Quality Philosophy Essay Examples for Your Learning

My favorite quotation of st. augustine

We almost lost our hope submitting our project but yet my classmate broke her calculator and we have found the exact material that we need to complete this project. Life could be a tough road to travel through but if we do not face the tough road we can never extend our talent and creativity.

Greek philosophical thinking

One of the basic distinctions of Socrates from sophists consists of the fact that as a criterion at an estimation of people's acts for Socrates serves the question, by what motives is defined the decision made by an individual answering the question of what is useful and that is harmful. Under the theory of sophists →

Determinism, free will or both?

The very word determinism has a rather undefined meaning, much because the philosophers have different meanings in the word and defined it in a different way. In general, we can say that determinism is a teaching which means that all that happens is preceded by one cause and thus is predetermined, such that A determines →

Ethical perspective assignment

Therefore, ethical perspective could be considered as a person's individual perception of moral values, beliefs and rules based on his or her personal view of right and wrong. My character, based on ethical perspective, is of a person whom bases decisions on what is good to be rather than what is good to do.

Case conceptualization assignment

Giuseppe has admitted to only having four friends in his school, and he appears to get into fights and have difficulties with the majority of his classmates. A third intervention is to investigate the origins for anger in his rejection experiences with his family and peers, and a fourth intervention is to increase Giuseppe's awareness →

Why aristotle’s view on ethic in the book nicomachean ethics are inapplicable in the 21st century

Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics is an ancient work that goes into explicit details on what it is to be a virtuous person and on how to reach eudaimonia, a kind of happiness that makes you feel as though you flourished. If one does not find that point for every single action, it is still possible to →

Stanley milgram obedience experiment

The last has been instructed to read a pairs of words to the leaner and if he makes a mistake the subject has to punish the learner by giving him a shock that has been higher in 15 volts for every next mistake. The results of the experiment show that person is not always able →

Ethics – should heinz steal

According to the utilitarian theory of ethics, the guiding principle in making moral judgements and moral decisions is to always choose the action that maximizes the happiness for the majority of people who will be affected by the moral decision; in other words, the utilitarian theory of ethics hold that in making moral decisions, we →

The chinese room argument

This artificial intelligence is grouped into two depending on their ability, aims and objectives to be achieved; that is the strong and weak AI. The only difference here is artificial, but in real sense the emergent property is general to both AI and the human brains.

Feminine mystique

In the position of bright, inspired, public-spirited women came the innovative representation of the " feminine" woman the stupid homemaker comfortable inside the " cozy" surroundings of a beautiful home. To activate women in the wake of their own crush, particulars about the lead the way advocators for women's rights were indistinct.

Eastern religious philosophy quotes

To pretend to know when you do not know is a disease." He believed that even the wisest if humans is still ignorant, and this quote show some reflection on that thought process. I feel that this quote is related to karma in a way.

Michel foucault and john locke

This idea of the private sphere outside of the public life and of the center of the private activities have forced some political thinkers to take part in theoretical discussions regarding the separation of the public and private spheres. This is demonstrated in the Second Treaties of Government, in which Locke offers three different realms: →

Ethics paper on the goverment mandated vaccinations

Mandatory vaccination of employees The dangerous tendency in the United s and the wholeworld cannot be left unnoticed: the government applies mandatory vaccination. Mandatory Shots: Should Hospitals Force Health Care Workers to Get the Flu Vaccine?

My experiences and socrate’s allegory of the cave essay sample

This process I endured leading up to and after the competition followed the steps of Socrate's The Allegory of the Cave. Although at the time I could not think of any positive outcome to this failure, a few days later, when my emotions were put aside, I was able to understand that if I achieved →

Debate: epistemology

Objectivity ensures standardization of analysis tools and, therefore, argue objectivity, not subjectivity, is the best way to know the truth about reality. Of the two persons, the second person is poised to capture the true reality of the effects of trade liberalization.

