Quality Psychology Essay Examples for Your Learning

Reaction 10

Emotional Intelligence School Even though emotional intelligence may not seem like a real intelligence, because emotions arevery ambivalent and it is difficult to estimate them, still in many cases the ability to analyze human emotions helps people to predict others' actions and define what kind of personalities they deal with; hence, emotional intelligence is a β†’

Behavior of smoking and the social implications that contributed to encouraging this behavior

Assignment 4 Example 2 During the of my research I came across an interesting paper that discussed the increasingly common behavior of smoking and the social implications that contributed to encouraging this behavior. Moving towards what really appealed to me regarding this research was the fact that it examines the social interaction between non smokers β†’

Historical perspective of abnormal psychology assignment

Historical Perspective of Abnormal Psychology DeVonne Peeples University of Phoenix July 19, 2010 The study of the mind and behavior is the core or basic concept to the school of psychology. Brief History of Abnormal Psychology Hippocrates of Cos, a Greek physician who lived on an island called Cos, off the coast of present day β†’

How does the brain work

This video is one of the many that explore the mystery of information processing by the brain. Since the human brain does not see everything around it and the fact that the entire world around the human brain is full of stimuli, relativity is used to construct pictures of how things are like.

Solution-focused therapy

The Solution Focused therapy developed by Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg, and their team in the mid-1980s is a short-term and a goal-focused therapy which helps in bringing about a change in the client by building solutions and not by concentrating on the problem. Thus this therapy looks at the problem in a positive β†’

What is attachment in childhood and why is it important

In the second stage, after the infant and the mother have adjusted to the new environment, a stranger gets into the room and joins them. In the third stage, the mother exits the room and the baby is left solely with the stranger.

In triggered by my heart or mind;

In the long run, manyteachers, professors, or psychologists are dedicated to having examined this ideaof happiness, proclaiming that the concept of happiness is mental. I completely immersed myself in thisbreathtaking scenery, forgetting the passing of time.

Understand psychology

Forensic Psychology is the study of criminal behavior, treatment and all that these types of crimes entail-it can be classified as the psychological principles to legal issues. Developmental Psychology can be specifically researched as the study and effects of developmental delays in human growth.

Written 2

Through his research, he was able to determine that children exhibited a number of behaviors that were designed to provide contact with the caregiver; and these behaviors ranged from those that encouraged interaction, to those that were aversive when not attended to and those that were used actively by the child to come closer to β†’

Review of

Answers to Waking Life/Inception Questions The films " Waking Life" and " Inception" both provide us with the examples of how conditional the border between the dream and the real life is, and this is also because of the matter of consciousunconscious things. There is also a person in the end of the film very β†’

Personality psychology

Personality Psychology The young man who came to Vienna to learn visual arts in the waning days of the Austro-Hungarian empire and had to stay in jam packed hostels of the city, learned his oratorical skills and got the political awareness that later mesmerized his audience from the same city. Social cognitive theory in this β†’

Cognitive science and behavior analysis: operant conditioning

In his understanding of behavior, he conducted research using the Skinner box that held a small animal with various keys that an animal would press to obtain a reward. Using a rat as the experiment object in a Skinner box, he set the generic nature of the concept of stimulus and response in the analysis β†’

Freud’s theory of id, ego, superego

Freud suggested that around the age of 5, the superego starts to develop. The main reason for this is because most of Freud's researches are based on case study.

Wa # 3

In addition, a permissive parent appeals to his or her child through the use of reason and does not limit the child in exploring the world. The model acts as a way of understanding and examining the cognitive development of children.

Video summary

Video Summary Video Summary The video talks about psychology and how it can help us understand thought processes and personality of human beings. The video discusses 5 approaches or perspective of psychology namely biological approach, psychodynamic approach, behavioral approach, cognitive, and humanistic approach.

Lateralization of the brain

Here Here Here Here Lateralization of the Brain A recent study by Marc Schmidt investigatesthe role of lateralization in the brain as it relates to information processing systems. The specialization of brain hemispheres occurs in many areas, showing that the brain is not just a combination of two redundant systems.

A psychological perspective

My experience with treatment for flu has been a good learning in terms of taking control of my health and following the health practitioner's advice. If the doctor had mentioned that I had viral infection and explained how it affects my health and the treatment process, I would have understood the reason he asked me β†’

Running head: comparison of theorists

Adler was the first psychologist to mention that the order in which you were born would shape your personality. He had three archetypes that he spoke on the anima which is the feminine side of the male, and the animus is the masculine side of female.

