Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning


Realism Module Module ID: Realism Answer Renowned and analyst Kenneth Waltz has elaborated the term anarchic structure in his theory of international relations, which refers to the rule of vae victis or might is right prevailing all over the globe, where the weak states and nations undergo sense of insecurity and lack of protection in β†’

Obama gives himself a grade of incomplete after 18 months

But he was very optimistic in the sense that though not much credit is being given to his administration, he wants to still do a good job as the leader of the country. I say this because the Executive Order was about preserving the democracy in Lebanon and even hinting that Syria is the threat β†’

Africa in the world

An Idea of African History The past of Africa is a challenging topic because it is associated with physical immensity as well as diversity in the past. Many historians from inside and outside African continent are debating on the issues of African history.

Visual analysis: dante and virgil in hell by william-adolphe bouguereau assignment

Dante and Virgil in Hell William-Adolphe Bouguereau The image depicts a scene from Inferno, a classical poem written by Dante Alighieri in the 1300's in which Dante is led through the levels of Hell by the dead poet Virgil. The first interpretation is the fact that they are in a ring of Hell where fire β†’

Ralph waldo emerson comparative assignment

The Anthem Good Charlotte " It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after your own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keep with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." The worlds opinion is strong but The β†’

How did disease shape the history of london between 1500 and 1900

This paper seeks to look at how disease shaped the history of London between 1500 and 1900, a trip to the Globe Theatre in about 1605, how one get there the neighborhood life, how the theatre was how the show and the audience were among others. The theatre was seen as a historical feature and β†’

1950’s sitcom

Issues Facing America in The 1950s Issues Facing America in The 1950s America is one of the first leading and developing nations in the world. The effects emerged as a result of the wars that they were involved in and the wars included the cold war and World War 2.


The bonanza is a representation of the highest credentials of the culture of Sanxingdui. It is also a discovery by the archaeologists that is unmatched in reference to the quality, quantity diversity and academic value of the find.

Persuasions so consistently conflictual history essay

He participated in the negotiations of the Gdansk agreement between the government and striking workers, and was instrumental to the Round Table Agreement of 1989 that led to the June parliamentary elections and a solidarity-led government. The existence of a strong democratic opposition in Poland, which had survived the persecutions of the early 1980s and β†’

The victory of the roundheads history essay

The English civil war began in England in 1642 between the English king Charles the I and the English parliament, it ended in 1645 with the victory of the parliament. This battle was one of the most important in the English Civil War because it was the first of a series of parliamentarian victories and β†’

Stopping the fall of a superpower by the savior of russian nation, vladimir lenin

Lenin took over the government and signed a treaty with Germany to take Russia out of the war. Stalin, who was probably mentally unstable, trashed the ideals of Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky in his own thirst for power.

Comparasionabraham lincoln vs martin luther king assignment

They were not allowed to be in the front at all. In his speck king referred to Lincoln and how he had freed the slaves and that African Americans were still not free.

Peter the great assignment

He ended up making Russia one of the greatest empires of the time by improving Russia's army and navy, gaining a lot of land, and bringing major intellectual changes. He also needed people to be educated in the strategies and operations of the navy.

The fourteen points of woodrow wilson

2 April The Fourteen Points of Woodrow Wilson The final period of WW I brought to understanding of the majority of its participants the simple fact that the War was effectively lost by the Central Powers. President Woodrow Wilson to ponder the problems of post-War settlement that might arise as the result of the Allied β†’

What is enlightenment?

To the point that knowledge fully depends on the organization of the mind and not on the world, knowledge would have no connection to the world and is not even true representation, just a solipsistic or intersubjective fantasy. Kant believed that rational structure of the mind reflects the rational structure of the world, even of β†’

The truman doctrine assignment

Truman had to convince congress that a crisis in two far away countries would threaten the security of the United States, and that four hundred million dollars was needed to save Greece and Turkey. The beginning of the Truman Doctrine, President Truman began to outline the situation in Greece.

