Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning

Could world war ii in europe have been avoided? assignment

However, have you realized that the World War II was the culmination of the inter-war period. If the Treaty of Versailles had not been so harsh, Hitler may never have been able to rise to power in the same way that he did.

Middle ages assignment

I am a Christian, and believe this is the best way for it to be. Today I believe music is taught to every class.

Roots of western culture (democracy and imperialism)

The law protects rights and freedoms of all people through representation of the majority in leadership. City of Athens According to Pericles, the city of Athens enjoys a democratic and free state of government through equal representation of citizens in the government.

Wwii & the holocaust

History and Political Science Effects of World War II and the Holocaust in the Middle East The World War II ended in 1945 with attention directed to the survivors of the Holocaust. In the 1945 to 1948 era in the Middle East, the mood of the British people could not tolerate the presence of prolonged →

Firm history

This paper will focus on Gateway's performance in the personal computer segment because it is the core focus of the company and profitable industry. Rivalry is a threat to Gateway as there are several computer manufacturers in the PC market.

Russia experienced great change in all facets history essay

The personal attitudes of the tsar were significant, Alexander II was described as a humane ruler by Leo Tolstoy, ".in reality we owe Emancipation to the Emperor alone.[1]" Indeed, Alexander II is described as the Tsar Liberator, and instigated further reforms in education and the established of the Zemstva; these changes in education do not →

General douglas haig butcher or hero

After the Battle of the Somme, Haig got the nickname " Butcher of the Somme." However after examining the battle in more detail, some people decided that he was a brilliant general who miscalculated, " a hero of the war". It is also not true that he did not change his tactics, as on 15th →

Fashion in the 1950s

He was aware of his destiny at an early age and preferred to be at the side of his mother, who was a talented seamstress in the village of Guitar. In conclusion, a time of peace and change was upon America in the sass.

War and civilization

4 why warfare was a males' affair; a case of civilization For the most part of history, only men could participate in wars and serve in armies. Wars are, however, part of the agencies that help bring changes and progress in human life and the world.

Captain beatty was also a character that montag

He also provides Montag with the history of the society that the two currently were living in, and the history of his profession as a firefighter. Beatty also hints that he himself went through a crisis before he was able to come back to work and be content with the profession he is in.

History of the catapult essay sample

We usually think of a catapult as something that was used in the Middle Ages to destroy the walls of a castle. The Romans added their own chapter to history of catapult with the later creation of the mangonel.

How racialized stereotypes determine a community’s value

In the United States, it is the assignment of social position among Asians by the Caucasians who constitute the dominant and majority ethnic group. Reflection: The two major points from this week's lesson that struck me is the persistence of racism in American society and how the white majority enforce it through the process of →

The south was not in an economic position to wage a successful war. thoroughly explain why they were not and judge if you think this had an impact on the overall course of the war

The South was even dependant on the North for finished goods and when the war started, the south realized that they lacked the resources needed to fight the war and their current sources of earning wealth were not properly structured. South even experienced decrease in income as the importers of cotton such as the Great →

Analyzing from a rhetorical point of view the efficiency of patrick henry’s speech

Essentially what his speech is about is how important joining the Revolution is and why they must fight; he then summarizes the oppressive nature of the British so far and the useless actions that the colonies have taken prior, and he finally encourages the members there to vote to join in the fight for independence. →

An exploration of the malay kompang

There are two main types of tones on the Kompang the lentong beat played by hitting the side of the drum with closed fingers, and the cerang played by slapping the center of the drum with the palm. A summary of the different Pukulan specific to the Kompang Ezhar community is shown in Figure 1 →

Magna carta

The Magna Carta Magna Carta is one of the most celebrated documents not only in the British history but the world over. Alchin 1, records that Archbishop Stephen Langton and the most powerful barons of the medieval England drafted the contents of Magna Carta, putting into rest the question of authorship.

Features of romanticism in coleridge’s kubla khan and keat’s ode to a nightingale

Indeed, Coleridge emphasizes how imagination and reason are interdependent in " sunny pleasure dome with caves of ice!" Here, the paradox symbolises the prepossession to unity in the human experience to formulate the ideal truth, reflecting Blake's belief that the " imagination is the real and eternal world". Thus, Keat's ' Ode to a Nightingale' →

Stereotypes in the scarlet letter essay

The town is learning to hate her, " thus the young and pure would be taught to look at her, with the scarlet letter flaming on her breast...as the figure, the body, the reality of sin". Unfortunately, for the Puritans, they want to convey the opposite idea, yet Hester undermines this purpose in her sumptuous →

History of globalization

Feminism significantly improved the position of women in the society and boosted their access to economic resources, social welfare a political voice. This blend of a widespread campaign to economic freedom and socio-economic reforms marked a transition that bore the 20th-century experiences and the general modern structural milestone in various global aspects.

