Quality Environment Essay Examples for Your Learning

Good the biggest truth about life essay example

The biggest truth about life is that despite its vicissitudes, people go on living to fulfill their real purpose in life to be an instrument of positive transformation in the lives of others. Of course, those who have not read Warren's book would aver that one's purpose in life is to simply live it to β†’

Activity 1

What are the members of the Solar System? ANS. The large planet is Jupiter.

Isaac’s storm

Some of my favorite parts of the book are in the beginning I love the metaphors and similes. It lightens the book and catches your attention again.

Atmospheric sciences-survey of meteorology essays example

When there is snow, the temperature normally becomes cooler. On the contrast, when there is no snow, the temperatures are usually high.

Non conformists essay sample

The Catholic Church's speculated teachings of the universe were invalidated by Non conformity, the same way The Vigils and Brother Leon lost their power of the students in The Chocolate War; by someone taking a stand for what they believe is right, and other people being open to new ideas. His interest in astronomy compelled β†’

ο»Ώover population and poverty essay sample

Overpopulation it's a nationwide problem, Both developed and developing countries are at risk of the dangerous problems that it can and will create, also can lead to overcrowding and poor quality in housing, goods and it may also cause a lack in countries resources. Rising crime rate is one of the consequences of the overpopulation β†’

Exploring the earth under the sea

In 1968, the Glomar Challenger, an odd-looking ship equipped with a large drill structure in the middle of the vessel was initially tested by the DSDP. This testing and planning of where the JOIDES wanted to drill and of the Glomar Challenger was a part of phase 1.

How the sun produces heat and light essays example

Majority of the light energy, which is falling on the Earth from the Sun is located in the central part of the spectrum between blue and red light. The remaining part of the light energy is absorbed by the earth's surface.

Social studies cat

One of the reasons it's not true is that the most vulnerable part of the earth ecological system is the atmosphere. Vulnerable because it is just so thin, if you had a big globe with a varnish on it the thinness of that varnish is pretty much the same as the earth's atmosphere compared to β†’

Free causes of the seasons essay example

In addition, the intensity of the sun's heat varies from place to place depending on the direction of the sun. The summer solstice in the northern hemisphere occurs on June 21st and is the longest day.

Genesis 1 and 2: two different creation stories essay sample

The Purpose of this paper is to discuss the creation story in Genesis 1-2, explain why Genesis is not a continuation of Genesis 1, find the major points these stories make about who God is, and explain what Genesis 1-3 tell us today about God and our world. God or Gods, the role of people, β†’


The nearest star to Earth is the Sun, which is the source of most of the energy on the planet. Earth Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and the densest and fifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System.

Kobe vs northridge earthquake essay sample

Factors that created such a huge difference in damage in Kobe were the high population density, the soft soil, the direction of the waves and the response time to the earthquake and its aftermath such as uncontrollable fires. The Northridge and the Kobe earthquake had many similarities, such as they were both in the morning β†’

Creational myths research paper example

Most of individual in the globe are Christians and believes that God is the source of all life and he has the power to control all the living things. The discussion involves the origins of the earth, human, and the role of God in the creation.

The three major roles of the son of man essay sample

It is therefore evident that The Son of Man did exactly this as he went round the villages at the time, to tell the people that which portrayed him as a man only sent by the God. It is therefore clear that both the Old and New Testament speak of Him and the roles that β†’

Basic principles of ontological ascendance

But in the past 150 years, a compound of ideas and scientific discoveries has honed forth a concept primarily articulated by Richard Dawkins in his book The Selfish Gene, which builds on the hypothesis that there are close parallels between the evolution of genes, behaviors, and memes. The term ' ontology' alludes to the philosophical β†’

The devastation of deforestation essay sample

The World Wildlife Fund has created through the medium of photoshop a plethora of ads that are both deeply moving and clever, with the goal in mind to heighten our consciousness and raise awareness about the devastating effects that deforestation has on our planet. The areas most often subjected to deforestation are some of the β†’

In what ways do the poems β€˜flag’, β€˜out of the blue’ and β€˜mametz wood’ convey the emotions and images of conflict?

