Quality Psychology Essay Examples for Your Learning

Vygotsky’s approach to children development

It develops and improves the mental processes of a child because it allows him to coordinate the mental and physical systems of one's development. It is also needed to improve the social activities of the child.

Abnormal psychology and therapy paper final assignment

This method of treatment is directly related to behavior, and it uses an operant response and a reinforcement to change the probability of a behavior or response occurring to a specific event. Marital therapy is a variant of family therapy and souses on a couple or an individual of the couple.

Loneliness symptoms in college students

The article contains very useful information that the college counselors can avail to improve the quality and effectiveness of their counseling services over the depressed college students in particular and outside the college in general. Thirdly, I chose this article because it contains very interesting and useful information about the effects of animal-assisted therapy on β†’

Social psychology in the new millennium assignment

Cognitive Perspective: Social psychology is the field that studies both social behavior and social thought. Multicultural Perspective: the field of Social Psychology has adopted an increasingly multicultural perspective, an approach that pays careful attention to the rate of culture and human diversity as factors that influences social behavior and social thought.

Prenatal development

The development of various systems in the body influences the development of the fetus and determines the likelihood that it will grow to maturity. The embryonic stage of development begins from the 2nd to the 8th week, a phase when the fetus develops three regions known as the ectoderm, the mesoderm and the endoderm.

Psychophysiological analysis of multidimensional structure of brightness perception in normal and altered states of consciousness

The Dynamic Structure of Consciousness Number) June 29, (Faculty The Dynamic Structure of Consciousness The essay talks about multidimensional structure of brightness perception in a dynamic structure of consciousness. The study as presented by the essay purposes to verify 2-dimentional model of brightness perception and proving the Sokolovian Vector psychophysiology approach paradigm all in attempts β†’

George kelly – theory of personal constructs

This paper will present the revelation of history from the perspectives of George Kelly who developed and shared the theory of personal constructs. The authors of the article attempt to incorporate Kelly's theory of personal construct into marketing and selling of products.

Thought journal

What particularly interests me, nevertheless, is the section that has guided me to a series of introspection as I examine ' the way I am' in the light of understanding the manner by which I engage with my community. Due to this ' modified self' in the community, I observe that having to put bounds β†’

Human psychology and products of nature

If a child in its early years is adopted by its adoptive parents, but the child radiates a different level of intelligence and resemblance, it can be attributed to the genetic influence. This can be construed as a strong indication of the genetic influence on the physical development of the child.

How psychology developed

How Psychology Developed Psychology The Scientific Study of Behavior and Mental Processes. Psychology comes from two Greek words." Psyche = Soul, and " Logos = the Study of a Subject Psychology became a Scientific Discipline In 1870's The Contributions of Wundt and Hall Philosophy + Physiology = Psychology Wilhelm Wundt i.

Usc personal statement

When I lived in Hong Kong I did not pay attention to my English, and afterwards it became the biggest obstacle for me to adapt to the American culture. I hope that University of Southern California will give me the opportunity to achieve my academic goals.

Therapeutic treatment from a psychotherapist

Therapeutic approach for client-centered therapist This type of treatment will involve the client talking to a therapist, and he or she tries to understand his feeling and this helps the client feel safer and find what possible ways to minimize the phobia. Client-centered therapy works according to three fundamental ideologies that the therapist is congruent β†’

Psycho iv: the beginning

Some may venture to argue that it is nature, but despite the possibilities of him have inherited his mother's genes, this was not the direct reason for his change of behaviour. This disorder is manifested in Norman because, after the death of his mother, he begins to behave like her, and even goes to the β†’

Psychological testing and assessment

Further insight is that the Likert scale is an efficient means of measurement as it enables test takers to make a quick and usually correct ranking of their abilities. In future when involved in the psychological measurement of clients, one should consider interviewing and case history data as basic assessment tools.


Formative and Summative measurement of the of the Formative and Summative measurement Introduction Teachers employ various methods to increase the results and understanding of the student in a class room. Conclusion Formative measurement provides teachers a clear idea on the strengths and weaknesses of students.


