A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Polsky’s “presidency at war”

Presidency at War The thesis ment of Andrew Polsky's " Presidency at War" is the role of the congress, judiciary, andpublic, in relation to presidential decision-making concerning military intervention. Polsky criticizes the " two presidency thesis" that separates presidential decisions on domestic and foreign policy. A careful scrutiny of historical wartime events shows that the β†’

A systemic necessity or an act of convenience

Are there systemic factors involved or the students are simply morally wicked to involve in various forms of plagiarism? Who is to be Blamed In his New York Times article " A Survival Skill", Mark Bauerlein argues that cheating has become a digital cultural practice in the age of information sharing. However, β†’

Alternative courses of action

Finding the preferred job according to one's academic background, competencies and skills that would fit the requirements of the position is an example of a situation that necessitates gathering and evaluating different options and where ones decision would actually depend on the organizations which would relay a positive response to one's job application. After two β†’

The importance of identity

In fact, people of a certain race may be discriminated against by people of a different race especially where racism is prominent. Identity is also argued to be one's beliefs and personality. For example, in leadership, the belief of integrity in leadership may portray a picture of what one stands for, and this is what β†’

As the material in this unit reveals, there has been a constant struggle between the states and national government over the proper balance of power. based on your studies, what are 2 areas of government that should be the primary responsibility of the na

Executive branch of government oversees the function of various departments of national government to ensure that the government is functioning and that the necessary social services are delivered to the people and is therefore should be the responsibility of the national government. Given the implication of its function to the national government, the legislative department β†’

The life of an outsider in new york

The paradox of the situation is that while the poor people make the wealth for the rich people, the wealth is retained by a smaller part of the population. It is essential to highlight that immigrants usually provides the highest population of workers.

Women’s empowerment as a development goal

It is also done to know if a certain independent variable creates a negative or positive impact on the dependent variable. To dispute or agree with the question that empowering women has increased prejudice in men, the subject has to be divided into two different parts mainly, the experimental section where the stimulus is administered β†’

Extreme extent to which sports is important – report example

It has seen the change of many lives just by utilizing their sports abilities.Sports' role has been debated in the society for decades now when some think that it is a minor thing that can be done away with and attach little or no importance to it, some tend to think that it is a β†’

Political system

The role of oil and Islam in Arab countries Islam constitutes a source of both legitimacy and illegitimacy to some Arab regimes", discuss this statement" The established role of Islam in Middle East societies has contributed towards most regime's desire to control the religious sphere. The regimes acknowledge the probable danger of Islamists movement and β†’

Q (ve1) or q (ve2)

In terms of the definition of ethics, which is itself a mean, ethics (how we are trained to handle any situation) is plainly the cause of the achievement of the ' average' feeling of happiness (happiness does not have a measure but either a lack or presence of it). Some of the moral virtues that β†’

Preventing nuclear capacities in north korean or iran

There are a number of measures that I would have taken to this end if I were the president of the United States, these include: Possible Measures to Prevent North Korea from obtaining Nuclear Capabilities Pressure North Korea to Return to Six-Party negotiations The United States can possibly employ the use of economic β†’

Ethical analysis of snowdengate

Snowden took his love for technology and combined it with his family's dedication to serving the country. The Incident Snowdengate Snowden's strong family ties and dedication to the U.S.government could lead one to question why he decided to address his concerns with NSA activities outside the judicial system of the U.S.government. The relationship between β†’

Us intel community

Therefore, the confederate and the union leadership valued intelligence and thus established spy networks. Over the years, both the legislative as well as executive arms have devised committees and commissions that have proposed for the reorganization of the US Intelligence Community. Foreign intelligence refers to the information about foreign government's activities or the activities of β†’

Political science

Subordinates have the liability to determine any course of action and leaders get along with their ideas and plans. Innovative leaders are quick to change and adapt new ideas, their teams are in a constant process of progressing and changing.

