Quality Linguistics Essay Examples for Your Learning

Assignment-progress report

This is a wine producing company that wasformed in 1970, and its headquarters is in the district of Stags Leap, California. One of the famous wine products for the organization is the Cask 23, and it is a blend of the Cabernet Sauvignon fruit from the Fay and SLV vineyards.

Writing is an art

Didion states that the act of writing is nothing but the imposing of the author's views and ideas on a particular audience. It had taken her a great length of time to realize that she was passionate about her writing and wanted to be a writer.

Library and information science

Library and Information Science Number October 3, Faculty Library and Information Science The article by Markey focuses on the way online library cataloguing had lost its attractiveness with its users. The author also notes that there was required a change in development and design of the online library cataloguing to reflect the long-term demands of β†’

English writing

When one is able to write well, he is recognized as one who has solid concepts and ideas, which he is not hesitant to write down. On the other hand, one who is not able to write well is the one who is not able to give a solid form to his thoughts.

Poem analysis

Comparing the lines in Yeats' " Second Coming" with Sassoon's " Glory of Women", I would say that one of their similarities would be how their poem described the dire conditions of the World War and how it seeps out the life and joy of people. The Second Coming - Yeats.N.p, n.d.Web.

Ways in which the internet has changed the way business operate in the global marketplace

Ways in which the internet has changed the way business operate in the global marketplace Internet has changed the way of life in this world. Communication facilities were enhanced a lot as a result of internet and therefore it is possible to do business in any part of the world staying in the convenience of β†’

Answer the question

It was alleged going against the rules that advertisement, and undermining the national practices and culture of the Chinese. The advert of the panda urinating on the streets may work as it aims to make the Chinese behave while abroad.

Europe: miguel de cervantes and don quixote

Analyzing Contrast Inherent to Don Quixote: Encounter Between Reason and Imagination Through the story of Don Quixote de La Mancha, author Miguel de Cervantes exhibits more than the biting consequences of truth brought by the part of history where men placed higher worth upon ideals as perceived in the beauty of the code of conduct β†’

The bookshop

of the of the Concerned 8 July The Bookshop The Bookshop, a novel by Penelope Fitzgerald got published in the year 1978. The novel primarily deals with a small English town in the late 50s, where the parochial attitude and approach towards things and issues bring to test the very grit and resilience of the β†’

Song of solomon

Guitar is different from milkman in various ways not only in upbringing but also in his outlook of life. Milkman is a man who does not believe in class difference in the society that is why he befriends a poor boy guitar.


It is also true that the use of examples can increase the interest of the audience in any essay. Also it was very helpful to see a guide of an exemplification essay in the chapter.

Individual case study

Blog Questions on Joe Camel Blog questions on Joe Camel I will look at Camel cigarettes because the cartoon Joe camel according to a survey was found to be targeting children. The case and American business Joe Camel case created a lot of controversy as issues related to smoking and health continued increasing.

Reading log 2

Do the fast food industry companies truly care about the children and their amusement or are they simply using the innocence of the children to make themselves wealthier at the expense of the health of the children and the parents' income? This question is challenging because it raises the pros and cons of these playgrounds β†’

Usability study

IPad 2 Ipad 2 is one of the most advanced technologies of the recent times. The touch screen technology makes it possible for users to command the Ipad 2 by touching the screen.

Having our say and black men and public space (racism)

The article " Black Man and Public Space" is about the stereotyping of black men and how American white community was scared of black people. The author claims that white people have a misconception about black people which can be related to the experience of black sisters in the novel.

A breakthrough drug

Everybody's body produces progerin a mutated form of protein lamin A, which is important for the organizing of the genome contained in the cells of the body. The recycling of the progerin is possible because of the ability of this drug to clear toxins from the cells of the body.

Palm islands in dubai

The main creation of the islands is for the tourism because the Sheikh wants to strengthen the economy of Dubai. There is placement of rocks at the edge of the islands to make the project successful.

