A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Harlem renaissance art style and history

Some common themes represented during the Harlem Renaissance were the influence of the experience of slavery and emerging African-American folk traditions on black identity, the effects of institutional racism, the dilemmas inherent in performing and writing for elite white audiences, and the question of how to convey the experience of modern black life in the β†’

The reasons behind the largest corporate scandal of india accounting essay

They just ignore the interests of the company and minority shareholders and act in the way that is best for their benefit. Personal greed of the chairman and negligence of duty by board of directors and the audit committee resulted in a worst scandal in Indian history.

Operation managment

That's the issue Max Holland, a contributing editor of The Nation, takes up in his nutsy-boltsy but fascinating study, When the Machine Stopped. But Holland compensates by conveying the excitement and innovation of the company's early days and the disgust and cynicism accompanying its decline.

Social judgment: its effects in my life

Another factor why sometimes I do not see the expected change after my persuasion is because people sometimes tend to distort incoming information to fit their categories of judgment. In my future communication practice, I will take an in-depth recognition of these factors before I employ persuasion: How crucial is the issue to the receiver?

Functionalism: a detailed look

However, in terms of applying the theory to the idea of Artificial Intelligence, and the prospect of machines being able to think, I will argue that the functionalist theory does not show that artificial intelligence is a plausible idea. The functionalist holds that mental states are translatable into functional states of the brain; however, functionalists β†’

Soul surfer – chapters 1-3

AGONIZEsuffer extreme pain or mental anguishBUOYan anchored float serving as a navigation markMAINLANDa large continuous extent of land that includes the greater part of a countryMISSIONARIESpeople sent on a religious missionPROWLEDmoving around in search of somethingDORMANTtemporarily inactiveEXPATRIATESa person who lives outside their native countryCOMPETITIVEambitious or trying to be the bestAERIALoperating in the airINTIMIDATEfrighten someone in β†’

Is winning everything?

You cannot win if you do not lose because everyone needs to know what error they committed." Winning is not everything; it's the only thing", is like saying it's your main priority and you do not care about anything else unless you fulfill it. Reassurance is sometime disappointing, you do not always win, even if β†’

The courts

In the United States, the court system is divided into federal courts and the state courts in addition to smaller courts of specific jurisdiction. The federal-state model of the court system was in accordance with the principle of power-sharing between the state governments and the federal government.

It instrument through which one obtains the

It is clear through the literature that has come to man, that philosophers started being increasingly concerned with the task of justifying the possibility, and therefore, the credibility of human knowledge of the entire world. This means that if one is able to know the extent of the knowledge possessed, then deciding on the criteria β†’

Here & adolescent psychiatry [aacap], 1995)” almost one-third

Here are some facts regarding childhood depression:" Youth under stress who experience a loss or who have attention, learning, or conduct disorders are at a higher risk for depression." Almost one-third of six- to twelve-year- old children diagnosed with major depression will develop bipolar disorder within a few years." Four out of every five runaway β†’

For and cutting tools. workshops are another kind

A basic feature of each hut was a central hearth that seems to e been protected from drafts by a small wall built just outside the northeast corner of the hearth, evidence suggests that the Terra Amati occupants gathered seafood such as oysters and mussels, some fishing, and hunted in the surrounding area. Some of β†’

Determinism aesthetics turned into a search for an

A Lot of the new urban districts of the factories and its workers, shocked the community which consisted of high class resident, when the revolution of the industry was brought into the second half of the dislocated 10th century. Itself and this what caused it to be the core of many of the furnishing materials β†’

A of this section the word “register” includes

Persuading or bribing a clerk in the office of a Munsif to permit him to have access to the record of the court and making an interpolation in the list of documents filed and inserting a document in the record has been held to be punishable under this section. The preparation of a forged bail β†’

Narrative essay: trust the instincts

It was the end of the school year and, as a sixth grade teacher, I was stressed and busy. When I checked myself in the mirror, I looked and felt like a princess.

