Quality Art & Culture Essay Examples for Your Learning

Historical speeches and the wow factor

Additionally, his act of support and approval regarding the rejection of communists' regime prompted to the speech's effectiveness where to the audience was a sign of motivation and encouragement.2. The needs of the audience The audience was in desperate need of maintaining their freedom and democracy that will enable them be free from the communists.

Cinematography attributes

Scene 2: This scene shows a close up of the character. In this scene, the figures stand in the middle of the composition which makes them the center figure of attention.


Through photorealism, the use of sketches as the primary means of gathering information has been replaced with photography, with the photograph being the subject of the painting. Hanson's photorealism substituted casting from a live model, thereby molding artworks directly on the body of an individual, as opposed to the substitution of photography for traditional sketching, β†’

Venus and adonis by titian and diana and cupid by pompeo girolamo batoni

The two paintings which I compared are Venus and Adonis by Titian and Diana and Cupid by Pompeo Girolamo Batoni. Diana and Cupid is a Neoclassical piece which shows the Roman goddess of the hunt holding a bow away from Cupid, the god of love.

Portraits of queen victoria in the nineteenth century

This support is evident in the portrait " The Family of Queen Victoria" by Franz Xaver Winterhalter, which is also filled with symbolic significance. In numerous ways, this painting is the same as Fenton's photograph " Queen Victoria and Prince Albert at Buckingham Palace".

The year of living dangerously – vision can be a model for knowledge

The film covers the downfall of Sukarno in a fascinating way by creating humid hot and seedy ambiance in the film. The argument in this story is that the story in the film is folklore a hero as well as few functions not in the plot in entirety.

Example of essay on quotation

The text thus addresses the fact that the hidden meaning in artistic work can be obtained prior to the effect of human knowledge and experience with artistic work. This is an exemplary exhibit of the idea that the work of art is more than the visionary image.

Analyzing philosophical themes in the truman show

Truman's journey into the actual world is comparable to the cave dwellers in the allegory of the cave. He is not aware of the difference in the real world than what he has been told and shown to be the actual world in his entire life.

Example of essay on life, art and the everyday

In The Sleepers, a slideshow that shows homeless people in Mexico lying on the streets together with images of sleeping dogs is a stark reminder of the breakdown of one of the modern city's fundament distinction between the private and the public. As Alys say, " for the homeless the street becomes their living-room, while β†’

Torgerson’s portraits deal with illness and death, foley uses hypochondria and a set of scattered inappropriate objects, crotty creates the impression of hell fire

The image of the individual has been placed at the edge of the wall to emphasis the thin line between death and life. However, the inclusion of green and purplish colors gives the impression of beauty in hell.

The pianist by roman polanski

The film, directed by the well-known Roman Polanski, focuses on the struggle of Wladyslaw Szpilman throughout the German occupation of Poland. The beginning of the film sees Szpilman working at Warsaw Radio on the day of the German invasion of Poland, 1 September 1939.

Toulouse-lautrec’s la goulue at the moulin rouge

Toulouse-Lautrecs La Goulue at the Moulin Rouge Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's ' La Goulue at the Moulin Roughe' was created in 1891 during the late fin de siecle era in Paris. The work has become one of the iconic cultural productions of the era.

Freedom writers by richard lagravenese

She took a rather creative and unconventional way to get into the minds and lives of her students. Erin encourages students to write about their experiences in diaries and share it with her if they feel like.


The film was produced by John Houseman and Mankiewiczs and was an ingenious way of attacking Hearst the newspaper mogul through an evolution character Foster Kane, and focuses on a fierce duel to expose dirty under deals of a society that was suffering from social morals and integrity among many leaders and business executives. The β†’

Good example of salvador dali and surrealism research paper

The overall coloring of the painting is overwhelming also, with the red colors of roof attracting the eye of the viewer that lies on the contrary of the background of the painting. The painting is called " The Swallow's Tail" and it shows Dali's admiration of Catastrophe Theory by a mathematician Rene Thom.