Hot topic

Winning the case followed a series of unethical market based policies in the past. Topic 2 A shocking Lack of Common Sense Milligan reports the most shocking unethical practice by a Republican senator. Shock faces allegation of office abuse by the in appropriation of the public money. Topic 3 Porter β†’

Policy debate: secrecy and openness in the war on terrorism

It becomes a delicate balancing act for the government because on one side, access to information may be used against the people it is supposed to protect, and limited access may directly or indirectly infringe on the peoples rights. Conclusion Many people will argue that bureaucracies are necessary for ensuring quality provision of services β†’

Actions speaks louder words

Of the two kind of sports, I enjoy playing individual sports more than team sports because I can play it anytime compared to team sports where I have to wait for other people before I can play. 6. TOEFL is a wonderful test because it allows me to know my level of knowledge in the β†’

What are the effects of success

Therefore, before aspiring for success, every person has to ponder over change along with the positive and negative consequences of success. Before aspiring for success that is well-liked, every person should weigh the negative and positive effects.

United nations

Here, several countries have come together to combat and find solutions to common global world problems, for instance, preserving security and peace. Even though multilateralism has been viewed as a valuable tool in diplomacy for the US, it has faced various challenges at the UN due to divergent schools of thought derailing some of its β†’

Two-career family versus one-career family

In a 1-career family the earning member has to face different types of problems and challenges like taking care of the family finances, transportation, taking care of the children and other household jobs all alone. In the 2-career system both share the duties, may be not equally, while in the 1-career system the only bread β†’

Stuttering damage helps thousands

The device also has a way of setting it to alter the speech it hears to make the person talk more enthusiastically or more authoritatively. The entire video consists of the inventor explaining the basics of what the device does as he demonstrates it. The speech seems to be based on fact because β†’

Culture, technology and education

Moreover, the future of technology in education will be argued. The characteristics of culture state that culture is learned and not biologically present, it is shared and not a concept regarding the unique qualities of an individual, it is passed from one generation to another and it is based on the human ability to adapt. β†’

Mexico economy

Currently, monopolies markets are crippling the economy coupled with insecurity. Development: The growth of the economy has been in an ascending trend. Although the country successfully overcame the 2008 financial crisis, the emergence of monopolies and cartels are threatening to take Mexico back to the dark days.

Substance abuse in youth

It has been observed that substance abuse and other psycho-social problems have peaked within them in recent years. OUTLINE Youth gangs and substance abuse have long been identified as prejudicial to both youth and to societal progress and prosperity. In the pursuit of putting an end to these social evils, immediate steps and efforts β†’

International relations major

In addition, the country's relationship with other nations is at its peak due to various factors such as the terror war, oil trade, politics, and sports. The issue of Islam and terrorism, as well as the position of women in the Saudi Arabian public, is essential motivators to study International Relations. I also engaged my β†’

Timing mediation initiatives

In determining a stalemate, and making a decision on whether it is ripe for mediation, there is a need of assessing the costs of the conflict, and analyzing the losses that both parties have suffered. If these changes occur, chances are high that the new leadership would embrace peace, and hence there is a need β†’

Foreign policy towards russia

The main focus of the book, conflict and cooperation is to acquaint students with the basic principles of theory of international relations. In addition to that, it also acquaints the students with different treatises which have been published from the ancient days to contemporary readings which offer a balanced view of theory of international relations.

Gender, work and organization

This article only concentrates on America marginalizing other countries. Doing, Undoing, or Redoing Gender? : Learning from the Workplace Experiences of Transpeople by Catherine Connell This article outlines the way of and impact of doing transgender and its repercussion for the experience of and transformation of gender imbalance at work. The writer only limits β†’

Changing the world through the internet

I, for a fact, had once never thought that in an instant I could have build friendships with people from different parts of the globe without even spending much money and without fearing that I might be rejected. The Internet has really changed my life and me to something I never thought it could be. β†’

Connecticut local government

The program help high school and college students make great stories for their lives. It has been an issue in our community since the kids were not engaged and had some challenges and behavioral problems. I believe I feel this way because the program can help chronically low performing school rise. If I lived in β†’


Whistleblower 23rd January Whistle blowing Describe the key characteristics of a whistleblower A whistleblower as defined by many philosophers to be a wrongdoer in different perspectives such, personality and company has numerous characteristics that makes one to be more powerful to present issues which affect the company and the whistleblower himself. The following are key β†’

