Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning

Benjamin franklin vs. frederick douglass assignment

Frederick Douglas Frederick Douglas and Benjamin Franklin were both very successful In their goals. In their writing styles, Ben Franklin edited his stories to where protected he and others for the sake of their reputations.

Salem witch trials assignment

Elizabeth and Abigail were so fascinated with the stories that they began to play with the idea of telling each other's fortune. There was a member of the community, Rebecca Nurse that was a Christian, and a great deal to the community that was also accused.

95 theses

Martin Luther a theology professor and a priest of Wittenberg wrote his doctrine of " Disputation on power and efficacy of indulges/95 theses" in 1514 to denote the debatable actions of the Catholic Church and its practices. He believed that the core idea of Christianity was to follow God's commands so to gain his grace β†’

The settling of the frontier

The frontier period was one of the most important phases of American history that lead to the westward expansion of the country through the colonization of the Great West and ended in a war between the states." We are great, and rapidly, I was about to say fearfully growing!". Its nature and mentality are akin β†’

Ancient egypt/world civilization

Ancient Egypt is considered to be a prominent civilization in the Mediterranean world, and there are some essential factors that play a significant role in shaping the success of this nation. That is why Egypt civilization easily obtains the sense of security and safety from other factors.

Harlem renaissance

Impact of the Harlem Renaissance on the African Americans The newly found prosperity of the African Americans disappeared with the Great Depression in 1929. The true impact of the Harlem renaissance was a revival of the African American culture, with exposure to the world and the sense of empowerment it brought to the African Americans.

Abraham lincoln’s dred scott decision & peoria speech

Abraham Lincoln the 16th leader of the United States and leader of the Republican Party was among the strong supporters of the law that prevent marriage between the black and the white. According to Abraham Lincoln, the position of superior and inferior in the American states meant to reduce the number of blacks entering the β†’

The daily life elizabethan england history essay

In the homes of the wealthy, fine linen was placed upon the table. Elizabethan theater was the work of proprietors, actors, playwrights and workmen.

50 years from now

In 50 years we will have the ability to go outer space without need of all the training that astronauts nowadays require, and our cars will be nothing like how they are today because within 50 years the world as we know it will be completely different. It seems that 50 years from now, it β†’

5 years from now

My goal is to contribute my skills in creating an equitable and strife free society with the help of media. After graduating, apart from worked as an IT support executive, I prepared for Civil Service Exams, and worked as volunteer for couple of NGOs which gave me exposure to various Socio-Economic issues and learnt how β†’

Alien rule: the liao,jin,and yuan dynasties

This chapter gives the wide view of life in China under Alien rule after the fall of the Tang dynasty in 907. The Jurchens' Jin dynasty expanded the territory to include the whole of north China, after defeating the Lioa, and then came the Mongols' Yuan dynasty that took the whole of China after defeating β†’


The Turks army used warships to break the city's sea defense and huge cannons to break the walls. They managed to break the attentions of the city's men by using trumpets and huge cannons to break through the wall.

The cambridge history of warfare

US Response and Preparation How did the US respond in the face of the looming war in both countries? How Has the Western Way of War influenced the eventual outcome of the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan?

Implementing affirmative action policies assignment

To: Board of Directors From: Human Resources Date: February 20, 2011 Subject: Implementing Affirmative Action Policies So it has been brought to my attention to recommend to your company's Board of directors that we should implement a plan of Affirmative Action Policies and how they are incompliance with the EEO law. What is Affirmative Action, β†’

The autobiography of malcolm x – assignment

When Malcolm first noticed her and began to consider the possibility of their marriage she was a nursing student. He was treated as a visiting Muslim during a different trip he takes to other parts of the Middle East and Africa.

A summary about a primary source about american history before 1865

In the letter, President Abraham Lincoln explains his desire to end slavery. He explains that he seeks to end slavery by influencing a change in the country's constitution.

