Quality Psychology Essay Examples for Your Learning

Abnormal psychology – behaviour that is not socially acceptable assignment

Students' Definitions and Examples of Abnormal Psychology Behaviour that is not socially acceptable Science of learning how biological changes affect personality & behaviour Prolonged or repeated psychological state that is harmful to the individual or others Person with an illness, on medication, deviates from the norm Study of illnesses, mental disorders that the DSM-IV does β†’

Theoretical approaches to identity

He explained identity as a developmental process, as a result of achieving a stable, secure sense of who we are and what we are in the world we exist and share with our community. Social constructionists explain that there are similarities and differences in identity of people belonging to the same group as well as β†’

Pursuit of material wealth essay sample

Skirting some of the issues, the pursuit of material wealth will lead to an endless desire of a particular want and finally, emotional poverty. Therefore, the pursuit of material wealth will lead to an endless desire and eventually emotional poverty.

Unit 8 discussion

One of the reasons why patients fail to adhere to the prescriptions of the doctors is financial constraints. The patients may fail to understand all the instructions given by the doctor leading to inappropriate intake of the medication.

Exploring social psychology

145653 Personality traits that could be heritable, could be known to heart, but not to reasoning and belong to unconscious information arena. 5" Dissoative identity disorder can come as a result of schizophrenia and it can lead to positive and negative symptoms of the mental sickness.

Brave new world conformity assignment

In mimes of sadness and despair, Bernard, Lenin, and Linda each give up a part of their own individuality and ideology, sticking to the conventions of the World State society which consequently adds to their struggle of trying to fit in with the rest of the world. In the very end, Linda suppresses her emotional β†’

Giere’s program for evaluating theoretical hypothesis

In the study, the real world focus is the scarcity of money and how it affects the fluid intelligence of a person under different circumstances. From the study conducted by Mullainathan and Shafir, there is a big effect on the fluid intelligence of an individual when faced with hard problems that are financial in nature.

A controlled evaluation of family behavior therapy in concurrent child neglect and drug abuse

A controlled evaluation of family behavior therapy in concurrent child neglect and drug abuse April 24, A controlled evaluation of family behavior therapy in concurrent child neglect and drug abuse The study's objective and related work in the field The study aimed at evaluating effectiveness of a family-based behavioral therapy on treating mothers who have β†’

Assessment: educational psychology and student assignment

Though, effective assessment should take account of different learning styles, be constant in the method the same practices should be used with all students, by taken consideration of their thoughts, help allocates to assess their own lessons and develop formats for students to be able to assess teachers with sensitivity and share information across departments β†’

Career goals and social change

As being a consultant, I would introduce and encourage the implementation of a multi-cultural environment in the organization. Another key reason behind the implementation of the idea is that, it would provide a broader coverage to the organization in the global market, and it would also minimize the cultural barriers along with better communication opportunities β†’

Role of heredity and environment in shaping human personality

The relative significance of the contributions the environmental and heredity in the development of personality depend on several factors. Similarly, the growth and development of personality is an outcome of both heredity and environment.

Cognitive psychology definition paper assignment

Cognitive Psychology Definition Paper Tiffany Barbieri PSY/360 Kelly Carroll 8/2/2010 Out of the many branches of psychology, cognitive psychology is the " branch of psychology that studies mental processes". Ulric Neisser played a major role in the development of cognitive psychology when he published his first, and most influential, of his books: Cognitive Psychology in β†’

Career assessment

George will be made to appreciate the transition period he is undergoing between his last job and the career path that he will decide to take. George will be enabled to go past the exploration phase and overcome his fears in order to settle on a decision.

Analysis of helping behaviors

Several aids were given to the natives before and after the disaster. They were backed up by other government agencies and nonprofit organizations in providing aid to the victims.

Human development

Fulfillment of needs is the path of elevation whereas circumventing the grief situations is the path of challenge in human development. Experience of the Self in this trajectory is Actualization.

Journal-grief and loss

In reality, I came to understand that there is no difference between the two grievers, what makes it different, is how people view the relationships and treat it differently from the way they would a franchised relationship. Just as I came to realize that there needs to be equality in gender related issues, so should β†’

Gardners theory and childrens artwork

He used lines and a big rectangular for the face, little ovals for eyes, and triangles for ears. She drew a pencil sketch of trucks on road and two kids standing on the footpath.

Article review

The Incredible X-chromosome The main idea in the article is highlighting the superiority of the X chromosome in males than in females. The X gene in males is stronger than that in females due to the strong genes from their father and the Y chromosome factor.

