Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning

Public policy & globalization and outsourcing

Public Policy & Globalization and Outsourcing Explanation of How Public Policy Is Formed In the American System of Government Public policy may be referred as objective oriented and purposeful measures adopted by the government for the purpose of dealing with the problems arising in the society. The public policy formulation follows various steps from the β†’

Recount and the u.s. supreme court

One of the grounds cited by the judges, as per asserted in Rule 10, was the occurrence of discrepancy on the decision of Florida Supreme Court for ballot recounts. It could be recalled that in December of the same year, the Florida Supreme Court stated multiple court decisions regarding the presidential election and the process β†’

Byzantium the early centuries

Perhaps the most significant and accordingly most famous act of Constantine was to legalize Christianity. Christians gradually received benefits as a result of Constantine's rule, and by the time of his death conversion to Christianity was becoming mandatory in order to obtain new land.

What are the main motives for us involvement in the region after 1945

The Main Motives of America's Intervention in the Middle East Region After 1945 The of the The Main Motives of America's Intervention in the Middle East Region After 1945 The question of America's involvement in the Middle East region after 1945 is that very point raising over and over again by people in the whole β†’

Ancient china brochure assignment

Another big part of the Han dynasty was the military. The emperor was very important in the Han dynasty but was sometimes over ruled by the empress, next came the kings and then the nobles.

African cultural practices

However, despite the fact that they have dominated art industry, it has become difficult to understand the meaning of some of the cultural practices by African communities. Although Africa is rich in ceremonies, the sacred ceremony for the Oduduwa the first king of the Yoruba community is one of kind.

The congo war rape as a weapon history essay

This dispute will be uncovered by exposing the status of women and girls prior to conflict, the consequences of the usage of sexual violence/rape as a weapon of war throughout the conflict, as well as the misconceptions of wartime rape. In 1996, the Rwandan government led its troops into the Congo, emphasizing the necessity for β†’

African americans and the cold war. assignment

The Cold War and the intense ideological disputes between the United States and the Soviet Union aided in the strengthened awareness towards his inequality and led to a slight advancement of the societal position for African Americans. With the numbers supporting the American government declining and the " difficulty sustaining the smooth image of racial β†’

Affirmative action: pro-contra assignment

The impetus toward affirmative action is to redress the disadvantages associated with overt historical discrimination. Some policies adopted as affirmative action, such as racial quotas or gender quotas for collegiate admission, have been criticized as a form of reverse discrimination, and such implementation of affirmative action has been ruled unconstitutional by the majority opinion of β†’

Who do you think was the most important figure in russian history – lenin or stalin?

He expanded the Soviet Unions' borders up to Eastern Europe and helped in the spread of Communism right 100 km from the most dominant capitalist state, the USA. All this prove, that even thou Stalin might have had a greater impact on Russia, Lenin had a greater importance than him, because he was the one β†’

Why did the suez canal crisis of 1956 take place

One of the foremost reasons for the war the nationalization of the Suez Canal this canal represented a main source for oil for the Britain and France. A reason outside the Middle East for the war was the constant annoyance that Nasser posed to the British and the French.

Hungary: economic crisis and a shift to the right

The Hungarian population, however, was dissatisfied with this government, and in an effort to appease the people, the government instituted reforms such as withdrawing from the Warsaw Pact and coming a neutral power. The Path to the European Union In 1989, Hungary was the first country to breach the " Iron Curtain".

Vietnam and gulf wars

The basic argument for every country entering a war concerns the interest its stands to address and the eventual gain in political sanity in both the place of war and the country entering into the war. In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam.N.p, 1995.

Hysteria and fear of the salem witch trials assignment

So I ask, " What were the causes of the Salem Witch Trials, and the events leading up to the causes? It was said that from the political issues of the special accommodations and higher income given to the minister caused the residents to want revenge thus starting the accusations of the witch trials.