Reading response 2

Driving the cars to the dealers where the trade in had to take place created a feeling of having lost a familiar friend, considering that the cars had served them faithfully over the years. However, the most unique element of the company is the mode of advertisements it places for the trade-ins, which almost always β†’

Timeline of evolutionary history of life english language essay

Looking at it from a Christian's point of view, the dots are in the Hands of God, he knows what is best for us and thus connects the dots in a way that is sometimes difficult to understand at the present moment, but however which makes more sense when we look back. Kissing is said β†’

How important is it to have a college education in america today is it necessary to have one in order to be successful

More and more want to school graduates enter colleges to get more chances for success in life; even adults who left schools many years ago strive to get a degree to build their careers and get more guarantees of stability in life. According to Pascarella and Terenzini, people with college degree tend to be more β†’

Consuming healthy fresh green foods

The function of this essay is about the differences in fresh food and canned food. The next comparison between fresh food and canned food is the health benefits involved.

Spread of english: a threat to developing countries and the world essay

In spite of the advantages attributable to the spread of the English language, the fact remains that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. In addition, the spread of English is a threat to world diversity and poses the risk of the lack of Standard English due to regional variations of the English language.

The crucible

Comparison of the roles of Elizabeth Proctor and Abigail Williams in the Crucible The Crucible mingles around a love triangle between Elizabeth Proctor, Abigail Williams and John Proctor. Abigail lies for the purpose of getting what she desires.

Smoking tobacco

Across the world, the consumption of tobacco and related products exhibits diverse and dynamic practices that are relevant to the global trade system. Parker's text explores international practices and perspectives that surround the buying and selling of tobacco and related products.

Transcendence: a movie analysis

The film Transcendence is an ideal example of the good that can come off technological advancements, as well as the ethical and legal grounds it can break when there are no limits. Biotechnology, which explores the combination of human consciousness and the unlimited capabilities of technology, is stepping on the line where limitations should be β†’

English assigment

The article ' Intellectual Diversity: The Trojan horse of a Dark Design', is a rhetoric piece of writing which is quite appealing logically. The main purpose of the article is to convince the audience that academic excellence should be apolitical and to enlighten the audience about how this bill is promoting political instead of academic β†’


In addition, there are transcripts and documents, which comprise of pieces of work relating to policy development of the company and its corporate social responsibility. Notably, the purpose of adopting a technical communication style in the documents available in the NASA website is to ensure that scientific concepts are conveyed to the public effectively.


FOMO FOMO is the desire to be part of what is going on in the social media streams. On the samenote, FOMO denotes the drive to connect with a friend or drop that update that will spur a series of comments and likes on a social media site.

Mla citation

MLA Citation The review by Dopp of the works of Davis, explains about the great move in the 20th century that brought about the alliance of arts withmusic. He equates fashion to music and painting which was adopted in the early days of France modernisation, Dopp.

Follow your passion by johnnetta b.cole

As the author describes her experience, she offers a story that anyone can associate with and benefit from the advice she was given by her mother to follow her passion. This paper will analyze the title of the story and describe how the author found her passion.


Indeed, while Abbas is off cutting hair for the colonizers, Hamida becomes a prostitute servicing the needs of the British and American troops in the waning months of WWII. Eventually when Abbas discovers Hamida in the company of British troops at a local tavern, he allows all the " sorrow, disappointment and despair he had β†’

Government policies on citizenship

According to the citizenship acts and policies of the two governments, there are majorly two ways of acquiring citizenship in those countries: by birth and by naturalization. Unlike in the United States where there is an allowance of dual citizenship for those who wish to retain their citizenship right acquired by birth, Canada lacks that β†’

Report summary

Carr states that the web has grievous results on its clients; because it affects the mind especially in the manner, it processes information. This encompasses use of other researcher's arguments and unveilings that are close to his, to back up the hypothesis.