Consumer incentives

The government may give economic incentives to healthcare providers through tax-free imports of medical facilities, tax holidays, and financial support with the aim of improving the quality of healthcare. The nursing home can signal the quality of its services to customers by hiring adequate number of nurses, ensuring nurses are educationally and clinically prepared, availing β†’

Informal fallacies

He is also very ignorant of what the scientists and other specialists have said and written on the subject; hence, his report cannot be considered as true. The Second Informal Fallacy The Congress of the United States should not bother to consult major colleges and universities on educational appropriations in the country. This is β†’

Reflection on the cultural interview

Judging from his answers I can say that he is very proud of his native country and everything connected to it. Frankly speaking, I had and still have no preconceived ideas concerning my interviewee and his answers.

Alcoholics anonymous community

Alcoholics Anonymous With all the greed and corruption found in this world, it is difficult to find people whose sole purpose of wanting to interact with one, is to help that person. Then the attention of the person is shifted to themselves, as they are told to look within themselves to perform a β†’

Complexity of the us immigration policy

The US immigration policy although not being a major area of concern for the government is still a major concern in order to sustain the sovereignty of the nation. One of the major reason so as to why the immigration policy is being criticized that after Obama's government it was expected that the rate of β†’

Human trafficking

It is a touching movie, which gives an insight about the modern world, and how even if he think that we live in an educated society, where people have freedom and there is no slavery, there are people who sell human beings, to earn profit. The way the three women were lured into the world β†’

Verbal and von-verbal interactions in society

In the work of Calero, it is of great essence to assess the different types of cultures in the course of communication, as culture is in itself is nonverbal communication. In low context cultures, verbal communication, in this case, will be more focuses on highly structured forms of communications as opposed to the high-context cultures β†’

Animal right

This paper will assess the views of Tom Regan on animal rights as compared to the utilitarian view of animal rights. Regan gave the philosophy of animal rights in his famous book The Case for Animal Rights. Regan rejects this view and argues that humans gain the value and respect regardless of their rationality as β†’

The logic of suicide terrorism

On the other hand, the attached writing entitled " The logic of Suicide Terrorism: It is the Occupation, not the Fundamentalism" is an article written by Scott McConnell after meeting with Robert Anthony who wrote a book with a similar sub-title in regard with suicide terrorism. This article will specifically address the connections between the β†’

Threat analysis

At that point in time, Al-Qaida's major achievement was to incite other non-state actors as well as the wider Muslim community against the U.S. In fact, U.S.adversaries go beyond al-Qaida to accommodate the radical ideological factions, motivated to a certain extent by al Qaeda3; and the threat of Islamist extremism as well as β†’

Business ethics fatalism is the philosophical doctrine

Hence on this view, " what will be, will be, and there is nothing we can do about it". Free will is the philosophical and theological doctrine that some of our choices are uncaused and effective. The attributes of a moral person in general and in business include; A.

What is true poverty

Especially now during the period of recession we are facing, and even much after that, the Census Bureau is not in a position to predict the existing level of poverty in the country and in addition to this, since regional disparities persist, it is no wonder that poverty is progressing at a steady pace. Globalization β†’

Comparison between united arab emirates vs other coutnries in the middle east.political issues

This implies that the country's socio-political welfare is hinged on oil prices' evolution. Comparative Analysis One of the key differences between the UAE and Saudi Arabia is that the former is a federation, whereas the latter is a monarchy. A Comparative Analysis of Oil Production Sectors in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Quiz 2

S constitution is the supreme law of the land 5. A law passed by a federal government is called a statute Short answer questions Question 6 An adversary system in the united state, is a legal system in which the parties in a controversy usually present and develop most of the β†’

200 villagers houses burnt down again near barrick gold mine in papua new guinea

200 Villagers' Houses Burnt Down Again Near Barrick Gold Mine in Papua New Guinea 200 VILLAGERS' HOUSES BURNT DOWN AGAIN NEAR BARRICK GOLD MINE IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA Background This case involves a raid by the police in Enga Province of Papua New Guinea near the Porgera gold mine, in which at least β†’

Capitalism: ethical issues regarding economic justice

Political liberty allows for the inclusion of both individuals and groups to be represented in the constitutional system of government. Through the competition, consumers will have access to quality products of their tastes and preference.

