Quality Company Essay Examples for Your Learning

Zuckerberg is now richer than warren buffet

Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, has surpassed Warren Buffet also known as the Oracle of Omaha as the World's third richest man with a net worth of $81. His rise to third position can be attributed to Facebook's success in getting rid of the allegations on data-privacy crisis and gaining a total of $8.

Essay on documentation quiz part 1

Along with others, she is responsible for making the parts of Apple's electronic gadgets, as well as those for other international companies. Foxconn's plans of reducing work hours for over one million of their employees, while increasing their salaries to ensure that that their earnings remain the same, is supported by Apple, which has been →

Essay about amul project

Amul has spurred the White Revolution of India, which has made India the largest producer of milk and milk products in the world. Amul has list of products marketed to various countries few of its products are Amul butter, Amul cooking butter, Amul cheese spread, Amul pizza cheese, Amul shrikhand, Amul fresh cream, Amul fat →

Free essay about broadband networking

It is frustrating to face a bottleneck due to less bit rate in the middle of a conversation or to duel in a video call, which displeases the customer and becomes an obstacle for the service provider. The work is being continues by both operators and vendors on newer technologies to pave the way for →

Free essay about nameprofessor nameenglish __

Steve Jobs Steve Jobs was an innovator. Steve Jobs definitely changed the world into a happier and technology powered society.

Hyundai creative brief

Hyundai also owns a 34% stake in Kia Motors. Some key benefits of the Hyundai brand are: * Modern, premium, affordable mentality towards car design * Hyundai backs their product with an excellent warranty and service.* Heavy investment in design and promotion * Focus more on explaining a car's history, its value →

Howard schultz and starbucks coffee company case study

This paper will analyze the Starbucks Company for its strengths, the weaknesses it suffers from, the opportunities it can utilize of and the threats it has to overcome The paper will also define the internal and external factors that the company works under. Company SWOT Analysis The following is →

The pillars of the model are analyzed as below essay examples

Geert Hofstede has been borne of factor analysis which seeks to establish the effects of stakeholder values to the different aspects of organizations. - Power distance. - The power an authority bestowed on individual with regard to execution of his/her task determines the final outcome as well as the desire to handle related assignments. - masculinity- femininity →

How can ethical decision making be achieved essays example

Companies should adopt ethical framework, and review actions taken by the employees against ethical goals of the company. Company should inform their employees about ethics, and values of the organization and benefits of ethical decision making.

Forces that shape competition

The strongest competitive force or forces determine the profitability of an industry and become the most important to strategy formulation. 1) Rivalry among existing competitors: Rivalry competition is intensity because rivalry among existing competitors could include price discounting, new product introductions, advertising campaigns and service improvement. →

Smart phone apps development critical thinking

The objective of this paper is to discuss the development of applications in smart phones. The second step to development is to identify a platform on which the apps are to be developed.

General motors and its impact on economy

As a result, the government has also stepped into the situation to aid the company because of its impending effect on the U.S.economy. The bankruptcy of General Motors has become a big issue in the world of business because it reflects the significance of the impact of recession on the financial status →

Research paper on jit and process standardization

The level of hygiene, the pace to which the food is prepared and the overall layout of the kitchen guide production process in the fast food drive in. The process to achieve wide market the process that makes no impact be deleted for example the ushering of a client.

Ethics at the workplace essays examples

Ensuring high discipline standards for his employees is a core task the administrator has to undertake because it helps in making sure that employees respect the authority and in deed, the policies formulated. Identifying with Fayol's management concept styles Henri Fayol's principles of management and the functions of management stand the test of time →

Example of essay on intranet paper

To enable the users of the intranet to share information, there is the need for a file server. As such, there is the need to ensure intranet security. There are various security measures that the company has adopted to deal with the various challenges.

Divisional hurdle rates – randolph corporation

Corporate Beta & Cost of Capital Taking a weighted average of the four divisional betas gives the overall corporate beta. The corporate beta is therefore affected by changes of the divisional weights and by changes of the individual beta of the particular divisions. When the growth rate of the coatings division surpasses →

Managing information technology 2 essay examples

In addition, the company and the provider must determine a timeline that will be beneficial to both parties. - If the company is planning to use outsourcing services for a long time investing of relations would be beneficial as this will contribute to the project performance. In the Pre-purchase, it is the role of the vendor →

Good example of surveillance security systems company business plan

The company will also provide users easy access to product database through the website, and competitive customer experience of surveillance products through user's mobile app. 1. The customer will be notified via email and phone about the scheduled date of delivery and service accordingly. 1.2.

