Quality Psychology Essay Examples for Your Learning

Article review on research methods and sex differences, personality and cculture

Sample data is used in the experiment of sex differences, personality and culture. The article is able to establish statistically that a relationship exists between sex differences and personality.

Analysis of “letter from a birmingham jail” by martin luther king

This is one example of how King uses metaphor to compare " smothering in an airtight cage of poverty" to the poverty of what African-Americans had to face. The intended effect it had on the reader is to get them to sympathize with his struggle of having to tell his daughter that she could not →

Narration of my life experiences that i consider significant in shaping my worldview

As a very shy and anxious child, the gym and the sport of gymnastics were my refuge and some relief from my anxiety, as I absolutely loved the sport and excelled in it. I can only hope I will be a cultural asset to my culture and to the culture of others.

Introduction to personality paper 1

INTRODUCTION TO PERSONALITY PAPER 3 Optimism follows the avenue of an overall positive mentality and the belief that a fully joyful and complete human existence is within the human grasp. In the end, the goal of Costa and McCrae was to define human personality development entirely through the use of environmental factors.

Understanding personalities

Finally, the test concluded that I have a propensity to be more alive/healthy, which resulted in a high score for Vital. The results of the MOTIV personality assessment have given me a better insight into who I am as a person and I can use it to improve my relations with people in my life, →

Sample essay on socrates

The literary pieces which will be used are the ' Republic' and ' Menon' by Plato, the monologue the ' Apology', the painting ' The Death of Socrates' by Jacques-Louis David and the written piece of Nietzsche Friedrich ' The problem of Socrates'. This is the point on which Nietzsche comes and gives another idea →

Personality theories

Furthermore the essay discusses the relationship between personality and job performance and the relationship between personality andmotivation. It is suggested that personality is the term used to describe the overall combination of characteristics or traits that reflect the nature of a person and the way they react to and interact with others.

Good example of essay on borderline personality disorder

The condition is further characterized by the impairment of some parts of the brain. Research shows that limbic structures of the brain are responsible for the regulation of emotions, and the cortex is in charge of the modulation of the limbic region.

Dollard & pavlov case study personality psy

The way that he reduces this primary drive is he begins to take classes in college in order to advance further in the restaurant industry. This helped to motivate Jack in making his decision to take the classes, probably because it made him feel younger, and gave him a greater sense of accomplishment when he →

Example of reading #4: darley and batson article review

The study involved an examination of the influences of several personality and situational variables on assisting behavior in an emergency situation as the one depicted by the parable of the Good Samaritan. Studies in the last four decades did not reveal personality determinants of helping behavior, personality variables were not predictive of helping either nor →

Personality types and groups creative writing examples

Lastly, I will encourage each of the group members on the importance of keeping time to the meetings and the need to exercise seriousness in all that entails the group. Apart from the analytical personality, there are other three personalities which include the amiable personality, the expressive personality and the driver personality.

Personality traits of effective leader

The basic objective of selection is to determine the skills, abilities, and other attributes a person needs to perform the job, then to find the best " fit". All in all if the information is not very outrageous like drug use or things of that like the applicant deserves a fair chance to be able →

True colors: carolyn kalil’s personality assessment

This test appeals more to the blue and gold personalities. This test appeals more to the green and orange personalities.

Keirsey temperament report essay example

However, I have been tentative to take the personality test due to the fact that I had a phobia for such tests since I previously believed its results to have a broad application in psychology only. By upholding my personal code of ethics I have always been acting in good conscience and longed for the →

Overview of the ghost ship warehouse fire case

Michela ended up getting trapped inside of the building along with patrons and invitees because of the unsafe circumstances and the configuration of the warehouse. Under the California law the city breached its duties, and the city had a duty to investigate and to protect the public and warn the dangers of the building through →

Robert marshall case research essay

The Supreme Court's opinion shows that the earliest evidence of Marshall's preplanning occurred in 1983." According to Investigator Mahoney's report of the Kraushaar interrogation, she told police of a conversation with Marshall prior to Christmas in 1983 in which, while discussing his financial difficulties, Marshall had observed that " the insurance on would take care →

Movie review on nursing

In the movie " Girl Interrupted", there were several psychological problems depicted by the characters and the most prominent among them are the characters of Susanna, which was diagnosed of Borderline Personality Disorder and Lisa who was diagnosed of being a Sociopath. For a much comprehensive treatment and diagnostic requirement, the National Institute of Mental →

Analysis of personality characteristics using different models

They are adventurers and eager to move out of their comfort zone and experience new things they prefer to come out of their monotonous routine. They are likely to leave people uncomfortable and usually blunt and negative.

