Quality Law Essay Examples for Your Learning

Criminal justice policy process assignment

Recently there has been research and evidence that rehabilitative programs are proactive in operating programs that have transitioned individuals from jail to secure care programs that can then transition criminal individuals to a productive and normative lifestyle once they complete such a program. Using these alternatives to incarceration can benefit the budget and allows nonviolent →

Abstract during a war, is law silent

This research study was done to find out if ' during a war, is law silent?' While there are plenty of laws that cover international armed conflicts and wars, particularly as set by the United Nations, International Humanitarian Laws, Human Rights and the Geneva Convention, there are not very many laws which cover non-international armed →

Eminnent domain: do you agree with changes made to emiminent domain

At times, the government might want to take a private property for the benefit of the larger community. Eminent domain refers to the seizure of a private property by a state to offer essential services to the public.

Us-south korea free trade agreement

Before going into the effects of the agreement, let us first take a look on some of the inclusion in the US-South Korea Free Trade Agreement. The US Korea Free Trade Agreement The US South Korea Free Trade Agreement was signed by the two countries' representatives on June 30, 2007.

Americas courts and the criminal justice system

This effect of the criminal rules of justice is apparent since the rules limit the nature or kind of evidence that courts may accept and the purpose for which the evidence may be used. Despite their perceived power-reduction effects, there are criminal rules of evidence that actually empower the courts.

Hardship suffered by smuggled and trafficked victims law european essay

There are those who are regular migrants who stay often the expiry of their visa and so their status is changed from regular to irregular.[11]Although Illegal migration amounts to small proportion of the total migration and the consideration of illegal migrants as criminals and carriers of infectious diseases is unfounded, it is often considered as →

Discuss the pros and cons of having judges as policymakers

Policies made by a judge also hold prestige and are bound to be respected and followed to the letter as any failure to this will lead to legal battle that the judges obviously have to win as one of their own made the policy. Policy making is a huge issue that needs to be handled →

Misconception about the corrections system

Misconceptions about Corrections Systems Corrections system is composed of the prisons and community system used to enforce court punishment for law breakers. Conclusion The central concern of the corrections system is to enforce punishment and rehabilitation to law breakers.

Insolvency in anglo american law

Pursuant to the judgment of Re Paramount Airways Ltd, security is defined as " created where a person obtains rights exercisable against some property in which the debtor has an interest in order to enforce the discharge of the debtor's obligation to the creditor". And in common cases, the governmental claims will not consent to →

Unemployment as a crime source

The large unemployed population is compelled to adopt criminal behaviours and meet the needs of their families. Knowing the importance of money and resources in people's lives, it is justifiable to believe that unemployment leads to increased crime rates.

Marriage and civil partnerships in modern british society essay sample

Secondly, civil partnership act ignores issues concerning same-sex activity: the ground for non-consummation and venereal disease are not included in the civil partnership act; adultery does not establish a ground for divorce; and a husband is considered to be the father of a child where the mother receives assisted reproductive services, but a civil partner →

Discussion board

However, when investigating and proving the guilt of a suspect the prosecutor must always prove the intentions for the crime a feature that validates the consideration of diets among other external factors. By investigating and considering the diets of a suspect, psychiatrists, who always help establish the mental stability of suspects, readily establish the motives →

Oral agreement: positive and negative sides

Under the circumstances, the sale of the house to Bill is therefore not enforceable. In conclusion, it is clear that the sale of Doug's house to Bill was agreed upon verbally, this agreement did not meet all the legal requirements to make it enforceable.

Child support enforcement: one law does not fit all

If this is true then why is the father who is a positive influence and is present in his child's life having to deal with the possibility of going back to jail for past child support non-payment, but the father who wants nothing to do with his daughter and does not pay his child support →

Law enforcement at the state and local levels

Data will be shared between the two agencies, and this includes copies of the database's fingerprint information in order to assist with the comparison of fingerprints. This information will also permit users to gain information regarding individuals that do not have citizenship and should not be present in the United States.