Career planning paper

I will put in effort to make sure I attain a mean grade A as it is the required qualification to pursue health psychology. My major role as a health psychologist in nutrition is to educate an individual on the importance of having the various nutrients especially macronutrients and how they help in preventing diseases.

Abnormal psychology assignment

Three of these are the psychodrama perspective, the humanistic perspective and the cognitive behavior perspective. The phallic stage is one of the most important stages in which the focus of the libido is on the genitals.

Etiology of eating disorders

The main arguments that the author is making are.[Determine the main arguments the author makes to support their position.] The author says that the eating disorders were not common in the early days and only prevailed in the late 1960s. Cultural influence is more common in females than in males and is a major cause β†’

Brain imaging

Energy consumption of the brain in children is higher than that of adults because the brain gobbles more glucose when the body experiences slow growth. In which part of the brain has a stroke patient experienced a disruption of blood flow?


Besides the Big Five, what other personality traits are relevant to OB? 1. Generations in the age of 65+: They are do Hard working, conservative, conforming; loyalty to the organization 2.

Pyschological and sociological theoretical explanations of suicide

Psychological and Sociological Theoretical Explanations of Suicide Sigmund Freud explained the psychological theories of suicide." To him, suicide was essentially within the mind". The hopelessness theory also well defines the psychological aspect of suicide which, according to Beck's concept of the cognitive triad, makes a person think negatively about himself, his future and the world β†’

Positive psychology in the workplace

It is a key foundation in the workplace and is heavily depended on you as the employee. It also can be applied to your job, as it helps you when performing tasks that you may not be familiar with or seem as a challenge to you.

Spiritual formation essay sample

Using Piaget's theory and relating it to the spiritual formation of a person through the lifecycle I will illustrate my theory of this the spiritual formation thru the life cycle. In the infancy stage of spirituality, the new " infant" or seeker, is at the beginning of a spiritual journey.

Forming researc questions

The variables under study are: The knowledge exhibited by the women from the Miami Beach area towards female condoms used as a means of prevention of STIs The likelihood of use of female condoms exhibited by the women from the Miami Beach area in an attempt to prevent STIs This research question will provide data β†’

Sports psychology

Here the research focuses on how the sports people relate with their fiancees and other people close in their life. Another bigger issue is their goal setting, here the research entails learning how the sports people are focused in life and what they are set to achieve in life and how this relates with the β†’

Body image

The notion of sexuality and looking or appearing like the models in the commercial is of a great significance to the adolescents. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/204643852? accountid= 45049 This article investigates the major challenges relating to body image that affects self-image of adolescent boys and girls.

Working with ocd- the case of majorie

According to Freeman, the key element of OCD is the occurrence of recurrent thoughts that are accompanied by the urge of compulsion and inability to resist them. She cleans the house thoroughly several times in a week, washes her clothes on a daily basis and cleans her hand 20-30 times a day.

Report on partaking in an “acts of kindness” intervention

To measure my levels of subjective happiness and satisfaction with life both pre- and post-intervention, I completed the Subjective Happiness Scale and the Satisfaction with Life Scale the day before commencing, and the day after completing, the intervention. The desired outcome of this one-week intervention was for me to feel happier and more satisfied with β†’

Descriptive statistics

Descriptive Statistics Descriptive Statistics refers to the field of analysing data that helps in the or summary of data in a meaningful way. 1 When there is a lot of data to be presented, descriptive statistics can be used to enhance simpler interpretation of the data as suggested by the study of Kim and Kang β†’

Classroom behaviour, language competence, and the acceptance of children with down syndrome by their mainstream peers

Here Here Here Here Children With Downs Syndrome Article Summary The article of interest was the result of an experiment by Glynis Laws and colleagues and investigates the impact of classroom behavior and language abilities on peer acceptance of children with Down syndrome. The authors imply that this study arose as a result of the β†’


The aim of the study is to explored the plot and analyze the meaning based on the said field of study.1. The Group's Dynamics Due to the fact that the group composed of the 12 men needed to agree on a single point of view or decision, there is usually a battle of thoughts and β†’

Self-psychology case study essay sample

My parents constantly assured me that there was nothing that I could not do as long as I focused myself on doing it and because of that I eventually played the role of the achiever. My performance in class continued to decline as I concentrated on my training until it came to the point that β†’

Psychology theories

This therapy will begin by one person out of the family being referred for therapy, but it can lead to other members of the family being brought into the equation and requiring a referral for therapy too. The therapist needs to win the trust of the family and gain support as they need it.

