Quality Art & Culture Essay Examples for Your Learning

Fan featuring the characters of draco malfoy and

Fan fiction or fanfiction is a fictional work of writing about characters or a setting from another work of fiction. Fan fiction is a way for fans of something to be creative and make their own version of the story they love so much.

Arabic civilisation

Creative and collective effort to innovate was one of the important qualities of the Arabic culture. Another unique quality of obeying the command and the will to handle rough terrain and explore the unexplored made conquerors and explorers come out the land and reach remote corners of the world.

Puritan irony in early colonies assignment

Stay and adapt to the ways of the strict puritans in some of the colonies of New England, or move to a place more tolerant of religious redeem. For a good stretch of time though the " civil" government that the puritan " saints" claimed they had created was in fact not civil because you →

Cleanliness in islam assignment

On the physical side, Islam requires the Muslim to clean his body, his clothes, his house, and the whole community, and he is rewarded by God for doing so. Cleanliness is undoubtedly a virtue and is to be encouraged.

Marketing assignment

Marketing Business Environment A reason why marketing business environment helps the business Is that a company can be Influenced In many ways and In a lot of thing and that It Is Important that the businesses are aware and understands those factors that could affect the way the businesses operates. Macro-Environment refers to the external →

Living mass media assignment

For example, Earners wrote In his Hub Pages article, " Mass Medal and Its Influence on Society," " There Is no mistaking that modern day society Is greatly Influenced by mass media every day, and In many different forms. Apparently, technology and mass media are accompanying each other in the influence on society.

Business ethics on a global scale assignment

Middle Ground There can be a big difference in how we do business compared to the business traditions of other cultures. We sometimes tend to be more direct and general than other cultures are accustomed to, so keeping that in mind may help in overcoming barriers and stereotypes.

Marketing and advertising in relation to social media assignment

McKenna Marketing and Advertising in Relation to Social Media Social media in the last few years has exploded, catching the Interest of businesses and people a like. This adds up to a lot of " easy money' for Backbone and helps to keep the site's services free to users.

Critique of i am a dancer assignment

In this article Graham speaks in a philosophical and spiritual sense about the meaning of dance in her life, about what it takes to be a dancer, and about her profession or calling in general. For Graham dance is the result of a necessity to create, to communicate and to express feelings in hopes of →

Ethics assignment

If they have evaluated the risk and consequences of their actions on their stakeholders namely the employees, management and customers, minimal selective hiring would be performed whereby the least harm is done on its employees without affecting its customers and management. The retailing/fashion community should implement a implicate-based ethics program for business in their industry →

Romanticism – samual taylor coleridge & joseph turner assignment

In a reaction to the rational, conformist conventions of the Augustans, writers and artists of the Romantic era advocated the transcendence of rationality through a sublime and imaginative connection with the natural world. This personal experience of such a sublime moment in nature enabled him to record, through his painting, the feelings and emotions of →

The school of athens by raphael essay

The Italian Renaissance began the opening phase of the Renaissance, a period of great cultural change and advancement from the end of the 13th century to about 1600, marking the transition between Medieval and Early Modern Europe. The fresco of Raphael's School of Athens is a masterpiece of art.

Good article review on scott herring’s “another country: queer anti-urbanism”

The article,' Another Country: queer anti-urbanism' by Scott herring talks about the queer culture of gays and lesbianism in most urban centers and cities of the united states with a case study of new York city. The transformation in the definition is taken to criticize the rural urban migration that sees the cultural delinquent members →

Water conservation satire assignment

Only about ten cups of water are necessary to satisfy daily drinking requirements per person, and the amount of water used in showers that day s more than 100 times that. According to my calculations, we will even enter an era of water surplus, in which we can sell the excess water to other areas →

Marketing assignment

At first, the scale of the tour may not big, the limited number of a group Is about 1 10 people to get experiences, fix the problems and complete the tour plan.* Place: far from central area The organic tour requires a quite large natural areas, which can provides the tourists not only the space →