The life of benedict arnold essay sample

He was even the most trusted soldier of George Washington but due to Arnold's sell out of West Point to the British Army, he was forever condemned to be the greatest traitor and the most evil man in American History. Benedict Arnold has helped define the United States as a country through his military career β†’

Gallipoli – character sketch

Archie confides in Frank the prospect of joining the army and Frank volunteers to take Archie to Perth, Frank's home town, where no one knows Archie and therefore, he can enlist. Archie's future is one of great talent for he has the makings of a champion sprinter.

The hawaiian monarchy

Task " Hawaiian Monarchy" Discuss and assess the unification of the Hawaiian Islands under King Kamehameha and how Kamehameha and his descendents, including Kamehameha III, adapted or adopted foreign technologies and concepts. The unified legal system promoted unity in the Hawaiian Islands even after the death of the Kamehameha.

Utopia of glass: mertins on glass train station

The paper " Utopia of Glass: Mertins on Glass Train Station" is a great example of a history article review. The design drawing of the train station in Stuttgart by Mies van der Rohe gives a classic example of Detlif's treatment of glass architecture.

The longest reign in britain history essay

She was brought up carefully, since it seemed likely she would inherit the throne form her earliest years, even though at the time of her birth she was fifth in the line of succession. Queen Victoria had a relatively just view of the conflict and she criticised the atrocities.

Andrew jackson and indian removal assignment

TO pay for the stealing of the Native Americans' land, US government brought up ideas like that it is their " duty to make new efforts for the preservation, improvement, and civilization of the native inhabitants" as in the First Annual Message to Congress of President James Monroe. In the full message exposed his ideas β†’

What century, king louis xiv’s wars began

What were the causes and the effects of the French Revolution? The major cause of the FrenchRevolution was the disputes between the different types of social classes in French society.

Summary/critique of “monuments to our better nature” essay sample

The main point of " Monuments to Our Better Nature" by Michael Byers in my eyes is to put the Mall in D.C.and all of the monuments in D.C.into perspective of how much each and everyone of the monuments mean to America and the importance of them. But I personally think that the only way β†’

The fatal appeal of adolf hitler assignment

The stage was set for a leader, one to lift the German people out of the doldrums of poverty and despair that they blamed unwaveringly on the treaty imposed by the allies. Civilians, AS, AS, Nazi, it did not matter, and public sentiment was that this is for the good of the state.

Otzi the iceman of the history essay sample

Once it was determined he was a Neanderthal from the stone age scientists were overwhelmed by the thoughts of what story Otzi had to tell. Examinations of pollen grains in Otzi's stomach and the condition of his body and gear, suggested he was fleeing a fight.

Mongols are ruthless and barbarians

John of Plano Carpini probably wrote both of these passages because he was the first European to visit the Mongols in their homeland and got to experience the ways of the Mongols first handedly in the point of view of a non-Mongol. Many of the Mongols laws also showed evidence that they were strict, ruthless, β†’

History: gallipoli assignment

Furthermore at the top of the cartoon it says 'The Hopeless Dawn', this suggests that the artist believes the Anzac soldiers are unprofessional in their duties. Overall the first cartoon depicts the Anzac soldiers as 'Hopeless', hence I believe that according to this source the views of the Anzac soldiers at Gallipoli were not very β†’

Pivotal decades

The most common and influential was the development of mobile telephony, which made communication easier. The period between 1900 and 1920 were of immense significance to the future of America.

Baroque music: speech and debate assignment

Today I am going to talk about the basics of baroque music, the main instruments used during the baroque period, and the Influences on baroque composers. The violin was the most popular in the Baroque period whereas the lute and double bass were used more in the Renaissance.

