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The consumer behavior child marketing essay

1. Buying behaviorWork on the purchasing behavior of children began in the 50s. It was then to determine the differences between buying process in children and adults. Adult decision-making process is quite complex. He must make his choice based on several factors: cognitive ability, levels of expertise, involvement of procurement, external influences … These decision parameters can be found in children, but it seems less complex and somewhat different. Across the Atlantic, the first application, there are more than forty years, the toy industry concerned with the experimental nursery Fisher Price: kids they used to design products and services for their being. Late 1960s TV revival of research on children. In fact there are more chains so we see the emergence of specialized chain (age, country). This is the appearance of ” Children Television Workshop” which greatly by using children to imagine, design, and optimize programs boost education and research interest in consumption and childlike vision. Ex: Sesame Street (USA), which was exported around the world with great success. We see the same phenomenon later in France with the ” magical garden” and ” Island children.” 2. Links with the socialization of the childa. Evolution of research on the socialization of the child and therefore their consumption patterns. Major advances drive the consumer socialization of children 6 ( * )This timeline shows the different stages of the research performed on the purchasing behavior of children, especially on what the socialized. Even though we know that research on children and behavior began in the late 50s, we note that it has become much more active and accurate from the 70s, where researchers have initiated investigations on the development 7 cognitive ( * ) as well as factors of socialization of the child. b. Socialization factors- ParentsThe result of extensive research 8 ( * ) shows the parents and therefore the family as the main vectors and guardians of socialization. Indeed, from his birth the child lives and develops in a cocoon. It is his parents who taught him to live in society: courtesy, respect, values ​​and everything that constitutes an education. Even if the child remains in contact with other people will consider his family as a model. For children their parents are the best, the most beautiful, the most intelligent. This is the model to which the child will tend, at least until adolescence. In this way may have to consider that it was his parents that the child will learn to live and eat. However, it is true that it grows more and more reality will strike the child. Thus, he realizes that his mother is far from being the most beautiful in the world and that his father does not know everything about everything. Begins to be influenced by the outside. He listens to other people, like it or not their remarks and will then form their own opinion on more subjects. Although the values ​​and beliefs instilled by the family tend to stay anchored to adulthood, the growing child who seeks will increasingly go against his parents. It is here that we find the teenager should be noted that by against this teenager is not always to be rebellious and uncontrollable rejecting any education. It is also during this period that the exchange between parents and their children are more intense. In fact, the child has its own personality, its own desires and will integrate knowledge within their homes and therefore also play a role of tutor to his elders.- SchoolThis is the school that the child will meet more people outside his usual cocoon. This is the school that the child will learn to live effectively in society. The school is there to educate children, provide them knowledge intellectual, physical and civic. In recent years, awareness programs developed for consumption by the public authorities but also and especially by manufacturers trying to enter the school system. This phenomenon known many detractors, particularly in Europe where the school marketing is highly regulated unlike the United States where brands have fully integrated to school. In France, the circular confirms 1976 ” ban commercial practices in the public schools.” However, since 2001 the partnerships and educational materials produced by companies are allowed 9 ( * ). Illustration marketing school in the USA 10 ( * )McDonald’s to counter his critics accused him of being partly responsible for the growing obesity young Americans conducted a national educational program on nutrition. With a color code established by the brand, the brand tries to explain how much to consume and how often: Code green: good to eat every day (chicken, fish, yogurt, salad …)Code Yellow: not more than three times per week (hamburger, egg, whole milk …)Code red: drink exceptionally (candy, ice cream, butter, mayonnaise …)Campbell’s, great brand that produces, among other soups and sauces taught a science lesson where children were asked to make a comparison between Ragu and Prego tomato sauce. The children were asked their opinion, especially observing the texture of the sauce and guess the thicker texture. Coca Cola and Pepsi Co established exclusive contracts with schools. In exchange for equipment, scholarships or money (amounting in general 200 000 to $ 1 million for the region), the institutions undertake to have only local in their vending machines brand partner (and allowing children to consume at any time …)Marketing school is a problem because the school the child seems to be much more vulnerable. For him everything he learned in school is gospel. The fact that the companies merge their education problem because companies do not have absolutely the same values ​​as the education system. The school should be neutral while the value of a business is to stimulate consumption and gain market share. Disseminating educational materials, companies are taking advantage of people’s trust towards the school over the last she had a real legitimacy to teach or less involved in education. By intervening at an early age companies have a much greater influence on their target. The child who is forced to go to school until 16 years can only undergo the education they offer. Most disturbing is probably the fact that the child in this case is a real prey because it has full confidence in what is taught in school.