Depression disorder essay

A mental-health professional will have to diagnose the one suspected to have depression to know the type and level of the depression and the most effective treatment to use. The medication used in this type of disorder is the clomipramine and the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors.

Free essay on coriolanus

Despite the fact that Coriolanus is viewed as the legend and hero of Shakespeare's Coriolanus and ought to be a solid, thoughtful character, he is ruled and overwhelmed by the other principle characters of the play on the grounds that they well comprehend his shortcomings and have the capacity control and thrash him. The plebeians, →

Overview of sparkster enterprise-changing platform

Therefore, whenever they have this revolutionary idea of a software that could improve the services they provide, they contract software developers who have to internalize the idea of the owners as presented to them and come up with a product that reflects as close to as possible what was envisioned by the originator of the →

Personality and professional developmental planning education essay

The purpose behind the doctrine of personal development program is to construct upon the capacity of single or group how they are larning, reexamine it, program it and do rectification if required. To go a man of affairs is my desire nevertheless I like manner and I want to be an built-in portion of my →

My theory on personality

My Theory ofPersonalityPersonality refers to a combination of long-lasting and distinctive behaviors, thoughts, motives, and emotion that typify how we react and adapt to other people and situations. Childhood experiences are the first lessons you learn, the first observations you see, and are what I believe to be the basis of personality in adulthood.

Personality characteristics and criminal behavior

Understanding the offender's view of the victim provides a footing for the identification of the offense characteristics of the above-mentioned crimes. The ignorance of the fact that sexual crime is illegal and harmful to others suggest the pro-offending attitudes or cognitive distortions of the offenders.

Personality reflection essay sample

Some of the most important personality features that define me are: Dependable and Independent to be the main two, then there are that I am reliable, honest and trust worthy. With this being my personal opinion, to others this may be an eye opener to the ones that have taken a personality test

Having an addictive personality

Dependence is a more intense phase of addiction. Addiction is the next stage.

Free essay about what is happiness

Since personality traits are thought to influence the level of happiness one experience, the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Abbreviated was used to assess the levels of neuroticism, extraversion, and psychoticism among participants, with the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire Short Form used to measure happiness. Carl Jung was among the first in the field of psychology to hypothesize →

Professional leadership journalnarcissism assessment essay example

In the public health leadership, the leaders may be adopting the trait that is authority/leadership. The ego present in leaders is worse, and a leader cannot work for a longer period if narcissism is present in themselves.

Example of essay on personality theory

The theory of Freud is a theory that reflects ideas of the current world and they have a lasting impact in humanity. This theory proposes that the characteristics of personality are a reflection of what the unconscious part of the brain contains.

The art of destruction within nicola samori’s artworks and its influence on mine

This inspired me to use the " art of destruction" in my artworks, however instead of destroying the artwork as a whole I destroyed the canvas on which the painting was created as seen in figure 1.2. I used watered down acrylic and applied in in layers and instead of creating a baroque feel to →

Two theories of personality from freud and yung: who i am

According to Freud, the EGO is manifested from the ID to ensure that the impulses of the ID can be expressed in a manner that is acceptable in the real world. The superego is the part that looks at the morals and values of the society in which persons learn from their parents at a →

How conjoined twins develop their personality, behavior, and coping skills through exposure to numerous environments

Applying the definition and relating it to the present case study, the psychological category pertains to the different subthemes wherein the co-researchers of the case study elicited the strengths and weaknesses of their mental state. Relating to the study, it is the awareness of the conjoined twins on how they perceive an idea of their →