Theoretical analysis for criminal justice

The third principle of the theory of routine activity lays down three indispensable situations for crime to be committed. Additionally, crime rates are normally relational to the number of enthused offenders, such as adolescents and unemployed persons, in the populace.

Experiment for self-reference

The first group of individuals was between the ages of 19 29 years old, which were comprised of 18 females with the mean age equaling 21. 5 yrs and 12 males with the mean age of 21.

Videogames as the thesis explicitly

Children find it amusing and entertaining, thereby they are encouraging market of the videogame, but children do not have the wisdom to check the game rating and content and therefore author wants that parents should use their wisdom to guide their wards. What tone has the author set and how did they establish that tone?

Reliability and validity in human services reseach

Discriminant validity and convergent validity, as well as external validity are all indicators of the value of a test, and should be considered when evaluating any research in human services or otherwise. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the Perceived Social Competence Scale are examples of data collection instruments that may be used in a β†’


Therefore, the purpose and objective of this paper is to highlight and contemplate the importance of motivation in the field of education as highly motivated students make up the future of a nation. Understanding student differences is cited as a highly important strategy for the teachers by Felder and Brent also who claim that regardless β†’

In-person interview tips

The scripted response often gets easily identified and nullifies the chances for success, so the response should be made on the spot and should be natural. Instead, the candidate should maintain a positive approach and be cool, calm and confident.

Categorical perception-discrimination

This is because perceptual discrimination comes from excitation of the neural system. When this part of the brain receives certain stimuli continually it is able to eventually distinguish the difference in certain closely related stimuli.

Psychological and neuropsychological tests

Brief summary of the article you located for this assignment Kaplan and Sacuzzo in their book " Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications and Issues" discuss the different types of psychological tests like the intelligence tests, neuropsychological tests among others and how their validity and reliability can be determined on top of explaining how they are conducted β†’

Social psychology paper assignment

The Dialogue also says " we do not need none of your people in the defense line" Gerry referring to " your people" is categorizing the team players as black and labels them as the " other". Involves uniting the two black and white races so they come together and form a friendship, how they β†’

Many people have learned to dislike a food after eating it and falling ill

The case has it that such individuals depict avoidance reaction whenever exposed to such food having experienced negative reaction in their first encounter. In this case, the mind is triggered to revisit the past experience and causes the body to respond involuntarily producing the same result.

Dissociative identity disorder and social psychology

It is important to discover gender differences in perceptions of different real life dilemmas, which may help us to understand why men and women have a tendency of reporting different types of disassociated identity disorders, and real life dilemmas. It was noted that contrary to the expectation none of the relations between guilt, shame, and β†’

Personal statement example

However, it is known that even the smallest action such as a single flapping of a butterfly's wings has the ability to initiate a cyclone and in my life, this butterfly came in disguise of the young child I mentioned before". She smiled confidently during the performance and this stimulated me and made me realise β†’

Concept of learning

The concept of learning has much to do with the interaction of information or experiences and how it is manifested in the subjects' actions. They are said to have learnt the subject, conversely, performance requires one to have both cognitive and motor skills in the subject and to apply the concept learned in a more β†’

Understanding empathy

Ability to recognize items in my friend's bag is because of a reflexive action that experience with the items triggered. The theory is more direct to my activity two observation in which a person's action triggered other people to emulate the action.

Making a decision

According to Baumeistyer, availability heuristic is the tendency to predetermine the likelihood of an event depending on the ease with which other instances which are relevant to the current one come to mind. According to Ruscio, an individual can use the availability heuristic of shark attacks when he or she is choosing a vacation destination.

Cognitive psychology

Dual-process models provide accounts of how individuals process information in a quick-and-dirty manner, how they process information when willing and having the ability to engage in critical thinking, and conditions that enhance effortful processing. According to Adler & Rips, it is more likely for an individual to arrive at wrong conclusions if an individual fails β†’

Healthy grief

In this stage, he confronts the reality and inevitability of the loss and his helplessness to change it. However, in the end, he knows that it will be for his and everyone's benefit.

A psychological perspective ,,,,study plan

Theoretical perceptions on nature versus nurture underpin that philosophers have discussed that cognitive patterns and behaviour of the individuals are developed from social, environmental, political, and economical impacts around them. Fritz Perls has proposed Gestalt psychology, according to which human personality develops with the combination of nurture and nature attributes.

Optimal aging in late adulthood

All these changes have been attributed to changes in the chemical, functional and structural composition of the neurocognitive part of the brain. The loss of the fatty layers and oil glands is a physical condition that causes the skin to become less elastic, delicate and wrinkled.

