Quality Linguistics Essay Examples for Your Learning

The world’s oceans, should ocean protected area exist

It can thus be seen that implementation of marine protected areas can offer the best solution for the uncontrolled overfishing and overexploitation of marine life. Marine protection through MPAs Increasing the rate of Marine Protected Areas is the best way to conserve and create the sustainable plans for the ocean.

Demonstrate how to show not tell the action

English Welcoming the troops back home The airport terminal is a buzz of normalcy. It is the Budweiser moment of fame.

Tenses and aspects, modal verbs and modality

I have finished my assignment at last, and I have finally submitted it, before the due date. By the time the riot police arrived at the scene, the demonstrators had dispersed.


Lies Lead to More Lies It is a fact that lying leads to more lies. Apart from affecting the relationships, lying also leads to more lies and wastes time and energy of a person who tells a lie regarding some matter.

Socrates and crito

Crito wanted to take Socrates out of the prison but Socrates was ready for execution. But Socrates was not willing to accept the views of Crito.


English Censorship Censorship is a term used to refer to the act of suppression of freedom of being able to freely express oneself. The main reason due to which Canada is failing to attract more tourists is that it has failed to position itself and market itself in a proper manner.

Key points in plot

The historical time mentioned in the novel shows how people at the time lived and their sources of help by churches and hospitals that helped them at the time during the world war one. The cider house rules is a novel that shares the different opinions on abortion and how it has affected the people β†’

American fiction in the beginning of xx century

American Fiction in the beginning of XX century The peculiarities of fiction of 20s-30s on the example of works by Scott Fitzgerald " The Ice Palace", William Faulkner " That Evening Sun" and John Steinbeck " Flight" can be outlined in the following way: personal wanderings and searching of people for themselves in the Post-war β†’


Understanding Ethos One firmly believes that the concept of ethos indicates establishing due credibility and authoritativeness of the author in terms of competency and qualifications garnered through educational background, work experiences, and expertise in the subject being written about.2. Publisher.Date.

Frankenstein analysis (mary shelley1818)

Specifically, he is tries to learn language, and this is captured when the monster was observing the cottages: " I perceived that the words they spoke sometimes produced pleasure or pain, smiles or sadness, in the minds and countenances of the hearers. It can thus be argued that the singularity of the monster, combined with β†’

The glass ceiling

Bypassing the Glass Ceiling in Psychology The glass ceiling is something that prevents women professionals from being able to enter in to the highest echelons of a profession. Though recent advancements for women in the workplace have allowed them to achieve higher rates of entrances in various professions, there are various systematic and cultural barriers β†’


To evaluate the extent and impacts of the reliance on computer technology as the best innovation To explore the possibility of a superseding innovation and importance of computers in the past decade, possibility of survival without computers and effects of overreliance on computers First supporting paragraph With its application compared to that of other devices β†’

Modern literature 1

A careful analysis of both The Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart evidences that Conrad and Achebe differ in the manner in which they both write about the colonizing Europeans and the native Africans. Marlow, the main character in The Heart of Darkness, travels to the central station from the outer station and encounters β†’

Annotated bibliography. environmental effects of nuclear power plant accident at fukushima

This report released by the Yale University highlights the growing concern that even though the ocean has the capacity to dilute nuclear contamination, elevated concentrations of radioactive cesium and iodine are moving up the local food chain. The report also includes a comparison of the current situation in Fukushima with studies from previous releases of β†’

The natural language processing tools english language essay

Both MUC, whichwas tagged with coreferring entities identified by noun phrases in the text and which represents small training and test sets, and ACE, which has much more annotation, but is restricted to a limited subset of entities, are less consistent, in terms of inter-annotator agreement, and thus diminish the reliability of the predictive models β†’


Jim is ethical because he does not steal the software but he is rather given for the being a member of the BB network. The company is already cultured to the usage of shared software.