In what ways do the poems ' Flag', ' Out of the Blue' and ' Mametz Wood' convey the emotions and images of conflict? ' Flag' considers the value of patriotism as symbolized by the flag, and explores ideas of national identity, with a running metaphor comparing to a flag. It also gives imagery of β†’


Available from: http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0, 8599, 2119129, 00.html This Time magazine article talks about the extremes of global warming, from the very cold winter of 2010 to the extreme heat of 2012. Available from: http://www.dosomething.org/actnow/tipsandtools/11-facts-about-global-warming This website give eleven crucial facts about global warming and about how global warming is adversely affecting the Earth.

Good essay on ozone layer depletion

Ozone layer depletion refers to the thinning out or reduction of the ozone in the stratosphere. The ozone layer in the stratosphere gives protection to the Earth and all the animals and humans living in it by absorbingabout 93-99% of the harmful UV radiation of the sun.

We are killing the rainforest!!

The capitalists on the other hand claim that it is an exaggeration and we are only utilizing the natural resources for our own benefits. Remember to recycle it safes the trees in the rainforest and our planet!

Example of research paper on global warming

Global temperatures were recorded in most of countries of the world starting in the second half of the 19th century and whatever temperatures were recorded in last 100 years shows that the average surface temperature of the earth have gone up by 0.74 0. 13 degree of the ocean temperature rise It is almost an β†’

Freezing water essays example

As the temperature of the water reduces to zero degrees Celsius the energy of the particles also reduces greatly. Ice is the solid form of water.

This earth of mankind by pramoedya ananta toer essay sample

Written during the climax of Indonesian ignominy, Pramoedya Ananta Toer's 1981 This Earth of Mankind regards the unjust colonial rule of the Dutch East Indies through the segregation of social groups between the Dutch aristocrats, Mixed Bloods, and Natives. Toer highlights the significance of education as one of the only markers of esteem in Natives' β†’

Operating manual for spaceship earth

That we are endowed with such intuitive and intellectual capabilities' which we have gained from experiences and the earth have meant that we are able to discover fundamental principles governing the fundamental design of life.' For example, R.N. A and in discovering these we have been able to 'increase our survival potentials millions fold.' In β†’

Creation verses in genesis essay examples

This paper will concisely explain some of the interpretations, and then evaluate all of them in the information of the biblical information. The geographical support is typically incorporated into the era of time of the first creation and the following disorder, and without the relation with the biblical Flood.

Atmosphere – short essay

Layers of Atmosphere TROPOSPHERE This is the layer of the atmosphere closest to the Earth's surface, extending up to about 10-15 km above the Earth's surface. The Tropopause: At the very top of the troposphere is the tropopause where the temperature reaches a minimum.

The genesis; comparison of babylonian and creation stories argumentative essay examples

Some of the skeptical circles suggest that it is fashionable to claim that the Genesis account of creation was borrowed from the Babylonian account of creation. In the Genesis creation tale, there is no battle between the creator and any of the subjects since there is a peaceful co-existence among all beings, God, and the β†’

The phenomenon of soil erosion

It is the decline in soil quality and the decrease of quality traits of the soil in relation to specific functions of value to human. When and where soil occurs is determined by the mutual interaction of the erosivity of the eroding agent and the erodibility of the soil surface.

Research paper on homeland security: galveston hurricane documentary

The writer rightfully points out where hurricanes have a high prevalence of striking and the destructive force they hold. Thus, the writer's suggestion plus the recommended preparedness and mitigation steps, if correctly adhered to, should minimize destruction and losses from hurricanes.

