Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning

History of barter system

The barter system was one of the earliest forms of trading. The barter system was used as a way of obtaining things like food and other services.

The baroque period assignment

The Peterson Is the estate of Peter the Great, In SST. Galileo Galilee was an astronomer and invented the telescope, Isaac Newton created the laws of motion and Francis Bacon invented the bacon method 6.

Trail of tears

The journey was named the " trail of tears" because of all the death experienced and witnessed by the Cherokee. Perhaps the most compelling part of this piece was the story of Tsali.

Civil rights movement

The credibility of the piece itself springs from the credibility of the man, and of the response to the speech by those who were present as well as future generations who followed in their wake. Relevance: The primary source is central to the investigation of the fundamental guiding philosophies and principles of the Civil Rights β†’

John l. o’sullivan and his times

This belief, when coupled with the geographic, economic and technological realities of the mid-19th century through the beginning of the 20th century led to the rapid westward expansion of the United States. The changing geography of the United States was a factor in westward expansion.

Progressive era and imperialism

One of the most important achievements of the Progressive Era was cleaning the meat packing industry. One of the most important achievements of the Progressive Era was to expose how poor lived.

Week 3 discussion question 1 and 2

If he had been open and honest with the american people from the beginning of watergate, do you think that we would have a better view of Nixon today? Therefore, it would take a different kind of president and transparency in the White House to bring back the blind faith that people once had in β†’

Renaissance art of leonardo da vinci assignment

By the age of 20, he had qualified as a master artist in the Guild of Saint Luke and established his own certainly with Veronica, and he becomes a member of the painters' guild in 1472. He was also one of the most famous people of his time and a great leader of the Italian β†’

Pandeys article

Pandey's article, " The evidence of the historian" The article focuses on a moment of rupture and genocidal activities; this makes the elimination of the regime difficult. It also focuses on the development of new states that claim the legitimacy of the nation-statehood, sociality and history." The evidence of the historian" analyzes the role of β†’

Discuss supreme court case korematsu v. united states (1944)

After the start of the war there was an increased demand that Japanese individuals residing in America including those who have migrated and even those who were born in the nation were to be looked upon as saboteurs and needed to be evacuated from the Western Coastal regions of US. United States and the outcome β†’

Understanding united states rights and how they reflect on the individual

The freedom to assert these rights has provided for the criticism of the press to influence and sway the course of political development within the United States. The use of opinion as a way to violate a person's reputation is an assault on the rights that have been given within the United States and therefore β†’

A mighty fortress: a new history of the german people by steven ozment

In one of the most compelling books written with a prolific American author and a recognized historian in Harvard, Steven Ozment, has devoted to demystifying the misty history of Germany, the present time of Germany and projected it to the likely future in his book called " A Mighty Fortress: A New History of the β†’

Gandhi’s leadership styles

He was keen to provide reassurance to his followers to motivate them to overcome the obstacles they faced. The most important lesson from this exercise is that as a leader I need to lead by example.

Pre-lecture response

In particular, slavery was a major factor in the division between the regions as the Northern section supported the abolishment of the practice and the freedom to the slaves. In practice, several Northern Tycoons demonstrated their willingness to support the end of slavery.

Poitical science

In addition to this, the group was also actively involved in restocking the fish levels in the rivers and lakes. Most of the students fall in that age group.

Data analysis

The signing of the agreement culminates from a debate between the Mexican and the US president of the time. The author offers appropriate evidence of his discussions by providing the committee meetings dates and the results of the meetings concerning the matter of trade agreement.

History of galileo galilee

Galileo Galilee was born in Pisa and he belonged to the era of the scientific revolution. Galileo was interested in the field of mathematics and science and he fulfilled his aim when he became an aspiring scientist.

