor give a detailed and informative account of employment testing, the relevance of such testing in Human Resource β†’

Human resource development as the expansion of human capital in an organization

Human Resources Development As a theory, Human Resources development is a framework which deals with the expansion of human capital in an organization. Human Resources development can also be explained as the assimilated use of career development, training and organization in order to improve organization, group and individual effectiveness.

Luis angel perez v. the new york and presbyterian hospital

Nunez observed the plaintiff speaking to a patient in a room in Spanish and had an argument with him, he wrote a letter to Dr. Perez suffered from his choice of speaking Spanish to the patients and workers who he did not cause harm to as he risked his job.

Alara concept and elements

The radiations exposure to the body is comparative to distance's inverse square law, thus implying the more the distance, the inverse square exposure. Additionally, both exposure time and intensity of the emitted isotopes yield to considerable doses that might harm the body.

Dispute between workers union and employer

During one of the union meetings and prior to the elections, one of the organization's supervisors passed by the meeting point, repeatedly, and the union eventually lost in the elections. The union claims threat of reprisal but the management defends itself from the supervisor's acts, claiming that the supervisor was just curious about the size β†’

Evaluations on talent requirements, timing of the best estimate and data for a self evaluation

Some of the steps for monitoring the Voluntary guidelines consist of assessing the contractor's self evaluation program, and if it is found that the program is not as per the guidelines then writing to the contractor to make specific modifications in the program. Discussion The procedure required in OPCCP self evaluation guidelines are:- A compliance β†’

Strategic workforce measures

In order for this company to be successful, the human resource professionals should identify the employees that place the company at a competitive advantage. This can be achieved through identification of the ' A' positions that are viewed as the driving elements of their business.

Training program for priority plastics, inc

Injection Molding Fundamentals The coverage of this module includes the explanation of the injection molding machine and its significance in the business of the company. Trainees will also be taught about the molding variations which are present in the production floor and critical to the operation of the company.

Human resources: talent management handbook

Since 2007 we follow a globally consistent process with the following core elements: - Use of a talent grid that looks at both performance as well as potential / readiness - A talent review meeting as the key platform to discuss our people's performance and attention / readiness withinleadershipteams as well as identify career and β†’

Drawbacks of the hire.com system and how might they be addressed

The major impact of Hire.com screening tools on the HR department of Southern and Plantronics is the speed and accuracy in choosing the right person. Southern and Plantronics selected Hire.com to put up the system in their company for the purpose of not finding the applicant for them but to help them narrow down the β†’

Team building 3

The external members that are brought in for the analysis of the work done by the team and is funded by the funding body of the company yet they are supposed to present their evaluation as an unbiased outside. Such a task requires a level of trust and also cooperation between the team to be β†’

How gender affects experiences in the workplace

According to the Gender Gap Report of 2013, Canada ranks 23rd in terms of gender inequality and 9th in terms of gender inequality on the basis of economic involvement and opportunity. It is also important to point out the fact that, customers in my place of work are more willing to talk to a guy β†’

Team and team performance evaluation

Reward the group with a novel festival and convey their prosperity to the enthusiasm of official backers. Within an incentive pay system, what are the advantages and disadvantages to rewarding team members in terms of their competencies?


The strategic approach to talent management has been inevitably a crucial aspect that made Nokia to be one of the leaders in the mobile and telecommunications industry.1. In order to retain the best people, organizations and businesses need to include employees in the company's vision.

The concept of human relation skills

The role of the supervisors is also to act as a form of bridge for passing information between the management and the employees. Highlight the main functions of supervisors in an organization based on the case studies.

Admissions application for a graduate program 500 words

I am drawn to this profession because I have had a lot of experience in the work sector, and so can tell the skills that are lacking in most organizations. A certification will allow me to be able to put all the skills that I have acquired to work in areas where they are most β†’

Women empowerment in labor market

In 2001, 61% of American women were a part of the labor force as compared to 18% in the start of the century. A classic example is in the metallurgy industry in China, the women employees increased to 28% from 1% of the total work force with the introduction and use of new technology.

The major disadvantages of one big union concept

One of the major disadvantages of one big union concept is the possibility of more disputes inside the union because of the differences in the political beliefs of the members. In a multi-union approach, members of each unit may have the same political ideology and therefore internal conflicts would be lesser.