I am j and the question of gender

" I am J" by Cris Beam Cris beam in his book " I am J" touches the sensitive topic of transgender and explains it through a character called J. Marcia who was J's friend also a transgender thinks that all of us possess some masculine and feminine qualities.

Legal in unlikely places

This applies to me because I live in such an environment in which tolerance of others is important, and at the same time discrimination does not yield much benefit in society. The key word in the article of the author is tolerance.

The differences between abstract language and concrete language

Describe and discuss the orginis of Rhetoric and Persuasion as a specific field of study. 8 May 2007.http://www.helium.com/items/118866-the-history-of-rhetoric-and-persuasion.


Answer: Crux believed that the American Dream is not uniform across the American minds and did not provide the minorities with the deserved strength and success. Answer: I can relate to Stephen Cruz's experience because as you pick up the newspaper and magazines everyday it is filled with stories of injustices faced by the minorities.

Discussion board 5

Discussion Board # 5 Some people will argue that knowledge and technology go hand in hand therefore a gap between the two should not and does not exist. It saddens me to see this gap constantly widening because technology has far outpaced the spread of knowledge already and has mistakenly allowed people to think that β†’

My abilities in finance

When I was in elementary and middle school, she would sit next to me when I was doing my homework and scribble her notes into it. For me I thought she merely had to head over to a bank and open an account, and then it would be easy to keep tab on earnings and β†’

The impact of social media on our society

The popularity of and easy access to social media has definitely contributed to the society in a positive way, bridging gaps between different communities and helping people to grow and market their businesses. It also originated and brought to the multimedia sector a new underestimated and now critical aspect of science and technology: social interaction β†’


This apartheid regime passed the 1962 Sabotage Act in response to the constitution of militant units and increase in sabotage. The rights of the Africans continued to be held in the hands of the apartheid which maintained social control and propagated destruction.

Dr. martin luther king, jr’s speech

King is an example of figurative language which appeals to both the cultures and speaks of harmonizing them. These words ring out the true spirit of the speech and appeal to both the cultures.

English composition

English Composition According to Michael Segell, our present culture and society needs to make aharder attempt to go beyond the set traditional standards of masculinity and femininity. According to Segell, the traditional standards of masculinity and femininity has overridden over society and therefore these standards have to be altered to think beyond it and find β†’

Based on your reading/viewing of pollan’s article answer the following questions

Pollan perceives Julia Child's shows to be more educative, comprehensive and centered on the subject matter unlike new age TV shows on cooking that are strained, regularly interrupted and add less value to the audience.4. The decline in cooking has been due to the technological advancements that have made it easy for food companies to β†’

Global warming

It is a fact that global warming has been able to play a very significant role within the time and age of today and the role of the media has been abysmal to state the least. The global warming issue is dependent on the different mannerisms that the people have adopted with the passage of β†’

Why television is bad for society

The solution to this is for parents to reduce the amount of time spent watching television in a day to two hours, preferably in the evening when parents are home from work. Most people in a society want to mimic the celebrity's way of speaking, fashion, and the way they behave.


Restlessness causes a lack of focus in the individual. Irrespective of the age, depressed people are most likely to wake up dumbfounded in the middle of the night from a dreadful dream that mostly is based upon the factors causing depression.


I read the readers' comments at the end of the article and many expressed that they wanted to do something about it but did not know how to go about it. The surgeon told me that I have brought up a topic whose surgeries are rare to happen, not because the condition is rare, but β†’

Cell phone should use it on class room

Cell phones also have various applications which help students make notes as well as keep reminders about school and college events and happenings and thus make the entire process less tiring both mentally and physically on the child. Cell phones have become the biggest distraction, especially in a student's life because of the capacity of β†’

How people are assigned with different roles english language essay

The tenor is the judges, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr.and Donald Trump, and the candidates, Michelle Sorro from the losing team. When Michelle referred to Donald Trump's speech in turn 32 and addressed him in turn 36, she used the form of title plus his last name, Mr.