- Peer groupsThe school and the education system therefore, as stated above, has a definite influence on the socialization of children. However this is not the school that we meet his friends? That the bands are formed? When observing a playground or even one remembers this period we see that this place is despite unrest room very organized. It consists of several groups determined primarily by the class, second by sex and by the affinities of each. They do not play the same games. At this stage the consumer is already largely because children will try to adapt to their group and thus consume the same products: fad. Companies must develop products that will become indispensable in the playground. Just a student ” leader” includes a new product and his comrades for a phenomenon like ” snowball” is triggered and sales explode. When they grow a little, these groups still exist but are no longer outstanding games but by appearance. This is the same principle as above but focused on appearance and therefore clothing. It is at this point that the brand is very important. The influence that the group of an individual is very important. To be accepted and to maintain its place in the peer group should mimic the standards established by the opinion leaders or 11 ( * ).- AdvertisingTo speak of consumer socialization it seems impossible to miss the influence of advertising, especially TV commercials. As an adult advertisements are trying to encourage children to eat by selling the dream. Television is the medium that most affects children because it is very accessible early. Be aware that a child sees French between 3600 and 7000 advertisements per year, which can seem overwhelming. American small when them must undergo no less than 40 000. According to the Institute of the child who questioned the mothers on the influence of television advertising on their children, 41% confirmed that their ads resulted kids to eat. In addition, 86% of children surveyed said that TV commercials are the ones they know best and that 73% are those that have the most influence in their desire to purchase 12 ( * ). However do not think that is enough to make an advertisement to effectively influence children. Indeed it must meet certain codes and few rules. Child Development as a CustomerAuthor: Marta Ruiz Marin. Degree and PhD in PsychologyChildren are a target of great interest to professionals and experts in advertising and business development because they pose a primary market, a futures market and market influence. First, from a certain age, children have discrete amounts of their own money to spend on local products such as chewing gum, jelly beans, comics, ice cream or videogames. Thus, despite his young age, children become real customers for certain sectors like the way that adults are for other types of products and services (primary market). Second, children are tomorrow’s market for businesses and interests with the implications that this entails (futures market). Third, many of the family purchasing decisions are guided by the preferences and particulars of children (market influence) (McNeal, 1992). Given this framework, called consumer socialization of children in the process by which children acquire skills, knowledge, and skills relevant to their functioning as consumers in the marketplace (Ward 1974). Briefly, this socialization process would be from which children learn to buy and consume within a given culture. Indeed, the question that seeks to answer in this article is how the child learns to be a consumer? What are the stages through which it passes? We will stop here in two types of determinants in the development of the child as consumer. First try the influence their interaction with the environment and culture in which it is immersed. Secondly, the age of the child itself. In turn, within the environmental factors that influence the development of consumer behavior of children highlights some different sources such as parents, the media or friends. As parents, Carlson and Grossbart (1990) established a classification consists of four types of parenting styles that are authoritarian, democratic, neglectful and permissive. Indeed, parents are closer to the category of democracy followed by those coming under the category of permissiveness which seem to play a more active role in the socialization of children as consumers since the type of interactions that characterize these category includes activities such as buying company of children or seek the opinion of these. Also, when watching TV or any other media which includes advertising claim concerns the type of advertising content to which their children are exposed. Studies have also shown that when parents encourage communication and independence of children, these parents have a greater weight on the socialization of their children as consumers. Against this, it appears that, when parents encourage obedience and respect are the media and the group of friends who exercise more weight on their socialization process as a consumer. But the influence of the family on our development goes further as consumers of children reaching adulthood and is often bought or hired services undertakings for mere family tradition (familiarity heuristic). In addition to his tenure, the influence of the family in consumer behavior is bidirectional and is, as already mentioned at the beginning of the article, children also effectively influence on many of the purchasing decisions of parents. A common example is the purchase by parents of certain technological devices under the guidance and advice of the children. Returning to environmental factors, including the family, the child grows daily exposed to endless commercials on television, road signs, mailbox for home, radio, internet … etc, and that is, as you