Response Essay, 2 pages (300 words)


Topic – Article Response – China Yawns as U. S. Complains About Auto Tariffs The article here is about the U. S response to the acceleration of tariff on American-made sport utility vehicles and midsize and large cars. The article reinstate that the Chinese government is acting soberly on the complaint of America to The WTO relating to the hike in tariff of automobile and midsized cars. The author states that Obama’s administration has complained to WTO regarding the anti –dumping and anti – subsidy of China has violated up to 22% the free trade rules. According to the article, it was not only United States but even the European Union has responded forcefully regarding the export policy of China on the export of rare earth metals. But the interesting part is that China responded coldly for all this complaints against them.
The Chinese spokesperson Liu Weimin who is a representative of China’s foreign ministry stated that the compromise is a needed element in the trade between two nations. After that Chinese commerce ministry announced that China will handle the situation in align with procedures and rules of W. T. O. The author comments that the primary activity in W. T. O consultation is the bilateral consultation which always fails. And the case is later settled down by trade experts. Here the author is altogether attempting to project on the cold shoulder attitude of Chinese government . China is also not giving a chance to Obama to win the presidential election on the basis of free trade dispute. “ China is trying to avoid making trade issues a big theme of the American presidential election campaign”. Here neither the Chinese government nor the Chinese people are bothered about the complaint of U. S. against the increase in the vehicle tariff
Work Cited
Bradsher, K. (2012). China Yawns as U. S. Complains About Auto Tariffs. In nytimes. Retrieved July 7, 2012, from http://www. nytimes. com/2012/07/07/business/global/china-response-mild-to-us-trade-complaint-on-cars. html? _r= 2&ref= internationaltradeandw orldmarket

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Response'. 27 September.


AssignBuster. (2022, September 27). Response. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/response-response-essay-samples-23/


AssignBuster. 2022. "Response." September 27, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/response-response-essay-samples-23/.

1. AssignBuster. "Response." September 27, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/response-response-essay-samples-23/.


AssignBuster. "Response." September 27, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/response-response-essay-samples-23/.

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"Response." AssignBuster, 27 Sept. 2022, assignbuster.com/response-response-essay-samples-23/.

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