Religion and politics in great britain history essay

The idea of the appearance of the Savior is spread all over the places, on the Roman territories, becoming a threat for the political and military stability of Rome. According to Cristopher Hibbert, at the end of the 6th century, Ethelbert, the King of Kent perhaps under the influence of his wife Bertha, daughter of β†’

Japanese samurai

There was a time period called " sengoku" because of all of the wars that were going on between the different provinces, and then there was the time period after where all of Japan was in the control of one powerful leader called Tokugawa. In the time period, there were a lot of wars going β†’

The impact of the black death

The Impact of the Black Death Affiliation: What impact did the Black Death have on Medieval Europe and Byzantium? The Black Death was a pandemic plague that spread and caused massive deaths in the 14th Century in most parts of the world.

Discuss the contributions of iron technology to the process of state formation in bantu africa

THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF IRON TECHNOLOGY TO THE PROCESS OF FORMATION IN BANTU AFRICA THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF IRON TECHNOLOGY TO THE PROCESS OF STATE FORMATION IN BANTU AFRICA This paper reflects and discusses two major issues, which are the process of state formation in Bantu Africa and how iron technology contributed to this process of state β†’

Hospital in the early christian era essay

The origin of the institutions of the early Christian era that we now call hospitals, was the hospice and had the explicit duty of carrying out the functions of hospitals. Diaconia is the earliest forms of Christian " hospital" assistance, this is a process where the deacon, collaborating with the presbyter and bishop, had the β†’

Ancient egypt assignment

Next to him, the most powerful officers were the viziers, the executive heads of the bureaucracy. Today's government in Egypt is similar to the old government.

Excavated settlements offer a unique perspective history essay

The artefacts and remains of Pompeii have provided insight to the daily lifestyle, due to the nature of preservation, laying beneath the volcanic ash for thousands of years. The excavation settlements in Troy and Pompeii have informed us about the past lives of communities lived in each.

Which contexts and developments help to explain european expansion (wk 16) and new world conquest (wk 13)

While this was not the virgin voyage for the Spaniards, it was in this year that marked the time of exploration in the " new world. First of all, the course for the New World explorations and the European expansion was dented by the unhealthy interactions and relationship that existed between the indigenous people and β†’

Absolutism and limited monarchy

Absolutism and Limited Monarchy Affiliation: Identify and discuss factors that led to a different solution to the monarchy question in England in the 17th century, as opposed to the continent. During this 17th Century, the monarch in England had shortage of revenues and therefore demanded the nobility and other politicians in England to give them β†’

American view of slavery from 1790 to 1820s

It was the first state to start the freedom struggle through the Revolution and was also the largest slave holder in the country. But with the invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney, a device designed to separate the cotton from the seeds and the seed pods, the economic value of plantation slavery was β†’

A study of french court life under louis xiv assignment

So as to better control the nobles and aristocrats of the royal court he built the magnificent palace Versailles and required the nobles to spend most of their time there with the threat of punishment. For the rest of the day the King and the Court would be entertained.

Art history

The proponent takes it as reminder of the ideals of the stature that they align with while those that oppose it are a reminder of the perceived oppressive idea that the person on the sculpture stood for. More so, the proponents so the sculpture of Kino as the reminder of modernization that will encourage economic β†’

Flags of our fathers: by james bradley and ron powers

Some of the notable historic wars include the First and Second World Wars, the Civil War, the American Revolution, the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, and the Korean War among others. In his book, James Bradley captures the triumph, the glory, the legacy, and the glory of six men who managed to raise the β†’

Compare and contrast why we can’t wait to if you were only white

The ultimate issue is the integration of the black community in the American society in terms of having their rights and freedoms observed. For Satchel Paige, his influence in the American society has caught the attention of both whites and blacks.

The battle of trenton

November The Battle of Trenton The Battle of Trenton was one of the revolutionary battles fought in the American history. The British troops had exiled the Americans from the New York.

American history

Their initial concern was the short term profits which they wanted to earn by looking at the examples of the Arabs. They had the funds to prepare and carry out many voyages to the south of Africa and this allowed them to gain access to the lands before others.