1984 critical analysis

The inner party's slogans are " War is peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is strength" By using these phrases one can see that the inner circle can manipulate everyone into believing in what the inner circle tells them to believe in. After all the slogans one of the sayings the inner circle uses is β†’

History of international terrorism

Building up to the timeline, there is some thought given to the word terrorism and how it has changed its meaning and interpretations through the course of history and how modern terrorism differs from that of the past. The report may be useful for those wishing to trace the history of terrorist acts throughout the β†’

Political broadside detailing your objections to new constitution

Ratification convention in the state, which is one of the ways that was established by Article V of the constitution of the United States for ratifying constitutional amendments that have been proposed, will be used to make the amendments valid by confirming them. The new constitution was suggested when the war was over, and the β†’

Martin luther king’s massage assignment

In light of this, King's message speaks to the ways in which people still deal with oppressive conditions in the American society today such as racism, unemployment and poverty. According to the book ' poverty and power' by Edward Royce, the biggest problem of poverty is that it is being ignored thoroughly in the United β†’

The white progressives in the 20th century

Early 20th Century white progressives favored policies rooted in racist and imperialist ideas The white progressives of the early twentieth century fought for solutions to the many social and economic problems that bedeviled the country. White progressives' support for policies rooted in racist ideas One of the things that can account for the fact that β†’

Adolf hitler assignment

Applied to serve in the German army Was accepted in August 1914, though he was still an Austrian citizen Spent much of his time away from the front lines Was present at a number of significant battles Was wounded at the Some Was decorated for bravery, receiving the Iron Cross First Class and the Black β†’

See below

Incorporation: Urbanization, Industrialization and Race During the Gilded Age The period immediately following the end of the civil war, also known as the Gilded age, was the birth-time of modern America. While urban areas did not necessarily grow in terms of number, the size and density of urban areas, especially in the North, grew rapidly β†’


Lack of Democracy in the Developing World al Affiliation: Introduction Democracy is an important component of development. Common Types of Democracies and the Developing World Direct democracy.

The impact of political institutions

Initially, the US Constitution allocated power over the issues regarding defense, foreign affairs, the control of the currency and the control over commerce among the states to the federal government. In short, the Scottish Parliament is old news to the US states.

Culture of consumption during eisenhower administration

A CULTURE OF CONSUMPTION DURING THE EISENHOWER ADMINISTRATION ID Number: of of School Word Count: 322 Date of Submission: September 09, 2011 The Eisenhower administration covered the years 1953-1961 and he was the first president subject to the term limits imposed by the 22nd amendment. When people have faith in the future, they tend to β†’

Wisconsin american indian studies

Case Study regarding the Wisconsin American Indian Studies Program number Case Study regarding the Wisconsin American Indian Studies Program The mode of functioning, the activities and features of the Wisconsin American Indian Studies Program will form the subject of this case study. The juxtaposition of these would lead to a better understanding of the efficacy β†’

Historical lens criticism

Historical Criticism Goal: Explain the content of literature based on in which it was written. Historical Lens from the Loran The Loran was published in 1971.

The “great man” theory of history essay sample

Napoleon was the tool of vast social forces beyond his control." Studying the laws of history," Tolstoi declared, " we must absolutely change the objects of our observation, leaving kings, ministers, and generals out of the account, and select for study the homogenous, infinitesimal elements that regulate the masses". If we are interested in the β†’

1968 students demonstrations

1968 Demonstrations 1968 Demonstrations Clearly, 1968 was a unique year in world history.protest movements contributed to increased students' demonstrations that made 1968 a unique year in world history. The American student movement and Students for a Democratic Society are student protest movements that made a great impact in 1968.

England from 1000-1200 intellectual

In 1096 Oxford University was founded, and this was the start of a new form of learning organization which was independent, and able to set its own academic standards. I had not quite appreciated how important Latin was in this period, since almost all of the important books and ideas were written in Latin.

Investigating mathematics

This paper will expansively present what caused men to investigate mathematics and what is the outcome of using mathematics." Most of the mathematical notation in use today was not invented until the 16th century"." The evolution of mathematics might be seen as an ever-increasing series of abstractions, or alternatively an expansion of subject matter. Outcome β†’

Baroque music: the history assignment

The gavotte is played at a moderate tempo, although in some cases it may be played faster.[edit] Foure The foure is similar to the gavotte as it is in 2/2 time although it starts on the second half of the last beat of the bar, creating a different feel to the dance. He middle Baroque β†’

What for the rest of your life, and

The main ideaof all the HIV treatments is to prolong the patient's life and control thesymptoms but it is unable to get rid of the virus completely. Thus, wemake sure in the blood bank to exclude the HIV infected people and who are atrisk of getting HIV from donating by a process called donor selection.