The development of john doe law equity essay

Origin & Development of John DoeThe adoption of John Doe orders, whose origin can be traced way back to the reign of England's King Edward III[16], when such orders were used to refer to unidentifiable defendants in the form of an extraordinary equitable remedy permitting the plaintiff to search and seize the premises of the →

International humanitarian law and international criminal law law international essay

The third part follows suit and articulates in an integrated approach the achievements and short comings of the Special Court for Sierra Leone which was established on 16 January 2002 by an agreement between United Nations and the government of Sierra Leone.[6]Among its achievements, the completion of its mandate, its excellent outreach mechanisms as well →

Modular questions

The underhand nature of price-fixing organizations is brought about by the knowledge that price-fixing is a contravention of the federal and state laws. The kind of agreement that is being mooted does not capture the fact that other players in the healthcare industry will not be party to the proposal.

Juvenile justice

The United s Juvenile Justice System About a century ago, the United s Juvenile Justice System wascreated with the objective of redirecting young delinquents from the harsh sentences of criminal courts and promoting rehabilitation/ treatment according to the needs of the juvenile. The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation handles juvenile aftercare in North Dakota.

The knowledge based economy

The Knowledge Based Economy Affiliation The Knowledge Based Economy The government of New Zealand can adopt some policies to facilitate collaborations between universities, research institutes and businesses so as to transition the economy into a diversified, knowledge-based economy. The use of all these policies will make it possible for the economy of a country to →


Proper ethical training of police is very important because of their roles and responsibilities in the society." Police officers are held to a higher standard of behavior by society, because they are stewards of the public trust and are empowered to apply force and remove constitutional privileges when lawfully justified". There are certain strategies that →

Responses from dq1 anddq@ cc and aaw2d2 1 and 2

A spot check on the act shows that it only affects external auditors, boards of directors, corporate roles, and the PCAOB in a move to heighten investor confidence in the organizations. According to Cox, the Sarbanes-Oxley act is exceptionally clear on the responsibilities of senior executives regarding their roles in their respective organizations.

Confidential industrial application form assignment

If you have been working for an Employment Agency you need to complete a section for each contract you have worked on for the agency. Name: Employer's name and address: Postcode: Relationship of Referee to you: We need to obtain the reference prior to you working for us If you cannot complete this section, you →

Adversarial system of justice

Adversarial system of justice The adversarial system of justice is where two advocates represent their before a group of people or a person usually a judge or jury. With this system, justice gets served when the most effective adversary gets to convince the jury or the judge that his or her point of view on →

Plea bargaining

Plea Bargains and Morality A plea bargain is an agreement where the prosecutor offers the defendant an opportunity to plead guilty to lesser charge, often in exchange for a lesser punishment. However, if the criminal knows he will most likely be pleading guilty to a lesser crime than the crime he is committing, the punishment →

Ethics in public sector – usa

number Publish Ethics in the Public Sector United s The United s political system allows for lobbying on behalf of a group as long as the lobbyist is fully registered and sticks to certain ethical principles. Lobbying guidelines from the Texas legislature make it clear that anyone taking more than $1, 000 in advantages from →

Opening fbi assignment

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is a law enforcement and domestic intelligence agency, made up of more than 32, 000 employees, charged with protecting and defending the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence wreaths; upholding and enforcing the criminal laws of the United States; and providing leadership and criminal Justice services to federal, state, →

Reno v. american civil liberties union, 521 u.s. 844 (1997)

American Civil Liberties Union," the court of Supreme upheld a previous lower court decision that the CDA violated two existing provisions of the constitution. Individuals who assist in commission of obscenity crimes are also liable under the federal laws of obscenity.

The criminal justice system

Having clearly defined the difference of the two crimes based upon the description of offenses, it is safe to say that one would much rather be accused of a misdemeanor rather than a felony. Retrieved from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-the-most-common-types-of-misdemeanor-cases.htm N.A.