Marketing of marina bay singapore assignment

1 Objectives of study With MFC being a cornerstone of Singapore future financial aspirations, investigating the results of Miff's branding and positioning efforts, both locally and globally, will greatly contribute to the general understanding of the effectiveness and efficiency of such efforts. The recent completion of the majority of MFC will hence provide fresh inquiry →

Ph meter assignment

For a walkthrough of how to build the simplest possible pH meteror a detailed description of how to build a pH meter/pH controller, see The pH Pages. The pH meter has one control to set the meter reading equal to the value of the first standard buffer and a second control which is used to →

Philosophy of education assignment

I want to be able to motivate my students to learn and push them to get a better education. That is why I will strive to be a teacher that will go in early or stay late if the student needs it.

Business ethics and accounting stdent assignment

The teaching of ethics in the classroom to multicultural groups of students provides an opportunity to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and to increase interaction and debate around different approaches to ethics among students from different countries. Contrary to the findings of the above surveys, few cross cultural studies on the ethical values of business →

Advertising agencies assignment

Due to the increasing popularity of ads for business development, significant growth in the number of advertising agencies in the media. The medium of advertising is mainly based on the product and the target.

Health care marketing reflection assignment

There is a basic idea which is related to the obesity infiltrate which is the root of the obesity problem that lies in the powerful social and cultural forces which promote an energy rich diet and a sedentary lifestyle". It is also equally shown to be important to success in the healthcare industry are those →

How i utilised my summer vacations

In the evening I asked my father and mother to take me to any of the hill stations because I wanted to beat the heat. At Haridwar I went to the bank of River Ganga in the morning and it was very pleasant to see hundreds of men and women bathing in the stream of →

Comparison between germans and americans cultural traits

Respect Another very admirable feature of the behavior of Germans is the respect of the younger for the elders. The young ones spend time with the elders, seek advice from them and try to benefit from their experience and wisdom.

Advertising principles and practice assignment

However the Effie is one important award which is given for effectiveness The New York American Marketing Association introduced these awards in 1968 and it honors the ' real world' work of agency/client partnerships that create, manage, and build brands In August 1996 Ionians launched one of the most memorable ads lively, music-filled commercials featured →

Current marketing performance assignment

5 Document and confirm the strategic direction of the organization with owners, directors or senior management, and identify Its Impact on marketing activities 2. 1 Identify and analyses marketing opportunities In terms of their viability and likely contribution to the business 3.

English notes: literature and drama assignment

An adequate to good answer will select some significant monologues and/ or soliloquies from at least two plays and compare the ways in which these speeches are used by the dramatists. An adequate to good answer will identify appropriate conventions that separate aspects of at least two plays and will compare some of the ways →


It is also known as Mammalapuram and was one of the most flourishing port towns during the historic rule of the Pallava Dynasty. Mahabalipuram is not just about the temples and architecture but it is also about the natural beauty of the surroundings.

Dream vacation: saint martin

Saint Martin is undoubted a special place for vacation and one of the most beautiful islands in the world. Saint martin is also one of the coral Island in Bangladesh.

The figure of kappa in japanese culture

For example, in one story, Kappa was no longer a monster, but a humorous, clear minded missioner, leading people to a fantastic world of Kappa, changing the constant image people have about Kappa. From the water monster to lucky god, Kappa changes a lot and becomes more popular now.

Marketing tactles assignment

Samsung produce the world-class products to achieve consumers through improve the products quality and performance, and improve the after sale service of products. 2 price It is simply the amount of money charged for a product or service or the sum of the value that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the →

Nature of creativity

Novelty presupposes that creativity is a process that allows the mind to work out new solutions to problems, to be innovative and to be original. Just how the brain works so that the individual can become creative has been the subject of debate for a long time, creativity is often thought as a component of →

Although between the huron women and native

In this sense, Native American womenhad more rights in a marriage than European women, who would find it almostimpossible to divorce and still be considered an upstanding and accepted memberof the community. They hadclear expectations of the men and women in their societies, and rules andexpectations related to courtship and marriage.