Ethnic diversity in the united states

In fact, in the 2000s, there were around 11 million Asians, Latin Americans, Africans and Caribbean people who came to America. The strength that diversity brings about is therefore in the sense of freedom and omniscience that it ascribes to the population. Among the various ethnic groups in the United States, the most dominant remains β†’

Corporate social responsibility theories: mapping the territory

Corporate Social Responsibility Theories: Mapping the Territory Summary Most CSR theories take into consideration 4 practical aspects: 1) Businesses are meant to produce profits, 2) Corporate power and its rational use, 3) Businesses and their social responsibilities, 4) Businesses as profit makers working within ethical domains. Based on the above concept, the theories can be β†’

If you could be anyone in history, who would it be and why

If you could be anyone in history, who would it be and why? There have been many important people in the history of the world who have left their mark and they will always be remembered in this world. This is because her services can never be forgotten and her name is linked with β†’

Opera market political analysis

Federal and state laws are some of the fundamental components of the political environment. This section presents a comprehensive analysis of the political environment that may affect the operation of an Opera house business operating in US state of New Jersey. The state of the New Jersey applies taxes to every business that operates in β†’

The federalist number ten

Madison is justified to argue that majority factions may oppress the minority for self-gain, prompting the necessity for a government to ensure fairness in a democratic society. Madison argues that two strategies are feasible to eradicate the effects of faction, in a democratic society. The second option is to discourage the passions and β†’

Pornography, oppression and freedom by helen e. longino

Furthermore, Longino describes pornography as the portrayal of women as demeaning and derogatory as the mere sexual object which is subjected to exploitation and manipulation. Moreover, it has been made clear that pornography intends to defame the chastity of women, condones crime against women and invites social, cultural and economic repression of women.

Training to prison staff in post conflict areas

It is also the mandate of the NGO during the process to develop proper and appropriate training curricula for prison law enforcing officers. Instead, it advocates the rule of law and justice to all.

The charlie hebdo shooting by muslim extremists

The Charlie Hebdo shooting by Muslim Extremists It is horrific as France continues to recover from the attack on Charlie Hebdo. Getting the killers may be a difficult task since they can easily cross the borders but reinforcing the wrong ideas will only do more harm than good to the people in France. I feel β†’

Volunteer- united way of northern utah

This goes a long way to helping the needy in society by being uplifted financially and also helping them to have a good meal. United way also looks at minimizing the level of school dropouts by helping them to solve issues that affect them. As well as he was arranging book fits for boys and β†’

Geico car insurance company

Customers are thus pinned strongly to such companies that recognize and appreciate the existence of their customers. Firms thus benefit from increased customer loyalty as such customers suggest that particular Company to their friends and relatives and such chain is extended leading to a greater pool of loyal customers resulting into competitive advantage accompanied by β†’


Science Violence There are some underling relationships of the existing variation in the belief in conspiracies investigated in a sample of Americans who have reached the required voting age including violent overtones of conspiracies. This results into the question the question of what factors account for variance in conspiracy theories?

Ethics and the war on drugs

Fighting against drugs, I would continue the fight on the selling of the drugs so as to reduce supply and at the same time decriminalize drug use. The war on drugs and the politics of Failure.

Criminal justice, issues for judges and sentencing

The rules that are in the court do vary depending on the jurisdiction, but they possess several features that are common. Ethical codes are used in most of the states and are based on professional conduct rules that help in judging and sentencing. The judges guide the relevant people involved in the court and help β†’

Public transportation versus driving a car

Public Transportation vs Driving a Car Every day people use transport as the main means to get to the necessary place. As it follows from the above-mentioned, public transport appears to be more appropriate for use in terms of cost, safety, and harm to the environment.