Discuss and evaluate the nixon administration in terms of its foreign and domestic policies

Nixon's Administration In Terms Of Its Foreign and Domestic Policies Richard Nixon was the 37th President of the United States. In 1970s, President Nixon decided to lower the prices of goods in order to achieve economic efficiency and lower the inflation rate that was high at 4.7%.

History paper

Well let me portray the real facts in the beginning of the essay that today's America is not developed and civilized in true sense at all. Speaking of social differences between old America and the new one, reasons and circumstances are a lot in numbers.

The arab spring

The Arab Spring is the series of events, which happened and is still happening in the Arab world when the people of the various Arab nations started mass protests and open revolts against the autocratic regimes ruling over them. In this paper, we will discuss some of the events which led to the Arab Spring β†’


Although he was an affluent and influential prince, Ibrahima was seized as a slave while attending to a campaign in his native country. Although he was a respected prince in his homeland, he serves as a slave in his new land.


It is a tough task to understand the complexities of China-America relations in the last century and into the next. Violation of human rights by China is a major thorn in the relations between the two countries.

Women’s emancipation in the 21st century

The equal opportunity in education means that women have the same prospects as men to extend education up to high degree. Women also have rights to be equal and actively involved in the workplace.

Baroque and classical wordpainting techniques assignment

The main text of the song, and its parallel musical composition, depicts the act of Vest's attendants deserting her to Join the " fair Iranian." Wilkes makes excellent use of word painting In order to create a piece that Is as musically colorful and useful In telling a story as are the lyrics. The first β†’

Hotel rwanda: a cruel historical event

Hotel Rwanda: A Cruel Historical Event Marking a sad event in the history of Rwandan people, " Hotel Rwanda" assumes an artistic approach to narrate a real life occasion that saw hundreds of thousands of adults and children lose their lives in the hands of merciless militia. The viewers are engraved in a piece β†’

14th amendment disenfranchisement laws assignment

King says an unjust law is " a code that a numerical or power majority group compels a minority group to obey but does not make binding on itself....difference made legal." One reason that I believe the laws fit the definition of an unjust law is that not all felonies are severe. They were apart β†’

Word history

The color and the cut of the clothes they wore on the home front always resembled what soldiers wore while fighting in the Pacific and European theaters. This is because, for over thousands of years, America's population continued to grow and spread throughout the hemisphere.

Analyzing and identifying news paper articles

The author recognizes that America needs a well strategic defense plan that commensurate that of the Russian-along time political enemy that traces back to the onset of the cold war, with this, he is quick to note that is not in preparation to go to war with the communist republic but to ensure that the β†’

Wine history

Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 Revenues $ 79280 Expenses $ 2460 14216 3281 41007 Total Expenses 60964 Net Income / $ 18316 Attempts: 1 of 5 used * Your answer is correct. DEER TRACK PARK Retained Earnings Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 Retained Earnings, January 1 $ 6167 β†’

Why did the cold war start assignment

Where the Truman Doctrine was the decision, the Marshall Plan was the action which seemed to bring the two actions more towards the Cold War than ever. It was said that it was up to the countries to decide whether to accept the help or not.

Defending the faith in the middle east

' Defending the Faith' in the Middle East- New York Times CAMBRIDGE, England THE most recent a while have gotten a sensational acceleration strife over the Middle East, every last bit of it including pressures in the middle of Sunni and Shiite Muslims which are like this energized by a force battle between Shiite β†’

Asian american history: prewar, wwll, postwar

Asian American History Asian American History in MLA form Asian American History 2 America is known as " The Melting Pot" because its citizens consist of many who migrated from different countries and nationalities. Asian-Nation: The Landscape of Asian America.

Analysis of martin luther king’s why can’t we wait assignment

In the excerpt King uses emotive imagery, rhetorical questions, and historical allusion to persuade the audience to accept his point of view and to take action instead o f waiting aimlessly for someone else to take initiative, hints the title Why Ca not We Wait. The drunk, jobless, the junkie sees are shadow figures of β†’

Long way home: an american journey from ellis island to the great war by david laskin

David Laskin in The Long Way Home follows the lives of eleven individuals on a journey that starts from Ellis Island to the time they fight in the Great War. The short-term impacts included tension in America, as some immigrants refused to fight in the war due to conflict of interest.