Marketing & advertising law assignment

Advertisement is use to publicize and increase the consumption of the product by the public. There is a danger that once undertakings address the merits and inadequacies of competing goods or services, they may be tempted to denigrate them or derive unfair advantages from such inaccurate comparisons.

The globe theatre assignment

The theatre itself was built in the beginning years of the Elizabethan age by one of Shakespeare's dearest friends and allies, Cuthbert Burbage, who was the brother of one of the most well known Shakespearean actors, Richard Burbage. Although there was a catch while all of the things that made up the theatre and everything →

Homosexuality: choice or genetic? assignment

Through my study of current research I believe that homosexuality is biological in origin and is not the decision of the individual. In people with homosexual preference, there is a tendency for the ratio to be lower than In heterosexuals of the same sex.

Sex in advertising assignment

The message may be that " innocence is sexy", or that link pain and violence with sexiness and glamour, or that women enjoy being dominated, or that women come with a product, or that the use of a certain product is aught but legal, or that use of a certain product will make the user →

Marketingassignment assignment

The more points that the customer has earn means the more points that they would get the effect of this is that they may have one of their products for free. The effect of this is that they are encouraging their customers to change more of their products for Sodas.

Discuss the role of shame in the construction of identity in l’amant by marguerite duras essay

The majority of the book revolves around the affair she has with a Chinese man and the life that her mother lived and the effect her mother had on her family and her search for her identity. The feeling of shame is very present in " L'amant ", Duras grew up in poverty, the pain →

Analysis of the french ambassadors

One man, the one on the left seems to be a patron or some sort of a wealthy man. The man on the right is dressed in black robes, clothing of a clergyman with a pair of gloves in his hand.

Same sex education: gender segregated classrooms assignment

Same Sex Education Many say that same sex education Is a way for kids to exceed In ways that they would not In a co-De learning environment. When students are secluded to learning in a same sex environment, they may start to think that their gender is inferior and/or better than the other.

Counseling in the latino culture

In the case study of Mario, an examination of his US residency and the motivational role his family played in his relocation is crucial in determining his mental state and understanding of support. Latino men are generally hesitant to seek counseling and admit weakness, and the mandate of the court for treatment may even create →

Culture and the mass media assignment

In this paper the writer will examine the relationships among popular culture and the mass media. The Internet has a huge impact on culture and is primarily one of the ways that interpersonal relationships are developed in today's society.

Muckrakers: investigative journalism and meat inspection act assignment

In response to this, Congress was persuaded to pass reforms such as the Pure Food and Drugs Act and the Meat Inspection Act due to the important findings brought up in this investigative journalism. The other documents in the book include articles of problems dealing with political corruption, corruption in the Standard Oil Company, and →

Book critique assignment

Align/Collaborate Forces, and Reasoned-strategies Developing Management Skills elaborates on the two major sources of influential power: human capital and social capital that directly overlap with Patterson first four forces because the model does not take into account the common giddy of organizational structure; it allows one to already assume having control over the structural influential →

Abigail williams – characterization assignment

Abigail Williams is one of the original and foremost accusers in the Salem witch trials of 1692. Abigail Williams is a character of no morals that only acted in her best interest.

Culture of the nacirema

Culture of the Nacirema Reading about the kind of life lived by the members of the Nacirema society was an eye opener for me in a number of ways. One negative aspect of the Nacirema is that they are a greedy people; they desire gifts at every service rendered and people are not entered →

The ethics of human cloning assignment

Anyway, the question that is posed is not necessarily on how the process works, but it is on the views of the morality of human cloning. Cloning humans will create a reductionistic view on human life, instead of a holistic, and it will? in a sense? dwindle the value of human existence.

