Quality Art & Culture Essay Examples for Your Learning

Homeland of the free

The dream is not what it is but, the dream is what you want it to be. We have to work hard to " bring back our mighty dream again." The vision of America that Hughes shows is that the U.S.A.is not what it should be.

Example of essay on the american dream

While some are busy dreaming of how professionally successful, they can be and the material items they can attain, others dream of what they can make of their minds. Sacrifice is not a part of the American dream for them.

What is the immigrants american dream?

The idea of the American Dream is rooted in the second sentence of the Declaration of Independence which states that " all men are created equal". This is what I mean when I retort that, the dream has been misinterpreted across various levels of people in America.

Willy loman & the american dream

Howard, Wally's employer, does not want to cope with his dream, and Instead of handing Wily the promotion that Wily believed he deserved, he lays Wily off of his sales position because of his inability to produce. Order to achieve Willis view of business success on the basis of being " well liked," he must →

Comparing two holiday adverts

The first is for a holiday in Blackpool and the other is for a much different holiday in Ibiza. The font used in the Blackpool advert is plain and simple, more of a traditional font, which makes it easier to read.

How my friend spent their holiday essay sample

I did a lot of shopping there as the shopping centre there was very near our hotel. After the delicious breakfast, we went for a swim which was also near our hotel.

Importance of manpower planning in holiday inn hotel commerce essay

The potential of the employees who come from different back grounds and work together in the hotel and customer trends and aspect which the hotel has to consider as per their needs and wants such as Change in lifestyles Level of education Value in society Demographics Change in consumer needs and wants Technological factor: This →

Holiday cruises essay

Cruises offer more option both for the festivities and adventurers and enable visitors to experience the culture of San Diego, particularly during cultural festivities. The Hornblower cruises provide dinner cruises throughout the year, hence enabling people to have a view of the skyline in San Diego.

Analyse the package holiday industry marketing essay

Political The critical success factor for political factor is to level up the reputation of the industry, such as fully follow the rules that set in package travel and package tour regulation 1992 and the Air Travel Organizers Licenses that introduced by the UK government, this is because of based on the regulation, the consumers →

Favourite holiday essay sample

In there we went to a seafood reastaurant in a beach, the food and the scenery was awesome. In the afternoon we went to the beach too, and in the evening we went to take a shower and have dinner to the the hotel.

My best holiday

When we took the bus from the airport to the hotel, I looked at the places we drove true. We took a look in the stores and we did some shopping, but we had the whole day tomorrow to shop, so we saved most of ourmoneyto the next day.

Holiday memories creative writing examples

When I think of holidays I think of a time for the celebration of life. At this time I take a moment to gather with my family and revel in the love and good fortune I have received during the year.

My favorite holiday: christmas

Many gather to reflect on the history of the holiday and the reason that it is celebrated in most cultures while carrying on their individual traditions. The religious meaning of Christmas will always be important to many cultures.

Management and leadership: culture holiday inn hotel

High standards of performance for them self and their organisation need to be set by the managers for achieving results and the orientation of the managers with respect to this aspect is also majored the ability of the managers to work within a team environment is also majored. Due to the awareness of the language →

My holiday essay sample

We could see the whole of Penang from the top of the Penang Hill. This was the last day of our stay in Penang.

Don’t wait until it’s too late: gear up for the holiday marketing rush now

According to the National Retal Federation, the holiday season alone - the months of November and December - can comprise up to of a retailer's yearly sales. They will return the favor with better engagement and greaterloyalty - not a bad way to start the holiday season.


