A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Personal development plan

It is this totality nature that makes a PDP useful to both the organization and the individual employee. It is, therefore, right to say that the PDP helps to create a positive bond between the employee and the employer.

Values of organization development

Organization development is a well-planned effort to improve the efficiency of an organization. They are: Preparation for a meeting and considering the number of people to be present.

Section 1860 – murder: except in the

Section 300 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 Murder: Except in the cases hereinafter excepted, culpable homicide is murder, if the act by which the death is caused is done with the intention of causing death, or 2ndly: If it is done with the intention of causing such bodily injury as the offender knows to →

In or aiding, is said to commit

In another case considering the young age of the accused persons and that they made no attempts to cause injury to any person at the time of commission of offence Supreme Court reduced the sentence to imprisonment of one and half years already undergone by the accused. There was attempt to commit robbery and the →

The “… black as if bereaved of

Examples of images used in the poem include "...my soul is white", in the first stanza, second line, the part which the author uses the words "...black as if bereaved of light" is also an image that underscores weight of the problem of the child".... Other images used in the poem include "...the cloud will →

The well-being of all american citizens, there are

Comparing the situation of the families with children as an example of the working poor class representatives in Jacksonian America with the present day community, it can be stated that socio-economic situation and competition in labor market remain the main causes of the phenomenon despite the policies implemented by modern government. The human factor and →

The the them or otherwise a crucial

The tale of Sinbad the Seaman and Sinbad the Landsman short stories are framing stories. In the framing tale, there are numerous reference as to that identify the genre of fable in the One Thousand and one nights as a moral and wisdom initiator.

According into preference shares. even the holders

According to the rights attached to them, preference shares can be classified into four type's namely Culminative and Non-culminative preference shares, Convertible and Non-convertible preference shares, Redeemable and Irredeemable preference shares, and Participating and Non-participating preference shares. Culminative and non-culminative preference shares: In case of culminative preference shares, the shareholders possess the rights to receive →

Qc and to reduce it to underlying

The Ishikawa cause and effect diagram is a fishboned framework to analyze the four M's Men, Materials, Machines and Methods. Improved willingness to work and take responsibility.

Introduction the demand and supply of the commodity

Demand and supply go hand in hand in that when the demand goes high then the supply is low and that the when the supply is high, the demand goes down. This refers to the measure of responsiveness of the supply and demand of a commodity to changes in price.

Organon laboratories ltd

In order to compete effectively, Organon has transformed the way its field sales operation conducts its business, using a Customer Relationship Management system based on Visual Elk from vendor StayinFront, to orient its sales and marketing processes around the customer. Business intelligence of the sort we need, can only become a strategic weapon when business →

Case study on microsoft corporation

The corporation is headquartered in the USA and is considered to be one of the most profitable and the richest in the world. In order to complete a good Microsoft corporation case study one will need to investigate the history of the corporation, its production and the most important factors essential for its existence.

Financial benefits of hedging

Introduction In the financial sector financial hedging refers to the act of implementing market positioning strategies in offshore or other less riskier markets with an aim of avoiding or minimizing the effect of exposing the market deliverables to an impending financial risk. Here hedging has been used to avoid an impending financial distress for the →

Amy wilson carmichael

In the world during 1867 and 1961, the two world wars took place globally, and many things happened in the three countries in which she mainly lived. She lived during the two world wars, and all of the countries she lived in were involved in at least one of the wars.

The big picture

I am not exactly sure when I noticed that in just two years my sister was going to college across the country, but I do know that it hit me pretty hard. Being myself, the only things I thought about were little things that in the back of my mind I knew would not really →

Should emotional support animals be allowed on college campuses?

According to Jerald Kay, Professor and chair of the Department of Physiatry at the Wright State University, " In the past 15 years, depression has double and suicide has tripled". The overload of homework and responsibilities leave students helpless and unable to cope properly.

Jumping from the ladder

I think about who is at the top, who is at the bottom, where I am, where my friends are. I think about the physical features of those at the top the boys lean and tall and athletic and the girls pretty and usually quite fond of leggings, yoga pants, and revealing V-Necks and I →

Don’t tick that box!

Just one tick-box that was invisible to your eyes could be the difference between a pass and a fail. I understand that tick-boxes are needed, but they are compressing the youth of today, forcing them to be identical in every way and morphing them into simple-minded people.

