Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning

Writing assignment

According to Simon, to satisfice means to take a decision which is good-enough for the present situation. Satisficing is not a form of rational actor behavior, since the rational behavior would lead to the most optimal alternative available as the decision.

Protest and hope: the 1960’s

By watching him work, or hearing his rhetoric, it would be hard to recognize the political genius that was underneath the crude exterior of LBJ. He had a simplistic view of the world, and that view is what made his vision of the world so progressive.

How buddhism affects chinese culture history essay

The Buddhist of china strongly believed that pursuant to Amita's eighteenth vow, assertion or supplication in the name of Buddha was one of the commonest and simple practice of attaining freedom and relieve from the sufferings caused by the world. Hence upon adoption of Buddhism as part of the great religions in China it brought β†’

History of british literature

Of approximately the same date, The Owl and the Nightingale is the first example in English of the debat, a popular continental form; in the poem, the owl, strictly monastic and didactic, and the nightingale, a free and amorous secular spirit, charmingly debate the virtues of their respective ways of life. The Fourteenth Century The β†’

“the prince” by niccolo machiavelli assignment

The public appearance of a Prince in the community was different in The Prince as it was in The Book of the Courtier. A Prince/noble himself must select what route he wishes to take by personal preference in deciding what kind of Prince/noble he will become." The Prince" by Niccole Machiavelli vs..." Book of the β†’

History coursework – arab israeli conflict

As the source is directed towards the world to try and get international support, it is obviously exaggerated to make everything sound worse for the Arabs to generate sympathy for them: " In cold blood"." Mutilating many of the bodies". The source is defiantly not biased as it has the perspective of a Jew and β†’

Taking sides: were the 1920’s an era of social and cultural rebellion

Taking Sides: Were the 1920's an era of social and cultural rebellion Introduction The 1920's era represented changes in the social and cultural aspects of the Americans through the introduction of rebellious acts on the societal matters. This implies that the American women did not enjoy equal privileges before the 1920's and this facilitated the β†’

Tiger woods: black history month

The young boy was only three at the time, and he was quickly recognized as a child with remarkable talent. Following the death of his father in May, Woods took a nine-week off.

China: maos rule and legacy

Certainly, outside of its relationship with the Soviet Union, the international relationships of the Chinese would be seen as a failure by most people. In the post-Mao era, the Chinese government has continued to " adhere to the principle of conformity" in many areas regarding the press and the population; something it inherited from the β†’

Leaderless resistance

Leaderless resistance The concept of leaderless resistance does not fit into my thinking and definition of resistance based on a certain factors. The concept of leaderless resistance is also based on the idea that the participants must individually acquire the skills and information required.

Watergate discussion

The impact of the Watergate scandal on the later politicians made them realize the power of the media. What was the impact of the Watergate scandal on American politics.

Hobbes & unlimited government

Hobbes and Unlimited Government According to Hobbes, absolute monarchy is the best form of government since it is the only one that guarantees individuals absolute peace enabling them to coexist harmoniously to avoid the state of war. This criticizes Hobbes' stand that the state of nature is unappealing and that man can only coexist peacefully β†’

History of salsa

Later another dance was added to the combination of Danzon and rhubas, this dance was recognized as Son and was practiced by the natives of Cuba and this dance itself came into being due to a mixture of two dances including sonero and drumbeats of Africa. Later the music produced by Tjader was more recognized β†’

Civil war in el salvador central america

Due to the increased tension and perceived adverse inequality on the part of the poor in the country, Central American Socialist Party was formed by Augustin Farabundo Marti in 1932 with the aim of addressing this major issue; the party led indigenous people and peasants against the government perceived to only serve the interests of β†’

Martin luther king vs malcolm x – assignment

This however, is not the case, Martin and Malcolm were two very different people with two very different ideologies, and had many different distinctions and characteristics that made one, a leader for equality and justice and another for revenge and supremacy. Malcolm was born in 1925, in the Depression era, and was raised in a β†’

The magna carta assignment

Trade with the Indians and the teachings of the Indians were the only reason Jamestown initially survived.7. John Roller was the reason for the tobacco industry in the colonies and more stability twine the colonists and Indians.8.


