Quality Philosophy Essay Examples for Your Learning

Sophies world outline

She learned that things in nature are in a constant state of transformation. Early philosophers shared a belief that there had to be a certain basic substance at the root of all change.B.

Cosmological myths and orgin and order of the universe

Religion has been the tool applied to try to explain the meaning of human life and the universe, moral implications of human behavior, the existence and demise of everything in the universe and the freedom of human nature. The presence of a spiritual soul in every human being that transcends above every physical phenomena in →

Morality and the good life – ethics

The desire to act according to the expectations of a certain society makes people consider having the right code of ethics. Ethics define the rules of a given society while responsibilities define the expectations of each member of the society according to its ethics.

Crowds: sociology and social identity assignment

In addition to this, Denier 1 980 & Prentice -Dunn & Rorer's, as cited in Dixon & Mandrake, 2012 conjectured to highlight the contribution of some contextual features of being in a crowd, such as: a state of emotional arousal; the awareness of being part of a group; and a joint group fixation which they →

Kaoru ishikawa total quality management principles

Touted as the " Father of Quality Circles and as a founder of the Japanese quality movement", hisphilosophyon quality control is critical to understand TQM in general. The second core idea of Ishikawa's philosophy is that there is active participation in the quality program amongst the employees.

Critical thinking in context

I am able to come up with solutions to problems in a systematic way and prioritize ideas based on their importance. I am in a better position to solve problems by using the information that I have.

Ibsen, “an enemy of the people”

Stockmann is thinking of the community, and carries scientific test of the Municipal Baths initiative to establish the safety of the drinking water. The doctor takes the responsibility to inform the stakeholders that the water poses a great danger to the health of the community, and it is paramount to replace the pipe system.

What you think

I had the privilege of sharing a lecturer and a team in the philosophy class who together helped throughout the course. I have come to acknowledge philosophy as a tool for critically examining the life and the world.

Walden and transcendentalism

He keeps a detailed record of the economic cost of his venture into the woods and explains to his readers his pity for the people who have numerous material possessions. I have pitied him, not because that was his all, but because he had all that to carry."[1] The second transcendentalism theme is the idea →

The apology by plato

Deductive or inductive The argument was inductive because the premise that Socrates is God given to the state as a godfly attempts to establish his conclusion that he be spared or not persecuted because the state cannot easily find another like him or that the state should find another like him to persecute him III. →

Analysis of bbc at the time of greg dyke

The BBC is financed by a TV license fee paid by each household and represents the cultural artefacts: the concrete aspect of the BBC which is its ability to maintain its ' independence and impartiality' due to public funding and a not for public service ethos. The BBC's role was in ' inform, educate and →

Development of greek philosophy

He is said to be the first philosopher because of the fact that he motivated people to think that the world in all made up of water. In addition to that, for him, reality or " being" is everlasting, fixed, and undivided.

Basic problems of philosophy

The government of the state acts to enforce the virtue, and consequently the truehappiness, of the individual citizen, and an ordrerly and productive public life is the result. Criticizing the doctrines of atheism and materialism, Plato reaffirmed his idealistic position and asserted this belief in the moral government of the universe and the immortality of →

The worst hard time analysis

According to the Houston Chronicle, " The Worst Hard Time documents how government and business with the best of Intentions can facilitate the destruction of an entire region." Explain how this Is true with regard to the Dust Bowl, and then extend your analysis to include the relevance of this statement to more recent events. →

Marxs theory of commodity fetishism philosophy essay

Commodity fetishism is central to Marx's account of alienation and hence to his ethical critique of capitalist society, as well as to his structural theory of the functioning of capitalism. Commodity fetishism is in particular the means by which the role of workers in production is disguised.

Harry frankfurt

And he argued as follows 1) is true 2) determinism: every event must be the way it is and we couldn t do otherwise is also true Conclusion: and determinism are not compatible This argument is a valid argument but it is not a sound one because the author doesnot agree with the conclusion of →

Socrates and the soul

However, men need to service the body in order to remain here on Earth and because of this the body may distort the needs of the soul to be that of the body. Socrates believed that the human soul was invisible, immortal, and the director of the physical body.

