Quality Linguistics Essay Examples for Your Learning


The matter of the article is the contribution of bodily movement to human beings' superstition. The gist of the narrative is the method employed by this study and its findings.

The luck of roaring camp

The story revolves around a gold mining camp that consisted primarily of criminals and outlaws, who had been rightfully dubbed as " the roughs", which according to the narrator was " more of a distinction rather than a definition". The story is set in the 1850's where a band of men living in the foothills β†’

Journal 8

McHugh's " What He Thought" demonstrates, through enjambment, metaphor, irony, and oxymoron, that the political is also poetic, wherein the poetic confirms the death-denying ideologies of people through the oxymoron of a silent poet. " What He Thought" uses enjambment to depict that political actions are poetic, in the sense that they reflect the innermost emotions, β†’

Eng 1010

It is beneficial for a buyer to compare the advantages and drawbacks of the phone before making a purchase. The iPhone presents some likable advantages that attract its buyers. In addition, considering there are phones such as Samsung Galaxy S5 that are certified as waterproof, the iPhone 6 is still at a disadvantage. Owing to β†’

The classic style in mississippi and innocents abroad

THE IC STYLE IN MISSISSIPI AND INNOCENTS ABROAD To be specific, ic writing style enables to be precise and clear in the way of presenting information to readers. The writer is to perform a task as a duty but not out of interest and willingness to do so.


1 2 3 4 5 Links to other websites are useful 1 2 3 4 5 Technical Elements: (Rank the following elements with 5 being excellent and 1 being a poor ranking). All the links to other sites work 1 2 3 4 5 Page loads quickly 1 2 3 4 5 β†’

Journal # 2

What are your plans to meet these challenges and move forward? My preceptor oversees 6 different programs in the department, and she meets with each program leaders either on a weekly or alternate week basis. But I will also wait to meet with my faculty advisor and my preceptor on 2/6/14 to discuss and finalize β†’

Kurt vonnegut, slaughterhouse five

Kurt Vonnegut wrotethis amazing piece of literature as a reflection of the horrors of World War II in Dresden. In the years following the war, he encounters ignorance of people about the magnitude of destruction at Dresden. In chapter five, Billy learns about Tralfamadorians and their philosophy of acceptance.

Summary response: the masque of the red death

Module The Masque of the Red Death SUMMARY Red Death is a disease portrayed as quite dangerous to the population of a fictional nation. The noise is so loud that it makes all those in attendance to stop their celebrations. The guests roam about all the rooms except the last one.

School of nights presentation

Snowden was reported to die at the age of 66 and the obituary quickly explains that he was a bookseller and was dedicated to the works of Elizabethan history. This obituary was to reveal the kind of relationship that Snowden had with Styles as well as the events that led to his death.

Visit to the national museum

Furthermore, the attractive facilities and displays therein made the experience very successful. Fear engulfed me causing me to terribly shake in front of a huge and expectant crowd, despite I being a smart student. It is good to record a few points for a good flow of ideas during the presentation.

Eng315 week5

Describe what you could to do overcome this. => I would feel most comfortable in extemporaneous speeches, because it will give me more leeway to add more ideas according to the current situation or audience, and at the same time will give me the structure of the best organization of ideas to present. Another skill I β†’

A statement of research interests

It was a good challenge as I learned first-hand the application of my skills to the students. I will be a good addition to the university and my cross-cultural understanding and knowledge will play a huge role in meeting the inherent needs of both my colleagues and myself.

Why i should be admitted to ucsd

However, what I have different is the belief in myself and the faith in my potentials. I had a GPA of 3. 2 in my college which may be a little less to your standards but as they say never judge a book by its cover this is the same scenario. A couple of years β†’

Main themes

The substance of this prose will focus primarily on the themes presented in the first and second chapter of the book, which discusses the origins of the civilization and then its fall following an invasion from Spain, respectively. The most important theme of Acuna's book is to view the Mexican history in complete isolation and β†’

The description of an application letter

Lecturer Osama Alnassir 50341 Khreshatuk Street Langos point, karch 454501 720/444-5555 Employment Objective Seeking a position as a Nuclear Medicine Technologist Summary of Qualifications 2 years successful experience in Nuclear Medicine Technology Outstanding communication skills; committed to meet an organization's goals Work History ShopWell Milk OrganizationLangos Point, Karach2012-present Diagnostic β†’


A Longitudinal Study by Gass, Jenkins and Dunn who look deeper into relationships between children and their siblings. Researchers confirm protective effect of positive relationships between children and their siblings as a result of their longitudinal study.