Comaprative analiysis of trait and type theories of personality essay sample

Personality theorists attempt to describe how individuals remain consistent in their thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and how they differ in their personalities Type/Constitutional/Biological Theories of personality: Greek physician and philosophers Hippocrates and Galen claimed that a person's temperament depends on relative quantities of four humors, or fluids, in the body blood and cheerfulness, phlegm and →

Compare the neo-freudian theories of personality to freudian psychoanalysis

Direct and Indirect effects of Birth order on personality and Identity: Support for the null Hypothesis The hypothesis is that the proposed birth order affects the psychological outcomes through the different investments between the parents and the children and the differences in the identification from between the parent to the child. The difference is that →

Psychopaths in media

Specific purpose: To inform the audience of the inaccuracy of the portrayals of certain mental illnesses. One states that the impulsiveness and isolated nature of the psychopath as well as lack of empathy or emotion may be the result of a prolonged break in the relationship with the mother in the first year of life →

Integrated concepts of equilibrium

The mechanisms in this reaction are the dissociation of Cu2, redox of Cu2+ and Zn, and precipitation of Zn2, leading to an overall reaction of Cu2 + Zn? In the seventh test tube, the addition of Cu2 caused to form a cloudy turquoise precipitate.

Public policy making in zimbabwe

Once known as the bread basket of Africa, Zimbabwe has the ability to rise up again especially with the internationally accepted new government of Unity were the two major political parties, ZANU PF and MDC have come together to work as one for the betterment of the country and to fulfil the needs of the →

Ib bio experiment on effect of substrate conc on enzyme activity

The effect of substrate concentration on the rate of enzyme activity of Catalase Aim To investigate the effect of substrate concentration on the rate of enzyme activity of catalase, produced by liver cells, on the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. We can investigate the effects of substrate concentration on the rate of reaction by catalase by →

Penny lab

Hypothesis In this experiment the hypothesis was that soap was going to affect the surface tension by weakening the bonds and allowing less water on the penny. We then carefully dropped water from the dropper onto the head side of the penny while counting the number of drops.

Introduction to mental disorder

A mental disorder or mental illness is a psychological pattern, potentially reflected in behavior, that is generally associated with distress or disability, and which is not considered part of normal development of a person'sculture. The causes of mental disorders are varied and in some cases unclear, and theories may incorporate findings from a range of →

They say i say

The students who bunk for the school for a short or large part of the day calledtardinessor the entire of the day called truancy not only harmacademicfailure, but give to the rising number of students who negatively impact the standing of the educational system as well as nation. The problem statement of the study is →

Application of statistical concepts in the determination

Precision refers to the closeness of the values when some quantity is measured several times; while accuracy refers to the closeness of the values to the true value. Significance of the mean and standard deviation The mean is used to locate the center of distribution in a set of values [2].

What experience do you have that you believe will make you a successful post university student

My siblings and I were in the foster care system, at that time abuse was happening to children unfortunately a lot of issues were swept under the rug, we would just be moved again to another home until the age of 17 for me when we were let out of the system but the mental →

Why the policy of residence restrictions on pedophiles is completely useless

This means they would end up in a community where many other felons live and a community where it is a common belief that the legal system is illegitimate and criminal behaviors are normative. The implementation of this policy causes the convicted felons to be trapped, with much lower chance of them being able to →

Cognitive development theory

Equilibrium- assimilation and accommodation are constantly working together to produce changes in a child's conceptualization of the world and reaction to it. There are 3 kinds of techniques Piaget use to study this stage; first is the Egocentrism it is the children's assurance that the world thinks like they do.

Psychology – experiment on stress

Since it's a short-term based experiment and the same sample of participants is used for both conditions, the experimental group would perform a series of memory-challenging activities, and later on, the control group would perform the same tasks but under the influence of some source of stress, in this case, loudmusic. Participants Since the target →

Dsm iv diagnosis

His father, in his adolescent years also drank and dabbled in drugs and he died in a work accident. He tried to decrease his marijuana intake for a number of reasons: he wanted to take care of his younger brothers and sisters, and felt that he was at a point in his life where he →

Informative essay on compare and contrast

A big part of Solution-Focused therapy and Positive Psychology is to help a client feel better about the problem and through scripture seek answers toward peace and solutions. The ultimate goal of a counselor using Solution-Focused Brief Therapy is to be Christ centered, and biblically based in the name of the Father, Son and Holy →

Cognitive development theory essay

This concept led Pigged to propose a theory of cognitive development to account for the steps and sequence of children's intellectual development. Equilibration refers to how development occurs through Piglet's stages, the process of cognitive development where children look for a balance between the information and experiences that life presents to them.

