Quality Law Essay Examples for Your Learning

Is the s-o act an attempt to legislate morality?

The commenter is correct in saying that the Sarbanes-Oxley Act lets the business executives and other bigwigs know of the consequences of being proven to have committed unethical decisions in the workplace. What's sad about our society is the lack of moral responsibilities in many quarters, and this fact is highlighted with the need to β†’

Exclusionary rule evaluation

The purpose therefore of the Exclusionary Rule is to implement the due process model from the perspective of the perpetuator, suspect or the culprit. R, & McCarthy, B.J.

Quiz show

The $64, 000 Question" scandal and its relation to the Kantian Ethical principles " The $64, 000 Question" scandal and its relation to the Kantian Ethical principles By the 1950's, there was no television program that had mesmerized viewers in the hypotonic intensity that the " big money" quiz show. He did in good will β†’

Consumer law in mauritius

It is therefore obvious that the consumer and the suppliers or service providers are interrelated and interdependent, that is the supply or service providers rely on the demand of the consumer as much as the consumers rely on the supply of excellence in terms of goods and services. The main branches of law concerned with β†’

Modern communication in the criminal justice system assignment

The advancements in Mobile Data Terminals are giving the officers an advantage, unknown to the officers of yesterday. The information and resources now accessible in police vehicles, is the equivalent to a citizens home computer, Officers now have mobile connection to the internet and police databases.


ARSON Arson, the intentional lighting of a fire, is one of the most serious crimes. If it appears to have started in the wiring, it is unlikely to be an arson.

Billy bud martial law

Marshal law plays a big role is the death of Billy Budd. In the case of Billy Budd, Marshal law had a direct account for his execution.

Facts of palese v. delaware state lottery office

11 months later, Palese read in the dailies that the Lottery Office had transferred his unclaimed lottery jackpot to the State's General Fund. Palese contacted the Lottery Office again and was told to explain how he had purchased the lottery and lost the tickets, much to Palese's compliance.

Whether trial by jury should be abolished in the english legal system? essay sample

Evidence shows that this is not the case, and therefore, the role of the jury must be purely representative, a symbol that the law is not just locking people. Some believe that the function of the jury is to protect us from the worst excesses of Parliament, many citing the acquittal of Clive Ponting, thus β†’

Criminal law

The crime requires both mens rea and actus reus of the crime.2.a) Here the business was charged with a crime.b) Here the civil law was utilized to address the illegal acts.3.a) Crime against health These are actions that can cause may violate the health issues of the employees of the business. Both the business owner β†’

Assignment 2: competition requirements

The Federal Acquisition Regulation system is man d to oversee the codification and publication of uniform policiesand procedures in the process of acquisition by each and every executive agency. Full and open competition is not a necessity during the process of awarding contracts to particular sources.

Refugee law and protected person in canada

In assessing gravity of Serbians in Croatia, we find that the client meet this constitutional provision. Conclusion It is our submission that the client represent many Serbians suffering in Croatia.

Original need for the commerce clause

Original need for the Commerce Clause The Commerce Clause is a power listed in the US constitution describing the powers of the federal government to regulate commerce between the US and foreign countries, among the several States and trade with Indian tribes. Johnson, C." The Panda's Thumb: The Modest and Mercantilist Original Meaning of the β†’

What exactly is the law law land property essay

Due to the above 1862 have proven ineffective, the existence of the Land Registration Act 1925, the Law of Property Act 1925 and the Settled Land Act 1925 take effect as soon as it was codified and even it extended the system of land registration. From the basic principle of the LRA 1925 and now β†’

American national security

There will continue to be court cases which will challenge the right of the government to engage in what some would call an illegal operation. It is hard to challenge the right of the government to engage in what some would call an illegal operation.

Breach of contract

A breach of contract arises when one of the parties to the contract fails to perform his part and therefore a breach of contract occurs. Essentials for a valid contract For any contract to be valid and enforceable in a court of law, it must have all the essentials of a valid contract.