Obamas experience as an african american

Obama grew up feeling frustration that came from the fact that his father was not a presence in his life and yet, he was being faced with a legacy of discrimination because of that same man's race. Making his journey to Kenya to visit his father's grave and coming to realize his father's commitment to β†’

Islamic influence in modern university

According to Mehdi Nakosteen, the present day university setup was first initiated by the Islamic scholars of the ancient Cairo. It is hard to believe the ancient Muslims did not have a university setup in place given their achievements, especially in the field of architecture, medicine and astronomy.

What science has taught us about stonehenge

And the story is complicated even more by the fact that, like many ancient landmarks, Stonehenge was not built in a day...or even in a century. From what we can tell, workers first dug holes for the rocks to sit in, and then hauled them upright, probably with the help of ropes, A-frames, and lots β†’

Adolf hitler: a leadership analysis assignment

A situation analysis is a tool used to assess a particular situation and dissect the internal and external parts, focusing on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the organization in order to accomplish a goal. The way he viewed the world he lived in, Hitler was able to control everything and everyone around him β†’

A.j. dbq for us history advanced placement

Jackson greatly increased the power of the presidency. Andrew Jackson was also responsible for the Trail of Tears.

Travelling: henry viii of england and tower assignment

On the territory of the Kremlin you can see old cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, the State Kremlin Palace, the Tsar Cannon and the Tsar Bell, the biggest cannon and bell in the world. In the middle of it there is a granite obelisk and the common graves of the heroes of β†’

Jewish holy days paper essay

The lighting of the candles is used to commemorate the miricale of the Maccebees' victory. This led to the tradition of lighting the menorah on Hanukkah.

Cold war era presidents

Issues that we consider to be at the core of the United States democratic experiment, like individual freedom, were trumped by the political realities of the Cold War whenever the two came into conflict. On the other hand, Cold War Presidents tended to make decisions that were so committed to fighting the spread of communism β†’

The relationship between poor european americans, poor free whites,african americans and the native americans during the early colonial period

The Relationship between Poor European Americans, Poor Free Whites, African Americans and the Native Americans duringthe Early Colonial Period During the early colonial period, approximately one-half to two-thirds of European who migrated to the American colonies had arrived under indentures, meaning they had to work pay for passage to the New World. With regard to β†’

Analyze the world history essay

13)One of the most beautiful of the Ottoman mosques of Constantinople was the? 18)What were the causes of the decline of the Ottoman Empire?

Misconceptions of the holocaust of enslavement

However, most lynches were as a result of a black person attempting to vote, demanding their rights, or operating a successful business Impact of the Holocaust The holocaust destroyed the lives of the people involved in the enslavement. Those in their homelands used a number of ways to escape the terror associated with working as β†’

Roger williams analysis assignment

Williams notes were originally written in order to provide a " little key to open a box, where lies a bunch of keys." In other words, Williams felt that if he was able to get the Englishmen to understand the natives fundamentally, either through language or customs, and that they then may be able to β†’

Exploiting the native americans

Besides the English, the French and the Dutch shared a common goal of establishing colonies in the land primarily inhabited by indigenous people whose way of living significantly differed from the lifestyle and economy of the people of Europe. Retrieved from http://robwrite.hubpages.com/hub/When-the-Native-American-Indians-first-met-the-European-Settlers on April 8, 2012".

Response to the gettysburg address assignment

Even though the " The Gettysburg Address" has brought me to the pathos mode of persuasion because some of the things that Abraham talks about in the address, we strive as a nation to continue to better and build off of as a country. But now in this age of time there's no problem in β†’

Louis and clarks exploration of the louisiana purchase

Even before the deal with France to buy the Louisiana territory, Jefferson had already appointed Meriwether Lewis as the commander of the expedition of the new land. Lewis and Clark were able to collect supplies and gifts to present to the Indians they knew they were going to stumble upon during this expedition.