Past and presence in persepolis by marjane satrapi

Previously, Marji thought that the Shah was " chosen by God," however after she learns that the Shah's family had caused her family to "[live] in poverty," in the past, she realizes that the Shah is not a " godly" figure and learns to support the current Revolution that is being shown in the novel. β†’

Civil right

Watching the discussions of what occurred in the fight for human rights brought so much grief, sorrow, misery and pain to me as a viewer so I can just imagine how the Blacks felt in their struggle to acquire the equal rights they have been fighting for. The Blacks wanted to get rid of racial β†’

No need topic

Steve Herbet in ' The " Battle of Seattle" revisited' illustrates a situation where the demonstrations on the first day of the World Trade Organization forum interrupted the schedule meant to commence on November 29, 1999. In my opinion, the orders were the best possible forms of obtaining a balance between the constitutional right of β†’

Reading response

His fourteen points were the basis of reducing the arms and the destruction caused by wars. The major nations and their leaders were dubious of the practicality of president Wilson's fourteen points speech.

Cold war and the los angeles area

COLD WAR AND THE LOS ANGELES AREA The cold war was a period of collision and rivalry. The pressure of nuclear warfare gave way to a new dimension to the changing culture of the history of war in the world.

Life and death of archimedes

The Number 20 March Archimedes The life story of Archimedes takes a modern reader to an exciting journeyinto " the genius of Hellenic learning". My goal in this paper is to explore the biography of Archimedes and find out what the historical significance of his work is.

Conceptions of the cold war assignment

What he told me about the Cold War was " We had more funds during the Cold War." He went on to say " We had more personnel as a contingency for a two war front." He stated he had been on many bases that were developed during the Cold War, to him it was β†’

The second world war

The Second World War Introduction The Second World War occurred between 1939 and 1945, the military conflict involving the Axis and the Allies. The events of the Second World War In the years immediately preceding the beginning of the Second World War, the United States was focused on solving its internal problems chief of which β†’

For paper already written

The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Blood on the Moon: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

Speculations surrounding the meaning of the megaliths grouped in stonehenge

Perhaps the most common theory of Stonehenge's use is that the Ancient Britons believed that the Bluestones, the fabled vertical rocks that made up the inner circle of Stonehenge, had magical powers, due to the fact that when they become wet, they sparkle magically. The shortest route to Stonehenge from the Preseli Mountains was probably β†’

School of social science and public policy-case studies in policy decision

The development of a Hydrogen Bomb just for the sake of proving a point was in no way practical considering the resources that were utilized in the development of such a weapon. Gizewski adds that the move of making such a destructive weapon would tarnish the image of any nation in international politics due to β†’

History of motion

Prior to Copernicus' heliocentric model, the Ptolemaic system was, with the assistance of the Roman Catholic Church, the prevailing astronomical model of the universe in Europe leading up to the 16th Century. A geocentric model, it stated that Earth was the stationary centre of the universe, and used a system of epicycles and deferents were β†’

The new deal initiative assignment

Managed flooding, helped the environment in the Tennessee Valley, and generated power in the region Much of the Tennessee Valley received electricity for the first time Recovery, reform Civilian Conservation Corps Hired young, unemployed men to plant or restore forests Workers were employed, they tended forestland that became state parks, and helped conserve the nation's β†’

The first african american president

This is the change which America has experienced and this is the change which shows that Obama is the right man to lead America. Thus, it becomes easy to see that Obama is the force of change which can sweep away the stagnation of the last eight years the country has been through.