Comverse’s backdating scandal

One of the types of scandals to hit the stock markets and which did not receive much attention until lately is that of backdating stock options. Options backdating is simply granting an employee stock options that is dated prior to the date that the company actually granted →

Reflection essay on starbucks

There was not much of a difference in the image or the products of the Starbucks compared to small coffee chains, according to the regular coffee drinkers.* The brand image of Starbucks was being affected with the increasing commercialization of the Starbucks coffee shops and the mindset of the people that Starbucks just wants to →

Free essay on tiffany & co. growth strategy: opening new shops and extensive licensing as strategic

From the marketing perspective, Tiffany & Co.is a perfect example of growth without compromise strategy something closely related to the company's brand identity. ' Growth without compromise' is a growth strategy, which is openly pronounced by the company: " selectively expand its channels of distribution in important markets around the world →

Twitter could take many forms, depending on new owner

Under Salesforce.com, Twitter could become a corporate tool used to power sentiment analysis and nurture customer relationships. Salesforce.com already uses the Twitter " firehose" for its newartificial intelligenceplatform, Einstein. " It would give them the social graph and a better idea of howsocial mediarelates to its customers," said Ryan Holmes, chief executive of Hootsuite, a privatetechnologyfirm →

Iphone. apple

The color palette of this advertisement consists of mostly dark colors with the print being in white. There is bold print that says, " Touching is believing", this statement is bold to show the slogan of the advertisement. The advertiser uses the contrast of the black and white colors to give emphasis →

Out of control interview case study samples

Since the firm deals with environmental protection issues, it would have been more effective if the panel had tried to inquire on her interest in working with the firm, what she thought she would add to the firm, and how her addition would be an advantage to the firm as →

Example of b301 essay

The increased changes in the businesses landscapes which are propagated by the increased cycling of consumer interests as well as the technological innovations suggest that there may arise a need to put up with the emergent strategies. It now becomes very necessary to grapple with the question whether all the emergent strategies ought to be →

Taco bell company

" For us, the process of reengineering is like a sailing adventure which has been going on for more than ten years, and we know that as long as the Taco Bell still engaged in service to the customer's business, the sail will continue to persist." - chief executive and chairman of Taco Bell. John →

Apple swot analysis-strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats essay sample

Customers enjoy Apple so much because they have the same consistency in the architecture and programming of their products, as well as their attractiveness and appealing design to distinguish Apple from other products.* Incentives and Community: By selling Apple products to schools and universities, Apple turns classrooms into showrooms. The defects found in Apple's products →

Dell management

According to the registration documents submitted by Dell Inc.to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, it is a " premier provider of products and services worldwide that enable customers to build their information-technologyand Internet infrastructures (United States Securities and Exchange Commission, 2005)." Thus, it offers to the market a wide rage of products, →

Free merger & acquisition-gap research proposal example

Currently, they operate in around 3, 076 stores across the globe along with 2, 551 stores located specifically in the United States. The marketing and financial aspect of the company is extremely vital and effective, and the financial worth and value of the company has been increasing effectively with each of the year accordingly. The →

Macbeth apperance vs reality

In the theme of appearance versus reality Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have an image but as the time passes by their true personalities began to show. He wants to appear noble and strong but in the end he refutes his statement by killing Duncan and Banquo to get to the throne.

The coca-cola company definition

In the Middle East, the only region in the world where Coca-Cola is not the number one soda drink, Coca-Cola nonetheless holds almost 25% market share and had double-digit growth in 2003. Of these, beverages bearing the trademark " Coca-Cola" or " Coke" accounted for approximately 55% of the Company's total gallon sales. →

Free case study on external analysis

The company is one of the most recognized consumer brands in the world and is poised to become the first trillion dollar company of the world. Another threat is the emergence of the Android operating system which is also eating into the Apple IOS system, and may have a long term effect on Apple's market →

Standard financial investment case study

It requires commitment of the business assets and to the extent of the personal assets as collateral. On the other hand, equity financing is the exchange of capital ownership of the business resulting in the sharing of the profit. If the application of a technology increases the returns and lower →

Essay on corporate governance

There is a board of directors in any company, and it plays the role of approving all decisions that might influence the long-run and short-run performance of the company. Ethical responsibilities of a corporation's management are to accept, follow and obey behaviour and beliefs in the society on interest.

