Quality Behaviorism Essay Examples for Your Learning

Colorectal incidence of crc in egypt constitutes

Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in women and the third in men worldwide. However, high expression of FAS was found in various metaplastic, dysplastic and malignant tumors as intestinal metaplasia, adenoma and carcinoma of the stomach; breast cancer; prostate cancer; and squamous cell carcinoma of the lung (Kusakabe et →

Driving mobile phone

Due to the number of accidents that are related to cell phone use while driving, some jurisdictions have made the use of a cell phone while driving illegal. It's obvious that it is rather dangerous to talk on the cell phone or text while driving.

The stanford prison experiment: reaction of prisoners

During the design of the experiment, Zimbardo assumed the role of the superintendent, and his primary task was to play a supervisory role to ensure that the psychological torture under the eyes of the prison guards is carried out to the latter. Some of the audience members decided to film the proceedings of the experiment →

Manners and why they matter

Not that, that could really happen in real life but it is a way of saying that you should be careful who you show manners to. Who knows maybe it is an alien you hold the door for or a zombie that is just really clean and really smart.

Business law court case

The law of property outlines that the owner of the property remains the right on possession of it even when he/she loses it. If the owner was to claim ownership of the boat, he would get the first priority. Another liability arising is under the doctrine of respondent superior. It states that a master is →

Academic performance of a working student essay sample

The Commission on Higher Education states that higher education is primarily bridge between the world of learning and the world of work industrialization has increased the demand for more differentiated skills. The Laguna State Polytechnic University System has been founded to help each student to develop into a total person: who is →

Disney: organizational behavior essay sample

The Walt Disney Company provides Complimentary Theme Park Passports, Disney TEAM Discounts, including Disney products and merchandise and Employee Stock Purchase Program. The Walt Disney Company has also thought of it employees that are seeking a higher education they offer Educational Reimbursement, Learning and Development Opportunities, The Walt Disney Company Foundation Scholarship Program, and →

Study on how aggression, stress and low self-esteem affect parent-child relationship

The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of parent-child attachment on aggression, social stress, and self-esteem. Overall, the study found that positive parent-child attachments were associated with positive outcomes in terms of the child's aggression, social stress, and self-esteem levels.

Business and cultural environments shape the behaviour of a selected organisation essay sample

I believe in the Promise Comforter, Leader Olumba Olumba Obu The Father of all righteousness I believe in the First Begotten Son, His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu The King of Kings and Lord of Lords Who gave Himself for us all And redeemed us from iniquities Purifying unto Himself a peculiar people The →

Free report about an emotional approach to positive psychology

This is, in a way, the conceptual framework behind positive psychology. Review of Literature, Critical Evaluation of the Merits of Positive Psychology, Critical Evaluation of the Evidences According to Cherry , " positive psychology is one of the newest branches of psychology to emerge. It is important to note, however, that the emotional →

Chapter 1

The concept of the unconscious was a major departure from the prevailing belief that people are fully aware of the forces affecting their behavior. The functionalists, inspired by the ideas of William James, believed that psychology should focus on the purpose and adaptive functions of consciousness.

At titled selective attention to a talker’s

At first they seem to focus on the speaker's eyes, beforeallocating their focus unto the mouth, and eventually away from that zonethroughout maturation. Expanding off of this knowledge, Hillairet de Boisferon et al.perform a series of twoexperiments aimed at observation of infant's focus patterns under conditionswhere the speech coming from the mouth of the speaker →

The lottery by shirley jackson essay sample

This paper intends to discuss ' The Lottery' and several other related aspects. In the journey, after its first appearance, the story has got huge acclamations by the critics as well as readers and it is one of the most liked and famous short stories of American literature. The name →

The requirements needed by earthworms to survive and how their bodily functions and behaviors are affected by the environment

In this report I will talk about the requirements needed by Earthworms to survive and how their bodily functions and behaviors are affected by the environment. Nervous system The earthworm brain is a bilobed mass lying above the pharynx in the third body segment it is connected to the first ventral ganglion, if the →

Research presented by beck, rauch, baker and williams (1999) present that the

Studies by Roth show that missing a rolling retest not to be a significant predictor of recidivism. The studies conclude the significant indicator was the initial BAC when the individual attempted to start the vehicle." All variables , except test refusal (interpreted in the study as a missing a rolling retest) were →