Business commutations

The reason Rogers Corporation encourages such courses is for the employees to be empowered with more skills that will upgrade the performance of the company in service delivery. The Corporation is to provide $5000 in reimbursement for completed courses as a motivation.

Describe an activity

Moreover, I read students' news articles about the litter that accumulates in Isla Vista, especially after famous community events, such as Deltopia and Halloween, and I agree with the questions that Cvitanic and Hoegerman , Opinion Co-Editors of Daily Nexus, asked: " What can we learn [from these negative effects of our social activities]?" β†’

Active listening, improving an ability to listen and lead

As a result of good listening skills, one is able to increase productivity, improve the ability to influence others. In addition as a leader in the workplace, you are required to have good listening skills to understand issues that are troubling the employees and how to improve their performance.

The worn path, and in exile

That may be correct on the off chance that we dont think about the rich imageries, topics, and different issues. The story was composed and initially distributed in 1941 in Atlantic Weekly; in this way, we can accept that the story happened in that year. The year 1941 was not just stamped by the begin β†’

Who is driving force in the play, macbeth, lady macbeth or both

The various factors that contribute to the murders include Lady Macbeth, a cunning, influential and manipulative wife responsible for Macbeth's judgment, and Macbeth's ambition, which is triggered by his desire to become king. During the first parts of the play, Lady Macbeth appears to be the driving force as she influences Macbeth through manipulation and β†’

Middle eastern humanities

It is, therefore, paramount to consider the similarities and differences of the culinary traditions of the delegation from the Middle East before setting up the banquet. Middle East cooking uses generously herbs and spices. The banquet should consist of food types that are common among the countries of the visiting delegation.

The native son: flight

Psychological Circumvention of the Blacks As Portrayed In Native Son Native Son by Arthur Wrightrevolves around the power play of the whites and the meekness of the blacks. After he cannot control the urge to kiss Jane, he cannot control the urge to place the blame on the whites and so he commits a series β†’

Giving adice to another student how well to do on test,why it is important it is to do well

However, you are not to worry because I am here to give you some very useful advices you may use during your preparations so you can make sure you will pass the test. Subjects you are having difficulty with requires more efforts to understand than those you usually enjoy so while your brain is still β†’


Movie Summary Amores Perros The movie Amores Perros was aired during the session of 2000 and was directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu and the movie has a MPAA rating of R. One of the lead character of the movie is Octavio who is living in his brother's home and he starts liking his brother's wife β†’

Globalization and states sovereignty

The emergence of globalization has led to the inception of controversy that increased globalization is fading away the role, authority, and sovereignty of state. First, the impact of increased globalization on sovereignty of states is discussed and second, the future prospect of state's sovereignty due to upsurge in globalization will be mentioned.

Consistency, parallelism and sentence variety are valuable techniques i have learned in this writing course

These techniques of paragraphing, parallelism and sentence variety that I learned will be elaborated on below. Techniques to create a consistent and concise essay, research paper, or other written document require special attention to be placed on the order of paragraphs and linking paragraphs. If the tone changes the meaning of the paper may change β†’


The issue of identifying the affected birds was complicated by the lack of manifestation in ducks which pose potential risk to humans in an area. The virus that cause the flu mutated from the original type that affected birds only to a complicated one that is unaffected by the immunity system of humans. This is β†’

The history about the three texts english language essay

The aim of the speaker for text three is to communicate with the listener about the conflicts of work and so reach out to those who have experienced similar situation in their work life, or, perhaps the speaker merely wants to lift the weight of his/her chest by opening up and talking about it. β†’

Article reviews

The social disengagement brought by the new communication prompts the author to use practical approaches that can facilitate the readers' pragmatic understanding of this issue. The author is, therefore, appealing to the community to abandon the ineffective technology-aided communication and reincorporate the traditional methods that enhanced attachment.

