Quality Art & Culture Essay Examples for Your Learning

The painting of the sistine chapel

He had a set of zigzag stairs that led to the scaffolding which was supported from the sides of the chapel. As soon as Michelangelo heard that the pope's idea for the ceiling was to just have the twelve Disciples on the ceiling, he knew he was going to have to use his imagination and β†’

Read read instructions

And I think that's what we can say about John Vanderlyn's portrait of Aaron Burr. Retrieved 9 August from: http://www.neoclassicism.us/Content/WhatIsNeoclassicism Vanderlyn , John." Portrait of Aaron Burr", 1802.

Aesthetic tactic: less is more

This aspect is hardly realized at the beginning of the term since much has to be covered and explored for its realization. Such visual elements are found to be much attractive and may draw one's attention in his day to day life. Progression is an important aspect in the life of a person.

Renaissance art categories

The Pre-Renaissance art Otherwise referred to as the Proto-renaissance, art that falls under this criterion started in a Northern closed society of the current state Italy, shortly after the twelfth century (Stokstad and Michael, 2009, p.49). The opening area of Proto-renaissance art was stable enough to permit explorations in art to enhance the development β†’

‘all about eve ‘film review

It is even evident from the movie title that this is a movie primarily about a woman. It is a movie that is designed to appeal to a primarily female audience.

Journal of korean film bedevilled (2010)

Cruelty of people, gendered violence, city and rural ways of being is remained to be the central problems that are involved into the film. It is possible to highlight two basic figures in the film that develop a plot and action. The moment that she becomes a witness of a crime and does nothing for β†’

Contemporary art and identity essays examples

The ways in which contemporary art addresses the identities of individuals within society and how contemporary art itself addresses these questions of identity is important in that it helps to communicate effectively the viewpoints of various aspects of life for many different individuals. These expressive intentions can be seen as a fully developed narrative β†’

Route of fame and success of s. j. perelman

The paper " Route of Fame and Success of S.J. Perelman shares his route of fame and success in Hollywood with producer Michael Todd in the making of " Around the World in Eight Days" originally written by Jules Verne.

Leonardo da vinci: the indefatigable lighthouse of civilization

Modern researchers have already substantiated Vasari's observation by detecting quite a few " codes" positioned in Leonardo's paintings and deciphering his intentions behind incorporating such codes. Some of such findings provide startling revelations about how Leonardo applied all his knowledge and vision in the making of his painting to connect with future β†’

Culture jamming

According to culture jammers, it intends to emphasize the personal freedom of consumers and the domination of society instead of domination of corporations and brand names. One of the culture jammers depicted in the short clip from Jill Sharpe's video Culture Jam rightly defines the idea of culture jamming as, " The way to protect β†’

Comparative review the holy trinity versus deposition

Aside from the vault containing the figures of the Holy Trinity, the paintings of the figures, apparently of donors, are life-size and realistic and their location manifested volume and space as exemplifying nearness to the viewers. Most profound in identifying the rationale for juxtaposition of the figures is the relationship of these men and women β†’

Performance #4: red speedo

PERFORMANCE #4: RED SPEEDO Watching Red Speedo was a moment to cherish and I could tell that the show would beinteresting from the time I joined the audience. From the left part of the centre, I could see the unfinished backstage, which seemed to thwart the good work done on the set.

Chicano film study: los olvidados

However, for as long as the injustice in the society continues to exist and remains outside, the evil, which is, the main objective of cruelty in the world remains. In my group, we think that the film by Bunuel is a distraught of human traits.

Barge haulers on the volga

The figures of the men is positioned at the centre of the painting. At the back ground of the painting there are clouds seen from a distance and on the ground there is water seen at the back ground where the men have pulled the boat from.

The baroque period as the gigantic excelsior

Donna Purcell Order 546989 16 June World Literature: The Baroque Period as the " Gigantic Excelsior" The " Gigantic Excelsior" seems very appropriate for the Baroque " barroco" period. When studying the period and the influences of the Roman Catholic Church, which greatly promoted the success of the Baroque style.