Mohandas karamchand gandhi

He found nonviolence in Christianity, Buddhism and other religions. Gandhi practiced Hinduism by continuing to be a vegetarian all his life, he read and acted upon the teachings of Gita and he preached about non-violence and peace (Mahatma Gandhi: Hinduism at its Best). Gandhi called himself " Sanatani" Hindu, because he believed in " the β†’

A modest proposal by jonathon swift

The so-called modest proposal is given after considerable analysis of the general condition of poverty prevalent in Ireland, and the way in which children have become, in realistic terms, a burden to families. The very tone of the essay, which imitates serious discourses that substantiate points of view in a systematic manner, is satiric to β†’

The social media advantage

Argumentative essay about social media With the introduction of the computer age and the internet, the need for man to connect over the internet drove the search for the development of social media platforms. In this essay, the advantages of social media will be examined in details here. First of all, social media β†’

Address to committee of fifty

He thinks it is dangerous to think of a nation as a single race. He argues, somewhat like Renan, that a state which allows people to preserve their own particular ethnicity is best.

Easing the teasing strategies

For example, in its digest available on the site , it is easy to see that the author has researched well the literature on teasing and bullying based on the list of references. They too would find that the given information is easy to understand and apply.

Charging time

If Kevin takes the work home and completes it without charging it to the job, it will be that the firm will not charge the clients more. At the same time, the quality of the audit work will not be compromised and the partners in charge indicate that it is up to Kevin to determine β†’

Critical thinking blog

The first thought to run through one's mind is the question of whether they are at a risk or not. Yes, it may be true that the number of cancer patients is likely to have increased since it was first discovered as would be expected.

Intelligence analysis as a profession

These agents go through observation, hypothesis, experimentation and conclusion processes as a means to collect the information they have collected on training, this processes are also done in other professionals such as medical training and even law, making intelligence analysis a profession. Like this other professions, intelligence analysts use technological tools to in assisting them β†’

Institutions of poverty in guadalupe and chavez

Institutions of Poverty in Guadalupe and Chavez In Guadalupe and Chavez, the institutions of poverty originated from the social, political and cultural interactions in their community. That is, they only turn to aid when there is a strong necessity for it, and they consider reliance on the aid as a negative thing in β†’

Trailer park boys

I tend to disagree with the author of the article as for the fact that the audience is attracted to those characters coming from the lower background it really depends on the aspirations and perception of life of every person watching the series. Is it true that the pseudo-documentary character of the story makes it β†’

The presidency

Lecturer Essay # The Presidency Although the ' presidency' as an entity includes a large group of people, the president personifiesand leads this entity. The song, while recognizing the respect associated with the presidency, is a direct attack on the then president Richard Nixon, who resigned in office.

Disadvantages of smoking

The paper " Disadvantages of Smoking" is a wonderful example of an essay on social science. Tobacco or cigarette smoke has ingredients that are chemically active. The risk of a stroke in smoking men is increased by 40% in men and 60% in women.

Pierson and the secret service scandal

Julia Pierson finally resigned from her position of Director of United States Secret Service, a position which made her responsible for the security of the President and the first family. Julia Pierson to quit from her position. It was not far away, 19 Sep '14 to be precise, when a man who was equipped with β†’

Decolonizing pacific studies

However, to do this, first the society must acknowledge the contributions that the West has made to the Pacific and realize that the Pacific islands have their unique culture that they need to embrace. Most of the educationalists in the Pacific have studied in the Western background. Decolonization was a gradual process that involved reprogramming β†’

Life lessons

Teachers are spiritual parents and it is their obligation to provide the students with all the trust they need to grow up into happy and healthy citizens. This trusting relationship helps the students to cross the barrier and be friends with their teachers.

Ethics project

During the testing of the prototype, the engineer realized that a bug led to the disappearance of a plane in case of too many aircrafts in the system. As such, the boss managed to persuade the engineer to sign and as a result, with the full knowledge of the error in the software, the engineer β†’

Trait of effective communication

Although, effective communication need not be spoken at all. Effective communication can also be seen in the coherence of a person's written words, The method by which he uses key phrases in order to better explain his message is a factor by which the written word becomes better and easier to understand than the spoken β†’

Hans rosling’s paradox – despite access to numerous sources of information, people tend to prejudice on many issues

In warning policymakers about the dangers of using ' averaged' data as opposed to a contextualized understanding, Rosling also demonstrates that even within countries, there are differences in, for example, child survival rates : the outliers within the country, the 20% richest and the 20% poorest, in Niger, Uganda, and South Africa have markedly β†’

The liar, liar by gary paulsen

This short book by Gary Paulson generates laughter at every page and therefore he is the one amongst the finest children's book authors. The hero of the book, Kevin Spencer, is a genius liar. He has the good of everybody at heart and desires to make everyone's life better.