Marijuana legalization outline

The Legalization ofMarijuanaThesis Statement: The legalization of marijuana in the United States would create a drastic change by forming a more productive society through all of the positive uses of cannabis, physically, economically, and socially.I. THC is the main chemical The amount can be regulated It determines the strength of the high A.

The gist of the declaration

It consequently protects the said entitlements of rights by exhorting the people to alter, to abolish, and to institute a new government when it comes the time when the declaration is already destructive with respect to the rights. Lastly, it looks in the past during the time of the former government of the British king →

Tort law: case analysis

The case that jerry can pose against the doctor is of the Negligence tort. It should be noted that the doctor was basically on the breach of the duty of care as per the Tort law.

How does shakespeare make act one scene five of romeo juliet dramatically effective?

The break in Romeo and Juliet's conversation foreshadows the breaking of life, Romeo's banishment and Juliet's wedding to Paris as these things are all the things that lead up to, the consequence of Romeo and Juliet's death. Shakespeare's choice of language for Romeo after the nurse has told him that Juliet is a Capulet, is →

Corruption within the government assignment

This paper will help to explain the initial causations of crime, the problems rounding the Judicial detaining of Juveniles, the methods of rehabilitation and treatment, the system's inadequate placement of youths that are mentally ill and lastly, the styles of punishment that the system imposes on the juvenile delinquent. These theories propose that through observation →

Minors have the same rights as adults

The issue: whether any of the due process rights of the Gault were breached by the lower courts in their ruling in favor of the delinquent's incarceration The holding: the majority ruling read by Justice Black set aside the Gault's sentence and ordered his remanding. Improving access to schools and creating awareness on the demerits →

Problem oriented policing

Problem Oriented Policing Problem oriented policing is a strategy adopted to identify, analyze, and prevent community problems and crimes through research and involvement of the government, police department and the community. The article about revisiting concept and theories of community policing has changed my outlook towards the concept of problem oriented policing.

Criminal justice assignment

If was the probation officer would give her a urine screening and if she was clean would question her on who's pot it might be and proceed to inform her that she has violated her probation because of drugs being in her home. This scenario would lead me to interview her and her neighbors along →

Perfomance specificationsestablishing and operating a business

SERVICES - The CONTRACTOR will provide all materials, supplies and equipment to be transported and all services to be performed by CONTRACTOR are hereinafter referred to as the " Services". Tree trimming - The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for the pruning and trimming of trees to be done on a monthly basis or as required.e.

Rules of evidence

Rules of Evidence Rules of evidence are guidelines on how evidence is handled in the justice system, it contains the proper channels as per the law on how to obtain evidence and use it to prosecute criminals. Evidence is material ' if it is offered to prove a fact that is at issue in the →

Criminal evidence 6

The co-conspirator rule is a principle and according to this principle, the statements that have been used by one of the conspirators of a conspiracy that have been proved are admitted as evidence in the court against one of the members who were involved in making the conspiracy. The third exception is the residual hearsay →

Final exam questions in law

Final Exam Questions 2 The Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination can be overcome with three different types of immunity from the government; two types of immunity are " transactional immunity" and " use immunity". Statewide, the concept of sovereign immunity is generally more upheld.

The climax, plot, characters, etc. tthe author of

He is so disturbed that he confesses and tells the police where to find the bodyThe story " grandfather and his little grandson" is about an old man who lived with his son, his daughter-in-law and his grandson. The couple did not want to take care of him, and did not like when the old →


In the documentary, the actions of the top executives from various companies, academic economists, federal regulators and bankers were mostly to blame for the collapse of the markets and a paralyzed financial system which eventually led to loss of jobs and savings. However, in the film it is clear that such kind of advice is →

Extra cridets

The law affects the business in Indiana in a positive way in that, in case people are not violating the law then it means that people get to their work places on time. The violation would also fall under public law, as it is a criminal offence to violate Indiana Code 9-21-8.

Law of digital evidence

The unequivocal nature of information stored in computers as compared to other properties promoted the increases of concern on the determination of their warrants. Such attributes allow for the reflection of the personal nature of the information hosted or stored in these devices.