Con position – unwilling patients should undergo routine lifesaving procedures against their will

Despite some life procedures designed to avoid the suffering of the patient, in some medical cases which are irreversible, medical personnel should not use them on patients against their will. Conclusion The question of whether to use life saving procedures on patients against their will has a long history and cannot be morally justified.

New aldonias admission to the united nations

The debate has been around the question of whether New Aldonia should be admitted to the United Nations. From the history evidenced in New Aldonia, it is quite satisfying that this State has tried its best to keep peace through fighting for their independence, thus showing they respect the rights of their citizens, giving a β†’

Terry v. ohio brief

The decision of the court states that the 4th Amendment right is not violated when a police officer stops a suspect in the street and proceeds to frisk him even though there is no visible probably cause to arrest the person. Any ordinary dictionary defines an arrest as follows; " A seizure or forcible restraint; β†’

The problem behind dowry deaths law family essay

PandeyYatharth Nath PathakProfessor 4th SemesterSection- ' B'Roll no.- 159 AcknowledgementPosition of womenThe BackgroundSection 498AConstitutional Validity of Section 498ACrueltyKinds of crueltyPurpose of Section 304B and 498A in the Indian Penal CodeThe other side of the coinConclusion The women of India are an epitome of oppression and exploitation in the name of religion practised by the conservative β†’

A reflection on the employment laws

In particular, I have more interested in the labor laws and legislations of the united states that are enacted to protect the employees and employers when they are at their places of work. Labor and Employment Law in the United States.

Contemporary issues in criminal justice assignment

Two death row inmates in the State of Oklahoma pleaded with the higher courts to disclose any information pertaining to the ingredients of the drugs however the Oklahoma Supreme Court specifically stated, " This court holds that the secrecy provision does not violate the inmates' constitutional right of access to the courts. The court decided β†’

Legal issue summary assignment

In this paper I will discussabout thelegal diversity issue that I would like to cover is harassment in the workplace. The legal diversity issue that I covered was harassment in the workplace.

Murder and manslaughter

Murder and Manslaughter Murder and Manslaughter A commonly asked question is the difference between manslaughter and murder. First-degree murder is when the accused planned and premeditated about the murder.

Role and function of law

The research will examine the numerous roles and functions of law in relation to business and society. After all, the design of the law is to function in society and business in such a way that following them requires little thought.

Legal issues for managers – ethics

The manager also would be exercising breach of code as stated in clause 4 relating to the company's competition and fair dealing Alley Beal's case As relates to Beal's concerns, the parties involved are; the manager of the accounting department who is aware of the discrepancies in the accounts created in the accounting department and β†’

Zidane’s last red card

Advantages of an organization having a regulation that it ignores One of the advantages of an organization having regulations that it can ignore is the ability to preserve its ' self-interest'. Disadvantages of an organization having a regulation that it ignores One of the disadvantages of having rules that can be ignored is that it β†’

The united kingdoms evolving constitution law constitutional administrative essay

Referenda and the United Kingdom's Evolving Constitution To provide a comprehensive and contemporary account of the use of referenda in the UK. The significance of these gaps and the lack of political discourse linking referenda and constitutional reform mean that the current understanding of referenda is outdated, at a time when the referendum is β†’

Contract law assignment

A contract is an agreement which normally consists of an ' offer' and an ' acceptance' and involves the ' meeting of the minds' or consensus between two or more parties with the intention to create a legally enforceable binding contract. Offer An offer is a proposal whereby the parties are willing to contract on β†’

Ethical boundaries of undercover policing and authorized criminality

Firstly, picking names of deceased persons to fake my identity as this would appear unoriginal putting me in a situation of concession once the fellow group discovers about it. Also, I would engage the use of a middleman to connect me to the sellers for a cash reward.