What is philosophy analysis

The branch of philosophy concerned with identifying the ultimate reality of nature of the universe is known as metaphysics. Epistemology is a study or a theory of the nature and grounds of knowledge especially with reference to its limits and validity.

Blog 1

Since I wanted to be a part of both programs, I applied critical thinking on the situation. In this way, I was able to play a role in the charity fundraiser.

Does descartes manage to defeat scepticism

Descartes highlights that there is a contradiction in saying that God is a deceiver because that would imply that God is malicious. Descartes can deal with this by saying that 'it is the nature of a finite intellect that its scope should not extend to everything'.

What is akrasia (incontinence) according to aristotle in book 7 of nicomachean ethics

of Lecturer August Akrasia The psychological explanation of akrasia according to Aristotle is based on the perception that the actions of people are not usually uncontrolled and unrestrained. Aristotle Aristotle uses these arguments to explain the uncontrolled and unrestrained nature of the incontinent people that it is not due to the fact that they are →

Philosophy of law

Law is universal in the sense that it is conceived in the reason of the leader and transferred to the reason of the subjects. This is only possible in the legal system if the judges promote such fairness in the process and procedures of maintaining the law in order to strengthen the efficacy of the →

Piaget’s early theory of the role of language

Each of these periods is associated with mastering certain skills and abilities such as the use of symbols, abstract thinking, etc: Sensory-motor: during this period intelligence is demonstrated through motor activity without the use of symbols; Pre-operational stage: intelligence is demonstrated through the use of symbols, improvements in the use of language, development of memory, →

The concept of freedom in yoga philosophy

CONCEPT OF FREEDOM IN YOGA PHILOSOPHY and Number of In this essay I will provide a summary of theconcept of freedom in the yoga philosophy. In conclusion we can see that the proponent was able to combine consciousness and the body.

Logical argument: use any of the topics in the order instructions

Logical argument: legislative ity of the judiciary The role of the judiciary, as conservatives would argue, and as it has traditionally been perceived even among elites, is in the interpretation of the constitution and other sources of law. While the conservatives may criticize the extension of the roles of the judiciary to change the existing →

Sophocles |

The challenges in the generation are a theme that is explored through the lifestyle exhibited of the characters in the story. Different perspectives by The King and Oedipus are instrumental to the development of generation difference as The King and Oedipus present a difference in generations with The King looking to hold onto a past →

Business ethics

Business practices that harm this right would be considered as a violation of this fundamental right of the Chinese in cultural preservation and thus will be unwelcome. In order to create a practice that would be beneficial to both corporations and society, it is imperative that consideration of this decision be made since selling the →

Experience from part time job

Part-time jobs are good way to gain experience not only in a particular position, but are also instrumental in teaching a newcomer to the working world a number of important skills that are necessary to succeed in the long-term. Part-time jobs are a good way to learn experience not only about working, but offer a →

Raymond mejico

He uses the childish dream of Gulliver's Travels as a tool to satirize the larger aspects of his society at the time, including political rival Sir John Vanbrugh, science and the Age of Reason, and modern philosophers. Hart records the history of the two men's political rivalry beginning with the reign of Queen Anne of →

Conflicting obligations

In inquiry number 8, the researcher has the obligation of reporting to the police the theft of car rings in the slum and the researcher has the obligation of not reporting to the police. In inquiry number 15, the psychiatrist has the obligation of informing the police of the crime committed by the violent man →

Personal growth experiences assignment

The personal growth idea is to be defined using the book's definition. For each of the 4 personal growth ideas, you will have 1 definition and 5 examples.

Explain gandhi’s contention that external independence (swaraj) depends upon internal swaraj. do you think his reasoning is correct why or why not

Gandhi's contention that external independence depends on internal swaraj Introduction Mahatma Gandhi contents that external independence depends on the internal swaraj. Gandhi contention that external independence will depend on internal swaraj is correct since knowledge of true interest of Indians is crucial in resisting the self-interests of external world.