For instance, these religious books play a vital role date in observing holidays such as " Yom Kippur", which is the Jewish Day of Atonement, Ramadan, which is the holy month that Muslims fast and pray, and Easter, which is the period where the Christians celebrate the commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It →

Benefits of going holidays

If we feel unhappy about our situation and yet do not see a way to change it to what we would rather have, life can become a chore rather than exhilarating and exciting. Obviously our lives do not have to be troubled or stressful to appreciate a holiday but no matter what we engage in →

Shearings holiday effective marketing

The first reason why I agree with their decision is that quite simply they will be appealing to more potential customers although this could cause their previous market of over 55 to not like there service or maybe feel alienated it will appeal to the majority of customers this in theory should cause their sales →

5 tips to get your website ready for the holidays

Not only do you want to make sure your website is ready for the spike in visitors, but you also want to deliver a pleasant user experience, which will help achieve a high conversion rate and strong holiday revenue. Related: During the holidays, a much larger percentage of your visitors have buyer-intent, making it very →

Original writing – annual camping holiday with the scouts

To the left of the site was a small wooden building with a small door which was open and to the right was more trees. The DB tent was planned to be placed next to the trees at the back, on the left we were to have the leaders' sleeping and eating tents and on →

Holidays and ideal vacation

We would have the best room in the whole hotel and it was be amazing. There would be a huge kitchen so we could cook and it would be stocked with all the great food we like.

How i spent my holiday

As my cousin's house is close to the sea, we decided to make the raft on the beach itself. We returned to the shore and tied the raft to a tree.

Christmas holiday essay sample

There inside his home he hung small candles from the tree to recreate the image of the moon and stars glimmering through the tree as he saw it in the forest. The first Christmas tree was then born.

True meanings of holidays

What is the true meaning of Christmas; and was the Son of God born on the twenty-fifth day of the month of December? But the true meaning of Thanksgiving is considered a holiday to celebrate family, honor and feast.

The place i have visited for holiday

Originally, we planned to take the train to Pulau Pinang but they were out of tickets due to the festive celebration. As the bus started to continue the journey to Pulau Pinang, I realised that my friends were not on the bus.

Report based on holiday inn hotel

Weakneses Therefore Holiday Inn does not focus on food serving and the main problem is that Guests have to walk through the gardent to get to Holiday Inn's restaurant. Threats As we mentioned, people who stay in Holiday Inn have to walk outside the hotel to get to the restaurant, this is a very serious →

American art in the early 20th century

Because Guernica has a classic and surreal style to it, the use of a bull or a Minotaur as a classical figure of terror and as an influence of the surrealists on Pablo Picasso also appears in Guernica. Finally, even though the spatial elements of the painting form a sense of discontinuity, one can feel →

Art and its context

It looks as if the clay is fresh and wet: so the idea has ' just occurred' to the artist - but the tiaras on both the dog and the woman, and her careful hairstyle suggest a long consideration of the subject, which at first looks beautiful, but is then confronting because of her position.D. →

Drama in literature and performing art

of the of the Drama as written literature and performing Art Dramas have always been popular among the public and constitute a large portion of English literature. In written literature, a drama describes the setting of the scene before narrating the dialogues to create an image of the scene in the minds of the readers.

Voice and movement in poison sugar

Although the genre of the play is entirely different, the ability of the actors to provide a sense of entertainment and interest through the use of their voice and the movements they perform is reminiscent of Jean-Paul Sartre's " No Exit". The manner in which the servants use their voice and movement is central is →

The differences between romanticism and neoclassicism

These characteristics and the definition of Romanticism and Neoclassicism classify the major differences between the two art movements. The differences of Romanticism and Neoclassicism is evident in the works of Romantic painter Eugene Delacroix and Neoclassical painter Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres particularly their portrait of violinist Niccolo Paganini.

The our town by thorton wilder

The play is portrayed in such a way that the audiences are forced to concentrate on the characters and the theme of the play. The play begins with the commentator also called the stage manager who narrates the simple life of the people in the town with the milkman and the newspaper boy delivering milk →


We appear to have two reflections of ourselves, the inside and the outside, the front stage and backstage. Therefore, my goal is to learn how to balance my front stage and backstage selves so that I can still be the true ' me', partly, even in the presence of other people.

