Quality Art & Culture Essay Examples for Your Learning

Sample essay on a young girl

But the most striking subject of the painting is the proportion of the gown to the girl's body. The volume of the dress has hidden the outline of the wearer.

The last supper by leonardo davinci

The Last Supper by Leonardo Ad Vinci, created during the Renaissance, exhibits many of those values from that period, including the portrayal of religious subjects and the use of a realistic style and respective. While in the service of the Duke and the Duchess, he studied nature, aviation, thematic, and engineering, including designing the churches →

Free research paper on movies in art

The dark lines of the portrait demonstrate the intrinsic hues and glows with which El Greco's paintings are informed and the sense of emptiness and hollowness is never so far away. In ' The Dormition of the Virgin' which is also briefly referred to in the film, El Greco creates a sense of occasion and →

Art appreciation essay example

The concept of space is also crucially important and this is reflected many a time in the way Bernini's portrays the work of David as he attempts to slay Goliath. This is perhaps one of the most famous of Caravaggio's paintings in the sense that it applies the methods that we are consistently familiar with →

Abstraction and artistic purpose term paper examples

The light bulb is a symbol of the destruction of technology to the world. The top right of the horse is a female witnessing the events that are taking place, and seems to have flown through the window into this room.

Pierre-auguste renoir

He is one of the most prominent founders and leading exponents of the Impressionist style of painting from the late 1860s." Renoir's art is a celebration of the beauty of women and nature; his images both of modern Parisian life and of idealized figures in a timeless landscape suggest an enchanted and radiant world". As →

Example of essay on creation of adam vs. paradise

One of the paintings depicts an image of unity of God and human while the other shows the place where humans and the creator were disunited. Both of the artworks point to a chance given for humanity in Adam's person.

Example of report on electrostatics

The negatively charged smoke particles are attracted to the positively charged metal plates that are found on the upper side of the chimney. The paint is spread over the body of the car that is negatively charged.

Fog & caliph abdulmecid ii essay sample

The Painting Fog The physical act of the painting, to mask a city and a mosque behind a mist so as to make it seem as though the mosque is a ghostly facade floating above the sea, takes impressive skill. A couple of weeks later, Abdulmecid II was inaugurated as the Caliph, the last Caliph →

Example of michealangelo research paper

Through his work as a painter, an architect and above all, as a sculptor, Michelangelo managed to single out art as a vocation and an occupation in itself, separating the job of an artist from the job of an artisan. The cut of the stone gives shape and texture to the clothing in a natural →

Picasso: cubism art technique

As well as this, her eyes seem to be falling out of her sockets, which could suggest that she has been 'crying her eyes out* this is linked to the civil war reaction that Picasso is trying to show the audience. This Is why I truly love the Weeping Woman because In my pollen It →

Example of book review on the dali reading

The overall thesis of the article is the identification of the source of Dali's inspiration. Dali described himself as a Spanish mystic of his time and believed himself a saint of Spanish whose divine purpose is to rescue painting from imprisonment in the blasphemous aesthetics of the modern world.

Art humanities research papers example

The presence of clouds displays the glory there is in the presence of Christ and heavens. He is considered as one of the best poets in his and an artist of the Romantic Age.

Sample essay on madonna and child

The relationship between the Madonna and the Christ child has been a subject of myriad works by a number of important artists, particularly in the decadent Italian Renaissance with its emphasis on the exploration of the divine. The juxtaposition of the bright, vibrant colors and naturalism of the Madonna and Child and their fascination with →

Essay on collage, montage and the avant-garde

The dissolution of the absolute monarchy meant that there were sources of funding and display that were not subject to the control of the political authority. The effect of this collage is to show that effect all in one image.