Lifespan development in early childhood

The development of a child's learning to use the language is also a significant process in this stage because language is a dominant means in enhancing the cognitive skills. It is therefore important to emphasize the significance of quality emotional attachment early in a child's life because it serves as a powerful model in that β†’

Healthy growth

Adulthood is considered as the last stage of human development. Adulthood is divided into early adulthood and late adulthood and each of the development stage has its unique characteristics.

Topic: validity and its influence

Construct validity is the reliability or the trustworthiness of the scale to test a theoretical concept while content validity refers to testing of the actual elements in a study using a specific instrument. This implies that the use of different sale scores affects the content validity of the instruments which in turn influences construct validity.

Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder assignment

The frontal leucotomy was proposed as a potential treatment for schizophrenia because, by creating lesions in the frontal cortex, abnormal activity, presumably originating in this region, would be prevented from spreading to Other areas of the brain, which could worsen the symptoms of the disease. The thinking is that this could be a critical period β†’

Hanging bad study habits to good study habits

In order to achieve this, I will make sure that I read on the topics to be taught before the lesson starts. If I find myself doing the same, I will take a punishment of not listening to music in the evening and utilize the time to skim on the topics to be taught latter.

Dexter’s character analysis

One that is only seen with the eye and the other that is hidden behind his conscious, known as by him, his " Dark ****." The one person to ever come close to Dexter and understand this other side of him was his adopted dad Harry. Although Harry is the only person who knew of β†’

Piagets four stages of cognitive development

Therefore, the child developed two perceptions of the pet fish; the first is the existence of the fish and the second is that it was alive. However, the child was unaware of the feelings that its father attached to the presence of the fish.

Article analysis

Study 2 presented the same situation to the children though the experimenter's goal in case two was to investigate whether the children could identify the dysfunctional objects to be thrown away. The study on paternalistic helping in children revealed the ability of children at this age to reason and makes the appropriate choice towards helping β†’

Spirtual belief

Thoughts of end of life make me to wonder the rationale of our existence if we are destined to die and vanish off the face of earth. Religion also helps in enhancing relief from the anxieties and fears that people succumb to because of the fears of the unknown.

Precognitive dream interpretation

An example of such kind of dreams is when Andrea dreams of her aunts death particular of a road accident, and it precisely turns out to be so in the following day. This is a psychic kind of a dream because after the idea it turns out an exact outcome and of the same reason β†’

The challenge of cultural relativism

Challenge of Cultural Relativism The Challenge of Cultural Relativismpresents both arguments of cultural relativism. For instance, British drivers drive on the left side of the road while it is the custom of American drivers to drive on the right side of the road.

Psychology-victims of crime

Exposure to Verbal Violence Here s Here Exposure to Verbal Violence Verbal abuse is often considered to be a featureof emotional and/or psychological violence. While the perpetration of verbal violence offers a possible avenue of study, we will instead focus exclusively on the exposure to this form of abuse.

Critical issues

Psychological Debriefing The need for critical intervention after a traumatic event occurring to a victim is usually sustained by the risk of onset of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and similar conditions in the victim. From the research indicated, it is evident that post traumatic psychological debriefing is more harmful that beneficial to the survivor or β†’

Perspective paper

Differences and Similarities in Themes Nature/Nurture Psychoanalytic theories generally believe that nature drives human development, while learning and ecological systems theories maintained that the environment, and not biology, controls human development. Learning theories showed that the environment is the most important aspect of human development.

Intelligence, thought, emotion, motivation

Thoughts start reflecting on the matter of any incoming circumstances, as in such way human intelligence explains to itself what is going on and why is it happening, which is a crucial thing for intelligence. The point is that most of the time people try to reflect on this world in order to understand it.

Do video games impede adolescents cognitive development

Violent video games are proved to cause deviations in adolescents' behavior as a result of desensitization and stereotyping. Depending on a type of a game and a time of playing games can have different impact on adolescents.

Leaderships nature and prerequisites for development

Wherever he goes, whoever he is with and whatever the events would be, a leader is one who always has the initiative to help others, look out to the attention of other people's needs and not result to abuse of power and status to profit for himself. Justice is always in the hands of a β†’

Social psychology through histories past present and future assignment

The common misconception is that when anima comes up in a group conversation, people who are unexposed to the subject automatically assume that it is Hinted or that it is just another cartoon. These two groups of people, the Jewish and the Anima fan, where both in their own elements and shunned for who they β†’

Mutlicultural competency

Such severe attitudes are costly and given the role that governments have of protecting the lives of its populace, the conflicts would accelerate to dire levels. We do not have control on the people we interact with, should situations warrant it that I am to share audience with people of varied cultural backgrounds; it would β†’

Planning next step/journal activity

I would also meet some professionals in my field of choice, and would ask them to suggest me about which school would be best for me. They also told me about the web links of many graduate schools so that I may be able to visit the websites and collect all required information.