Low morale of prisoners

According to the Rocky Mountain News, the expenses of the medication and therapy is one of the reasons many prisoners do not get the proper treatment they need. The majority of damage to the prisoners is psychological.

Theories in cognitive development

The child's intellectual organization and insight will mature in to several stages of cognitive development: The first stage of Piglet's cognitive developmental stages Is the seniority stage. Weights was also able to point out that cognitive growth is defined by the " zone of proximal development" - this is the distance between the level of →

Child and youth mental health issues

She learned how to cope with her feelings by journaling and her stay at the mental institution gave her a chance to think about what she wanted to do for a living as well which finally gave her the feeling of being complete and finally sure about what direction she is headed in. The fourth →

Cnps 365 midterm 1 notes

Neurotic anxiety is out of proportion to the situation, not aware of it, and tends to immobilize a person. Assist people in facing life with courage hope and a willingness to find meaning in life Therapists strive to create caring and intimate relationships with clients, core of the relationship is respect.

A revised abstract based on my assessment of the above abstract is as written below. essays example

The concept or understanding of the Informed Consent in Psychotherapy is interpreted using the article Informed Consent in Psychotherapy by John O. The authors mentioned the problem addressed in the study by soughing for an appropriate rational approach for the implementation of the informed consent of the entire psychotherapy practice.

Developmental disorders of renal disease

Polycystic renal disease is a familial condition in which the affect individuals develop cysts in the kidney. Renal hypoplasia is a condition in which the ureteral bud gives rise to an underdeveloped and small kidney.

The phenomenon of bipolar affective disorder

The onset of Bipolar disorder usually occurs between the ages of 20 and 30 years of age, with a second peak in the mid-forties for women. In a majority of bipolar patients, it lessens the duration, frequency, and severity of the episodes of both mania and depression.

The practice

The practice of ingesting the placenta, which has been going on in Asian medicine for hundreds of years, seemed inappropriate, unnatural, and disgusting to me as discovered more about it. The more grew in my knowledge of this practice, the more I discovered the ingestion of the mothers placenta could actually be very beneficial.

Psychotherapy techniques

The analyst listens well and interprets the patterns and inhibitions in the patient's speech and behavior the analyst's main job is to help the patient to free his mind from unconscious barriers or past patterns of thought relatedness that are no longer helpful to the client. Unlike psychoanalysis and cognitive therapy, the client practices a →

The problem and its background

Today, children represent the energy of the present and the hope of the future. This will also determine the performance of the school in meeting the needs and the effectivity of teachers, since academic needs and problems may arise in the classroom.

Lab report critical essay

The sample mean and sample standard deviation were 2 lactated to estimate the true mean of the population with a level of confidence of 90 and 95 percent. Measure the complete length of the bolt, thickness of the head, width of the threads and the length of the bolt to the base of the head.

Psychodynamic theory and psychodynamic therapy literature review sample

The theory chosen for this paper is the Psychodynamic Theory used in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy as popularized by one of the people with the largest and most significant contributions in the field of psychology, Sigmund Freud. Psychodynamic psychotherapy is basically the use of psychodynamic theories in the more sophisticated field of clinical psychology or in the →

Ocupational impairments

I would also like to know the psychosocial history of the client, as well as the following information: developmental history, any history of trauma, and mental and medicalhealthhistories. Biological factors are likely to have influenced the predisposition, onset, course, and outcome of the diagnosed illness of the client.

