Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning

The french revolution – collapse of the ancient regime assignment

The memorandum sent to the king by the princes of the blood in December 1788 is a document of record; as it is the petition itself, not a record of it and it is a private source as it was generated solely for the use of the king, although the petition was published shortly afterwards, →

The economic crisis in america

I will be discussing terrorist attacks; the war in Iraq, the falling housing market, government's bailing out program, unemployment and the natural disasters which have played a key role In the direction our country has taken In the twenty first century. The economy was affected because New York came to a halt due to the →

Renaissance art case study history essay

As shown in the image above one can see the depiction of the God the son the holy spirit which can be seen between god and the Holy spirit and like many paintings produced in the renaissance in Florence it is both religious and secular. He then set off to rome where he was influenced →

To what extent can reagan’s electoral victory in 1980 be put down to the rise of the new right?

The job handed him with a perfect chance to groom his campaigning skills to a respectable audience of 700, 000, which was tiny compared to the people of America but still a good start, where he learnt how to be a people person and how to work the TV. He was also a strong evangelical →

Benjamin franklin assignment

He continues " Since such a repetition s not to be expected the next thing most like living one's life over again seems to be recollection of that life, and to make that recollection as durable as possible by putting It down In writing." Franklin even goes on to tell his son that the Autobiography →

Creon is a tragic hero in antigone essay sample

This essay is to prove that in the play " Antigone", written by Sophocles, Creon is a tragic hero. He is noble, he caused the downfall of himself and others and he has a tragic flaw.

East african trade route

The influence from the trade routes significantly generated a rise of powerful city-states and the rapid development of the historic slave trade. The evidence to the effects of the trade routes includes the development of the Swahili culture and language.

Analysis of an angel island poem

Subsequently, it led to the restriction of Chinese immigration, especially by Angel Island where the carvings and writings of Chinese immigrants were discovered. It is apparent the carvings and writings are remaining evidence demonstrating the experiences of Chinese immigrants and occurrences at Angel station in San Francisco.

Gandhi legacy assignment

Little did the world know that he would one day live to be one of the greatest leaders of all time, he would be leading his country to Independence and his legacy of Straight and peaceful-protesting would not only lead to Important changes to India but would come the standard for protest throughout the world. →

The 1980s international debt crisis

Introduction The international debt crisis has its origins in the inability of a number of Less Developed Countries experiencing serious difficulties in coping with their debts and their inability in meeting the debt service requirements. A major reason for this inattention to debt carrying capacity of the LDC countries was because a large share of →

St. thomas becket

He sacrificed a lot for his beliefs and to bring justice to ordinary people. He was also killed in a shadowy manner at the height of his power.

The myths of the middle ages assignment

However, Hollywood has deemed it fit to slander the Middle Ages with myths such as a knight in shining armor, the death penalty as a common enmeshment, and peasant life as a horrible and unlivable condition, would acquire peasants, or serfs, to " farm the land and roved the lord with wealth in the form →

Issue 20 from taking sides clashing views on political issues seventeenth edition

My position stands on the answer to what is warrantless and what is not. Probable cause is a sticky matter that can come under the consent of a judge, and in cases of emergency, can be exercised in the absence of that permission.

War with mexico 1844 john o’ sullivan position

While a famous speaker of the house was for the opinion that Texas should not be annexed, another man by the name john L O' Sullivan was rooting for the annexation of Texas. A discourse on slavery and the annexation of Texas.

The art of being honorable, bushido and the influence on samurai’s view on life

Historians know little about the root origins of the Samurai, however the ancestors of the Samurai began to rise up and fight through the early struggles in Japan. The Second way the Gempei war affected the history of the Samurai was that this was the first time a Samurai would take the throne and rule →

Scholarly visions of post cold war era assignment

In this new system all your threats and opportunities increasing flow from who you are connected to, and it is symbolized by a single word: The Web, the World Wide Web. He recognized that globalization can lead to a problem which is division within state as the global economy produce winners and losers." Globalization is →

Henry iii and the community of the realm history essay

technically Henry III was King but he was controlled by a regency of family, Church, and nobles until he was 19, when he took full authority over the government- after John's reign, the regency tried to maintain good relations with the nobles by re-affirming the Magna Carta and agreeing to tax only with the consent →

A history denied

In revisiting the African history, historians, instead of relying on European references studied other sources like the Africanculture, and the African art which all served as alternative foundation for the African history. Europeans have, in one way or another altered or edited the reality behind the history of the African people in different aspects of →

International politics current event memo

In the above article, the authors report the confirmation by the world trade organization that China lost the case on rare-earth metals. The case was brought by the WTO and the office of the United States Trade Representatives in 2012.

Battle of gettysburg assignment

Another reason the Battle of Gettysburg was a significant battle is that it was and still is to this day, the bloodiest day in American history. Com, The Battle of Gettysburg was the South's last chance to successfully secede and win the war.