The hunger games

The first of these is when she chooses to sacrifice her life for that of her sister through her joining the Hunger Games in the latter's behalf. The film from Katniss' view can be told as a form of hardship that has to be endured because it is through this endurance that she will eventually β†’

Jocelyn moorhouses how to make an american quilt

One of the reasons I can identify with the character of Marianna in the movie is that, like her, I too follow my hearts desires. This practice has, indeed, enriched my life. As Anna puts it, I have been " brave" and I have gone " by instinct" , and if anything, I am β†’

Cultural and thematic factors of the two version of the film let the right one in

Cultural and Thematic Factors of the Two Versions of the Film ' Let the Right One In' The versions of ' Let the Right One In' film emanate from a novel by John Ajvide Lindqvist with the same name (Ajvide Lindqvist & Segerberg, 2008).' Let Me In', which is a British-American film released in 2010 β†’


Perhaps one more aspect that makes the Antichrist more fascinating is the undiluted surge of feelings and the mythical effect in the entire episode of the film. This is especially so in that the use of backdrops and transparent scenery is very common in the movie.

Analysing of dance gancho

Rhythm and melody have an influence on the concept of collage observed in the cat staring at the photo. The building blocks of the musical arrangement must have certain dynamics that possess modulation, structure, and tradition of equally appreciating the Inside Turn dance. It resembles the white ballet dancer in choreography. Heel Turn resembles the β†’

Good example of essay on the patronage system as it is depicted in the 1984 film amadeus

The con of the system is that they weighed in on artistic decisions and in the process compromised the artistic integrity of composers at the time. Mozart is left rather unhinged from this encounter, and it is an example of someone who is not inclined towards music making edits to one of the world's greatest β†’

Male, masculine, virility

In totality, the image promotes virility, physical strength and violence more than intelligence, civility and diplomacy. The background of the photograph is filled with smoke and the surrounding is littered with small particles of fire indicating that he just came from a war reinforcing the warrior image of the photograph. It creates an ambiance of β†’

Pulp fiction film analysis

Tarantino's use of narrative is perhaps the most important element in the film's success, and it is key to the film's larger message, which is that, in the end crime and violence do not pay. While Tarantino's movie deals with a number of social issues, including racism and sexuality, it is in his treatment of β†’

Cultural theory and images

This view is all the more plausible considering the visibility of only four fingers and the lack of symmetry between the two sides of the face features that are characteristic of leprosy. The observer, upon identifying the duck, might go on to study the finer details of the image, in terms of the size and β†’

Christian paul-kunsch essays example

At the age of 14 I went on a school trip to West Berlin and I fell in love with this place too. This is powerful imagery in every sense of the word and also demonstrates a sense of fatalism in the series entitled ' Death and Disaster.

Music recording industry

Music Recording INTRODUCTION For centuries man had dreamed of capturing the sounds and music of his environment by means of music recordings. The road to successful music recording had not been smooth until the derivation of the music recording industry. Although technology seems to pose an obstacle to entry into the industry, recently, the β†’

At striving with new ideas. nowadays, scientists,

Once Verrocchio noticed Leonardo hadsurpassed his skills he did the right thing and passed over the torch. NiccoloMachiavelli was the first to influence Leonardo to start thinking politically. Humanity and nature are the two mostinfluential things in Leonardo's artistic life. According to Leonardo, man wasnature's most perfect creation, " the measure of all things".

Review of the tender processes used by different municipalities of the republic of south africa

The difference that is main and major between the two is that, in two stage process, the contractor at an earlier stage get involved in the planning of the project, so the tenders are submitted as required by minimum information and in the second stage, the team of the players of the employers in co-occurrence β†’

Paris – gertrude stein’s salon

Gertrude Stein's Parisian Salon Modernism was the of a movement within the arts that emerged in the late 19th century and continued on into theearly years of the 20th century. She was also a student of both psychology and medicine, but on her move to Paris intended to become an art critic. Her greatest and β†’

Fine art

This paper will analyze the movie The Matrix from the point of view elements and principles of art, proving that it is a work of art. The first element that will be discussed is form which mostly corresponds to the perceived volume. As for the colors, one might point out that black is the most β†’

Black art movement and the harlem renaissance

The foundation of the black arts movement can be traced all the way back to the days of slavery and the birth of the nation, with famous black poets such as Phillis Wheatley whose signed first edition of poems published in 1773 fetched over $30, 000 at auction. These are valuable because these artists helped β†’

Pop art and photo realism

The key identifying element that relates the poster to the picture is the living room and the two subjects placed within the room. Also the background of the poster is taken from a magazine.

