Quality Philosophy Essay Examples for Your Learning

Socrates’ philosophical ideology

Plato said that the Form of the Good is " the greatest thing we have to learn." Knowledge of the Good is an end in itself and gives meaning and purpose to life. The descent in the cave is necessary to the progress of the soul.

A mathematical formalization proposal for business growth philosophy essay

The criteria of a formal system are: given a set of primary formal objects of different category; given a set of rules, that help forming finite sequences of statements; a set of primary statements called " axioms"; given a set of rules: a sequence is transformed into another sequence through certain operations; based on axioms, β†’

Philosophy of music education in the indian context assignment

Introducing students to the music and other art forms of various cultures is a wonderful way to broaden their understanding of the meaning of music. Although I recognize that performance and the International music exams is a wonderful opportunity in which students can share their music with the community, or understand their level of competency, β†’

A non-bourgeois analysis of tout va bien

The purpose of this device intends to ruin illusion and inform the audience that the movie is an aesthetic work of art and not a real life situation. Lastly, of the reasons that Tout Va Bien is considered to be non-bourgeois is the political subject matter.

Can you follow the reasoning of the fine tuning argument are you convinced by it’s reasoning and it’s response to many universes hypotheses why or why not

This is a response to the reasoning and responses to the universe hypotheses of the fine tuning argument I am not convinced by the general principle reasoning. I do not agree to the application of the principles that relies on the fact that that the universe has the fine-tuned life factors being more probable under β†’

My philosophy of life

My philosophy of life tells that I always have to be myself and listen to my heart as much as I listen to my mind and to play along with the voice of my conscience. Summing up, I am convinced that the best way to achieve happiness is to be loyal to your family and β†’

Important symbols of taoism

Yin yang diagram, the most important symbol of Taoist represents the movement of heaven or the Tao. The small dots represent the fact that there is good in the evil, as there is evil in the good.

Aol time warner

To mix a traditionalcultureexisting at Time Warner as ' old' company with the flexibility of the ' new' AOL culture was both risky and promising. At the same time, Time Warner with its large asset base created a climate in which AOL would have resources for the realization of the most ambitious projects and undertakings.

A research proposal

These children are shown to be in a transitional state in the sense that they are particularly receptive to instruction- in fact, more receptive to instructions than the children who convey the same procedure in speech and gesture. If the gestures are the accurate expression what the child knows the gestures will have a great β†’

A study of philosophy

This also means that reality or practical approaches of solving issues often shows a limit in finding solutions to problems by applying a given set of rules while philosophical or argumentative approaches of solving issues often shows exploration of possible options and alternatives to finding solutions for problems. This does not mean that philosophy or β†’

Quine’s observation sentence

This disparity in his position can be ascribed to the fact that Quine argues that the meaning of observation sentence depends on two perspectives: from the perspective of the learner or the speaker and the perspective of the observer. Thus, Quine's assertion of the dependency of the meaning of observation sentences on the speaker and β†’

Attitude of the socrates towards the gods in euthyphro

Attitude of the Socrates towards the gods in Euthyphro The discussion of Plato commonly referred to as the Euthyphro is a dialogue that took place between Socrates and Euthyphro that touches on what holiness is. He is quite sure that most of the Athenian people has little understanding of the very nature of piety or β†’

Law philosophers assignment

Aristotle would evaluate Canadian Law is he would like how we have the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms he would like section 15 subsection in the Charter which isEqualityRights " every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law" Constitution β†’

Writing assignment

In the third section, Hanslick claims that a " specifically musical kind of beauty" is what the beauty of a musical composition embodies for which he adds " a beauty that is self-contained and in no need of content from outside itself, that consists simply and solely of tones and their artistic combination". Essentially, this β†’

Personal philosophy

Religiously, the order of the universe is the sign of ultimate wisdom and goodness of God. This is according to Kathleen Higgins, a professor of Philosophy at the University of Texas.