Ethno-Nationalist Terrorist Organization The Baluchistan Liberation Army is one of the main ethno-nationalist terrorist groups based in Baluchistan, which is a province of Pakistan. The aim of BLA is to gain independence from the parent country in order to protect rights of the local people.

Art history persuasive essay

Both the value of the materials and the value of the skill were entertained in the payment of these pieces. The ability of the artist to produce the same effect as gold, using the brush as a tool was also considered to be admirable and desirable to the client.

What does advertisement tell us about america before and after capitalism

Even though there were outcries for the abolition of such tendencies, capitalism thrived in the phase of industrial revolution in the nineteenth century crossing over to the twentieth century. The ad in Lecture 9: 28 with a slogan " Smart Buy's Buick," is an epitome of what manufacturers were doing to promote consumption of their β†’

Human interactions with environment in ancient egypt assignment

But, lacking the experience of modern people, they assumed that they were at the center of the universe, which they saw as flat, small and under sky. Because the people during the Paleolithic Age were living during such a harsh time they had to get adjusted to their environment so they started to depend on β†’

Analysis of black history month

Analysis of Black History Month Black History Month is a month of remembrance concerning the positive and valuable impact which African Americans have had on American society in general. It is celebrated in the month of February to remember the contributions made by African Americans to the culture, economy, society, science and to the β†’

Slaves no more

The feeling of the black and white communities in the Richmond area and in other southern states of the USA is captured by this essay. The essay explores the domination of the white people in the actions and thoughts of the black slaves in Richmond.

Civilization in china according to the bodley profile of imperial cultures

Civilization in China conforms to the Bodley profile of imperial cultures Chronological review of China is inclined to be according to dynasty-by-dynasty records with abundance of forename and rendezvous and infrequent educational delicacies, or to think on the era from initial epoch in the direction of the Chinese dynasty charitable merely to the slight exposure β†’

Rousseau’s general will

Clearly, it will appear that Rousseau desires to generalise will of individuals in a collective group to protect freedom for the benefit of all. 8 The ' general or the concept of generality in Rousseau's argument stands for the rule of law, for civic education that draws individuals in a society out of themselves and β†’

Unions in the usa

One of the primary reasons for the decline of union membership in recent years is that a lot of companies have closed down. Four Reasons for the Decrease in Union Membership in Hawaii.

Essay summary of world history

This relationship between the lord and the vassal has political implications; the most crucial political characteristic of which was the localization of power and authority. This was the payment given to the lord for taking a vassal.

Pre-darwinian ideas regarding evolution

Though many people think that Darwin's theory of natural selection was unique in concept, it is a fact that the Greeks had similar notions of " descent into modification" which was not as sophisticated as that of Darwin but was nonetheless a precursor to the idea of progress and evolution of species. During the medieval β†’

Impact of the boxer rebellion on china and the qing dynasty assignment

The Boxers throughout the length of the Rebellion aimed to influence and enforce their views upon the Chinese people and the ruling Qing dynasty. The loss of the Boxers was inevitable as their traditional weapons were weak in comparison to modern western ones and many of their actions lacked adequate organisation, this loss only led β†’

Election results

If most or the entire population is for a particular idea or person, then the elections may be unanimous, and a peaceful co-existence within the population continues; like in presidential elections of The United States of 2008, which was the 56th presidential election held on November 4, 2008. Elections the world over, are always used β†’

Underground railroad

The freedom of some of the slaves who were lucky to use the Underground Railroad encouraged the remaining slaves to fight for their freedom. The number of attacks that were directed to the masters by their slaves increased tremendously.