Terror of the french revolution

The analysis is based on three quotes from each book, including The Terror by David Address, France in the Enlightenment by Daniel Roche, The French Revolution by Linda Frey, The Rights of Man, The Reign of Terror by Susan Banfield, and The History of France by W. The birth of the revolution, the Terror, the β†’

The boston massacre

The actual events of the Boston Massacre are that on March 5, 1770 the British army shot and killed five men living in the American colonies. For a number of years surrounding the Massacre the British government had increasingly taxed the colonies causing large amounts of strife within the colonial residents.

Reading response

The First Voyager and the American Conquest Summary The diary is about the first voyager, the contingent by Christopher Columbus. The desire to explore the eastern world led to the then British empire to send explorers to the east.

American presidency

American Presidency American Presidency and Executive Privilege The issue of the executive privilege of the president is one thathas caused increased controversy in the political high-ground of the United States of America. This leads to a paradox where the executive privilege of the presidency is needed abut at the same time is the risk that β†’

Confidence crisis

During the 1970s, suffered a crisis of confidence, and amongst the reasons for the emergence of this crisis were the cold war, the Vietnam War, and the Watergate scandal. This was a breach of the privacy of Nixon's opponents, and breach of the constitution, which was protecting the privacy of Americans.

Battle of little bighorn

The changing images show who was either the victim or the victor of the " battle of the little bighorn" between the Lakota Indians and the American Soldiers at different times. The Americans and the Indians have portrayed the battle in different forms.

United states participation in world war i

After maintaining a neutral stance in the war which broke in Europe for the first three years, President Wilson confirmed the United State's participation in World War I in order to " make the world safe for democracy". The Fourteen Points which reflects the plan of President Wilson of restoring peace and democracy to make β†’

Cold war and decolonization

The issues reflect on interactions and associations that existed between various countries around the world in the era of the Cold War. On the other hand, the former communist bloc are said to have played an important role in the decolonization process in different parts of the world.

History of drag racing

The racer's adage goes; ' it is the driver, and not the car that matters in a race.' This is why drag racing is considered an art; because only the best of the best get to prove themselves and take the leaderboards. As it was mentioned earlier, although drag racing might seem dangerous to some, β†’

Adam smith: views on economics mercantilist assignment

Adam Smith believed the opposite by thinking that the wealth of a nation is based on production and commerce not the amount of gold and silver, free exchange increases productivity, both arties benefit during a free exchange and imports can be just as valuable as exports to a nation. A laissez fairer attitude from the β†’

Issues with the league of nations assignment

The idea of the League of Nations was when there was a dispute the League committee would meet and decide what could be done to stop the arguing and try and dissolve the problem without the thought of war. This was just the beginning of the League of Nations, and instantly they do not have β†’

Network ( )

An investigation into the state of affairs as depicted by Network every player in the industry: the corporate moguls, the ambitious media executives, and the couch-potato public all have a blame to take. The network agrees to the request after Beale promises to apologize for his earlier outburst only for him to speak his mind β†’

The adventures of lewis and clark assignment

They were told to study the plant life, animals, and the geography of the region, to map out the borders of the land. To lead the " Corps of Discovery", as Jefferson named it, he chose his personal secretary, Meriwether Lewis, saying, " was impossible to find a character who to compleat science in botany, β†’

Oliver cromwell a hero or a villain assignment

In Parliament, Oliver Cromwell was a strong critic of King Charles the 2nd and in 1642, when King Charles the 2nd started the English Civil War, Oliver Cromwell started to raise troops and joined the Parliamentary forces, fighting against King Charles the 2nd. When Oliver Cromwell went back to England, the parliament was still called β†’

John dunne’s delano: the story of the california grape strike

John Dunne's Delano: The Story of the California Grape Strike John Donne is a known English poet, humorist, lawyer, and member of the clergy in the Church of England. Some of the themes depicted in Donne's book include the Living Conditions of Itinerant Farm Workers, Labor Activism in the Central Valley and Racial Segregation.