Improving the presidential election process

Running Head: CAMPAIGNS AND ELECTIONS Citizens United versus Federal Election Commission Essay on how to improve the PresidentialElection Process The American system of presidential elections includes a series of presidential primary elections and caucuses. Results collected from primary elections and caucuses are used to determine the number of delegates to be assigned to the national →

Sir francis drake

Why Sir Francis was important Sir Francis was important to Britain for his achievement in bringing more wealth to the country in terms of gold and silver. Sir Francis was considered important since he gave his country a chance to gain more power which the leaders were ambitious about for many years.

Early american history: federalism and anti-federalism

The divisions accelerated the animosity between the distinct groups as it culminated to the oppression of the minorities, the weak, and the unstable. The ownership of fundamental resources was in the hands of the few individuals who took the opportunity to oppress the less fortunate in the society.

The irish education system history essay

The proposal led to conflict between many institutions: " the Roman Catholic Church fought the Church of Ireland, the government fought the churches, and the parents fought the government". In addition, the political stance of the Catholic Church began to grow and the image of the Church of Ireland was deteriorating in the eyes of →

Narrative in the life of frederick douglass assignment

Narrative in the Life Summaries In Peter Ripple's essay " The Autobiographical Writings of Frederick Douglass," he states that, " The Narrative signaled Douglass' emergence as a committed abolitionist and suggests his developing intellectual skills during those early years of freedom". He describes Douglass' narrative as primitive because of the " dynamic energy which Step →

Rhetorical device project on pearl harbor assignment

Roosevelt was the president during that time, his duty was to address both, the nation and the Congress to inform them about what had happened he did this through his speech " Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation". He knew that the nation would be listening to the speech and he obviously knew that Congress →

The father of america

It was in 1783 that the United States of America got independence because of the achievement of George Washington in the American Revolution. Recognizing the sacrifices and struggle of George Washington he was also pronounced the first President of America in 1792 by the Congress.

The life of frederick douglass analysis assignment

Douglass may have realized that knowledge is what keeps slaves from rebelling, and in his pursuit of freedom Douglass worked awards passing on his education to the other slaves and by doing so Douglass has helped himself in fashioning a way to freedom and equality. As the story to progress on, Douglass furthers his resilience →

Dream speech – martin luther king assignment

One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. And so, we have come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.

Red scare describes assignment

Therefore, the Sedition Act of 191 8 was important in the imposition of censorship after World War I." Reds" were seen as a danger to the American system of government, economic stability, and way of life. The labor unrest following the end of World War I would prove to be instrumental in igniting the fire →

Book of e.h. carr on ‘twenty years crisis.’

The book is believed to have grown out of the author's disappointment with utopianism and " extreme" realism that appeared to him to belong to opposite poles that have developed in the study and practice of international politics after the Great War. Utopianism is believed to have its roots from the philosophical liberalism and gained →

Rapid industrialization

Teacher Rapid industrialization between 1840 to 1850 The period from 1840 to 1850 in the northeastern part of the United s marked the rapid industrialization of the country. This opened up new markets and increased immigration of European workers and farmers to the Northeastern part of the United States where the manufacturing sector was booming.

Cultural makeup of early civilizations

Cultural Makeup of Early Civilizations Question 1 There are a number of forces that played a part to the cultural composition of early societies. Question 3 Cultural influences may be closely associated to the forces that played a part to the cultural structure of early civilizations.

Nasser speach

Even though the critics say that it did not change much in the country but it did show that the Arabs are aware. One thing is for sure that the Arabs are aware, and they want to determine the destiny of their nation.

Globalization in its earliest stages

It seeks to do so by discussing the Mongols, the European engagement with the Americas, the relevance of the sack of Constantinople and Aztecs, the link between trade, culture, contact and conquest and the link between Marco and Columbus. It led to the exchange of ideas, technology, religion, cultures and information that were instrumental in →

The cuban missile crisis

With the United States allies feeling unsafe, they were going to split, and this was going to lead to the weakening of the United States. Thus; the United States was justified to attack Cuba in the missile crisis so as a means of taking measures for enhancing world peace.

Theodore roosevelt

The Philippines was fortunate to have Roosevelt Jr.because he " deeply sympathized with the cause of the poor and advocated the improvement of the welfare of the masses" through the inauguration of the first community assembly. He passed several Acts to the legislative body that contained his goals for the Philippines, and as a sign →

Clock and watchwork

The principle of the pendulum at work is such that its swing is independent of the amplitude, or size, of the swing. In effect, the only factors affecting the amplitude are the length of the pendulum and the force of gravity.