One current event reaction statement pertaining to psychology in the news

The results of the survey suggest that these cases of suicidal attempts are very common to ages 6 to 12 and 12 to 18. Further, it is also during this stage that children develops the attitude of differing to any instructions and they become disobedient to any commands be it coming from their parents, elders β†’

Beck’s depression inventory

Main items include an individual's behavior in relation to weight loss, changes in the image of the body, changes in sleep and appetite, and sexual desires. The latest version of Beck's Depression Inventory contains many revised items, like one item that tapped work difficulty, was replaced by a statement about the loss of energy.

Risk factor’s of a specific population

In this respects, I chose to study the risk factors of people with disability in substance abuse. In this regard, it is necessary to keep off from substance abuse to fit properly in the society and reduce the chances of falling victims of mental disability References: Hassiotis, A, Hall, I.& Barron, D.

Using the dsm-iv global assessment of relational functioning

Couple or family therapy encompasses openness amid the patient and the practitioner, so that the latter may be able to elicit the predicament effectively. If the predicament is the focus of the treatment, its recording should in Axis I, and if otherwise, the allocation is in Axis IV.

Jungian psychology

To understand the poem ' Ode on Melancholy' by Keats' in terms of Jungian's psychology, an understanding of the essence of the poem and the essentials of Jung is warranted. The overarching goal of Jungian psychology is the reconciliation of the life of the individual with the world of the supra-personal archetypes.

Contemplative psychotherapy

In essence, the naturopathic psychotherapy avoid conventional methods and often rely on alternative treatment approaches that seek to restore the intrinsic healing power in a patient through diet, supplements, and herbal cures. In conclusion, the various forms of contemplative psychotherapy indicate that human beings are more than mortal bodies, but also have mind and soul β†’

Article review

The Purpose of the Study The primary objective of the study was to assess the effect of practice on concurrent driving and phone conversation. In real world scenario, the impact of cell phone conversation on driving performance was highly significant.

Motivation and personality

Crash Psychology: Motivation and Personality al Affiliation Crash Psychology: The Power of Motivation " In the episode, Crash Course Psychology: The Power of Motivation, a story of Aaron Ralston tells about feeling motivated and the psychological reasons that enable one feel motivated. In order to reach the right level of arousal or the urge, which β†’

Marijuana use in students

However, since it is not as safe as it is believed to be, as per the results of the latest research, consumption of marijuana leads the smokers to a range of other addictive substances. Such a mindset makes the idea of using marijuana quite appealing for the students, especially because of the traditional perception that β†’

Research article review

The goal of the current research was to compare incidence of false memories resulting from suggestive interviews involving forced fabrication with those involving exposure to misleading suggestions by the interviewer. For some false event questions Pp forced to generate the response which is considered a force fabrication condition.

Personality psychology

Personality The set of psychological traits and mechanisms within the individual that are organized and relatively enduring and that influence their interactions with and adaptations to, the environment. Within the Individual The important sources of personality reside within the individual that is, people carry the sources of their personality inside themselves and hence are stable β†’

Eating disorder

Therefore, he started dieting and doing a lot of physical exercises due to which his body weight became less than the weight of a healthy person. Response to Second Discussion This discussion is also more on explaining the symptoms of and complications of both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

Branches of psychology

Community Psychology Community Psychology is the study of the psychological aspects of the individuals in a community. Example - Community Psychology Community psychology studies the psychology of individuals and the dynamics in a community.

Case study: john nash and paranoid schizophrenia assignment

Statistically speaking, the earlier the diagnosis, the better the outcome in the long run, but here in Queensland there is only one registered Early Psychosis Centre, it is located at the University of Queensland, SST Lucia campus. There is has been a shift in mentality towards the treatment of schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.

Etiological factors/psychoanalytic theory

Cultural pressures and ego deficiencies and social expectations of drug abuse can lure the young adults to drug abuse. Drug abuse and delinquent behaviors is a complex social problem where genetic and biological factors lead to emergence of drug abuse among young adults.

Alder’s birth order theory: a case study on the kardashian sisters

According to Alfred Alder, the first born child is the center of attention, but only when they are the only child in the family. The first-born is also expected to be the responsible, intellectually mature one, and the one to set the example.

Endocrine system case study assignment

I would expect cortisol to be secreted in large amounts in the man's blood. Cortisol can counteract the body's insulin, which is used to maintain blood sugar levels.

Teen risky behavior:

The level of education on sex and drug from the parents largely influences the risky behavior. The Identification and Prevention of Middle Childhood precursors of Risky Sexual Behavior.

Product critique lab

Coca-Cola-a product critique Coca cola Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft beverage sold in restaurants, stores, and vending machines in America and throughout the world. The product is manufactured by The Coca-Cola Company in Georgia.