Analysis of andrew jackson and martin van buren assignment

Andrew Jackson, who was in office from 1829-1837, was a president of many firsts as he was the first frontier president, first to have a " kitchen cabinet", and first to use a pocket veto. This created a strong rift between the Jackson and his vice president that turned in to a bitter rivalry between β†’

Crime prevention program

Conclusion For a successful crime prevention program it is necessary to generate significant difference in the delinquency of participants especially the experimental group, however, in the case of S.O.F.T.L.Y.the difference between the initial and final evaluations was not sufficient enough as the participants of the experimental group were still inclined to commit crimes. The Prevention β†’

Textbook-brinkley, american history, connecting with the past, volume ii, mcgraw hill chapter 15

The New South and Reconstruction The reconstruction of the New South would be termed as a major landmark in the historyof America. Though issues such as the end of slavery, the place of the freed in the South and bringing back the states as one were raging on, the then president was determined to restore β†’

Power in my life

The sources of power that I have used in my life are personal, collaborative, co-powering and transcendent. Alongside the ones I am currently using, the sources of power I expect to use in the future are ideological, expert, institutional and positional power.

ο»Ώhistory of kenny rogers roasters

Kenny Rogers ROASTERS was originally set up by popular Country and Western singer, Kenny Rogers, and former Governor of the state of Kentucky, John Y Brown Jr, in 1991. 50 Kenny's Chicken & Garden Meal- RM 19.


The British Empire and its construction of Modernity The British Empire was one of the largest empires in history. The main aim of the imperialist policies in the British Empire was to assist in the acquisition of many foreign territories.

The americanization of benjamin franklin assignment

In the book " The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin," Gordon Wood gives an extensive biography on Benjamin Franklin and explains how and why Franklin is such a celebrated historic figure in not just America, but all over the World. Franklin thought that if he sent the letters to America, then the author of the letters β†’

Political science assignment 4

Globalization and the Gap between the Rich and the Poor ID: Question Number Globalization and the Gap between the Rich andthe Poor Global inequality in wealth is a considerable factor in the modern world. Countries throughout the world are not equal in their level of wealth of the prosperity of their citizens and the income β†’

Black tuesday and the great depression

October 29, 1929, otherwise known as Black Tuesday, gave a precise answer to these questions with the crash of the New York Stock Exchange and the start of the Great Depression in America, quickly to spread across the globe. Through the period of imbalance between the earnings and spending of the different classes of families, β†’

Chekovs and zulus attitudes toward england

The paper " Chekov's and Zulu's Attitudes toward England" is a good example of an essay on history. After the assassination of Indira Gandhi, Zulu goes underground by infiltrating and studying the Sikh extremists believed to be responsible for the assassination.

Case study: latin america and the catholic church

According to Mannion the Pope's visit convinced most of the Nicaraguan individuals that the Vatican will not involve itself with their issue. Following the reaction of priests to the Pope's comments, most Christians believed that the incidence would stir up opposition against the Pope, and the ripple effect be further division in the Church.

Founding fathers

Consequently, the argument of the founding fathers, that the growth of the government is detrimental to the liberties of the population is flawed. This is because the government has the mandate to ensure that the needs of its citizens are addressed.

Turning points in history

Two examples of turning points in history are the bubonic plague in Europe and northern Africa where many died of a fatal disease, and Humanism that occurred in Europe where people valued the individual needs of the person over traditional authority. The Black Death, also known as the Black Plague or the Bubonic Plague killed β†’

Involvement in iraq

US Involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan US Involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan The current US involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan is causing great anxiety across the globe. After US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan on the premise that the two latter nations were involved in the generation and manufacture of biological weaponry, the US was β†’

John locke assignment

The right of Revolution is the right or duty of the people of a nation to over throw a goverment that acts against their common interests. The concept of the right of revolution was also taken up by John Locke in two treaties of goverment as part of his social contact theory.