Seeking creative talents for visual design

Upon remuneration, I am realized the determination to pursue a career in fashion, interior design and visual communication which brought me to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. I chose FIDM for various reasons such as the commitment for the development of creative, innovative and leadership skills in the fields of Fashion, Visual Arts, β†’

Design brief for climate change campaign

Key message: This campaign will inform the target audiences about climate change and encourage them to use public transportation rather than their own cars, which can slow down the climate change. This will decrease the consequences of climate change that we are going to get in the future.

Works of shahzia sikander

The male face in the middle of the drawing, for example, has a very clear head shape and brow line, but as the cheek line descends from the eye, it transforms into the outline of an arm belonging to another, much smaller scale figure to the right. I like the novelty of this because it β†’

Example of the political and cultural role of hip hop in kenya and tanzania essay

The main factors influencing the use of hip hop in Kenya and Tanzania are political and economic changes. The majority of the early hip hop artists in Kenya and Tanzania greatly embraced and influenced the tradition of addressing social issues through the use of hip hop.


LECTURER UNIT Ongka's Big Moka, 1980 In relation to the Kawelka society, moka is a gift that is given to the neighboring tribe and it is the most important gift in the Kawelka society. One of the significances in giving moka to the other tribe is that Ongka will be able to earn fame and β†’

Summarize this article

The German police have been uncovering new information about the sale of the sculptures. The mystery of the Giacometti fakes continues.

Fin wagner’s beliefs and his ideas. otto

Using his knowledge of architecture and thevision that he had for the future he would elevate the field of architectureand creativity to a whole new level. 4Although he initiallybegan designing buildings in the Historicist style and later designed buildingsin the style of architectural realism, Wagner is known as a highly influentialfigure in the creation and β†’

Alternayte endings of the film casablanca

Is it the things that come out on the screenplay or the myth? In the film, she is a Norwegian in which is a bit bizarre.

The idea of the dramatic and theatrical in the work of bernini

The Idea of the Dramatic and Theatrical in the Work of Bernini As one of the leading figures in Baroque architecture, Gian Lorenzo Bernini managed to explore the essence both of solitary craftsmanship and combined efforts in resourceful level of artistry where he delegated tasks to students and contemporaries in order to provide the β†’

Fashion of amy winehouse

Aside from the scarves she put on as a hair accessory, there is not much of an accessory that Winehouse uses for her fashion ensemble. Because of her fearless attitude on fashion, Winehouse was able to set a trend in the industry.

Brand minimalism by spector and kitnick

The magazine shows the arguments made by Spector that the connection observed in Objects and Logotypes was centered on more than unplanned resemblances. It goes on to state that branding strategies have been everywhere in the present years and the project done by Spector may be used as a perceptive model in understanding the changing β†’

Munchs and redans paintings

SYMBOLISM & ART NOUVEAU Question The paintings presented are all excellent examples of symbolism, an art movement that took off in the 19th century in reaction to classical painting. Question 2 One of the things I would love to do regarding interior design and art nouveau is to have lots of stained glass in the β†’

Asian pacific films

The rise of film technology in the Asian Pacific has influenced the lives of the people in the region. Gender is portrayed as an aspect that controls to some extent the political, social and economic lives of people.

Wassily kandinsky and surrealism

Although he was not the first abstract painter, he made significant contributions to abstract art and influenced other artists who experienced the compulsion to employ his concepts in their work. Kandinsky had his first experience of object-free art in an exhibition that he attended and developed a close in this form of art.

Oppositions in romanticism

There is light that shines on the dead fighter who is below her as a way to remembrance of the people who fought for the freedom of Paris. Judging from the painting Delacroix uses a woman who is loosely dressed in order to show the cause of the revolution was pure and it was meant β†’

Mice and men

On the other side, George is a workaholic and his ultimate aim is to own a piece of land. On the other side, Lennie is in search of a guide in his life.