Response paper

Adventure in the Forest The last time I was on vacation, I decided to go for a trip to India with either of my friends. We decided to make a camp to rest for the night and continue with the search the following day.

How to build a new world

How to Build a New World Identify Naomi Kleins main idea Klein is concerned with what is the initiative, which peopleshould take to make the world a better place. To her, this is not the right direction to take, since everyone should live to enjoy the resources of their nations or countries. 2.

Concrde crash

On the runway, when the Concorde flight was preparing speed one of its tires run over the same metal strip that that made the tire to burst. 27 2014. . Smith, Patrick." Untold Story of the Concorde Disaster".

Tasks critical thinkings examples

However with the third example, a distinct indication of an abstract noun referring to a particular emotion is described by the term ' fewer'. - Chaucer: - What do the rhetorical " when, then" division do in the opening of the Canterburry tales? - This phrase specifically denounce that another aspect of another story is about to start; β†’

On eating roadkill, the most ethical meat

Moreover, legal, practical, and culinary considerations from different states discourage people from cooking road kill However, eating road kill is as safe as eating any other meat from the game. If the road kill meat was to be made more socially acceptable, many people would engage themselves in illegal activities of killing game β†’

What should people set there goals in life

Goal setting in life Setting goals in life is an important constituent to long-term accomplishment and self-realization. Setting and achieving goals translate to the feelings of accomplishment and success life.


I became forced to cut short my call and apologize to the whole bus if I was a bother. I request for a compensation of 10, 000 US dollars since after the embarrassing act, I became forced to live with it day in day out.

Wconference question

In this case, the branch on knowledge tries to establish the rationale for the nature of human being, how they process information and what make humans unique especially in thinking and reasoning. Art and Epistemology is a very crucial branch of knowledge and creativity that shapes the affairs of the society. As the society mirror, β†’


Although the poem was quite simple and straightforward, it takes a lot of imagination to make sense of the narrative. The part where I have to analyze every line of the poem was the most challenging.

Should violent images and language be censored or banned from national media

In extreme circumstances, the child may become violent and abuse the parent and force him/her out of the room. Even if all the deleterious effects of incorporating sexuality and violence in the video games are overlooked, the fact that these factors are incorporated into the video games on the cost of their quality can not β†’


Adolf Hitler In the countryside of Austria in 1889, a boy was born who later turned up to be one of the greatest dictators of all time on earth. However, he deserted his mission and imposed himself as the leader of the group he was to spy on.

Zidane’s success

His move to join Juventus was criticized heavily by football experts most of whom thought it was not a wise move; however, Zidane showed that he was prepared for the challenge as he steered the club to win an Italian Super Cup as well as the UEFA Champions League Cup. In the year 1998, when β†’

Identify the claim 99.9% of proper grammar is obsolete – cs2

As users are getting acquainted of each other's vocabulary, proper grammar is deteriorating. He recognizes that there is a tendency of feeding customized " Internet Speak" that is developing among those on the internet. The grammar on formal websites still follows the traditional laid out rules, emails are starting to see a condensed version and β†’

Societal role in advertising

This role can be both a reflection on the society or the probability of what is expected by the society in future. Recently, a range of companies have picked up advertising styles that incorporates social dimensions. This is attributed to the fact that the society is experiencing a lot of changes through the effects of β†’

Discuss the causes and the effects of cancer to what extent is cancer prevention the individuals responsibility

Running Head: CANCER Discuss the causes and the effects of cancer To what extent is cancer prevention the individual's responsibility? of the Writer] [Name of the Institution] Causes of Cancer and its prevention as an individual responsibility Introduction Cancer is a disease that takes place at the cellular level; it is caused by the uncontrolled β†’

Genetic testing

In this essay, I will describe advantages and disadvantages of DNA testing and demonstrate why the test should not be put into practice. Firstly, genetic testing has a benefit of enhancing medical technology. On the contrary, there is a great risk of failure in the test.