Coed schools: education and democracy assignment

The way information was given to the young girls in Kenya and its substance may have been the reason in the failure of increased education to result in greater democracy. The essay that demonstrated that biological difference exists between male and female but does not suggest a difference in aptitude pose an important Issue In →

Conceptual geometry syllabus assignment

A primary goal of Conceptual Geometry is the use of mathematical ideas in so Vying problems ranging from everyday applications to the real world and sciences. Required Hardbound Notebook, Materials #2 Sharpened Pencils, Eraser, Ruler._ Classroom Responsibilities: Students must be in their seats and be ready to work before the bell rings.

The impact of derivatives on cash market assignment

The empirical evidence suggests that the introduction of derivatives does not destabilize the underlying market? either there is no e? ect or there is a decline in volatility? and that the introduction of derivatives tends to improve the liquidity and informativeness of markets. Thus, in equilibrium, the amount of intertemporal price smoothing will depend on →

The conventions assignment

When, for instance, a politician exclaims in a debate that his opponent " is out of step with the beliefs of everyone in the audience," he/she is committing the fallacy. Deduction: A form of reasoning that begins with a generalization and then reasons down to a specific conclusion in light of specific facts; the process →

Blindness in macbeth assignment

Macbeth is blind to his eager and growing interest in the prophecies of the witches, which like many of the other characters leads to his fatal fall. Showing that Duncan is actually blind to Macbeth's true character, he is blind to the aspiration he posses and the inner thoughts and plans he has brewing within →

The easiest medical conditions

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, " a dramatic increase in diabetes and other diseases related to childhood obesity in the United States has added millions of dollars to health care costs...". In order to reverse the issue of childhood obesity, parents need to influence their children to live a healthy lifestyle.

David sedaris essay

AS he gets older he finds himself to get more addicted to cigarettes and changes his whole life s he can adjust himself to make the accessibility of cigarettes easier. He uses many rhetorical elements to express his story; when he was young he went to an American Tobacco plant and as a souvenir they →

My realization that as a physician i could

My heart dropped as physicians explained the consequence of his injury to him, and I wished there was more that I could to help. As a public health student, I was taught to elucidate the barriers that hinder access to care, and I could recite in great detail provocative statistics about health inequities.

Investment analysis and lockheed tristar essay sample

87 All the projects are acceptable because all the NPVs are positive Looking at the net present value of each project, build a new stand Is the project with the highest NPV The difference between the IRR and the NPV ranking is made by the scale of the investments, an investment of $1, 000 here →

Real estate finance: mortgage backed securities essay sample

Mortgage is defined as " the transfer of an interest in the specific immovable property for the purpose of securing the payment of money advanced or to be advanced by way of loan, an existing or future debt or the performance of an agreement which may give rise to the pecuniary liability" mortgage is a →

Pure innocence essay sample

The mirror was in the corner of the room where the sink clung to the wall with its rusty, arm-like nails. He tried not to show it and stood up straight with his neatly creased clothes, but the fear was evident.

The giver essay sample

Jonas is the main character of " The Giver " by Lois Lowry throughout the book Jonas goes trough a emotional change. In the beginning of the book Jonas has no problem with the community but as the book goes on he starts to change his opinion of the community.

A brief literature review

When one plans to asses the evaluation studies through qualitative study methods in social work, it is imperative that the question of criteria to be used to evaluate the related research studies is critical. Interviewing As Qualitative Research: A Guide for Researchers in Education and the Social Sciences.

The skills/requirements specific to each of the employers

Therefore, s/he has to constantly monitor the performance of the region and will directly oversee for the revenue, forecasting, margins, and marketing expenditures of the region. In the end, Microsoft specifies that as the individual is in the senior level management, he would be devising out strategies and tailoring it to fit the EMEA region →


Sampling methods Random Sampling Random sampling involves the assigning of a sequential number to the items of the universe. This will increase the viability of truth and validity of the data and provide a misrepresentation of the facts.

Rational thinking in business

Rational thinking in Business Introduction Thinking processes can be ified into two based on the nature of thinking; rational and irrational. Rational thinking is the most common problem solving methods in business.

Lying and justice

Lying and Justice The truth is the basis of justice, and warrants search according to law because facts are contested. A philosophy of evidence law: Justice in the search for truth.

Mapp v. ohio court case

The exclusionary rule, which was enforced by the Supreme Court in overturning the conviction of Mapp, basically stated that this evidence that was obtained in this was should never have been used in the first place. Mapp's house and then have gotten a warrant to search the residence duly issued by an officer of the →

Legal education

With my dedication to the subject and commitment on gaining in depth knowledge in the field, I have worked hard during my college years, reading a lot of books on various laws, apart from those in the syllabus and interacting actively with my faculties. Hence I expect that at this juncture, if I pursue my →

School history

As a part of the society, I have organized and participated in meetings with health organizations to learn more about human anatomy and other biological issues. I worked as a sales representative in a telecommunication industry and learned to interact with various kinds of people.