Grade 10 history summative assignment

The final version of your video is up to you and your group; however, the product must consider the following: What is the Canadian identity? You may need to be able comment on all of the topics chosen in your video.

What role does reason play in deciding ethical questions

For example: in order to reduce the rate of defects, the organization decided to implement the technique of total quality management, which is accepted by every individual, as it is a justified decision on behalf of the management. Similarly, reason is also used in receptive aspect so as to make practical judgments as per the β†’

Ethical thinking

The ethicists argued from different ethical theoretical viewpoints: Baby Theresa was being used as a way to meet other people's ends; it is immoral to kill so that another live can be saved; this baby's parents want it dead to use its organs to benefit other babies. I agree with Rachel claims that " the β†’

Natural philosophy of cause and chance by born, max

The position the author takes in this article is the characteristic of Tom DeLay. This is because; it has the introduction, content and conclusion areas of political debate.

Arguments for and against abortion

Thus, considering that a fetus does not have the capacity to solve problems on its own, and considering that a fetus does not have the ability to make independent decisions that are devoid of external control, then, it does not qualify to be a human being. Therefore, he argues that it is morally wrong to β†’

The thoughts about empirical methods by many philosophers worldwide

As with Kuhn too, scientific data, theories, methods, and results are necessary to characterize empirical methods. Popper, Kuhn, and Quine are in agreement as to the methods used.

Should congress enact gun control laws

In the light of the recent tragedy of massacre of 26 people, including 20 children in the age group of 5-10 years in a Connecticut Elementary School, one of the worst mass shootings in U.S.history, getting the bill passed at the national level should be possible for the Obama administration. Some urgent attention is needed β†’

Testing individuals for potential health problems

One is of the opinion that all things considered, it is still best that testing must done. Whether or not there is a cure for the disease, one should be made aware of his disease so that in the future if new cures are developed, they can avail of such.

The role of education in plato’s republic

In particular, the views of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, as evidenced in The Republic, and of the pre-Romantic philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau in his Discourse on the Arts and Sciences, present a striking juxtaposition of the two extremes of the ongoing philosophical and political debate over the function and value of education. But the β†’

Believing in illusion and accepting it as reality

Illusion and the Allegory of the Cave Plato's Allegory of the Cave as told in The Republic speaks of how human beings are being deceived by illusions, or things that they would believe to be real although these are artificial. The artificial world, which is represented by the shadows in the allegory, may actually refer β†’

Supreme being and created things: rene descartes, principles of philosophy

The philosopher is of the view that the entire universe, infinite in nature and scope, has been created out of one and the same substance, without any difference between the celestial and terrestrial matters, where different objects are continuously moving under the law being regulated by some Supreme Force, which reveal the perfection of God β†’

What are rationalism and empiricism: descartes and hume

Since a priori knowledge is essential to rationalists, conceptions of philosophy ought to be formulated in the context of logical rationalization or one that is carried out via deductive cognition. Descartes is suspicious of the senses because for him, in order to fathom a significant truth, one must doubt all perceived knowledge.

Genetic experimentation and development

The essential utilization for genetic experimentation or engineering concerns the treatment or curing of genetic infection or genetic diseases. It should be used as a last resort for cure of incurable or life-threatening diseases.

Ethical issues and tactics

One theory is that people behave as they do because of a complex interaction between different parts of themselves, of which the conscious mind is one, and the subconscious is the other. In this thinking there is a complex relationship between three things that make up the human mind in this understanding: the id, the β†’

The historical jesus

However, Jesus explained to them that he is not sent in the world to destroy the law but to fulfill it. The message of Jesus is contained in the parables that He speaks and in His sermons.

Personal philosophy of success

The strategies I will use for my personal philosophy of success are Setting Priorities, organization of materials, and DAPPS, Dated Achievable Personal Persistent and Specific. MY first strategy I think is very useful for my college career is one of my own " Setting Priorities".