Sample essay on neo-classical and romanticism

David was a friend of Maximilien Robespierre a member of the Jacobin Club, who was propagating the formation of a republic during the French Revolution. One of his paintings that was believed to be a Republican symbol during the Revolution period was, The Lictors Brings to Brutus the Bodies of His sons, that depicted Brutus, →

Good example of leonardo da vinci in florence research paper

At the same time he created few key paintings of the Renaissance: the altarpiece " The Virgin of the Rocks" for the chapel in the church of San Francesco Grande in Milan, which is an excellent early example of the technique, called sfumato, in which there are subtle, almost imperceptible, transitions between light and dark →

Example of the slave trade essay

The facial expressions of the men are full of sadness and suffering demonstrating the monstrosity and utter inhumanity of the slave trade. The picture is powerful in its demonstration of detail and is also fascinatingly realistic in several ways from the detail shown in the landscape to the tattered clothing of the men.

Commercialization of the navajo sand painting practice

Some of the steps include identifying an evil within a community member, prepping for the ceremony, and various ceremonial procedures, concluded with the destroying of most of the sand used in painting. The criteria for this is that one person may recognize an evil within someone and for the good of the patient but also →

Free gustave courbet research paper example

As recorded, Gustave Courbet is perceived as an innovator and a role model to those that came after him owing the fact that his works were later developed and borrowed by many including the Impressionists and the Cubists. Courbet's childhood in itself exemplary owed the fact that it gave him the necessary skills and knowledge →

A painting in words in tomas transtromer’s poetry

Tracks; written by using Tomas Transtromer is a poem with various imaginary and foresight the meanings of the writing. The daydreaming of stanza two is forgotten and nonetheless unknown in the depths of the awareness.

Free essay about michelangelo buonarroti

From the review of Michelangelo's works, two art works were considered exemplary: the painting of the Sistine Chapel and the famous Pieta. The artist was able to capture the solemnity and sadness of Mary as she grieved on the death of her only son.

Art as a political statement essay example

It was in the third Impressionist exhibition that the creators of this style of art began referring to themselves as Impressionists. It flouted the artistic perspective and rules of scale of the day went ahead to challenge the class separations of the time by depicting the closeness between the characters in his painting; the young →

Photorealism: hyperrealism, hyperrealism, new realism, or sharp focus realism

The movement began in the same period as Minimalism, Pop art, and Conceptual art and a articulated a strong concentration in art, over that of abstraction and idealism. Then Audrey Flack, the solo female photorealist of the movement, came along and started to integrate expressive themes and concepts of the transience of life in her →

Lord of the flies the mask essay sample

Jack's behavior goes through a moral and social transformation when he paints his face. He becomes primitive in his social and moral behavior which affects everyone's behavior in a negative way.

Example of 20th century humanities [course number] essay

[Professor] Techniques used by Pablo Picasso " The Violin" and " Guitar, Sheet Music and Wine Glass" Pablo Picasso, was one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. With this he brought forward a recessed form of the guitar in one's mind.

Free research paper about architecture museum essay

John the Baptist and the two angels being in the painting are symbolic since the angels are known to be holy. The angels are there to show that baby Jesus is the son of God.

Virgin mary in colonial latin america essay sample

The analysis will specifically use the 1720 Virgin of the Mountain of Potos painting to explain the significance of her presence. The illustration of Virgin Mary in a local setting is further indication of people's acceptance of the Christianity, which was regarded as the link between the local world and Creator in the heavens.

Good essay about the tower of babel

A critical analysis of the paintings of the Tower of Babel directly suggest the perspective of the both the translation and labor that refer to the utopian spirit of social critique as well as to the resistance to the authority. The Tower of Babel's representation of the dissimilarity between the dithering hubris of a king →

Analysis of artwork “we call them pirates out here” by daniel boyd

On the other hand, Boyd has recontextualised and juxtaposed this work's meaning from the positive perspective of the first fleet on new land to the Aboriginals negative perspective of these events, as their homeland was invaded and their people treated unfairly. This factor guides the mood towards a negative outlook on the events displayed and →

Good the history of roman baths and hamams essay example

This paper is a kind of case study which based on the study and analysis of the three paintings, each one of which holds its own share in people's admiration, proves the magic attraction of Roman Baths and Hamams and how they managed although being simple public Baths to generate so much interest and inspiration →

Good essay on gerard richter

However, at hand are three classes of the color theory: the context of the usage of colors, the harmony and the color wheel. Color context is the behavior of colors in relation to other colors and shapes and the way they form complex are of the theory of color.