Electoral college

The Electoral College is an illustration of an indirect election, unlike the popular vote as the measure for electing the president. Furthermore, the Electoral College has survived and is still flourishing for over a period of 200 years in electing the president and other government officials.

Patterns of world history vol 1

Writing was a major expansion of the conceptual horizon of humankind that reached back to the first flaked stones, ornaments, figurines, and cave paintings in the Paleolithic. The Shang Dynasty used the horse to drive chariots, which transformed the Chinese warfare for transportation, which linked disparate regions of China and helped the Shang to expand.

The allied conferences during world war ii assignment

The three leaders issued a declaration that Japan will be stripped of all the land seized or occupied since the beginning of the First World War in 1914, and that Manchuria, Formosa, and the Possessors, will be restored to the Republic of China. Though the military discussions were at the forefront of the meeting, the β†’

Ap us history george washington outline assignment

The purpose of creating this act was to provide structure and authority of the federal court system and created the office of attorney general. The purpose of the Bill of Rights was to ratify the Constitution.

Affirmative action assignment

Government Involvement in Affirmative Action The Government should not continue affirmative action because it is no longer effective in preventing discrimination. It is almost like a retroactive function because the whole purpose of affirmative action was to make it so people of all races would be accepted.

The andrew carnegie dictum assignment

The " Andrew Carnegie Dictum" illustrates Carnage's generous nature: TO spend the first third Of one's life getting all the education one can. TO spend the next third making all the money one can.

Mahatma gandhi assignment

He is officially honoured in India as the Father of the Nation; his birthday, 2 October, is commemorated there as Gandhi Jayanti, a national holiday, and worldwide as the International Day of Non-Violence. Gandhi spent a number of years in jail in both South Africa and India.

Manmade disasters: a historical review of terrorism and implications for the future by catherine wilson cox

In this article, Cox explores the unreached corners of high profile tactics employed by terrorists for mass destruction and the untiring trials of nursing teams to cope up with the conditions pertaining to treatment delays and emergency-led casualties during such attacks. Summary & Evaluation The script used by Cox explores the corners of terrorism right β†’

Assignment seven 2

Secondly, the increases of American bankruptcy lead to increase in several loans, reduced rates of currency, and highly contributed to the collapse of the nation's currency level. The collection of these publications and the eruption of commercial activity in the country caused in cultural patriotism that stimulated every discrete to succeed.

Health care sector

In any country, the system of healthcare is established in order to fulfill the health needs and requirements of the target population and thus, the exact configuration of this system varies from one country to another. This increasingly negative aspect of the deteriorating management of employee and organization's relationship has caused the health care sector β†’

Woodrow wilson – a controversial president assignment

In the cases of Intervention by the united states In foreign affairs under Wilson, the methods by which American security of interests was achieved often angered the foreign government, the foreign citizens, or both. When it became known that Germany was providing weapons to Heart's government, Wilson seized he Mexican port of Vera Cruz without β†’

Social and economic changes in europe america and africa in 1400 1800

The first notable economic change that occurred following the contacts is industrialization, which was majorly promoted by the availability of labor and raw material which could easily be sourced from America and Africa and then shipped to Europe. Infrastructural development is yet the other economic change that occurred as a result of the contacts, where β†’

Early adverting eras

Since women were in charge of most of the buying done in the family circle, promoters accepted the worth of women's imminent approaches throughout the artistic process. The five-year episode from 1933-1938 signifies a critical stage in the record of advertising.

International relations

Within the section, three of the fund's articles for Agreement IMF undertake to dictate to the borrowers some of the conditions that have direct influence in the economies these countries. Additionally, the initiative will stipulate the IMF and encourage the borrowing countries to affect their policy changes in a way that may help the country β†’

Free essay on toba tek sight

It is a story which is set in the time and geographical area of the historical event of the Partition of 1947. The second level of the irony lies in the ending of the story when ' Toba Tek Singh' is described as the place in the middle of nowhere.