Scepticism versus human nature: david hume, enquiry concerning human understanding

This to Hume just goes on to show that human nature is superior to skepticism in the search of knowledge. Therefore, Hume suggests that attention should be on the power of human nature as opposed to abstract philosophical reasoning.

Compare bacon and descartes essay sample

Both men ridiculed earlier methods of seeking knowledge, that were once used in the academic traditions of the universities founded in the Middle Ages. In the inductive method we proceed from the particular to the general, from the concrete to the abstract.

Socrates, plato. and aristotle matrix

That is, for Aristotle, there is no separate world of forms where the ideas of Man For Socrates and Plato, the essence of man is the contemplation of the world of Forms. The end of the human person, according to Aristotle, is happiness, just like in Plato.


The Apology that Plato gives may be witnessed as a continuation of Phaedo because here, he defends himself with regard to the charges of him corrupting the young people with his philosophy and not believing in the gods of the Greek cities. Both Cebes and Socrates are able to put forth their arguments regarding the β†’

Meditations on first philosophy

Descartes goes on to say that the proof should be so certain as to rival the certainty of geometry and that just because the originator of an idea may not be perfect, it does not mean that a characteristic of the idea itself is not perfection. Averroes asserted that the individual portion of the soul β†’

Film blade runner: how humans create themselves and the machines that mimic their imperfections

The replicants in the movie serve as a mirror, or a reflection of the wrongdoings done by humanity for their own survival not minding the impact that their actions might create to those people who do not wish to live a life that is full of complexities. In the movie, the main reason why the β†’

Thomas nagel

Thomas Nagel Q1 Functionalism theory is a doctrine that suggests what forms mental of something depends on the function or role it plays in the cognitive system that it forms and not on the constitution of the material. Q2 Functionalism theory separates the brain state from mind state and concentrates on the mind to elaborate β†’


Your Full Your Teacher's April 14, Necessity of Unity of Productive Forces Across the World Karl Marx, in the section " The Development of the Productive Forces as a Material Premise of Communism" of his work " German Ideology", explains why communism can only work with the cooperation of working class over the world. This β†’

The portrayal of wisdom in platos allegory of the cave

The postulation of such a profound idea in the story is an example of Plato's wisdom. Thus, they discount the value of freedom and remain shackled in the cave, content in the notion that it is safe and comfortable.

Non-human animals can be agents of morality

The basic concept in understanding the ability of animals to be moral agents is the evaluation of how human morality is distinguished from chimpanzee " morality". In conclusion, non-human animals can be moral agents because animals especially chimpanzees and other primates have the ability to express the emotions of empathy and consolation that are associated β†’

Answer the questions about a

Sagan shares with us some responses from about the state of American education described in the preceding chapter. Sagan alludes to the " coolness" of learning in the preceding chapter, and now we hear from students and parents directly on the issue of how peer pressure and social expectations can make learning " uncool".

Communication and collaboration paper assignment

The key to accomplishing goals as a team is to develop strategies to utilize each member's strength in their learning styles and personalities. Different Personalities and Strategies for Communication and Collaboration The different personalities you will encounter on a team are the organizers, the thinker, the giver and the adventurer.

Never let me go

Never let me go The novel never let me go is written by Kazuo Ishiguro with the aim of reflecting on various themes but all related to the main themes which are love, life, care and death. The story uses both reality and fiction to portray the four major themes which are love, life, care β†’

Sunrise wheelchair case study

The purpose for Guardian to introduce the lightweight standard wheelchair, with a forecast market growth rate of 15% yearly, is only meant to complement Guardian's existing product to seek for higher growth in its division since the profit margins of its existing product lines are razor thin. If Quickie continues to lose competitiveness, adding Guardian's β†’

Dignity of labour

This contempt of manual labour is absurd and wrong and the distinction between manual and mental work is misleading. All manual work even so called unskilled labour requires some thought and the skilled work of the engineer the carpenter and the builder and the potter is really as much mental as manual.