Metropolitan museam of art

The works I was able to enjoy on my second trip were the " Cleopatra" sculpture, and the world renowned " Perseus with a Head of Medusa". The second work of art I appreciated on my trip to the Met was " Perseus with the Head of Medusa"." Perseus with the Head of Medusa" is →

Come one and all for england

Evelyn Gaynor was one of the actresses who came out before the show in a wig cap to show she was playing a boy in the first act. You see the the love Edward has for his uncle in the opening scene and throughout the rest of the first act.

Marketing – salty dog mini case ibms assignment

This way our sales of the product will go up, and we will achieve brand loyalty in those countries. If they accept, we will bring this product on the market for a fairly cheap price.

The influence of arabic language on the culture

Role of Arabic Language in Arabic Culture: Arabic language is known to be one of the most important languages in the world. It can thus be concluded that the Arabic language has a major role to play in the Arabic culture.

Folk songs

Music has long been recognized as an effective means of passing the oral tradition as the sound and the syntax reinforce the text Often the folk song is invoked to maintain a connection with something that is being lost to the past or to celebrate something happening in the present. Religion has had a close →

Marketing plan for lords ice cream parlour assignment

Johns Wood High Street area, its main activity is to attract customer by its variety of ice-cream flavour.' Lords Ice-cream Parlour' possesses good information about the market and having a good idea about the consumer trends and the likeability of the consumers. THE *Target *AUDIENCE The kind of market ' Lords Ice-cream Parlour' operates in →

Mass media and class assignment

When the individual can view himself or herself from the standpoint of the generalized other, self-consciousness in the full ensue of the term is attained. Sesame street Explain your own example of a stereotypical portrayal of working class people In the media.

Marketing planning jollibee identify a assignment

At present, it is in the process of being renovated, while the opening of a second branch in the country is currently under consideration. There are now a total of 26 Jollied stores in the U.S.

Death of a salesmen-illusion in an american tragedy assignment

In Death of a Salesman, these dreams overwhelm the two characters Willy, the father, and Biff, his favorite son, but the stark reality of life eventually overcomes these illusions and forces them to face the truth. Willy's suicide is the ultimate end to all of his fantasies and is the most direct effect of his →

Twitter: a viable marketing tool for smes? assignment

Is likely to be en of the cheapest to deliver in terms of overall costs because of the relative open nature of the site and the way It ties In excellent and proposed local and national Infrastructure. The new scheme would be a full-length runway to the east of the current airport site.

Business ethics-case study summary assignment

As matters of fact, most other CEO, were in support of the Time Warner Nile some are not in support by the end of the day, they had to bend the society lampooning because of the manufacturer customer relationship. Effects; is as follows, not retreating from the case of threat, financial interest, try to support →

Effect of indian cinema on society assignment

Effect of Hindi Movies on Indian Society Effect of Hindi Movies on Indian Society The Hindi movies that relate to the audience are generally watched by the people and movies that reach the people's heart, are made a hit by the audience. This is the effect of movies on society There have been many movies →

Lord of the flies allegory assignment

When the boys world is interrupted with the real world, the allegory ends. William Gildings novel, Lord of the Flies, symbolizes humanity and uses many different objects to represent the real world, such as the conch, fire, and the pig hunts.

Strategic marketing plan assignment

To maintain position in the market, it is essential to understand what the customers in the target segment want and experience to deliver product as well as service to satisfy the needs federated customers. Thirdly, to encourage the targeted consumers to increase their frequency of consumption of Unsafe 3 in 1, the strategy is to →

Examining the positive & negative aspects on advertising assignment

Have you ever examined how it is precisely, that as people in general, we tend to devour the multitude of media-information that is sent our way? Another shortcoming to our endurance of living in a purely consumer civilization, is the emphasis that said advertising puts on marketing.