Choose a good topic for me

Longer School Hours and Shorter Holidays In an article written by Judith Burns, " Gove urges longer days and shorter holidays for pupils" published in BBC News, the suggestions given by Education Secretary Michael Gove have been elaborated. He implies that longer school hours would be family friendly and also enable the child to prepare β†’

Social media

Social media use is significant in the contemporary society because of the number of young people who use it and effects on the users. The negative effects of social media on children and young adults.

Few areas of the globe have been spared involvement in bloody conflict over the last hundred years, and the attempt to cope with war, violence, destruction, loss, and mourning looms large in twentieth-century literature across cultures and generations

The Role of a Conflict in Paul Clean's " Death Fugue" Being a Jew himself and having lost his both parents in the Holocaust Paul Cleantackled an extremely complex task to reveal and transfer the atrocities of the Nazi system in WWII, one of the most tragic periods in world history. Nazi Germany leader, Hitler, β†’

Journal 8

Cinderella is gravely miserable since she cannot make to it the grand ball and just in time, her Fairy Godmother emerges and provides a gown and a coach so that she can attend the ball. The protagonist in the story is Cinderella who is saddened by the fact that she cannot go to the ball; β†’

To answer three questions that were given

However, my instructor guided and supported me and within several days, I had become faster than most the rest team members and I told myself that I never give up in anything and I will always have a positive attitude if I want to achieve something. I appreciate the swimming lessons I took and playing β†’

Research proposal letter

Some of the negative effects of marijuana according to the study by Volkow, Nora and her team of qualified researchers include damage to the lungs of the smoker and if there is continued use, the user is likely to develop serious respiratory problems such as bronchitis and inflammation of the respiratory tract making breathing difficult β†’

Heart failure

Reason of Heart Failure: Circumstances that harm or overload the heart muscle can be the cause of heart failure. Proper medication can ensure that one is away from the threat of heart attack and heart disease.

Example of my writing process essay

I choose a few elements of the brainstorm results to concentrate on and draft an order for the information or ideas to be put into the piece of writing. This course contains a large amount of reading and writing, and it is through these mediums that I have been able to improve my English skills β†’

Annotade on iq

In this book, the explains the mains issues involved in criticismof different methods of IQ test and what people say about the biasness of mental testing. The author explains in the article that the IQ percentage rises across generations.

Personal journal entry

Personal journal entry of the The creation of a standard platform makes the language havethe consistency that makes people from various backgrounds communicate with easy and understanding. The audience determines the content and how the message needs to be delivered.

Organizing a two-hour training seminar

Sincerely, Edwin King, Administrative assistant for the Human Resources Department Interoffice memorandum To: Miriam Hopkins, the Director of Human Resources From: Edwin King, Administrative assistant for the Human Resources Department Subject: Employee training seminar Date: 13 October 2014 In reference to the department's desire to organize a training seminar for the employees, I contacted Wydade β†’

Journal #5 and 6

We discussed the learning objective, and she gave me a couple comments and I was able to complete it by the end of the day. On the following Monday, I will be meeting with the PREEP group and my preceptor to assess the quality review.

Drama- los vendidos ( luis valdez)

Los Vendidos is assertive of social injustices such as the oppression of Chicanos during the 20th century, in the US. For instance, the dialogue between Sancho and a customer with regard to the maintenance of the Mexican models is implicit of a stereotype regarding Chicanos' traditional foods, as well as their conventional work ethic.

Persepolis and satrapi’s why i wrote persepolis h r

Lastly, she sought to have a simplistic but impactful case around the grave events that were taking place within Iran at the time the original setting of the events in the graphic novel. The best way to embody this characteristic into her work was through the use of a child narrator who easily fits the β†’

Abortion survivors

Sadly, many failed cases of abortion do not result in a long live for the ensuing baby due to complications from the attempted abortion, the premature birth, or the actions of the parents. The feelings of guilt resulting from a failed abortion determine the likely hood of allowing the continuance of the pregnancy.