Race as a factor in the evaluation of the admissions process

The moral defense of a s practice to incorporate race as a factor in the evaluation of the admissions' process can be examined through the application of diversity and diversity compensation arguments. Moreover, the presence of obvious group disadvantage which is experienced by members of a certain race would imply that the consideration of race →

Analogy of being according to aquinas

Therefore, human beings are analogical to God in that they are made in his image but do not possess the infinite characteristics that God has. Aquinas makes a distinction between animals, man and God and states that God is the ultimate being.

How understanding making of meaning as social practice differs from understanding cultural products

Hall's assumptions are based on the question of whether man's representation of the world is the basis for his own meaning as opposed to the meaning as derived on the world stage. The underlying concept that is worth acknowledging is the trend by Carey to represent media ecology as well as American studies of culture-based →

Seneca, on the shortness of time

Due to the fast movement of time, many people have been mistaken by thinking that it is very easy to postpone the preparations for the coming old age. In contrary, the wise time users are ever willing to march towards the end of their life.

Group counseling chapter summary assignment

The Relationship between the Encounter Group and the Therapy Group Having traced the development of the encounter group to the point of collision with the psychotherapy group, will now turn to the evolution of the therapy group in order to clarify the interchange between the two disciplines. THE EVOLUTION OF GROUP THERAPY During the sass →


This interview will assess the ethics in Human Resource Administration by interviewing a Human Resource Manager on the ethical issues they deal with in their job, how they resolve these issues and their perception on fair handling of the cases. I asked Malcolm how he would handle contradictory values that exist in the employee handbook →

Platos republic: seven and the allegory of the cave

In Book 7 of his book The Republic, Plato pulled together the ideas of Socrates and Pythagoras with his own ideas to develop his Theory of Forms which is presented in his Allegory of the Cave. However, after they have had a chance to live another way, they will begin to understand their new perception →

Using philosophical principles for the moral metaphysics to determine if men can drive cars

In applying this concept to people who take pleasure in the ability to drive, the pleasure that is of higher preference to them might be retainment of the ability to drive, over the pleasure of feeling safe and not having the responsibility of their life and others' lives at their hands. In this case, Mill →

The repiblic amidst the social contract: an in-depth review of the society

The Republic amidst the Social Contract: An In-depth Review of the Society The Society in both works ly, The Republic and The Social Contract or Principles of Political Right portrays a set of virtues, principles and norms that serves as the basis for its foundation. On the other hand, the Book 3 of the Social →

Hume, austen, and first impressions essay sample

Hume did not believe in the light of reason, meaning there is no truth in the world that we live in. In Hume's explanation of sensation, he revealed that the world is an illusion, meaning everything around you is just your imagination: If a tree falls and you are not around it, the tree will →

Reconstruction for assigned reading

For instance, in transportation projects, PPP's can be broadened to build new roads, bridges, and tunnels without adding to the Federal deficit. The PPP's empower motorists to be consumers of the roadways and thus gives them the power to demand the facilities and services they need.

The theme of existentialism in william shakespeare’s play king lear

In his article, Baker explores different existential categories in order to show how " King Lear" " deals profoundly with the existentials of the human condition". However, through losing his title of King and reverting back to a helpless state, King Lear learns to be Lear, the man.

The notion of persuasion

The more credible the communicator is, the higher the chances of being persuaded. The other factor that can result in one being persuaded is the one-sided argument.

It is time to chill out

When he finally overcame all of his hardships and reached Salem, he witnessed the wife he had the pleasure of calling his own ostracized for the sin of adultery". This shows that he bared no ill will to the child and thus had not lost all of his humanity in the end.

Client conceptualization assignment

When the client is able to understand how her thoughts lead to a specific behavior, and the counselor has helped the client change the direction of her thoughts, the client will be better. The expectation is that the client can realize how many distorted beliefs she has and help redirect her to healthy thoughts.

Compare and contrast pascal, voltaire, hume, kierkegaard and nietzsche

In this case, he concluded that it is appropriate for people to believe that God exists and behave in an appropriate manner. In this case, he stipulated that Christianity is a matter of subjective passion.