George orwell’s 1984

In Germany at the time, the population valued education and intelligence greatly and viewed these as an indicator of success and a " normal" life. The superego enforces moral codes of the ego and censors the id.

Mccarthyism, miller, and the crucible assignment

The " crusade against subversion" played a significant role in the following: the actions and tactics of McCarthy, the reasons why Miller and other artists were targets Of McCarthy, and the relationship Of his play The Crucible to the events of the late sass's to the early 1 sass. Led to the unjust persecution of β†’

Jamestown vs. new england assignment

The success of both colonies can be contributed to strong leadership and the characteristics of the personalities of the settlers that inhabited each settlement. After this, the Massachusetts Bay colony had a period of continual growth and expansion due to many ministers reacting to the oppressive religious policies of England.the Massachusetts Bay Colony wikipedia) Many β†’

Playing for keeps: a history of early baseball

The book is written in an academic style, as the intrinsic interest of baseball as a game propels forward, all in all I think the book is more of an aficionado. Goldstein in really interested in changing the economics of the game and the struggle between the players and the management of the clubs.

What we learned from history

What we learned from History According to Gagnon, study of history is valuable in understanding the aspects of American democracy and other aspects. Gagnon asserts that the study of history enables students to develop one of the most vital senses of " shared humanity".

Kennedys freedom and unity

He furthered his statement to encompass the world, saying, " Ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man". He extended his hand of freedom and peace to the entire human race, not just a select few.

Benjamin franklin assignment

American Contributions: Lightning rod, Bifocals, Franklin stove Benjamin was the first American physicist to characterized two kinds of electric charge which he named " positive" and " negative." He earned the title of " The First American" for his early and untiring campaigning for colonial unity He signed the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of β†’

The genetically modified seed history essay

The World Health Organization in fact warns there are " groups who fear that as a result of the interest of the chemical industry in seed markets, the range of varieties used by farmers may be reduced mainly to GM crops. Hopefully, the farmer in the introduction still has some of his family's seed stock β†’

Critical analysis

An interesting feature of the film is the story that utilizes surprise as a means of grabbing the viewer's attention. This is not in accordance to the expectations of a viewer, so the film surprises the viewer.

During protestant reformation

The Rise of the Stuart and The Defeat of the Monarchy After death of Elizabeth, James I took throne. This was the time of Shakespeare, Galileo, and other creative people who invented and developed things to cultivate time period.

The underground railroad assignment

The term " Underground Railroad" refers to a verbal code used to describe the Steps to where slaves were disappearing and taking off. With help from the abolitionists and previous freed slaves, the Underground Railroad was a successful contribution to the end of slavery.


This was done due to the two reasons: the increasing respect of whites towards Indians, which was caused by their active participation of Indians in the World War I, and the agitation held by the Indian groups and the friends of Indians who claimed to provide Indians with rights.3. However, the taxes for the acquiring β†’

Reaction paper on the film marcus garvey: look for me in the whirlwind

Reaction Paper on the film " Marcus Garvey: Look for me in the Whirlwind" Synopsis The film, Look for me in the Whirlwind, chronicles the rise and fall of a Jamaican nationalist, Marcus Garvey, who immigrated to the United States, in 1917, as a laborer. However, what connected the two is that Hoover was in β†’

Care international in south sudan

Currently, CARE in South Sudan operates in the former states of Unity, Jonglei and Unity carrying out interventions in Health, Nutrition, Protection and Gender based violence, Food security and Livelihoods and also empowerment of local actors in the spirit of localization of the aid flows. In order to continue having an impact in South Sudan, β†’

La belle epoque 1900-1914

La Belle Epoque 1900-1914 al Affiliation: La Belle Epoque The film on La belle epoque documents the events that took place in Paris between 1871 and 1914 after the end of the end of the France vs. The need and desire for peace and prosperity, desire for new life and unusual things, industrialization, and the β†’

Differentiate between declaration a vindication of the rights of woman

The exclusion of women from the participation in governance and political life may be viewed as contrary to this law, hence a vindication of rights of women. This was in essence a vindication of women rights because they were barred from participating in activities afforded to them by the rights in the Declaration.