Good example of cisco waas service case study

They need access to the global information in a rapid manner to be efficient and productive. Role of Sharepoint and WAAS in portal Sharepoint offers a browser-based collaboration and document management platform. All of these companies have had a positive experience with the use of Sharepoint and WAAS. Attractiveness of Microsoft and Cisco →

What can wal-mart do to be socially responsible

The harshest critics has called Wal-Mart a destroyer ofAmerican dream, according to them today most of the Wal-Mart employees are working as low wage data entry operators with a miniscule chances of moving into the middle management. Secondly their biggest concern is that the reluctance of management to let the workers form →

Financial managerial accounting essay

This is because from the two years it can be seen that for every 1 AED owed, the company has 4 AEDs in assets to meet the obligations. The liquidity ratios help show that the company can repay the money it gets from an investor. This shows that for every 1 AED invested in the →

Global expansion plan

In this report, the motives of internationalization of Secret Recipe will be disclosed, as well as the motives of choosing Vietnam as a new international market will also be revealed. And as for a smooth penetrating process, recommendations relating to the strategy to be implemented, to the entry mode to be executed, →

Example of unnecessary costs report

From there I intend to find the best solutions which will reduce these leaks in the future and take measures on how the company can save money from this problem. Informal Observation So as to succeed in my investigation, I observed the employees without their knowledge in order to get an idea of what →

Eh 101 essay sample

They were the first to present the personal computer, first to present a phone that no longer needs buttons, the phone that was made to be navigated by the best stylus ever created the finger. When a new iPhone model is launched, thousands of people sleep in front of an Apple store for days to →

Example of essay on herzberg motivation theory

Fredrick Herzberg generated the two-factor theory, which divides the motivation and the job satisfaction aspects in two sections: the hygiene and motivation factors. Frederick Herzberg formulated the two-factor theory in 1959. Managers can measure the job satisfaction aspect by assessing the level to which job expectations match with the employees' real awards. Managers can use →

Managed care enrollment essay

This essay will explore the issue of signing an exclusivity plan between ABC Insurance Company and Verde Greene Hospital, and whether or not signing that clause will be to the best interest of all involved parties. The exclusivity clause legally binds ABC Insurance Company to provide the health care plan →

Free research paper on pipeline process

The workforce efficiency plan needs to identify how the technological advancements have influenced operations in the organization in terms of deciding who to retain, retrench, and retrain. The basic influence of technological advancement in the workforce efficiency plan is determining what positions to retain, which to downsize, and which to develop or retrain. Retention →

What is gap year and why we need it

Other businesses followed suit , round the world tickets were developed for this new breed of young gap year traveller and the scene was set for the explosion of the 1990s.edit] 1990s: the boom A combination of the baby boomer's children reaching 18 (whose parents encouraged world travel as they did in their youth), →

What does the four-level franchising policy do for atlas copco support your position case study examples

The policy was introduced to increase the market share in United States from the existing one per cent to 10 percent, this was to be done in ten years. Discussion The four-level franchising policy was advocated by the vice president in charge of marketing Aurther Droege, this was in attempt to meet the needs →

Macys: report to ceo research paper sample

This report will attempt to analyze and evaluate the corporate governance structured and financial documents provided by the organization, in order to assess Macy's compliance to SOX as well as to identify any potential practices that may carry a risk in terms of a legal reprimand. Corporate Governance An essential function of any corporate →

Good example of economics essay

The argument as to why the variable pricing policy is said to increase the sales revenue from the music stores is based upon the concept of demand and supply of the market. In other terms, the Apple Company proposed for the adoption of a pricing policy that takes in the account the variation →

Delish beach cafe business plan examples

The menu was expanded further to include international dishes. The restaurant therefore remains focused on improving the quality of its products, level of service, and the price of its products in order to beat its competitors and enjoy the competitive advantage. The strength of the restaurant's management team, the staff, the brand, and all the →