Singing in the rain by stanley and kelly gene

Don, his friend Cosmo and the producer decides to let Lina sing on stage while they project Kathy's voice to the audience from the powered microphone behind a curtain. Don, Cosmo and the producer then reveals Kathy by opening a curtain, to Lina's embarrassment forcing her to flee from the stage.

Play critque

The hero in the story is a man who carries himself with the air of investigatory bend. The horror effect of The Haunting Hill House concentrates on the suspension of limitations, between the living and the dead.

The ten things i hate about you

The ten things that Kat informs about Patrick that she hates include that she is unable to hate him due to which, Patrick realizes her love for him and the story has a happy ending. Joey is portrayed as a greedy and wicked person because first he shows greed for Kat and then for Bianca β†’

Response to cave of forgotten dreams

of the Visual Arts and Film Studies of the Concerned 2 June Response to Cave of Forgotten Dreams Werner Herzog's documentary, Cave of Forgotten Dreams, depicting a 3D portrayal of the prehistoric artistic creations in the Chauvet Caves at Southern France forces the viewers to rethink as to what is the quintessential essence of humanness? β†’

Pablo picasso’s three musicians

As a cubist painting, it reflects the use of geometrical figures, lines, colors, the ideas of perspective and proportion; which are systematically arranged to create the big picture of the three musicians. For instance, the design of the clothing of the man in the middle is basically designed with triangles which make use of the β†’

Baptism of christ essay sample

The painting that is famously known as The Baptism of Christ all over the globe is one of the most eminent pieces of art in the history of arts and aesthetics. The keen interest of the artists in nature is exuded in the portraiture of the tuft of grass at the knee of the angel β†’

Play review

In terms of staging there were a variety of non-descript backdrops and the requisite bar that identified the play as occurring in the 1920s. To a large extent there were minimal social elements that seemed out of place in the 1920s setting.

Western art history

Both cultures using the statues of the Venus of Willendorf and the Two Worshippers from the Square Temple of Eshnunna show the human form to communicate their religious beliefs and rituals. The Venus of Willendorf, which has the reproductive and nursing parts of the female form exaggerated, allows us to believe that this statue represents β†’

Discussion of readings about graphic design

of the Visual Arts and Film Studies of the Concerned 24 June Discussion on Readings about Graphic Design While elaborating on the constraints that are associated with the fabrication of a graphic design, Lupton and Phillips do also mention the concept of modularity as a typical type of constraint that is primarily about treating a β†’

Friedrich nietzsche: human, all too human

In the video d Friedrich Nietzsche: Human, All Too Human the creators tended to show how one of the greatest thinkers in human history Friedrich Nietzsche dedicated his life to his own philosophy. In fact, throughout the documentary the main ideas that had the greatest influence on future generations can be defined as the notion β†’

Jazz concert report

The ambiance in the Hult Center Lobby was largely responsible for the success of the jazz concert. In this quartet, the audience was given the privilege of viewing all the instruments on stage including the tenor sax, the piano and trombone.

Framing of aboriginal art by irwin, r & farrell

The Ecocentric approach is effective in categorizing the life of aboriginal people in terms of art since art is the surest way of understanding the social and cultural beliefs of the aboriginal people. They addressed the dynamics of each controversy and related them to Eurocentric and aboriginal conceptions of art in an effective manner.

Untitled – felix gonzalez-torres’s artwork

The central portrayal of the installations is to influence the romantic vision of the artist on the cultural expectations on different genders. The viewers interact and experience the artworks through the collection of the candy piles of Gonzalez-Torres' piece.

Sunset boulevard by billy wilder

The plot of the film adds an impact to the story and works well in displaying the dark side of fame, zenith, and popularity associated with the film industry. The characterization and filmmaking work coherently with the plot to reflect the underside of the film industry, which extends beyond the apparent glamour.