The fastest land animal in the world

In the following few pages it will describe where they live, their size, the way they hunt, their amazing vision, the problems of keeps it as a pet, and their pregnancy. There are only a handful of animals that can eat the cheetah and that is because the cheetah is almost on top of the β†’

Game time

I drive right by him 5, 4 the clock goes down two east haven defenders close on me I see my point guard wide open in the corner I pass him the ball 3, 2, 1 he gets the shot off splash tie game we were going into overtime against a team we have never β†’

Book is analogy to my life

Birds have thousands of different species, yet no one species is " better" than the other, just like a book. No one career is better than the other; it's all about whether or not you derive any joy or positive emotion out of a career.

Benjamin braddock characterization assignment

Benjamin Braddock, played by Dustin Hoffman, is the protagonist and he is going to be the topic of this characterization. He started smoking and changing his attitude so in my opinion he might be able to manage his life and do the right decisions for him and his future because of this experience.

Was winston churchill a great wartime leader assignment

By sass's there was almost no chance of Churchill ever coming to power as he was deemed to be a ' doddering war mongered'2 however when Britain did enter the war it is evident that: ' There is no alternative to Windstorm's since, his achievements eave been hailed endlessly from the only common man to β†’

Gandhi as an environmentalist assignment

To Gandhi, the main plank of the modern civilization is he insatiable and unending pursuit of material pleasure and prosperity. He was not an environmentalist who analyzed the causes and consequences of depletion in the ozone layer.

Computer science notes assignment

The format is as simple as: Syntax: array_name[index] Following the previous examples in which marry had 5 elements and each of those elements was of type into, the name which we can use to refer to each element is the allowing: For example, to store the value 75 in the third element of marry, we β†’

Marketing strategies for cell c assignment

We believe that in order to put even a slight dent in the marked we need to be aggressive in our marketing attack." we can proceed with the implementation of our aggressive cellular network roll, paving the way for us to introduce innovative new competitive service and product packages designed to further expand mobile telephony β†’

Stakeholders and business ethics assignment

The company's " reputation is the trust, goodwill, and confidence' that society has in the company that entices them to want to do business with the company. Help promote their survival and increase the profitability of business enterprises Correct: The goal of laws governing workplace diversity is to create a level playing field for people β†’

Teamwork goes to the movies assignment

In analyzing and comparing the characters and events in the movie, Armageddon, one sees many of the elements of a high performance team such as problem solving, goal setting, conflict resolution, and team dynamics. Once the issue of who was going to make the trip was settled the team was divided into two groups and β†’

Enron: an ethics case study assignment

Among the most disappointing and tragic examples of this is the case of World Championship Wrestling which, hanks to a combination of mismanagement and bad luck, was forced to fold in 2001. Points to be discussed in this paper include the corporate culture It espoused, the contributions made by Enron's corporate culture to its demise, β†’

Marketing- indian politics assignment

The philosophy of Integral Humanism advocate the simultaneous and integrated program of the body, mind and intellect and soul of each human being. It must fulfill the material and non-material needs of all individuals and promote a symbiotic relationship between the individual and society, in which the individual works for society, and society, in turn, β†’

Bullying which is how to approach when

That's just a different kind of messed up that not and one of the reasons bullying is still going to be around. At least bullying is on the decrease This is something that seems to be pretty consistent and not really changing.

For order to find that the mass of

Due to the change in mass from the crucible to when it had the sample in it you are able to determine the mass of the sample by subtracting the crucible original mass from the total combined mass. To then find the evaporated water mass the subtraction of the original sample mass from post heated β†’

Trends that metal. (1 mark) metals are not

Elements in the same group have similar chemical propertiesbecause the atoms of these elements have the same number of electrons in there outershell for example Lithium, sodium and potassium are all ingroup 1 so therefore have one electron in there outer shell.2. A sodium atom has one electron in the outer shell.

