Quality Profession Essay Examples for Your Learning

A worst teacher

I remember once my classmate Henry and I got a fight on the second floor of our school's hostel. I know the fact is Henry cut my calf, and Mr.

Integrative essay on teacher competency essay sample

Teaching competency plays a vital role in achieving the purpose of education, which is to imparting knowledge of eternal and absolute truth. So what then are the characteristics of a competent teacher? This is very different from what we know as the traditional method of teaching, which focuses more on the teacher rather than β†’

Character development: a teachers responsibility?

The question of the role of a teacher in the character development of a child should not be a difficult one to answer. In conclusion, it is appropriate for a certain amount of character development to in the hands of the education system and teachers.

Educational problems in egypt

As nowadays, teachers are taking low salaries especially in the government schools which lead to private lessons for extra income, all of this leads to decreasing in the Egyptian educational quality. For example, oozaries argues that " Low teaching salaries and inconsistent funding for the educational system by the government, all led to a β†’

Definition of curriculum

The assessment aspect of the curriculum is a vital element of the curriculum. The four curricula defined by Cuban are: the official curriculum; the taught curriculum; the learned curriculum; and the tested curriculum.

Mannerism of students from the east and west

Mannerism of Students from the East and West A U. For Asian students, manners and respect towards elders and teachers is a part of their culture.

Teaching multicultural education

Multicultural education promotes not only to teach " what" is the content and " how" to teach a particular subject area but it addresses that teachers must be responsive to honoring and celebrating the diversity of all the learners. DISCUSSION: The primary goal of multicultural education is to transform the school and to cater or β†’

Evaluate how own knowledge understanding and skills in literacy

While working with the groups I make sure I am being encouraging during the activities and that all the children implement the right, agreed strategy throughout the lesson. I provide the feedback and monitor the progress of the pupils and report any problems to the teacher. Within the Literacy timetable I am β†’

Year long school year

The traditional school calendar was not a calendar for higher learning, and should be extended to meet the needs of modern day students. Another benefit of changing the school year to a year long system is that it would allow for greater learning.

Two authors, two views

John Gatto, a teacher in the Manhattan school system for thirty years wrote, " Against School: How Public Education Cripples Our Kids, and Why." Gatto claims to have taught in some of the worst conditions, and some of the best. He claims that the way students are taught and the structure they have to follow β†’


I thought this was a great idea and can be used to even interact with another school in Antarctica to exchange the different lifestyles. The article also gives great ideas on how to continue the education and different ways to teach and learn.

Professor’s name

This study examines the role of computers in education in order to show their importance in it and accordingly the reasons. According to the book " Cross National Policies and Practices on Computers in Education" by Tj Plomp and Ronald E., it is admitted that " The use of computers as a medium that is, β†’

First essay

I know for sure that I will be an effective teacher in a high-need school because I am a very pro-child person and I strongly believe that every children, no matter their background or disability, have the right of getting a quality education they need and deserve. I aspire to meet the challenge of having β†’

Tribute to newtown

I was so scared for all of their friends and families because they will have to go through this for their whole lives. Also, a lot of people moved because of this incident and I do not blame them.

Ricky standafer

Religion has been the biggest part of my life to. I experienced many things on this retreat, but mainly it was about meeting my class mates, and learning how to fit in at desales.

Education and william james

I have noticed how different people act and on the norm people, who a well educated, tend to be well spoken and seem to take time to time before they react. Education also seems to be a process of acquiring knowledge and training.

Journal articles on classroom management

The key behind this concept is for the teacher to gain the trust of the students. This article relates to today's classroom because it discusses the importance of gaining the trust of students.

The teacher walked into the classroom. it was the first period…

The students began to fill the room and immediately a young man came up and asked " who are you? " I found throughout the day that the students were very interested as to why I was in their classroom. During the planning period I was able to ask various questions about teaching and my β†’

The emperor’s club

Hundert was excited about the progress he was seeing in Sedgewick and in his students that he felt bad when he saw Sedgewick did not do enough to participate in the Mr. Sedgewick cheats in the competition and Mr.

Problems facing new teachers essay sample

To reverse the current trend, there is need to set up foundation programs that will orient teachers to their new career, offer more support to new teachers, improve remuneration for new teachers, and other strategies. High rate of new teacher attrition is an inherent problem in our education system and unless resolved, it is likely β†’

Being a professional teacher

They have a high hope from the students and encourage students to have a good achievement. That's why I really want to be a teacher in remote area especially.

Free observation reflections essay example

He engaged the whole class in answering the questions by throwing the ball to a student who had the answer. His relation with the students made the classroom friendlier and the students freely asked the questions they had.