Platos republic

In Socrates' idea of philosophers, they are the only ones who can have complete access to the nature of things, and therefore knowledge. The ' lovers of sights and sounds' think that they know the things which can be known but in fact, this is not the case since they do not comprehend the forms.

The emotional dog and its rational tail: a social intuitionist approach to moral judgement by: jonathan haidt

On the other hand, Haidt offers an alternative theory called the Social Intuitionist Theory which presents the moral judgment's relationship to other significant factors - one such factor is the human's intuition. Evidently, in terms of acknowledging the causal factor of a moral judgment, the first process to register and evaluate a circumstance is considered →

Nature of logic and perception

Last but not least is to: recognize an instance in my life where my perception of the reality situation was far from the actual reality; to tell whatI believeis actually occurring; to state what is really happening; to indicate the difference of the two; the occurrences after; the things I have learned; and finally how →

Ncert assignment

Depending upon the nature of the study, the researcher has to decide who would be the participants in the study. It is the effect of this change in the variable which the researcher wants to observe or note in the study.

Why should we study rhetoric

Hence, as this essay will illustrate, rhetoric, as a means of communication, is a vital tool, which provides those who use it an effective and efficient means to persuade and be understood. The middle part of the speech, which is further subdivided into a narrative, a division, and proof and refutation, allows the speaker to →

Are science and religion in conflict philosophy essay

Once the practice of science or the publication of results and theory could, as in the case of Galileo, get a person in serious trouble with the church. One of the more enduring arguments between science and religion remains, from the position of the church, God created the heavens and the earth in six days →

No exit by jean-paul sartre essay sample

The Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre.[ 18 ]. The Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre.[ 25 ].

Argument sketching

For instance the first cause argument argues for the existence of an external creator; the ontological argument argues for the existence of a perfect being; an argument that is for a creator with a keen interest in humanity is the argument from design; lastly the moral argument refers to an argument that is pro moral →

Socrates on the unexamined mind

The outcome of this dilemma in Socrates mind is " life is not worth living". Speaking from a philosophical point of view, I believe life has no meaning, if we do not know who we are or what our purpose in life is.

The singularity is near philosophy essay

The rules of universe and the balance of physical constant that governs the interaction of basic forces are so delicate, exquisite and appropriate for codification and evolution of information. With the sophisticated computational and communicational devices, technology it's self has the ability for storing, sensing and evaluating elaborate patterns of information, to distinguish between the →

Analysing doubt as the key to knowledge philosophy essay

From the birth of a baby to the death of an old man, and from the magnificence of the lovely red sky in the morning to the ugly appearance of the angler fish, most physical processes have been reasoned by natural sciences. I believe that doubt is one of the keys to knowledge, but not →

Do teenagers need a part time job

By having a part-time job this allows teenagers to be prepared for the real world. In conclusion, I strongly believe that it is important for teenagers to have a part time job before they graduate from high school.

Question for analysis 2

As the author notes, people are at the risk of becoming mere decoders if they do not utilize the internet as a complementary tool to think critically and engage with the information. The alternatives to becoming critical information consumers and questioners are printing and people questioning whatever content they read on the internet.

Calypso and odysseus reflective journal

Calypso and Odysseus Reflective Journal One would make no mistake suggesting that Odyssey should be considered to be one of the greatest pieces of literature not only because it is one of the earliest, but also because it raises a considerable number of questions and themes that are extremely important for the understanding of the →

Nietzsche’s philosophy of birth

It is because art is a reproduction of the eternal in a phenomenal form that Nietzsche believes " we are far from truly being the creators of that world of art", the artist is merely the mediator of the eternal, who engages in procreation. The description of the divine impregnating the humanly to beget a →

Thrasymachus’ views on justice

The position Thrasymachus takes on the definition of justice, as well as its importance in society, is one far differing from the opinions of the other interlocutors in the first book of Plato's Republic. These claims include his opinion that " justice is nothing other than the advantage of the stronger," " it is just →