Framework of schedules of reinforcement in sports betting Schedules of reinforcement are especially important in the learning process when dealing with operant conditioning. Gambling in the context of classical conditioning Basically, classical conditioning is learning by association.

The milgram experiment

The Milgram Experiment Outline Topic: The Milgram experiment I) The experiment A) Who was involved with the experiment? It consisted of two people who were aware of what was happening, one called the " experimenter, the person in charge of managing the experiment, and another called, " the victim.

Learning personality theories

One of the main advantages of learning these personality theories is the creation of an individual's external environment, and how they might relate to it. Personality theories assist an individual to know about the tendencies of another person, with regards to a given situation.

Contrasting perceptions

As the kids were running after the ball, I imagined that the movement of their feet, which resembled hockey sticks, signified the search for togetherness, compassion and happiness. The evening sun rays from the West gave sparkling outlook of the pitch signifying the beauty of the Mother Nature.

Psychology research ethics problems

In light of revelations, the researcher exposes the entire study to some level of inaccuracy since the respondents alter their responses, as a human being inherently condition themselves to behave in a certain manner to stimuli. McLeod argues that it is allowed to alter the respondents' perception on the procedure but not in a material β†’

Problem of absenteeism at abc inc

The pay and motivation controversy worries the dispute over the use of pay and reinforcement to motivate people's performance and interest. The research on the indicates that pay can be used to increase motivation and performance on tasks that are of low initial interest.

Humanistic theory and trait theory comparison essay sample

The Trait Theory includes five factors that are used to examine a person's personality in terms of Agreeableness, Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extroversion/introversion, and Neuroticism. The theory also examines how a person's personality affects their choices, experiences, and the development of their skills.


This relationship is vital to note when planning on the methods and instructions of how employees will learn in the workplace. Some of the learning methods for adults in the workplace are coaching, workshops and practical lessons.


Explain Freud's view of conflict and describe how defense mechanism operant.proposed that the ego distorts reality in an effort to protect itself from anxiety. The 6 defense mechanism are repression: in psychoanalytic theory, the basic defense mechanism that banishes anxiety-arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories from consciousness an example is.

19th century

This discussion will consider the explanation of the theory of unconscious and its application in human life. According to the theory of unconscious, internal changes, such as imagination and memory affects the nervous system in human beings.

Organized threat

The process of smuggling provides an influence on the economy of the country and people's welfare and health. What is the globalization of organized crime and how serious is the threat?

The social work skills

My classmates help me do the homework in coordination and groups. The most external factors affecting my life include religion and culture.

Stereotypes and heuristics

Heuristics are a major component of the framework that supports human perception as they allow for the optimization of mental multitasking by reducing the amount of information that needs to be processed. The most basic and impactful way in which we can mitigate the negative impact of heuristic biases is to be consciously aware of β†’

Week 6: forensic assessment of adults ii

According to Skeem and Mulvey, psychopathy as a factor had the most association to violence as compared to other risk factors. A logistic model used to test incremental validity of psychopathy with a checklist as a screening version came in handy in predicting the violence.

Schizophrenia-attitudes about reality

By extracting the answers from a group of ten people the measure of the disorder or the degree of schizophrenic thinking in them is known. The following is a set of statements, the instrument which is given as a questionnaire to participants who participated in the survey.

Health psychology

HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY It is the study of behavioral and psychological processes in healthcare, health and illness. The World Health Organization, in a broader sense in 1946 defined health as " a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".

Characteristics of effective treatment programs

Firstly, Career Academy establishment is a multifaceted and integrated approach because it links students with teachers and the community in a disciplined environment that promotes labor market success, emotional and health, and academic success. The academies are also set up in rural and suburban settings The academy is a school within an institution in which β†’

Persuasion and cognitive dissonance

Persuasion is said to have occurred when the behaviour or thoughts of an individual influences the behaviour of another. Self-affirmation is a psychological theory with the premise that people are motivated to maintain the integrity of the self with an aim of protecting the image of its self-integrity and morality.