Essay on self audit policy

In case violations are identified through eh company's self-audit programs; there would be leniency in the penalization of the company. One of the limitations of this policy is that the audit in question must be voluntary and therefore if this condition is not met; then the case would be treated just like any other case →

Essay on sexual harassment or just being friendly

As the file of Jerrick reported a similar incident, what procedure would you follow as you made your decision? Despite the allegations against him in the past, I would follow a policy of persuasion and would recommend training sessions for better understanding of company's harassment policies, valuing diversity at the workplace and adhering to the →

How 3 clever restaurateurs turned mcdonald’s into a price-simplifying worldwide phenomenon

After the lunchtime rush, he introduced himself to the drive-in restaurant's bosses, Mac and Dick McDonald, and arranged to take them out to dinner. As the brothers outlined their system that evening, Kroc became hooked by its simplicity and efficiency. With prices cut in half and the appropriate economic exploitation, world demand for fast-food hamburger →

Free article review on facebook: watching the watchers by patrick white

Actually, Facebook has assisted to open up the reality of what happens in the daily lives of both children and the parents. Besides, Facebook has the advantage of allowing people to socialize with different people of different ages and gain a better understanding of their traditions, values, and culture.

Ethics paper (google)

Many faithful Google users praise the company for the ease of use of their products, and for the number of free virtual products the company offers (Google.com, Google+, Gmail, Google Docs, Chrome, Youtube etc..).. In order for Google to offer a variety of " free" virtual products, they must sell ad space →

Good example of essay on executive compensation

This phenomenon weakened financial status of a business in times of weaker profits and at the long run affects the performance of the firm. Annual re-election of the CEOs can be the appropriate remedy to continued poor performance of a firm. Annual re-election fuels in new people with different ideas and strategies to the board →

Good example of teaching document essay

During the process, water is used as a carrier fluid to transport the sand into the fractured rock matrix. Once the gas or oil leaks out of the fracture, it flows to the surface under controlled conditions via the wellhead where it is collected for processing and distribution. Sequence of Causal Events Sequence of →

Biovail corporation case study sample

Why? The contract mentioned in the case provided that title to, and risk of loss with respect to, the product would not have passed to the distributor until the product was delivered to the distributor's facility, which is the FOB destination. Therefore, in my opinion, in recognizing the revenue based on the possible FOB contract →

Social performance term paper sample

Over the years, the management of the company has been leading the company from the front on matters pertaining to social responsibility. Over and above that, the management attributes the success of the company to the members of the different communities in which the company operates.

Statement of the problem research paper example

It is thus apparent that the growth in outsourcing has been driven by change in the technological environment and acceptance of strategic alliances (Babin, Briggs, & Nicholson, 2011). The aim of the study is to determine the impact of IT outsourcing on the performance of businesses in the market. Knowledge developed by the study will →

Web analytics case study example

These questions include; - What is the main objective of this presentation? - What are we going to achieve at the end of this presentation? - What benefits web analytics can bring to a company? - What do we need from stakeholders at the table? What are the main objectives of this presentation? Our →

Is apple losing the smart home battle?

Home automation represents an enormous emerging market, and major brands are battling for pole position in the race for automation dominance. Just as Apple's iPhone rules over the smartphone segment and dictates the direction of competitor brands, the home automation hub - similarly - will be the linchpin for an expansive selection of home →

General motors swot analysis

It is also the second largest market for GM in terms of vehicle units sold. An early entrance into China, well performing partnerships and local Buick brand are the main reasons why GM has a strong position in China's automotive market. GM's Cadillac, GMC, Chevrolet, and Buick are among the best-selling brands →

Example of book review on the portable thoreau- answer essay questions

This adds credence to his ideals seeing that they are followed by actions and are therefore not merely sophistical platitudes. Philosophers, and there is no dearth of historical examples in this regard, typically prefer the tenets of simplicity and economy since they seem to coincide with how nature operates. I →

Free legal- ethical and social issues essay example

Its members are the owners of the LLC, and the duration of this form of business is first done when the filing of the organization papers is first. A limited liability company operating agreement allows the members to design their financial and working relationship, which should be used to suit the business and its objectives. →