Age of enlightenment and course materials

List three examples of events/methods from Voltaire's Candide which you believe best illustrate the issues related to the Scientific Revolution and to the Enlightenment. The reaction of the Inquisitor for trying to kill Candide and Pangloss because of the earthquake is a typical example of the abuse of the church on people.

Truman doctrine assignment

Stalin himself denied Marshall aid for the Soviet Logion and was now seeking to make sure that the Soviets maintained a strong influence with in the Eastern Bloc. It was used as an instrument to increase Stalin' control over the Communist parties of other countries.

History of the israel-palestinian conflict

The conflict started before WWI, and it can be traced back during the First Aliya which was the wave of migration of the Zionist Jews in Palestine. The conflict made the two countries more suspicious of each other since the British wanted to control the region under disagreement.

Brief history of education in nigeria

The bottom line of the education delivered was to learn and live according to Nigerian climate and occupation. The first was the establishment of the National Commission for the College of Education in 1986 while the second was the establishment of Federal Ministry ofScience and Technology.

Fashion in the 1920s

Harding, claimed that he wanted to return to normalcy and to bring back the peace following the years of war; society did change, but it was no where near what it had been before the war." The reactionary temper of the sass and the repressive movements it spawned arose as reactions to a much-publicized social β†’

American government branches

American government branches The American government system, based on the doctrine of separation of power, is organized into three branches, the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. The legislature, also directly elected by people from all parts of the nation, is representative of the American people and their diversity and represents electorate's interest in ' β†’

George washington quote assignment

What I agree with the most is that it is much better to be alone than in bad company. When you spend time with people who do not have respect for themselves, then that is what you turn out to be as well.

Different and expectations

In China, the expectations of people from leaders seem to be highly differentiated: Chinese leaders are expected to be fully aware of their country's historical and cultural background and to promote local ethics and traditions at the highest possible level. According to the above in each society people have different expectations from their leader.

The french and russian revolutions: similar? or different?

A king who believed in absolutism, just as France was before the revolution, led Russia; the kings did not accurately represent their people, nor were they close to them; the middle class wanted recognition; and in both cases, the royal families were executed. Unlike in the French Revolution, soldiers were ordered to shoot at the β†’

Message of green day’s album american idiot

None of this can be seen more clearly than recently when there was a campaign in the United Kingdom to get ' American Idiot' to the top of the charts for the arrival and visit of one Donald Trump, with the band embracing the sentiment, with frontman Billie Joe Armstrong posting a picture of the β†’

Schindler’s list

The movie is an account of true life events from the era of Second World War and the holocaust phenomena. The movie follows the life process and activities in Poland that served as the centre of activities and atrocities of the German army that were directed towards the annihilation of the Jews.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the electoral college

Electoral College is the convention of voters whereby there is a presidential and the election of the vice president. The supporters of the Electoral College also argue the Electoral College maintains division of powers.

History and comparison in education

As far as Middle East colonies in the United States are concerned the education was the responsibility of the church as well as the family to which the students belong. Nowadays the government has proper control of overall educational institutions in the states.

Modernization of the world

Modernization of the World Modernization of the World Modernization is a dynamic process that regions or nations undergo to change from old ways and adopt new improved techniques for viewing, reasoning and carrying out their lifestyles. Role of Men and Women Historically, male and female gender in different parts of the world had defined roles β†’

Benjamin franklin compared to jonathan edwards assignment

In, " Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," Edwards reciprocates with ferocity and anger to his congregation when faced with " The Great Awakening. Edwards begs for the cohesion of his congregational community in effort to defeat the influences of uncertified preachers and the impedance of damnation.