What are edmund morgans thesis and argument about slavery

By the late 1960s, Morgan's research of slavery, as Couvares and Saxton state, " had plunged him deeply into social history, that is, into the realm of group experience and collective fate that seemed very far away from the world of intellectuals and political leaders that had once so occupied him". Unlike other historians of β†’

Korean american 4

The last wave of movement since the implementation of the 1965 Immigration Act that authorized family and work immigration, led to the creation of huge population of Korean Settlers in most of the cities including Los Angeles and Chicago. However, the main weakness of this article is that it has failed to address how and β†’

Just answer the questionsno reference

In the wake of such developments, the company heads and the advertisement creators have re thinking to do. Such practices are in conflict not just with the ethical aspect of human rights and activities but also the legal and professional constraints and aspects of advertisement and business functions.

Answering questions

This was distracted by the start of slave traders from Europe and Arab Muslims between the 7th and 20th century who bought and even raided slaves in Africa and America who then exported to Asia and Europe. This leads to the emergence of the trans-Saharan slave trade due to the expansion of the trade across β†’

Reagans economics

Reagan, who succeeded Carter, was the 40th President of the United s of America and ruled from 1981-1989. The core of Reagan's economic policies was based on " Reaganomics", which is also known as trickle-down economics.

History of salem witch trials

In any event, there was a massive amount of judgment and lack of acceptance to one another, and this played a key role in the chaos of the Witch Trials. Accusations of witchcraft and possession put a scare and a drive to defeat into the citizens of Salem, Massachusetts that year.

Eichmann in jerusalem: a report on the banality of evil by hannah arendt

The main social factor that leads to individuals' will to resist Nazis it was the obedience to authority. Moreover, she argued that Eichmann might have not been aware of the crime he committed in a cohort of the Nazis authority.

Details on cancer in us

In the early 1913, cancer was not that known and not often reported to the public and society. Middle point of the American Cancer Society was the creation of the logo of the ACS.

The league of nations was a great source for peace in the 1920’s assignment

The League Of Nations Was A Great Force For Peace In The 1920's In this essay, I am going to look at the successes and failures of the League of Nations in its struggle for peace throughout the 1920's. Yet the other four main countries continued to support the LofN and formed the council, consisting β†’

Pragmatic war mod 5 disc 2

The American civil War and Democracy The American war was the greatest crisis to face America in its history. The rights and freedoms of individuals and the press were suspended in order win the civil war.

See directions

Escaping from the life of slavery marked end of a life of starvation and heavy toil in the fields of his white masters only to increase the wealth his masters and remain in poverty. The only way that Douglass could be free and get to enjoy freedom for the rest of his life was to β†’

How far does quarry bank mill demonstrate the methods

This was due to a number of reasons: the fact that the work was carried out from the homes and therefore there were flexible working hours, the equipment and processes were far less advanced and efficient; due to the cost and size of better equipment, the workers were clearly not all in one place, so β†’

Irm bulliet cold war and decolonization assignment

In the communist states, the recovery from World War II was rapid at first, but in the long run, the Soviet a eastern European economies were unable to match those of the west in the production of consumer goods, housing, and food. In Korea, Soviet and American occupation of zones north and south of the β†’

Reading response

However the people of Britain and France were devastated by the destruction caused by the war and in no mood to forgive Germany for it. It led to more friction among nations and was helpless in preventing the next war that was even more horrific than its predecessor causing untold misery to the peoples of β†’

Reading journal

The experience has been somewhat similar while reading the chapters in the book by Kagan and Rogers. According to the chapters in the book it has been told that the early 17th and mid 20th centuries have been very favorable for Europe as it has dominated majority of the world.

Short answer from book killer angels: the classic nover of the civil war by michael shaara

September 2, Gettysburg: Modern and Traditional Battle and Longstreet's Defensive Strategy In Michael Shaara's novel, The Killer Angels, he underscores the importance of Gettysburg as a strategic yet human effort. This tactic left the Confederate troops exposed and vulnerable to the onslaught of the Union artillery and guns as the trudged towards the heavily defended β†’

Mount vernon

It clearly represents the creativity, entrepreneurship and intelligence of George Washington, who has taken highest care and interest in planning and implementing the structure and design of Mount Vernon. The entry at the central passage in the mansion gives visitors a pleasant feeling of the tour in the beginning.