Museum vsit

These symbols express the opinions of war and violence and the undesirable effects it has on society and included recognizable images such as the horse, the six shooter, the cowboy, the saddle among others. It also illuminates the art work and made it easy for the visitors to see and read the descriptions inscribed on β†’

Free association for the advancement of creative musicians essay example

The AACM is particularly active in that city and has brought considerable success and discovery to a vast series of artists who have won important recording contracts through the influence of the AACM. Their organization of concerts which created awareness for the plight of the black woman also created a sense of momentum and forward β†’

The was a kind of voyaging road amusement

The starting points of British Pantomime or " Panto" as it is tenderly known in the UK, most likely go back to the medieval times, and mix the conventions of the Italian " Commedia dell' Arte, and the British Music corridor to deliver the fine art that is Pantomime." Commedia dell' Arte was a kind β†’


Shen Wei Dance Arts Performances by Shen Wei Dance Arts school are incredibly unusual. It is difficult to talk about Shen Wei Dance Arts performances in general because each of them is unique.

Free essay about art criticism over the work of art ‘the kiss’ by gustav klimt

The Belvedere owns 22 of Klimt's pieces and in all of them, ' The Kiss' has received the most of everything, from attention to criticism to praise and respect accorded to the painter. The sensuality is still displayed in the painting and sexuality not to a great level as the rest of the other paintings.

Modern dance and ballet

Modern Dance and Ballet In order to learn modern jazz, a fusion of ballet and modern dance, dancers need to know how to coordinate the right and the left side of their bodies. Thesis Statement: Modern Jazz dance has very little resemblance with classical ballet; it is an improvisation that fuses modern dance and ballet β†’

The arts and the 1960s essay

A complex and unclear question throughout the late 20th century and today is did the arts change history or do the arts reflect the changes that are taking place in society? Some of the most popular music of the 20th century in the United States was during the late1960s and the early 1970s during the β†’

Pop art and political violence

Pop Art and Political Violence In the pop culture, political violence, wars and other political ideologies are brought out in the propaganda world. According to John Jasper posters should incorporate paintings and objects and images are also part of the pop art.

Control room is a documentary film

The film provides a clear view of the happenings during the United States and Iraq's war days and what are the real things behind those rejoicing voice of the Americans. The film literally revealed the things that happened during the United States and Iraq's war that the Bush administration does not want the people to β†’

Good should the elgin marbles be returned to greece essay example

The history of Elgin Marbles, a piece of magnificent art of the Ancient Greece, takes its origin between 1801 and 1805 when the lord Elgin illicitly robed the Parthenon and took away the beautiful sculptures that were later sold to the British museum. Even George Clooney appealed to the Britain to return Elgin Marbles back β†’

Short answer

However, after I read the entire play I was very impressed by the author in the manner in which he brings out various themes. It is a fact that the play was a huge success and it is in line with top plays in the last decade.

A link between indian objectification and women sexualization

Both issues, disregarding difference in topic and scales are related to objectification of a group of people with common feature, by the means of creating bright and plausible image that would please the eye and minimize a sense of guilt that appears under the circumstances of using a woman as a sexual object or subduing β†’

Governments and spending money on the arts

As such, it is the understanding of this particular student that governments should immediately cease and desist from spending money as a means of supporting the arts. Although this particular point of view might come across as necessarily harsh, the underlying reason has to do with the fact that there are extent needs and societies β†’

Citizen kane and william randolph hearst

As the film was released, Hearst understood the connection between the new film and his own life and attempted to thwart Welles's new motion picture. But Citizen Kane was ultimately voted by the American Film Institute as the greatest film in history, vindicating Welles's attempt to expose the life of William Randolph Hearst.

Case study on the rubell family art collection

Currently they have over 200 works of art made by African American artists in their possession and these arts are exhibited in 27 galleries of the Rubell Family Collection in Miami. The collection of controversial arts and artworks by controversial artists is a reason for many art connoisseurs to admire the RFC for its courage β†’

Describing and analyzing a work of renaissance art

In these regards, the soft tones implemented in the detailed construction of the Madonna are echoed in the image of the skyline shining through the rear windows. In this way, da Vinci's construction of the baby Jesus in this image may constitute the most notable element of the image.