Culture influence of the food

number Folk Life The food people eat, the ingredients people use to prepare food, how people eat food, how people share food can tell where a person is from and who they really are. Some cultures like the French like eating in groups and holding festivals while some cultures leg Denmark people are allowed to →

Sex education assignment

For this reason It Is preferable to let our children learn to be confident of themselves and stay a way from bad sex actions. President Obama sex education plan may work and should be successful, except in some tuitions it can have negative effects that reflect on the future of our generations.

Case study skagen global marketing holl assignment

After a Danish colleague sends them a few of his sample corporate watches to sell in the United States, Charlotte and Henries embark on their dream of starting their own business and begin working in the world of watches. 1991 The Sorts design a few sample corporate watches and exhibit them at the New York →

Movie critique of “on the waterfront” assignment

Ebert writes, " He writes of his feelings after the film won eight Oscars, including best picture, actor, actress and director: ' I was tasting vengeance that night and enjoying it.'On the Waterfront' is my own story; every day I worked on that film, I was telling the world where I stood and my critics →

A time of respite from something

For some people a vacation might be a chance to relax, while to others, a vacation might mean to leave their professional work for a while, only to do another different kind of work. One way of relaxing that has become popular amongst the people of today's society is to take a vacation.

E marketing plan assignment

However, the major aspect of Mitosis's service lies on its flexibility and expertise in terms of building a personalized itinerary for individual and family who plan to travel to Japan. In addition, part of the marketing tragedy is to also create a blob within Mitosis's website.

?raditions in asian civilization essay

The result of this isolation has been development of distinct civilization and traditions in the land. Buddhist beliefs are very similar to those of the other two religions as it's as the system is similar to the divisions in Shintoism, and the social stratification of the society of China and Japan.

Personal identity

Being a chameleon enables one to switch from one identity to another so that they can find a place in society they can fit under. Lastly being a chameleon and an exile is similar to having other cultures, they both experience more then one culture in the societies they witness.

Advertising agencies assignment

Limited service where the client retains some responsibility for advertising campaigns and the agency deals with the specialist elements of the campaign. Advertising Audience The agency will take the target audience and use that in the advert.

Hamlet – shakespeare assignment

Hamlet struggles with his duty to his father, his disillusionment with himself, his revenge on Claudia, his mother's Eden remarriage, the purpose of the ghost and the corrupt nature of Denmark. The Ghost of his father appearing to him is what began Hamlet's morality and excessive thought.

Sexual ethics assignment

As followers of the Christian church we are taught to engage in responsible and loving sexual behavior whilst In a relationship or In life. The influence of the church plays a massive role on our Journey to follow in Jesus footsteps and such unethical issues that can bring us from that path.

Marketing mix assignment

Promotion A good way to understand the 4 Ps is by the questions that you need to ask to define you marketing mix. What is the value of the product or service to the buyer?

Personal ethics development assignment

Inmates were the Job I had and it was not my Job to Judge them this had already taken place in the court system. Ethics are a necessary part of people's lives and it is the way we choose to make our decisions that shapes an individual.

Onion model

The second utmost layer of the model includes the heroes, which pertain to people who can benefit the company. In contrast, people who use time synchronically would multitask to control the recurrence of the past to the present and future.

Islam in the philippines assignment

The political approach of the Americans seemed effective in winning over the response of the Moro Sultans and Datus to come to agreement, whose conditions included the non-interface of the Americans in the local affairs of the Moro Sultans and Datus. On the granting of independence to the Philippines by America in the year 1946, →

Outliers by malcolm gladwell

The chapter ' Rice Paddies and Math Tests' ed by Malcolm Gladwell in his book ' Outliers' published in the year of 2008 provides a succinct yet perfect description of the cultures and traditions prevalent in the Eastern parts of the world especially that in the country of China. In the first few pages, the →

How to manage negativity within the medical aesthetics

The movement in the present day is to hire less than sufficient staff and work to the maximum. References Barbuceanu, M.& Fox, M.