Treaty on the functioning of the european union law european essay

At least, the " Report by the Working Party on the Future of the European Communities' Court System" gave the following assessment to the given procedure:" through the direct dialogue which has made possible between each national court and the Court of Justice, as the supreme judicial body in the Community, through the authority and →

The problem of intimidation

Personal ment We live in a world where intimidation exists and is used to the detriment of other people simply because there are those who believe themselves to be hugely powerful and therefore, above the law. In the workplace, managers abuse their positions of authority in order to make their subordinates submit to their unfair →

Classification of laws

Classification of Laws An important method of classifying law is according to the system in which it is created.common law Rules of law created by the courts through judicial decisions. Private law is traditionally separated into the law of contracts, the law of torts, and the law of property.

Article/ case law search

Once both the Senate and House agree to pass the bill, it will go to a committee of Senates and Representatives to work out any differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. Nosocomial infection is dangerous and can result in death of the patient and lead to lawsuits that usually do not →

Inside job from a legal perspective

This is because the borrower of the security had borrowed all the money for the mortgage and therefore was under no threat of loss if the deal went wrong. The defrauded individuals will also need to prove to the court of law that they suffered damages.


DNA contamination In order to avoid contamination of DNA evidence it is important to observe proper guidelines in the collection of such evidence. The outcomes of these cases are favorable for contamination of DNA evidence compromises the results of the test and renders the evidence unreliable and as such should not be used to convict →

International law

The following essay is divided into the following sections: Introduction Definitions Positivism Realism International law Conclusion List of works cited Law is a concept of governance that involves the stipulation and establishment of rules and regulations that are enforced to shape politics, economics, and society. In this premise, it suggests that positivism disregards the rule →

Forensic science assignment

LIB'S is what the video discusses. What was did law enforcement officials want the researcher to examine?

Employment law compliance plan essay sample

They are as follows: The Age Discrimination in Employment Act, The Immigration Reform and Control Act, The Americans with Disabilities Act, Family and the Medical Leave Act, and Fair Labor Standards Act. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 protects certain applicants and employees 40 years →

Companies commission of malaysia law company business partnership essay

According to the section 4 of the Companies Act 1967 has defined " director" as any person occupying the position of director of a corporation by whatever name called and included a person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the directors of a corporation are accustomed to act and an alternate or substitute director. →

Ideology of marxism karl marx law contract essay

' The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.' In his ideology of Marxism, Karl Marx suggested that the poverty gap between the rich and poor in a capitalist country will expand greatly, tipping the balance in favour of major business enterprises, causing the inequality of bargaining power between an enterprise and a →

Contract law assignment

The Turkish Supreme Court of Appeals also refers to the Swiss legal literature and case law in a number of its decisions Under Swiss law, the " two-stage theory" applies to determine the legal regime which would apply to the private law contract executed for the performance of some services of the administration by private →

Contemporary ethical issues in criminal justice and private assignment

These events were made significant because it brought back to the table important issues such as security at a national level, which includes the topics of gun control and immigration. National level security planning connects all sectors of security to provide protection for the United States against errors, different hazards, and catastrophic events.

United states v. leon, 468 u.s. 897

The reliance on good faith of the officers that they were equipped with a valid warrant of arrest became the main basis for the decision of the United States Supreme Court. Leon and the courts of Washington-should good faith excuse bad acts?

Why should we obey the law? essay sample

In brief I would recommend first deciding which of the various theories detailing why we should obey the law you find to be the most persuasive, then have a think about why. Is it because we are all part of the same society and we need to obey the law to stop it collapsing?

In author was using an indirect analogy. auden

In lines 1-34 law is described to be something definite and delegated, and law is everywhere someone looks in the real world and it is defined in each of the lines. This line hints that the sun is the law of the gardeners.