Psychopath vs sociopath essay example

Commonly Known Practice. There are not many real sociopaths and psychopaths, but the terms are used in different contexts, such as when a person wants to express that someone is always very negative towards others behave. Sociopaths can be very bad empathize with others, they cannot understand the feelings of others, and feel no compassion. →

Self improvement essay sample

When I see the condition clearly, I am more likely to find a solution or even to conclude that this is not a problem after all. During my self improvement goals, my self-acceptance grants more leeway to see a failed attempt as " a good try"; I will go back to the start, and →

Sleepwalking: causes, treatment, and prevalence in the population research paper example

According to the National Sleep Foundation, anywhere from one percent to fifteen percent of the population presents with sleepwalking at any given time; the numbers are not solid because the individual often has no idea that he or she is participating in sleepwalking behavior, and the behavior requires reporting from a third party to be →

I. numbers, or the way the design of

Internal data is the way data is collected and or the purpose of the data. Inferential statistics Is data that is looked at to make predictions about larger groups or otherlarger sets of information (Descriptive and Inferential,.. .b) Write a brief paragraph to explain the difference betweenDescriptive Statistics and Inferential statistics.?

How religion and ethical issues affect modern business operations research papers examples

One of the major factors that affect business operations is the concept of religion and ethics. Discussion Religion and ethical issues are intrinsic and inevitable in our social lives. This research topic, therefore, aims to explain the relationship between religion and ethics and business operations and how ethics and →

Good essay about frontline/medicated child

Although the program did not mention any alternative approaches to diagnose this disorder, I think the prescription of antipsychotic and antidepressant medications is the conventional solution for children suffering from behavioral problems. A major issue in the Frontline program is that many children who were diagnosed with ADHD before are →

Pbis multi-tiered positive behavior support framework components essay sample

The three tiered model that Positive Behavior Intervention and Support components creates and sustains primary school wide, secondary classroom, and tertiary individual systems of support that improve results for desired behavior. The Primary prevention called universal level tier 1 and is used school-wide for all students, staff, and settings the results of 80% behavioral and →

Example of essay on rational emotive behavior

The therapist actively encourages the client. The Client is to collaborate with the counselor and complete the homework assignments. The theory strength is that, the clients learn that they choose their own responses to life circumstances. This theory is however limited to individual of low functioning, who are not able to accept their irrationals. The →

The something beyond control. they will do

The problem is, once they settle down, some of their imaginations begin to set in, and they begin to fear that there is an " evil beast" on the island. They believe that the beast is the real evil and it is out to get them.

Barn burning’ by william faulkner discussion essay

The boy should have understood that his father's intention was the result of lack of social power and mistreatment from the side of richer and more powerful classes. Therefore, it is hard to justify the deeds of Sartoris Snopes in this situation.

Christianity and hinduism essay

The Bible is the chief beginning of the rules and values of Christianity. That the Earth is the centre of the existence.

Buyer behavior

The process of planning and implementing the concept of price, promotion and supply of products and services is very complex and requires a plan; market planning. Marketers use a variety of means to describe how, when and where information on a product is presented to the customer. The decision making process can →

Factors influencing self-esteem of a person

While on the other hand, people with low or unhealthy self-esteem reflect the listed attributes: Negative outlook in life, lack of self-confidence, inability to express needs and opinion, focus on weaknesses and imperfections, feelings of shame, depression, or anxiety, mindset that others are better in all aspects, trouble accepting positive feedback and fear of failure. →

Neo behaviorism: tolman and bandura essay sample

Learning involves forming beliefs and obtaining knowledge about the environment and then revealing that knowledge through purposeful and goal directed behavior. Tolman's Key Concept * Learning is always purposive and goal- directed * Cognitive Map * Latent Learning * The concept of interesting variable * Reinforcement not essential for learning ALBERT BANDURA'S →

Organization behavior

Indeed it is the followers or the junior workers who do the work (they are the bakers of the cake) so ignoring their abilities is tantamount to the failure of the organization; thus it is paramount for a good leader to recognize this and ensure that indeed his/her followers' issues are taken into consideration in →

The most valuable gift you can give another is a good example.

Yet I think many people learn a lot more from the bad example of others. One more example: Observing the behavior of people at a traffic light, you notice a different reaction of people's to the same signal for all, in this case - a red light, and how it depends on the behavior of →

Add and adhd research paper

This means a keen comparison of the habits of the child to that of other children of the same age. This is rather easy to establish and parents must be ready to accept the situation to enable a prompt treatment and management procedure of the disorder.