Sleeping beauty

An example of the strong attachment to the ballet is signified by one of the 9 muses of the ancient Greece goddesses. What are the " politics of gender" in Sleeping Beauty?

Medieval art and music

To display time and events 2). I agree with the modern listeners that the music has some haunting effect, this could be due to the fact that it is ancient and not similar to modern music.

Landscape painting

Thus, the romanticism movement reacted against the rationalization of nature, which was mostly represented in music, literature and visual arts. Retrieved from http://www.huntfor.com/arthistory/c19th/impressionism.htm Romanticism in art.

Good example of thesis on artist eye- marwencol (film)

He calls the town in his three names, and the people are not aware of that. The irony is that a woman is in need of assistance and mark uses it to make her his wife.

4 short questions

The reason for describing the play as authentic is due to the fact that Letts captures all complexities of the human character, together with the controversy and frustration of the family dynamics. This is due to the fact that she portrayed the role of being a devoted daughter despite the crisis that was in the β†’

The carlu in toronto

He has to ensure that the people who attend the events are safe and also their property is safe. He also has the role of identifying and securing special guests and speakers for the events at the venue.

Good term paper on da vinci surgical system

This paper details the results of my research on the effectives of the da Vinci surgical system on obstetric and gynecology surgery. Da Vinci surgical system is not a kind of robotic surgery because the surgeon and the surgical staff are in control all the times.

Sandra doore’s art informs the meaning through the juxta-positioning of softer materials with harder ones hence creating some tension in the product form of art

Sandra Doore art is different from most the other artists because of her approach to art. The viewer is able to see experience in the way Doore's art is presented and the manifestation of physical and psychological space.

Cultural ideology and art -framing a cultural ideology based on societal practices essay example

The collective self-reflection of art aligns to morality and " moral reflection tied to critical thought and action" and remains the " most relevant to the study of avant-garde art" as it pertains to a certain aspect of " a confrontation with society, that is, as action intended to operate on the very notion of β†’


The subject matter of the painting is the birth of goddess Venus. In the above discussed painting- The Birth of Venus, the body of the goddess Venus is anatomically implausible.

Worksheet #4: rear window

The critical perspective explains that the director is very unique in his personal artistic perspectives and that the film is a significant product of the perspective. One of the clusters has to do with the relationship between the spectator in the cinema and Jeffries, the director.

Apocalypto by mel gibson

The juxtaposition of the difference in progress between the small village and the most progressive civilization of its time gives credence to the insurmountable difference between the two groups of people. More than a historical account, the movie is a dramatic film which encapsulates the human relationship and the importance that we give to them β†’

Graffiti and abstract expressionism

Central to this discussion are the distinguishing characteristics of abstract expressionism and the extent to which Jackson Pollock's works relate with abstract expressionism. Additionally, the execution technique shows an over-emphasis of freedom exploits the more of the physical characteristics of paint in a bid to make the outcome expressive of indeterminable emotional qualities.

Travel the world – letter to a friend –

London is regarded one of the cities with great architectural designs ranging from the palaces around city and the cathedrals that portray the rich artistic influence on the city. My main interest and motivation for spending money and time traveling to the City was, therefore, to experience the culture and art of London, to learn β†’

Clockwork orange

A Clockwork Orange The movie " A Clockwork Orange happens to be a crime film adapted, which was produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick. The gang engages in an ultraviolence evening fighting and beating up other people even the elderly as well as another gang then stole a car they went to a writer's home β†’


However, it is clear that gender is the main theme since hitch shows gender roles that women and men fulfill in the society, which are highly stereotypical. Therefore, this paper will show how the media, through the Hitch movie, enables people to connect with the characters in the movie; hence, impacting their lives in a β†’

The abduction of the sabine women:

15 December The Abduction of the Sabine Women: This essay seeks to explore the importance of a very valuable painting in culture and art history. It will comment on myriad factors which contribute to this painting's importance in the world of art." The abduction of the Sabine Women" is a globally famous painting by Nicolas β†’

Proof analysis

In the play, genius and madness, and love and trust are the key themes. The theme of genius and madness is depicted in the comparison of Catherine and her father in the inclusion of Hal and Claire.