When has hard work paid off for you

Soon, my grades were improving much quicker than I had expected, attaining a score of 95% for Science and having the satisfaction of thrashing my friends and the shower of praises from both my parents and teachers. Finally, PSLE was over and I had score a grade of A* for Science!

The obstacles faced in educating children from less fortunate families

They work in a hospital and " in Henry, they see hope for a success they were never able to achieve." Henry's parents want him to have better than what they do and they know that if he stays in school and goes to college that goal is possible. Laziness is one of the key β†’

Chapter i

The objectives of the program are: 1) to equip the learners with adequate language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in English to enable them to benefit from educational institutions in which English is the medium of instruction; and 2) to develop these skills to a level such that they can use the language β†’

Licensure examination for teachers essay sample

Crisencio Paner, a LET topnotcher, veteran reviewer and with more than 18 years experience as college professor in Math and Sciences at UST, Manila.-It will be a personalized/coaching type of review wherein all his secrets behind passing and topping the board exams will be revealed.-Materials to be used are meticulously selected, relevant, updated, and patterned β†’

Female education in upper egypt

The USAID indicates that 800, 000 girls are out of school between the ages of 6 and 15 and 600, 000 are out of school between the age of 6 and ten. He explained that although education in Upper Egypt is sometimes important for the families and their children, the reason is not because of β†’

Edu 301 observation and interview

He uses a variety of approaches to encourage the students to respond and participate and the student responses are woven into each of the lessons. The students are as much in control of their education as he is, meaning that he may present the lesson and its objectives, but in the end the students direct β†’

Preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector

A legislative requirement is a duty to act according to the law and a code of practice is a set of rules outlining how a person in a particular profession is expected to behave. When I identify the needs of a learner that need to be referred, I will have to give the learner information, β†’

Role of teaching assistant

Day-to-day tasks could include: * planning, delivering and evaluating teaching and learning activities * preparing the classroom for lessons * helping pupils who need extra support to complete tasks, individually and in groups * observing pupil performance and reporting on observations to the teacher * supervising art and craft activities and displaying work * looking β†’

The teaching method used by the teachers

The significance of the study states that the students, teachers, Academic supervisor and the research community will benefit in the study. The output of the whole research answers the hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between the teaching method of the teachers and the academic performance of the high school students.

Education and society: assignment

Ed ES-334 : Education and Society Assignment 1 Answer the following questions i) Explain the role of ' community' as an agency of education'.ii) What is ' Idealism' and what should be the role of teacher according to it? iii) What are the issues related to " Universalisation of School Education". β†’

Assess the view that factors and processes within the school are the main cause of differences in educational achievement of different social groups.

Gillborn found that afro-Caribbean pupils were more likely to be given detention than any other pupils as the teachers misinterpreted the dress and manner of speech as representing a challenge to their authority. This was supported by Keddie who found that " There is a direct relationship between a person's social-class and where they are β†’

Policies of promoting children and young people’s positive behaviour

Our schools behaviour policy also incorporates both the code of conduct, dealing with inappropriate behaviour and the rewards and sanctions guidelines, separate to this are the antibullyingpolicy and the whole school attendance policy. The behaviour policy firstly sets out the aims of the school, explaining how the school promotes good relationships so that people can β†’

Saarc human resource development centre (shrdc) islamabad, pakistan workshop on

SAARC Human Resource Development Centre Islamabad, Pakistan Workshop on " Improving the Quality of Education: Role of Teachers in Achieving Quality in Education in South Asia" Concept Paper Introduction Quality of education is a relative and dynamic term varying from contexts to contexts and time to time. The workshop titled β†’

Educating rita notes

Educating Rita - Willy Russell explores notions of personal growth and self awareness through the transformation and process of change that occurs in Frank and Rita.the playwright describes the play as " a love story", although the relationship that unfolds between Rita and Frank is also a story about " literature, language andeducation".n educative relationship β†’

Reyes, jeneth k.

Some are arguing that K to 12 is not the solution to improve the quality of education; while the others' concern is to lessen the burden of the parents and children particularly those who are living in poverty. And to minimize the complications, better stick to a single decision that will make the students productive β†’

Cristina’s paper

Being a mother at such a young age changed my plans, I had to take a different approach to ensure that when my children are old enough I would return to school to get my degree and become a teacher. After volunteering in my children's classrooms for years, I decided I would go to school β†’

The human dimension of productive learning environment

Teachers show respect in subtle ways, such as the way they look at students and how long they wait for students to answer questions. Teachers should model respect for students and in return they have the right to expect students to respect them and one another." Treat everyone with respect" is a rule that should β†’

Action research: teacher burnout essay sample

This way, a total understanding of the actions and perceptions of the teachers will be gathered. Action Research: Analysis and Resolution A narrative of the actions and practices of the teachers will be prepared for this project. Those actions that contribute to the occurrence of burnout will be noted and highlighted.