Resilience and the family (web 3)

Resilience and the Family The specific research examines a number of family resilience factors. Black indicated that, " Family resilience is the successful coping of family members under adversity that enables them to flourish with warmth, support, and cohesion".

Discussion 6

Prosocial Behaviour Vs Literature on Aggression Comparison between Prosocial Behaviour and Literature of Aggression Summary of McCullough and Colleagues Materials The human body is believed to be functioning under the control of various processes within the body. Hence, in the case of prosocial, the move is positive as the aim is to help another person.

Are leaders made or born: a critique of great manand trait theories assignment

As such it is easy to understand why it was Burns concluded that, " Leadership is one of the most observed and least understood phenomena on the earth." Among the many debates still raging after 2500 years is the question " Are leaders born or made"; this assignment intends to further contribute to that debate β†’

Essay on therapeutic effects of ultrasound in the treatment of a soft tissue injury on tennis

A literature review was conducted using the databases such as MEDLINE, Proquest, Pubmed and Cinah and key words used in the research included, words such as ultrasound, therapeutic ultrasound, tennis elbow, lateral epicondylitis, thermal effects of ultrasound, nonthermal effects of ultrasound and biological effects of ultrasound. Therapeutic effect ultrasound in tennis elbow and the method β†’

Domestic terrorism vs. international terrorism

Terrorism Number Discussion Question Introduction While terrorism is simply defined as the systematic use of violence and kidnapping as instruments of coercion and perpetration of fear, in order to achieve religious, ideological and political goals, terrorism mainly targets and disregards the safety of civilians. Evaluation Criteria for Discussion Question Response The insistence on domestic terrorism β†’

Transcription service for forensic psychiatry essay sample

Two main areas of criminal assessments in forensic psychiatry: Mental State during the Offense and Competency to stand the Trial. Medical transcription service for forensic psychiatry helps individual, physicians, and health centers transcribe the mental illness of the patient.

Wa # 4

The role of family and friends in strengthening the adolescent's definition of his own self is immensely important. All said and done, these risk areas need to be properly understood in order to justify how well early adulthood is and how it will be the basis of prosperity in the years to come.

Find a peer-reviewed article on a psychological disorder

The treatment goals in the case of PTSD pertain to reducing the severity of symptoms, decreasing the functional impairment owing to PTSD, avoiding relapse, and bettering the overall quality of life of the patients. Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with acutestress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder.

My dream world

Even if I got the spot I would have to compete just to keep it. The way I am going to overcome my barriers is hard work, persistence, and patience.

Human behavior

Tests are common gauge or barometer to determine a student's understanding of a subject being taught. Tests are also used to determine the aptitude of a student.

Imagine you have been abandoned in the middle

Step one is to deliver the sound stimulus to the receptors in the brain. The receptors then change this from pressure change into electrical signals leading to the final step, in which the electrical signals are processed to indicate qualities of the source of the sound including things such as pitch, timbre and location.

Designing a toy

A hideaway tent is like the paradise for the preschoolers to play A hideaway tent is for fun and imagination. By spending their time in the tent, the children get a sense of ownership and learn how to maintain their play area in and outside the tent.

The psychology of the child: grammatical errors

Before analyzing any situation it is necessary that the behaviorist knows the background of the particular person, the history must be clearly known to the behaviorist so that he can properly identify the reason of the problem. According to the reinforcement theory of motivation presented by Skinner, the behavior of the person has a direct β†’

Ap psych. frq homework

Shape constancy refers to the tendency of perceiving the shape of a solid object as being constant the differences in the angle of viewing and subsequently shape of the image projected on the retina of perceiver notwithstanding. Size constancy is the tendency of perceiving the size of an object familiar to the perceiver as being β†’

Considering musical censorship

In order to reach my end goals, I will continue to put in the effort that is needed and I will continue to identify the things that I know I need to improve. The book The Ed Sullivan Show and the Sounds of the Sixties, by Ian Inglis, describes attempts to censor musical performances on β†’