What do you think are the most important qualities for women to succeed in todays business environment do you feel you hold these qualities

Women's Success in the Present Business Environment ID Women's Success in the Present Business Environment Success in the field of business in the present society requires many attributes. The ability to communicate to all sections of a firm would be one of the most important abilities that decide the success of a woman professional in β†’

Iran is developing a nuclear weapons program

This threat has led to the reaction of the international countries and organization to call off the production of the nuclear production by Iran to sustain peaceful relations. Moreover, the enrichment of uranium level in Tehran has confirmed all suspicions of Iran's ability to create nuclear weapons.

Chekhov’s attitude to romantic love

Conversely, Dimitry's " an absence of emotional involvement" is short-lived due to Anna's " unquestioning love", which gave him the confidence to dispel his " egocentricity". For instance, Dimitry's " an absence of emotional involvement" which slowly changes due to Anna's " unquestioning" affection towards him.

Summary of a book chapter

Religious Approach Many scholars believe that the events of 11 September 2001 reflect a ' revival of religion' in international affairs. The anthropocentric and Judeo-Christians argue that man exploits nature in pursuit of human destiny and development.


Review the below three scenarios, and identify the question you would raise as leader of each team to begin the inquiry and awareness step of the tagging process. The substitute choir director would like to raise the issue of the choir members and their commitment to annual event and to the dedication of the choir β†’

Choose any topic and story

May 30, Compare and contrast Matt's motivation for murder Killings and Emilys A Rose for Emily Matt's motivation for murder in " Killings" is revenge for his son, Frank, who is cold-bloodedly murdered in front of his girlfriend, Mary Ann Strout, and her two kids. On the contrary, the motivation for Emily in killing Homer β†’

Analyze why i went to the woods of henry david thoreau

According to him the sole purpose was to assess the human ability compares it with the live and facilities that are present in the civilized world and the urban parts of the world. The entire experience was based upon the observations and experimentation that was undertaken over a total of two years of living in β†’

Is global climate change man-made

However, as years have passed, global climate change is a transition that is affecting people and the world; yet, humans have only contributed towards the increment of this problem. This can increase the temperature of the atmosphere and change the climate on Earth.

Performance elements

When comparing some of the plays written, in this case Reeds The C Above the C Above High C and Wildes The Importance of Being Earnest, various aspects of plays are considered so as to enable the reader to be able to picture the performance through the text reading. It is thus suggested that if β†’

Analysis of the secret

The personalities in the movie share a common principle, belief and attitude and that is what they share in the movie. After viewing the film and considering that the lecture on visualization and affirmation is equivalent to the " Law of Attraction" discussed in the movie, it has now been decided by this student that β†’


Racism Racism The term racism is used to de the negative attitudes and ideas that people from one particular group or race may hold for people belonging to another group or race. The main cause of the existence of racism within the society is that individuals belonging to one race may perceive their own race β†’

Experiences as a writer

Finally, as a writer I have learned that the most important aspect of writing has to do with respect for the reader. I cannot be judgmental or argumentative in the way that I write because it is not my job to influence my readers.

David rabe’s sticks and bones

David Rabe's Sticks and Bones David Rabe's Sticks and Bones Sticks and Bones is a play by David Rabe that captures the names of characters from the television and radio situation comedy " The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet". Moreover, the writer has also portrayed through the mental state of David that he acknowledges that β†’

Research proposal example

Therefore, considering the importance of sharing private information online in maintaining a vibrant Internet, there is need to defend people's privacy and data that is online from government intrusion; this essay will, through presenting evidence from books and other sources, proof that violation of online privacy is a danger to technology companies, the internet, and β†’

East or west, home is best

As I got out of the plane, I could feel the sweet welcome of home. The air was fresh and the gentle wind caressed my delicate skin as I headed to the cub.

