Report, 5 pages (1100 words)

Project report on tumkur milk union

Executive Summary: Dairy Industry in India – an Overview

Dairy enterprise is an important occupation of farmers. In India nearly 70% of the people depend on agriculture. It is the backbone of India. Dairy is linked with the agriculture industry to a large extent. Animal husbandry in India is an essential part of agriculture. It is mainly a rural occupation closely associated with agriculture. In 1965, National Dairy Development Board [NDDB] was set up with the objective of meeting the demand for milk, especially in urban areas, as well as developing the rural economy through the enhancement of the milk production of the country.

In 1970, NDDB took up the “ Operation Flood” program in order to organize milk producers’ co-operative in several places in India taking the Karia district [ANAND] co-operative milk producers union limited [AMUL] of Anand, Gujarat as a model with the above object in view. Company profile: Origin of Tumkur Milk Union Limited:- TUMUL was formed on 30th March 1977 and its funding is restricted to the Tumkur district only. TUMUL was formed about for the welfare and upliftment of the milk producers and to make the milk producers procurement a profitable business by using advancedtechnology.

It is formed mainly for serving customers with better quality milk. TUMUL is situated in Mallasandra which is 11kms away from Tumkur City. It is situated in a rural area, which is outside the jurisdiction of the local authorities such as municipal and co-operation.

Growth and Development of the Organisation

Tumkur is a fast developing industrial town in Karnataka it’s adjacent to Bangalore, about 70kms towards North West of the national highway. The district comprises of 10 taluks with a population of 45 lakhs (2007). The climate is rather dry and the rainfall is normal in the district.

The taluk of Pavagada and Sira face significant water shortages throughout the year. The dairy development activities in the district started in December 1976 under the KDDC with the objective of supporting the nearby urban liquid milk market. A farm cooler 60TLPD was started in 1976 Tumkur as a feeder balancing dairy. The co-operative union of the Tumkur milk producers was registered in the year March 1977. A dairy of 1 lakh liters at Tumkur under the OF (Operation Flood) was commissioned and handed over to the union in 1987.

Design of the Study

Title of the Project

“ Customer satisfaction towards Nandini milk and Awareness, Opinion on Homogenized pure cow milk”

Statement of the Problem

Any product that wants to survive must concentrate on factors like quality, price, package, etc… According to consumer studies has become essential nowadays, that for such perishablefoodproducts to know about their preferences towards the various related aspects of the products. So it has become essential to know the present level of consumer satisfaction to analyze the future demand for the products.

More product awareness has become a potential marketing tool in the global market . Even the software industry is also not free from this area. Well designed more products can create promotional value.

Objectives of the Study

The primary objective is to identify the consumer satisfaction level for Nandini milk and Awareness, opinion on homogenized pure cow milk. An attempt to increase the sales can bear fruit only if the consumers are satisfied with the products and services and they go for the product again or even refer to it to other potential buyers.

Thus evaluating the current consumer satisfaction level is quite necessary for improving sales as well as it provides criteria for future sales plans and to develop the marketing plans of the company.

Scope of the Study

The Study is exclusively conducted for the “ Customers Satisfaction towards Nandini milk and awareness, opinion on Homogenized pure cow milk” in and around the Tumkur City only. It will help to know the factors influencing the customer’s preference about the product and getting their opinion for accepting product

Research Design: Primary Source of Data

Primary data are those collected by the investigator himself for the first time and thus they are original in character, they are collected for a particular purpose. A well-structured questionnaire was personally administrated to the selected sample to collect the primary data.

Secondary Source of Data

Two types of secondary data were collected for the preparation of the project work: -Internal Data was generated from the company’s brochures, manuals and annual reports. -External Data, on the other hand, was generated from magazines, research books, and the internet (websites).

Limitations of the Study

The survey is limited to the potential of areas of Tumkur City only due to the limitation of time. The sample size is confined to 100 due to a lack of time and resources. The study focused on memory recall and there is chance of recall bias. It may have introduced errors in the survey. There is reluctance on the part of respondents.

Findings of the Study

Nandini milk is purchased by many people because they think that it is a product of Karnataka’s farmers efforts. The majority of respondents opt full cream Nandini milk and homogenized pure cow milk to consume every day. In Nandini milk, there are different types of milk like toned Nandini milk, double toned Nandini milk, special Nandini milk, Good life which are presented to the market by TMUKMF to satisfy the different needs of consumers in the best possible ways. The majority of the respondent’s view about Nandini milk’s price is expensive, price was the only major inconvenience about Nandini milk to customers. Few respondents did say that the price is reasonable. Majority of respondents have never witnessed any sort of contamination or unhygienic factors in Nandini milk which proves that people need not have any doubt or fear while using Nandini milk. The majority of respondents are aware of Nandini homogenized pure cow milk but still, 24% are unaware of the product this shows that the company needs to concentrate on its promotional activities.

Suggestions and Recommendations

Conduction of Consumer Awareness Program

  • Need to maintain constant price for products.
  • Adoption of effectiveadvertisementprogramme.
  • Implementation of effective cost controls method.
  • Need to improve in packaging of product.


Nandini milk has got very good distribution channel and it has agents in every part of the city and the brand image is too good. TMU KMF is providing the best quality products. They have understood the needs of consumer and tried their best to fulfill them. I am sure the company will find my findings relevant and I sincerely hope it uses my suggestions enlisted, which I hope will take them miles ahead of the competition. I am sure the company has a very bright future to look forward to and will be a trailblazer in its own right.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Project report on tumkur milk union'. 17 November.


AssignBuster. (2021, November 17). Project report on tumkur milk union. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/project-report-on-tumkur-milk-union/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Project report on tumkur milk union." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/project-report-on-tumkur-milk-union/.

1. AssignBuster. "Project report on tumkur milk union." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/project-report-on-tumkur-milk-union/.


AssignBuster. "Project report on tumkur milk union." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/project-report-on-tumkur-milk-union/.

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"Project report on tumkur milk union." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/project-report-on-tumkur-milk-union/.

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