The nutcracker ballet

Composed in 1892, the ballet by Tchaikovsky, tells the story of Clara and her dream world with the Nutcracker Prince based on the tale " The Nutcracker and the Mouse King" by E.T.A. During the period of the Russian Tsars in the late 19th Century, the ballet was a fashionable entertainment, and Tchaikovsky was one →

Three romantic pictures

The fog is turbulent, so the man think of what goes wrong in life, or how nature is wild and worrying, so in this sense it must be seen with a psychoanalytical eye. It is a realist, but romantic in the sense that ' childhood is good and emotions allow the heart to soar'.

Mike daisey’s american utopia

Mike daiseys American utopia Show Utopia is a fantasy place or an illusion of things in which everythingis perfect, idealistic and is grounded on a utopian ideology. In the show, he takes the audience everywhere to pursue the story, from his old world and its nostalgic theme of perfection to the anarchic drug fueled excesses →

Van gogh’s the starry night

The town in the painting gets located below the rolling hills of the horizon. In the painting, Van Gogh makes use of actual lines for the swirling shape of the stars in the sky.

Analysis of marilyn levines 1985 p.h.v. strap

The amount of detail put into these sculptures is above and beyond to what I am used to seeing in art, especially when the +++++clay is being used. The first impression that I got when I looked at the sculptures of Levine's was that I was actually looking at these objects - not pieces of →

The element of style of maira kalman

of the of the English Submitted The Elements of Style Essay Maira Kalman is well regarded as an essayist, illustrator and social activist. Should imposes this moral duty; Could means that it's the person's choice whether to act or not; and Would indicates that it is highly probable that the person will act in such →

Light shining in buckinghamshire

The use of modern costumes also enhanced the relevance of the issues to the present events. Therefore, watching the play adds enables the viewers to combine the psychological insights and actions of the characters.

The plague and love

Its unique story of a love triangle set against terribly high stakes in the war against a monster is sophisticated instead of outlandish," This definitive love story and the love and conflicts that are included in " Casablanca" are going to be compared Albert Camus' work " The Plague". In essence I am saying that →

Describing and explaining the picture attached

There is a sense of gloominess; and, the mother seems sad, but the presence of her baby is a spark of life. Sadness rules in the painting, as the mother is not able to cope with the stressful moments of her life; while, joy is also there in the form of a baby.

Rock and roll vs rap

Rock and Roll in its various guises came from a fusion of musical cultures, and in turn its influence fed back to these cultures, a process of borrowings, influences and new ideas that continues to develop rock music.t had runaway success in the U.S.and quickly brought sanitised rhythm and blues influenced music to an international →

Modernism, postmodernism

On the one hand, it is clearly an extension and reinvention of the historical avant-garde, and, on the other, it signals the increasing obsolescence of the divide between elite and mass culture, between the artisanal and the mechanically reproduced. Reacting against the universalizing tendencies of high modernism, and its dedication to seriousness, abstraction, and elegance, →

Differences between postmodernism and modernism

It will be useful to adopt the major characteristics of postmodernism into the postmodern movies. It is possible to say that the postmodern films have a mission of recycling the past.


It broke out in 1798 but was cruelly drowned in blood Ideals of the Romanticism As a consequence to the chaotic lifestyle they tried to find a shelter in nature The feelings are: sadness, melancholy and meditation Romanticism was a movement against the progress of bourgeois civilization It was an effort to do away with →

Scandinavian legal realism

She next read that her assignment was first to explore and evaluate the above and other criticisms of Scandinavian Realism, and then reach a conclusion on the theory's contributions " to our understanding of law". Both failed to acknowledge that in the absence of empirical evidence in support of a phenomenon, only one of two →

Modernism versus postmodernism

The narrator in the play is limited and omniscient; he or she observes the thoughts and actions of Willy, Biff, and other central characters in the story, a type of narration that was new to literature. The readers are able to see the world through the eyes of this one character and what is going →

Surrealism research task

Breton was especially important as he was the leader of the surrealists, and it was under his guidance and charisma that they created their art, and developed the idea of surrealism. He soon became known in the art world as a Surrealist because of his love for automatism and the use of sexual symbols in →

Dadaism and surrealism

Its works were characterized by a deliberate irrationality and the rejection of the prevailing standards of art. The aim was to " resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality.