Goup influence on self

The subject of this paper will compare and contrast the concepts of conformity and obedience, analyze a classical and contemporary study concerning the effect of group influence on the self, and analyze individual and societal influences that lead to deviance from dominant group norms. The experiment was to prove and determine the willingness of people →

Intellectual and cognitive development

Understanding Child and Young Person Development Assignment 023 Table 2 - Intellectual and Cognitive Development Explain the sequence and rate of development Age Range 0-3 Months Babies at this age are learning a lot about their parents they are beginning to recognise the sound of their voices, especially Mum's voice and smell, they may stop →

Good example of research paper on the psychology of dreams

Beck posited that dreams reflect the client's cognitive schemas and perceptions of the self and the world, and as such are prone to the same distortions and misconceptions as the waking state. To this extent, dreams need not be interpreted; a discussion of the situation and experience in the dream itself may suffice.

Clinical psychology: a brief overview

The History and Evolution of Clinical Psychology There are not many issues in the field of psychology that all can agree upon, but the origins of clinical psychology as its own discipline, seems to be one of the rare few. The history and evolution of clinical psychology can be traced back through the decades to →

Conduct disorder

Often, parents of children with conduct disorder are thought to have poor parenting skills; where in fact, a mixture of social, environmental, biological, and genetic factors are more likely the key components in onset conduct disorder. Although there are many connections between these factors and conduct disorder, the exact cause of conduct disorder is unknown.

Psychological disorder

Depression is a major problem in the United States; More than one in 20 Americans 12 years of age and older had current depression. There is a small area in the prefrontal cortex that triggers bother the sadness and the mania of bipolar depression.


Depending on each alteration, students were asked to observe and decide whether or not there were any macromolecules in the substances. During ourobservation, many of the results came back altered in some form, meaning that macromolecules were present in the chemical.

Psychotherapy according to navratilova’s and porreca’s hedonistic: how pain affects people’s motivation

The authors demonstrate this view when they state that " in the context of interacting motivations a neural decision is made on the basis of the value that a response provides to the organism either in terms of homeostatic needs or potential risks and benefits". This is exemplified in the same quote by the authors, →

Carl rogers core conditions

Rogers' said that a therapeutic relationship can occur if there are two people in psychological contact, the client is experiencing in congruency or is anxious, the therapist is congruent or integrated in the relationship, the therapist experience unconditional positive regard and acceptance for the client as well as an empathic understanding of the client's internal →

Clinical assessment

I would also engage Clara into conversation, so that her direct responses could be included in the conversation, so that I would have a better understanding on the lack of eye contact when talking. In planning to give Clara an official diagnosis, the information that would go it each axis would include; Axis 1 This →

Major depressive disorder essay example

7% of the U.S.population aged over 18 are affected by major depression and approximately 20% to 25% of adults may have suffered an episode of major depression in their lifetime. The biological causes are those which are related to genetics, the level of neurotransmitters and the level of cortisol secretions.

Argumentative essay: overview

Even though, the land founder of America had envisioned that people can have a lot of time to do what they want and many people followed up to maintain it. In factory, longtime work will increase the chance of errors and dangerous; equally, for people who are working in the office, longer work hour make →

Based on kolberg’s scale

I do conform to the norms that I learned at home and in school, not so much from the church though because I have not been an active member for some time now. For instance, getting in trouble with the law for fighting or being disruptive, I eventually grew out of it and learned that →

Vitamin c analysis

The aim of our experiment was to see how much DCPIP was needed to be added to make the orange juices turn back to the orange colour and the DCPIP to decolourise once the 0. 1% of vitamin C solution The volume of DCPIP poured into the test tube Keeping a fixed volume of the →

Cognitive behavior therapy

Many clinical problems are best described as disorders of thought and feeling, and since behavior is effectively controlled by the way we think the most logical and effective way of trying to change maladjusted behavior is to change the unbalanced thought processes that lie behind it. So the concept of seeking to help the client →

Informative essay on child development

If I were to have a child, my family would throw me a baby shower and give me gifts to help me raise the baby. I would have my husband and mother in the room to support me and share the experience with me.