Rogier van der weyden, the crucifixion in the philadelphia museum of art case study

Unity is achieved by the continuous dark blue sky, the wall that separates the scene from the rest of the world, the sloppy ground and the part of the Virgin Mary's dress that continues to the second panel. Accordingly, the position of the figures in their respective panels is different: Christ is at the center →

Compare and contrast the painting and the sculpture of the italian renaissance with the painting and sculpture of the northern renaissance

Compare and Contrast Italian Renaissance Painting and Sculpture to the Northern Renaissance Painting and Sculpture European History from 800 to 1648 CE November 7, 2008 The Duchy of Burgundy encompassed a territory from present-day eastern France northward to the sea, and included parts of modern Belgium and sections of the current Netherlands. The Renaissance, in →

Art 1b- key terms- test 1

Iconography - Greek, the " writing of images." The term refers both to the content, or subject, of an artwork and to the study of content in art. Lecture 2: The Trecento Humanism in the Renaissance, an emphasts on education and on expanding knowledge, the exploration of the individual potential and a desire to excel, →

Classical style vs. the renaissance

The realism and perfection of the Greek statues of the Classical period were the inspiration for sculpture of the Italian Renaissance. This is clear in the comparison of the two statues.

The birth of venus

The curves of the lines shape Venus's body to contribute to her supple beauty while the horizontal and vertical lines of the sea and the trees add depth to the painting. The color and light of the Birth of Venus aid the most in showing her beauty and telling the painting's story.

French renaissance: kings and architecture research paper sample

The paper will show the Italian Renaissance stimulated the beginning of the French Renaissance and how the elements of Gothic style in French architecture were slowly replaced by classicism as the years progressed as the three kings shifted in power. The flourishing of the French Renaissance was accompanied by the building and the rebuilding of →

Music essay example

Sacred music from the three periods has also served as a form of communication of knowledge and insight into the experiences of others. Most of the music of the Baroque and Renaissance period was composed to evoke emotional responses.

Shakespeare’s hamlet as a renaissance man essay sample

The Renaissance was a European intellectual and social movement beginning in the trading hub of Florence, Italy and gradually expanded to encompass the whole of Europe. William Shakespeare's Hamlet was written near the end of the Renaissance, and it reflects the ideals of the period in the titular character.

The renaissance critique essay

The renaissance began in Italy, and spreading to the rest of Europe by the 16th century, its influence was felt in literature, philosophy, art, music, politics, science, and religion. The renaissance began in Italy, and spreading to the rest of Europe by the 16th century, its influence was felt in literature, philosophy, art, music, politics, →

The renaissance person – henry viii – by casey krol

First of all, Henry VIII established the Church of England in 1534, and became the supreme head when he passed the Act of Supremacy. The trigger to the reformation was the refusal of a annulment by the Pope, for the marriage between Henry VIII and Catherine.

Greek influence on renaissance

The Gates of Paradise and three statues are made of bronze, the same medium the Greeks used for their statues. The narrative relief-style of the Gates of Paradise show influence of classical sculpture in the figure's movement and background.

Listening log: music in the middle ages and renaissance essay

The first musical piece to start with, O Rubor Sanguinis by Hildegard von Bingen, is the exact representation of the time when the church had absolute power over people with the lyrics in Latin, the bass line ostinato that reminds of the martyrdom, and the crystal-clear voice that rings of heavenly bliss. A composition that →

Harlem renaissance: era of social change

Another topic for discussion is the cultural change and impact the Harlem Renaissance had in the US. Throughout the Harlem Renaissance period, roughly African American lesbians and gay men were meeting each other.