Michele foucault biopower essay sample

In Part five of the book Right of Death and Power over Life, he discusses about the historical " Sovereign Power" where one is allowed to decide who has the right to live and who has the right to die. Foucault emphasizes that in this structure, power is applied according to the form of " →

Attributes of god

There are two main views of what it means to say that God is eternal: God is timeless, he is outside time and not bound by time; God is the creator of time. Our understanding of what it means for God to be eternal is important because it affects many other attributes of God for →

Socrates as one of the well-known philosophers

He pushed the youth to oppose the local government to a point that they had even lost trust in the local system and is one of the charges that he was set to face. He sought to show that the fact that he was the only person with the ability or rather the strength to →

Thomas donovan lesson assignment 5: analogy exercise

Thomas Donovan Lesson Assignment 5: Analogy Exercise From the article en d " Should the Stand Your Ground law for gun owners be repealed?" written by Gary Stein, the author's thesis explored the support of advocates of gun lovers for the ' Stand Your Ground' law in Florida. However, the author could have improved the →

My english class assignment

First thing I learned in this class was how to write a formal letter. After I learned how to write a letter, I learned the write a sentence.

American way

Acknowledging the Emancipation Proclamation to be one of the most prominent documents in the American history since it declared the liberation of black slaves, the prominent abolitionist fought for granting equal rights to all American citizens regardless of sex and ethnicity. To return back to the comparison of Douglass' and Franklin's views on the importance →

Reflection paper on “the republic” by plato assignment

This paper will evaluate the quote from the " Republic" and provide a summary of a quote; provide a context from the text for the quote; and finally, it will include y own thoughts on the quote and the Socrates's argument as a whole. According to Socrates, there is only one way for a person →

Rene descartes

Central to his philosophy was the issue of truth in which he taught about the need to be entirely doubtful or skeptical as a basis of finding out truth. The skeptical method as conceptualized by Descartes is a definite criteria or procedure through which truth can be found.

Theories influencing the conduct of social research

Theory is an idea to explain something, or a set of guiding principles that kind of framework of social phenomena can be understood so when we do social research it influences a lot because of different people have different perception, knowledge and ideas about that particular theory and the orientation of theory is two types →

How philosophy became socratic

The doctrine of flux, however, asserts that opposite things are similar while the unity of opposites confirms the being of all things. The light of the sun describes well in Plato's allegory of the cave because it demonstrates man's enlightenment and knowledge.

A plan for success assignment

The goal of this plan is to increase the motivation and satisfaction during the completion of the assigned project. Personality The second stage of this plan is to appreciate the differences in personalities among the team for the purpose of predicting reactions of individuals within the group.

Knowledge, truth, belief

Answer the following questions In your considered opinion, is there a possible alternative to the models of justification suggested by foundationalism and coherentism? For example knowledge of time may be of no value to an infant which is the reverse of mid adulthood.

Realism vs. phenomenalism

Sense-data, which is used as an argument in support of the assertion that physical objects exist in the mind only, finds favor among phenomenalists. The myth of sense-data.


The different types of feminisms are seen to variously include: Socialist feminism Radical feminism Equity Feminism Social Feminism Social feminism is seen to be primarily bent on the development of a political practice and theory that will serve to essentially synthesize the best aspects of Marxist tradition and radical feminism while at the same time →


Teleology Teleology Teleology refers to the explanation of occurrences of some phenomenon by the rationale and appeal to the goal orend to which it attributes. A literal combination of the two implies that the end matters in the determination of occurrences that people encounter.

Individual differences within a team charter assignment

A team charter provides a starting point for the team to identify strengths and weaknesses of each member that will help develop a stronger Learning Team. For instance, the team members that are unconventional and individualistic might not work as well with the other team members and should be included on the team charter as →

Credible ethics

An action or the choice of the action meets the threshold of being morally right if it would develop a character that is of moral righteousness. The view brings the soul close to the body and refutes the ground that the soul is independent of the body.