Compare and contrast how realism through television influences the audience

According to Cock, the effect that this theory has is one of the factors that gives British television drama its iconic form; individualising this genre of television from cinema and the drama programmes that were scheduled in the United States of America. This factor brings comedy to the television programme as it carries a significant →

Essay on impressionism and post impressionism

After five years of fighting the royalists of the Republic ultimately won by executing hundreds of The Commune in an event now known as The Bloody Week. Educationreform was also in the works that focused increasing the availability of further education and training in technology.

Postmodernism in literature

This story is about a man who is running from the Aztecs but is dreaming of being on a motorcycle and ends up in a car crash, yet the way Cortazar sets up the story makes it seem the opposite way around. It is the opposite of a girl's story.

Michelangelo buonarroti, the greatest of the italian renaissance artists

At the academy, both Michelangelo's outlook and his art was influenced by many of the most prominent philosophers and writers of the day. He used his new knowledge of the human body to create some of his most famous works, including the famous statue of David, the sculptures in the Church of San Pietro, and →

Emergence of romanticism

The Industrial Revolution and the Emergence of Romanticism The Industrial Revolution was a period of time during the 18th century originating in Europe that resulted in major socio-economic and cultural changes around the world. Romantic artists and authors used their work to communicate the suffering of the people living in the newly industrialized world, and →

Context of modernism

The 2nd is 'allusionism ', which emphasise the edifice of its historical and cultural facets, and the 3rd is 'ornamentalism ', and this suggests all the walls of the edifice to hold an architectural significance. Jenks argues that postmodernism architecture is non a interruption of modernism but nevertheless it 's seeking to get the better →

Benefits of multiculturalism

Benefits of Multiculturalism Multiculturalism refers to the principle that several cultures can coexist equitably and peacefully in one country, instead of a single national culture. Canada is a great example of a country that is fully following the Multiculturalism Policy.

Reflection essay on multiculturalism

The Canadian government needs to be more versatile in making these institutions of governance compliant to the principals of multiculturalism through embarking and practicing social justice, equity and equal distribution of power and opportunities to all Canadians in-spite of their race, language or origin. This is the cause of inequality in social justice regardless of →

For second group of asian immigrants to hawaii,

Undeniably, I was immigrant to the United States on summer 2005, living on adaily basis without being able to speak and understand English. After that I came to school I do notfeel safe, I am the most racist of jokes and mockery.

National integration

National Integration National integration is the awareness of a common identity amongst the citizens of a country. Obstacles to National Integration 1) Communalism The greatest menace to the national solidarity of a country is communalism.

Good example of article review on multicultural market

Outside the United States, it is used in describing a meeting of people from different parts of the world. The research study is instrumental in shaping a world that is unconstrained by multicultural differences but driven by tolerance and understanding of cultural diversity.

Multiculturalism: for and against

Points For and Against For: Australian society, often in the face of major difficulties.multiculturalism is good for the society as it bringscultural diversityto the society, can foster a tolerant society, and improve relations with other countries Multiculturalism is a set of practical policies aimed variously at improving the absorption of migrants and harmoniously integrating a →

How to manage multicultural workforce

In order for companies, fully and aggressively to compete in the marketplace, they will need to consider these statistics and work towards attracting, recruiting, developing, and retaining a diverse workforce. Worldwide Telecommunication Inc.is finding new ways in an environment where people are to do more with less." Customers and diversity is a way of promoting →