The participation of jews in the world wars

What the rest of the world does not know is that this marking of the houses was just a retaliation because, naturally as a German, you also would not buy from the Jews because they were deliberately crippling the economy. The articles do not exactly paint a good picture of the Jews because they appear β†’

Bapu gandhi said assignment

God only knows why," Theme: A test of endurance AS if losing his family was not enough PI is trapped on a boat with a Bengal tiger which he tries to escape from by jumping into the water but he soon allies that the water is full of sharks so he hangs on to an β†’

Week 5 discussion questions #1 & #2

Though the U.S.must safeguard the fragile peace that exists in the region in order to maintain a stable oil supply for the world, it is important that our nation do so without compromising our political foundation. The United States must find a way to keep the oil supply going without sacrificing the people of that β†’

The positive aspects of the cold war assignment

The implementation of the American " Marshall Plan" and the Communist " Molotov Plan", the nuclear arms race, and the global military build-up all served to create global political stability and economic prosperity. For example, in the Vietnam War, which was a war of the communist North against the democratic South, the North Vietnamese armies β†’

Classical mythology: a very short introduction

This ingenious and thought-provoking book of Helen Morales is not only a plain narrating of the tales to examine the remarkable history and varied and wide-ranging readings of Greek myths. The author explores the literary history and tradition of Greek mythology by means of wide-ranging interpretations of original sources of Greek myths.

Reading response 1

Also, most of the Christians were not only aimed at spreading the gospel, but had the interest of taking the land of the local people with the pretense they were teaching the people how to use land and the new gospel. In the name of the gospel, a large population of the Indies people was β†’

World war i and the end of the progressive movement

The Real Story Behind the Battle of Ypres The events surrounding any world war are normally written by the victors and is tailor made to suit their need to have the historical account of the events portray the victors in the best light. But thanks to historical researchers such as Ulrich Trumpener and his essay β†’

The life span of adolf hitler assignment

The Life Span of Adolf Hitler What were the factors that shaped the man who is view today as the symbol of pure evil; yet in the early 20th century was cheered by Germans and those who believed in his views and goals? Adolf Hitler did well in elementary school and was a choirboy.

Essay about thanks for 24 years of service

His salary was $134, 000 a year, and, in a good year, he could expect a bonus of anywhere from $10, 000 to $25, 000. Russ McDonald's job was eliminated less than a year short of his 25th anniversary with GM.

The report about “” foner, eric “the voices of freedom” vol. i “”

Voices of Freedom " Capture the American civil rights movement in the voices of those who were there, and thereby give.some idea of the raging torrents that had engulfed America in the fifties, sixties, and seventies and that came to be known as the civil rights and black consciousness movements". These were the words of β†’

John browns raids and helping slaves

Before his raids he was with a group of people that did that were anti-slavery they did protest in kansas. Another thing that he did before his raid to help people from a quote from a website The reason why the stuff before his raids is important is because then you know that his raid β†’

Analysis of documents about war prevention of president dwight and general george

George made the Americans aware of their vulnerability and strengths and by that; the American army knew what to do and not to do in wars. General George is, however, concerned with the peace of the world which he believes that only the strongest can bring peace to the world.

The american nation – christianized or enlightened

The religious conviction in America intensified because of the religious resurgence stimulated by the people from across the Atlantic in the midway of the eighteenth century. A History of the World.

Claudius’ principate

The accepted modern view of Claudius is of an innovator, who centralised the powers of the emperor, both in Rome and in his person. Many scholars link Claudius with the phenomenon of the rise of the freedmen and also claim he was the first to organise them into departments or ministries within the court in β†’


Due The Possibility of Fighting War Crimes without Leaving the Couch There is no doubt that the release of " Kony 2012"-a super-viral campaign film that now counts over 100 million views online, did bring to the fore the gravity of the brutal tactics perpetrated by Joseph Kony's and his deadly lead militant group, The β†’

Cognition: two forms of deductive reasoning assignment

These have provided a framework to understand the emplace evidence that performance on deductive reasoning tasks is strongly linked to working memory capacity. According to the mental model theory, individuals use the information untainted In the premise to form a mental model of the reasoning problem or task.


Much as there were attempt to have populism in Chile, the system failed mostly because of failure of the charismatic aspect of the system. The ideological gaps were subsequently filled by the emergence of those organizations that were determined to do away with the ideologies of Gen.