Aboriginal and western conceptions of land

This began a grueling battle of recognition and claim for ancestral land ownership among the Aborigines as the white settlers set out to acquire all the land that they considered unused or vacant. Aboriginal Vs Western conceptions of land Long before the white settlers arrived in Australia, the Aboriginal people had very well-developed law systems β†’

An ethnohistory of the utah paiutes

The collection of information in this text covers every important aspect of the life of the American Indian Paiute tribe with a main emphasis on their introduction to the Anglo-Americans. Holt vividly depicts the introduction of the white man and makes a valid point in designating who the instigator of the degradation of the Paiutes β†’

Democracy compared to forms of government

Hobbes asserts that war is a constant factor in human life, and is the result of the breakdown of the city of the government and the over-ruling of human reason. He attributed the cause of war to the militant nationalism of the major European states and to the ethnic hatreds prevalent in most of the β†’

French revolution outline assignment

The author's interpretation of what was so revolutionary about the French revolution is that " the French revolution was a succession of such events, events so terrible that shook mankind to it's core. So the thing that was so revolutionary was: The violence the different groups the overall outcome of it I do agree with β†’

Benjamin franklin: keys to success assignment

Benjamin Franklin, formally the namesake of his uncle Benjamin due to the fond relationship of he and his father, grew up in Boston tending grammar school to become a member of clergy. Although Benjamin Franklin is known by most for the lucrative and remarkable person that he became, his success growing p to become that β†’

How far were the 60s distintive in their own rights

The Sixties were distinctive in their own rights and very significant to the many changes that occurred throughout the period. To understand why and how the changes took place in the Sixties we first need to understand the concept and practicality of historical periodisation.

Thomas jefferson on slavery and race – notes on the state of virginia, 1782

He advocated for the freedom of the slaves when he became the legislator in Virginia, but he failed. She kept a journal while on the farm indicating the living and working conditions of the slaves.

Take a stand and argue the following: the initial female workers of lowell mills were an example of labor exploitation

The initial female workers of Lowell Mills Introduction Labor exploitation refers to employmentobtained from a person under poor working conditions and which the person has not willingly offered. The workers gave up and went back to their work at reduced wages.

Peter the great and ivan the terrible e assignment

He was the first czar of Russia and officially took over at the age of 16. After the believe d assassination of his wife, Ivan became very depressed and paranoid, he basically went crazy.

Ap world history analysis

National Assembly wrote the " Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen" 9. Liberty, equality, and fraternity" was the slogan and values of the National Assembly {.

Prohibition assignment

As you can see prohibition was not necessary because before the law was passed not that many people would drink. The people that were in charge of enforcing did not do their jobs right to enforce the law, and to make people pay for not obeying the law.J.C.

Jazz and world war ii: reciprocal effects and relationships assignment

I want to further explore how the war affected the accessibility of Jazz during the time, as well as how the war helped shape the musical direction of the genre. During the war Jazz had numerous effects on the people of many countries: the soldiers who fought, citizens of each country involved in the war β†’

Historical presidents

As the commander-in-chief of the Navy and the Army, Lincoln passed this Proclamation as a war measure that he deemed a necessity. First, it led to the disruption of the agricultural economies of the Confederate States; this enabled slaves to flee the plantations.

Read the sources and summarize them

The incident brought the conditions of workers to the fore and was a turning point in the area of labor reform inspiring labor leaders to carry on the struggle for greater economic security and better working conditions. The incident was a turning point in the area of labor reform and brought the rights of workers β†’

The environment incomparative and worldpolitics

The situation in Yemen is discussed where it is reported by a collective of researchers that " 70 to 80 percent of rural conflicts are over water shortages," revealing that much of the problems of the civil state can be traced to this type of debacle. 5) It seems then, after reading this article that β†’


Critique on Chapter 22 Task Introduction A History of Modern Middle East by William Cleveland talks about Middle East history in details covering the western imperialism and Egyptian reorganization.' Challenges to the existing Order: The Palestinian Uprising and the gulf War' is a title of chapter 22 of the book, which is analyzed critically. A β†’

Greek society in the archaic period

This essay will attempt to highlight the progression which occurred from the Mycenaean and Dark Age to the formation of Archaic Greece, and examine how many of these changes worked together in order to create, by the end of the period, a somewhat sophisticated society which had never been seen before in the history of β†’

The lasting effects of the new deal on american history assignment

The lasting effects of The New Deal on American history are the trust that the people had in their government, the support the government provided for Americans, and the hope Americans had that the depression would expire. Another aspect that the new deal focused on was

Lessons of the cold war

Lessons of the Cold War The cold war began shortly after the Second World War. In fighting the war, the first president of the United States into the war, President Harry Truman used a doctrine that was referred to the Truman Doctrine.