Grand odalisque

As compared with her body, the background is dark and makes people pay attention to her. According to our text book, the painting is significant because it expresses the character of the epoch. When I saw this painting for the first time, I was shocked a bit, because even though she shows only her back, β†’


When the visible light wave strikes the light sensors in the eyes, the sensor communicate the signal to the brain, which perceives the received signals as being instinct color. The type of the color perceived by the brain depends on the constituents and composition of the wavelengths of the visible light spectrum.


Cinematography consist two films including those which use the theaters means and use the camera in order to produce as well as those which use the cinematographer's means and camera in order to create. When lighting, as in all other aspects of cinematography, one need to consider the content of the material, the rhythm, the β†’

Film history

USA: ABC-CLION, 2007. Print. Sanders, Steven." Film Noir and the Meaning of Life". The Philosophy of Film Noir.Eds. Mark Conard and Robert Porfirio.

Art in the renaissance period

This work of art manifested a conscious revival of the development of some aspects of Greek and Roman thought. The renaissance architecture encompassed the use of hemispherical domes, aedicules, semi-circular arches and niches that took the place of the irregular structures of medieval buildings.

Process of painting own picture

I then also added in the surrounding grass and other vegetation that was to surround the deer in the painting. Next I mixed and chose the colors of the deer's coat. I will add in all the fine details until I have completed the painting to my satisfaction. To start the painting of the sunset β†’

Why kids attract towards animation and 3d animated films

Kids form the main market for animations and 3d animated films since they are highly attracted to them because of their appeal and visualizations, amongst other reasons. Bentrancourt and Chassot highlight that the fundamental reason why kids are attracted towards animated films is due to the visualizations they create, which helps in overall β†’

Gallery review

The artist has used warm colors and tried using contrasting colors that make the characters of the painting stand out in the portrait. One of the formal characteristics identified in the painting is that the artist has not emphasized on the hair of the two women. The main function of the piece is to represent β†’

Freedom writers

This lifestyle is completely different than the lifestyles that the students in the movie are surrounded by. What's good about the story regarding the movie is that the teacher is able to look past statistics, stereotypes, and race and give the students in her class a chance.

Analysis of the show 24

Begin, though, by naming the show and providing a brief synopsis of this episode's story. TV Show: 24 The show tracks the events of one day in the life of likable, down-to-earth federal agent named Jack Bauer played by Kiefer Sutherland and each episode chronicles every hour of the day, and is β†’

American gothic essay

The American Gothic painted by Grant Wood in August of 1930 demonstrates expressionism used in the man and woman's face, the house shown in the background, and the way of life they portray. Their neutral expressions can also be taken as an expression of the great depression and the hardships on the farms during the β†’

Apocalypse now – the lessons of the vietnam war to today’s society

The research centers on the lessons of the Vietnam War to today's society. The air attack flattens the houses of the Vietcong along the Nung River.


Avatar as a film is representative of US culture and imperialism, in that, the history of humans has always been that the country that is more technologically or militarily advanced seems to destroy or supplant a weaker country mostly for their resources. Just the way humans invade Pandora, US also has been involved in the β†’

What is a documentary film

A Documentary Film Introduction To define what a documentary involves characterizing the content and the features of the film, which enables anyone watching a film to distinguish it as a documentary and not any other type of film. Documentary film is prepared with a purpose relevant to the audience and is intended to make a β†’

The pillow as a national historic landmark

Sur Lecturer Jacobs Pillow, the dance festival and school in Becket, Massachusetts Jacob's Pillow Dance is a school and performance space, dance center located in Becket, Massachusetts in Berkshires. The school at Jacob's Pillow is among the most prestigious dance professional training centers in the United States.