The horrific fact in the donahue

Buildings in Auschwitz and in other camps which are the alleged gas chambers of the holocaust were able to hold 700 to 800 people and openings in the roof allowed chemicals to reach those within the chamber who were told they were going to be showered or treated for lice or scabies infections. Those with β†’

Comparing and contrasting peter the great and louis xiv assignment

Fluster, they were both autocrats, in that all decisions of state had to be approved by he centre of power, so the nobility had to spend all their time there if they wanted to have any influence-This kept them away from their own provincial power bases, making it hard for them to plot against the β†’

Us customs raid

In the process of interpretations during the first day, we had sluggish beginning due to the malfunctioning of the barcode booking system of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement. This meant that we had to sort out the documents manually and the office of the U.S.

Andrew jackson and the cherokee assignment

This being the basis for the meander of my discussion of the Cherokee tribe, the faulty leadership. He also was the main voice behind trying to resist the government even after the two years was over, not to mention the whole two years they had to leave.

See attachment

History The Alamo is a fort that was occupied by a team of Texan volunteer soldiers in December 1835 at the time of the Texas' war. The concept of the noble savage was established in the 1830s to explain a person who is not corrupted by civilization.

Analyzing primary sources: declaration of the man and of the citizen

Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen Answer A declaration by the representatives of the French people, addressed to all members of the social body responsible for maintaining rights and duties of citizens. This declaration clearly points out the legislative and the executive power for the sake of citizens demands.

Salem witch trials assignment

Family feud, religious extremism, teenage boredom and curiosity, selfish jealousies, and blindness of the judicial system of the time brought about the imprisonment and even death of innocent men and women. In the case of the Salem Witch Trials, so many men and women were accused, there was not enough time to try them all, β†’

Before the harlem renaissance

Harry Bloom documents the above facts in his book " Black American Poets and Dramatists before the Harlem Renaissance". His need to document the plight of slaves and fight for the abolishment of slavery was apparent in all of his writings.

The federal judiciary

Established in the United States by Article VI, clause 2 of the constitution called the supremacy clause which states that the that the constitution and the laws of the united states which will be made pursuant thereof will be the supreme law of the land. Judicial review was used to limit the legislature from performing β†’

The rise of joseph stalin assignment

As a reward for his help, Stalin was appointed by Lenin to become General Secretary f the party, and following Linen's first stroke in 1922 it was Stalin, more than any other party member, who became the link between Lenin and the rest of the world. Stalin went on to create a cult of personality β†’

Book on : the chief- douglas haig and the british army – gary sheffield

The Chief- Douglas Haig and the British Army - Gary Sheffield Douglas Haig stands out as one of the most controversial army commander in the British history and, the history of the World War. Sheffield best captures the controversy surrounding the army general in his book " The Chief- Douglas Haig and the British Army β†’

A review on the book on russia’s state of being under ivan the terrible’s ruling

Ivan the Great liberated most of Russia from the Mongol rule, assumed control of ALL Orthodox churches, and was the 1st official czar of the Russian people. The 1st civilization destroyed by the Russians was the Khanate of Kazan', and Ivan the Terrible participated in the battle.

Creative furniture

First the door and the top of the shipping crate are removed. The cushions from the old chair are placed on the shipping crate seat for comfort.

The rise of a successful turkish national movement

The Ottoman Empire was recognized as one of the successful and powerful state in the world due to a chain of reasons including military tactic and the collapse of the Byzantium Empire. This was a result of the occupations of Izmir and Istanbul along with the invading Greek, French, and British.

Discuss the controversies of federalism that have arisen in america throughout its history

23 February Controversies of federalism in the USA The history of the USA provides many examples of controversies of federalism. Examples of controversies of federalism in the history of USA include but are not limited to the Dred Scott Decision and the end of slavery by the Civil War.

Andrew jackson assignment

The issue of the Indian Removal Act proves Andrew Jackson was not a democratic president. The issue of the Spoil System proves Andrew Jackson was not a democratic president.