Scientific background behind the west’s leap in productivity essay sample

The mechanization of the textile industry, the scientific breakthroughs in iron-making techniques, the increased use of refined coal, and the introduction of steam power and its ability to power machinery combined with the introduction of new transportation methods led to the expansion of trade. And the industry most important in the rise of England as β†’

ο»Ώthe thirteen colonies essay sample

Englands colonization in the new world led to the Thirteen Colonies made up of the New England Colonies, The Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies each having seperate religious beliefs, laws, and goverments. Most of the Dutch People stayed in the new Colony.

Accounting: brainiac company essay sample

Instructions Compute depreciation expense for 2011 and 2012 using the straight-line method, the units-of-activity method, and the double-declining balance method. 63 Salaries Payable1342.64 c.

Of borders and dreams essay sample

The book showcases the western Chicago based family's efforts to fill the academic needs of the central character, Alejandro, in America's public and private educational institutions. I am compelled by Alejandro's situation since education of such people may bear fruit to various fields in the American society and the whole world.

Charles cooley theory of looking glass essay sample

It's additionally natural: regardless of the amount we may wish to pressure that we are our own particular individual, we need to concede that a considerable measure of our personality our convictions, thoughts, suppositions, inclinations is a result of our conditions. On confront, this idea may appear as though one in which the individual is β†’

International law and human rights

Stewart Patrick and Shepard Forman explained that the US unilateralism in human rights to a distinctive culture of " exceptionalism" that is, a pervasive sense of cultural relativism, ethnocentrism, or nationalism is one of those which distinguish the United States' from the international human rights perspective. 1 And so it is understandable to assume that β†’

Decoding the new mtv-speak

Throughout the article " Decoding the New MTV Speak" the made fun of the new billboard MTV advertising campaign. The target demographic of MTV is not people in their 40s.

Corporate welfare

The events led to a depression and the government began to regulate the railways in an effort to get the country out of the depression faster. The crisis that created the Corporate Welfare program in the 1930s was the Great Depression.

Industrial america and immigration

This helped to twist the federal regulation of corporations and it also proves that the federal government should have regulated corporations more than they did in the late 19th Century. During the middle decades of the 19th century, immigrants from Europe and elsewhere settled frontiers and helped in the industrialization of America by providing necessary β†’

Stage 1

49 EBAY 1.85 1.38 2.50 2.02 2. 26b AAPL EBAY 1.

Chip conley: measuring what makes life worthwhile

Chip Conley unravels his story and the lessons he learn through listening, perseverance, and understanding and willing to prosper, it is easy to expand a business empire. As a leader, it is wise to realize that for a business to work, the human aspect has to be respected and so should the hierarchy of needs.

Evaluate various organizational perspectives

Epistemology in regards to an organization investigates the extent of human knowledge, its acquisition through different forms of investigation and inquiry. The multidisciplinary aspect of organizational theory makes studying organization theory fascinating and challenging.

Modes of persuasion in the message of the northrop grumman corporation

By stating that it covers all the major areas of defense, the company is making use of logos, that is reasoning, in order to establish its mastery over the field, and to gain the confidence of the buyers. Therefore, the customer is drawn to the company due to the use of logos in their message.

The intriguing world of soccer – thesis proposal example

A word that could make ripples in the mind of men, and also holds the title of being the mightiest of all the sports in the world. Soccer is indefinitely the most prestigious sport in the world and it has an international status and fame which no other sport or entertainment could attain ever.

Heroic style in beowulf and the battle of maldon

Supervisor's Heroic Style in Beowulf and The Battle of Maldon The two heroic poems, Beowulf and The battle of Maldon are considered to be among the most important literally texts in the English language, both written in Old English. While the two heroic poems differ significantly in that in Beowulf the subject matter is mythological β†’


Such will create a competitive strength for the company in terms of selling the products in the market. Moreover, the finishing of the company product will be unique to create brand of the product and identity of the company in the market of these products.