Ip3 managing organizational change

Organization executive may in the short term to build up the intended change, develop various mechanism to promote the change process among employees, such include creating short term wins to show change progress, communication of vision and mission statement and team building by creating cohesive, committed and productive work groups. Organization change process is also β†’

Resume writing: skills and experiences

If the information is not incredibly accessible, no one will bother to give your resume enough time to crack the code and find out what is going on with it they will just move to the next one in the stack. The problem is that resume builders are also perpetually told not to let their β†’

The essence of the between groups

In the ' between groups' approach participants are less likely to become bored as in the ' within group' approach because they are only used for one treatment. The ' within group' is less costly when compared to the ' between groups' approach as it involves only one group on which more than one treatment β†’

Demonstrating general management and presentation skills in the context of employee management and the regulation of employees

They are required to motivate their teams to make them perform consistently and instill in them the desire to improve as they cultivate in them the loyalty to colleagues, their leaders and the company as a whole. However, he had a meeting with the staff members to find a way of correcting the strategy that β†’

Two questions

This is due the fact the mentality of team member is the one that drives the progress of their work and the organization in general. Q2, In most organizations, the performance appraisal is basically the center of performance; most firms apply personal appraisals as a strategy of their performance management programmers.

The accountability strategy read chapter 8

Collection of data is meant to evaluate effectiveness of methods of teaching and the resources allocated to the teacher, as well as the time taken to teach. The difference between accomplishments and activities is narrow as there is activities can be used as indicators of success.

Unemployment in the new york city

Unemployment in the New York Introduction United s of America, one of the largest seats of brewing dreams and nurturing future and nourishing fortune, is likely to face the greatest challenge and threat of unemployment in the coming years, causing an acute syndrome of jobless populaces. Therefore, a threat to the vacancies and job openings β†’

Assigm 6

Question two The family Bill of Rights aims to correct the various negative occurrences and flaws in a family setup by pointing out fundamental and civil liberties. Question four The two settings work and family, ought to be factored in when coming up with any model for both given that they are intertwined for the β†’

Human resources management problems

In the HP is one of the few companies in the world to successfully marry the technologies of measurement, computing andcommunication. Causes Lack of specialist skills and experience are the two factors for these recruitment difficulties in the HP Company.

Violating company social networking policy

It is therefore important for firms to devise a social media policy because most of their employees would be using social media. A social media policy should be accurate and clear, should include be respectful to employees, and should ban use of social media in the workplace.

Performance management and organizational goals

PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS d PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS Introduction An organization's goals and strategic objectives reflect the purpose of its establishment. Thus the relationship between performance management and fulfillment of organizational goals is a direct one which implicates that higher performance management activities are bound to fulfill more organizational goals.

Reflection essay on human resources management

The functions of the HRM include the sourcing of staff, the selection of the right staff, training the staff to meet the duties of the organization, assessing their performance and rewarding their input towards the success of the organization. Through the framework, the hypothesis of the study was proved, showing the need to employ the β†’

Volunteer report

There were about six people in my group and I had to make sure that I address the demands of each person appropriately. I definitely feel that the helping skills have to be used according to the situation and they should be in alignment with the instance so that the desired results are attained.

Ip2 managing high performance

This research intends to analyze the benefits of empowerment, its relation to Theory X and Y and the role of unions in employee empowerment. Employee empowerment is termed as a process of enabling one to reflect, act and work independently towards achieving the organizational goal and individual destiny.

Tips for dealing with workplace conflict

Retrieved from http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/library/research/subjectguides/workplacediversity.html The main idea of this source is diversity in the workplace and how to insure that it is respected and promoted. This source is very important for the construction of this paper, as the articles found in this magazine will supply us with a lot of information.

Case study

Therefore, it is very important to take note of the needs and interests of the culture of the organization when recruiting to ensure that the new applicants will fit well in the company. The culture of the organization outlines the rules and regulations that ought to guide the performance of the employees.


Organizational Communication Topic Organizational Communication Introduction Organizational communication system offers a broad overview to the overall organizational communication flow system. Overly, organizational communication inducts the workers to the values and norms of the organizations.

Human resource planning

At the same time, the industry partners, which in this case was YWCA Niagara region benefited in the sense that as a team, we identified some of the HR concerns facing them, and developed strategies and action plans of successfully tackling each issue. One of the essential challenges that my team members face in the β†’

What are the fundamental purposes of business and the responsibilities of strategic leaders

Reading through different schools of thought about the purpose of business however, one clear indication that is drawn is that the purpose of businesses and responsibility of strategic leaders will not always be the same. Today, it can be said that the primary responsibility of senior leaders is to create and maintain an environment of β†’

The taft-hartleys act

The supervisor's act of passing by the meeting can, therefore, be regarded as a management's approach to influencing the elections' outcome. The Taft-Hartley's act, therefore, supports the supervisor's action and the election is legal under the act.