Mcom 100

I can only speak for myself and what I see, there is not that demand for books, when we are consumed with the easy way out by using technology. 00 and opting out to use the EBook option where purchasing these text books cost about half of that, is more cost effective for the every β†’

Jeannette b. terrell

I know for a fact that, the lowering paying jobs, is what is offered to a high school dropout, and promotions yiou were never receive, because you do not have and credentials. A High School Diploma, is the foundation, which is required by colleges to enroll, most of all, employers want a person with a β†’

Global university

The article " Caring Teacher: The Key to Student Learning" that will be analyzed is about the characteristics of a caring teacher who can improve and facilitate students' learning. Teacher-students relationship is based on the human need of caring , so when students feel that their teacher respects them and cater to their interests and β†’

Nvq 2 teaching assistant

To support the pupil, a teaching assistant will again take direction from the class teacher and will use the learning environment, equipment, materials and resources around them to enhance the pupils learning experiences and provide the appropriate level of support. I would be actively looking for damage to the equipment and making a note of β†’

My own philosophy of education

To end this, here is now my own philosophy of education, " Train a child to be equipped in facing the challenges of life, develop his knowledge and skills. A knowledgeable and skilled child who was loved will be like a blooming flower in the garden, giving beauty to the world.

How to learn kids write and read

We must teach the parts of the book and I will show how to read, that is, from left to right and from top to bottom in order. I do writing and reading part of my daily routine for the children to get used to it.

Jaquilyn a. vergara

One time a lot of students had a low grade from her exam and what she did impressed me a lot and because of that I like how she care about the students even though they are not her advisory class. And the teacher that I am talking about is Ms.

Qualities of a good teacher

They should be sensitive to the needs and feelings of students. They should speak the language of the students when needed and should relate to their level of mental and physical abilities.

Role of a teaching assistant

Duties and responsibilities: - To provide educational, emotional and physical support to pupils.- To work with individuals and groups of children under the direction of a class teacher.- To support the class teacher in developing and preparing specific activities and programmes of support for the children.- To organise the availability and care of class room β†’

Phyllis hunter on reading rockets: reaction paper

Reaction Paper to Phyllis Hunter on Reading Rockets The podcast of Phyllis Hunter on Reading Rockets: Meet the Experts titled Teaching Reading demonstrated the importance of teaching children to read right the first time. According to Hunter reading is the first civil right because without being able to read well and strategically, β†’

Fund allocation

In a rapidly growing and ever changing society, administrators need to understand the challenges that students face on a daily basis and how to overcome these challenges to effectively teach and engage students in a classroom setting. Therefore it is important that the administrator understands the federal grant, federal monies, and how to be able β†’

Dpe and goal instruction

The specialists on the MDT provide the teacher with the data, or means of acquiring the data, about the student that are necessary for determining the student's needs. This becomes the Present Levels of Performance of the IndividualizedEducationProgram. When the MDT has collected all of the significant data and determined β†’

Standardized testing vs. education through freedom

Instead of " educating through the practice of freedom" , standardized tests like the Regents in New York and the MCAS in Massachusetts, " educates [students] as the practice of domination" , limiting them to a strict, inanimate curriculum. Contrary to Freire's problem-posing philosophy of teaching, the idea of the MCAS seems to β†’

Running head: farm girl

Being a farm girl made her different from the other students at school, she was not able to join in the conversations because she did not participate in the activities they did. Some days she reflects back to life on the farm and realizes that it has taught her a " valuable lesson making her β†’

Sister flowers by maya angelou

Flowers attention that Marguerite had looked up to her, and that she shared a common interest in reading.Mrs. It was the beginning of one of her life lessons and encouraged her to gain more wisdom form Mrs.


When we worked on a one to one basis outside of the class room, I was able to go over the lesson with the pupil and in turn she was able to confidently ask any questions without the pressure of having to talk in front of the whole class. All the time I am doing β†’

Discuss issues of equality

Above all it is important as ateacher, keeping equality and diversity in mind, to find ways to promote inclusion of all learners, yet through differentiation by using difference approaches and resources, to finds ways to meet the needs of individuals within the group. Differentiation is one of the tools that teachers can use to promote β†’

System of education

There are similarities and differences between the way language is taught in the education systems of Vietnam and America. The three differences are the time at school, frequency of tests, and types of homework.