Service marketing assignment

The inside of the aircraft is also well planned and the ambiance created inside the aircraft is also pleasant. Also blankets and pillows are provided to the customer during the flight duration.

Factors of the social-cultural environment in the united kingdom

But when we decide in which product that we produce to the customer, we will consider about the cultural aspects and social aspects. For example, modern Britain is no more class-bound than any other society in contemporary Europe or North America and the British are some of the least ' cold' or standoffish people to →

Sex education: working or not? assignment

The role that sex education plays in the initiation of sexual activity is controversial, mostly due to the stigma of sexuality in schools. Apart from excluding t hese programs, abstinenceonly education programs often fail at informing student s as well and instead focus on the introducing students to biased and alarmingly inacc urate information." The →

Hamlet: polonius’s tragic flaw assignment

Renamed is sent to protect Polonium's image through the eyes of the state and king. In the case of Polonium's daughter Aphelia, Polonium demonstrates his loyalty to the State with her also.

Livestock marketing and evaluation test with answers assignment

The point of maturity is the point where muscle and adipose tissue hit the same point.2. At maturity the body has hit its maximum amount of muscle and also the perfect amount of fat to have the right amount of marbling.

Students should get more homework. persuasive writing. assignment

The aim that the academic curriculum has about homework at early stages in a child's education is to build up the foundation of a student's basic skills and concepts because they are the most important ones as the child develops. Homework helps a student to prepare for the things ahead and for the things they →

James boag marketing report assignment

6 Event sponsorship expenses 1.4 1.5 1. 6 Misc Advertisement and Promotion costs 1.4 1.5 1.

Barriers in marketing planning assignment

Support and act on dissemination of information to managers and staff as appropriate. Work with and help co-ordinate the work of temporary staff and to ensure information on all staff is correct and regularly updated.

Internet critique assignment

The criteria assist users to check the validity of information by finding If the information is peer-reviewed or verified by qualified editor. If the users intent Is to validate the Information then this criteria should be applied to any other website regardless of the underlying Intent.

Marketing objectives assignment

They are the gulled to the Instruments that fulfill the company's objectives. Marketing plan objectives are important to not only the company's marketing strategy, but also the company's short-term and long-term strategies.

Marketing plan assignment

Product Mold Ltd is the inventor, developer and marketer of the original deep collection system for solid waste. A majority of the container is installed underground and is emptied by lifting the inner collection bag and releasing the locking system at the bottom.

Why is leadership style important assignment

Get their ideas, feelings and concerns about the direction of the organization and about the best way to get there Participative: This style had a positive impact on climate but lower than the visionary style. This will require that they have the necessary information regarding the issues to be decided Use it to generate fresh →

Human sexuality assignment

This article was written in response to a study that was performed by the Centers for Disease Control and prevention to prove the casualty of young people and oral sex. COMPARING THE TWO The subject of both the scholarly article and the popular media is the main thing that both of these articles have in →

Hae’s murder

Suppose the plan was to plant Hae's body in Adnan's car in order to frame Adnan. Hae's accomplice mistook Jay for Adnan, and Adnan discovered Hae's body in Adnan's car, freaked out, and either confronted Adnan and they both buried the body together, or buried the body himself but pointing the finger to Adnan, or →

Marketing myopia assignment

For start we can define myopia as the analysis and Interpretation of the organization from the point of view of the product and not the market that is focused towards the product and all its development and not on the need that the product satisfies the market. The point is to not permit your product →

The watching them. it has become a household

Besides that, the main purposeof it to the viewer is blurred because when viewing it, the viewer is not ofhimself but of the T.V.set. Thetelevision is now a unit that cannot seem to be absent in the Americanhousehold.

Marketing, communication, salesmanship assignment

Around five hundred participants from throughout the country and world registered for this e-course. The next endeavourer, in the series, was the launch of Worldwide e-course on Editing for Films and Television from 3rd January, 2011 to 22nd February, 2011 which was classically meant for film and video editors to give an Insight to the →