Ell concepts

Two Questions for ELL Question The content/concept that a teacher may use to teach to his or her English Language Learners is the of the fall of precipitation. A guided practice includes the finding of, or comprehending, the subtle distinction of the words " downpour," " drizzle," and " sprinkle," which according to Lanin-Thompson & →

Friendships with a pinch of salt

I pulled out my wallet and passed him the money for the tickets." Go on". I met up with Tobias again the next day, and he told me what a pity it was that I missed the movie, but he had not wanted to make the girls wait.

Slavery and the making of america

The shifting attitude of the American nation, namely the white population between 1863 and 1877, helped the African Americans win their fight for freedom on a recognized scale. Slavery and the making of America.

The business discourse community

In the article by Zaccaro and Klimoski, the authors explain about organizational leadership and how it is used in different organizational levels. The importance of leadership in the business world is also seen in another article by Hartog and Koopman who uses the terms, commoners and leaders to emphasize on the importance of leadership.

Value chain development

And with consideration of the current shift in the implementation policy framework that emphasize the devolved service provision and in exercising it's core mandate of "effective and efficient coordination of the company activities alongside creation of an enabled environment to stakeholders" the company prioritizes the industry value chain development due it's immense benefit to the →

Understanding human behavior and the social environment

The counselor also realised that he may not be in a position to determine the destination for all clients but it was important to become a companion to such people and he should be willing to share their experiences. The counselor's behaviour that may have changed as a result of working with Steve is related →

Hardsellling the homeless

Based on the ethical principle of utilitarianism and the general need for social responsibility, the institutions' move to campaign for education for homeless is called for. Though most of the recruits into the for-profit university programs are also motivated by the availability of funds rather than academic needs, stopping the funding may unfairly hinder education →

Algorithmic trading essay

Algorithmic trading refers to the use of automation for trading in financial markets. The algorithms used by large brokerages and asset managers are written to the FIX Protocol's Algorithmic Trading Definition Language, which allows firms receiving orders to specify exactly how their electronic orders should be expressed.

Analysis of the case lisa benton essay

But Lisa failed to reassign the information power that she gained from her equals to her relationship with Vernon. He was.unlike Linton and Scoville.willing to promote Lisa to develop her adept power in the organisation.

Communication through gender differential usage sociology

The recent detonation of usage of nomadic phones and other personal communicating engineerings presents a challenge to the traditional position of the organic structure for research on new communicating engineerings. But what is the relationship between the principles of show, on the one manus, and utilizations of the engineering for communicating, on the other? ' →

Disadvantages of globalization

This procedure is a combination of economic.technological.socio-cultural and political forces." Globalization is besides used to mention to another term called economic globalisation and this term.refers to the " Integration of national economic systems into the international economic system through trade.foreign direct investing.capital flows.migration.and the spread of engineering." During the decease of each minute consumed and →

“bisy backson” essay

The Tao of Pooh we are introduced to " Ibis Backbones" who represents the most misguided of Western Society, as well, we are shown that Western societal thinkers/philosophers/writers represent, In their own way, the Tao". Pooh would say to enjoy the process to see it as an opportunity to create, to develop, and, above all, →

Imipramine c19h24n2 structure

Contents Retention Index: Popular Desipramine C18H22N2 structure 1, 2, 3, 7, 8-Pentachlorooxanthrene C12H3Cl5O2 structure Diisobutyl Ether C8H18O structure 2-Amino-4-Nitroanisole C7H8N2O3 structure Serotonin C10H12N2O structure 2, 4-Dinitrophenol C6H4N2O5 structure etoxazole C21H23F2NO2 structure 1, 4-bisbenzene C8H4Cl6 structure

Ecommerce in bangladesh

With the rising forces of globalization, it is becoming increasingly important that the private sector, particularly the export sectors are well prepared to meet the requirements and expectations of the importers and also stand out in the competition against exporters in other countries. In the case of the design of an information system that is →

This essay plan will attempt to uncover the ways in which people consume television within their own homes

What this means is that according to Morley, women and men watch television in specific ways relating to social responsibility and gender. For example, Morley states that women multi-task whilst watching television which is due to ".their continuing sense of domestic responsibility," whilst men apparently find it hard to consume television in this way and →

Importance of the tennis mental game

The heading of this topic is very accurate as the game involves a lot of brain work to be applied while playing. The professionals say it is a game of mind since they know the value of each moment spared in this game.