Free human resources literature review

According to him, HR planning mainly involves the identification of skills and competence within the organization, the filling of identified competence gaps, and the facilitation of movements of employees within the organisation. The process of recruitment and selection is an ethical approach by a firm to seek and attract the most competent and suitable applicant β†’

Cases for case briefs

On appeal, the Workers Compensation Panel voiced a new four-prong procedure to be applied when employers assert the affirmative defense of failure to use a safety appliance in the case of Wade Nance versus State Industries and ITT Hartford Insurance Company, 33 S.W. This case was a workers compensation appeal that had been passed on β†’

Insights at hr

Considering the spread and popularization of cloud computing as elaborated in the Accenture report, it would be necessary for the business firms to concentrate more on skill-based selection in the recruitment process. What steps can be taken to reduce the cost of training the employees on a regular basis?

Workplace simulation

Advice areas including debt recycling strategies are explored. Investment platform solutions are canvassed, as are investment strategies that focus on blending fund managers with a focus on core-satellite investment approaches.

Mgmt345 u2 ip

Taming racial discrimination in the business Racial discrimination is the discernment against an ethnic group of people with a difference race from the dominating ethnic group. The abuse of the employees-employer relationship causes racial discrimination among the staffs.

Work, people and productivity

A highly reliable company serves at the interest of both the company and the employees of such companies. Moreover, it is within the principle mandate of the company to enhance competitiveness thus, it must incorporate within its success strategy, presence of the employees.


The situation would be handled in the spirit of the company rules and in due consideration of the " AT Will" working mechanism. W, Lindley, L, The evolution of employment-at-will: Past, present, and future predictions.

Discussion topics for management course – united states

In the process of creating competitive advantages, business executives have a duty to ensure that the values of all employees in the business are considered when making certain decisions. In this case, business executives have to understand that the quantity of a risk is often equivalent to the total of all the probabilities relating to β†’

Anishinabe people and our homeland

Anishinable Teachings Having arrived at the end of the term, the learning experience was awesome throughout. The mission of the institution is a culture-based pedagogy that helps to improve the learning experiences of each student in the institution.

Analysis of employment websites: monster.com and dice.com

I found that the outlay of the websites was similar to one another with dialogue boxes for typing in the job one was interested in. For example, I searched for database administrator jobs in Chicago and I was able to get the necessary information needed.

Coaching theories and models: fuel and grow

Coaching Models: FUEL and Grow Similarities between FUEL and GROW models of Coaching One of the similarities between FUEL and GROW models is that both models begin with a well defined purpose or milestone of the coaching process. Differences between FUEL and GROW models of coaching The main differences of FUEL and GROW models of β†’


The general challenge leading to this type of outcome is the lacking initiative by the hospital's management to train the nurses on the importance of such an exercise and limited resources to that effect. It is advisable that those attending should have basic computer skills and be an active employee of the facility registered by β†’

Discover the leader within you

In the final step, establishing the Will, the leader ensures the team members are committed to making the journey and prepared for the conditions and obstacles they may meet on their way. Therefore the key is that the team should be viewed as an important resource whose maintenance must be managed just like any other β†’

Motivation pleasure

They need to feel that their income and benefits equal the value of the time and energy they invest in their work. This is not to say they are only after the big bucks; their main concern is having the money to afford a specific lifestyle that gives them the drive to succeed.

Scheduling the floating day off

Such, the management would like to ask each employee if they would like to migrate to the individualized scheduling of the floating holiday or continue the company-wide similar floating holiday schedule. We would get all your response before the month ends on November 30, 2011, so we can implement the change in the floating holiday β†’

What is authentic leadership

Leaders should express themselves in order to create value and trust in their associates or followers. An authentic leader should be true to oneself and express his or her stand.

Managing performance

The extent and importance of the performance management plan is based on the structural context and can differ across organizations. The Dynamics of Performance Management: Constructing Information and Reform.

Cover letter

I understand the need for the participation of a competent HR team when it comes to the importance of investing in human resource. I believe that my unique training and potential for further development as a leader will make me a valuable addition to your HR team.

Team project bragging plan

The criteria for rewarding/fining employee depend on employee's salary rate, job group and the previous date of rating the employee.i. Determine the next high stage in employee job group or the maximum rate of the employee in his/her job group.