Strategy implementation and execution report apple computer 1992 essay sample

This strategy was to be implemented through the interconnection of existing structures, systems, and people management practices. Structure Analysis: Bringing a new organizational culture into Apple or any young creative company is very difficult and the evolving structure within Apple in 1992 failed to support the firm's strategy. This weakened the corporate culture and →

Comparative analysis of family business management and corporate governance essays example

To this end, the paper will critically review and analyse the concept of corporate governance and its essence in dealing with family businesses and the expansion of such businesses. Essence of Corporate Governance In the UK, the essence and importance of good governance and the proper directing of companies was emphasised in the Cadbury →

The effects of enron crisis on audit firms research paper examples

The Enron Crisis reveled in October 2001 is one of the greatest auditing scandals in the history of the United States of America. As a result of this, they became autonomous and accountable for their decisions. In conclusion, Enron Crisis greatly impacted on the auditing firms in USA.

Access 2007 advanced exercises

In the Navigation Pane, right-click the Product Info table and select Design View from the menu. Click Primary Key Click Close.on the FIGURE 1.

Monforte dairy: a case study samples

Recently, the company suffered a huge amount of inadequate capital exposing a weakness for the company as loan lending banks considered the situation as risky. The setback, however, presents an opportunity for the company to grow in the artisan cheese industry as well as introduce new products. This discussion offers a thorough analysis of Monforte →

Seaworld’s argument against blackfish essay sample

The SeaWorld website appeals to viewers by the use of logos, ethos, and pathos to contradict the slanderous statements said in the documentary, BlackFish and to attract customers to their entertainment business.. SeaWorld's appeal to logos is their strongest appeal because of how many statistics, facts, numbers and logical arguments they stated directly against the →

Evidence of strategic ihrm in apple company- summary essay

Strategic human resource management is the process of planning of the best ways of managing personnel in the organization. Finally each employee should be rewarded according to performance and promises of the company.

Alternatives evaluated case study example

This will ensure the adherence of the best packing processes and being normally implemented. Packaging Design-negotiating with vendors involves, talking to the vendors about the various options of preparing the freight. 5 April 2014 . Gravity.

Globalization and oreal

This global company is the number one premium cosmetic product in the world today and has taken the core and beauty of people's everyday lives since 1907, the beginning of L'Oreal. In 1934 Eugene invented the first mass market of soap less shampoo and this led the success of L'Oreal in the country of Europe →

What would happen if he ate mcdonalds for 30 days straight?

She completely disagrees with the choice that Morgan has made, and thinks that he is going to kill himself doing it. The fattest nation in the world, you could guess, is America. At the second weigh-in, he had gained 18 pounds, which was 203 pounds.

Strategic management essays example

Therefore, in the strategic decision making of the business, the directors or the board of directors makes strategic decisions for the business. Strategic management of any business is a process which implements the strategic planning of the board of directors. Moreover, this phase of the strategic management process also deals with →

Ebay china case study examples

The company could not meet the growing demand of the Chinese people because the online needs of the people were changing every day, and the company lacked enough resources. The failures that e-bay experienced in China require the company to formulate a new model that will correct the previous mistakes. →

Annual report analysis for adidas

Some of the main ideas we are going to look are who the auditors are, the trends in assets and liabilities, the largest assets and liabilities, the types of stocks that are available, the type of income statement that is used, the trend of net income, the type of cash flow statement that is used, →

Free research paper on a research memorandum of apple company

The president responsible for hardware engineering is responsible for the functions of the company that involves the hardware physical part of machines that the company manufactures. Questions that will be under the discussion by most stakeholders and companies will be, it is plausible to state that the company has all the inherent and invested rights →

Good example of report on merger

In the recent past, the New Times recorded that Walgreens and Alliance Boots were to merge in a strategic move and style. It is to say and imply that the new entity would then move to a country where the tax rates are fairly reasonable and lower. It is worth to note that the newly →

Air tran

AirTran Airways is a low-fare airline catering for leisure and business travelers alike. AirtTran Airways was originally founded by AirTran Corporation, which is the holding Company of Mesaba Airlines of Minneapolis and Detroit. However in 1994, AirTran Holdings acquired a start up 737 operator known at →

Present value

In order to present a proper amount withrespectto the time value and including the market risk and risk premium, the profits have to be discounted to the present value using the appropriate discount rate. The same number represents a fair price for purchasing the asset, as it includes potential benefits realizable by the investment, as →