Encountering conflict

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, " to believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest." At times, this might manifest itself in a selfish manner where the person acts according to their own interests. Indeed, it could be argued that it is only when people attempt to resolve their conflicts with others →

Free policing subculture research paper example

The beliefs, attitudes and values that can be observed commonly in a majority of the police officers working in various sectors of the law enforcement can be termed as police subculture. The assumptions had the general idea that the problems being faced between the police force and the public were due to lack of diversity →

Good psyotherapy on anxiety essay example

The excessive and unrealistic tension is based on imagination and not necessarily something that causes it. Causes of Anxiety and the Importance of psychotherapy Although the real accurate causes are not yet established, it is evident and clear that Anxiety disorders do not expose the weakness of the individual. This personal effort is based →

Psychology and positive reinforcement

The reason for this method is so I can put the test subjects in a controlled environment and monitor the affects of the alcohol and see if the alcohol consumed by the test subject allows them to display forms of violence. I would combine these methods to determine the outcome of the study and support →

Changing behavior case analysis

Freeman wants to quit drinking for her own health and the health of her children. Every time Mrs. Freeman wants a drink she could go to a meeting or call her sponsor.Mrs.

Organizational behavior term paper

In early age the managerial role of every organization find the financial, physical and human as a tool of resources to get the goal like productivity. But today the management of organization rethink that the human resources are not only as a tool of business. In modern time every organization need to manage →

Psy/230 week 2 checkpoint

This type of learning is used daily by everyone. This theory was one of the first to claim that a subject did not need a reward in order to learn.

Cognitive term of behaviour

One of the most famous case studies of amnesia in the history is HM who was suffering from epileptic seizures and had a surgery when he was only nine years old that removed 2/3 of his hippocampus, medial temporal lobes, parahippocampal gyrus and amygdala. The operation was successful in its primary goal of controlling his →

Behavioural studies

With regard to the self-monitoring, it is the extent to which people monitor and control their expressive behavior and self-presentation. High self-monitors exert more expressive control over their social behavior and tend to adapt their appearance and acts to specific circumstances. These people are called the high →

Binaural popular brain-hacking technology since the last decade.

When two different frequencies are presented in each ear, hemispheric synchronisation occurs meaning the electrical activity of the two hemispheres of the brain unite into a single synchronous pattern with an overall frequency that corresponds to the difference between the two originally presented tones. The overall brain activity then tends to match with that frequency, →

Analyze the nature vs. nurture essay

The nature vs.nurture controversy has been and is still significant in the field of psychology today. Many unanswered questions can finally be answered through the development and solution of this nature vs.nurture debate.

Positive behavior interventions

A research was designed to show how a specific management strategy helped decrease inappropriate behavior and increase appropriate behavior. The research combined with my experience in the classroom helped me come to the conclusion of how to promote positive behavior. The study was looking at the effects of teachers prompting appropriate behavior →

Macbook consumer behaviour analysis

Hardware The most important factor which makes the MacBook Air so successful, in my opinion, is the great balance of portability and power of the product. The laptop features a unibody design which makes possible to significantly reduce thickness and weight, and also it integrates with the latest CPU of Intel →

Bullying in schools

They will examine the elements in the society that encourage bullying, or that lead people towards bullying. Some of the questions they are bound to ask include the form of influences that the bully has, and the home environment that he or she comes from. For instance, they will want to examine any changes in →

Psychology and behavior

Sampling Detail When defining the population upon which the research is to be focused, the researcher must take sampling decisions in the overall planning of the research. The researcher observed the students of Grade 7th in the real classroom situation and tried to assess the ways teachers can control/minimize misbehavior in their classrooms.