The indian history essay paper

It is created outside -Taken ashuman being, it has its own value -Team is considered as organic body & has emotion & cohesiveness -Team has to be flexible to achieve the super-ordinate goals -Team is only when it is comprised of experts -Every member of team has to be an expert in a particular field β†’

Print media: an early history

The Literacy rate was low in 1830, so the role of newspapers changed, it was now to support literacy and publiceducation. Newspaper industries began to compete for profits, and advertising was a result of that, more ads meant moremoneyfor the newspaper companies.

The encounter between the europeans and the american indians

The first source talked more about the cultural interaction between the Europeans and the Amerindians, while the second source talked more about the biological influence of the encounter between the Europeans and the Amerindians. The first phase talked about the exploration and contact of the Europeans with the Amerindians till 1600, the second phase talked β†’

Art history final

Art becomes then a participatory experience, one in which the audience receives, and handles as they may, the flows of libidinal energies which the artist set free." 2 The control the words Of critics had over art is gone and viewers are able to let their unconscious decide what art is. 3 By giving the β†’

Living in 1984

In this nightmarish novel, Oceania, where the story takes place, is the perfect depiction of " Negative Utopia" in which the government is in total control of their citizens. In this nightmarish novel, Oceania, where the story takes place, is the perfect depiction of " Negative Utopia" in which the government is in total control β†’

The founding and the constitution

Article V of the Constitution of the United s defines the procedure for altering the document's contents, primarily consisting of the proposal of an amendment followed by its ratification. In contrast, " strict construction" refers to the opposite: it is a legal philosophy that requires the interpreter of the Constitution to apply the text only β†’

Cold war us started it assignment

The cold war started because the united states was taunting the soviet union with military arms and the nuclear bomb. The cold war started because the united states was taunting the soviet union with military arms and the nuclear bomb.

Argumentative- affirmative action assignment

The first candidate graduated from a prestigious and highly academic university, had years of work experience in the field, and in the mind of the employer, had the potential to make a positive impact on the company's performance. Affirmative action is a product of the civil rights era, that time from the late 1950s through β†’

Reflection paper on revitalizing the federal government for the 21st century

A Reflection Paper on Revitalizing the Federal Government for the 21st Century This is a reflection paper on the recommendations proposed in the Revitalizing the Federal Government for the 21st century report by the National Commission on the Public Service. This author considers trust as the main component of any relationship and agrees with the β†’

An evaluation of immanuel kant’s “the enlightenment”

In this example, he exercises private reasoning in following the commands while his public use of reasoning is demonstrated in voicing out his complaints. Kant described clergyman's performance of duties as a private use of reason while making use of public reasoning in fulfilling his responsibilities to the public in making progress.

Critical review e

The project fits Manhattan urbanism because of its megalomania, but it also challenges the latter because it seeks to address and reduce the culture of congestion through a program that tackles spaces and actions. The same project, nevertheless, addresses and diminishes the culture of congestion through a program that tackles spaces and actions.

Brief summary of historical orientation of mathematics

300 BCE was known for the Archimedes Principle in Europe, and Euclid and Apollonius in Asia and Africa. 300 CE saw Pappus doing some important work within the field of mathematics in Asia.


The concept arose when most of the Texans were in favor of the war with Mexicans and believed that it is wise enough for their country to take such actions in order to make the US bigger and stronger, and it is also favored by US destiny. So overall, there had been a great importance β†’

Suger of saint-denis (1081-1151) report

He elucidates the importance of the cross to the old church and wishes to extend the same meaning in the modern church. Precisely, the two differ in the function of the ornaments as Suger says that they help the worshippers reflect on the religious mission, thus heightening their spiritual awareness.

Disputation on the power and efficacy of indulgences

The princes and kings resented the overarching control of the Church, while the peasants resented the wealth of the Church and revolted against the social, political and religious authorities. Such political and social unrest should be seen as a significant trigger for the wars and civil unrest all over Europe during Reformation.