Early roman politics

Early Roman Politics Early Roman politics began with the wealthy patricians who governed Rome from the Senate as the governing body elected yearly to office by the citizen's assembly. The Late Republic era marked the dominance of senators on the countrys political system though emergency of influential individuals like Julio Ceasar would shape early politics β†’

America and the great war 1914-1920

America and the Great War The United s was not prepared to participate into the First World War. The reasons for America's involvement into the First World War include the renewal of Germany's submarine warfare; Germany was becoming an international desperado; Prussian autocracy and Military threatened to destroy the international equilibrium and interfered with the β†’

Baroque notes assignment

Tuesday, August 28 The Accuracy The accuracy: Allotted * Oldest of the three people known as the Accuracy * Cousin of Agitation and Enable * Studied painting in Florence * Taught his cousins Agitation * Known better as a printmaker rather than a painter * Did a lot of reproduced engravings; gave way to show β†’

Summarize: ‘of the state of nature’ in chapter ii by john locke

Second Treatise of Government and a Letter Concerning Toleration by John Locke: A Summary of Chapters III and IV Second Treatise of Government Second Treatise of Government and a Letter Concerning Toleration by John Locke: A Summary of Chapters III and IV Chapter III: State of War In this chapter, Locke indicates that self preservation β†’

Salem witch trials assignment

There have been many theories and explanations proposed on the reason for the girl's fits during The Salem Witch Trials, yet still to this day scholars are unsure for the true reason behind it all. Finally, many scholars believe that the reason behind the fits was because of the Puritan lifestyle of the girls.

1994 economic crisis in mexico

The " 1994 Economic Crisis in Mexico" is referred to as " The December Mistake" in Spanish, a term that was derived by the then president Carlos Salinas de Gortari in indication of his successor Ernesto Zedillo's abrupt turnaround of the earlier government's policy of stiffmoneycontrols. The causes of the crisis involved over-valuation of exchange β†’

American economy of the 20th century

The growth of industry in the last half of the 19th century laid the foundation for American economy of the 20th century [1]. Their example and the fact that most Americans - living in a society with a more fluid class structure - embraced the idea of moneymaking with enthusiasm created the impetus for the β†’

Socrates scholasticus: the murder of hypatia

Selected Sources: Sex and gender Socrates Scholasticus: The Murder of Hypatia The above source is about a woman known as Hypatia, the female philosopher who was a daughter to a great philosopher called Theon who made great achievements in science and literature to the extent that she surpassed all the great philosophers of her β†’

Aztec art assignment

Though women were looked at as equals or compliments to men in the sense of raising families and what they contributed to daily life, they were also thought of as being instigators of conflict and cosmic disorder that were destined to defeat by the more powerful Aztec warrior. This side of how women were viewed β†’

No preference

The artistic movements of Greek, as a society, should focus on narrating the story of the birth of the first democracy, ancient Athens, through an artistically based kind of life. In the brutal world of the 5th Century BC, there emerged a society of equals in Greek, which was the ultimate reflection of the pottery β†’

Containment: vietnam war and communism assignment

During the 1 sass and 1 sass, the policy of containment was a sensible approach to the potential threat that the Soviet Union inflicted upon the United States. The United States limited the spread Of communism by the U.S.

Social tension of the 1920s and nativists

Christopher Nieves The social tension of the 1920s was to a large extent due to backlash from Nativists and the KKK towards immigrants. The film The Birth of a Nation was released in 1915 glorified the KKK, and although its director did not intend to, the film helped gain the Klan popularity.

Return to haifa

Return to Haifa The story Return to Haifa made Ghassan Kanafani to be considered an epic story teller. The theme of regaining political identity after many years of detention for many political leaders shares the same story line with " Return to Haifa".

In the context of the years 1558-1660 to further the english reformation?

Whilst relieved by the succession of a protestant monarch, many Puritans were urgent to pursue moderate reform of the settlement, to purge it of the ' rags of Rome', specifically from within the hierarchy of the Church of England. However, the focus of Puritanism from parliament as the vehicle for reformation to the localities meant β†’

Sun-centred vs. earth-centred universe

The reason for this belief is the fact that every morning sun rises in the East and throughout the day it travels towards the west and finally sets in the west. The retrograde motion was described clearly in this model and illuminated some more facts in favor of the notion that Earth is NOT the β†’

Critical summary

Different students are giving different reasons as to why China had to go to war and the post war effects. Different views held by the people with reference to the popular party Communist party and its role in winning the war are examples of the effects of a poorly managed education curriculum in China.