Should catholic priests be allowed to marry

The church's doctrine explains that the Catholic priests are married to the church and they are following the footsteps of Jesus Christ who was single and celibate and therefore dedicated his all to serving the church. According to the cbs news, this shortage in the catholic priests has even necessitated the Roman Catholic Church to β†’


For example, the use of free verse is distinct in all the stanzas and it's intended to break down the conventional structures of illustrating the persona's anguish. However, Cisneros is also sensitive to the use of alliteration to establish a rhythmic effect as noted in the last stanza in the use of the words ' β†’

Washington dc and london

One of the most obvious correlations between Washington D.C.and London is that the two are capital cities and as such sit powers of two influential countries in the world the former going to the United States and the latter United Kingdom. In London there is the British Museum that is one of the oldest of β†’


The article begins by reporting on the High Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development's 2013 meeting, which was hosted by the Permanent Observer Mission to the Holy See to the UN to discuss response to the refugee crisis. In discussing the refugee crisis, the article highlights the countries that have had to deal with β†’

Essenital skills for an excellent career

For example, conflict resolution is a vital skill to have in any career. When conflict is handled and solved effectively, it is a promising tool in enhancing professional growth.

Maine – a novel- j.courtney sullivan

In the story, the novelist used humour to examine the truths that are found in the heart and far beyond. This contributes to the theme of love and anger in the story.

Different aspects of bacterial network communication english language essay

First, by using a multi-objective optimization procedure, we search for the optimal trade off between energy production, which is a requirement for the motility, and the biomass growth, which is related to the overall survival and fitness of the bacterium. The genome amplification allows the organism to increase the range of chemical reactions available, increasing β†’

Whats wrong with school teacher play student, learns to lie and cheat

She realized that the students did not learn much in the classrooms as they were demotivated and turned off by the fact that they had little responsibility and power over their education. They thought that the teachers were bores and their role was to distribute the information required for the students to pass tests.

Afganistan war veteran

I researched literature on the country's culture and people, and this served to help me to avoid the common pitfall that most of my colleagues fell into of incorrectly stereotyping the country's people. When we finally landed in the country, I discovered that most of the material I had read on the country had essentially β†’

Masking poor communication

Masking Poor Communication of the English of the Concerned June 25, Masking Poor Communication Though the present day children, teenagers and adolescents do have a gut feeling that they gel more with their friends, as compared to their parents, the good thing is that now ample research findings are testifying to the fact that an β†’

How would you teach the following structures to young learners

TEACHING OF YOUNG LEARNERS by The of the The of the School The and where itis located The Date How to present a new target language to a class? Activities and visual aids to enhance the process of teaching a foreign language: The atmosphere of the foreign culture must be created in order to introduce β†’

Global language

The Importance of English Communication Skills Full The necessity to learn the English language is caused by globalization. Since English is known to be a language oftentimes used in schools in many countries, it seems to be the most commonly used language that could probably connect different people together.

Marijuana is a gateway drug

Marijuana is a gateway drug According to ification accorded by Drug Enforcement Administration, marijuana remains as a Schedule I substance in accordance to the Controlled Substances Act. In reassessing the gateway effect of marijuana, a number of evidence became brought to explain its effect.

Reading response 11

One is that adults already have the experience of leaning a language which means they are aware of the basics of learning. Finally in spite of learning L2, adults fail to reach the native standard of pronunciation.


After entering Boston I had lost my luggage and was on the verge of being mobbed but I was lucky enough to be helped by a few people who were lurking around and came out almost instantly after sensing that I was in some sort of danger. I was sulking because the watch had gone, β†’

Reader response

It is worth to note the level of consistency of the themes and realities of life that resonates in this work. In response of the overall viewpoint of the author, this work is a masterpiece of excellent literary development, analysis and reflection.


Areas of Study Despite the fact that this particular study is still in its preliminary stages, I have it in plan to organize the proposal by describing various sub-topics of research, which addresses various aspects pertaining to the automation of services at the county offices by the use of mobile application systems. The first aspect β†’


Your School Ecological Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster and Number Paper Due Ecological Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster 22nd April 2015 is known to be the anniversary date of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, which occurred in the Gulf of Mexico 5 years ago. The BP Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.Web.