Medici godfathers of the renaissance vi

To what era did people of the Renaissance look back to as the golden age of human life? What power did the people of Florence give to him as a result? 5.

Free article review about the role of the automata in the history of technology

The meaning role of the automata in the history of technology was described in the article written by Silvio A. The article was published in 1964 in " Technology and Culture" journal and it narrates the history and development of automata from the very beginning, starting from the easiest mechanisms.

A quick look at castiglione and cellini life essay sample

Lawrence in his book Culture and Values A Survey of the Humanities, stated that Early sixteenth-century Renaissance culture was a study in contrasts. Castiglione was a well-rounded man with chivalry spirit as the author described He was a versatile man a person of profound leaning, equipped with physical and martial skills, and possessed of a →

The city of florence during european arts renaissance essay

Renaissance is one of the most important events that contributed to the development and evolution of arts and philosophy in modern Europe. For instance, the Medici family, one of the most wealthy and powerful families in Florence, controlled the city and its economy.

Free essay on music through the ages

Such is the power of music that a lot has happened in the world of music over the ages. The Beatles made people swoon and dance to their tunes in the 60s and 70s, and it was during this time that a man by the name of Elvis Presley turned Pied Piper and had women →

The concept of renaissance humanism in botticelli’s ‘madonna and child with adoring angel’ essay

In this case, it is worth noting that the use of lines, colors, shades and shapes are renaissance in nature, the theme is religious but a number of aspects provide evidence of humanism in the work. In the medieval presentation of Jesus and Madonna, artists were obliged to abide with the religious aspects of the →

Zora neale hurstons spunk and the harlem renaissance essay examples

Zora Neale Hurston, one of the most influential female writers of her time, published a short story called " Spunk" focused on a rural, all-black town in the south during the time of the Harlem Renaissance. The fact that Zora had the courage and determination to publish such an influential piece of work, far removed →

The renaissance and religion essay

What was communicated from the pope was final regardless of who the subject was.[1] The Catholic Church was the only church in the world and its branches were in many countries. The Renaissance and the Church".

Example of essay on renaissance and modern science

The term renaissance was coined in the 14th and the 15th century by Italian intellectuals and was used by these intellectuals in describing their age or era the one which saw the rebirth of learning, literature and arts. Another group of scholars are of the view that the renaissance period began in the last →

North renaissance 1400

Because of the interests of the patrons, the styles and contents of art work were limited. Bosch was the most imaginative and enigmatic painter of his era.

Major historical developments of the early renaissance

The beginning of the change from the medieval outlook to a modern one is called the Renaissance, or rebirth. The Monks and Nuns were the finest examples of the Christian way of life according to the people during this period.

Langston hughes essay example

It is commonly known that he was particularly driven by the songs he had been listening on Seventh Street in Harlem and wanted to make poems out of them, which can be clearly shown if we read his lyrics and the structure of his poems that bears many blues and jazz-like elements. Alison has also →

David by donatello and michelangelo essay sample

The bronze sculpture was the first life sized nude since the Classical period; the first complete visual affirmation of the power and dignity of the human being. He was to create a sculpture of David that delineated the triumph of the Republic of Florence against the Medici Rule.

Example of rogier van der weyden, crucifixion triptych, c. 1445 essay

Interestingly, the patron of the work and his wife are included in the picture and as the matter of fact in the central panel. It is safe to say at this point that Rogier van der Weyden's work is typical of Flemish paintings of the period in style, technique and subject matter.

Comparison and contrast of the middle ages and renaissance essay sample

This essay will compare and contrast the visual arts of the Middle Ages, called medieval art, with the arts of the Renaissance period by giving an overview of each period and illustrate how the collision between these two periods, and what influenced them, brought about new forms of visual artistic form and style. Europe had →

The sistine chapel ceiling argumentative essays examples

In addition, it can also be illustrated that the Sistine Chapel Ceiling is the most referenced work of Michelangelo when it comes to the understanding of men as a subject. It was due to this reason that the Sistine Chapel Ceiling has been marked as a milestone during the period of Renaissance.