Place making essay

Place making is thus a philosophy, as well as a process employed to help in unifying people living around the larger version in a particular place. Principal Components of Successful Place Making Initiatives In place making, it is ideal to possess a deep commitment distinct from both place and β†’

Chapter four reading response

Chapter four reading response Question Reading the assignment was exciting, particularly, I learnt the following two interesting pieces of new information: the innermost value of monuments and arts as compared to the physical or aesthetic value and the historical origins of engineering expressions in relation to religion. Question 2: I responded positively to the Lion β†’

Entertainment and broadcast media essay example

The mainstream public and the artist in the article forge an immediate relationship this is important for the media conveyor in bringing the ethos of the artist and the logos out to the mainstream public. The piracy problem results in lowering of the market value of the movie when it is being sold in the β†’

The basement types; interpreted essay

Sense of visitation, the smell of fear, the appearance of the unwanted, ten nights in a barroom and the thrill of waiting around for the end of the world" , explaining why Marcus would involve Judgment Day to his interpretation."... The mood of the artists' music referred to the past, where the question of β†’

A farewell to modernism

In the interview, Suzi Gablik realized that it is always hard for old artists in the industry to change to new movements and succeed due to the comfortable situations they were in In looking at Jack Ryan work, it clearly depicts a very different and unique style. In looking at Jack Ryan's work, β†’

The medium is the message essays example

Irrespective of the medium used it has to pass and display a message that the audience and viewers of the work can associate and draw at the back of their minds. The " content" of any medium, therefore, is always another medium. It, therefore, means that the message from various β†’

Tom thomson the jack pine essay

The tree not centered in the middle of the page, establishes a unique view and a non-perfect look at a landscape. The twiggy branches that dangle down, as well as the tree trunk produce a perpendicularity to the horizontal mountains, sky, and water. There is a line that is on a diagonal that lays right β†’

Gina kims never forever

Eventually and inevitably, they find themselves in a relationship despite the commercial nature of their relationship. Although Sophie is a well-to-do woman, her infertile husband, who is also Korean, puts her in an awkward position in which she cannot be a mother. The fact that she hires someone to inseminate her makes it lean towards β†’

Good term paper on photography as a form of art

The paper analyzes the concept of photography in line with the argument that photography is an Art. The philosophical beliefs argued by popular philosophers such as Socrates, Tolstoy and Wilde firm that photography is an Art. The interpretation of this argument is that photography is an Art in situations where the photographer has emotions that β†’

“i device for individuals to attain a

I care approximately the rich/terrible divide and the upward thrust of corporate enterprise".The internet is a treasured device for individuals to attain a target audience that might in any other case be inaccessible. While internet neutrality is a charged time period that means many various things to many different humans, the regulatory debate surrounding net β†’

Agreeing and disagreeing with berger and benjamin

At the age of 20 years old is when I became comfortable with my existence, the shape of my body, the color of my skin, and being a woman. Why are not you comfortable enough to walk about naked in front of me?" The answer was that I was not comfortable with my body, and β†’

The power of illusion

The Power of Illusion: Reflection Although considered a conglomerate of the world, a glimpse at the American history reveals that outsiders who settled in the region faced challenging conditions in term of getting acceptance of the local population. Foreigners were and still are invited from around the world to get settled in the American land; β†’

Photography influence on impressionism

It coincides with the invention of photography and the two phenomena are linked because they both have to do with the way that light is captured in art. Art was becoming available to a wider range of the population. We can see an increasing concern with mood, and the capturing of light and shade in β†’

Db 1 – art

In the chose photography, he has captured an ordinary pepper but we can only see the pepper in the light when he look at it closely and allow our eyes to focus on the texture of the pepper. The purpose of photography or art is to explore objects and themes through different perspectives so that β†’

Modern sculpture

For instance, he states that by the 1930 the sense of a natural opposition between the art of time and art of space had become a basic starting point from which to access the unique accomplishments of sculpture. That is why space and time cannot be separated when one is going to analyze sculpture. The β†’

Example of paper 2 research paper

The upper shoulder presents the breasts that are seen and make it possible for the audience to determine the gender of the article. The piece of Refining female figure is a good artistic piece because of the theme that it presents concerning women and the role they contributed to in the society.

Unique messages of the cruci-fiction project and the three crosses

The main characters of the two art forms are hanged on the cross. In the same manner, the two art collaborators hanged themselves on the cross for three long protesting hours. Further, the two artworks send messages to the audiences.