A therapy model in

A therapy Model in Study A therapy Model in Study Dynamics of the Lowndes family The dynamics of the Lowndes family can be best explained using experiential therapy model. One of the potential benefits of using experiential family therapy in solving Lowndes family case is that it allows the therapist to observe each of the β†’

Just deserts essay sample

However, accepting that a crime has been committed, the first problem with this approach is, who is to judge the severity of the crime, the victim as the judge is likely to consider the crime more horrendous than a friend or like minded companion of the criminal would, and an " unbiased" Judge is likely β†’


Running Head: DEPRESSION Summary of the article: Cognitive Therapy for Depression Summary of the article: Cognitive Therapy for Depression Feeling sad or low is not anything new. Cognitive therapy helps a person to overcome the cause of the depression.

Carl rogers: humanistic psychology assignment

From this understanding, the therapist helps turn the attention of the client on to the experience of the moment. All existentialists focus on the importance of the self existing and being aware of this existence, or in relation to Rogers's definition, the perception of the self.

Psychology as storytelling

It served a number of important functions: amelioration of fears, communication of vital information, the satisfaction of a sense of order, the development of the ability to hypothesize, predict and introduce theories and so on. The relationship between the structure and functioning of our mind, the structure and modes of operation of our brain and β†’

Psychotherapy assignment

A training in psychotherapy is also part of residency in psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine the title of those professionals is consultant for psychiatry and psychotherapy and consultant for psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy. In Italy, the Concession Act restricts the practice of psychotherapy to graduates in psychology or medicine who have completed a four-year postgraduate course β†’

The developing of other criteria

The trainees are likely to apply some of the ideas and findings from different researchers. Psychology as a profession may be improved by some of the ideas got from the research findings.

Crime and schizophrenia assignment

The major problem that is portrayed in the Eleanor and Walters study is how ' delinquency, violence and hazardousness are connected with one of the disorders schizophrenia' and how this illness can cause someone to cause a criminal act that will lead them into receiving a criminal charge. The main findings in this article are β†’

Developmental psychology assignment

The transition from a farmer to a doctor is a very interesting part of the Yorkers contribution to psychology. Environment plays a crucial role in the development of a person's personality, and there is evidence to suggest that a person's personality rarely changes.

Later adulthood is characterised by a gradual, inevitable loss

The memory is the ability to access information in the mind relating to past experiences and events. They also analyse the distinction between episodic memory; the memory of specific events experienced by the individual, and semantic memory; knowledge and the way incoming information and previous knowledge interact in language comprehension and problem solving.

Stan case study: psychology essay sample

Stan talks about being helped as a kid by someone who cared about him and he wants to pass on this altruistic gesture; demonstrating an innate awareness the Adlerian principals of " social interest" as it relates to living on the " useful side of life" and " to see with the eyes of another, β†’

Positive psychology essay sample

Traditional psychology appeared to explain the development of mental disorders and provided a framework for the treatment of these disorders or emotional difficulties. 1-The study of positive emotions and how to develop them more fully.

Research paper on memory

The codes are classified into three categories depending on the nature of the information received; acoustic code, that deals with the encoding of sounds, visual code and semantic code, which is a general presentation of the information. The information in the sensory memory is held briefly, but long enough to trigger an impression after which β†’


Evolutionary Psychology Meta theory is a concept that analyses the methods, structure and properties of another theory usually referred to as the object theory. Evolutionary theory can be used as a meta theory for a unified psychology because as asserted by Buss evolutionary theory explains the process of natural selection that is applicable to any β†’

Types of roommates

The three most common roommates are the quiet type, the fun-loving party roommate and the dependent roommate. People have different behaviors and preferences, and these determine the type of roommates one is likely to encounter.

Mission statement

I endeavor to see myself in the next sixty years as an individual that can comfortably say like Paul in the Bible that ' I have fought a good fight, I have kept the faith'. In so doing, I will have made a step towards readiness to equip and impart knowledge to the young generation, β†’

Cognitive disorders

Disorders in cognition affect the process of learning, the functionality of memory, as well as the consciousness. Causes of cognitive disorders from a typical disorder to another, with most damages entailing damage of the portions of the memory of the brain.