Plight of English Working during the Industrial Revolution number Plight of English Working during the Industrial Revolution Letter to my representative in parliament Subject: Plight of the Working Class Dear Member of Parliament, I am a worker in one of the industries in the city. We would also like the government to put in place β†’

U.s. intervention in the ussr mujahideen assignment

Policy did not seem to recognize that Jihad, a concept strong enough to war over, would affect the opinions and actions of Afghans toward the non-Muslim United States after the war with the USSR was over, especially after the deserted them in the way that they did. And in turn, did not consider the significance β†’

Prince hall: activist and abolitionist

Hall founded the earliest brotherhood association for African Americans in the 1770s in Boston, known as the African Grand Lodge of North American. However, even when the American Revolution ended, Hall failed to acquire a complete contract or permission for the African Lodge via Masonic organizations in the U.S.

Responses of caribbean people to oppression essay sample

The Amerindians responded to this oppression by the moving and going into the mountains, build a village and then came back to help the whites. This was lead by the Africans in response to oppression and was known as the most successful revolution in the Western Hemisphere.

Chinese colonialism in africa

Beijing has gained control of mines here along with textile factories in Lesotho, railways in Uganda and timber in the Central African Republic. Although the government of Africa is joyous at the new agreements with China which will increase the economy and provide political stability to the land, yet the independence movements strongly condemn Chinese β†’

Women and associations

Focusing on the two organizations; the National Association of Colored Women and the National women's party, we get to know of the factors that motivated the formation of these groups and their impacts in the American society. This movement involved both the Africans and the Americans women who merged to tackle on the issues on β†’

A complex society is a typical social formation history essay

Additionally, the size of the populace of the human community is another criterion such that the larger it is, the more variegated and complex the co-existence of people becomes. History instructors and students are faced with one of the most overwhelming task in attempting to study the emergence of an immense multiplicity of ' civilization' β†’

Native and european women in the early colonial era

Native and European Women in the Early Colonial Era Affiliation Native and European Women in the Early Colonial Era Women have been the pillars of the community for a long period although their roles vary depending on the era, geography, and race. The Native women who including American women, Africans, and Indians performed all the β†’

Expansion of westward settlements

In late December of the same year, O'Sullivan employed the term ' Manifest Destiny' in explaining another issue related to the seizure of the western territory. According to him, the claim was by the right of America's manifest destiny not only to overspread, but also to possess the whole areas of the continent that Providence β†’

Absolutism and baroque art in 17th century

In this period of turbulence there are two ideas and concepts that until now has caught the imagination of historians and art connoisseurs: a) Absolutism and b) Baroque. This paper will look into the relationship of absolutism and Baroque art in the context of the events that shaped 17th century Europe.

Korean war

The Korean War. The Korean War.


The family members are the top organ of the country. They give the example of the monarchy of Israel, in the book of Hebrews.

American society and politics nowadays

However, a general outlook of the argument is that there need to be a more conservative approach in terms of enforcing immigration law to reduce illegal entry but remain liberal enough to admit more immigrants. According to statistics, that figure represents 10 percent of the body of voters in the US and is capable of β†’

The nature of evangelical religion in new england in the 17th century

The founders of the two successful colonies of New England were of Puritan origin and got themselves involved in hiring people from their co-religious backdrops. Evangelical religion in fact is a reputed movement of Protestants and the turn of thought towards this religion took place during early eighteenth century.

Lewis and clark journal assignment

One night, at our camp, the current tore away the riverbank at the camp and we all had to scramble to our boats, hoping to be spared for the rest of the night. We just caught sight of the Pacific and it was amazing!

Homework for marshall

The Marshall plan was aimed at appealing to America to generously lend a hand to Europe after the war. The plan was meant to promote security to all humanity and not just what interested America.


Trends Trends Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United s of America, mostly focused on expansion of the American territory and access to international markets. This deal was a defiance of the principles set up in the Constitution, and he also could not wait for a constitutional amendment, as that would have resulted in β†’

Abraham lincoln assignment

However, on March 20, 1865, the day of the planned kidnapping, Lincoln failed to appear at the spot where Booth and his six fellow conspirators lay in wait. By urdering the president and two of his possible successors, Booth and his co- conspirators hoped to throw the U.S.government into disarray.