Reading response-gay marriage

The plaintiffs demand equal rights and recognition of the law and be given the right to engage in the institution of marriage. On the contrary, banning gay marriage is a violation to those who engage in it.


The other type is the narrative genre in which the type of plan or scheme is defined. The types of the narrative genre are comedy, tragedy, satire and romance.

Answering questions

So many are hooked to the game and will do anything to see that their favourite teams score, carry home the fame, and the prizes that go with a game. Therefore, Tim reminds the young generation that their love for this sport will be for a season and there is no need to love it β†’


Article Summary The article by Lissa Petersen focuses on meeting the needs of international in learning and understanding the English language. When the students decide to pursue their studies in the US, they imply that they are proficient in English, but as a second language.

Refusal letter

One of our legal policies is to present terms and conditions of service to our clients before we enter into contract with them and we allow the client to review condition of the available facilities. Consequently, we assume that you placed an offer for our services based on your assessment of the state of the β†’

Set of instructions

One should not open the door during baking as heat may escape, which may make the cake to bake unevenly. One should keep testing to ensure the cake is ready.

An esay about the culture

Ultimately, the overall impact of geography is oftentimes felt with respect to the way in which the culture interacts with other cultures, trades, explorers, shares values and ideals, religion, and a litany of other factors. The underlying impact that geography had with regards to this level of cultural development had to act that there were β†’

English skills

Benefits of studying or working abroad for graduates, employers and countries Name Institution Tutor Date Benefits of studying or working abroad for graduates, employers and countries In the work of Crossman and Clarke working and studying abroad for the employers, graduates and countries have numerous benefits. Crossman and Clarke say that working or studying abroad β†’

Mol 3 case: annotated bibliography, plagiarism, and research

Thesis: In the interest of protecting the environment and moving the American economy away from dependency on fossil fuels, government entities should fund charging stations to help expand the market for electric vehicles. This article indicates that even with more charging stations, the whole business model of car sales needs reworking for the electric version, β†’

Problem and solution

HEALTH EFFECTS OF JUNK FOODS AND SOLUTIOS TO THE PROBLEMS Junk foods are normally rich in sodium, sugar and fats and have very less nutritional value. High levels of sodium and fats contained in junk food can lead to high blood pressure or hypertension.

Complaint letter

The lines have gotten to the point where I will enter the store to make use of one of the side services, such as the money order counter, and leave to purchase my groceries and other items at a different store. In this way, the cleanliness and orderliness of the store is not neglected, but β†’

A summary of the color of love by danzy senna (summarize)

In the story, ' The Color of Love', the focus is on the writer Danzy Senna who tells the story of her relationship with her grandmother. This was the bone of contention between the grandmother and Danzy's mother because she wanted her daughter to marry a white guy just like she had.

James paul gee / what is litracy

What is the difference between acquisition and learning, according to Gee, and how do these relate to his understanding of ' discourse' and ' literacy' Acquisition is gaining of knowledge unconsciously like learning native language or learning via observation. On the other hand, secondary discourse is connected to legitimate academic and professional places where a β†’

Why i love dogs

I would go as far as saying that dogs are the only animals that seem to connect with a man emotionally, better than other animals. On the other hand, when I act in a friendly and cordial way, my dog stays around me and reciprocates by producing sounds to show that it is comfortable.

Cause and effect and comparison-contrast

Lecturer: Cause and Effect and Comparison-Contrast Cause and Effect-Chernobyl Nuclear Accident The Chernobyl nuclear disaster inUkraine has been considered the worst nuclear accident that has ever occurred in the history of the world. The last cause of the effects was the actual removal of the debris that was the core of the nuclear plant.