Ethics: haroun and the sea of stories *study questions*

The perspective of protecting children from the darker elements of stories is really more a modern perspective. For example, the elements of the story concerning the parallels between the villain and the man that stole Haroun's mother are not an aspect intended for a child reader.3.

Is david hume’s argument against william paley here a strong one

This argument means that Hume preempts the human mind; the argument tries to negate the working of the human mind in deducing the result of design. The other factor that indicates that Hume's argument was a weak argument is in the design of the universe.

Truth-telling and confidentiality (tt&c) precis assignment

Details Precis: " Why Privacy Is Important," James Rachel In his essay, " why privacy is important", James Rachels states that privacy is a value that is valued by most people who are civilized and it often seems unproblematic until we start to think about it. Also, our feeling that our privacy is nobody else β†’

Ontological argument

So if we cannot add existence as a predicate of God's perfection, as existence is not an actual predicate then the Ontological argument falls on its foundations, as it is fundamental to Anselm that existence is a predicate of God, as this is paramount and integral to the argument. This is a major weakness in β†’

The importance of wisdom

I have learned from their mistakes and I am the first in myfamilyto finish high school and not have a child to take care of. I look at a problem and think about what the things I have learned from other problems and knowledge I have.

Nature and materialism in walden

His experiences in living in Walden Pond encourages people to slow down and reflect on the kind of life that they are living whether they are supposedly living the kind of life that was meant to be. In the cabin, he felt remote from the life that he had left behind with civilization and in β†’

Engineering ethics

Alternatively, Tim can order for the supply to be provided to the machine that is experiencing short supply at the time to see whether he can beat the time and give the products. He will have something to deliver though it's not fair to the customers its just having in mind on the urgency of β†’

Gender, race, and philosophy

Philosophy of women Number Philosophy of women Philosophy of women, especially during the 20th century contributed immensely towards their emancipation from male dominance in society. Apart from de Beauvoir, Schick and Vaugh said, Mahatma Gandhi was one of the most prominent 20th century figures in India who is credited for acknowledging women's efforts as imperative β†’

Love your problems,

These fears could include meeting new people, putting your money in some risky investment, trying to get the grasp of a new skill and the fear of speaking in front of an audience. Like many other people I also have the fear of public speaking and I find it difficult to get out of my β†’

Mans qualities and their role in life

Locke represented a developing trend in the European community during the 1600s and 1700s to deploy cause for the last opinions of all humankind, including the conduct of governments. The shared assumption of governance stated that a common society is a submission of power by the state to support agreements and so forth." An essay β†’


The law of nature and the will of God take precedence in the final consequences of the actions of the characters in this play. The play Antigone, serves as a guide for a solution to the eternal questions of the individual versus the community or, God's rule versus man's rule through the foreboding of Sophocles, β†’

Leviathan by thomas hobbes

Though it may be expected that a natural equilibrium would be reached in such a state of nature with the strong triumphing over the weak, it is noted that this can never be so due to the peculiar nature of power; a state of equality exists in nature where even the weak can kill the β†’

Philosophy of science assignment

In this essay I will assess Thomas Kuhn's philosophy of science and I will try to find an answer to the question: " To what extent does Kuhn's view fit International Business Administration as a systematic study of the economic world? " 1. The demarcation problem in the philosophy of science is a problem in β†’

Hum m3 jak

According to Branden, moral values guide people towards the achievement of self-esteem and pleasure. On the values scale, I scored medium importance in terms of power and achievement.


It constitutes of good traits that are important which enable a person to carry out their duties, at the right time, and in the correct way. He also added that morals are acquired through practice and habituation which is significant in the achievement of goals and hence makes a person happy.

The apprenticeship of duddy kravitz

One of the techniques was using a teenager as the main character of the novel. I think this showed us the ambition of the young man because all teenagers want to make money and dream about becoming rich one day, but it's not all 17 year olds that want it as bad as Duddy Kravitz.