Shira a law by the arizona state governor

In 2010, the same year that Arizona passed the nation's toughest law on illegal immigration, a group of Republican legislators in the State of Arizona designed a legislation to ban the course of ethnic studies, Arizona House Bill 2281. It is important to know how America became what it is today, and the only way →

Cultural diversity and anti bias practice

Showing the social and developmental progress of their children through profiles which contain photos and art work of the children can be a helpful tool for parents for whom English is not their first language as this allows them to be involved with their child's education. Supporting children and families with different cultural and linguistic →

The nursing profession – a study of cultural diversity and spirituality issues

The nurse may not understand the traditions and behaviors practiced by a certain individual due to its unfamiliarity to the nurse and this can interfere with the care plan for the patient. In addition, the language barrier between a nurse and a second language patient inhibits the nurse to do her job and provide the →

Cultural diversity in the workplace

REFERENCES OVERVIEW Managing diversity is defined as " planning and implementing organizational systems and practices to manage people so that the potential advantages of diversity are maximized while its potential disadvantages are minimized," according to Taylor Cox in " Cultural Diversity in Organizations." Cultural diversity is the variety of human societies or cultures in a →

Cultural competencies essay

In order to understand the meaning of cultural competence, I agree that this term lines up with the similar term of cultural diversity. Preparing teachers more effectively to work with diverse groups of students is another issue in accommodating cultural diversity in the classroom.

My community essay

The concerns that I see that are unresolved with the government in my town is that there are not many ethnic celebrations or programs for the ethnic groups in my community. I also talked to a couple of the Hispanic ladies that I work with and they said that they believe that the government of →

Persuasive speech about college essay

College will expose you to many different nationalities of people and give you the chance to learn about their cultures and customs. The education and experiences you gain in college will allow you to lead a better, more productive life and help you become a lifelong learner.

Respect all persons

Respect within the medical institutions and practice enhances the wellbeing of the practitioner as well as the patients. In conclusion, respect is a basic part of ethics and morals within the medical field.

Critical thinking on visual art history

The masks are extremely stylized, as the reductionist presentations of the Picasso's Cubist style of the women. In this image, the women are nude as they are displayed for their customers in the context of a brothel, the men.

Post-modernism theory of visual artists

In particular, postmodernist-deconstructive approach to language ascertains that the meaning of words cannot be the mirror of the world. The central argument in explaining language as a system is the nature of linguistic systems earlier constructed, but, has defects in giving the real meaning of the world and at the same time linking the language →

Appalachian visual arts literature review sample

Talking of Appalachian visual arts, we refer to the visual arts in the Appalachia region. The Appalachian visual arts in this context, takes place at the Turchin Center of visual arts which is at the Appalachian State University.

The effects of the nazi political movement on german visual arts essay

The Nazi regime influenced works of art, destroying some of the best work and using the qualities that art stands for to develop a form of ' brainwashing' art that we call propaganda". The result of this political ideology was thus the creation of a contrast of good and evil, a clear distinction between the →

Visual arts in drama and festivals essay sample

The festival, held during the month of February, was created as a tribute to the city's flowers and as a way to rise up from the devastation of the 1990 Luzon earthquake. The festival was set in February to boost tourism as it was considered as a month of inactivity between the busy days of →

Intro to visual arts

A dog is sleeping on the edge of the bed on the covers. The volume element covers the painting of the woman appears to be the main subject of the piece of art, the rest is details to the art.

The visual arts

Literature: Visual Arts Annie Besant The role of the Annie Besant in todays society She was a reformer who championed for a range of issues including rights of women, secularism, better conditions for workers and birth control. Since she was a writer, she used the writing avenue to be the voice of the women in →

Visual arts essay examples

Throughout the history of art, sculptures have been use to communicate certain thoughts and aspects of the artists. It depicts a lot of information in terms of governance, emotions and other aspects of the artist or art period.