These technologies make people indifferent to the people they are with physically since they rather communicate with others through the mobile devices. The use of the mobile technologies actually enables people to snub the people close by." We are together, but each of us is in our own bubble, furiously connected to keyboards and tiny β†’

Rhetorically analyzing a bumper sticker

The bumper sticker " I should not have to press 1 for English" succeeds in some ways and fails in others as a rhetorical device. Bumper sticker succeeds in that it draws the viewers attention to a great number of connected ideas that this person probably also believes things about language rights.


Comparison of Articles on Diabetes in Australia Similarities Adam Cresswell and Julie Robotham discuss the diabetes epidemic in Australia. Both articles also discuss how obesity increase the risk in diabetes, and the reported increase in the average weight and waist measurement means that this risk of developing the disease has also increased.

Peer review of summary/analysis section

I think that from the first paragraph you could have already used the introduction into how stating how each reading relates and the last sentence could have been used as a better transition into the next paragraph instead of just ending by citing the title and thesis of Puente's article. It's easy to read and β†’

Global issues. land reclamation. what are the alternatives to expanding a nation’s economy rather than land reclamation

Global Context Land reclamation is a global issue this is because thousands of species have been rendered instinct due to land reclamation and it takes the world to stop the issue as soon as possible. Land Reclamation In The Po River Delta Of Italy.


Experiment Experiment The initial step of the experiment involved the transformation of Escherichia coli cells using pGLO plasmid to yield adequate quantity of GFP to help in purification and analysis. Evidently, the molecular weight of the jellyfish GFP ranging between 27-30 kDa was lower than the values 41.

Steve ballmer’s new life as an nba owner- team builder

Therefore, the entry of Ballmer to the Los Angeles Clippers will bring a lot of changes in the short run and long run. In the long run, the Los Angeles Clippers will be a top team in the country.


Summary of a Video The video shows an ordinary happening in the commuter station - a taxi parking near the entrance and a passenger, a woman, going out of the taxi. And then the next scene shows the taxi driver going out of the car and opening the compartment to place something inside it.


Strictly implementing security procedures to lessen contact or interaction people and continuously updating the public of the epidemic's status can contribute to the prevention of the spreading of Ebola. Going to medical specialists early can stop the spread of Ebola.

Edgar allan poe’s the tell-tale heart

There are various parts in the story wherein the narrator convinces the reader that he - the story does not actually reveal whether the narrator is a he or she but I will refer to the narrator as a he for the purpose of this assignment is sane for he is capable of thinking, planning, β†’

Written business communication ( #4b)

We would like the pleasure of your company aboard Diamond Princess for the voyage that suits your preferences at a 50% discount. For that, we would like to compensate you for the discomfort and distress caused due to the circumstances that had forced rescheduling of the voyage itinerary and a 50% discount on any future β†’

Obama, dawd:whos fooling who

She questions the fact that President Obama was able to convince the American public to share his opinion on gun control, but was not able to get 60 senators to support him pass the bill in Capitol Hill. The influence in the articles are evident in the fact that it is easy for the ordinary β†’


Use of Ethos on UNICEF website Ethos is a rhetoric tool used appeal to ethics, and is a means of convincing the audience of the character or credibility of the persuader. Be a champion for the children of Syria.

Coke heist commercial as an effective ad

Soothing music Details: a.the fit between the music and the ad b.music increases communication effectiveness c.musical impact receptivity and liking of the music Support 2. In the second section, I disccussed the environmental setting of a commercial and in third section, I expounded the need for a collaborated teamwork in production.

The role of music in my life

For instance, when I am feeling lonely, I listen to classical music because the kinds of Bach and Beethoven have a soothing effect that penetrates the heart. I turn to music, to songs that convey messages that relate to my situation.

Topic about drugs

The effects of the drugs abuse are also different in various people and therefore, it is may be not easy to generalize the condition but many impacts on different people can be implied. The effect of drug abuse can be broadly divided into three parts in the categories of health of the individual, societal effects β†’