The world we are living in history essay

This paper establishes the patterns of economic growth in Western Europe during this era, develops a hypothesis on the origins of the rise of Europe and provides historical and econometric evidence supporting some of the implications of this hypothesis. And from the graphs given by the authors, we can easily find that the rise of β†’

Key themes and aspects of the period 1914-1960

Concerning the aspect of art, the period of 1914-1960 seems a shift from the impressionist style to the abstract expressionist style. Whereas in the realm of economics, due to the existence of World Wars, nations recoiled from globalization in 1914-1950, hoisting novel course of action obstructions like the imposition of commerce and connections blockades on β†’

Feudalism: social class and national government assignment

The national government is like nobility in the way that they give rules to the classes below them and can over through what the lower classes say or do. The next group Is the serfs who are comparable to the upper and middle classes.

Rise and growth of taliban history essay

The Eastern boundary line with Pakistan was held by a council of mujahidin, and the South was split between tonss of ex-mujahideen and brigands, who used their control of the roads to extortmoneyfrom the cross-border trade with Pakistan.[ 1 ] In late 1994, a new motion emerged in the South, prehending control foremost of Kandahar β†’

History of jamestown

The origin of Jamestown was traced specifically on May 14, 1607, when a group of London entrepreneurs, d the Virginia Company, landed on the site of Jamestown, Virginia. The purpose of this journey was " to establish a satellite English settlement in the Chesapeake region of North America".

Progressive era v. new deal assignment

This confidence in the Tate reflected the confidence of both Progressives and New Dealers that government officials could use the tools of modern social science to discern the appropriate policies to address the nation's needs. In other words, both the Progressives and the New Dealers looked to government bureaucracies to generate and oversee much of β†’

A time of peace people

Lies soon learns the true power of the written word; the power to destroy society, while at the same time, the power Of having a calming influence on people. However, when she does learn to read, she is able to have a somewhat calming effect on the people around her, but on the other hand, β†’

Summary of the federalist papers assignment

The Federalist Papers #70 summary The federalist paper number 70 was Mitten by Alexander Hamilton and was discussing the idea of having more than one president at the same time. In conclusion the federalist discussed that one leader was the way Hamilton thought would make a strong united government that worked together and runs smoothly.

The caroline doctrine

It familiarizes the reader with the researchers plan and his objective, aspects of the Law of Self-Defense- that deals with the various controversial issues and interpretations such as anticipatory Self Defense. Harrison administration was of the opinion that while the Constitution of the United States created very clear fields of jurisdiction, Federal Government was the β†’

Congressional ethics violations

In fact, even the House of Representatives are well aware about this so that in the midst of such scandals, the code of ethics was formed to establish the confidence of people in the integrity of the processes, assuring them that in case of misconduct, public officials are certainly to be punished accordingly. Business Library.2003.Web.

A comparative study of nelson mandela and adolf hitler assignment

By using statements that reflected the hopes and expectations of large sections of the population such as "' Hitler, Unsere letze Hoffnung" he was able to create a dependence of the German people on himself. Through this Hitler was able to cement in the minds of the people of Germany and of the onlookers all β†’

World history: ancient civilizations

In Mesopotamia the priest was in charge of dividing the farmers into groups to farm and take care of the land. In Egypt the pharaoh was considered a god that ruled the Egyptians and had absolute power that made all the laws of the land and decisions.

Dred scott vs. sanford 1857 assignment

He returns in 1850 and the court rules in favor of the Scotts' freedom due to the years of residency in Illinois and the Wisconsin Territory, which are non-slave areas. Emerson's brother, is the defendant and lives in New York, the case has to be filed in the Federal Court because he is out of β†’

Analysis paper

The factories were producing consumer goods on a large scale and the economic planning aimed to increase the purchasing power of the potential consumers so as to enable them to increase their consumption spending. However, it intended to do so by increasing the purchasing power and consumption capacity of the working class.