Pathos, logos, and ethos in writing: similarities and differences in writing and why

Abdulrahman Tayeb Rudd ENGL1303 12/7 Pathos, Logos, and Ethos in Writing: Similarities and Differences in Writing and Why In writing different essays, the content, appeals, and writing style can vary, depending on the aims and audiences of the writer. Although these essays are similar in attaining a coherent essay, differences in appeals and writing styles β†’

The lady and her five suitors – a 1001 nights

The Lady and Her Five Suitors - A 1001 Nights The Lady And Her Five Suitors is a story from the collection " A 1001 Nights" that has a key character as a woman, a merchant's daughter and married to a husband who traveled quite a lot. She claims that the youth was β†’

Performance in drama and poetry

In light of the focus on a single item, the resulting drama and poem would always be performative. Plays and poems employ characterization, plot and mood to develop the themes, which are inherent throughout the literary piece in question. As the result, I do have a feeling of a participant when reading plays and poems β†’

Career memo report

After analyzing the data available, I have gathered the information on the topics such as the roles and responsibilities, typical work environment, education and training, job outlook and median salary. They are required to improve the relationship with the community and supervising the area assigned to them.

Reality in the kite runner english language essay

The Linguistic Manipulation: A Powerful Instrument for the Construction of the Version ofReality in The Kite Runner ABSTRACT The purpose of the present research was to analyse the linguistic manipulation in the novel, TheKite Runner, according to the agenda of Critical Discourse Analysis. The research problem is to investigatehow the writer employed the β†’

Physical science

The internet and other credible sources present a wide variety of scheduling resources and systems for lawn owners depending on the level of maintenance one wants to achieve. The second argument is based on inductive reasoning; " turf becomes better the more it is irrigated". This is a red herring argument since it diverts the β†’


The Magic of Friendship of the English of the Concerned September 24, The Magic of Friendship When I look back, I still remember the day I migrated from the bustling metropolitan of Dubai, to a small Canadian city, Sault Ste Marie. As he continued, I realized that the friendly and jolly spirit of that boy β†’

Work life balance the diagnosis english language essay

1 Part OneAt Home, do you hear your family complaining often that they are not getting enough of you? do these complaints/ demands on your time by your family make you anxious/ irritated/ angry? do you resentment when you have to do household chores or spend time with the family? do you feels that β†’

Analyzing persuasive appeals in advertisements

It got its important information across without ever becoming cheeky or insulting to those who find themselves in need of the protection offered by adult diapers. In terms of the Ethos of the print ad, using a celebrity image model like Lisa Rinna made the advertisement come across as fully extrinsic in appeal. Im not β†’

Student communication in online classes

The impact of students' teamwork and mixing upon their propensity to thrive as well as the displeasure of habitual learners towards the missing students was also studied. Factors like reduced connectivity and costliness of the internet service were found to cause students to make optimum use of the online service which is not possible for β†’


In addition, the rise in drug trafficking around the globe also necessitated the institution of heightened security checks in airports. As I was sitting waiting for my flight to board, I sought some passengers' opinions about the security checks.

Landscape and map

due: Landscape and Maps A landscape is a drawing that displays all the visible features of an area or land. A map illustrates and shows its physical features of which they may include: roads, cities, oceans and rivers among others. The relationship between a map and a landscape is that both are a representation of β†’

Moon journal

Moon Journal I collected data for a whole week, observing the position and phase of the moon each day, and analysed the data and made the conclusions below from the data and my own research: The moon moves in a circular orbit around the earth. Therefore, when the moon is observed, it appears to revolve β†’

The role of mother tongue english language essay

I will begin with a review of past research on the nature of L2 writing emphasizing cognitive model of writing and the studies that addressed the role of L1 in L2 composing. Cognitive stages of writing.The above outlines up-to-date research on L2 writing and the findings on L1 use as well as theoretical framework proposed β†’

Texas state entrance questionaire

It is because of my calling to be a nurse that I have chosen to major in Pre-Nursing and Pre-Interdisciplinary Studies - Elementary Education. After completing the pre-nursing course, I hope to proceed with my studies to get a degree in nursing. Working in this hospital will hopefully give me the chance to save lives β†’


This is according to past Gallup survey and generally speaking, Americans for instance more supportive of making abortion legal especially in the earliest pregnancy stages of pregnancy than in the advanced stages, when the pregnancy is more developed or can survive outside of the womb. Another common ground that has been agreed upon by most β†’