Persuasive apology

1st September, 2014 Dear Professor Anderson, I sincerely apologize for the extreme measures I took in implicating the professor as a liar and a really bad tutor while in the real sense I am the less honorable student and individual. I sincerely pray that you may find it in your heart to forgive my actions β†’

Engage gladwell, olson, and nathan in a conversation to explain how individuals

Heba Relationships The need for a mature relationship is essential owing to the contemporary diversity of the world. Building national and international schools, encouraging intermarriages, and promoting open-mindedness are some of the reliable ways of reducing racial discrimination and ethnicity.

Soccer injuries

Soccer Injuries I am interested in researching on soccer injuries since most players in soccer know very little about theinjuries. I want to know the individuals who are at a higher risk of getting soccer injuries and how they can prevent the injuries.

Lies my teacher told me- james loewen

Lies My Teacher Told Me by James Loewen The book, Lies My Teacher Told Me by James Loewen represents a critical analysis of the manner in which textbooks used to teach American history in high schools are a great disservice to the nation and students. He goes further to assert that the nature of history β†’

Transfer to the college

It is very imperative that an individual should receive a comfortable and soothing environment that can support his learning process, and the absence of such provision often results in the failure of even the brightest students. In this regard, it is my utmost desire to become a part of your reputable institution, as I have β†’

The ubiquitous data streams english language essay

The information of closed itemsets is maintained in a CFP-Tree, which is a prefix-tree like, com-pact data structure that enables efficient mining. The information of closed itemsets is maintained in a CFP-Tree, which is a prefix-tree like, compact data structure that enables effi-cient mining.

Personal responsibility for college success after 50

Personal Responsibility to College Success After 50 Lecturer's Due The average college spends half of his or her time in class compared to high school student. Time management should also apply in the professional and social life of a student in order to ensure that one has enough time for family and work, which are β†’

Living on a farm to living in the city

Living on a Farm or Living in the Hani Alshmemri Tiffin ENG 140 Living on a Farm or Living in the Country living is relativelydifferent to that city life depending on people's preferences, but on one hand can be as much satisfying. In addition, the cost of a small apartment in the city may already β†’

Db #4

Analysis of Nicholas Christakis Argument In his TED talk, Nicholas Christakis employs the use of rhetoric to persuade, appeal and inform his audience on the hidden influence of social networks. By talking about how he conducted his study by taking care of the sick and terminally ill patients, Christakis uses the rhetoric proof of Pathos β†’

What does dreger suggest about the relationship between anatomy and identity in our society how does dreger show that anatomy matters (2) in sometimes unexpected ways dreger later suggests that the important problem of the twenty-first century wil

In this book, Dreger looks into the uncommon forms of conjoined, and the widespread social views that take disability as a loss of physical integrity. Dreger looks at the lives of conjoined twins and suggests the use of their lives as a way to improve the social and political relationship among people.

Heard the owl call my name

This is a very important point that latched the story to the concept of life and death. The people in the village have a different perception of the village compared to that of the modern concept because of their non-exposure to the things that make up the modern world, like technology and its workspace.

Eng blog rev..jb

This paper seeks to analyze gender bias in toys deeply by reviewing a blog titled Gender Bias in the Toy Aisles. The ' girl' toys in the blog are reflected as having that nauseating pink too.

The language of txting: is it language in evolution or language in deterioration

THE LANGUAGE OF TEXTING By Location The Language of Texting is a Deterioration of Language In the 21st century, the language of texting has become a common aspect in many societies. The devastating effects of the language in texting are evidenced by the use of colloquial contractions such as ' av' instead of ' have', β†’

High school graduation student commencement speech

You are the only person you will spend most of your life with, not your spouse or guardian, prepare your joy, hate yourself and you will spend a lifetime with yourself as your own enemy. Stay true to your passion and yourself, define your path and avoid those drafted for you by others, it is β†’