Understanding memory from beginning to end

Understanding Memory form Beginning to End Understanding Memory from Beginning to End Submission) Understanding Memory from Beginning to End Memory is the mental capacity of the brain to retain and retrieve information as a result of learning or experiences. If events are repeated or rehearsed in the sensory memory stage, the more chance of it β†’

Impact of family and work on an individual

The health of an individual is also put at stake as stress among these women becomes a daily thing as they try to cope with balancing of both domestic and work issues. Both their physical and emotional well being is affected as a result of continuous exposure to the stress brought about by work and β†’

Psychological disorder

In Bateman A.W.& Tyrer P.'Psychological Trement for Personality Disorders' Advances in Psychiatric Treatment.2004. In Bateman A.W.& Tyrer P.'Psychological Trement for Personality Disorders' Advances in Psychiatric Treatment.2004.

Discussion question

According to Goodwin, the main disadvantage of classification is that, in its own, classification does not provide solution to the issue, there have to be administration of more treatment and work. The other disadvantage shows that classification cannot show the main cause of the illness, or the way the person arrived at the mental state β†’

Assignment 3: article analysis

It describes that the complete set of instruction manual is known as genome and that half of it is inherited from the mother and the other half from our fathers. The issue of parental choice is common in India and some other countries in the Asian region and that sex selective abortion is likely to β†’

The effects of divorce on children

With such gravity of the consequences of marital conflicts, teenagers must be given value and a lot of understanding within their family and institutions they are into. A lot of resources and studies were made in order to use such a delicate time towards the development of each and every child.

Six main perspectives in psychology

The psychology of health care: A humanistic perspective. The social psychology of aging: A cognitive perspective.

Week two

Many parts of the world are entering an age of exponential increase in the old-age population, creating the need to account for mass retirement and support concerns. A comparison and contrast of perceptions toward the elderly in Japanese and American societies may allow for insight into the future faced by the aging population.

Need to know

With money, We can go to any schools, any universities we like to further our knowledge.- I think money is just the important thing in our life. In addition, when we have a lot of money without knowledge, then our life is not really meaningful.

Culture latinos

A counselor's role in Ana's case would be to help her have care and compassion for herself and expect it significantly from others. Question four I would help Ana to cope in a better way with her husband's abusive manners.

Conformity in fahrenheit assignment

In the culture that Montage lives in, it is expected in everyone to participate in the civilization's entertainment sources: mindless television, the " shell", and violent games. Whenever citizens are off the parlor walls, they listen to the " shell" which is based on the same concept of the parlor walls: to limit thoughts.

Case assessment

Relationship between Gamma Waves and Language Relationship between Gamma Waves and Language Scientists studying the brains of children have discovered that the strength of their brain waves could determine their language ability. The researchers should have investigated children from families that have language problems and those with good language history and measure their level of β†’

Auditory functions

In such models, it is either implicitly assumed that when a listener is comparing the pitches of the two sounds, the pitch of the two tones if first extracted, and the two pitches are later compared. The second factor which creates variability is the understanding of sound in speech derivers from the person speaking.

Exercise physiology assignment

Oxygen debt is the amount of oxygen needed to refill what is lost and to get muscles back to normal 4. Which type of muscle fibers would you expect to predominate in the large leg muscles of someone who excels at endurance and activities such as cycling or long distance running? A.

In my day by russell baker

The stream of thought becomes more subjective when he presents his realizations after meeting his mother and wished to respect his past when he says, " These hopeless end-of-the-line visits with my mother made me wish I had not thrown off my own past so carelessly." The dominant impression is formed with care as he β†’

Health psychology

According to world health organization health is the state which one is stable, he is thinking upright and is undergoing his day to day activities normally. Snooks, M, 2009.

How can perceptions shape imaginative thought

Creativity and imaginative thoughts can be said to be similar in a number of ways where a majority of researchers have discovered that imaginative individuals tend to be more depressed as compared to the general population due to their perception of different situations they may be experiencing. Those who perceive the world around them in β†’

Endocrine system physiology assignment

Column A Column B _E___ term used to describe a solution that has a lower concentration of solutes compared to another solution ___G__ term used to describe a solution that has a higher concentration of solutes compared to another solution ___A__ the movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of β†’

Reinforcement theory

Lastly, rewards can enable the employees to have confidence and trust in the management and organization as a whole. Discussion 2 Equity Theory and Organizational Justice can also be a useful theory if applied in the management of a work force.

Breastfeeding vs. bottle feeding

Contrary to the mentioned views of individuals who are for bottle- feeding, breast feeding provides infants with the vital nutrients essential for survival especially the provision of antibodies, which defend against infections, prevent allergies and protect the infant from several chronic conditions. From the above discussion, the pros and cons of breastfeeding versus bottle-feeding are β†’