Report, 3 pages (550 words)

Example of strategic planning analysis report

Strategic planning is a vital component in the sustainability of school systems especially universities. As research shows, these problems are not unique to higher educational facilities only they need to be applied to other forms of business enterprises and nonprofit organizations. External factors like budgetary allocations, reduction in the funding some projects get an increase in tuition fees show the need for strategic planning in a dynamic financial economy. Strategic planning is therefore important if the university or other education facility is to fulfill the point of its existence. For universities and nonprofit organization alike, the need for strategic planning is irreplaceable because it will enable them to examine external factors that influence them and discover ways to flourish under the ever-changing circumstances.
Decision makers in public universities and other nongovernmental, nonprofit organizations, need to use strategic planning to come up with ways to offer quality services instead of focusing more on the quantity of people that they offer their services to. Strategic planning needs to be incorporated in the financial planning of public universities. The main factor that is influencing the quality of education in the States is the financing of the universities. The large amount that the state inputs in the public universities is not reflected by the quality of the services that are provided. Strategic planning could be used to better plan the use of these funds.
Even with the many challenges that face the public universities, something is done right. One of them is the partnership that is fostered between the government and the universities. The introduction of experts in the public universities has helped the student be able to start successful business ventures. Some students that start these ventures are faced with the issue of migration after they complete their schooling. This is where strategic planning comes in handy. It helps the students be able to organize themselves for an easier transition and better allocation of resources.
The two financial issues that face the public universities are, reduced funding, and increased tuition. The management of the universities needs to carry out an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses and the challenges facing the institution to know where to best allocate the available funds. At this point strategic planning is needed by the management to make vital decisions in the allocation of funds. The quality of service that is produced by the public universities is reflective of the reluctance that they have to adopt strategic planning. This has made external changes taking place around the university, adversely affect the quality of education instead of improving it.
The public universities need to adopt strategic planning in order to figure out ways to reduce their dependency on the government funding. Governmental funding has proved to be unreliable and subject to fluctuations which has negatively affected the running of the universities. There is a need to turn to more independent sources of funding like a customer-driven system, which will offer stability to funding. The availability of funds will result in lowered tuition and better quality of services. This strategy should also be adopted by nonprofit organizations, which face a similar problem. Whether the university adopts a business like strategy or not, there is need to adopt a system that removes, its funding from the public domain. Strategic plans are needed by public universities and nonprofit organizations to adapt to external factors for survival and flourishing.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Example of strategic planning analysis report'. 14 November.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "Example of strategic planning analysis report." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/example-of-strategic-planning-analysis-report/.

1. AssignBuster. "Example of strategic planning analysis report." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/example-of-strategic-planning-analysis-report/.


AssignBuster. "Example of strategic planning analysis report." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/example-of-strategic-planning-analysis-report/.

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"Example of strategic planning analysis report." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/example-of-strategic-planning-analysis-report/.

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