Renaissance versus baroque essay

The church was against secular art hence it was in support of art that was based on religion when many artists wanted to present art of reality by exhibiting events as they were instead of sticking to the elements of art and design. The era of baroque was an outcome of the struggle of the →

Islamic influences on the renaissance

While the Renaissance was a time of cultural growth in the fields of the humanities by taking lassie aspects from history and building off of them -imitating and innovating, the Islamic Golden Age was also a time of cultural growth in every sense of the religion - particularly in the fields of academia. Most of →

The renaissance in europe report

The whole reason behind the renaissance artists was the representation of nature in their work where the standards were however deviated into the reflection of the human beings as the central focus. Da Vinci in his work portrayed the ideal and the real human efforts as it was possible to view into the inner essence →

City states in ancient greece and renaissance italy essay

The scale of the Greek city states was small. According to Spencer the invasion by the Dorians was one reason that strengthened the growth of the city states.

Women in the renaissance research papers example

Women were under various types of subjugation though a slight change was observed in the condition and role in the women who belonged to elite class. Overall the condition of women was deteriorated in the society as they were deprived of education and training.

Chapter 10 euro study

Growth of City-States - What assisted the growth of Italian cities and urban culture? - How did the merchant oligarchies become strengthened? - What were the five major competitive states in Italy? - What were their unique systems? - Who controlled the Papal States? - Why did the cities develop despotisms? What was the Oration →

Art and design: a review of the renaissance, 17th-18th centuries and 21st century design trends essay

One of the most intriguing aspects in the rococo technique had to be the use of elegant and florid designs that transformed architectural designs into works of art. In the 21st century design, environmental concerns during design has enabled construction activities to be carried with more concern for the environment and the future generations It →

Analysis of petrach’s poetry

Their views on the aspect of love helped to be shaped by the Renaissance ideas, help to display the changing times as created by this period of rebirth and also help to reflect the views of each author on love. The poem contrast greatly because of this idea that Wyatt's poem shows the speaker as →

In pursuit of the american dream: an analysis of willa cather’s o pioneers essay

The experiences of the characters in the novel portray the endeavors of the early immigrants' pursuit of the American dream. The instinct to forgo the comforts, which a home country offers by default and then sail across the oceans to a then wild and untamed America, was indicative of the immigrants' spirit of adventure and →

Essay summary of the american dream

The book, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, shows the effect of social class and personal drive to reach the American Dream. His problem is keeping a job in order to make money and earn a living plays a big role in his pursuit of the American Dream.

The undefined american dream

In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald uses the characters of Nick, Daisy, and Gatsby to exemplify false hope that the American Dream is often unfulfill. Nick observes Gatsby a lot because he uses to live in the West Egg and moves to the East believing it can be the best life he will possibly get but →

What is the american dream?

To begin with, one of the key parts of the American Dream for me is to live comfortably, and have a successful life. In addition to physical comfort, a great family relationship is the other essential part to my American Dream.

The american dream boat essay sample

The narrator in the story The American Dream Boat related how the said community survived the challenges of living in a foreign land and later on adjusting to the culture and traditions of the society that they chose to live. Likely, the said approach in adjusting to the society that they are living in at →

The american dream: negative and positive aspects essay

The American dream is one of the most revered ideals of the nation and it has become a part of the American national identity. This statement is reinforced by the fact that the nation's wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few wealthy individuals and the gap between the rich and the poor is →

What is american dream

In his book The Epic of America, he defines the American dream as a vision where the lives of all individuals are more prosperous, better, and fuller as opposed to the situation of the society at the time. The government and other private school owners have taken the opportunity to exploit people in the name →

Critical thinking on the american dream

The early definition of the American dream tended to lean more towards education and religion as the primary factors that shaped culture and mindset of people to prosper. The idea of limiting the options women have to just staying at home and take care of the families is no longer borne within the new definition →