Motivating and lying

Lies Used for Motivation In a very competitive world, a person often needs inspiration and motivation to be able to provide the desired outcome which is required in a particular task. However, when the falsehood of the statement is exposed, either the person whom the message was addressed to will feel betrayed or used depending β†’

Mba as a particularly important goal

My work is appreciated and I have gained vast experience in technical field1 and would like to enhance my knowledge in finance now. I had been motivated by the desire of attaining excellence in business field and have reached the present position with that in mind, and to reach here, I had disregarded lucrative alternatives β†’

Why do oil prices keep falling

Reasons for the falling oil prices in Japan and India One of the reasons for the falling oil prices in Japan and India is the increased production of oil in America through hydraulic fracturing of shale formations and has reached the highest level of production in 30 years resulting in high oil supply resulting in β†’

Becoming a pastry chef essay

To become a successful pastry chef a good education is needed, and also a lot of training, and amazing cooking skills to help right along with the journey of becoming a pastry chef. Le Cordon Bleu is worldwide recognized program, and is seen as the most finest culinary arts program available for students interested in β†’

Portrayal of women in hamlet essay

The second issue that Hamlet deals with is the Oedipus Complex, which can be seen through the remarks that he makes to his mother. The Theory of the Oedipus Complex is shown through the character of Hamlet in various aspects such as how he looks down upon his mother, becoming angry with his mother's choices, β†’

P ramlee – college essay

He was the runner-up in the same contest held in 1946, and the winner in 1947. Ramlee in 1982 and the P.

Ballad of wordly wealth essay

A ballad's contents include 3 stanzas, at least 8 lines in each stanza, and a refrain a refrain in example of the Ballad of Wordly Wealth is " Youth, and health, and Paradise" The author used sophisticated imagery to portray money as both a staple in society, and as the the icon of the world's β†’

Critical analysis of a geopolitical text: ich bin ein berliner essay

Khrushchev unable to compete with and outmaneuver the capitalist West aimed to force the Allies out of West Berlin and to bring them to recognize the existence of the communist East German state. The West, particularly the USA, was accused of failing to respond rigorously to the building of the Wall.

Battling over bottled water

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the water rights case of Nestle versus Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation from the perspective of the libertarian, utilitarian, and Rawlsian theories of justice. They also built a 12-mile pipeline between their plant and 850 acres of private property for the purpose of pumping and selling up β†’

Pain medication addiction

There is a very common problem in the abuse and addiction to pain pills. Additionally, the usage of other medications and alcohol is a common sign to look for.

Reflection on “teaching outside the box” chapters 1 & 2

I find that I was never much in a fantasy world about teaching, I have been in school and non of the students are perfect little angels, but I realize how I will deal with that will come in time when I have ample experience to handle the worst of them. The story of Dante β†’

Notes for driving essay

Accelerator pedal Located to the right of the brake pedal, push it down to get the car to go faster, release the pedal to get the car to slow down. When you are trying to back a straight line you need to: keep the brake pressed and put the car in reverse 2- turn your β†’

Haunted house

Parapsychologists attribute haunting to the spirits of the dead and the effect of violent or tragic events in the building's past such as murder, accidental death, or suicide. More scientific explanations for the perception that a house is haunted include misinterpreting noises naturally present in structures, waking dreams, suggestibility, and the effect of toxic substances β†’

Pericles quotes

It is true that we are called a democracy, for the administration is in the hands of the many and not of the few. But while the laws secure equal justice to all alike in their private disputes, the claim of excellence is also recognized; and when a citizen is in any way distinguished he β†’

Tok essay

To what extent do you agree with this claim? - Both are imperial to what we know today. We may be able to see something " that we can know but without being able to express it in detail, or the way that we are thinking it there is no way of communicating this idea β†’

Oil pipelines and russia’s involvement

This is the case due to the high levels of insecurity for the pipelines in the region and Russia's influence on the pipeline operations to the major market in the Eastern Europe. Over the years, the debate over the actual cause of instability in the region has led to development of the hypothesis that the β†’

Foreshadows and suspense the lottery

Jackson builds suspense in " The Lottery" by relentlessly withholding explanation and does not reveal the true nature of the lottery until the first stone hits Tessie's head. She begins to reveal that something is awry when the lottery begins and the crowd grows nervous, and she intensifies the feeling when Tessie hysterically protests Bill's β†’