International law vs national law essay sample

Keywords: International, National, Enforcement, Court, State INTRODUCTION In the midst of a war involving questions of national existence and, even more important, of the ideals which will survive and determine the direction of the world's future political and social development, the law of nations has proved itself superior, in the courts of one of the →

Interstate agencies: the port authoritys birth and operation

The New York port authority: An interstate agency to develop the facilities of the greatest harbor in the world. In this book, Galvin seeks to outline the impact of the constitutional provision on business and economic environment in the United States, especially in New York.

Presidential appointment analysis

From a close evaluation of the judicial appointments made by Bush, it seems that Bush just tried to obtain an edge over Democrats in terms of court decisions rather than improving the performance efficiency of the federal judiciary. In total, Bush paid particular attention to the appointment of conservative judges during his presidency period so →

Criminal justice system: creation and maintenance assignment

In the book, The New Jim Crow, written by Michelle Alexander she asserts that The US criminal Justice system is using the Drug War to cover the mature " Jim Crow'. Most of the minorities in the US criminal Justice system do not deserve to be the ere, and are innocent.

An incorporation and corporate personality law company business partnership essay

The principle of separate personality forms the cornerstone of English Company Law, as consolidated in the landmark decision of the house of Lords in Salomon v Salomon. In a register company the assets and liabilities are those of the corporation and not of the members.

Dynamic of law

Greenwashing is a newly-coined term derived from the words " green" and " washing" in a deceptive attempt by any company to portray itself to the buying public as an environmentally friendly organization in order to promote the sales of its product or service. This is because of a growing consciousness of caring for the →

The salomon case highlights law company business partnership essay

There was a struggle between form and substance; whether to interpret the law literally, as was done in the House of Lords - the requirement of seven members having been met, or whether to consider more its presumed spirit and intention, as was done in the Court of Appeal that stated that the seven members →

Organized crime gangs

OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANGS of Location of OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANGS The police and justice department authorities define an outlaw motorcycle gang as any organization whose members utilize and identify themselves with ownership of any biker or motorcycle and in which the said group has its own set of subculture consisting of a variety of ideas but →

Law of digital evidence

Plain view exception Law enforcers should always seize evidence in plain view a feature that remains impossible in computer searches given the soft copy nature of such files. As such, the law should permit law enforcers to confiscate computers at the time of arrest as they await search warrants.

Criminal theory

It is a concept, which entails motivation of criminal altitude, and techniques to pursue the act. Further, it considers culture a component, which associates the norms of the people in the community.

Legal research

A civil Suit can be instigated against a Spouse According to legal research done in different s in the united of America, litigation can be brought by a spouse. The Act further provides that ".........the degree and nature of privacy to which a person is entitled to in a circumstances or in relation to a →

Why is discretion important in the criminal process

Since discretion is a function of judgment, fairness must be the guideline judges use to admit evidence and make decisions. All decisions and judgments prescribed by the law are chosen through a process of discretion in a manner that will make them fair to the human race.

Four criminal law questions

The criminal must have the " intent" to commit the crime, to meet the specific elements of any crime. For example, a person may own a car, and have actual possession of it, but a person who is let the keys and drives the car has constructive possession of the car.

Jaycee dugard

Most importantly, the kidnapper was placed under the watch of the Californian Justice system during the occurrence of the heinous acts. For instance, Dugard's father and stepfather were alleged to be involved in the abduction based on the notion that the two wanted control over the family.

An american support defense intelligence agency

The DIA then makes a decision concerning the information analyzed on how to deploy security personnel globally in order to be on top of the matter in case of any abnormalities. Therefore, the work of DIA is to coordinate with all the security personnel and share with them intelligence information with an intention to defend →


The right to Counsel in the Military Introduction The right to counsel for Courts-Martial is d in the statute governing right to counsel of Title 10, US code). The section states that the accused has the right of being represented at court-martial by a meticulous military defense counsel, which is provided at no cost to →

Hess’s law

Record the temperature of the water in the calorimeter. Record the temperature of the hot water, and pour the hot water into the room temp water in the calorimeter.