Youth risk behavior surveillance system

All this information points to abstinence-only plans being uneffective and merely supplemented abstention plans seem to hold a desirable consequence in the public schools in the United States. Abstinence plans day of the month back to the 1980 's, the epoch of the Reagan disposal. In a magazine published in 2007, 94 per centum of →

An insight into addressing behavioural problems

The team must also be multidisciplinary, one which probably call for the involvement of a behavior specialist with expertise in the practical approach to behavior as a member of the team employed in addressing behavioral issues. Intervention plans based on the practical behavior evaluation of target behaviors have a higher probability of →

Human behaviors strengths and weaknesses as per the cognitive behavior’s approach

Evaluate the cognitive approach in terms of strengths and weaknesses Mediational Processes A major advantage of the cognitive approach especially when compared with the behaviourist approach is that it focuses on the important processes between the stimuluses and responses, whereas behaviourists do not attempt to investigate what goes on in the →

Has the meaning of “professional behaviour” been changed by information technology? essay sample

Even though the term has not been defined explicitly it is still necessary to be aware of it to be acknowledged as a professional.data, since all you had to do was to lock the one existing copy into a safe or something similar and destroy outdated information. The Data Protection Act added →

Biology lab report (osmosis expeirement)

In the other bag, that I had placed fifteen percent of sucrose and the beaker of dH2O the weight decreased unevenly. In the last bag, I did not expect these results. This is because I thought that according to the theory of osmosis there will be an increase in weight.

Negative aspects of modern society

It may be difficult for us to accept as a society that we have negative aspects and they are not a disease or a disorder, but a personal decision. It is impossible to classify the badness and motivations of people in a disorder that encompasses all others. When we call someone a psychopath immediately →

Essay on social influences on behavior

Individuals learn to adapt to society by changing their behavior in order to " fit in" with the rest of the crowd. Two examples of how an individual's behavior changes based on social situations are when a) a person decides to drink liquor at a social event. Social influence is associated with both behaviors because →

Fight club conformity analysis essay

Conformity is a major theme in Fight Club, and there are a number of specific scenes that display the rejection of it and characters falling victim to it, sometimes unbeknownst to them. This particular scene is very ironic, as the Narrator is shunning something that he actually wants to be Tyler is a projection →

Ethics and moral reasoning

Stage four focuses on an activity that is geared towards maintaining the social order in the society through sound judgments. This applies in the sense that the behavior of the HealthSouth's executives would interfere and affect the delivery of care to the society. According to Lapsley , this stage asserts that actions and decisions →

It’s your life – be present in it

Are you being present in your life? While looking to the future is not inherently a bad thing, many times your existence in the present is being neglected.

Behaviorism: a psychological approach

A reinforcement is a change in the environment , that increases the frequency of the behavior that precedes it. This is an example of the conditioning of fears, a process that occurs through classical conditioning.

Free shaping research paper sample

The study on reduction of smoking and that of treating the phobia seem to agree on the need to inculcate the help of other stimuli during shaping. The study of treatment of the phobia also incorporates the help of preferred stimuli. Shaping is the process used to develop a terminal behaviour through reinforcing its successive →

Reading report in psychology

Structuralists used techniques such as introspection to analyze the inner processes of the human mind.b) Functionalism - Functionalism formed as a reaction to the theories of the structuralist school of thought and was heavily influenced by the work of William James. This field can be thought of as a combination of basic psychology and neuroscience.b) →

Interpersonal relations of teachers in relation to their teaching subjects essay sample

Table -1: Showing significance of difference of means between teachers, teaching Biology and Mathematics in respect of all the dimensions of I.P.R. | Subjects | Biology | Mathematics | Result | | Dimensions | Mean | S.D.| Mean | S.D.|' t' Value | | Family | 41. Table -2: Showing significance of difference of means between →

Organizational behavior analysis persuasive essay

The mission statement of CPS is to provide proficient, caring and productive services to the protection of children and their families; to seek the improvement and protection of abused children and to seek reunification for the families and provide the family theeducationtools required for the child to remain in the home; and to meet and →

Managing behaviour in organisations

One of the most popular process theories is the expectancy theory and that proposes that motivation depends upon an individual's expectations about their ability to perform their tasks well and expect appropriate rewards. Here managers are expected to identify the skills and the capabilities of their subordinates and then motivate them →

Quantitative research designs research paper example

Most of the respondents and the research sample used in this line of research indicate that many patients who are in support of practices such as physician assisted suicide aim at alleviating the pain. The results of this line of research also indicate differences in the reasoning that is given →

Many the time. there is always going to

Maginnis states, " Children from single-parent families are more likely to have behavior problems because they tend to lack economic security and adequate time with parents".What the writer is saying is that by being brought up by a single parent, it results in the kid having issues through their life. What I do not think →