Lewis and clark assignment

I have a sense that in a way, he was he was the the rod in the spine of of Lewis. We, we, we started going from a dependency on the environment, on the spiritualism of the land, to a dependency on the traders and the military and everything else that came after Lewis and β†’

The history of clocks essay sample

Also they could set a point to show when it is the middle of the day because at the middle of the day the sun will be highest in the sky so the shadow will be at its shortest. The sun clock was very useful to the ancient people because it helped the people of β†’

Hiroshima discussion

This paper will review some of the characteristics of the bomb survivors, the miraculous incidents in the bombing and Truman's press release after the bombing. Science provided the much needed medicine and scientific support that was needed by the survivors of the blast.

War 1812

The status of slavery started to change with the victory of the Republicans in the elections." In the Union army, over 179, 000 African American men served in over 160 units, as well as more serving in the Navy and in support positions". These events led to the Civil War and set the stage for β†’

People be very different from how it

If anyone was frightened by the possibility of being fried by a lightning bolt, Franklin offered some other words;" If any danger to the man should be apprehended, let him stand on the floor of his box, and now and then bring near to the rod the loop of wire that has one end fastened β†’


The main force that played an important role in the black freedom movement was the mindset of the people that was affected by violence and exploitation. The devastating issues such as the residential segregation, harassments from the police and officials, and the lack of employment opportunities were acting as force for the black freedom movements β†’

Pearl harbor assignment

It's very easy for our country to remember because of the memorials and remembrance services we have. It's so important to remember the events of 9/1 1 and Pearl Harbor.

The nephilim kings of mesopotamia assignment

The Cimmerians in 714 BC were in the region of Azerbaijan, and in the 7 and 8th century BC were in southern Russia and Ukraine. Gregory of Tours, who was the leading historian wrote that the Frankish leader Clovis on the occasion of his baptism into the Catholic faith in 496 was referred to as β†’

“modernizing vision” and describe an artist to relate essay sample

Before the 19th Century, the vision is described as that there was a direct correspondence between the observer and the object, much like camera-obscura produces the true representation of the external world. Johannes Muller, the major theorist of vision in the first half of the nineteenth century, came up with the " doctrine of the β†’

What were the features of the boom

The rural areas were displeased with the cities, because they did not approve of their morals and social life's such as flappers whom the believed were a disgrace to God, and alcohol which they believed was wrong to drink. The entertainment industry is linked to peoples social life's, as it is what people enjoy and β†’


Slavery The plantation system in the southern s of the United s was mainly crafted by the demand of cotton and sugar. However, the main contention is that the rise in the demand for sugar and cotton, and the emergence of the commercial textile industry are the key features that drove the world to increase β†’

Ralph waldo emerson assignment

What makes the majesty of the heroes of the senate and the field, which so fills the imagination? His philosophies would not only be more obvious to him than ever, but he would assert that the world is still filled with people with great gifts and even greater thoughts.

Unmanned railway gate essay sample

When a logic low signal appears at the pin 1 of the microcontroller, the number stored in the memory is sent to the auto dialer.3. Pin 1 is connected to the output of the IR receiver.