On logic and argument: socrates, plato and aristotle

He abhorred the senses, discounting them as biological demands standing in the way of the attainment of true knowledge. Plato took these concepts and added the components of mathematics and astronomy as the keys to true knowledge.

A guide to critical thinking philosophy essay

The first step in the critical thinking process is to define what issue the author is trying to persuade the reader to believe. Ford of the assault on the union is that if privatization were to occur, members of the union would be dispersed thus demonstrating that the governor/management has control over the union.

Piety & holiness

During his conversation he is quick to point out the inconsistencies in the definition to the point where I believe that Euthyphro was out of answers and tired of trying to make a point or define piety and impiety when it was pretty apparent that he could not explain what is was but I believe →

The chance of leisure

Leisure According to Pieper, the working process has denied many people the chance of leisure. Their protection and welfare is less catered for by the government compared to the rich people.

John locke’s theory about rights over property analyzing the article of a winning lottery tickets claimed by three disputants

As a means of understanding the way in which Locke might respond to such a particular understanding, the analysis will reference several of his theories with regards to property and seek to gain a level of understanding with respect to whom he might denote is the rightful owner of the winning ticket. The first individual →

Whether the cosmological argument proves the existence of god

The syllogistic nature of the first three parts can be considered to be a strength as syllogisms are logical and simple and if the premises are right and accepted then the conclusion is probably true, however as with all syllogisms, the conclusion is only as strong as the pillars that it stands on, the premises →

Existentialism in philosophy

Knowledge gives us the basic facts of the realities of the world. For the " I", therefore, to exist, a world must also exist to accommodate the existence of " I".

Professional development plan assignment

People who fall under the dominance category are people who are willing and able to take the lead. Myra and I proved to have a dominance behavior style because of our ability to take the lead by being the person to initiate the group's assignments.

What is socrates’ argument against crito in the argument of the same name is it persuasive why or why not

In his thinking, Socrates was of the idea that the trial he got subjected to got done according to the law, he had the chance to defend himself against the allegations, and the verdict got passed by citizens. In building his case, Socrates puts forward a paternalistic claim stating that since the laws enabled his →

Philosophy of fear

The extent of forfeited rights is to a level such as permitted by everyone in the society and the individuals must be tolerable of the sovereignty still possessing these rights. The sovereignty has a contract with the people to protect them and the people must keep the contract of giving up their rights to the →

Whether the personal consciousness survives death

Inside the grave, the dead body is exposed to different kinds of circumstances depending upon the kinds of deeds the person performed in the world while he/she was alive. Although the soul is departed from the dead body and it is only the dead body that is buried in the grave, yet the soul can →

Plato`s euthypro and republic

The man can not choose what is holy and unholy and so the only thing directing the person in life if fear. Scope: everyone has the choice, and the only difference of a choice is what we should pay for the results of it.

Ethical review of video game ratings philosophy essay

According to a Game Informer article the California bill; which is summed up to be that any violent video game has to be marked with a two-inch square label on the front of the box and it will have retailers that sell these games to minors pay a $1, 000 fine for each offense, has →

Can western science be value-free

This is the conclusion of Nietzsche, for whom Western science is a project of the mind overcoming matter, or the intellectual capacity striving to overcome the instinctual. This, he explains, is the origin of Western science.

Free will: a discussion of erasmus of rotterdam vs. martin luther

Free will must exist for man to act according to the way God intended him to and to earn his salvation. God grants us the ability to be saved, but it is by free will that we take the necessary actions to receive this salvation." Grace is the principal cause, and the will is the →

Adab in medieval arabic literature

This means that God is a unique force in the universe. In this sense, God is the sole entity that the rest of the population should look upon and worship for knowledge and salvation.