Contemporary dance

This means that dance eventually focused on the fundamentals of movement as opposed to the conventions proposed by Martha Graham whereby the act of breathing was to guide the bodily expressions during the dance session. Additionally, the dance ceased to be an epitome or reality as claimed by certain dance choreographers and this led to β†’

The semiology of cubism

The Semiology of Cubism In the reading under consideration the writer rejects the notion of sizing up cubism in the context of a specific time period or containing cubism within the domain and scope of a few representative artists and rather tries to trace out the semiotic evolution of cubism, while delving on β†’

Lee miller

She started her modeling profession in 1927 when she appeared on the spread of American Vogue, and was shot by the best abilities of the day. She additionally featured in Jean Cocteaus point of interest film " The Blood of a Poet". Lee Miller as an artist was the muse of Man Ray as well β†’

The shots of goodfellas

Short slow tracking shot away from the trunk of the card toward the characters, eventually framing into a two-shot of Jimmy and Tommy. 4. A medium shot of Tommy pulling the knife away and backing from the trunk as Jimmy moves into the frame and shoots the body with a gun. 9.

Fashion police – flint cracks down on sagging

As for the third picture, in which not only underwear is showing but so is the butt, the image is offensive, which is to say that the male the image is depicting is offensive. To the men that wear their pants sagging, it may be a fashion statement, regardless of how ridiculous it looks, but β†’

Self portrait analysis

Not by chance there is a shadow on this picture as it characterizes a part of my life when I was in a shadow and had to learn how to bring light relying on my inner sources. Sure, my daughters are the main characters for my inspiration and a constant wish to move on that β†’


The lines are drawn into scale in order to fit the available drawing page. 4. The artist has used expressive lines in the above picture. The decoration of the photo, in terms of coloration is also an evident that the artists used expressive lines to come up with the picture. 5. The artist of the β†’

Compare and contrast pieces of art

Dying Gallic Trumpeter Verses the Column of Trajan in Rome The " Dying Gallic Trumpeter" is a marble sculpture found in Julius Caesar's garden, in Rome. This paper seeks to highlight the similarities and the differences between the " Dying Gallic Trumpeter" and the " Column of Trajan" in terms of balance of style, function, β†’

Forrest gump

Forrest is no longer an invalid, but open to the world child, child who does not look for meaning of life, benefit and gain, just except it all, living for the day, enjoying it. Forrest is pretended to be a normal boy. Although he lives a decent life and his mother, his beloved and even β†’

Art apprecition ip week four

Baroque is an art movement of the seventeenth century, one of the products of the clashes between the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation. The work is considered Baroque because of the realism with the dramatic use of light and shadows. Rubens is arguably one of the most central Flemish painters of the 17th century.

Frida kahlo self-portrait with cropped hair and futago by yasumasa morimura

The essay is a piece of work that intends to talk about two pieces of art works that is, the Frida Kahlo " Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair" and " Futago" by Yasumasa Morimura. The society is that clear in the roles of each and the treatment to be accorded by each and to each.

The game of love and chance

The plot also is very surprising and not that much predictable." The Game of love and Chance" is charmingly written to show the inadequacies of the servant taking the masters' role and the masters taking the servants' role. The realism portrayed is how love can control someone once truly fallen in love by the other β†’

Free cubism in les demoiselles d’avignon research paper example

The success of using the different angles to view the painting is as a result of the extensive research that Pablo did on the use of squares in defining his art. The combination of the shapes, colors, and the images is the proper indication of the expertise in him. Following his extensive knowledge in cubism, β†’

What is art

The Museum of Modern Art in New York showcased a collection of art by Jeff Wall, another artist in contemporary times. 18 June 2011. Museum of Modern Art.