Significant others and art partnerships

The marriage of Frida Kahlo and Diego Riverais remains a standout amongst the most acclaimed collaborations between artists. Both Diego and Frida accepted the fact that their need to paint was an unconstrained desire with a biological point of view.

Literary works – dadaism, surrealism

Likewise, the piece of art that has been chosen from the Surrealist period is that of Salvador Dali's " The Metamorphosis of Narcissus" featured at the conclusion of this analysis in figure 2.0. 2 The later work, that of Dali's The Metamorphosis of Narcissus relates to the first work in that it incorporates a veritable β†’

In the shadow of the tree by helen galloway mcnicoll – feminism and strong mother-baby love as leading themes of the deaf artist’s masterpieces

The paper " In the Shadow of the Tree by Helen Galloway McNicoll" is a perfect example of an essay on visual arts and film studies. Like in this painting, Helen has shown the strength and love of women in all her other paintings as well.

Art leonardo

Art Leonardo The most intriguing masterpiece of Leonardo is the last supper. Leonardo da Vinci: the complete works.

Example answers for questions on leadership and organizational culture essay

What is the function of the leader to construct, influence or alter the administration ' s civilization and eventually to accomplish the coveted corporate ends? Muthuveloo and Rose stats that, " A committed leader of an administration is the 1 who has consolidated the values and ends of the administration and is willing to take β†’

Art’s analysis

One reason for this is that the face fills almost all of the space, leaving only a small dark background between the face and the edge of the picture. The most striking feature of this print is the way that the white surface of the face dominates the whole image.

The silence of the lambs

The film contains the atmosphere of evil personified, with a serial killer and a cannibal.b. The forensic psychiatrist turned cannibalistic killer, the serial killer, a young detective, the Senator, murders, etc.greatly accentuate the plot and the effect of the film.


Analysis of " The One I Love" " The One I Love" was a directorial debut movie for Charlie McDowell. The movie is drama, mystery, and a romance movie with only two characters.

How immigration and industrialization affected post-civil war architecture in america

Running Head: Effects of immigration on post civil war architecture in America How Immigration affected post civil war architecture in America In the early 19th century, American architecture was a mixture of cribbed styles and European architecture. American architecture arguably started picking up in originality, style and uniqueness towards the end of the century or β†’

Twentieth century african-american artists

Other Twentieth Century African-American Artists The works of the two 20th century African American artists, Romare Bearden and Jacob Lawrence had a number of similarities as well as some contrasting differences. With regard to the similarity of their works, both Lawrence and Bearden emerged in the 20th century during the Harlem Renaissance.


of the Visual Arts and Film Studies of the Concerned 15 December Urban Photography- Roads and Paths and Stairways tothe Unknown Realistically, speaking it is the Urban Photography genre that best explains the photographs I have chosen for my course portfolio. These photographs provoke the viewers to perceive the regular and mundane aspects of their β†’

Baby babies were born in that period

Laterthis term was generally applying to mainstream pop music which did not appealto all people Its makers and followers were limitingthemselves to the bigger cities of California so it was more for white, educated middle and upper classes. Before anyone noticed in 1950s this was the kind of music listenedto by most of American teens.

The visit to the art museum in seattle

The work is on display in the fourth floor of Seattle Art Museum, in the Ancient Mediterranean and Islamic Art galleries. Yet, it is the contents of his tomb, including the artwork in discussion, that represent the height of the legacy.

Difference between service base and population base

For estimates of postcensal nature, the population base is population counted in the most present census, attuned for censal estimate. It starts with a summarized census collection process description and universe population definition and summarizes with processes used for CNU On the other hand, service base is system of information for managing service processes.