Developmental assets in education

According to Dewey and Tufts, the best kind of help to others, whenever possible, is indirect, and consists in such modifications of the conditions of life, of the general level of subsistence, as enables them independently to help themselves. In the bid to bridge the gap, the school makes use of varying useful alternatives that β†’

The island of bohol: heaven on earth

More so, the sizzling ray of the sun, the hypnotic sound of the sea and warm smile of the natives of Bohol greeted me as I entered nature's hidden treasure. The undulating movements of the waves took me to a place that highlighted my contentment andhappiness.

Journal article review about sigmund freud

In Freud's interpretation of the theory he links it the development of the superego " which uses guilt to prevent continuation of incestuously oriented relationships." Taylor-Smither then relates this to Elizabeth in that her being unable to complete the process she constantly uses the said guilt as a way of remaining out of conjugal relationships. β†’

Current state of education in nigeria

Education fosters the worth and development of the individual, for each individuals sake and for the general development of the society/nation iii. Provide the child with basic tools for further educational advancement, including preparation for trades and crafts of the locality.these goals from the basis of primary education in all the states of the federation β†’

Is technology a blessing or a curse?

Technology is part of the life of every human- We can live without a technology and technology cannot exist without us. Technology is a necessary to live and to prove conditions of our live.

Law revision

Soon afterwards, Percival discovered that prior to and during the negotiations for the sale of his shares, another person was negotiating with the board for the purchase of the whole company and was offering various prices for shares, all of which exceeded the price paid to Percival. E is not subject to fiduciary obligations because β†’

The screwtape letters and subjective relativism

As a result, when a manager is able to affect the employees by delivering his/her idea and value to the workplace, subjective relativism can benefit the company. Subjective Relativism can help the employees to be more interested in the work and maximize the innovation of them.

To what extent did russia undergo economic

After the 1905 revolution Russia was in need of reforms both economically and politically, to allow it maintain its role of a great power and to prevent another revolution occurring the answer to this was the October Manifesto. In early 1906 the October Manifesto was published as a result of the 1905 revolution and as β†’

Reflection unit assignment

Leadership as described by Morton, " successful leaders know who they are, what they believe in and why and where they want to go." To follow this example I will have to search within myself to find my directions and ultimate goal in life. This is to ensure that there is an even balance within β†’

Guns germs and steel history essay

Therefore, the discussion on historical justifications of the wealth and poverty of states in a global scenario is condensed to a subset of the crucial question on the connection of bronze tools and the rest of the world. Any science of human history is quite possible to be based on a hunt for laws, procedures β†’

Socrates and aristophanes

Aristophanes' play, The Clouds, is a social commentary condemning the ways in which the rise of sophistry, philosophy, and new science in Athens led to a degradation of traditional Athenian customs. Aristophanes argues that these new intellectual movements serve to destroy the traditional customs of Athenian life, corrupting the youth and subverting the honest and β†’

Theodore roosevelt – life, accomplishments & presidency

Most refer to Theodore Roosevelt as being a strong president who was the first to stretch the boundaries of politics, and for being the first modern president. As a result, Roosevelt was voted governor of New York in 1898 and is the only president in history to receive the medal of honor.

Marriage in everyday use story

She is a good Christian, and a teacher in a girls school in Lagos said Nnaemeka but the father wasnt please to such thing he heard his son say because to him a wife shouldnt be a teacher nor do anything but be a stay home wife and do what wife do at home his β†’

Rushdie and the sea of metaphors

Haroun and the Sea of Stories is an artistic response to the universally relevant topics of free speech and oppression as they affect Rushdie personally and the world as a whole. Haroun: and the Sea of Stories.

A defense of rochester in wide sargasso sea

He is hopeful in his situation, he tries to live up to the English standard, and he is given no other option but to attempt to love a madwoman. He does not understand the customs of the country, and even the natural order of the moon and the stars seems strange to him.