Child development project pigged and viscosity

They need to be able to recognize the numbers that are played down and the colors that are being played. I believe that Pigged and Viscosity would believe this game contributes to a child's ability to master processing skills because they have to know heir colors and be able to match numbers with the cards →

History of my obsession with science fiction and what do i enjoy in the genre

But I appreciated this phase in my life where I did not know the limits of the real world and tried providing a reason to my own questions, just as a science fiction story cleverly revealed the science behind the fiction. I realise that most of the people who possesses extraordinary abilities in these science →

The development of my interest in politics

I have a relentless interest in studying politics further, learning about the current deficiency of political participation in our present society is one of the reasons I have decided to elevate my political knowledge, so I can observe the issue of political participation deteriorating as a mere consequence of society's apathy. As my role of →

Contribution of the eyfs to young children’s development and learning

When the children are brought together through EYFS, the practitioners are able to acknowledge individual child's ability and be fully aware of what they can learn, thus allow them to plan and provide for every stage in the learning process. The practitioner is able to judge the extent of their engagement with the children during →

Contribution of grigoris lambrakis to the development of greece

The One other problem that angered the Greek people was that in October 1955 Konstantinos Karamanlis would be the successor of Papagos, but not by the vote of the people which was the usual routine instead King Paul appointed him in the government. During the civil war an underground committee formed " escaping the control →

Jean piaget’s cognitive development theory

Phase 3, is from four months to eight months, this is called the secondary circular reaction, when the child shows interest to the world outside of their own bodies, like the noise of a rattle. Phase 4, is from eight months to twelve months, this is the beginning of the " means" to an " →

Why is the field of child development considered interdisciplinary?

Question 3 2 out of 2 points Why is the field of child development considered interdisciplinary? Answer the prenatal period pH 2 out to 2 points The field of child development is often divided into what three broad domains?

The role of trading system in the development of the country

Fama processed the negative connection between the inflation and also the stock profits is clarified for the base of a positive relationship between the profits on stocks and also the determinants of estimations of value, for instance, a normal real rate of profit for capital, capital uses and gain of an organization. The stock expenses →

Understanding shyness in every stage of life

In today's world, there are so many studies that are being conducted to better our understanding about the cause of shyness, and another one is this: scientists have discovered a gene that has something to do with shyness in children as well as introversion in adults; the gene is called RGS2. In the research conducted →

Research on breastfeeding and its effects

" Breastfeeding is the process of feeding a mother's breast milk to her infant, either directly from the breast or by expressing the milk from the breast and bottle-feeding it to the infant". Something to take into consideration if this is a problem is to avoid giving the baby any kind of formula in place →

Free essay about other-interest

The purpose of this paper is to conduct a study of two social journals that are concerned with children and childhood conditions and to discuss some general theories related to the development of behavior and social interaction of children. Keeping these factors in mind, it is important to be very careful as parents or guardians →

How father’s engagement reflects on the social maturity and cognitive development of a child

The level of rebellion that the teenagers adopt is observed to be less in these children and they are able to discuss their issues with parents and cope easily with the changes in their bodies. The fathers are restricted in the amount of time they can spend with their infant and still be able to →

Understand child development and young person development

0-2 Years Physical Development: The baby lies supine The baby turns its head towards light and stares at bright and shiny objects The baby can lift the head briefly from the prone position Legs can kick vigorously both separately and together The baby is beginning to use a palmer grasp and can transfer objects from →

Effects on adolescences in early and late stage maturation

The onset of of puberty usually comes in the six year range of age 8 to 14. Body fat plays a factor in the age of puberty.

The development of pc

In the 1990s, when the Internet grew up, Internet sorts of advance began to swarm all zones of the association. In the 1990s, when the Internet grew up, Internet degrees of progress started to swarm all zones of the affiliation.

Reflection essay on child development

As infants, they are not yet expected to have feelings, the power to reason out, or the capability to speak. But is it the nourishment that comes from the caregiver or the feel that she gives to the infant that bind the two to each other?

Advantages & disadvantages of usage timber as building material

It is a very light material and it is easy to work with for professional builders as it requires special equipment beyond the regular carpentry tools. This implies it gives very successful protection from power and extremely high temperature, timber is astonishing due to its awesome protecting properties and in light of the fact that →

Parenting styles

There are many variations between parents on how, and to what extent, they exert control over their children; however, " it is assumed that the primary role of all parents is to influence, teach, and control their children". Certainly there is more to parenting than simply the parent and how they choose to raise their →