Compare the taiwan political system and the hong kong political system

Taiwan Political System and the Hong Kong Political System Hong Kong is a special administrative region under the people's republic of China under the one country, two systems principle. The region has a unitary government system and is globally accepted as an administrative region of the People's Republic of China. On its part, Taiwan β†’

How personal experiences influence ethnic identity

In other words, the oppressive conditions that people of color often undergo as early as childhood often hinder their ability to develop their identity effectively and above all meet their potential. Racism, discrimination, biases, and prejudice that characterize the life of people of color are undoubtedly a tough experience that they have to endure at β†’

African slave trade

The removal of Africans made the population of the country decline also the continent face huge poverty issues. Lastly, President Thomas Jefferson also signed a bill approved by Congress to prohibit the import of slaves in the United States.

Ethics and the impaired employee

Instead, the supervisor should have considered issues of personal emotional intelligence and also the basic psychological needs of Beverly prior to launching into such a dramatic punishment program. After Beverly states that she had four young children at home and had no other provider in the household to assist, the supervisor should have realized that β†’

Ethics in organizational leadership

Ethics in Organizational Leadership Ethics in Organizational Leadership Work performances and every operation in the organization require mechanisms and standards to oversight and regulate the manner and procedures in which tasks are carried out. The Virtual theory is based on virtues but these virtues may differ and a leader may have different moral values and β†’

Women’s political and social thought

Women sought relatively greater appeal only is they were quiet, withdrawn and adhere to the wishes of the underlying men in both the tales. There is a close relationship in the manner men and women were depicted in The Art of Courtly Love and corresponding The Tale of Genji, The Lays, and The Wife of β†’

Normative ethics

Only the mentioned cases should anyone conduct abortion. In case, the health of the mother is at stake and there is no way the fetus can survive under those circumstances. Such cases of abortion should not be morally permissible despite the justification such individuals try to make on the acts. I believe that if the β†’

The issue of social life in the everyday and everydayness by henri lefebvre

While the author does not explain how life differed based on the highlighted factors, he explicates that living presented a phenomenal diversity. Apparently, there were functions, forms, and structures that dictated the way of life and these structures are and will always exist in society. These kinds of forms and structures witnessed in the society β†’

Compare the anti-islam discourse of medieval europe that fueled the crusades to 19th century orientalism that generated european colonialism

This notion was the conviction of Medieval Europe in the conquest of the Middle East, Asia and the Eastern part of the world. He argues that for decades the West has considered the Muslim world as a hostile people whole are envious of the Western civilization. In Medieval Europe, they used force to conquer the β†’

The substance of justice – sex offender records

Due Sex Offender Records Like other counties in the Harris County has 63 sex offenders who are in the records of the Texas Department of Public Safety. The offenders are documented according to the type of sex offence he or she committed and the magnitude of the offense (Texas Department of Public Safety n.p).

Try to apply keneth waltz’s three images to the orgins of the cold war and analyize which image considerations were more important in the development of the cold war

In the analysis of the first image, Waltz asserts that the nature of certain political leaders or statesmen influence the start of war. This implies that the third image is more refined to show how the players of the cold war envisioned the manner to influence the balance of power from their influence of the β†’

Andrews discussion 3

If your rating has not changed, are your reasons for the rating any different now from when you first responded to this statement? The rating of the initial statement lies at ' strongly agree.' It does not change after reading the text because the meaning can only get stronger. As such, the doctrine of utilitarianism β†’

Emergency management

Emergency Management The main purpose of the assigned reading is to introduce the audience to the fundamentals of emergency. Indeed, the assigned reading aims at describing the key components of an emergency management program, the roles of different stakeholders in emergency management, and the impact of emergency management in the society.

Mapping an argumetnt

According to them, this law is not useful to the society since it has no value to add to the workers, labor unions, small-scale traders, middle class and the political economy. However, McElroy concludes by acknowledging that, as a victim of this crisis, autism really exists and even if CDC denies it, it will eventually β†’