Consequeances of sexting essay sample

For illustration, students who participated in sexting prefer to skip their classes and stay home in private to sexting. For illustration, when people start sexting, they will have a lower self esteem then begin to withdraw from their friends and could not share in any social activities. The final negative effect of sexting relates →

Free oppositional defiant disorder research paper example

From the emergence of the disease in 1968 as a subtopic, through a specific diagnostic code and classification of its own, the evolution of this once-ignored disease has been rapid yet undertaken with a great deal of conscientious effort by those who develop the manuals and standards the entire mental health community follows. Oppositional Defiant →

Organizational behavior (work-related stress)

As identified by The Health and Safety Executive using Palmer Et Al and Cary Cooper's developments of the working models of work-related stress, there are six significant likely sources of stress or stressors at a work place in general. These are: work demands, work relationships, a person's control over work, →

The appropriateness and applicability of behaviorism to human relations

The theoretical conceptualities of behaviorism cover the prime angle of behavioral perspective in aim of explaining the motives of action, rationale of attitude, and prime associates of human dimensions. The concepts of behaviorism envelopes the diverse and dynamic character of human behavior that aims to discover possible patterns and links that →

A the right-duty concept. this implies that

The understanding behind dead men not being persons in theeyes of law can be simplified by stating that the personality of a human being commencesat the time of birth and ceases to exist at the time of death. Hence, it can be said thataccording to Will Theory, all the rights of a dead person like, →

Hexagonal high electrical resistivity, excellent dielectric losses,

R-typehexagonal ferrites have hexagonal structure and represented as RR* where R is Rblock and R* has the phase shift of 1800 11. The need of using tetravalent element is to maintain theoverall neutrality of the sample. Maria et al synthesizedstrontium-barium X-type hexagonal ferrites with composition SrBaCu2? xNixNdyFe28? yO46(x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.

Behaviour of the organisation determines the success or failure essay sample

A behaviour that usually goes hand in hand with the predetermined goals and missions of an organization determines the success of an organization. Luthans and Youssef add that it requires good management to be in a position to shape up the individual and group behaviours that affect organization for it not to →

Deviant behavior and consequences

The deviant behaviors of teachers can have serious consequences. These consequences can impact the welfare of others in the school setting that had nothing to do with the educator's deviant behavior. But when teachers behave negatively, it destroys all trust and belief in the person. The following →

Theory of behavior dynamics

The theory argues that there is a direct connection between the challenge and complexity of tasks and the ability of people to perform." Goal-setting research has shown repeatedly that people who try to attain specific and challenging goalsperform better on tasks than people who try for specific but moderate or easy goals, vague goals →

Does pinocchio promote or critique educational art essay

For many of us the narrative will be merely in our head and imaginativeness, nevertheless it is helpful, when reading a kids ' s narrative, to hold in head the practical jobs faced by the manufacturers or the characters seeking to construe the narrative. Surely the secret plan of Pinocchio is exciting and full of →

Innovation climate

Due to increased competitiveness of products in the global market, high innovative climate produces productivity, which are highly marketable than products for a climate that does not support innovation. I will rather work in company B due to the following reasons. This is because they attract highly and skilled workers from diverse areas who may →

Expectancy theory

In the study of organizational behavior, expectancy theory is a motivation theory first proposed by Victor Vroom of the Yale School of Management." This theory emphasizes the needs for organizations to relate rewards directly to performance and to ensure that the rewards provided are those rewards deserved and wanted by the recipients." [2] Victor H.

Behavioral assignment argumentative essay

In terms of the earnings surprise this means that when the actual earnings miss analysts' projections, he negative returns on stocks in the following days are much more pronounced due to investors unwilling to hold the stock and selling with larger volumes. In the opposite case of a positive surprise, investors' utility function →

Positive behaviour essay sample

1 Explain how the policies and procedures of the work setting contribute to the support of children's positive behaviour. In my setting the policy for positive behaviour states that good behaviour and discipline are essential to ensure a smooth and safe environment for everyone. Be positive, constructive and fair to all children, →

Free case study on sociology: theories application paper

Introduction - Brief Description of case chosen Overview of perspectives - Conflict theory - Social constructionist perspective - Social behavioral perspective Application of perspective to case study - Strengths and limitations Conclusion - Benefits of theoretical perspective to social work practice Introduction Brief Description of case chosen A →

Human behavior and the social environment essay sample

Due to exposure to stimulus in the environment, changes occur that have an impact on the brain as well as determine specific behavior in response to the specific stimulus. This process is called memory and it describes the action of the brain in interpreting and transforming various data received to be stored in the →

A moral environmentalist approach argumentative essay examples

The first tenement New York was a house of evil and their owners were not shocked by the idea of housing a promiscuous crowd. In order to prevent the greed of resources that shaped evil and immoral activity, housing reforms were supposed to be implemented for the working masses. The crane uses the Maggie character →

Can behavior be passed down genetically?