Free q-1: would you like to have some bar bq items in your meals essay sample

Capstone Project Executive Summary The hypothetical idea which has been chosen for this analysis is the establishment of a Bar BQ restaurant in an area, in which we have asked number of questions from the respondents to get an idea about their choice, and what sort of products they are intending to →

Good example of brief history of international business management report

The importance of management and the head quarter placing also matters when considering international business. The Harley Davidson case highlights each and every issue that is discussed and what it takes to become a successful company, after facing a lot of losses, and managing to adopt an international strategy that manages to bring back the →

Short description: financial gains in general motors

General Motors as of late detailed in excess of a billion dollars in misfortunes for the initial three months of this current year, and the image is likewise unmistakable for Ford and Chrysler, the other two of America's huge three vehicle creators. The Ford F-Series is the top of the line vehicle in the →

Erp (sap) processes and functions in a company

The purposes for SAP implementation and the consequences of change are discussed at large. The second section focuses on the procurement and the inventory management for Nestle which is one of the most crucial parts of their business to control cost of products and enrich its quality. The fifth section labels the →

Bp plc financial statement analysis report

The company had to use $20 billion to pay for related damages and clear millions of gallons of crude oil that spilled into the Gulf in 2011 and 2012. Information The company was forced to sell $30 billion of its assets following the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico that took place →

Social media privacy issues essay examples

Facebook as a social media website has contributed to my privacy loss through sharing data with marketing companies, sharing pictures without authorization and employers reading my status updates. The main cause of loss of my privacy on Facebook is because of its use as a marketing site. The edited pictures →

Apple became first trillion-dollar company in america

BusinessWeek defined this achievement with a touch of self-deprecation, tweeting his cover of 1997 on the theme " The Fall of the American Icon". The school's secondary school NYU Stern Scott Galloway is depicted as " the sanctuary of the brand". There is no decisive evidence for this, in fact, that buyouts support the price →

Good youre name essay example

It would not be ethically right for Montego video games to market this game as an educational tool because the company must remain honest, trustworthy and credible to its consumers. This would create a doubt in the customer's mind regarding the authenticity and credibility of the game and the game creators." The game is for →

De beers case study

At the end of the 2005 De beers had a comprehensive HIV/AIDS Strategy covering all the aspects of the prevention, education, treatment and community involvement.2. Reason for above is rooted in the volatility of the local currency, government regulations and the union's position.

Strategic analysys of toyota

Up to the present, Toyota cars are still being used in a variety of racing events in different countries around the world. These events include the CART in Vancouver, the Le Mans, the Indy Racing League, the NASCAR, and the Toyota F1 Series. The company's philosophy in production involves a list of fourteen principles that →

Spoofing essay sample

The most common spoofing attacks are MAC-spoofing, ARP-spoofing, IP-spoofing, DNS-spoofing and e-mail spoofing. It allows to place in the victim's ARP- cache false record about matching IP address if another victim to attackers MAC- address. IP-spoofing attack is the most common spoofing.

Example of learning plan for application essay

Despite numerous temptations of spending money for anything else, education is of the top priority to me; due to the importance it posts for a personal development and actually being one of the crucial steps in a person's life. Second step on my agenda will actually be starting to prepare some basis for my own →

Recommendations report sample

A meta-description of the major keywords that may confuse the customer and the metadata should be used to present and woo the customer into checking out the real information in the website. If the website is large and has lots of content involving many products a site map video should be embedded on the first →

Real juice analysis

History The introduction of Real fruit juices and nectars was triggered by a personal unmet need of Amit Burman, the CEO of DFL who, on returning to India after working in the US, found the absence of packaged fruit juices frustrating. Traditionally, drinking fruit juices in urban India has been a social indulgence or consumed →

Starbucks growth applied to class knowledge essay example

However, Schultz feels that, as the company strived hard in pursuit of innovation, the legacy of the Starbucks brand as a small coffee has eroded. Machiavellianism, Self-Monitoring and Risk taking behavior are the three significant qualities that can be noticed in Howard Schultz through which he has carried himself as a successful leader of the →

Good research paper on should firms invest in money market securities

When the economy is on the rise, Money Market securities may not be the best investment. 20 June 2014. . Rice, Douglas." Why Money Market Funds Break The Buck".