Retail banking assignment

The second research in this work determines views of customers of Bank of India, State Bank of India, ICICI Bank and Punjab National Bank who have availed home loan, education loan, personal loan and auto/vehicle loan. According to the results of the second research 20% of the respondents have rated the services of Bank of β†’

New zealand serious fraud office law company business partnership essay

The fact that the "Mauritian CA 2001 have been enthused from that of New Zealand"[1], and the Mauritian CCG has been implemented after the king Report of South Africa, a comparative analysis of the laws governing company directors and ethical ethos between those countries urges. It has also been mentioned that "legislations such as the β†’

Personal statement

In this regard, it is apparent that acquiring a first degree in law is not enough to equip me with what I believe to be absolute knowledge of oil and gas law, which should be applicable in my country. I believe that achieving my master's degree in oil and gas law will offer me a β†’

Errors and omissions insurance

Deciding where to present the claim The author of the article presents the claim of E&O insurance from the first paragraph of the article which not only raises the curiosity of the audience but makes them consider purchasing the insurance. They are written in different size and bolded to differentiate them from the rest of β†’

Transportation security administration

Its role is to secure and improve passenger travel and trades against the drug regulations and the US immigration office in order to protect against the release of dangerous weapons and terrorist activities to the United States. The border is the first line of contact with terrorists and requires the utmost vigilance on the part β†’

Business law

For the second instance, the court ruled against Kiesau by dismissing the negligent supervision and retention claims against Buchanan County & Davis. The explosion and its intervening effects is not a proximate cause of plaintiff's injuries.

Offense issues

The expert involved in the crime investigation, should not disclose the details and facts to those people who are not involved in investigating the homicide and burglary. In order to avoid influencing the homicide and burglary crime investigating process, it is important to eliminate the problems of personal beliefs and investigation bias.

Relationship between rule of law law constitutional administrative essay

The rule of law is one of the most challenging views of the constitution and it is also important to distinguish the prospective of the rule of law in ensuring the limitation of governmental power and the protection of individual rights. The general principles are the results of judicial decisions in determine the rights of β†’

How does the criminal justice system respond to white collar and corporate crime? assignment

Some of the most notorious examples of the harmful effect of white-collar crime is the collapse of the US company Enron, with losses of over USD$50 billion and in Australia, the collapse of insurer HIH Insurance with losses of over A$4 billion. In summation, white-collar crime is viewed differently by the public irrespective of the β†’

Motives of crime

In fact, if we were to look at the world wide crime motives, we would see that the aforementioned factors always exists in one way or the other within the personality of the accused. Instead of punishing the offender, we must try to get to the potential offender instead.

Aspects of contract and negligence for business

In the contract agreement, the roles and the responsibilities of both parties to each other are clearly spelled out. To consider the liability in contract and tort laws, consent of the parties involved in the lawsuit is very vital.

Article review on can jury trial survive google

Because of the accessibility of information via the Internet and because of the ease of communication that technology affords, more and more jurors are engaging in behaviors that compromise their impartiality towards the cases that they are hearing. To prevent this from happening, Morrison suggests that instructions be provided to the jurors in plain and β†’

Free research paper on research in law enforcement

A Police unit may be termed as a division of authority given the directive to put in force the laws of the land. Aamodt, G.M.

Good essay on pregnant women and drugs

The problem of prosecution and punishment of those women who abuse drugs during pregnancy causes a variety of controversies relating to the legality of such measures, as well to the question of its effectiveness. Another factor which influenced the criminalization of prenatal drug use is the position of the movement that advocates for the determination β†’

Lasa 2: train the trainers essay example

This will allow them to become more effective in decreasing rate of mistakes in the process of investigating on the case and bringing out the facts from the statements of the victim. What must be taught by the trainers towards the law enforcers on the field is that when it comes to the concept of β†’

Biometric fingerprinting research papers examples

This technology will use a live scan device to capture the details of a fingerprint, and store the details in a central database. The biometric fingerprinting project aims to help in crime investigation.

Community corrections term paper examples

According to Burk Foster's, " Corrections: The Fundamentals," there are many punishments and restrictions still being put in place between prison and probation in order to expand the community correction services offered by the justice system. While there is a small crumb of logic in this argument, the fact remains the system leaves criminals on β†’

Juvenile court essays example

In the article of Eckholm, he focused on the importance of juvenile courts by explaining how the juveniles face lifelong sentences despite the Supreme Court decisions that are favourable to the minors. The creation of special youth courts will be similar to creating a Juvenile Supreme Court will be beneficial for the youth offenders.