The difference: performing and visual arts

It has been said that for centuries the many have debated without resolution of defining the word " art". I think that art is our way of expressing ourselves, telling our stories and reaching out to others.

The miracles of science in islam assignment

You started to move slowly, you were not sure what you were doing at first, but you started kicking, and you felt yourself telling a sharp breath along with the person who carried you as she laughed happily at your first gesture and contact you were not born yet but you were loved. You let →

Old buildings

First of all, old buildings are the indispensable parts of the history, which could reveal the historical mysterious and witness the development of history. Overall, in nowadays, there is unanimous consensus on maintaining old buildings which is the effective method to preserving history.

Blood motif assignment

This is where the guilt that Macbeth faces through out the rest of the play starts, just before he kills the king. This follows the theme for tragedy in that Macbeth is destroyed internally and externally.

King of shaves unit marketing report assignment

This is to help you to look at and consider the external factors, opportunities, threats and to help identify where the key issues with the marketing of the product may come from.1. Benefits and costs of marketing The next thing to consider is the cost of advertising the marketing plan, and what the company think →

Consumer behavior & shopper marketing assignment

Abstract The purpose of this study was to identify the importance of Shopper marketing in generating more sales out & to shed the light on the importance of this new marketing tool in the marketing mix model especially in the time of crisis. Understanding the consumer is important, but understanding how a consumer behave during →

Sigma marketing assignment

Strength of Sigma marketing One of sigma's strength is the ability to understand market opportunities and evolve and continues to adapt its strategic focus. With the changing marketing environment rising competitions Is also one of their threat.

Duncan yoyo marketing plan assignment

The yo-yo boom has been decreased rapidly with the fast pace technology and the invention of more varieties of toys and games. There is sufficient evidence to support that Roy Morgan's " Look at Me" segment will be a massive market for the Duncan's Yo-yo Light Keychain and therefore the promotion of the new product →

Privacy – cyber ethics assignment

Since we have a right to privacy in about the information we share with family and friends in real space I think that we should eave a right to privacy if we share this same information on Backbone or other places online such a Second Life. People post information on social networks expecting it to →

Equal rights in whatsamatta university

Bollinger, the court ruled that the affirmative action admissions policy administered by the University of Michigan Law School did not violate the Equal Protection Clause because the law school had an interest in obtaining a " critical mass" of minority students. For Dwight Cracker: While the holding in the Bakke case appears to permit rationally →

Implementing postmodernism in changing the role of school administrators in america’s schools assignment

First, because of the subjectivity of the human object, anthropology, according to the epistemological argument cannot be science; and in any event the subjectivity of the human subject precludes the possibility of science discovering objective truth. According to Baudrillard, we must now come to terms with the second revolution, " that of the Twentieth Century, →

Principles of marketing case study answers assignment

The stages of the marketing planning process links with the key fundamental planning questions to substantiate the analysis and decision making involved. The stages of the Business mission, Marketing Audit, SOOT Analysis focus on the business mission which explains the reason for Its existence, an audit/examination of the marketing environments, including competition, customer and target →

Mbuti culture

Mbuti are called the people of the forest, who believe they are the children of the forest. The Mbuti see the forest as a symbol of their beliefs and values.

Gardenia marketing assignment

Thus, it can be seen that the products supplied and services provided by Gardenia reach out to different target segments of the market and this would be further examined in the section of marketing strategies.2. This analysis allows it to develop a strong awareness of its operating environment and quickly adapt to changes in the →

Disney marketing assignment

The price that Disney uses originally for the new product they are trying to market and sell is free. The reason Amazon is a great place to start, is for the convenience and the way that society is going.

Stages of culture shock essay sample

The phenomenon of culture shock is accompanied by almost everyone who goes outside of the home country, and sometimes even beyond the borders of the region where they grew up the longer stays and more difficult goals to achieve the greater probability for the experience of this process. Culture shock is a phenomenon involving the →