Example of essay on why and to what end do i teach

I fully believe that establishing a fun, yet productive classroom environment is the best way to go, as the most difficult task a teacher often faces is grabbing the attention of the students in the first place. Far too often, students can be glib and cynical, doubting the efficacy of β†’

Round rock high school

Plenty of parking for staff and faculty in front of the main building as well as plenty in the back of the building. Spanish III AP Stacy Dam/Teacher and Bethany Taylor/Student Teacher was the first class to be observed and from walking in the class seemed well organized and students seem to know the routine β†’

Understanding your teaching role

This is a crucial stage because the plan establishes the outcome of the learning process, and the content of the lesson. It is the responsibility of the teacher to set out the topic to be covered, the learning objectives , starter, main body of the lesson and assessment.

Children’s creative dance

Children's Creative Dance 12/5/12 Inviting Students to Learn Creative dance allows the student to explore the art of expression. Creative dance is a combination of the mastery of movement and the artistry of expression.

Fractional growth factors

Students will have an understanding on how to find the exponential growth of a Rabbit population with fractional growth factors. Examples will be shown that students understand the lesson by using the growth factor table, being able to determine what is the growth factor and when is it appropriate to round it β†’

Emperors club reaction paper

The Emperor's Club is the sad story of a man who has lived his life to expect certain virtues in the characters of men of power, as displayed by the great rulers and thinkers of ancient Greece and Rome, only to discover that the tides have turned and such standards have all but disappeared. It's β†’

Angelia coleman

Angelia Coleman Jon Frederick English 102 8 March 2013 Helping Students Succeed While teachers in the classroom should aim to give students the best education possible they do have many students who have issues outside of school. These children need a little boost in the right direction and teaching the student as a whole β†’

Research paperpreed

It is clear that the composition and characteristics of this most crucial part of population goes along the way in the process of national velveteen of the policy makers and planners in their planning and decision making for the future. Also, for those who are dropped out in Elementary' and Secondary School may have a β†’

The competent teacher

Leadership and management is the idea that a competent teacher is a leader who wins the hearts and minds of the students and sees value in working with parents, colleagues, and other professionals at any and all given times. Personal effectiveness is the idea that teachers have to hold themselves to the highest moral and β†’

How truancy affects students performance

But the term's exact meaning differs from school to school, and is usually explicitly defined in the school's handbook of policies and procedures. Reminiscencing, Dr, Adedeji said the fear of school inspectors did not encourage students to play truancy in his school days and also, parents were up and doing.

Three sample recommendation letters:

She carried out her responsibilities in a responsible and dependable manner and consistently asked to participate in after-school activities and teacher events. Along with her command of the subject area and her effective teaching strategies with adolescents, she is a model of an excellent teacher.

A work in progress:

I was required to conduct personal interviews and participate in job shadowing and I remember asking a close friend, " I think I want to be a Guidance Counselor, is that weird? " Once the decision was made, I worked hard to complete the credits early and was able to graduate in December of 1993. β†’

God’s word in schools

In Jane Smiley's, The Case Against Chores she attacks parents that have their kids do chores saying that it alienates children from the family, but it my family it brings us together because we all pitch in to get the job done. It's not just about teaching our children what the Word says, but we β†’

Team teaching

It also gave alternative outlooks on tasks, and apart the benefits this had for the students, as a teacher working with someone of the opposite sex, brought different approaches to the planning and teaching in a classroom. Team teaching when approached in the right attitudes can be a significant in creating a positive experience for β†’

John dewey

He identified two possible processes of reflection, a retrospective analysis of experiences, the reflection-on-action and the reflection-in-action, which is the process of reflection as an active part of the experience. In the reflection-on-action a teacher will reflect after a lesson on the process by thinking about the lesson, reflecting on the good and bad moments β†’

Thinking critically about ethical issues critical thinking sample

This practice in the short term is seen to be beneficial to the teacher, school and students alike but in the long term the students will be hurting. This is because the students who were involved in the act would be incompetent in their technical jobs as the English language is essential in any formal β†’

Banking concept of education

Many argue on what the proper makeup of a successful educative system should consist of and whether or not the banking concept of education is a resourceful and effective way of teaching The banking concept of education has been a popular form of teaching for many years. The teacher will rarely comment on the information β†’

Frerie’s “banking concept of education”

To achieve this, they must be partners of the students in their relationships with them".Freire implies that students and teachers must work together to challenge not only the students but each other. Frerie also states that " the students, alienated like the slave in the Hegelian dialect, accept their ignorance as justifying the teacher's existence- β†’

The teacher as a hero

I had a relative who was summoned to the Comelec office in Manila and made to explain her inadvertence to affix her signature on a pair of election forms. The financially distressed teacher was forced to take a long-term loan which she used to pay for her transportation fare, board and lodging while in Manila. β†’

Teacher versus waiter

However, the teacher's working environment, the status they get, the benefits and the education they have are always better than waiters. The waiters have to follow their work schedule or they will get fire.