go through the information society and media advertising finds new ways. However, as the child grows fulfilling years, it is increasingly more critical and also making its way to other sources of information from their reference groups and individuals, especially friendships. Thus, as the birthday boy friends ejerecen more weight on their consumption behavior. Regarding age, McNeal proposes five stages in the development of consumer behavior in children: observation, application, selection, purchase and using separate purchase. Observation. This stage extends to approximately 2 years of age. Here the child begins to become familiar with certain stimuli of consumer items such as some offered for sale or symbols of some brands. Also during this stage the child will learn that the stores are the source of good things for him. Application. From two years to about three and a half years of life, the child begins to ask those products you see and you are interested, but not yet able to order them in the absence of the product since it’s still early for the child to start doing mental representations of objects in their absence. If you see him ask, if you do not see it, not until a few months later when you remember the product and ask. Selection. After three and a half years the child has memories of stimuli can evoke consumer and in the absence of physical products. Also during this stage the child begins to self manage schemes. Grocery shopping help. Approximately from the five and a half years the child acquires the ability to spend and manage their own money. It also asks for permission to buy things from the store. Shopping independently. Around the eight years since the child can shop on its own without help from their parents but also during this phase also develop the ability to convince parents that are able to shop for themselves. Also during this stage children begin to drive strategies of persuasion to convince parents. Another interesting proposal is to Roedder (1999) who defends three stages in the development of children as consumers: Perceptual period (3-7 years). During this period, children show a preference for the immediate and observable. There is a preponderance of the sizes and salience simple and striking objects consumption. Here the child’s preferences are based on a single attribute (eg color). Analytical period (7-11 years). Here preferences and beyond it directly observable and beyond a single attribute. The brands, prices and advertising are terms that children begin to manage within this stage and you are able to take the place of advertisers and merchants evaluating their interests. Also start practicing trading strategies with parents to persuade them to buy. Reflective period (12-16 years). Here, rather than develop new skills during this stage children learned everything perfect before. Modeling of consumer behaviorEarlier, when the market was relatively underdeveloped, the seller could not come to a correct understanding of consumer behavior, based on their daily experience with them. However, as the saturation of the market, with the number of vendors offering almost similar products, the emergence of the specific needs of the adoption of solutions in a business activity ceased to depend on direct contact with customers. The importance of modeling the behavior of buyers. Firm, really make sense of how consumers respond to different characteristics of the product, pricing, marketing arguments, etc., are huge advantages over competitors. The result of the study of consumer behavior is, in the end, the optimization of the range and quality of goods sold. That is why the business world is expended much energy and resources to determine the full range of motivating factors that guide the user in selecting the goods. Depending on which factors are dominant, the following types of models of consumer behavior: the economic, sociological, psychological. Let us consider them in terms of possible practical applications. The economic model is based on the assumption that the buyer is rational and consistent in committed actions. When deciding to purchase buyer is guided by pragmatic considerations, in accordance with the personal ideas of maximum utility and profitability of purchased goods. The most significant factors are the economic model of income buyer, the price of goods, operating costs, etc. In this model, the buyer ” indifferent” to the selection and combination of products that have the same utility. Rejection of one of the goods, for example, when the price is compensated by replacing it with another in increasing numbers. There may be many options for combining quantitative items that are acceptable for the consumer, since they have equal utility. Thus, the behavior of consumers characterized by its own laws, which are not as important for them as for the entrepreneurs in the formation of production and sales promotion. The value of the economic model of argumentation is based on common sense. While this approach is justified in many markets, it is not always explain the behavior of consumers. In particular, there are many examples where the demand for the product is growing, despite the increase in prices. The sociological model is based on the assumption that the main role in purchasing behavior is the social environment that surrounds a person or to which he wanted to belong to. The factors of this model include culture, social class, reference groups, family, social roles and status. Culture is a specific way of organizing human activity and development presented in the products of labor, social standards, spiritual values, the set of relationships of people to nature, to each other and to themselves. Occurring in the field of culture processes – the most important reason for the desires and behavior. This is largely due to the fact that people live and work in a society that makes certain amendments to their behavior. Each of us to teach social values ​​in early childhood. And we are more disposed to accept these values ​​and norms than to run the risk of being rejected or victimized by society. Cultural