Load shading crisis in nepal

Nepal was grappling with the problem of flood in the first week of August 2008, with resultant loss of life and limb as well as property in the hilly areas and Terai of the west Nepal. However, looking at the magnitude of power deficit, it is not difficult to see that even with this project β†’

Plastic sorgery

According to this article, the upper lid blepharoplasty is the most widespread plastic surgery procedure done in Asia and has time and again maintained its place as a cultural acceptance and ways have developed. The article depicts this Asian upper lid blepharoplasty as a complex procedure, which needs proper knowledge of the anatomy and accurate β†’

Restless giant

With the bipolar philosophies of former presidents, relationships with the world's largest nation never became an interest to them because they perceived China as their enemy because it was a supporter of Russia, the communist political nemesis of America. This has been a significant action taken in the history of the United States because it β†’

Canopic jar with a lead in the form of a baboons head

The mask has a decorated collar with a gold-plated and winged scarab beetle on the head that was believed to promote the rebirth of the departed. The deceased were identified with Osiris who is the god of the underground and died but was reborn in the afterlife through the faced that is coloured in gold.

Library database exercise #4

Secondly, the information obtained via a general search may not authoritative and credible, online websites are sometimes by people who are novice on the subject. However, by using databases one can access thousands of articles and books, charts and images and databases that are focused on the particular topic.

Jews in socio-religious seclusion and persecution

Jews in Socio-Religious Seclusion and Persecution Judaism is the world's oldest religion, connected with the history of the Jewish people and founded on the original agreement made between God and Abraham in 1900 B.C. God gave the 10 commandments and other rules to the Jewish people by which they were to live and, this β†’

Prohibition assignment

The drive for prohibition was ooted in a long debate over alcohol extending back to the nineteenth century, and was successful because of the efforts of the Anti-Saloon League and the women's temperance movement. The partnership of the STF and the ASL began in June 1913, with the League holding a majority on the STFs β†’

The roles of nelson mandela and martin luther king

The Role of Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King in the Social and Political Contexts The Roles of Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King in the Social and Political Contexts Nelson Mandela is remembered for his role and contribution in the social and political environment in South Africa and the world at large. In the β†’

French revolution and napoleon

French Revolution and Napoleon Napoleon's claim that he saved the French revolution does not seem to hold due to the many changes he brought to the ideals of the French revolution. Of course he continued some of the policies which were in the spirit of the revolution but these policies were connected with education β†’

An examination of the ancient chinese trading policies history essay

My primary focus will be on events during the Ming dynastic period in Chinese history as I feel that this was the real strength of Chinese influence and power as well as being the period where the imperial government most strongly relied upon the tribute system in order to conduct diplomacy and trade. The Chinese β†’

How did the psychological disorders, such as shell shock, in world war i impact on the societal, cultural, and political level in west european countries such as britain and france

The span of war itself becomes very traumatizing and rarely do individuals in the war come out of the war psychologically healthy. Societal level Many in the European society overlooked the psychological impacts stating that it was to the physical effect of exploding military ordnance in French and British.

1984 george orwell

The entire humankind is his audience and the purpose behind this novel is to make the people aware what a tragedy it is to live under totalitarian regimes.2. History is distorted and re-written to suit the needs of the party.5.

Robert kennedy: a new direction for america assignment

Kennedy believed, as Jefferson, that ' We are the last and the best hope Of the world". S aid and his visit to South Africa in 1966 brought Kennedy to the head of the antipathetic cause.

Effects of the vietnam war on australian society assignment

The Impact of the Vietnam War On Vietnam Veterans and their Families And the Impact of the Australian Culture The Vietnam War had a lasting impact on Vietnam Veterans, who although they fought their hardest for their country, they returned to a country who saw them as less than heroes. Psychological and medical illnesses were β†’

Un resolution on israel (assigned country is nigeria) 1.15 single spacings

Resolution: Committee: Security Council Topic Area: Israel Submitted by: Nigeria The Security Council, Viewing with deep concern the humanitarian situation that is characteristic of the current state of affairs in the Gaza Strip, which leads to a potential decrease in the standards of living and the security situation of the majority of the area's population, β†’

End the prohibition on marijuana assignment

END THE PROHIBITION ON MARIJUANA AND INDUSTRIAL HEMP Outline Thesis Statement: Legalization of industrialized hemp and marijuana benefits our economy, decriminalizes a 35 billion dollar a year industry, creates jobs, and makes sense for the environment.I. Legalization is just common sense, and that's why I support the legalization of marijuana and industrialized hemp.