Andrew carnegie. opinionassignment assignment

Andrew Carnegie was also a hero because he donated over $1. Because Andrew Carnegie created Jobs, accepted the competition in the world, and he donated lots of money to worthy charities he was a hero.

The seeds of the arab-israeli conflict

Rather than preparing the country for self-rule, the Palestine Man and the policies of the mandatory ities sowed the seeds of the Arab-Israeli conflict.' Assess this statement. The reckless readiness of the leaders and their followers to prepare the country for self rule have embarked on propagating of violence and conflicts merely based on revenge.

Apartheid in south africa assignment

The struggle was mentality tough for me ince most of my fellow peers look up to me as there leader for freedom in this beautiful land, but there was a slogan I remember and still use today that wanted me to lead us black South Africans back to freedom ' who will watch the watcher' →

The cabinet

The Cabinet Kuwait gained her in independence in the year 1961, and the first ever cabinet was instituted the following year. Over and above family-based monopoly in the cabinet, a significant number of cabinet members were well off compared to the rest of the population.

Earliest recorded case of the bubonic plague history essay

In the spring of 1348, the plauge reached the shores of Bristol from a merchant ship from the East. The bubonic plague spread like fire not only in the crowded city of Bristol, but in many other cities the merchant ships made stops in.

Joseph stalin assignment

By the late 1 sass, Stalin was in control of the Communist Party and was the dictator of the Soviet Union. Although Stalin was a loyal ally in WI, he did not abandon the idea of a Com monist empire.

The history of money

The History of Money The idea of metal coinage spread rapidly in the ancient Greece. Local trade between urban center and countryside and on the retail level within the cities significantly increased the spread of coinage throughout Greek and other parts of the world like Rome.

why did william the conqueror win the battle of hastings? essay sample

These three contenders to the throne were Harold Godwinson who was the only Englishman and related to the old king by marriage, Harald Hadrada and William the Conqueror who was the only contender that was related to King Edward by blood. Less than a week before the Battle of Hastings, Harold Godwinson and the English →

History of nato assignment

So in this connection, there was the Lisbon conference in 1 952 for an expansion of NATO divisions. But NATO, fearing that the Soviet Union's motive was to weaken the alliance, rejected this proposal.

Analysis of the present and the future based on history

According to his sweeping and audacious survey of contemporary geopolitics, in the book " The Second World" he argues that the United States, the European Union and China dare not call themselves imperial powers as they are busy reshaping the globe to suit their interests. Khanna in the " Second World" argues that the United →

Ancient egypt’s religious contributions to western civilization assignment

These were spells and messages written on the funeral sites of the deceased believed by the ancient Egyptians to be their rite of passage from one world to the next. The Egyptians had a strong belief and clear vision of the afterlife, and as preparation for such, they used customs such as these pyramid and →

Monroe administration and the era of good feelings

Madison faced problems with conflicts with Britain, especially the interception of American merchant ships and impressing sailors, believed to be British, for service in the British Navy. However, eventually, the United States also faced a quasi-war or an undeclared war against France when it started to seize American ships trading with Britain when America and →

The new deal assignment

The first reason the New Deal conserved and protected American business because it stabilized the businesses by taking the nation off of the gold standard and canceling any use of a gold payment clause in contracts. By earning the faith and confidence of the consumer, the New Deal helped the business to slowly flourish again.

Leonardo da vinci and nikola tesla assignment

Another one of dad Vine's achievements in his artwork was his last drawing before he died, which dealt with the apocalyptic visions of the world destroyed by a great deluge. The kind of eccentricity dad Vinci and Tests possessed was very unique.

The new deal then and now assignment

The first hundred days of the New Deal have taught President Obama Important lessons In the Obama learns through Roosevelt that an Important contribution to solving the corals Is to " exude confidence and optimism" Into the people. However, the New Deal did not do much to ND the Depression because of the result of →


History assignment Declaration of independence is one of the main phenomena in the history of the United s. In addition to calling for independence, the declaration established people's unalienable rights and the power of the people to overthrow the government, a political authority that the aristocratic British rule did not recognize.

The way forward suggested by jeff gates is feasible and/or desirable

In relation to Jeff's article " The Way Forward", it is evident that he does not like the collaboration existent between Sayanim and Mossad. He provides an example of Sayanim who have massively infiltrated various criminal agencies and giving Intel back to U.