Reinventing knowledge: from alexandria to the internet by ian f mcneely

This is due to the inability of humans to keep the moral law, which Christ kept throughout his life on earth.13.a) In the first chapter of " Reinventing Knowledge", the library used was that of Alexandria because it is one of the oldest libraries in the world built in third century BCE and has a β†’

Realistic in nursing

Nurses as Role Models Nurses as Role Models Patients rely on nurses for care and health education. However, nurses too have health issues and hence they cannot be perfect as portrayed in the patient's minds.

Aristotle’s theory

The mind-body problem is being examined through the denial of the significance of mental processes in the physiological functioning of the body. Despite the fact that Aristotle believes that the soul exists until there is a body, the philosopher recognizes activity of the mental processes and their involvement in physiological states of a person.

Observation 3

The teacher had brought them with the intention to help the weak students do the counting although everybody in the group in general was free to play with the teddy bear toys. This not only provided the teacher with a greater control over the activity, but was also very convenient for the low-achieving students as β†’

Globalization and its effects on developing nations

The developing countries on the other hand are mostly the nations who have been the colonies ruled by the imperial powers of the west. Retrieved from http://www.essa.org.za/download/2003Conference/MostertJ_The%20Impact%20Of%20Globalisation%20On%20Developing%20Countries.pdf


The first three treatises form the core of the logical theory stricto sensu: the grammar of the language of logic and the correct rules of reasoning. For example, in his History of Animals he claimed that human males have more teeth than females.[20] In a similar vein, John Philoponus, and later Galileo, showed by simple β†’

Assignment example

Another aspect is that he has to be conscious enough to realize the weight of the crime he conducted. If there is a person, who is dangerous and destructive, he or she has to be isolated; murder is a reason for death penalty.

Analyzing an important futer goal

Some of the steps required to attain the goals entails reading content on swine farming, and this can take about one day. I will have to forgo the money spent on entertainment so that I can direct it to venture.

St. augustine and virgil’s influence in dante’s inferno

The structural and operational similarity is an affirmation of Virgil's The Aeneid's influence on Dante's Inferno. Virgil's The Aeneid developed a conceptualization of hell that Dante later adapted to his work.

The greatest philosophers essay sample

Unlike other authors who vanished in history as a result of the introduction of more progressive scholars, modern authors have built upon the ideas of Plato to come up with their own philosophies. In summary, Plato touched all levels of humanity, and did not confine himself to a specific field like the other authors.

Forensic psychology: fitness for duty evaluation assignment

The nature of fitness-for-duty evaluations is different from other psychological services in that they involve a mandatory referral to the psychologist and fitness Information Is communicated to the department Thus, specific issues of psychologist training and knowledge are crucial. Lastly, a medical examination is frequently recommended to establish or rule out other issues affecting the β†’

Role of philosophy in ancient greece

Thus, a conscientious section among learned men of the times deemed it necessary to invoke the gods, goddesses, the consequences of evil, and the trysts and involvement of the divine beings with the lives and affairs of men. Hesiod and his ilk understood the influence of the divine beings on the people and the rulers.

How does a child think about his own death when he is life-threateningly ill

But all of this depends a lot upon the age group of the child because there are a number of developmental stages of how children understand death. These children do not understand the meaning of death but they have a sense that their family routine is changing.

Hume philosophy paper

He covered that reason alone cannot be a motive to the will, moral distinctions are not derived from reason and moral distinctions are direct from the moral sentiments [Treatise of Human Nature, 11]." Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to β†’

The problem of minds and brains, psychological condition and accountability, compatibilism: pros and cons. consciousness, souls, ensoulment and abortion

The of the essay First of the school Making decisions, sometimes we consider different reasons of them. In the first chapter of the book " The Reasons of Love" Harry G Frankfurt describes the various ways of human thinking and justifying life decisions: importance, desire of something, which provoke doing an action, and caring about β†’

A personal view of happiness

I hated the car, but loved the experience and the thoughtfulness of my dad in making sure I was comfortable and safe. Trips may seem to be another category full of materialistic aims, but again, my memories are associated more with the way they made me feel about myself and the pleasure I had in β†’

Believing where we cannot prove philosophy essay

Philip Kitcher is the defender of the evolutionary science and also elaborates the characteristics of a good science. A scientific theory is established from the new observations and the theory of evolutionary biology is not directly observable as all other sorts of theories.