Respond to post on the effects of personnel selection

Response to posts on the effect of personnel selection March 13, Response to posts on the effect of personnel selection Response to Shelia's post I wish to expand your post by explaining a legal implication of job evaluation. The post should have therefore extended to state such an example of the implications and not just β†’


The video where Alaska native Liz speaks about the possibility of changing the racial discrimination by talking about this problem is really inspirational and brings up a concern of the discriminated people, their feelings, and their emotional state. And even if the signs dont exist anymore, still the Natives remember them and feel insulted, because β†’

How i keep my feelings in bondage

The other thing that has been keeping me from expressing my displeasure has been the fear of causing emotional pain to those individuals. Thus this has been a significant hindrance whenever I think of expressing my displeasure.

Watch a movie and answer 3 questions

In the documentary " Stress, Portrait of a Killer", Robert Sapolsky, presents physiological and psychological impacts of stress. Taking a nap usually relieves much of the pressure from stress and refreshes my brain.

Exploration of a professional journal article in psychology

the the the The paper by Galanakis, Galanopoulou and Stalikas looks closely into the findings of asurvey conducted among 2775 Greek professionals to determine whether overall positive emotions decrease strain levels, and whether gender, age, profession, smoking habits, residence, tenure, medical history, role in organization, and trait optimism, affect this relationship. Measuring tools used were β†’

Company motivational profile paper

Motivational Strategies s Motivational Strategies Primarily, the goal of every organization is to be as productive as possible and increase its returns. This includes the employees being encouraged to seek new ideas and to be given a favorable medium to promote them.

Conformity assignment

In one of her scenes she strongly says " l want to be Like everyone else" what she's Implying by that Is she has Identified with the idea that her physical appearance is grotesque and abnormal. She acknowledged the idea that her face is the " ugly' face to have been born with by perceiving β†’

Introductory lectures on psycho analysis

Now, however, I must draw your attention to the decisive difference between the symptoms of the ' actual' neuroses and those of the psychoneuroses, the first group of which, the transference neuroses, have occupied us so much hitherto. In both cases, the symptoms originate from the libido and are thus abnormal employments of it, substitutive β†’

Stages of sleep and rem sleep assignment

Stage 1 sleep Stage 1 sleep is experienced as falling to sleep and is a transition stage between wake and sleep. Stage 2 sleep Stage 2 sleep follows stage 1 sleep and is the baseline of sleep.

Functionalism and conflict theory

An example of functionalism at work is if a person has a way of thinking or behaviors that are false or negative, the functionalist can help them become a better person by countering these assumptions with positive and helpful ones." Structural functionalism views society as a functionally integrated system that holds an equilibrium, while conflict β†’

Neuroticism in the us sitcom friends

He is in a state of depression whenever he thinks of approaching her, and this is the reason why he failed to express his emotions. The act of Ross being unable to approach Rachel all is evident that he has a trait of neuroticism.

Behaviorism and cognitive psychology assignment

The Positivist School C] Psychologist starts to understand and predict humans behavior Instead of studying 0 They searched to find the principles of human learning by checking the behavior of animals, under exactly defined conditions. Perception: Is the organization of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment.

Applied behaviour analysis – behaviour change project (introduction & discussion/conclusion only)

Measure The goal was to increase the number of going to the gym and it was measured on a weekly basis. Examination of the baseline data after two weeks suggested that the participant did not go to the gym usually because the bad weather conditions and the laziness to take a twenty minute-walk to the β†’

Psychology: nature versus nurture

Discussion One of the most intriguing topics on the subject of human emotions and their nature and origins are the experiments performed by Harry F, Harlow in the late 1950s to prove that more that biological imperatives and inborn instincts controlled the motivations for emotional expression. That is simply not the reality of the world; β†’

Math solutions

In this case, the problem is the identification of the ambiguity of the statement, which is identified when the statement fails to transmit a straightforward message. The graph presented in this question is wrong since it misleads the reader and does not present concise information.