Feminist if intel property

The translation of such a situation means that the ownership of rights in relation to quilts is challengeable in the court of law. The case of the women covered in the article is a good pointy of reference on ambiguity of the law when it comes to matters rating to property law.

Wk 2 forum law enforcement

Stress and the Police Officer STRESS AND THE POLICE OFFICER A number of studies on police personnel claim that stress portends negative effects on the service. Furthermore, the use of this leadership style in Police Departments continues, and this could be one cause of stress.

A critique of natural law essay sample

Marcus Tullius Cicero's, a Roman orator and stoic philosopher, description of natural law derives from the ideas of Greek philosophers and the views of many non-Christian and Christian natural law theorists. The basic realization of the Legal Positivist movement was that what the law is and what it ought to be are separate.

Business law assignment essay example

These are implemented depending on its certain target which is to take steps with the point of carrying on the subject of the physical or mental consequence upon another individual, and on its broad objective which is to be familiar with extensive confidence that such effect would take because of his dealings. Infringement of this →

Criminal justice assignment

The reason for this is being a somewhat wealthy community as discussed in the live chat by Professor Russ Pembroke not that much crime will take place in this community. If the FOOT is like the one in the scenario then the department is looking at shaping a new officer to bad standards.

8th amendment

The Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty should not be a violation of the eighth amendment on unusual and cruel punishment. The impact of the Due Process Clause of the 14th amendment has made the application of the 8th amendment against the federal government and those of states.

Journal entry see below

History of ISIS Introduction Islamic of Iraq and Levant is a terror militia group, which remains to be the richest in history. Due to its huge financial muscle, it has the capacity to control activities in most countries, and thus is among the most feared groups in the world.

Server based law general essay

Since Tic-tac-toe is a well-known and simple game, it's a good example for a server-based game protocol. To select a different configuration, please complete this form.

Theories of justice and equality by michael walzer

The theory of complex equality does not explicitly address this as a possible cause of cumulative inequalities. It should also be noted that Walzer does not rule out the possibility of a particular individual becoming dominant in all spheres and thus, that overall inequality will triumph over complex equality but he believes that as long →

U.s government : federal vs. state – dissertation example

The debate of the power of the federal versus the government has been occurring since the Revolutionary War. This shows that the federal government is the stronger of the two and has significantly more resources to make change and it still receives input from state legislature.

Federal election commission 558 u.s

310 Rule of law The federal law, as amended by 203 of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 disallows both " corporations and unions" in utilizing " their general treasury funds" to independently spend for speech considered as an " electioneering communication" or for a speech that explicitly supports " the election or defeat →

Review questions locke and rousseau

Answer: What is the role of a Lockean state? What is a legitimate political society for Locke and Rousseau?

Immigration policy

The author argues that immigration policy is framed within the context of human rights and any policy changes like liberalization or restriction is viewed within the lens of the larger human rights issue of would-be immigrants and eventually, American citizens. Accuracy: this article paints an accurate picture of how immigration is a function of the →

Advice bands respective right law company business partnership essay

Obviously William Axten was the Chariman of the company and Joseph Salmon was appointed as managing director, at the same time Salmon and also Axten held the majority share of the company, Since the procedure of altering the article was under consideration of constitution, and it mention that either Axten or Salmons the majority shareholder →

Human trafficking policy development paper

Human Trafficking Policy Development Paper Human Trafficking Policy Development Paper Human trafficking has been both moral and political issue affecting the peaceful coexistence of different socio-economic classes of the world. The international law of human trafficking.

Crime investigation

The following items were obtained from the truck; 38 calibers blue steel revolver having a serial number of 78695, a 4-inch barrel, black rubber grips, Green money bag, top zipper of First National Bank of New York, a Blue ski cap having eye holes cut within the fabric, a pair of blue jeans with red →

Criminal justice system paper. components and stages assignment

The foundation and where this process begins is within the Government and is divided into three branches which are the legislative branch, and the judicial branch. The purpose of this component is to seek the truth and justice of the individuals that were victims in the crime and to prosecute the accused.