Essay on define idealism and realism comprehensively according to the author’s

One might consider these two phrases as being directly in contrast with one another; however, Wright goes on to suggest that a cross-over of the two has begun to develop in the form of ' progressive realism.' Progressive realism is a phrase that has been used to capture the essence of new foreign policy which β†’

Earthquakes and volcanoes essay sample

Magnitude would mean a lot on the recovery process but I think the country's GDP is a huge factor to helping the recovery of the country and bringing it back to where it was before the earthquake occurred. Method: The method I plan on using to interpret my data and check the validity of my β†’

Drought and the conflict in syria

This study of the climate change in the Fertile Crescent and implications of the recent Syrian drought was carried out through a 6-month period, the winter and summer seasons. Kelly starts by quickly distinguishing a significant reason for Syria's vulnerability to drought, an administration agricultural strategy that over utilized and abused the country's constrained water β†’

Example of nuclear weapon in north korea and its influence on its international relationship research proposal

This proposal will look at nuclear weapons in North Korea and its effect on its relationship with the United States and South Korea. The purpose of this academic study is examining North Korea's atomic weapons program influence on its relationship with the United States and North Korea.

Example of term paper on production of nuclear energy

The terms alpha, beta and gamma decay, came into existence; that is, the release of energy when the nucleus releases neutrons and electrons in the form of electromagnetic radiation. Science has documented that the ultimate source of the bulk of terrestrial energy is nuclear, either from the sun's radiation resulting from the stellar thermonuclear reactions β†’

Electroretinography thesis example

Since all the cells in the inner and outer nuclear layer of the retina contribute to ERG, it can be used as a function of these cells. The size and the shape of ERG depend upon the amount of light reaching the retina.

911 and hurricane katrina disaster psychological evaluation

But the most damage outside the loss of life was the psychological effects of the attacks. Knowing the resources available and how to receive will help in the recovery process for all of those involved.

Critique of 3 related research article topics research paper

The study published in this article used the mPER1 and the mPER2 proteins, the BMAL1 and the CLOCK proteins to show their significance in the stabilization of phosphorylated mPER2 proteins by the mCRYs. The study first used the RNase protection assay to evaluate the levels of the clock genes in the liver of the mouse.

Answers and responses essay

Psychodynamic deals with the idea that people are out of control of their actions and behavior, and that there is an underlying reason behind what people do. Cognitive psychology is a subgenre that talks about the higher functions of the conscious mind, describing how people think and why they think that way.

Good natural disaster – flooding research proposal example

The purpose of writing this paper is mainly to acquaint the reader with the consequences of flooding and the steps one could take to save lives as well as protect oneself from harm. As a writer of this paper, my position on the subject is that of prevention and care ahead of the actual flood β†’

Summary of the sona 2k14 essay sample

9 percent in the same period in 2013- equivalent to 2. Lessening poverty in the country is very rare to happen in a country like Philippines.

It resource contingency planning critical thinking example

A business contingency and recovery plan is a user's manual that outlines the preparations, responses and undertakings at the time of the disaster, mitigation strategies and adverse effects prevention. BIA seeks to develop a correlation between the system critical business processes and the services offered and based on that information evaluate the consequences of the β†’

Eyewitness testimony research paper sample

The first five questions that were asked in the questionnaires included describing the accident in the participants own words, the number of cars involved in the accident with specific answer choices, and the time of the occurrence of the accident. The verbs hit and smashed were used differently in order to identify the magnitude of β†’

Hurricane sandy essay sample

The costs that were incurred from the storm were due to the storms, rain, and floods that were witnessed in the region. The storms that were present due to the hurricane meant that provision of goods and services was not possible.

Research paper on what is covenant in the hebrew bible

God in the covenant made with Abraham promised to endow him and his children with blessings and in return Abraham had to give promise to keep faith in God serving as a bridge between God and the rest of the world. He wrote down all the conditions of the covenant in a book, made a β†’

The bush administration essay sample

The first Bush government got involved in a conflict with Iraq, which led to the Gulf War. The United States became the front liner in the 34 nation U.N.-backed coalition force against Iraq when Iraq annexed and invaded Kuwait.

Good report on whole community approach fema

Secondly, collective development of the nation's resilience leads to greater empowerment and better integration of resources from across communities in dealing with catastrophic hazards. Furthermore, greater empowerment and integration of resources enables the entire community to develop the nation's resilience effectively.