Student and teacher interaction: questions

The age of a student and teacher, group size and frequency of interactions are three basic variables used in this research. The research will help to improve various aspects of student teacher interaction through variability of dependent and independent variables.

Transformative encounters essay sample

We settled into the chairs and I began the interview: Gesh: Elaine- thank you for accommodating me and fitting me into your tight schedule Elaine: Gesh: I have been trying to get this appointment for a long time. Elaine: You have to and we have very strong people in the medical profession and I think β†’

Unit 1 epidemiology

Epidemiology and the Study of Biostatistics Epidemiology is the study of diseases in a population and biostatistics is the branch of statistic that deals with facts related to medical and health applications. Epidemiology supports biostatistics in that it provides statistics through describing disease patterns in a defined population, and provides data necessary for the administration, β†’


Finally, design bias is the type of bias in which the researcher or researchers set up the experiment or test in a way that fundamentally leads to the results to be represented in a biased manner as a function of the fact that an unprejudiced result is not guaranteed by the faulty design. This is β†’

Reaction 8

For example, in front of my family, I may not feel as embarrassed as I would in front of colleagues or strangers. Therefore, it could mean that embarrassment is linked to the individual perception of self and others in a social context.

Learning principles

By being appreciated for conversing in a language that is not foul, Billy will be motivated to stop using the language. This will reduce the chances of Billy to use foul language.

Advantage of the powerful weakness

Getting to lead the youth in the church, in some of the activities, was an honor. However, problems came as a result of failure to understand many of the peers in the group.

Spider essay – thoreau

The spider is able to create the world he wants to live in, with the only limitations being the capacity of it's imagination. His world is only limited by his imagination which is one of the traits Thoreau admires most in life and strives to follow the spiders unconscious philosophy on life.

Measuring job satisfaction

One such instrument was developed by Judge, Boudreau, and Bretz and aims to assess overall job satisfaction in key areas of the organization. This instrument would be a great place for the consultant assigned to Walden Sports to begin his analysis related to the factor currently impeding job satisfaction and motivation at the company.

Dsm-iv evaluation

The objective of DSM-IV is to impart clear descriptions of diagnostic categories in order to enable clinicians and investigators to diagnose, communicate about, study and treat people with a variety of mental disorders; however, the clinical and scientific considerations involved in the categorization of such mental disorders may not totally be pertinent to legal judgments β†’

Observation on 3-4 years old

In full view of the child, the water from one container was poured into a thinner and taller container. In full view of the child, one of the dough masses was rolled out on the surface of the table into what resembled a long snake.

Classical and operant conditioning case study assignment

This tested the hypothesis that rewarding good posture and punishing bad posture is an effective way to Improve the girl's posture. If she managed to have good posture for the majority of the hour, she received a check mark for the hour.

Sigmund frued’s theory

His character results in his isolation from the social scene and he persistently maintains poor relationships, even when he thinks his actions and choice of words are right. 4 An example of regression in the case study is the habit of Hank eating and smoking to relieve his stress.

Internet-based psychological interventions

One of the most suitable ways to construct such Internet intervention is creating a website which team would deal with people who need psychological help in determining themselves, for example, analyzing of their personalities, mental traumas, fears and fetishisms, preferences and talents. Creators of such an Internet intervention should register the service as it is β†’

A review of the 2013 paper by tochilovsky, arnold, and baker on gender and ethical differences in children’s behavior

The study's goals are certainly ambitious, as not only did the authors investigate the impact of ineffective discipline, single parenthood, parent involvement, social support and parent support on pre-schoolers' behavioural issues, they also meant to determine whether and to what extent child gender and ethnicity interfered with the effects of the aforementioned variables on children's β†’

The thin red line

As the reader gets a sense of the characters looks, personalities and thoughts, the persons in the story only get to see each other from the outside. Denise's thoughts of the two indicates the dramatic irony in the story, because we as readers know that Berto is the naive and innocent one, while the nameless β†’

Educational psychology

I would also make a point of engaging in creative activates myself to show students that teachers value creativity. For example, when students are writing a creative short story, I might give them several opportunities to get my feedback, and perhaps the feedback of their peers, before they turn in a final product.


This principle enables individuals to process a reduced number of stimuli in order to perceive an object; for example, an individual is able to tell what a partially obstructed object is from the few shapes they are able to see. Individuals are able to fill in the gaps of partially construed objects in order to β†’

Mod reflection journals

Module Reflection Journal In the first module, one component that I consider to be very important and applicable in everyday life is the relationship between businesses and customers. Other people may argue that the cost will be high thus affecting the profitability of the business.