Louis xiv -example assignment

The fact of the matter is this; although the result in the long term may have been a betterment of France, the only reason anything was done, was to stroke and coddle Louis XIV's massive ego. As long as Louis and his band of aristocrats were able to live in the lap of luxury who β†’

Fdr knew about pearl harbor assignment

News & World Report, one of the most controversial was decoded in October 1941...it asked the Japanese Consulate in Honolulu for regular reports on the location of ' warships and aircraft carriers...at anchor, tied up at wharves, buoys, and in the docks' in Pearl Harbor. He did not want Kimmel or Short to interfere." Franklin β†’

Elizabeth i: the greatest queen of all assignment

He was the founder of a kingdom of Justice sited in the castle of Camelot where he and his knights sat at a Round Table, this marked the great rule that the King was not a Ruler but Just ' The First among Equals'. The tragic history of her parents' marriage, religious intolerance, the craving β†’

History of art – cubism assignment

Is a part of the abstraction period of modern art In the beginning of the twentieth century. The Impressionists ND Realists of the late 19th century started to paint more everyday items and in a more spontaneous fashion, in contrast to the classical period which came before.

Turkey and russia relationship during world war ii

In the phony war phase of the Second world War, Russia got reach and control over the Turkish Straits which were of significant influence in the entire course of the war. The development of the aforementioned scenario and overall tension led to the annulment of the treaty and further strangulation of the ties between these β†’


The population of the Greeks and their interaction with other societies greatly increased due to trading activity they were involved in. They " fought to live and lived to fight" and ' drunk the blood of their enemies and used the scalps as napkins".

What every american needs to know about israel/palestine

The goal of the website is to provide accurate and full information on the critical issue on the conflict. Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer's, 2007, " The Israel Lobby and the American Foreign Policy" affirm that Israel has grown to be an American liability.

History of telephone

During the modern age, telephone is one of the most important inventions in the field of communications. The Charles Williams shop made the first telephones under the direction of Watson, who in effect was the Research and Development Department of the company.

St. bernard of clairvaux( 1090 -1153) page review

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux According to Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, the use of or ntation in religious buildings is sarcastic given the value of the ornaments and the economic position of the congregation. In addition, the use of golden and other expensive relics draws the people from the path of piety.


It is increasingly becoming an instrument for sociological interaction of netizens who desired to see changes in our social relation, who worked for the democratization of global community, who wanted to share cultural diversity, and exchange updates about how economy affect nations. It also provides easy access of views for tourism sites and thus, provides β†’

Antigon as a leader

Although she is arrested by the guards and taken to Creon, Antigone stands by her principles and in a courageous manner admits to burying Polynices. While King fought for the rights of the black community in the USA, Antigone struggled for the right of her brother to be given a decent burial.

Stylistic analysis and history in art

In the topic " Discrimination in the Arts in America," " Cannon of art" is present. Legon, John." The Cubit and the Egyptian Canon of Art".

African american history:religious influences 1770 – 1831

Things started to change for the better after the second half of the 18th century when African American protagonists started to frequently make use of the religious texts and refer to the religious anecdotes in order to fight for the rights of African Americans. The end of American slavery and the emancipation of African Americans β†’

The middle ages from 1066 to 1485 assignment

The start of the Crusades and the knights of the Middle Ages, including the founding of the Knights Templar. The Medieval Kings and Queens of the Royal Houses of Lancaster and York and the Wars of the Roses.

Us history

Analysis of " The Intimately Oppressed" by Howard Zinn In " The Intimately Oppressed", Howard Zinn exhibits how the natural course of history itself is able to engage knowledge concerning conquests and dominion by men at an initial stage to be perceived in the light of obtaining good reputation. Regardless of disposition, apparently, it is β†’

Positive and negative effects of cold war on germany assignment

In later years of the Cold War the western powers decided to emerge their sections with each other to form one major section that would be called West Germany, and East Germany would belong to the communist Soviet Union. With the influence of capitalism Germany's economy began to rise up again and help the nation β†’

History of latinos in america

The population profile and community structure of the Caribbean population were that they lived in isolation. The population profile and community structure of the Central American population were that they lived in harmony.