Teaching with a multicultural perspective. eric digest.

Teaching with this perspective promotes the child's sense of the uniqueness of his own culture as a positive characteristic and enables the child to accept the uniqueness of the cultures of others. A multicultural program can focus on the presentation of other cultures, but at the same time allow children to be aware of the β†’

Head lice in school children

If you are a teacher in a preschool or in one of the primary grades, you have probably come across head lice in some of your students from time to time. This can cause a lot of embarrassment to the children and their parents and it can even lead to depression.

A barred owl and the history teacher essay

A childish tone is given off in " A Barred Owl" that helps the reader relate to the child's fear while an ironic and sarcastic tone is given off in " The History Teacher" to show how the teacher's attempt to keep the kids innocent quickly turns the kids' thoughts from innocent to ignorance. The β†’

Good philosophical foundations essay example

This is because understanding of the course work is tested through tests and exams rather than an extension of the curriculum beyond what is covered in the classrooms; that is, life experiences. This, therefore, leads to memorising of what is tested in the tests and exams. References Ornstein, A.C., & Hunkins, F.P..

A whole new mind

Another way that my organization and I can foster the idea of play is being humorous with our students and us. Another is the idea that play is essential to my classroom and environment as it brings happiness and joy.

Articles for teachers day

Before it was officially started, the teachers and students were welcomed by the Student Chairman of the Activity and the Internal Vice President of Student Government Organization, Ms. It was undeniably a great celebration for World's Teachers Day and was well-prepared despite of the bad weather.

Reactions on “like stars on earth” essay sample

He also went to the house of the family of Ishaan and talked to his parent what is the problem of the child. He also went to the house of the family of Ishaan and talked to his parent what is the problem of the child.

Issues and chalenges in teaching science to special needs

Anuar, Dominic, Hafizzudin, Nazrul, Nursyafiq, Nazwan, Issues and Challenges in Teaching Science to Special Needs Students Children with special need are the one who deviates from the norm especially in education and would therefore needed special care in form of facilities and material for learning to take place. These are issues and challenges in β†’

Why i became a teacher?

When I was unfulfilled, working in the profession of social work, I decided that I would need to help others for my job. Michelle Shearer said in her interview for teacher of the year, " what I love about teaching is at the end of every day I never have to wonder if what I β†’

Intructional strategies for ell classrooms

This may help the new information seem less daunting to them and may help develop an anticipation in the student to explore further into the subject. Re-presenting text, is when the teacher asks the students to revisit a text with the intention of presenting it in an alternative way in which the students actively participate." β†’

Education in 1890

This act forced the states to open their school to blacks, or they were not going to get anymore funds for the school. As schools were opening and becoming more available to children, a law was passed saying that all children between the ages of 5 and 10 were required to attend school at the β†’

The perfect school

The perfect school The perfect school would have to be appealing to the students and offer a pleasant environment. The students would be close to nature and they would learn to love and protect trees, flowers and animals.

Lean on me

A pro of catholic schools is that there is more discipline explicated in the school. Hidden Curriculum is a way that students learn things that are meant to be taught in the home in school.


He had people who followed him and listened to what he said and this was enough to make him a teacher, whether what he was saying was original or not made no difference. What mattered was that he had a group of students who were willing to listen to what he said and put it β†’

If i were a teacher

If I were a teacher I should be compassionate and thoughtfulThough it might be taken for granted, I still would continue to befriended to my students and show them that someone is adding up her name in his/herfamily. :)) If I were a teacher I should be forgiving & a teacher who knows the word accept. β†’

Ansley simmons

I feel that education should be an investment in people, specifically children in today's schools and quality education can do many wonders whether it be to increase their access to opportunity, build their confidence, or foster creative and cognitive thinking skills; all traits necessary to being a functioning, helpful member of society, and when you β†’

Why i want to be a teacher

Although the main commitment to my students will be to teach the school curriculum in a way to meet the required objectives, I would like to use of variety of strategies and be creative in my teaching plans. I want to be a positive role model for not only in my church, but my classroom β†’

Roles and responsibilities of teacher

The legislations are very important to safeguard the teacher, student and adult learners. For example theHealthand Safety at work act is about the safety of the student and teacher. The next stage is the delivery of the session. The teacher will ensure that the learners' are β†’