Christmas day in england

Main part As I mentioned before, I would like to give you some information about Origins of Christmas Day Christmas Day is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ.and a widely observed holiday, celebrated generally on December 25 by millions of people around the world. On the last slide, you will see some →

Body rituals of the nacirema

Body Rituals of the Nacirema tells a story of a tribal group's lifestyle and the rituals of it. One of the fundamental beliefs of the Nacirema is that the human body is ugly and that its natural tendency is to disease.

Business studies course work

This is also when the company wants to get rid of last year's product so they sell it off at a lower price. It is a fraction of the cost as compared to the price of anadvertisement.

Against bullfighting

The bull is not an aggressive animal, and the reason he is angry and attempts to charge at the matador whilst in the bullring is mainly because he has been horrendously abused for the previous two days. It is only a matter of time before this abomination has ended, and bulls are allowed to live →

Grave of the fireflies

The movie is about Seita, a sixteen years old boy, and Setsuko, his younger sister, and how they were forced to struggle in order to survive in the widespread famine and the heartless indifference of their extendedfamilymembers and countrymen. Their mother died early in movie, after suffering burns and injuries from a firebombing related to →

R – 7 scandal – boston post magazine

The suspicions of the issue went into a full-blown investigation complete with Congressional hearing, wherein one of the doctors of the same laboratory became, so to speak, the whistle-blower of the whole charade. Mendelssohn and Glass are the directors of the laboratory and their honesty is a very crucial for the integrity of the researches →

In westminster abbey analysis

" In Westminster Abbey" by John Betjeman is a poem that tells the story of a woman in a famous church in London and her prayer to the Lord. One of the more prominent details about the speaker that really shapes the latter half of the poem is that the speaker is not a true →

Describe 4 common sports injuries

The fibula is the splint bone on the outside of the lower leg, there are two types of breaks, the first being an open fracture which means the bone has ruptured the skin. Before the leg cast was removed he was not allowed to put any weight on the injury so had to use crutches →

Essay on developing corporate culture

Culture is the path to the success of the organization. The guide to the organizational values is mission and vision statement of that organization.

Sample solution algorithm to determine meal charges

Then, the algorithm will calculate the amount of a tip, a 7% sales tax, and the total meal charge. The food purchase, sales tax, tip amount, and total meal charge will need to be displayed to the customer.

Ib english iop govt in antigone

IOP: Government in AntigoneThesis: Antigone, through the ages, is a simple stage for displaying the power of the government in the form of a play. This is accomplished by Characterization, the writing style versus the time period of the playwrights, and through the catharsis of death.

Overview of mauritian tourism industry tourism essay

Therefore, this sector is considered to be the key element in the overall development of the island and it has earned a reputation of excellent service in this industry. 2%The tourism industry which contributed to only 4% of the national GDP in the early 1990s has grown over the years to become a major pillar →

From legendary textiles to fibre art cultural studies essay

Textile Art today deals with transformations such as the magic of metamorphosis, where the imaginary of the mind and the skilfulness of the hands unite to create a rich textile universe filled with tradition, innovation, creativity and modernity. Later on, this plaited disk became the emblem of the village flag, and so the horsehair became →

Profile of the past role model business essay

I think the happiness when I receiving my good result will be my energy because I feel that all of my contribution is worth. When I am accepting the job that are challenging, I will feel the challenging job is giving me energy to challenge it so that I have that motivation to do the →

Seeking femininity in others

The ways that the protagonists in each of the books experience and affirm personal femininity are both universal to many women in the United States, yet also specific to their race, upbringing and age during the events of the novels. Whereas Esch believes that she is in total power over the boys she is with, →

Manhood in a gathering of old men

In A Gathering of Old Men, Gaines reveals that through the possession of land and people, white men were able to take the black man's sense of manhood. In A Gathering of Old Men, Tucker, one of the old black men, discusses how African Americans have been deprived of land: " After the plantation was →

Definitions of place: katherine mansfield and virginia woolf

Women's place was in the private sphere of home, that consists of the house and the garden, and she had a moral duty as a wife and a mother. She is trying to make the reader feel and question themselves how it would be in a public or private space.

Coleridge’s philosophy of imagination

Most of the poem describes the untamed forces of nature, implying that the poet is uncontrollable, and his imagination rages on in creation with chaotic movement. Since the images of chaotic creation dominate the poem, Coleridge suggests that the process of imagination is largely a mystery.