The pros of welfare and charity

4 March The Pros of Welfare and Charity Welfare programs and charitableworks are intended to provide aid to those who are most helpless and poorest. While many have doubted the positive effects charities and welfare programs would bring to the public, and although there is less feasibility on cutting the loopholes within the society, welfare →

The theme of hypocrisy in tartuffe

By doing so, he has the play start off in medias res, which is Latin for " in the midst of things," where Madame Pernelle is ready to leave her son Orgon's house, but first using the opportunity to criticize everyone in the house and praise the one and only Tartuffe because he is a →

Does science make belief in god obsolete

This scientist tries to persuade us that it is possible to keep in your soul and mind the idea of God and the relevance of science. He is sure in the existence of God and works with the science.

The philosophy of good life of aristotle

The good life, however, is the end of all desires and is a state of absolute contentment. It does not mean that a good life can be attained without fulfilling the basic human appetitive and vegetative needs, but the epitome of a good life is attained with high morals and purposefulness of life.

Mirabell ochoa assignment

I make sure if there is a test the next day that I study for it. Next year if there is an assignment, I know for sure that I loud complete it on time.

John locke and land ownership

The first of these is that land ownership is obtained through labor and that items on the land have no value until labor is applied and the second describes government's role in land ownership as simply being that the labor applied to land precedes government and government cannot dispose of the estates of the subjects →

Philosophy 103

According to dictionary.om, a " Marketer" is defined as " A person whose duties include the identification of the goods and services desired by a set of consumers, as well as the marketing of those goods and services on behalf of a company." This means that the job of the marketer is to convince the →

The role of intuitive judgement in strategic decision-making

Thus this study will fill the gap between Hambrick and Mason's ' upper echelons' model of organizations, in the field of strategic decision-making which mainly examined the demographic factors influencing top management team's decision-making and firm performance not intuition's role and team interaction mechanisms affect in the process of decision making and firm performance. J, →

Values of philosophy to a commerce student assignment

Answer Philosophy is the systematic study of ideas and issues, a reasoned pursuit of fundamental truths, a quest for a comprehensive understanding of the world, a study of principles of conduct, and much more. My persuasive powers Philosophy provides training in the construction of clear formulations, good arguments, and apt examples.

Utilitarianism case

The primary and most important stakeholders in the state ofenvironmentof that valley are undoubtedly the inhabitants of the area. This is more in line with the standpoint of a virtue theorist who will advocate rational steps to be taken for the most virtuous scenario to prevail.

Keats’ romantic eco-poetics

He does not believe that nature only funds the aesthetics of his poetry, but rather that his poetry forces readers to recognize a deeper meaning to existence.' Ode to a Nightingale' is an excellent example of Keats' use of nature in developing the poet's assumptions of consciousness andphilosophy. This pattern of cycles which can be →

Educational psychology theory research assignment

To assist students in achieving identity, in my classroom I will allow students to provide their own views and opinions on topics and allow the discussion student's feelings on the importance of those topics in their lives in a comfortable environment. As part of my teaching philosophy, I will work to consider the student first →

Lecture note

Deductive reasoning " moves from a general statement to a specific conclusion" and works from the model of a " syllogism, a three-part argument that consists of a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion". In this week's Assignment, you will take it a step further and write detailed and supported arguments, either for →

Plato’s philosophical significance

Philosophyps the reaches of the human mind in countless topics, but is often divided into three main branches: metaphysics, the study of the nature of existence; epistemology, the study of knowledge and truth; and ethics, the study of morals. Plato argues that due to the soul's unchanging nature, the process of " learning" is the →

Philosophy of god, religion, and spirituality

It is true that children are born with an innate ability but not the ability to understand abstract and natural components of both the physical and social world. Thus, it would be detrimental to deny children the best understanding of religion, God, and spirituality.