The american political system

The American Political System I have learned that the American political system is one that is based upon the concept of equality and justice for all. The principle of American politics is one that is unique from other governments across the world because it is based upon a constitution that has taken all concerns, needs, →

Discussion topics

The United States began to monitor the affairs of the rest of the world; economically, technologically, politically, militarily, socially and culturally. The America became restless to defend this position to appoint involvement in war as seen in the Persian Gulf War and the craving to influence the Middle East and its oil supplies.

The french revolution assignment

The first estate was made up of clergy of the Catholic Church and the second estate was formed by the wealthy nobles who held high positions In the government. Who had no power to influence the government and resented the upper classes.

An impact of government on world civilization

The essay explains the frustrations that the people go through due to mistakes made by the government in different sectors. Allowing people to come into a country in large numbers, without advising them to learn the language used by the people is a mistake that will bring trouble to the natives of the country.

Oliver cromwell- hero or villian? assignment

Cromwell introduced a new model army to the Parliamentarians which was a superior fighting force that led to the defeat of the Royalists. This lead to Cromwell been seen as a hero which is why, when the king was executed, he gained control over the army and also a large amount of power over England.

Eithics in history

His paradox of the idea and view advocating the concept of conflict and bitter views towards the each bench group is supported by and defended through the views of the social standing at present. His model is relatively help with regard to the understanding of the split and segregated outlook that the world depicts at →

Demonstrations in middle east

Demonstrations in Middle East The demonstrations in the Middle East need to be investigated and explored because theroot causes of the political unrest in the region, particularly in the Arab world, require viable and long-lasting solutions. My interest in the topic was spurred by the dominant news and reports of these protests and demonstrations in →

19 january 2009: inauguration of barack hussein obama

This was the time when the first African American became the President of the US. I looked back at the time when there was racism all around the US.

Notes on theme of the traitor and the hero by jorge luis borges essay sample

The Shape of the Sword: Theme Of The Traitor And The Hero and The Shape of the Sword are similar in that they both tell the story of a traitor and what happened to him. In Theme Of The Traitor And The Hero he tells us of the unreliability of history and presents the idea →


The movie shows the world the cruelty of slave trading that was practiced in the past. The movie shows the story of Cinque and his other fellow slaves who are being transported on a ship to Cuba to be sold.

Australia’s involvement in the vietnam war assignment

The main reasons for Australia's involvement in the Vietnam war was because of the fear of communism, which also relates to the theory f the domino effect and Australia's allies with the US, Britain and New Zealand was also a reason for their involvement in the Vietnam war. The growing web of communism was a →

Assess the relevance of pages 58 – 63 in the history boys to the rest of the play

He is now a 'personality' presenting a programme upon Rievaulx Abbey and life in monastic orders which he brings down to the level of 'toilet arrangements' stating that he believes this to be the way to bring history to life and the Director reflects upon how he sounds a 'tad schoolmasterly'. We see that Irwin's →

Oral history and archiving memories in south africa

The uniqueness of this kind of history is that you get to interact with people who observed past events and whose memories and perceptions of these are to be preserved as oral record for future generations. SAHA uses oral history as a tool in order to live up to their mandate, and also it helps →

Vietnam war charlie cong, nicholas tomalin assignment

Literary is the meaning of the title Charlie Congo is the? Explain the situation or stage of the Vietnam War in 1 966 as this text was written.

Impressionism in conrad and joyce assignment

This might be the one most outstanding feature of Joyce ' s descriptions in Edibleness. In the following passage of Arab, we can find this references to receptions: " It was a dark rainy evening and there was no sound in the house.

The cold war assignment

However, the most popular cause of the Cold War was not the beginning, but the end of World War II. Stalin, after being betrayed by Hitler in 1941, finished the war on the Allied side, but the tensions between the victorious Western Powers and the USSR were already in evidence.

Final exam

Since the better part of the war took place in the southern states, they suffered the larger loss. Reconstruction of the South In the political realm, southern leaders came back to the Washington capital and the federal government controlled each of the southern sates one by one.

Founder of the pennsylvania colony by william penn

The book included a separate chart for the quick reference of the important facts and the index was also very intense. The author also tells the story of William Penn and his fight to find a safe place to worship without being persecuted because at that time religious prosecutions were very common.

Louisiana purchase and exploration assignment

In April of 1 803, France offered the sell the Louisiana Territory to the Americans. Blackest Indians tried to steal from Lewis and his men, and two Indians Were killed in the resulting conflict.

History – message board post

In order to minimize the losses faced by Allied troops and to minimize the costs of the war in Pacific, President Truman decided to go ahead with the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hell to Pay: Operation Downfall and the Invasion of Japan 1945 1947.