In this case, the life of a woman is given a priority over the life of a fetus since it would be wrong to force a woman to risk her life while denying her the right to make decision and save herself. Subsequently, keeping in mind that death is the worse outcome, it can be β†’

Working on nhdfdh assignment

Assignment In this assignment, you will focus on the debate between the personalities and naturalistic positions in scientific history, and how the concept of zeitgeist relates to each of these concepts. If you are unfamiliar with PAP form and style, take this tutorial: The Basics of PAP Style.

A place that gets worst from time to time

The country has never stood a chance to develop and become a player in the emerging economies of the world due to poor politicalleadership. It is this political turmoil that has caused regression in the country.

Personal health assessment assignment

With the help of the assessment worksheet, I can score myself on each of the dimensions and determine areas that I can improve. My weight is one of the first things in my life that I have attempted but failed to achieve.

Discussion 5

The first step involved analysis of the given terms for meaning, and identification of the middle term which would indicate some relationship between the major and minor terms. The truth of the premises was checked.

Analyze the francis bacon essay

The purpose of the essay is to explain love and the affects It has on all kinds of people. But the greatest of these is love." And because love is all these things Bacon wants his readers to understand there is no escaping love.

Finally, or thought, the mathematical objects. then,

The movementtowards the outside of the cave can be considered the climbing the ladder ofthe divided line and going from physical sun to the good for the allegory ofthe sun. When he goes outside, he sees the shadows of the real objects andthis would be the dianoia or thought, the mathematical objects.

3 activity

First, Craig asserts that the existence of God creates a sense of the foundation of the universe. Therefore, they approve of the existence of power and that according to Craig is God.

Frankenstein and percy shelleys moral science

In the subdivision ' Moral Science Consists in Considering the Difference, not the Resemblance, of Persons.' of the heading Speculations on Morals, Shelley expounds his concept of moral science by pointing out the fact that despite the deliberate uniformity of human actions for the purpose of attaining stability of human society, a closer scrutiny of β†’

Political philosophy and medium-paragraph length answer assignment

According to Mary Anne Warren, what are the five central criteria for moral Persephone, and what are the implications of this criteria on the issue of whether or not the fetus has the right to life. What are the elements of her example that make it analogous to the situation of pregnancy due to rape?

Irigaray an essentialist or not

This advocacy requires women to take the advantage of the femininity, and forge an identity that they apply to push for recognition and advocate for their rights, whenever they feel that such rights are not easily granted. Through the observation that women has no distinct subject position from that of nature and matter, Irigaray goes β†’

Ralph waldo emerson, transcendentalism

Emerson is not only known as one of the most influential transcendental writers, but as the unofficial leader of the group of transcendentalists and the first to really create and express the ideas that this group of people shared. As the title clearly states, " Self-Reliance" is one of Emerson's essays that proposes the idea β†’

Philosophy of meaning and value summary and application plan

My approach to Meaning and Value in Life Situations and Environments Personal Life Situations and Environments The personal development as a child had an impact of my social perception that provided a philosophy of meaning of awareness of culture. The relationship with my father was limited for assisting in developing a critical social identity that β†’

Being and nothingness by jean paul sartre

The claim is a social and religious claim in the sense that Sartre explains what it is to be in the pursuit of being.II. This is a fact since consciousness allows humans to be alert and able to perceive different things that allow the ability to make decisions.1.

Philosophy: tool to differentiate reality & appearance

He says that there is no such reason which can make the man not answer his puzzling questions and his confusions regarding anything he doubts about what is reality and appearance. The author says that " sensation" is the word that can be used to describe this changing of events and situations and puts in β†’