Christian perspective of happiness

Christian Perspective of Happiness In accordance to the dictionary's definition of happiness, a difference is noted when compared to the Christian perspective. Happiness is mainly pushed by the fact that Christians trust in God and by the belief that they will see God.

Adam smith theory on capitalism assignment

With high increase of teen pregnancy comes along the increase of low birth rate, delay or even incomplete high school education, according to the as " Teens who become pregnant are less likely to graduate, less likely to get a job and less likely to go to college. With the introduction of a long term β†’

Joan of arc

She was only around the age of 17 and was from a region which was quite rural in nature and had no [prior experience of operating a nation and did not had any kind of training or knowledge of the art of war, became the leader of the Army of France during 1429. She was β†’

Explain why the league of nations was weak assignment

A reason for the weakness of the League was the limited membership of the I ague. Another reason for the weakness of the league of nations would be their lack of credibility and authority.

Richard nixon assignment

Richard Milieus Nixon was born in 1913 In Worry Linda, California, the second of five sons of Francis Anthony Nixon and Hannah Milieus Nixon. The taping system was a system that automatically recorded all conversations, which meant that the tapes would tell If Nixon was Involved In the burglary and cover-up.

The roman values that enabled it to succeed

The other success factors for the Roman Empire were fate, determination fate and selflessness on the part of its leaders. The Aeneid is, therefore, pro-Augustan propaganda since Virgil uses it for propaganda about roman heroes to come.

Pearl harbor assignment

What made the attack on Pearl Harbor in December of 1941 so devastating was not just the loss of life and military assets, but also the ignorance of indisputable evidence of the substantial capability that no one had expected existed. The main goal of this attack was for the Japanese fleet to come in and β†’

Politics by aristotle mere life and good life

Politics by Aristotle " Mere Life" and " Good Life" According to Aristotle, mere life refers to life that has its goals that are outside itself. On the other hand good life is positive in one way as it empowers the youth to be in a position to take leadership roles and accept to be β†’

Progressive era through the great depression persuasive essay

The combined efforts of these two groups led to victory and the women won the right to vote in 1920, just after the end of World War I when the Nineteenth Amendment was passed. After reading several articles and websitesI believewomen earned the right to vote in the frontier states of the West before eastern β†’

The contributions of dr. w.e.b. du bois to the harlem renaissance

Du Bois to the Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance was an African-American movement that came into existence in the 1920s which focused on the demonstration of the cultural expressions in the areas of the Northeast and Midwest cities of the United States. In the long run, his devotion to the Harlem Renaissance deteriorated as he β†’

Latin america and the cold war assignment

Undoubtedly the growth of communism, the Soviet Union influence and ideological dispute served to change the way in which the U. With the decline of communism, there was also a decline in intervention due to an absence of ideological struggle and Latin American-U.S.

Aarp (outline)

The founder Ethel Percy Andrus formed the group in order to assist the elderly population in the US to remain active both physically and intellectually, in order to improve the quality of elderly people's lives. The organization targets members of the society that are 50 years and above, since this is the segment of the β†’

How to write a history essay

An essay that starts by analyzing the inquiry reasoning with it or its significance explicating the manner you are traveling to near the inquiry and what methods you are traveling to use in replying it, instantly gets you into the topic and is a good start point. Once you have immersed yourself in the topic, β†’

Current elections

Obama's and Romney's acceptance speeches During his acceptance speech at the convention for Republicans, Mitt Romney's speech mainly focused on what Obama administration had failed to deliver. At the Democrats' convention, Barack Obama promised to reduce the national deficit and to reform the tax codes so that the wealthiest people would be the ones to β†’

Origins of the cold war assignment

Hence, I would deem the start of the Cold War as the point in time when the United States stepped out of its policy of isolation and took up the policy of containment, thus effectively marking the start of a bitter ' bi-polar' ideological struggle between the West, led by the US, and the East, β†’