environment in which we exist, a significant impact on the core values ​​of developing in society, such as the attitude towards risk, personal liberty, the pursuit of success, individualism, progress, etc. Since culture determines the values ​​of society and cultural norms affect the lives of people and their behavior, it is clear that it is important for marketing. Must take into account the slightest shift in the culture, offering the market new products and services. Belonging to a particular social class always has an impact on consumer behavior. Naturally, for the marketing of little use traditional division of society into two classes: the workers and peasants, as well as a layer – the intelligentsia. This approach does not reflect the diversity of the social situation of people. It is necessary to take into account the nature of work and the level of income, and home ownership. Wide enough population differentiation in social status makes it easier to identify the impact on the behavior of buyers in the market. It is clear that the use of the term ” class” is unusual for us, and many can be challenged. But is virtually certain that in Russia there are more and more are isolated from each other by social class of individual consumers. It is true that the ratio of their looks rather sad. Much of the population can be attributed to low-income class, so without a broad program of social assistance is indispensable. The more important to properly and impartially consider consumers in this way, which will clearly identify which products and services can be sold at the market and at what price. Of course, inevitable in such cases, the severe restriction of the range and quality does not cause much excitement (especially in comparison with the well-off sections of the population). However, far more immoral to offer low-income customers that they clearly can not afford, while the absence of what they could produce effective demand. Moreover, it is inefficient and economically. Particularly strong influence on human behavior have multiple reference groups. Is any group of people to influence the position occupied by a man and his behavior. Such groups, formal and informal, are vast. Some, called the primary, are quite small and uniform, so that all their members communicate with each other (for example, personal circle of friends, colleagues, family). Larger and less homogeneous group are secondary. They are more formal. For example, people come together in social and political organizations, unions, parties, movements. Intensified in recent years and the religious movement. Smaller, but have an influence on the behavior of customers, are the various associations – clubs, sports clubs and organizations in the community, etc. Members of the reference groups tend to desire to standardize their way of life and, in particular, the acquisition of goods. It is obvious that the youth is the desire more pronounced than that of people with a certain experience. She tends to react quickly to the opinion of a ” leader” in his informal group, for that matter, and quickly ” overthrow” him from the pedestal. But this does not mean that older people are not under the influence of his environment when choosing clothes, headset, deck, etc. Our studies demonstrate a close relationship between the buyer belonging to a group and its behavior in the market. It is natural that this relationship will increase as the transformation in Russia market seller in a buyer’s market. The strength of the impact of group influence varies depending on the product and its brand, and also tends to increase the importance of your purchase. Product or brand of product may be in this case a status symbol, the buyer – one of the few that have this product. Luxury play this role more often. They are more attractive than everyday products as consumed in public in front of many others, and thus demonstrate the status of the owner. On consumer behavior is greatly influenced by family. There are two types of families: the orientation and guide. The first man gets the orientation with respect to religion, politics, the economy, and in regard to personal ambition, self-esteem and love. Even if a buyer for long interaction with parents, the last significant influence on unconscious behavior of their children. In families where parents continue to live with their adult children, their influence can be decisive. The family guide like spouses and their children have a more direct influence each other in their everyday purchasing behavior. The family is the most important consumer-buying organization of society. So it requires careful consideration. The first step is to evaluate the role and relative influence of the husband, wife, and children involved in buying goods. For example, research has established the following four types of families: with autonomy, where each member receives an equal number of independent decision-making; with her husband in the head, where most decisions are made by the husband; My wife and I headed dominated and identifies possible purchase wife; collegial, where most decisions are made jointly. Also of interest are studies to determine the decision-making role of each member of the family when purchasing specific products. This subsequently helps in the development of product characteristics, the implementation of advertising and sales promotion. So, for example, found that her husband’s opinion is decisive when buying a TV, a car, his wife’s opinion – if you buy a washing machine, carpets, clothes, utensils. Together, as a rule, decisions about buying furniture, choice of holiday destination. This list, of course, is not exhaustive. It turns out that the influence of the family is different and when you buy on the application properties of the same product. According to research, decide on the time of purchase the car had been influenced by her husband in 68% of cases, wives – 3%, and an equal share of the spouses – in 29% of cases. But at the same time, the choice of color of the car her husband was a decisive opinion only 25% of the time, his wife – and in 25%, and together they decided in 50% of cases. The above data were subsequently taken into account in the development of the marketing strategy of the company car. Thus, the decision of the family to buy the goods and depend on the situation, some family members are on the process of influences. When Shakespeare wrote, ” The whole world – theater, and the people in it – the actors,” he noted the fact that people are living, playing the role. Для каждой из них существуют определенные границы приемлемого поведения. Роль заключается в деятельности личности, ожидаемой и выполняемой в отношении окружающих. Каждая роль имеет статус, отражающий степень уважения со стороны общества. Say, a man 40 years old can be a son and a father be to clubs, to be a member of any political party and the director of the company. Interwoven together, these roles are responsible ultimately certain status in society, which naturally affects his needs. Maintaining its particular status, it will bring on the market other requirements than the buyer, who ” plays” the other roles. Thus, in the sociological model of purchase often do not because the need is real, and because they support the social status and position in society. Psychological model considers the effect on consumer behavior factors such as personality type, self-esteem (self-esteem and self-representation), the perception of the external world, life experiences, attitudes and beliefs. The analysis of consumer behavior can be useful knowledge distinctive personality traits, namely, the type of personality. After all, everyone has its specific character, ie certain psychological qualities, which he displays in public settings. So, we know the division of people by type of character on the choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. There are studies that offer other types: a dominant, self, defense, adaptable, diverse, opinionated, social. Be that as it may, in marketing useful to classify personality types and then understand the relationships between them and the preference for a particular product in the market. Further, in practice it is already possible to take into account people’s characters, for example, in the preparation and carrying out various marketing activities. We all have some idea of ​​what we really are, and of what, in our view, others see us. This view, called the real self, directs our behavior. But it often happens that the real self-identity does not coincide with the opinion of others. For example, a man whose hair is turning gray, can be considered a sign of leaving youth, while the surrounding admire his energy and competence. Similarly, people who are overweight, but later dropped the extra pounds, may still consider themselves too fat, despite the fact that other people think the opposite. Under the influence of his real self two people may seek to acquire goods such as diet products, fitness equipment, hair dyes, regardless of whether they need to meet the requirements, which can provide these products from a functional point of view. In fact, these people are looking for psychological satisfaction, due to their real self. Thus, the real self-esteem can be quite strong factor influencing purchase behavior. To effectively meet the needs of the market, you must know the perception of the company and its goods. The overall picture of consumers’ perception of a product is only partially formed under the influence of the physical properties of the latter. Often, psychological or symbolic characteristics of the product more satisfying than its material properties. The challenge is to attract the attention of consumers with the incentive effects that are clear and easy to remember. How many commercials can you remember when the last time you watched TV? Most likely, you remember a few of the huge number. This is an example of selective perception. It is connected with the fact that people, when faced with a large number of stimuli, most of them are eliminated. Of the large number of stimulating effects, we choose those that are something caught our attention. More readily perceived incentives that meet immediate needs, people are expected, as well as those that are quite different from the usual. The presence of the effect of selective perception is taken into account in the work to attract the attention of buyers, for example, the implementation of promotional activities. The fact that the situation is perceived selectively important for marketing and for other reasons. For example, you should be aware that over time, people get used to the changes in the environment. This is one of the reasons why the company from time to time to modify their advertising slogans. What affects our feelings and attract attention today, tomorrow may be ineffective. But when the stimulus is changed to one that is sufficiently different from before, it could once again draw attention. It is important to understand that the perception of the consumer may or may not correspond to reality. He can perceive reality in a distorted way. For example, a man sometimes you want to buy just this, and no other product, though it does have a slight defect. And he buys, convincing themselves and others of the correctness of the choice made. In entrepreneurship is extremely important to know what are the beliefs of buyers in respect of certain goods. These beliefs are expressed in the image (the image of) goods that contribute to their successful sales team. Beliefs and change settings with great difficulty. Firms generally tend to adjust their products to existing attitudes and beliefs. They do not try to change the past. There are, of course, exceptions. But they are associated with high costs. Thus, a detailed analysis of the factors of psychological models is critical to successful marketing activities. They influence the range and quality of products offered, the choice of where to purchase, affordable prices that buyers are willing to pay for the goods, as well as the ways in which you can influence the consumer and win him over.

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