Journal 4

This paper provides insight into the engineering concept of green buildings, by analyzing Lipu, Jamal and Karim's journal article titled " An approach towards sustainable energy performance by green building: a review of current features, benefits and barriers". In terms of pollution and contribution to global warming, buildings produce about 40 percent of greenhouse gases β†’

Adding, and organize

The author of the article " The Impact of the Gulf War" expounds on how the war led to a long list of slaughters on the Basra road. From the gulf war, it was noted that despite the military success that was recorded in the war, the experience of the Gulf war changed the viewing β†’

( create a topic based on source provided )

The speech itself is concentric on laying out a case for the Democratic Party and President Obama's economic plan as it relates to the debt ceiling and the strife that was centered on raising the debt ceiling during 2011. Another powerful technique that the speech employs is even though the topic at hand is deadly β†’

Compare two computers

Thus, one has to recharge the Dell Inspiron battery more times compared to HP Pavilion due to the shorter battery life of Dell Inspiron compared to that of HP Pavilion battery. Similarly, the weight of Dell Inspiron is relatively higher to that of HP Pavilion since Dell has 6.

Of man and the stream of time by rachel carson

Of Man and the Stream of Time by Rachel Carson The essay " Of man and the stream of time" is a reflection ofthe author Rachel Carson. In the essay, the effects of man's routines and activities on the nature and his role in the changes of the environment are evaluated.

Study case

The ultimate objective of this training is to enhance employee happiness. The supervisor is in a better position to assess and evaluate his/her subordinate's performance relative to happiness or unhappiness.

Writing response to freire article

He used the term banking education to critique and describe the conventional system of education. According to Freire, the students are taught, and the teachers teach.

Summary of an asian father’s gift: permission to fail

The author said that her transcripts will be ruined and therefore, she will not be able to attend College. The author says that, at that particular time she realized that her father had given her the permission to fail, and that is when she started looking at life differently.

Benefits for company of upgrading to microsoft office 2010

Benefits For Company Of Upgrading To Microsoft Office 2010 Abstract The paper is a formal justification report to the Encoder Power Plus Company making a recommendation to change the use of the current software package, the Microsoft Office 2007 to the newest software package, the Microsoft Office 2010. The second part of the report β†’

Nuclear power plant

This use of water bodies can be avoided through the use of cooling towers in the nuclear reactors which are located beside the reactors to cool the reactor. However, the capital needed to put up a nuclear reactor is huge and in cases of accident, the effects are very devastating because they cause long term β†’

Teen pregnancy

Teenage Pregnancy: Parents and the Community have an Integral Role in Educating Teenagers to be more Careful and Responsible in their Relationships Name: Institution: Introduction Teenage pregnancy has been a major social and health issue in the recent past. The data provided give people the true picture of teenage pregnancy and the reason it is β†’

Kids experience and opinion as a vendor

Although most of my supplies came from our kitchen, I still have to think about profit and that my sales should be more than the things that I bought from the grocery such as cups, containers etch. But since I cannot decide, I asked my parents who in turn took the significant portion of it β†’

Response and analysis

Mary Jane's father is a significant character in the novel. From the father's narration, Mary Jane understands the extent to which the Muslim laws are misused.

Reading journal: a piece of cake

Question 2 This chapter is an introduction to the foster conditions and treatment. Most of the misfortunes are due to their mistakes and naivety.

Living with physical disability

One of the major responsibilities of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is to make accommodations for disabled employees, under the title I of the Act. If the members of the family will not give emotional and physical support to the disabled person, he will get socially isolated and this will add to his β†’

Renewable energy

Raw materials are sometimes not difficult to access and the states around the world are always struggling to assemble as much raw materials as they can to facilitate the normal operation of firms categorized under different industries in the economy. Advantages of renewable energy The cost of generating hydropower is low making it the most β†’

Bad news message

Patel, Thank you for your letter about the refund or replacement of the $1, 000 piece of equipment that you bought from our company three years ago. You can however choose to repair the equipment within our service centers or acquire a whole new set of equipment.