American dream or american nightmare

A couple negative aspects of renting would be, if someone a property that was not protected by the rent control and the landlord was able to consistently raise the rent. In my final paper I plan to give statistics on how many homes have been foreclosed and how many people have ended up homeless in →

The american dream and why it is still alive in the united states

The American Dream is still alive because America continues to be a land of opportunity where the most unlikely of people have a chance to be successful, and the main goal in life is to be happy. Because America still has a dream to strive for, that makes us better than most countries, and gives →

The synthesis of american individualism across genres and intents essays examples

The purpose of this essay is to forward the definition of American individualism as encapsulated in Alger's novel Ragged Dick. Although there are some critics who will readily state instances in which The American Dream causes harm to a society, Horatio Alger in his novel Ragged Dick presents a narrative that shows the good the →

The power of a phrase essay examples

Phrases can be very powerful, and this makes them useful in the marketing of consumer goods." Just do it" is a well-known phrase in modern society and, within the context of consumerism, it encourages people to make rash decisions and purchase goods, for example a car or a watch. The song American Dream, by Casting →

Reflection essay on the great gastby

The connection of the " old money" and " new money" is presented in geographical symbols of the novel: East Egg is the place where the established aristocracy lived, and West Egg " the self-made rich". Fire and Freshness: A Matter of Style in the Great Gatsby.

The american dream essay

The American dream is the dream of a land in which life should be better and richer for everyone, with vast opportunities when putting your mind to certain things. Just having the thought of the American dream is alive and well will put you ahead of most.

American dream

The American dream may still exist, despite the failing economy and lack of jobs, the downfall of the public school system, the budget deficits, and the warfare overseas. Herbert blames the government and their failed promises to make society better for the reasons that the American dream is not what it used to be.

Representation of the american dream film studies essay

So we can see IN THIS WAY that the movie represents to a great extent and really clearly the American Dream, because it reaffirms the cardinal function of American civilization on a planetary context by exposing the values a a of the American Dream as the state defends the planet from the Alien onslaught, it →

My definition of the american dream

On one side, the American Dream remains a dream wherein the corruption and the apathy of people continues to prevent it from coming true while on the other side, the American Dream comes with too high a price. For together with the positive values that the American dram has helped to bring about, there is →

The american dream’s concept essay

The American economy is also likely to improve as a result of realizing the American dream 2013 since most of the residents are likely to indulge in productive activities as stipulated in the American dream of 2013. It encourages people to work in fields that they are not trained in and this will lower the →

American dream is still alive

Today there are many problems with the economy; there are many people out there who think there's no such thing as the American Dream anymore." The creation of a government that is out of control, and thus out of touch, robs every citizen, preventing fulfillment of the original American Dream. Jobs are still hard to →

The american dream in the mid-20th century essay sample

The heavy consumerism that started in the mid-20th century encouraged the idea that the American Dream is " based on acquisition and consumption of the rising tide of commodities". James Truslow Adams is commonly believed to have coined the phrase ' American Dream' in 1931 in his book The Epic of America, during the beginning →

Recipe for the american dream

Money is an important ingredient in making the American Dream become a reality, and Americans experience constant reminders of the need to live the dream, through the media and peers. Work is what causes his father to withdraw from his family, and there is no doubt that the American Dream is what spearheads the separation.

The american dream: walt disney’s cinderella and ron howard’s cinderella man research paper

This is attributed to the fact that the original ideas and the fundamental principals that founded the dream are quickly fading away given the changing fortunes of the average American. It is the people's imitation of Disney world and their unwavering desire to attain and live the dream that compels them to work so hard.

The low-wage worker wanting the american dream

Polyester states, " Fewer than one percent of Americans break out of the class they are born into." She goes on to tell about her parents and their dream of class jumping, and how they devote their lives to it. Her parents tried and pushed hard to come out of the class they were in.

A way to reach an “american dream” on my own example

I want to help people with their sufferings and to use the latest technology to make many things easier and safer for patients. I can get to see how patients are treated and what I can do in the future to help.