Phil102 – knowledge and reality assignment 2

The " veil of perception" conversely, refers to the belief that, indirectly, our perception about the world is passed through the channel of our ideas. In this paper I will discuss the skepticism hypothesis in the " veil of perception," the importance of the " veil of perception", and the opposition of simplicity to the →

Peter singer

To Singer, voluntary euthanasia is assisting in the termination of one's life, if that person willingly consented and expressed his desire to end his life. The controversial philosopher believes that infanticide, the act of killing an innocent child, is allowed, in the instance that that child will be unable to live a normal, rational, and →

How the movie of the beetles is influenced in the 1960s

A silky incorporation of Richard Lester's convoluted track, Alun Owen's hysterical libretto, and the natural trinkets of Paul, George, Ringo, and John, A Hard Day's Night is a movie flawlessly of it is the moment and flawlessly enduring. In the year 2004, Total Film periodical forenamed A Hard Day's Night the 42nd utmost British movie →

Emmanuel kant

One of Kant's works, the Critique of Pure Reason, is an attempt to answer the problems of the nature of knowledge-what it is and how it is obtained. Kant, whose epistemology is a form of idealism, holds that what we refer to and perceive as the external world is an artifice of the mind.


Through a clear description of what has to be dome for a possible science to be made actual, these exercises will aid, in the preparation for the scientific metaphysics, to become viable. The metaphysics that Kant refers to is only possible through virtue of its existence, as well as what he calls illusionary knowledge, which →

What does it all mean by nagel

This is because the book gives the reader a compact overview of all the fundamental constituents of philosophy such as the dualism of the mind and the body and more complex topics such as the meaning of the existence of man and his consciousness. The introductory chapter allows for a gentle entrance into the world →

Consider the view that free will is an illusion (30 marks)

We think that the chocolate taking is the result of our deliberation and that the motive for eating the chocolate cake overcame our desire to be healthy. The determinist has to accept that it is true for his opponent.

Abundance and scarcity: toward and economy of renewable cycles and

The community holds the products or items in scarce to be the structure of the economy, nature or in environ which the item fits. Shadowy lines that still divide" by Janny Scott and David Leonhardt Is there any way to denote the different social class of people through the groom of a person?

Reasons for truth and reality

In the ancient times, the great minds ponder extensively about the truth and reality and they all agree that reason is most important in understanding truth and reality. In the words of Plato himself, " The world of our sight is like the habitation in prison, the firelight there to the sunlight here, the ascent →

Synopsis of platos republic

Plato offers utmost importance to the form of good and states that one has to pay special attention to grasp and learn the form of good. In Book VII the author continues to argue that it is the form of good that offers the visible and the knowable realm beauty, light, truth, and understanding.

Explain what the ancient mesopotamians, egyptians, hebrews and greeks thought and felt about happiness

Nonetheless, each of the attempted descriptions of happiness was relevant to the circumstances and culture of those making them and has in common the fact despite the fact that what makes one happy does not necessarily translate to others, everyone strives for it in their own way. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the perceptions →

Intelligence vs. wisdom assignment

Emotional facilitation of thought- when Martha Stewart decided to lie about her stocks and sold them when she got a hint that the market was going to go upside down, she was not thinking about anyone else but her and her money. Martha Stewart may not have been smart to take the hint from her →

On determinism: using the movie “the lion king” essay sample

The Movie: The Lion King The Lion King was about a lion named Simba, who was destined to be the next King of the Pridelands but because of untoward incident, he went away from his home and refused to become the next king. In the end, he killed and overthrew Scar and was enable to →

Philosophy study notes greek philosophers

Philosophy Study Notes Greek Philosophers - The earliest Greek philosophers are sometimes called NATURAL PHILOSOPHERS because they were mainly concerned with the natural world and it's processes - Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Zeno, Parmenides, Democritus = Pre-Socratic - All the earliest philosophers shared the belief that there had to be a certain basic substance at the →

Creativity and critical thinking

Creativity and Critical Thinking It has been most common in the history of mankind to fight back with guns and ammunitions against a tyrannical rule to acquire justice and honor and it has always been believed that violence is the only way of protesting and establishing rule of law; however, M.K. When British rulers enacted →

Good example of perception argumentative essay

While Locke thought that the observations were a reflection of the objects outside the confines of the mind, Berkley was skeptical to a large extent. I, therefore, disagree with the notion objects are established when there is a perception of an idea.