Evening certificate in the history art essay

It took topographic point between 1907 and about 1914. The pioneers of the Cubist motion were Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. The chief features of Cubism would be the presenting of a three dimensional object as an abstract signifier on a two dimensional surface and the fragmenting and engagement of background and object β†’

Example of essay on henri matisse’s the red room and the fauvist ideas

Although the Fauves were not a consistent group and for most of the artists it was just a transitional stage in their work, the Fauves broke with the earlier artistic tradition that had started in the Renaissance more than any other artist or group of artists before, paving the way for the great changes that β†’

Journal 5

of the of the Pop art as a reflection of culture Pop art is a reflection of a changing society, present in the young people and it founded on the indifference to standards and taste of the old. They endeared the simplicity in both the form and content by removing personal expression, which allows the β†’

Works of jacques louis david and damier

Thesis ment: The art works of Jacques Louis David , Delacroix and Damier have similar themes ly nationalism and patriotism. Neo-classicism served the aims of the new regime by exalting the civic and patriotic virtues of the Early Romans for the emulation of the public. Among his best known works β†’

The perfect critique

Learners can connect the artworks to periods in their histories. Student-centered critique; as learners enhance their critique abilities they can learn to contribute to a discussion of artwork without the presence of the teacher. Have them evaluate the differences and the similarities and explain the concepts or techniques, themes they can view in the work. β†’


The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez is a movie that retells an incident that happened in real life in Gonzales, Texas back in 1901. The main problem that gave rise to such a thing was the use of a deputy (by the sheriff investigating the case) to translate what β†’

Film/reading responses

Film/Reading Responses Blue is the Warmest Color Blue is the Warmest Color by Abdellatif Kechiches is a move that can be related to the topic ' Multiethnicity and the cinema of the banlieue' in the article French Cinema of the Margins. Such case of women facing social boundaries and familial rule is stated β†’

Good transformational leadership essay example

The decisions and efforts that I take are in the best interest of the artists, art lovers and the art collectors. Some of the qualities that make me qualify to be a leader are, patience, visionary, inspiring self and others, persuasion, networking, commitment to purpose, etc. The role I wish to play as leader is β†’


Story begins with the family of three children, Judith; the eldest, six years old Micheal Myer and infant Laurie Strode. Along with Doctor Samuel and Jimmy, Laurie gave a brilliant fight to Micheal; she fired at his eyes with the gun given to her by Jimmy.

Major s of the harlem renaissance period essay example

This paper seeks to explain the extent to which Fisher's short story The Caucasian Storms Harlem is comparable to Hughes' When the Negro was in Vogue, in light of the main themes and especially the whites' fascination of Harlem in the 1920s. Perhaps the most conspicuous similarity between the two books is the actuality that β†’

Film analysis – bringing up baby

Body language: The director of the film Howard Hawks has seemingly employed the performers in the film that were exactly needed for the characters. On the other hand, the body language or the gestures of Katherine in the film have allowed the character of a wife who is smart to be understood.

A long history of racism: bamboozled

Also, there is much violence in the film because it is to suggest how aggressively racism is still prevalent in our society. There is this horrible shootout between the police and the rap group who is there to perform.

Film analysis

This paper is about how the Japanese-Americans transformed and abandoned the World War II concentration camp, which was a place of shame, to a place of empowerment with a symbol of solidarity and retrospection. Despite his parents being in the film industry, Nakamura had not explored the field until his days in college. He spent β†’

Water for elephants directed by francis lawrence

By placing a love triangle deep into the heart of the film in a circus story, the film is able to bring that special aura and romance that remains relevant despite the passing of time. Set against the background of depression in the United States that characterized those times, Jacob had hoped to become a β†’

Modern king james version: troy

As the famous saying says, " Nature is enough for humans' need but not enough for humans' greed". Also, the movie shows how the fornication committed by Paris to Helen destroys thousands and thousands of lives. The beauty that blinded the heart of the beholder moved him to do a little foolishness that is heavier β†’

The godfather part 2

It bore the essential elements of an epic movie. There can be various reasons for the audience to feel estranged. Attention can be lost as the viewer is straddled to-and-fro two episodes, those of Vito the Godfather and Michael the second Mafia don.

Historical context of control by big sean essay example

The song is important of new rap music from a cultural standpoint in how it portrays the new scene, belongs to the old tradition, and paints the picture of what it is like to be a musician at a certain time and place, in this case Detroit, Michigan. When Big β†’

The abstract artwork of piet mondrian

According to the teachings of theosophy, all conscious being are in the process of evolving themselves to a higher state of being. These superhumans have outgrown the need for a physical body but choose to remain on earth in a physical form to aid in the spiritual progress of other people.~Theosophy is concerned with revealing β†’