Automatic data processing company

Introduction: The aim of the paper is to analyze various Human Resource Information System vendors and summarize the results of the analysis that will answer questions regarding the overall impression of the vendors and the products available and how would these products help to create a competitive advantage for an organization. SAP: Is the name β†’

In compensation and benefits

The situation at Acme is ghastly, and an ostensible fact is that it has to be deciphered immediately for the interests of the employees as well as those of the company. What's more, to avoid any perceived discrimination or biasness during the process of progressively increasing the salaries, I would also consider conferencing the HR β†’

Recruitment and staff selection

Thank you for believing in the system put in place by management for the beneficial relationship between management, professional workers and staff. We praise you for setting a good example to your peers in the work place and in pursuing your studies.

The main reasons for workplace conflicts

The leadership initiatives of the organization have helped promote confidence building and strengthen interpersonal understanding with the group, within the organization. It not only resolves the conflicting interests of the employees but it also helps to inculcate better understanding among the workers.

Quality of life issues at greenfield police

In a discussion with the officers of Greenfield Police Department, in conjunction with confirming the statistics of crime incidence in the Senior Citizens' Center, it is evident that there is no crime problem in the area.2. Suggest a community policing strategy to reduce the fear of crime at the Senior Citizens' Center.

Human resource management practices

Human Resource Management Practices Number October 2, Faculty Human Resource Management Practices There is an apparent connection between the organization strategy and human resources management. While organization strategy seeks courses of action that best achieve the organizational goals, human resource management concerns itself with the management of human capital.

Ethics and human resources narrative essay

Here are some of the many advantages to ethical conduct at work: Ethical conduct promotes a strong public image for the organization. Ethical conduct assists the organization to comply with laws and regulations.

Is hrm a new concept

HRM a new concept Contents Contents 2 HRM a new concept 3 Functions of HRM 4 Reference 5 HRM a new concept a) Human resource management can be das a holistic way to manage employees. In the current scenario new dimension has been given to human resource management in order to stay competitive but it β†’


Workplace romance Workplace Romance Workplace romance is one of the products of employees' interaction in an organization. Problems that we experience in a relationship may extend to the workplace.

Stress management training project

At the end of the training session, participants will be able to define stress and identify its signs/symptoms 2. At the end of the training session, participants will be able to apply various stress management strategies 5.

Wreiter choice

The author of the book David Christian is a history professor, and he uses his knowledge of history to provide insightful information that is helpful to history lecturers, teachers and students. In the Reading for life course, there is the absolute relationship between the book and the course where the book presents a worldview that β†’

Changing roles of unions

The various unions have achieved a number of objectives, the country currently boasts of a safe working environment with employees enjoying adequate pay owing to the endeavors of such unions. However, the roles of the unions in the country are changing owing to the changes in labor practices.

Multiple linear regression analysis

This is recognized through the comparison of each and every program's impact on the employment level. The promotion program that deals with employment of the un- employed is identified to have greater influence on the employment levels.

Secrets of power negotiating

Deadlocks in negotiations can be overcome through the set aside tactic; changing the mood from competitive or resistive to cooperative; introducing deadlines; changing the negotiating team to find the conforming match to other party or to ease emotional baggage, etc. On the other hand, offerees can neutralize ' flinching' by using questions to get to β†’

Weekly discussions – management – answer two topic questions

Manager is someone who would effectively marshal the resources of an organization from human resources to logistics and materials to produce value that would make the business relevant in the market and achieve the objectives and goals of a business organization. An organization on the other hand is the formal structure that would define and β†’

The analysis of “the planets” by gustav holst

Holst does a fine job launching the suite with the magical movement, Mars: Bringer of War. Venus: Bringer of Peace, first comes to life using the melodies of the horns, followed by the inception of the woodwinds, and precedes with the cellos.

Hr department challenges

When organizations experience growth and expand itself into the international market, HR has to factor in the change in cultural and environmental environment. The best way to factor in cultural and environmental challenges in strategic planning is to study them and determine what the organization lacks for it to adapt to these challenges.

Critically evaluate the relevance of the contingency approach

The way Jane manages her direct team of seven, Is very different to how she is seen as a manager across the 700 staff at EX. The final variable for the contingency approach to management thought is that of individual differences: " Individuals differ in terms of their desire for growth, autonomy, tolerance of ambiguity β†’

Db1 employment law

However, I am not an agent of the company since I am independent and I have my roles of fixing the IT problems in a period of six years. The scenario provides that I am an independent contractor but not an employee of the company.