Are we free to do what we want?

We cannot be free to do what we want without being unlimited in what we do, therefore being free to do what we want would mean that our actions are not limited by any restrictions or inabilities. Is it true that we are free to do what we want?

Comparing john stewart mill and nietzsche

However, if you actually get to know the person and look at him from his point of view it is clear that he actually was the opposite of Nietzsche's theory. His wanting to get to the truth behind everything was too much for him, you cannot always find the truth and you have to go →

The theory of determinism in philosophy

One of the objections on the theory of determinism is that according to this theory the future is something tangible since this theory illustrates that every action is a consequence of a former event or action. The objection that since the human mind has the power to step back or change at any moment does →

The effects of a supported employment program on psychosocial indicators for persons with severe mental illness assignment

The second measure was developed explicitly for this study and was designed to measure the Employment Self Esteem of a person with SMI. At the end of that period, each participant was assigned to a job site at the agency sheltered workshop for those in the control condition, and to an outside employer if in →

Philosophy of utilitarianism

Philosophy of Utilitarianism ' The story of John Cooper is one of the tragic interpretation of the philosophicthinking. One thing that is clear is that this not in accordance with the principle of utilitarianism because of four reasons.

Paying for bone marrow

Module Paying for Bone Marrow INTRODUCTION The harvesting of the bone marrow from healthy individuals to give to patients who need it is something that is considered as being safe by medical authorities. This reality means that there is some level of pressure for ways to be found to make it easier for bone marrow →

Freedom fighter or terrorist

Individuals and revolutionaries such as Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama have gained the respect of not just their countrymen, but of the whole world.part of the reason for them being considered as true freedom fighters lies in their peaceful methods to obtain freedom and their ability to mobilize the masses against a just cause →

Whats best form of political arrangement for aristotle philosophy essay

Therefore, since the aim of the city is to live well or to live according to virtue, the best form of political arrangement is the one where the role of the human being and the role of the citizen coincide. Finally, in Aristotle's definition of the best form of political arrangement he says that there →

Analysing the credibility factor philosophy essay

Employees expect their leaders and managers to have a vision for the future and to be able to make the right decisions and provide a sense of direction to get there. This is not to say the manager has to have all of the solutions, but they should have enough foresight, i.e, vision, to recognize →

The secret to increased productivity: taking time off

His anthem is that productivity and performance start with free time, which he argues is the fuel for the energy, creativity and focus that lead to success". It took three years, the advice of a mentor and the realization that he was getting in the way of his company's forward progress for Platt to relinquish →

Difference in values/cultural values between thailand and japan, uk, germany

Difference in values/cultural values between Thailand AND Japan, UK, Germany One difference that Thai people commonly share with the Japanese, British, and German people is their approach to law and order; the Japanese, British, and German people place more value in law and order because they have witnessed serious wars in the history originating in →


Hence, there is a division created between the mental appearance and the " things in themselves." This sets stage for limitability of such work as incorporates division of the things and the words, condition of discourses for the appearance of things inside our knowledge or the systems of truth versus the real things in the →

The effects of music on a culture assignment

Observation Is the quickest and yet the most cost effective way of completing an assignment of this magnitude. This affects everyone, being prepared and having knowledge of " hat is out there is only the beginning of an endless fight to retain authority.

Mythology: myths, legends & fantasies

Myths help in solving eternal questions such as the origin of existence. I believe mankind cannot fully understand why humans look to myths as an explanation of things that happen in the natural world.

The proposed study attempts to explore the struggles

The proposed study attempts to explore the struggles of Dalit-Bahujan students in Indian Universities, with specific study of Hyderabad Central University in the state of Telangana. The contribution of the author is that she has traced the trajectory of Dalit identity in the Southern part of India i.e.