Example of research paper on the ctv building collapse in christchurch

This essay will follow the following format.- Introduction - Discussion - Events leading to the collapse of the building and events following - Different roles involved in the design processes - Different roles involved in the approval and building process - A discussion of IPENZ's role - People who made the building collapse - Safety β†’

Radiation of cell phones essay sample

The main point of contention is the amount of radiation that can be considered to be safe and that one which can be considered to be harmful to the users and if there are any identified long term effects of radiation to the users of mobile phones. Ionization radiation is the type of radiation which β†’

Earthquakes & subduction zones lab report

The three key features associated with a subduction zone are a deep ocean trench, a volcanic arc on the overriding plate parallel to the trench, and a plane of earthquakes, shallow near the trench and descending beneath and beyond the volcanic arc. Form a hypothesis about the relative ages of the East Pacific Rise material β†’

Example of research paper on the bhopal disaster

The consequences of the contextual investigation depicted emphatically in numerous reports, recommends that such illnesses exist independently of the foundation of infection in the city's populace. Regardless of the possibility that it were an instance of treachery, the circumstances paving the way to the disaster underscored gross carelessness by the organization that hatched a fiasco.

Free system traffic control essay sample

It is important that traffic control system should help in the management of these accidents with enforcement, engineering and education. It is important that traffic control system should help in the management of these accidents with enforcement, engineering and education.

Example of essay on conversion of energy from one form to another

During the process of energy transformation some amount of energy may be lost because the transducers also consume energy, but the energy loss depends with the efficiency of the device used. One example of energy transformation is the use of solar panel; this device converts the solar energy into electrical energy which is used domestically β†’


The seismicity, seismism or seismic activity of an area refers to the frequency, type and size of earthquakes experienced over a period of time. The largest earthquakes in historic times have been of magnitude that was slightly over 9, although there is not really a limit to the possible magnitude.

Research paper on haiti research paper

In the beginning of the 20th century, while Germany was aggressively pursuing its control over the Haitian economy by integrating merchants into the internal Haitian commerce, United States approached the military occupation of Haiti, with the declared purpose of protecting its investments in the country. The effects of the American occupation of Haiti had a β†’

Hiroshima and nagasaki bombing research paper

The use of weapons of mass destruction has been a burner issue in most world conferences including the UN annual summits of the Security Council and even in the meeting of the G-8 and G-20 countries. The armament and even the Non- proliferation treaties have been used to cut down the usage and the β†’

Global warming: a man-made problem essay example

The authors of " Global Warming and Climate Change" also point out that the initial goal of limiting the rise in temperature of Earth is very close to being unreachable. Without the support of the scientific community, it will be difficult to convince people that global warming is real and caused by humans.

The atomic caf and the black humor of nuclear annihilation essay sample

Through selective editing, the film manages to showcase the filmmakers' position that the American government lied to people and misled them about the seriousness of the nuclear threat in order to keep people in the dark. One of the most frequently used editing tools used by the filmmakers in The Atomic Cafe to show their β†’

The american red cross essay examples

The principle aim of the Red Cross is to provide disaster relief to the citizens of the United States. The objectives of the American Red Cross are to ensure that all individuals affected by disasters in the United States receive shelter, care, and support.

Example of bob dylans masters of war essay

Among other things, this paper will highlight the influence of the nuclear arms race in the 1960s and the associated conflicts on the writing of the song. The increased manufacture of nuclear weapons in the nuclear arms race was one of the events that inspired the writing of the song.

Good example of employment law essay

For such an occurrence of the mishap, with a third party company, the employees company will bear the expenses on behalf of the employee, including the fees charged by the lawyers and administration. The provisions of compensations under the NB Workers Compensation Act are an economic relief for the employees and benefits of the compensation β†’

Efficiency in energy conversion research paper example

Solar Energy: Solar energy is described as the energy that is generated using rays of sunlight produced deep down in the core of Sun. The principles of energy conversion can be applied to this form of energy, and hence wind energy can be converted to other forms of energy such as mechanical energy.