Juvenile correctional officers

Juvenile Correctional Officers CRJ 303 Instructor Kart Nancy Roper May 5, 2012 When a person is charged for a crime that was committed and is sentenced to serve time in a facility, a correctional officer is responsible for the supervision and safety of the detainee. To understand what the differences are in regards to a β†’

Good example of research paper on defenses against proof of criminal intent

As compared to the strategy of self defense, where the defendants holds to the belief that the only avenue available to neutralize the threat of the attacker is to use force, the defense of necessity is invoked as a strategy when the intended victim/s must commit an offense with the objective of saving themselves or β†’

Crime and the components of the criminal justice system

Crime and the Components of the Criminal Justice System The following discussion overviews crime, outlines the models that define criminal acts, and highlight the basic components, which combine to create the infrastructure known in the United States as the Criminal Justice System. The corrections arm is designed to carry out the sentences imposed by the β†’

Research proposal on workplace drug testing and drug prevention programs

This paper explores the various aspects of the concept of workplace drug testing with respect including the ethical and legal issues as well as related drug prevention programs. Under voluntary testing, employers in the private sector may be permitted to undertake drug-testing in drug-free workplace programs.

The decision to diagnose her or not is a dilemma case studies examples

In all the issues involved the rights of the client must be protected and the welfare of the counselor should not be affected by the decision made. In order for James to obtain consultation on the matter he should refer to his advisor or the membership he belongs to.

Understanding crime prevention essay

To keep crime and criminals from harming others in society, systems of rules and laws were set up to deter crime and punish the offenders. Therefore, the main functions of the criminal justice system are to deter crime, punish offenders, prevent offenders from reoffending, and allow the victims of crime to seek legal recourse.

Criminal law term paper examples

In fact, the defendant is given a chance to take control of her/his life. According to environmental criminalists, the cause of crime is the place to which individual lives and socialize.

Formal written communication essay sample

Annual reports are intended to give shareholders and other interested people information about the company's activities and financial performance.' Annual reports in the police The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner are required to produce an annual report at the end of the financial year. In the report it includes how much they have β†’

Disaster plan critical thinking

The routine for dealing with disasters is set in a way that the more serious victims are attended to first a nd some of the hospital's normal operations are held to facilitate the attention and quick operations on the victims. In such a case, the patient would have to be isolated from the rest in β†’

Organizational biography business plan example

At the moment, and in contrast to the time of the inception of the organization, the public are more informed of the dangers as well as more educated. This problem is closely interlinked to the first problem as it is this weakness in the structure of the organization that has meant the absence of a β†’

Free research paper on memorandum

Consideration of tax deductions for the fees of Robin Zavala's teacher will have to be based on his age, medical condition and the possibility of an itemized deduction on the taxes. Commissioner the general test used to determine whether a person has a " trade or business" means determining the seriousness of profit making as β†’

Network security monitoring essay sample

The network analyst will thus require the understanding of the concept of DNS if they are going to analyze traffic. This type of traffic is very different from the normal traffic and thus the analyst classifies them as suspicious as they do not conform to the normal traffic.

Free report about fc of t v consolidated fertilizers limited (1991)

According to the Federal Commissioner of Taxation, there were reasonable grounds and sufficient empirical evidence to warrant for the takeover of the Consolidated Fertilizers Limited in the year 1991. The directors of Consolidated Fertilizers Limited, during the takeover period were directed at the Consolidated Fertilizers Limited, despite the urge by the Federal commissioner of taxation.