Orange is the new black analysis response paper

When comparing this to John Ann's book on Discourse Communities and Communities of Practice: Membership, Conflict, and Diversity, discourse communities have unique ways in which they operate and one needed not to join the community in order to participate in it. As people who come to prisons are people from diverse culture, races and origin, β†’

Tutorial 13

Moreover, the tutorial content as explored in the paper remained reflective of the society and positively influenced my life. Regarding the levels of formality, it is not bad to use contractions in academic writing provided that they are not used in excess, occasionally used, and well executed.

Living in a big city to living in a small city

Today especially in the developed countries, majority of the people live in cities with migration from rural to urban area spurred by the attractions of the city such as better infrastructure access to services and higher employment opportunities. One of the similarities between small and big cities is that they both have access to social β†’

The undue weight of truth on wikipedia by messer-kruse

The main thrust of Wikipedia as an online contributor-based social encyclopedia limits itself to the assertions and writings of a book and the stance of the majority to the exclusion of others. This occurred as a reaction to the Wikipedia entry on the Haymarket riot and trial of 1886 and involves an attempt to modify β†’

Diversity in university

Diversity enriches discussions everywhere in the university and its surroundings; therefore, this essay will elaborate and examine the different ways in which diversity in the university is a benefit and provide examples to support the dissimilar features. Social development, the core benefit of religion as an aspect of diversity, is a key recipe for personal β†’

The use of computers english language essay

Leach [[1]] introduces the idea of traditional, top-down method, where the form is prescribed by the designer and all sustainable and structural criteria are solved at a latter part of the design, and how more contemporary, bottom-up methods, where the processes that produce the form and defined, are now being explored. This literature review aims β†’


Logical argument: King points to the fact that he is disappointed by the way church leaders are carrying out their leadership activities. Relationship of the paragraph to the Rest of the Letter King decides to speak this way after realizing that most black people were being discriminated in church matters and therefore it is imperative β†’


In order for the Qatar government to maintain a healthy and a stable economy in the future, it ought to expand revenue sources, utilize its assets to hedge against instability and create a legacy for the future in by measures mentioned below. In this case all the households should pay a given fraction of tax β†’

A detailed lesson plan in english essay sample

Learning Objectives: At the end of the period, the students are expected to: 1. Presents a talk show or interview with the use of the proper way in conducting interview.II.

Critique of a report

A Critique of a Health Care Report of Affiliation The British journal of healthcare assistants has for a long time dealtwith issues related to children health. The author makes a good use of past health records collected from a vast resource base to help paint the picture of the present health problem.

Education class for teaching profession

According to the teacher this theory seems to be important because of the following reasons: It constructs the knowledge within the learner It gives an opportunity to the learner to unfold himself It gives a chance to the learner to share his knowledge and learn on his/her own abilities. It will also help the teacher β†’

Article annotations

Thus, in a situation where there is no hypothesis, there is a possibility of some deviation from the purpose of the study hence the findings may lose the precision and accuracy that is necessary for the viability of the findings. There is also a retrogressive study of the participants to establish the relationship of the β†’


Theme Theme A Temporary Matter The main theme of the story A Temporary Matter by Jhumpa Lahiri is " the little things in life" that also attribute to the subsequent occurrences in the story. The instances of the story contribute to the temporary matter, which is the title of the story.

Why do you think science fiction is so popular today

This essay demonstrates that the continued widespread popularity of science fiction in the modern world is attributable to the great scientific progress that has been made in recent years, the expansive nature of the genre, and a general unease with contemporary society and our collective futures. Another prominent reason science fiction is extremely popular in β†’

King arthur

Geoffrey of Monmouth" by David Nash Ford " Geoffrey of Monmouth" is an essay discussing the life and times of the so d historical figure responsible for many of the King Arthur tales. About the only moral factor that can be considered is the way in which 17th century scholars were quick to condemn Geoffrey β†’