A comparison of flood myths of genesis 6-8 and the epic of gilgamesh essay

Skeptics are of the opinion that the account of the floods that destroyed nearly everything on earth given in Genesis is actually a modified description of the original story given in the Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablet XI. Towards the end of the myths in Genesis and the Epic of Gilgamesh, both of them have it β†’

Good essay on physics in everyday life

A complex set of mechanics involving the brain, the lungs, the heart, and many other vital organs of the body, are responsible for keeping the body alive. When heat, a form of energy, is applied to a good conductor of heat such as iron, the energy supplied excites the atoms present in the material and β†’

Mitigation of earthquakes

The location of Kobe town played a great role on the magnitude of the damage caused by the earth quake that occurred in the town in 1995. The deformations were in the order of tens of centimeters and this could have been the likely cause of the damages that included tilting of the building or β†’

Research paper on worried-well patients

The discussion would encompass effects of worried-well patients, reasons of seeking emergency services during emergency, preparation of health institutes for an influx of these patients, and management of these patients. The theory of learning proposes that medical conditions of the patients are as a result of classical conditioning; they are signs occurring and result in β†’

British petroleum “bp” oil spill

The article detailed the result of the BP Oil spill of 2010. In addition, BP dedicated a section of their website to the Gulf oil spill in an effort to keep the lines ofcommunicationopen.

A comparison of the deaths caused by hurricane katrina and police cruelty in america

One of the most known incidents was the Danziger Bridge, then there was the Henry Glover incident, and finally the looters incident. Out of the 5 members that were hit one family friend had been shot to death by police.

Essay on the earthquake

It was the day when my sister was born and the day when she died. It was the day when my sister was born and died.

Evidence for human impacts on downstream flood risk

The most obvious way in which humans impact downstream flood risk is through direct adaptation of the river itself and this is also arguably also the most important way in which humans can have an impact on flood risk. We can therefore say that although humans adapting the type of vegetation in a catchment area β†’

Essay on emergency response

The key roles of the public health personnel including the community nurse include the assessment of the disaster, policy development, and provision of health care needs for the affected victims of Franklin County. The nurse evaluates the disaster response drills and conduct exercises and trainings to health services to the victims of the disaster.

Texting and driving research paper examples

While the authorities and government officials actively campaigned for the reduction of accidents related to texting while driving, the statistics of cases pertaining the issue continues to increase each year. Some may argue that the concern or sentiment of the authorities warrants no importance given that people tend to be capable of multitasking and still β†’

Good example of the effects of habitat loss term paper

All these elements endanger the welfares and sustainability of the forests, making life hard for the living diversity of the world. Deforestation is a serious issue that directly affects the habitat of the living plant and animal species.

Causes of accidents essay

The nature of human error thus varies as to the type of error and the accidents that take place. Apparently, road accidents occur due to a failure of the whole traffic system and not as a result of the errors that have been brought about the driver.

Drought in african countries: impact and solutions

Small scale farmers are different, this is due to difference in farm sizes, distribution between in food and cash crops, off-farm activities and farm animals, in the use of external help and hired labor, the crops produced and traded and house running costs patterns. The 2004 -2005 drought in the Horn of Africa has seen β†’

Good article review on criminal law: evaluation

Using criteria described in the Pyrczak's guide, answer the following questions: 1) Best title: Explain why: The first part of the title is a question that begs for an answer from the reader, the second part tells the reader what is the research is all about. It creates a big destruction away from the highlight, β†’

Haiti earthquake critical analysis

0 magnitude earthquake that changed the country and the lives of people living in Haiti. Prior to the earthquake, the people of Haiti are living eighty percent under thepovertyline.

Good example of report on radioisotopes in medicine

Nuclear medicine is a branch of medicine using the radiation to analyze the function of the organs. In the developed countries, the frequency of the medicine is 1.9%.

Free essay on zeitoun

His personality and character emerges through the challenges to shape the perception of the society at the end. He experienced sorrow due to the torture and anguish in the hands of the government, which perceived him as a terrorist.

Research paper on typhoon haiyan

The purpose of this research paper is to discuss the hazard and impact of the typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. This paper also opts to analyze the mitigation strategy and the recovery of the Philippines after the wreckage left by the typhoon.