Using film to expand upon the great gatsby

In the novel, Fitzgerald criticizes the unattainability of the American Dream as well as the shallow nature of the upper class. The symbols of the novel are heightened further in the Luhrmann version of the movie, bringing a new layers to the novel.

Example of nba players should not earn a lot of money argumentative essay

If anyone is aware of a NBA player who can perform a surgery to inform me to prove me wrong, but I am of the idea that the millions of dollars earned by NBA players should be directed to something more constructive like doctors and teachers. The club owners should donate the excess salaries earned β†’

Power of the growth mindset in student learning

As I have started the Digital Learning and Leading program, I have grown to see how the power of Growth Mindset is significantly essential in students' learning." The students' growth mindset" will start in the first five days of school and it will incorporate Carol Dweck's four steps to changing your mindset. A " Fixed β†’

Future advancements of hyperspectral imaging

Due to its non-contact method of analysis, the speed at which it can gather and process information, and the ease with which the results can be interpreted, HSI proves itself to be an excellent alternative to many forensic techniques used today. As HSI can identify the chemical composition of a sample, it could also be β†’

Five characteristics of emotional intelligence

The purpose of the study is to examine emotional intelligence on the employees' performances in commercial banks. The objective of this study is to investigate the determinants of the emotional intelligence of the employees on their performances in commercial banks.

The impact of the watergate scandal

And it all came from the biggest mistake in my political career, the decision to cover up the operation in order to bug the Democratic National Convention" s office in Watergate Hotel and Office complex. The ethics of lawyers are also questioned in the scandal and the model rules of professional ethics began to play β†’

Every kind of oppression in our lives philosophy essay

The government in V for Vendetta is actually a fascist state because it does not have any tolerance to the differences in the society. Their duty is to spy for the government and try to capture people who are against the government.

Perception visual system

According to Gregory " The task of the eye and brain is quite different from either a photographic or a television camera converting objects merely into images ", Gregory clearly explains from the aforementioned quote that the eye and the brain consists of many different stages from light entering the eye to the eye producing β†’

Effects of alcohol on inattentional blindness

A 2017 study by Harvey, Bayless, and Hyams took a different approach to evaluating the effects of alcohol inattentional blindness. The effects of alcohol intoxication on attention and memory for visual scenes.

Laplace transforms

After we have done some algebra to find a solution to our ODEs in the Laplace domain, we must invert the Laplace transform if we want to get a solution in the time domain. To find the solution in the time domain, we must invert the Laplace transforms CSTR Example Solution Can be determined using β†’

The history and success of tesco management essay

The benefit of being a PLC are: the huge amount of capital raised by the general public via share, the production cost may be lower as achieving the economies of scale, the size of the business would more often tend to dominate the market, the Finance intuition would be willing to lend to PLCs rather β†’

Introduction to celtic influence in english language history essay

It is only in the last century that a major change in the scientific assessment of the Adventus Saxonum occurred following which it is now believed that a large portion of the population of Britain continued to live alongside the Anglo-Saxon conquerors. Some more evidence for cultural continuity of the Celtic people is seen in β†’

Difference between quasi turbine and i c engine engineering essay

In this engine all assembled parts are symmetric on one axis and the all parts are rotates on same axis however we will get good mechanical energy because of symmetric design of engine.as per on the figure the periphery of the ring is owl shape and the displacement of all stroke work on different angle β†’

Demonstrate an understanding of relevant theories

This is represented in the following discussions: Application of scientific methodology Basic Knowledge in keys areas Upholding professionalism in psychology Understanding of relevant psychological theories is an important factor in the understanding of the psychological curriculum. Finally, other related or relevant theories can be cited to boost the validity of one's assumptions.behavior theories cognitive theories β†’

Postgraduate certificate in learning and teaching education essay

Furthermore, at the commencement of the Teaching Toolkit and Post Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, I was unsure and apprehensive about what to expect from the course and what would be required of me for the courses and what areas of teaching that I would be interested in the most. In β†’