The preference for thin and fat female figures

The results of the tests indicated that children preferred thin female figures to fat and average female figures. The results of the tests indicate that the children believed that thin is good compared to fat and that they would rather indulge themselves with the thin female figures.

Diversity in family counseling

The interpersonal skills need for a multicultural therapy session for couples and families must include, ability to identify clues in the culture/s of the clients to decide upon how to present the issues to them, the ability to identify culturally defined " treatment goals", the ability to identify culturally defined notions of health and a β†’

Solution-focused therapy paper

Solution-Focused Therapy Solution-Focused Therapy Solution-Focused Therapy and Narrative Therapy Solution-focused therapy and narrative therapy entails a goal-directed collaborative methodology to psychotherapeutic change, which is usually conducted through observation of the patients' responses and a series of constructed questions. Therapist Role In as much as the role of the therapist is to see the patient more β†’

Reflection paper on scenario 2-millie and maxmax

On scenario of Max I consider he is being considerate, putting the situation that he is ready to take full responsibility of Millie and the child. The couple can make arrangement and employ a nanny who can take care of the baby while Millie is in school.

Social psychology research: bias and ethics

The professional main results were that outcomes support the authors two-dimensional conceptualization of client positioning. The professional used two aspects only; mind-set and activities and confident that the outcomes obtained strengthened the two-dimensional conceptualization of client positioning.

Overview of the article take time to listen by diane cole

In addition to the informative scope of the article, it is effective its content that identifies the significance of a problem and offers a solution. Consequently, the author is informative and is an agent of change for effective listening and communication.

Current event 2

In which case, the misrepresentation of women worsens the situation of gender inequality within the families. A perfect scenario of the impact of gender misrepresentation is in the case of women-headed families.

Social and cultural influences on behavior

This image of the Muslims is portrayed by the media and the media is continuously pushing the thought that all Muslims are terrorists and just on the basis of certain events such as 9/11 for which the individuals living in Arab nations were held responsible. This kind of discrimination is regarded as stereotyping and slowly β†’

Raising adults

As a function of this a far better means of approaching the situation that requires attention would be to explore the determinants behind the behavior; thereby providing a possible means of growth and development on the part of the child. As a result of this breakdown in communication and action, and copper poses that the β†’

Conformity and obediance in β€˜schindler’s list’ assignment

To be able to stand up and overpower the protected fraternally he grew up admass, Is utterly Inspiring and encourages us to not always take the role of the sheep but to assume the role of the Sheppard and develop our own ideas instead of merely trusting the charismatic leader of the age. On the β†’

Person-situation interaction

This way can be illustrated by the following example: in the big office there are a lot of people and everyone wants to be the manager, but not everyone can be a leader and sometimes the circumstances are more significant than the persons will. The Person and the Situation: Perspectives of Social Psychology.

You decide)

In the following discourse, the importance of dialogue in terms of human interaction in the perspective of centre for healing and racism is discussed. In this kind of system, the point of concern is the extent to which this kind of racism infiltrates our society.

Lab 1

In the first condition, subjects were to use the "" keys, as well as the " m" and "/" keys to expand the dynamic circle until it had twice the diameter of the static circle. In the second treatment, the same process occurred except that the subjects had to make the right circle cover twice β†’


The research of Rollo May on the topic of existentialism and its essence which I have recently read perfectly reveals the origin and the sense of this important direction of the new thinking and defines what existentialism is and what it is not. Rollo May uses approach of analysis of what this is which characterizes β†’

The development of temperment

Kagan's Theory of Temperament Temperament is a manifestation of early childhood development and is highly affected by customized and un-customized environment. Jerome Kagan's theory of temperament has chiefly focused anxiety and fear in children and his research has disclosed two main kinds of temperament trends in Children Inhibited temperament Uninhibited temperament Inhibited temperament or extremely β†’

Math project

This formula was further advanced by the Archimedes, who lived in the island of Sicily. It is speculated that the are a of the circle in which King Solomons temple was built was calculated by taking 3times the square of its radius by the Babylonians.