Korean crisis essay samples

Since the end of the Cold War, the Korean Crisis between North Korea and South Korea remains as one of the world's longest ongoing conflicts as the region remains in conflict despite the 70 year armistice between the two countries. While the South had managed to resist the taunting from the North and succeeded in β†’

Global warming research papers example

This paper is going to focus on the cause as well as the effects of global warming and other fuel use in the UAE. For instance in the united states, 40% of carbon dioxide emission to the atmosphere, is as a result of electricity production whereby, 93% of this emission relates to the burning of β†’

Systems of natural science essay

This ecosystem is known as the mangrove swamp of the Borneo Island which is a peat swap forest that is located along the coasts of two different countries which are the Indonesia and Malaysia. The soil in the region is known to be rarely flooded and associated with the building up of organic matter.

Report on electron microscopy in practice to study proteins

The Transmitting Electron Microscope transmits the electron beam through a sample whereas the SEM scans the surface of the sample for secondary electrons. Ogura described the importance and the use of SEMs for observing the " nanometer structures of proteins and viruses".

Zeitoun essay

In this context, Ahmad is talking to his brother Zeitoun who remained in Louisiana when the rest of the family members left for Arizona to escape hurricane. The two children, Laila and Lutfi have been used by the author of the book to elaborate on the theme of suffering in the context.

Research paper on functions

This implies that the period depends on the length of the string and the gravity Two variables can be used to show that the motion of simple pendulum is periodic. The displacement equation is given by = 0 Cos where w = l/g which is equal to the angular frequency of the pendulum.

Evaluating the awareness and preparedness of the students

The students' responses could be developed on the effectivity and influence of the Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction education in the senior high school curriculum because it includes the ideas of the hazards, awareness, disaster preparedness, hazard maps, prevention, mitigation and adaptation, and resiliency in the curriculum possibly affect the knowledge and understanding of students β†’

Analysis of muller’s physics for future presidents essay example

The author is careful to provide the definitions of the various forms of energy and power, and the economics involved in the application of these energies. There are so many incidents such as the BP oilrig explosion, the Fukushima near meltdown, the many Middle East upheavals and the global warming effects, which tell both the β†’

Experiment conducted on cognitive development on date report

The theoretical analysis of attention has taken several major approaches to identify the mechanisms of attention: the signal-detection approach and the similarity-choice approach. Similar to other sciences, the use of experiments is the major research tools in this field of psychology.

Global problems such as climate change greenhouse effect engineering essay

Harmonizing to the equation, mass depends on the volume and the denseness of the stuff: As it is seen from the equation auto mass can be reduced by taking the stuff with lower denseness or by cut downing the volume of auto parts. That is why the merely possible thing we can make is to β†’

Free research paper on household carbon footprint

For this paper, the writer used the Carbon Footprint Calculator developed by Carbon Footprint, Ltd.for determining his personal carbon footprint. 97 metric tons of carbon emissions from the use of electricity; 0.

Essay on global warming

This essay is an analysis of the article with respect to the overall summary of the article, what the article talks about, what is important in the article and what is least explained with respect to the aspect of climate change. The bottom line of the issue is that global climatic change is a realm, β†’

Does human-produced carbon dioxide contribute to global warming?

In John Farley's " Human Produced Carbon-Dioxide Contributes to Global Warming", he firmly believes that human's are producing carbon dioxide that contributes to global warming. This is especially true in the case; does human-produced carbon dioxide contribute significantly to global warming.

Free towards the inevitable:a study on australians attitude towards climate change report example

It is not in the recognition of climate change that the CSIRO shows concern, but in how the public rank the importance of climate change, and the lack of familiarity of climate change related terms. There is a felt need for awareness and educational exposure to the harmful effects of climate change and global warming.

Team climate change and its effect on the business

The climate is one of competition between Omar and Thad and the rest of the team. Omar and Thad had no idea that they just kept contributing to the bad climate.

Using therefore the e. coli rubisco assembly system,

Using the E.coli RuBisCO assembly system, it may be possible to enhance the effectiveness of plant RuBisCo to increase crop yields. This increased efficient in Rubisco carboxylation decreases the overall amount of nitrogen needed to support photosynthesis and plant growth While the methods established by Aigner et al.were aimed specifically at the expression of RuBisCo, β†’