Explain bentham’s utilitarianism: (30 marks)

It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we will do.' Basically he is trying to say that humans pursue pleasure and fight to avoid pain, and believed that this was a ' moral fact', also that pleasure was the ' sole good' and →

The history of moral philosophy since the 17th century

1) 'The history of moral philosophy since the 17th century recapitulates the ancient debate between Stoics and Epicureans.' Explain this view, giving the basic ideas of Stoicism and Epicureanism. The utilitarianism of John Mill can sometimes be classified as a form of Hedonism, that is, it judges the moral good of actions by their consequential →

Exercise assignments

The disadvantage of this theory is that it holds as long as people are operating in own isolation, so as to minimize opportunities for conflict among their own self-interests. Non-utilitarians for example argue that whether it is always right to try to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number of people in a society.

Operant conditioning report

Operant Conditioning Operant Conditioning In most cases, operant conditioning process is used in behavior modification as a way ofencouraging the subject to behave in a desired manner either through the use of positive or negative reinforcement. As a result, of the continuous use of food stimuli a positive behavior that encourages the bird to peck →

Creating our own personal philosophy of life

As you grow older you start to understand that life is not the easy walk in the park you thought it was. Gain a philosophy for life is something you have to do on the way.

Aristotle an undying legacy philosophy essay

The Need to Know: The need to go to the depth of anything and everything was his overarching ambition. Aristotle and the members of his group began to collect samples for study while in Assos, particularly in zoology and biology This was truly the defining period of Aristotle's life because unknown to himself, he had →


Descartes's argument regarding the existence of God in the Meditations comes in the framework of his larger philosophical project in which he attempts to establish a basis for the very act of knowing. Descartes uses God to salvage the most basic knowledge from the brinks of despair caused by radical doubt, but in the end, →

Siddhartha’s path to enlightenment

Everyone's journey to enlightenment is unique and it can not be taught As Siddhartha is talking to Govinda he realizes that it is not possible to teach true wisdom. Living the rich life is not nirvana, it can be a beautiful facade of despair and suffering.

How political philosophy started

The study of political philosophy involves the state, its justification, the proper organization of its ethics, and the best form for the politics to contemporarily to exist. The application of fascism is the total belief that dominance of a state, government, and its leadership by an individual who embodies the trust, intelligence and the will →

Reflecting on critique

According to postmodernism, which marks the beginning of the modern world describes the art and the aesthetic movement of the twentieth century. This is evident from the number of tourists who visit France in order to see Eiffel towers.

The concept of ethical egoism

It's not just about thinking of what's the ethical thing to do for everyone, but to think of what is ethical and what a person can benefit out from it. The reward or benefit from holding the door for a stranger, is to have other people to do the same to others, even the person →

Western civilization: concept identifications

Word could be spread much farther and more rapidly with more copies of the news, and censorship of this same news was much harder to control. He also translated a much more accurate version of the New Testament due to his fluency in Latin and Greek.

Imprints and impressions: milestones in human progress

The Value of the Books by Plato and Thomas Aquinas One of the philosophers whose works have special meaning for me are the ancient Greek philosopher Plato and the medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas. In particular, the texts of Plato forced me to think about the meaning of human life and what place the concepts of →

Aol time warner- what went wrong

Not only was the merger the biggest ever in the media industry, it was also one of the biggest in the history of the corporate world. A major setback to the success of the merger was the bursting of the Internet bubble, which was expected to rule the media and entertainment industry in the 21st →


The reason why I know that women love shopping is that when I come to a shopping mall I mostly see happy women there, rather than happy men, as it seems like men endure buying things and they want to get rid of shopping as fast as it is possible, when women adore shopping and →

A comparison of confucianism,taoism and shintoism

In this case, Confucianism and Taoism in the Chinese religion follow some of the same principles, as well as Shintoism in the Japanese religion. For example, in one of the teachings of Confucian Jen it is quoted, " The determined scholar and the man of virtue will not seek to live at the expense of →

Philosophy and society

The Value of Philosophy in Human Existence This paper reflects on the relationship of philosophy to ones' life in terms of future education and career goals. The importance of philosophy lives in every individual's desire to seek knowledge, learn and unravel the mysteries of the world.