Examples include the use of the SSRI drug which alters the reuptake of serotonin in the synapses and consequently our mood, or the loss of important cognitive functions due to brain damage. The influence of cognitive, social and cultural factors on behavior cannot be denied, and even though there may be a genetic predisposition for →

Introductory to organisational behaviour principles

Robbins and Judge defined that ' OB is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behaviour within organisations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organisation's effectiveness.' While, Nahavandi and Malekzadeh points out that ' OB is the study of →

Nature and nature psy 240 essay

Post 300 word response explaining the concepts behind the Pro and Pro nuture perspectives Consider the following questions: a.) Why is it flawed to ask how much of a particular behavior is due to genetics and how much is due to experience? b.) Why is it appropriate to seperate the contributions of genetics and →

The physical movement observed

Throughout the observation, the child W spent a great amount of time watching the other children play, and learned through his peers what not to do. For example, when another child fell off the top off table, the child W immediately got down and was never observed standing on top of a table again. They →

Environmental psychology essay

Physical environment affects people in various ways, for example I need sunlight to live, it regulate my internal environment in the body, it helps me produce vitamin D in my skin and too much of it can burn my skin, or even result to development of skin cancer, bad air quality can cause respiratory →

The special challenges of neurological based behavior essay sample

It is a severe developmental disorder that affects the way a child sees and interacts with the rest of the world. Still there is a long way to go in case of treatments for bipolar disorder. With the present day advancement in medical sciences and genetics, in future it would be possible that such →

Nature vs. nurture critical essay

Despite sophisticated research procedure, there is still no definite answer to the nature-nurture question. My stand is more related on the environment and experience's contribution to a child's development, as what the role of nurture was discussed and especially apparent in Piaget's book the Moral Judgment of the Child , where he asserted that →

Theorists who have impacted education

Skinner paved the way by showing the importance of consequences in learning, since that time, behaviorists have begun to incorporate elements of cognition and motivation into the views of human behavior and learning. An example related to learning is learning the song " Jingle Bells" in a certain key.

Good example of essay on pedagogy and learning styles: an uncomfortable relationship

There is a troubling attempt to utilize schools as mechanisms for social conformity and that students are passive recipients of knowledge. The constructivist approach or transaction model of learning views the student as an active participant in the creation of knowledge, rather than as a passive recipient as articulated in the behaviorist model. Giroux describes →

Comm 130

DEFINING THEORY Theory system of law-like propositions THEORY helps make sense of phenomena THEORY helps in guiding action THEORY helps predict consequence/behavior of reality THEORY propositions to understand reality KINDS OF MEDIA THEORY * Social Scientific * based on systematic and objective observation of media and other relevant factors * quantitative * the dominant theory →

The common misconceptions about introvertism

We get close to relatively a very few people and it's these people we exhibit your kinda behavior with. The Myths Abour Introverts It's a myth that the words shy and introvert are synonyms. Here's the myth buster for you: Introverts avoid socializing because it drains our energy.Shy people, on the other hand, avoid →

Consumer buyers behavioral characteristics

Different strategies were adopted to segment the market and attract and people from various parts of society. The mission of caf coffee shop is to provide best quality coffee with unmatched service at a price which is lower that the prices of competitors' products. Market Segmentation →

This “meth mouth”. dr. shaikh’s article, “meth mouth,”

Shaikh's article, " Meth Mouth," serves as an informativetext to dental professionals explaining the effects of methamphetamine use and howsevere the negative impact is on a dental patient's oral health." Dentalpatients who abuse methamphetamine can present with poor oral hygiene, xerostomia, rampant caries , and excessive tooth wear". According to the article, " A →

Organizational behavior defined

One of its modern developments includes the establishment of an equally comprehensive sub-discipline: industrial and organizational psychology where the focus of study is the application of principles and concepts in psychology to the industries/workplace and all forms of organizations. The concept of organizational behavior is examined and studied in various contexts. Organizational →