Individualism vs. collectivism

The ultimate goal of collectivism is to reinforce group values and solidarity by creating laws that enables the minorities or the marginalized sectors of the community equal chances of living life the same as the majority of the group. 16 April 2011.." DVD Version P1 The Nature and Origin of Human Rights".

Current ethical problem assignment

These ground rules also leads to prioritize the organization ethical behavior and this will also lead the organization to have a strong reputation that will set the organization to be one of the most reliable organization among other competitors. The reaction of the president was based on a report by the New York Times where →


Although firstly the suppositions of utilitarianism appear in the writings of the British moralists of XVI-XVII centuries, the modern theory of the concept is most often associated with the British philosopher John Stuart Mill who elaborated the theory from a hedonistic version proposed by his mentor Jeremy Bentham who thought a person should experience a →

English paper

That is the function of an art, its relationship to nature and life, distinction of its beauty from the truth, its use, and moral goodness. One may know the geography of a place, the cultures, and beliefs in it.

John locke’s some thoughts concerning education; philosophy essay

One of the most emphasized points in Locke's work is that children should enjoy learning and that there is no good reason that they should dislike learning and love playing. Locke held firmly the idea that with the tabula rasa, one is given the ability to bend their mind and tailor themselves to certain ways →

James rachels, the challenge of cultural relativism

This factor indicates that the moral progress in human beings has not advanced which explains the practice of the colonial culture in the current democratic era. This is a cultural practice in both the modern and the traditional cultures.


Euthanasia Euthanasia Euthanasia is the intentional ending of a living being's life by act or omission to ease pain and suffering. In most cases the practice of euthanasia is performed if the suffering individual requests for it, but there are special cases where euthanasia administered to a person who is unable to make such a →

Short answers

The Situationist notion of the " colonization of everyday life" The growing theory of the spectacle is old to be remarkably striking in old English, and making important classifications of the theory itself. This offers an important filtration of events and thus ensuring that the expenditure is fostered on basic levels of changing values, and →

Learnings from individual and group behavior (igb) assignment

However, here at NINA I found it very difficult to achieve that sometimes, probably because of the large gap in the background and profile of myself compared to all other members of my group. When I tried to explain differently to them, on the basis of whatever I learned during y corporate experience of 3 →

Shakespeare quote

Meaning The purpose of speaking these lines was to convey the message that honor is a two sided sword and is not necessarily a motivator that can result in positive outcomes. He says that when an individual is harmed during a war in which an individual is indulged due to honor, the aspect of honor →

The time machine: does change bring progress?

On the contrary, if we resort to the lives of the Morlocks, who are always busy craving for luxurious possessions instead of dedicating lives towards good deeds, which is very much that is becoming of us today, this change is not progress and should certainly be halted. While the Eloi live without much concern towards →

The inconclusive ethical against manipulative advertising

The Inconclusive Ethical Case against Manipulative Advertising Question Manipulative advertising is form of advertising thatfocuses on the positive side of a product only and never gives the negative aspect of the same product. Similarly, it is untrue that as consumers we buy not only the physical product but also a set of feelings connected with →


No a is b No b is c Therefore, no a is c - Invalid Identify the following fallacies.20. That is enough to convince me he drinks alcohol.

The philosophies influencing latin america

These philosophies were deeply set in the supernatural world, and the natives focused on learning ways of appeasing the spirits. Political chaos hindered the widening of the academic philosophy at the start of the 19th century, but later, positivism was well established in majority of the Latin American countries.

Analysis of just in time production methods

The push system of production pushes materials to the next stage of the production irrespective of whether time and resources are needed at the next level of production creating lot of inventories at each level of the production flow. The key characteristics of JiT 1 The main characteristic of Just In Time 1 is to →

Pay for time not worked

Lastly, another aspect of " non-productive time" which can be reduced Is the minutes on the coffee break. It is Just a matter of presenting it to the employees in a manner in which they understand is needed for the company and beneficial.

Beauty in jane

The beauty Ricky sees in Jane is deep inner beauty, the beauty of the soul that exceeds the conformance of the body to popular standards. It is special and may be not seen by all people at a time, and it is exactly the kind of beauty Ricky discerned in Jane.