Third parties in contemporary american politics

This evident in the 1992 and 1996 elections in which the reform party candidate faltered terribly despite the huge despite the huge financial base established by the party." Third party in Two Party System" Gillespie talks about the third party impulse in the American politics. Politics at the Periphery: Third Parties in Two-Party America.

History phase 3

Phase 3: The " Oval Table with Falling Leaves" Given that it comes in many shapes and sizes, the oval table with falling leaves was created in the 17th century colonial America. The location of the owner of the table coincides with the information at Metropolitan Museum, which shows that the table could be found →

Henry kissinger 1971 secret trip to china

Introduction The political issue on Kissinger's secret visit to China created a controversy that changed the diplomatic relations between China and the United States. As Fergusson noted, Kissinger's secret trip to China in 1971 has made two areas of its foreign policy be consistent, and these include the renewal of the United States' relationship with →

American and european artists

An example is the tall wooden sculptures called the totem poles which represented the generations of a family and their spiritual story as well as characteristics of their land and animals as Native American heritage. This was different than the Native Americans as they used the materials and symbols of nature in their art.

Freedoms of the black during and after the reconstruction period

Freedoms of the Black during and after the Reconstruction Period The slavery was one of the most significant causes of the Civil War in the United States. The president stressed the end of slavery as one of the aims of the war, which led to the Emancipation Proclamation of January 1863.

Greek mythology and atlantis assignment

It was a glorious city made up of a series of layered walls and cannels, and at the very top of the hill was a temple dedicated to Poseidon " god of the sea. And there's more, in Plato's writing he speaks of a temple dedicate to the god Poseidon.

Ronald reagan, lyndon b. johnson and franklin d. roosevelt – most dominant and active presidents of the united states of america

On the other hand, President Lyndon Johnson was the major proponent of the thought that the government, particularly a big national government, was the best solution to most of the problems of the United States. Reagan proposed the removal of barricades that had slowed the growth of the country's economy as well as reduced growth, →

Dewey’s progressive era

Actually, Dewey's idea was to promote democratic education at school based on philosophies of Plato and Rousseau. Dewey is known to be the founder of standard-based education reform, outcome-based education and NCTM standard.


Friedrich, explores the idea of associating the main highlights of Baroque as a period relevant to the pattern of politics and economics, in art and music, religion, philosophy, and the sciences. In other words, the Author's purpose is to provide the meaningful detail of the aspects linked to the Baroque period, by engaging the concepts →

Should andrew jackson assignment

One of the many is that Jackson reduced the national debt from the Revolutionary War and The War of 1812 to zero. Another reason Andrew Jackson deserves to be on the 20 dollar bill Is that he was a great war hero.

History of alcohol

At the same time there has always been a passionate opposition towards alcohol many people would think it is evil and created by the " devil" because of the nasty effects and the illness's that it caused. It would even ruin people financially in some cases because of the addiction people would have with it, →

Response to harriet jacobs and frederick douglass readings assignment

The works of Harriet Jacobs and Frederick Douglass, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave respectively, were narratives of their lives giving details of their experiences as slaves. This continuous movement from one owner to the other shows that slaves could not be →

Adolf hitler assignment

He blamed the surrender of the war on the betrayal of civilian leaders and the Marxist. The people of Germany heard what they wanted to hear and ignored the violence of the Nazi party.

Crimean war: history

Thus the weakness of the Ottoman Empire in the period was seized upon, partially concealed, of course, by excuses about the persecution of Christian minorities in the Ottoman Empire. It was the product not only of confusion but also of the hubris and inflated ambitions of the leaders of Europe at the time.

The better part of the battle of thermopylae’s recounter’s success is due to herodotus story-telling

Rather, he intends to preserve the details of history that he considers to be most important, i.e.the amazing achievements on both sides of the conflict. Therefore, when Herodotus tells his story, he gives equal value to both the accuracy of the facts and the enormousness of the story.

Political institution interrelationship and outcomes

As a result, I would call for free and fair practice in the process of carrying out of elections. Lobbying is important in the process of fostering democracy based on formation of strong legislative bodies that will responsible for legislation and coming up with elections policies.

The history of bradford

The main focus of this paper will be on the different features of the site and how they support and contradict the Victorian values and attitudes, along with my research I will also be extracting evidence from the burial ground and analysing bothprimary and secondarysources in order to find out how the site has interpreted →

Candide by voltaire

Harris Kamran History and Political Science Analysis 8 April Candide by Voltaire It is evident after reading the novel " Candide" by Voltaire, written in 1759, that Voltaire denounces the established ideas and practices of the society, and dares to challenge the norms, to the extent of bordering on blasphemy. The writer has, through his →