The existence of homophobia or racism

The Existence of Racism Number: Introduction Racism is still a major problem in the modern world despite the numerousattempts by people of good will to exterminate it. Stereotype is very effective especially if introduced to young people where a child might be exposed to false allegations of a particular group made by his β†’

Assignment 5.3

Traditional or physical classroom refers to the conventional learning system that relies on actual and physical student-teacher interaction to facilitate learning, whereas virtual learning sustains the student-teacher interaction via electronic media, for the same purpose. It is also expedient to address key information questions that will help answer this question accurately and debate it cogently. β†’

The impact of education on someone who is disadvantaged

Enough is enough' by Geoffrey Canada and the ' Clamorous to Learn' essay by Eudora Welty. Education has the ability to influence the thinking and actions of people, thereby equipping them with skills relevant in their life. In the essay by Welty for instance, it is clear that she has grown to become β†’

Management decisions

However, as one is engaged into the activities, he or she learns communication skills that see him or her make possible decisions in the management system. As a network engineer, therefore I need to initiate concrete information in the management decisions that enables effective communication among the employees. We have therefore outstanding elements of decision β†’

Alone on the sea

Cause and effect of privacy violation on social media and the internet Social media and internet has connected millions of people over a single platform where they can interact with each other and communicate whenever desired. The poor infrastructure and least sophisticated systems of social media sites also cause privacy violations. As with the increased β†’

Find two articles that are influential in the field of organizational development

Strategic leaders are leaders who are proficient in motivating and persuading people to acquire the vision of that company or institution. Strategic leadership is about managing the employees by using strategies of management in order to achieve set goals.


The author then provides both the pros and cons of the strategy. The author addresses an agreeable audience. The author uses logos and inductive reasoning to communicate to his audience.

Informational interview

Introduction a) Accounting is a field associated with math and numbers, but this has proven not to be the only skill needed for a beginner to transcend to the top of his career. b) Due to my interest in the field of accounting, it was prudent of me to conduct a personalized interview with β†’

Working in group

However, I found it difficult to join together the fact about the different things in the school environment to make the whole assignment. As much as it was difficult to join the two different realities in the school environment I learned that I must sort and differentiate the two different things from the bad things β†’

Sports prodigy a curse of blessing

Topic: Sports prodigy a curse or blessing Being sports prodigy is a curse as the health of a person is more important than anything else in this world for a person. A kid should not aim to perform like a matured man in the sports as it can hurt him mentally and physically. A child β†’

Personal identity. you are the same person now as you were ten years ago

Therefore, as I am in the same body as I was ten years ago, I am the same person. However, there is opposition to the view that our identity refers only to our physical body as our bodies are constantly regenerating so how much of our body must stay the same in order for us β†’

Chapter summary

Chapter Summaries Chapter 13 Chapter 13 of the book focuses on the act of disposing of clothes especially by the mothers living in the region of United States. The chapter states that the mothers have no idea why do they have so many clothes lying around in their wardrobe and the numbers of clothes they β†’

The color purple

The information there in was very reliable and followed practical problems that bedevil many women. The presentation in the book is in particular important in my quest to understand the theology and how people may misunderstand praising God. The two groups were then critically analyzed in the way they believe in God. In the assessment β†’

Arabs and westerners attitude to perfumes industry

Arabs And Westerners Attitude To Perfumes Industry People in the Gulf in general and primarily Arabs approach perfumes and fragrances differently compared to the Westerners; the former are much more driven towards them than the latter. This may be attributed to the fact that an overwhelming majority of Arab women are Muslims and β†’

How to do well on a job interview

This makes it important for an interviewee to ensure that he is able to convince the interviewer that he is the best person for the job at hand. The interviewee should be able to use them to ensure that he impresses the interviewer in a professional way to increase his chances to acquire the job.

Need to add more on the paper

The illustration on student athletes offer sufficient prognosis in view of the mentioned, as they have been treated as marketing strategies of the various schools and in turn, they succumb to pressure to exercise to exploit their talents while apparently putting much focus on training and participating in competitions. Such students pose future detrimental effect β†’

Discussion forum post

Significance of the Set Directions in a Play Naked Lunch The play tells the story of two former lovers, Vernon and Lucy, who have met for a lunch. This hint on Vernon's carelessness and inability to find the right vase for the right quantity of flowers implies hidden conflict of the couple.