Self and identity

On the practical level, it can be said that there are two main selves for every individual; one is referred to as the perceived self, and the other the presenting self. In other words, the presenting self is the way we want others to view us.

Understanding & living with schizophrenia assignment

The variance of negative and positive symptoms is attributed to the different types of Schizophrenia. It is still not fully understood the specific causes of Schizophrenia as it cannot be proven to be attributed to a single factor, however, a combination of many factors that lead to the diagnosis of this disorder.

Hsco 500 db2 replies

That said, the Golden Rule, Mathew 7: 12, which states, " So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets," to be the guiding idea on the topic. The Golden Rule, Mathew 7: 12, states, " So whatever you wish that others β†’

Adult lifespan development

The crisis is due to the various challenges in life that affect a person. In physical development, there are biological and physical changes in the body in terms of hearing and seeing, which start to decline at this stage.

Reaction paper on movie

Rebel without a cause A 1955 American drama film directed by Nicholas Ray, ' rebel without a cause' portrays the lives of emotionally unstable and confused suburban teens. From the film, a majority of the teenagers cut across as delinquents, bullies, and lack respect for their parents.

Lying as a part of human life by ericsson

Group thinking is destructive because most of the time individuals participate in-group decision making to fit in to the social group. The Christian description of salvation as presented by the boys' aunt gives the boy the idea of what to expect in his salvation process.

Orgasmic disorders

May Orgasmic Disorders Orgasmic dysfunction is the of the condition in which an individual is not able to reach orgasm while he/she is sexually stimulated. To diagnose the orgasmic disorders, the therapist refers to the medical and psychological history of the patient to know the duration since the problem has existed, and to identify whether β†’

Describe four ways to improve one’s health

How to Improve our Health To deal with health problems means that we have to decrease the level of stress by solving theproblem that we are encountering. One can cope with relaxation by learning on how to decrease the muscle tensions.

Emotions as ways of knowing

In the next three sections, we look at: 1.emotions as an obstacle to knowledge 2.emotions as a source of knowledge 3.intuition Emotions as an obstacle to knowledge Since emotions are an integral part of our mental lives, they are likely to influence the way we see and think about the world. When we discussed the β†’

Nature versus nurture

Nature versus Nurture From the beginning of this essay, I believe the best place to refer to is the bible for what it says about the human being nature as well as how development plays a part inside the life of an individual. When we refer to the bible to know more about human nature β†’

How adlerian art therapy can impact sexual abuse and assault

It is important that the therapist understands the different meanings behind the patient's artwork and knows how to direct a session yet let the survivor be in charge to a point. The making of the artwork can be " a holistic snapshot of the survivor for the therapist...and a...therapeutic moment for the survivor to experience".

Project leadership skills

The director, who was the projects leader, was also producing the film and was at the forefront of the leadership team. The first phase of the project was to employ all the relevant cast and crew needed to complete the project.

Risk-taking behavior among adolescents

Much of the influence to take part in risk taking behaviors comes from peers, parents and even brain development. Mothers Against Drunk Driving say that as a parent to a teenager, they should keep track of their teens and determine a level of respect.

Burrhus frederic skinner

Burrhus Frederic Skinner According to Lefrancois p86), radical behaviorism is defined as a " theory that looks at the actual behavior of organisms in the context of the definable and observable conditions that precede the behavior rather than on testing formal theories". In other words, radical behaviorism is a theory that looks at the organism's β†’

Piaget and his theory

In understanding the patterns of cognitive development in infants and children, and how families and teachers affect their development, the contributions of Jean Piaget hold a very significant importance. Six month old Michelle has built the schema of grabbing an object and thrusting it into the mouth.

Important qualities for human service workers

The main goal of human service workers is to enhance a person's well being. To conclude, empathy, trust and a non judgemental attitude are important qualities that human service workers must possess in order to be successful at reaching their goal of helping others.


The results of many of the studies suggest that homework can improve students' scores on the class tests... It is spot on that the homework can assist students to be familiar with the fact that learning can take place at home as well as at school...


Statistical Report The study here is conducted to see whether the time a child spends in watching TV back home has any visible relationship with the time the child has spent napping at his preschool. Here under this correlation study has been done to verify if there is any possible relationship of a child spending β†’

Psychodynamic theories brochure essay sample

While there is next few years, the ego develops, which Freud not one specific definition, it is accurate to considered the strongest part of one's personality.say that one's individual perception con- As children learn ethical and moral rules from par- cerning the self and the world around ents, role models, etc, the superego develops them β†’