Certified nursing assistant role

The CAN should not just be very skillful in the actual procedures but also be able to observe a condition of a client, patient and report to the nurse. Because a lot of responsibilities and duties, the nurse cannot spend a lot of time with the patient, that is why the nurse assistant is often →

The expansion of tim hortons

The main focus is on the progress of the Tim Horton's, its objectives, its mission and conclusion. The sales growth of Tim Horton's of 2012 is 40% in Canada and 6.

Effects of the change4life advertising campaign

The British Medical Association believe that the government are taking a big gamble with the changes to the NHS and others have just stated that the health service will not be able to do what they are expected to do and that the new changes have a big risk of failing. The changes in the →

Mathematics is one of the most difficult subjects

The contents aim to identify what is effective teaching of mathematics and to give specific examples drawn from my reflective journal, personal experiences and observations, which were thought to be particularly effective and characteristic of high quality and exemplary mathematical teaching. The contents of the assignment focus on the discussion of The purpose of mathematics →

Ecological focus on school-community partnerships

Ecological Focus on School-community Partnerships A partnership between the school and the community that is well designed could be vital in ensuring success and the well being of families and children in the community. They help to facilitate the adaptation of students to the changing circumstances in the school environment.

Does division labour encourage or discourage social cohesion

Some economists like Karl Marx were of view that the specialization of labour that is attained as the result of labour division diminishes the efficiency of labour The concept of social cohesion is a complicated phenomenon of sociology. Social cohesion is the force or factor that brings the people of the society close to each →

Alcohol problems and law in the uk criminology essay

For a number of years it has been a well known belief that alcohol is a major trigger in a lot of crimes that have been committed in England and Wales.' Nevertheless it cannot be said that every person who drinks alcohol in an irresponsible manner will go on to commit a criminal offence as →

Housing unit for prisoner rehabilitation

Prison State Every year one in six of the residents of Beecher Terrace rotate in and out of prison, and every year the State of Kentucky spends over $15 million incarcerating them along with residents of the surrounding communities. It dates back to the 1830s, and the majority of the neighborhood is listed on the →

The bespoke conditions of contracts construction essay

As a Dubai construction industry professional the idea was to investigate in depth of the bespoke Conditions of Contracts were vital and useful to the industry and in particular to the professionals in the industry. The real understanding of the issues was to investigate and analysis of the result that enable for a healthy awareness →

Evaluating a demonstration of the near beer game

The total customer order is a combination of the Cumulative Unfilled Orders and the New Customer Order. The inventories graph presents the amount of items ordered by the supplier and how the inventory affects the size of order.

Molecular basis of neurotransmission biology essay

The rise in local calcium concentration makes the exocytosis of the docked vesicles with the plasma membrane and release of transmitter into the synaptic cleft. There is large number of proteins present on the vesicular membrane and these are involved in the neurotransmitter release and in neurotransmission process.

The identification of bacillus subtilis the mystery bacterium biology essay

In the final week, week 4, the bacteria were tested to determine how environmental factors such as temperature, pH and osmotic pressure affect the growth of these soil microbes. Summary of the numerous tests performed, as well as the observations and findings critical in the identification of the unknown soil bacterium isolate.

Blue blood of the big astana

The story tells us the life of a Muslim when this short story is written because of the different symbols used in the story like the blue blood and the big astana, the bittersweet memories of Jafaar and the appearance of the Christian Government. In the text, it says that the daughter of the datu →

Catherine herself

The form of narration in the text mainly is represented be indirect speech, the third person narration, but in the story itself and denouement we see a dialogue. In the text there are many adjectives.

Cost benefit analysis

The function of the analyst is to provide relevant information about the degree and distribution of the benefits and costs to the decision-maker, and potentially to lend to informed public sentiment and argument. The universe without the undertaking is non the same as the universe before the undertaking; for illustration, in the absence of a →

Hell heaven, jhumpa lahiri, intro to lit 101110

At least partially Hell HavenThe story of a girl growing up in Boston with a traditional Indian mother and fatherBoudi/AparnaPart of an arranged marraige, Is a traditionalist Indian mother, Falls in love with Pranab a stranger to the family who acts like a favorite brother in law, Almost torches herself with lighter fluid after Pranab →

Rhetorical strategies and stylistic devices

Then there was the expression of envy as the weed of the mind as it corrupts one thing Also the author states that interest is reducible to a narrow compass meaning the use of interest to many dimensions. The use of exaggeration is in the context.

Introduction the scale, as seen in raga

This texture that is prominent in raga music is very similar to the texture of rock and roll music. In raga music, the main instrument in a sitar and in rock music, a guitar.