Some moral minima argumentative essay

To some extent, the society have given credit and honor to some people than others, I believe Goodman Lenn is right in claiming that other things are just wrong. For example, it is entrenched in traditional beliefs and customs of all cultures that political famine and genocide are absolutely wrong, Undeniably, it is much easier β†’

Restorative justice

Even though all crimes are not under the restorative scope when determining the cause of the crime in itself, restorative justice is an effective tool within the criminal justice system because this form of justice contains the major focuses of the criminal justice system. To have a better understanding of what the restorative justice process β†’

Free rape statistics essay example

This paper, therefore, would try to give a summarized view of reported rape cases in the US for the reporting years of 2012 and 2013. The results further showed that in regards to gender, as many females were reported to be victims in rape cases as compared to males, at 65 percent of the victims β†’

Sample research paper on a critique on digital influences in fingerprint analysis

579, the court held that the prosecution needs to establish the foundation for the formula used to enhance and transform fingerprint images. The government attempted to establish the efficacy of AFIS for the first time in United States v.

Inquisitorial system versus adversarial system argumentative essay

The specialty of this legal system lies in the fact that in the course of attaining justice, this system works as a joint effort of prosecutor, defense attorney, police and the trial court. Koppen, P.J.

Sample essay on review and application of learning theory

Positive reinforcements or rewards are the conditions that favor the individual for the occurrence of the behavior. It also resulted to the removal of my acquired or learned behavior of being attentive in class.

In order to establish negligence, there are four elements that should be present case study

Unenforceable and illegal contracts An unenforceable contract has the requirements or elements to make a contract valid but neither one of the parties can sue the other to perform the terms stated in the said contract. The presence of intention to be bound is needed for a contract to be valid.

Punishment sentencing and criminal law essay sample

In cases where the offences are increasing, such a society sees the need to have harsher punishment as a way of controlling the incidence of such a crime. Research efforts around the issue of child sexual offending have been difficult due to the secrecy in commissioning of these offences and the unwillingness of victims to β†’

The application of sixth amendment in felony cases essay examples

Issue: the issue before the court was whether the right to an attorney as availed by the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution in criminal cases applied to defendants charged with felonies in the states courts? The justices by a majority also stated that the same provision of the right to counsel as provided in the β†’

Free essay on killings by andre dubus

More importantly, that Matt could not move on and was immensely disturbed by the murder of Frank; as well as the fact that despite Richard surrendering to the police, the case would still be tried in court. As such, one strongly believes that Matt Fowler would eventually be tried for the murder of Richard Strout β†’

Free essay about young people and the ‘pains of imprisonment

The purpose of the poster is to draw attention on how children and minors are constantly exposed to violence. These are done in order to prevent the contact of minors to the justice system.

Sample essay on responses of asian american (filipino)

Personal Interview of Persons from a Different Minority Group Minority groups abound in the United States and in other countries of the world. Thus, access to education, employment opportunities, and treatment in the criminal justice system are believed to be discriminatory.

Example of controlling crime term paper

Florida is one of the states with the highest crime rate in the United States of America. Florida is considered one of the states with the highest crime ration in the country.the statistic shows that both violence and property crimes ratio in Florida is much higher than in the country: The presented graphics show β†’

Women rights literature review examples

The house that was dominated by republicans also approved the personhood amendment that asks voters to change the state's constitution to make it recognize and protect the inalienable right of every human being at any stage of development. Therefore, if mothers were permitted to obtain an abortion, it would be equivalent to giving them equal β†’

Good example of substance abuse in united states essay

Psychological dependence is associated with an elevated rate of drug consumption, tendency to setback or relapse after halting use, and craving or longing for the drug. Laws created to the use of drugs have a justifiable social purpose, that is, to safeguard society from the problems or dangers of certain types of drug consumption.

Government essay examples

1 The Role Amendments 1-10 Play In Securing The Ratification Of The Constitution By The States: A Summary Introduction In the first amendment in the constitution, it has been stated that freedom of speech, religion and the conduct of activities will be respected. Amendment ten firmly states that the rights of the people in β†’

Example of report on sole trader

Most of the dilemmas facing business individuals and organizations stem from the lack of understanding and failure to adhere to the laws. The understanding of a legal contract is vital in ensuring that the complaint against a retailer who defies the contract is valid.