Historiography/primary sources project

" Every empire tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires and that its mission is not to plunder and control but to educate and liberate" is a quote by Edward W.Said. Hismotivationwas to spread the ideas of imperialism and point out the benefits of it to the people of France.

Andrew jackson dbq assignment

Andrew Jackson was the first enlightened president, he was a common man and thought of the common people in his presidency. Due to him realizing there are other people besides the rich and putting money into state banks for the common person, Andrew Jackson was an okay president.

The spread of christianity

We see therefore that the spread of Christianity into Europe and China was fraught with obstacles of various sorts: cultural, political, philosophical and intellectual. It would take Christian missionaries many years to be able to successfully overcome these obstacles to their efforts at spreading the message of Christianity.

The importance of space exploration advancement

The possibility of finding new resources and life in space, overpopulationon planet earth and finding a new source of fuel are just a few of many reasons to encourage space exploration. NASA believes that in the process of space exploration, they will discover a new source of fuel to replace oil.

What is black history month?

Woodson, " one of the first black Americans to receive a Ph.D.fromHarvarduniversity", was disturbed in the lack of knowledge and availability of Black History in America of any kind. Retrieved March 4, 2009, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst? a= o&d= 5008550464 " Black History Month: the History of Black History." Infoplease.

Cold war comparison assignment

The skilled members of the steel industry wanted a wage increase due to the fact that the industry was growing rapidly. The Knights of Labor agreed to leave the company alongside the killed members of the union.

The struggle of african americans to derive meaning and identity in african american literature

Using a sociological and biological criticism as a way to analysis, it can be noted that each of the three literary works encompass the struggle of African Americans to derive meaning and identity into their lives as African Americans given their disadvantaged position in society. However, in spite of these disadvantages that the African Americans β†’

Middle eastern humanities

Kamin Mohammadi: The novelist, journalist and news anchor was born in 1970 in Iran but moved to the UK at a tender age and specializes in the culture of Iran in her works. It narrates the historical and mythical Iranian past, starting from the time of creation to the 7th century Iran Islamic invasion.

Compare and contrast wilson and truman

He refused to build up the military forces in the United States in anticipation of a war threat. President Wilson approach to military affairs was based on his neutrality position and the decision of not taking the U.

Economic crisis in turkey

The government had to intervene by selling its foreign-currency reserves to staunch the decline of the Turkish lira. The fiscal crisis resulted in a decline in real GDP of 5 percent in 1994 after the economy had grown briskly in 1992 and 1993.

Compromise of 1850

The Compromise of 1850 was a series of acts passed in 1850, by which the United States Congress hoped to settle the strife between the opponents of slavery in the North and slave owners in the South. The Compromise of 1850 called for the admission of California as a free state as well as the β†’

Struggles of europeans and native americans

According to Adam Smith, Europeans were, on the other hand, enjoying life as the development of America was seen as " splendor and glory". Conclusively, it is apparent that on the eve of the contract indicates the different interests of both Europeans and Native Americans.

Greek society

No: Greek Society There was no or little application of word " civil society" in ancient Greek. Women in Greek owed property and were respected in the society.

Great depression critical essay

Though the decade was made of numerous and note-worthy events, this paper will zero in on three factors that best define the 1990s in America: the story that mattered to the young, thetechnologythat changed the face ofcommunication, and the heartbreak that we suffered as a nation. If we read thepoetryand fiction of the Beat writers, β†’

Critical summary

Ming was faced with a crisis that was caused by the dominion of the eunuchs and the corruption of the court officials. This trend towards political despotism led to the fall of the Ming Dynasty.

Kosovo after independence in 2008

Widespread support for the Uprising brings Change There was political crisis in Kosovo in 2011 in that the government of Kosovo collapsed on October 2010 after one of the ruling parties LDK announced its decision of quitting from the government. The rule of law in Kosovo is feeble in that its weak legal system has β†’