Third world feminism/pop culture and media

Many activists and groups advocating for feminism ideologies use the media in establishing and defending the political, social and economic rights for women in the society. Despite this, there is also a backlash against feminism brought out by the media. In the music videos, the roles taken by the women downgrade the position and roles β†’

Human rights

In this regard, the international community has with time legislated international human rights law, which stipulates on the way every country should act in regard to promoting and protecting citizens' rights. Rationale for human rights Under the universal declaration of human rights, specific articles have been put in place in regard to spelling out β†’

The strategies i will adopt to improve my academic performance to be successful in college

The strategies in this context are plans laid down in order to encourage positive performance and champion for success. Some of the strategies that I have put in place to improve my academic performance include; First, time management is an important attribute that cannot lack in my recipe for success in academic success.

The man who was almost a man by richard wright

He has a history of not being able to control himself, thus making it wrong for him to run away. When he runs way, chances are that he would still cause more harm with the gun." Feeling a sense of power. That is why Dave was not right by escaping with the train to move β†’

Cover letter prompt

The group members learned from the group and also helped other members of the group also to learn. The group members worked until each member of the team understood and completed the task thus creating an atmosphere of the achievement. The collaborative learning created situations where the student were required to discuss various perspectives and β†’

Product evaluation on bluetooth

The aim of the current discourse is to provide a product evaluation of Bluetooth through identifying its uses, benefits, costs, and other relevant concerns that users must be aware of. Bluetooth is deemed to be designed for the purpose of providing a cheap and secure tool to connect and exchange various information between the abovementioned β†’

Describe one way that you, as an esl teacher, might support a mainstream teacher who has english language learners in their classroom

This method would determine whether the ESL student would learn effectively with individualized focus or effectively within the group to maximize learning comprehension. I would also develop a co-teaching evaluation template that would provide a checklist to ensure that individual learning occurs with a focus on ESL learners. These findings would be shared with the β†’

Chinese students learning strategies in efl and in esl

This strategy helps the learners to understand meanings and expressions in English as they are used in Australia. Metacognitive strategy is the second method that the Chinese students use to learn ESL in Australia. For example, they structure their learning in topics, and this helps them to understand ESL in steps. Thirdly, the Chinese students β†’

Discussion 7

She analyzed from head to toe, the three women who were present at the conference and she came to the conclusion that women always try to be " marked". Marked is the term which is used in the essay to highlight the fact that women always try to make their presence felt and they try β†’

Communication – team leardership

This article is a worthwhile read because it focuses on current trends in team leadership and looks forward to what the future will look like in this area. It is not beneficial to an organization to simply give a task to the team and then provide no direction.

Practice analysis with whistlers mother

The woman is wearing a longdress in which shows that the painter did not want to expose the leg or to include the painting of the legs. The painter used different colors in order to differentiate between the background and the image of a woman.


The competition is getting stiffer that the qualities and information being asked from the donor also escalates. The ideal quality of a man which many women prefers is embodied by Donor 1913 who do not only possess the qualities of good looks, high education and being nice, but is also charming and funny to the β†’

The propaganda of commodities

English February 28, Topic: The Propaganda of Commodities The main idea of the article, " The Propaganda of Commodities," by Christopher Lasch: Propaganda is one of the important weapons used by the modern advertising world, for its relentless war in the consumer market to get a firm foothold for a particular product or for β†’

The adventures of huckleberry finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: A Summary The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is set during the 1840's in the town of St. Jim reveals that Huck's father is dead and he does not have to be scared anymore.

Human is by dick

Human Is From the reading ' Human Is' by Dick, I get to understand more of the essence of being human. From the reading, I get to understand how kindness is a fundamental part of human life.

The obedience to authority

Obedience to authority results in evil in the stories " The Lottery" and " The Ones Who Walked Away from Omelas," because of appearance of convention, cowardice, and ordinariness of violence. Convention and law are common sources of authority, which many people can follow mindlessly, however evil their outcomes may be. In " The Ones β†’