Excerpt essay samples

ID Number Movie: To Kill a Mockingbird Tom Robinson is a renowned victim of prejudice in the movie To Kill a Mockingbird. Through the help of Tom's previous employer, Helen was able to find a job but racism did not let go of her.

Free research paper on downloading music, movies & software

There may be various aspects of downloading music, video and software application files from internet including varying ways of downloading these files to the legal and moral nature of the downloads. Another way to encourage legal use of content is through allowing the users to download demo versions of content to try those out and β†’

Ethical issues with future technologies essay sample

This is in part due to the lack of sufficient time of considering the possible ramifications and as well in part due to the intensification of these ethical issues. The use of Humanoid Robot as a replacing of human beings is likely to create increased challenges and legal considerations in many aspects of society.

Philippines criminal justice system

Who decide to bring suspected criminal events to the attention of the police.___________11. Who's decisions to invoke the criminal justice process by reporting to the police are related to the seriousness of the crime.___________14.

Discuss the deindividuation theory essay sample

This explanation can be used to explain the behaviour that was seen in the riots in 2011. Similarly, the study a study by Milgram and Milgram's variation found that participants were most likely to administer shocks to a person when they are not in the same room as them.

Death penalty critical thinking sample

It is the premeditated and cold-blooded killing of a human being by the state in the name of justice. For the state and society to exist, the violation of laws must be punished.

Criminal justice system essay samples

Some of the factors that influence a prosecutor's decision to accept or reject a case that is presented for prosecution by the police include the strength of evidence, the prior history of the accused, the relationship between the accused and the victim and the facts of the case. The Supreme Court's conception of the role β†’

Individual rights advocates & public order advocates

In my opinion, I feel that the public order advocates are more important to the overall well-being of society because I think people should have their rights overlooked when putting safety first. The pedophile might think this is a violation of their individual rights but it's only to protect the public.

Should english be made the official language of the usa research proposal examples

In fact, an amendment to the Constitution is proposed in almost every meeting of Congress, asking for English to be made the official language of the country. This thesis presents the relevant arguments for and against the cause, as observed from research and goes on to logically conclude that it is high time English is β†’

Bush v. gore brief essay example

The Supreme Court of Florida reversed the trial court's ruling and noted that the standard used by the court to suggest that Gore did not provide a reasonable chance that the outcome would turn out different, was wrong. Shortly after the recount process commenced, Bush requested the Supreme Court of the United States of America β†’

Good essay about companionship, family, and relationship

This paper compares the two readings with the view of deducing the similarities in the companionship, relationship, and family lives of the slaves. The blacks and Indians were not allowed a share of the property.

Free criminology essay sample

Social structures are the distinctive and stable arrangement of institutions where people in a society interact and exist in harmony. The aftermath of the competition, cooperation, conflict and accommodation in characterizing by a unified social system that acts as a control for the behavior within these organizations in society.

Good example of law essay

On his application for Certiorari, it was the appellate court's decision that nothing in Title VII would provide a bar for a claim of discrimination on sexual grounds because the plaintiff and the defendant were of the same sex. This case presented a classical question as to whether workplace harassment was in violation of the β†’

Juveniles know right from wrong

If I am reading this correctly, it proves that minors going through the rehabilitative centers within the juvenile system has had a more positive effect than subjecting minors to the criminal justice system.2. That is not to say the child should not be punished at all; they should simply be given a fair assessment by β†’

Free essay on to be is to be perceived

Lots of animals are deemed to have a dark and white view of this world in comparison to a human being with a normal color vision who is capable of seeing it in various colors. Law is known to originate from philosophy and " To be is to be perceived" principle by George Berkeley has β†’

Sample literature review on serial killers

But the Term itself was brought to masses with the help of mass media, due to " The Science of the Lambs". He went from house to house, pulling on the door and looking in the window.

Free essay on law, technology and culture

Consequently, it was hard for the plaintiff to prove that the tort of defamation occurred. The fact that internet users can be anonymous makes it difficult for plaintiffs to trace them and prove intent of malice.