Topic: the survey

The researchers presented the information about the candidates to the research participants and later manipulated through electoral posters in such a way that the research participants saw the pictures of candidates along with a compilation of policy statements. The use of the Internet in psychological research: comparison of online and offline questionnaires.

Professional psychology organizations

The standards for professional psychologists have been expressly defined in the American Psychological Association ethics and code of conduct which specifies the minimum requirements for a professional psychologist. It is critical for professional psychologists to be involved with " The Society for Military Psychology.

The apa ethical principles for psychologists and code of conduct

The APA Ethical Principles for Psychologists and Code of Conduct: Cultural Sensitivity and Diversity is the code culturally encapsulated and biased? The APA Ethical Principles for Psychologists and Code of Conduct: Cultural Sensitivity and Diversity is the code culturally encapsulated and biased?

Is peronality determined by nature or nurture

By nurture experience, knowledge, upbringing, education and all that is received and/or achieved by an individual through his or her life with the influence of environment and other people in such individual, is meant. So considering all above mentioned it is possible to admit that with this kind of question there is only one kind β†’

Self-improvement project

STAGES OF CHANGE I have been aware of my need to change something in the way I eat and consume food and drinks, because of the many inputs I have been getting from family, friends and my own readings regarding the ill effects of some of the processed food I am taking in. The chart β†’

Psychology and grammar

For example, we can see that children often try to do things like the elders did. They also may not think about the dangers or mistakes also when they try to imitate others.

Anti social behaviour

These factors are also considered to be a few of the inevitable causes of ASB amid the youth population. Aim of the Research The aim of this research will be to identify and evaluate the causes that act as the major drivers of ASB incidents in the UK committed by the youth.

Personal reflection

First of all, my achievements concerning the course are engaged not only with the vast amount of knowledge that I have managed to retrieve from the course material, but also with the credits that I have got from my teacher. The reason why I use the words " managed to" in the context of this β†’

Managing classroom challenge

As the relationships between a teacher and students might affect the latters' willingness to learn and comply with the rules, it is important to develop implement an instructional strategy based on this point. The strategy of reinforcing effort is based on behaviorist learning theories and helps develop the understanding of relations between efforts and achievements.

Biological and psychological basis of learning and memory

Learning and Memory Learning and Memory Memory can be referred to as the procedure by which information is first en d, stored and then retrieved when need be in psychological terms. Information can be stored by an individual without them necessarily understanding the meaning of the information they have stored and thus it cannot be β†’

Job satisfaction calling and life satisfaction: it’s not about having it, it’s about living it

The authors provided several definitions for calling that included a job that is done to help others and provides personal meaning to the person who is doing the job, a job that was destined by God or a higher power that brought personal satisfaction to an individual that serves a larger purpose, or a job β†’

A memorable assignment

After researching more on the issue, I was enlightened by the idea that there was hope for her to be able to learn the English language. In the essay Helen was a blind and deaf child who faced everyday struggles due to her condition.

Group essay

I believe that our group showed all of the characteristics of a healthy group, and if I had to do future group work I would most definitely choose to work with that group again. I was in a group with Sonny and I believe that he took the leadership role within the group.

Week 4 psy individuality

There is a consistent pattern in the individual's life that point to the same direction. In mental health, the goal is realistic and is of general importance to the society, for example a scientific discovery.

Leader-managers essay sample

Managers must understand that it is cheaper to develop a good employee than to spend money hiring one and that, and that good employees are as valuable and hard to replace as a loyal customer. Managers need to understand the needs of the employees and know how to satisfy all level of needs as, if β†’

Assessing the impact of trauma

It is a three-paged report and analysis of the clients case thus I think this is a recommended approach such as in Jessies case. The last page is devoted to the behavioral reactions and the assessment whether these reactions are detrimental or beneficial to the client.