Explain the way in which the imf (international monetary fund) appears to have become all-powerful in its relationship with deve

The view that the Fund must not be advanced to poor nations would have sat restlessly with the portfolio of IMF loaning at the start of the 1980s. The blend of balance of payments difficulties, less reserve holdings, proposes that comparatively limited right to use global capital, is mirrored in the use of IMF capitals →

Give a topic

African History Over the of history, a lot of activities and events led to the creation of different and diverse societies in the regions in Africa. The events that may have led to the interaction between the African and the European in the 14th to the mid-20th century may have been the finding of man's →

The nyc history from 1980 to the present in terms

20 December New York from the 1980s to the Present Times Widelyregarded as the world's capital city, New York City has witnessed a modest growth and a freezing point during the 1980s, and a major development during the 1990s. By the start of the 1980s, the population of New York City was 7, 071, 639.

Great depression assignment

People were going to the banks and demanding for their money, but by the time they got there, the doors were already shut. When the government failed to provide relief, President Hoover who was elected in 1932 to get the Americans out of the Great Depression was blamed for the intolerable economic and social conditions →

Speech on hammurabi

Hammurabi's Laws: Fair " To bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and evil doers, so that the strong should not harm the weak..". Honestly, I think his laws were fair because it stated what all people needed to know, it brought order and justice to society, and it →

Does haig deserve the nickname butcher of the somme

In 1916 the first tanks were used in the war and Haig was keen to use them. Haig pointed out that this was a bad place to launch an offensive on the Germans, but his comment was overlooked.

China and japan’s environment

China and Japan Environment China and Japan Environment Environmental policies of China and Japan and global climate change Solving the global climatic change crisis by limiting the amount of greenhouse gas that is emitted in the environment can be solved by developing policies that necessitate action for the leading greenhouse emitters including US, China Japan →

Economic thought and economic reform in the soviet union

After the death of Stalin in the year 1953, Khrushchev took over power in the Soviet Union and he immediately denounced the economic policy that had been introduced by Stalin. Apparently, the Soviet Union under the leadership of Stalin had eventually succeeded in practicing socialism as their main policy in growing their economy.

Generation 1.5

They are awarded the title because they carry both their counties characteristics and overtime they get to possess the characteristics of the immigrant country through assimilation. This group of individual a have hybrid characteristics: This is because they have all the cultural properties of their home country, and that of the immigrant country.

Court justices

On the contrary, the institutions constitute PAC and businesses having direct interest in the selection of a particular judge. Answer: The courtroom funds refer to the funds that raised through the money shared by the law firms and litigants having an interest in the state court.

Leonardo da vinci assignment

Leonardo Dad Vinci Leonardo Dad Vinci was one of the greatest artists of the Italian Renaissance, and the greatest experiment scientist of his age. Leonardo Dad Vinci created " The Last Supper" painting during the time he was supposed to create a silver lyre, and bring it to the Duke of Milan as a gesture →

Prohibition and organized crime assignment

This article will be inoperative unless it will have been ratified as an amendment to the constitution by the legislatures of the several states, as provided in the Constitution by the legislatures of the several states, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the states by →

Internet has made life easier assignment

Another advantage to have online internet and making people's lives easier is communication is faster from businesses and people online. In addition to working from home and communication, attending a school online through the internet has made people's lives become easier.


Analysis of the Movie Glory The movie en d ' Glory' produced in 1989 is a vivid reminder of the experienceof black people during an era when majority of institution in the United States followed strict segregation. The movie highlights the grievances of black men in the South and Northern States.

Strategy and war: cold war analysis assignment

At the start of the Cold War, when tension between the US and USSR was beginning to strain, there were many different strategies that could have been taken to fght against the ideological ideas of Communism. But, due to the mismanagement of resources by the Kremlin, the people of the USSR were starving and it →

Andrew jackson dbq assignment

This was one of his biggest motives to support the common man, rather than the wealthy, whom he believed should not have all Of the power. Andrew Jackson was undemocratic because he overrode the will of the people, became sectionalism by favoring the south, and possibly started a class war.

Chapter 4: civil liberties and civil rights

The United States has had to deal with hate crime from the 1980's, and the vice has continued to manifest itself even in the modern dispensation. A special unit of the federal bureau of investigation was formed to deal with the vice of hate crime.

Battle of saratoga assignment

Leading to the Battles of Bemires Heights and Freeman's Farm, the Battle of Saratoga became known as a highly significant battle Of the American Revolution. The Battle of Freeman's Farm was a very significant battle for the British and the Americans.

Abraham lincoln, first debate with stephen assignment

When it is said that the institution exists, and that it is very difficult to get rid of it, in any satisfactory way, can understand and appreciate the saying. Now, gentlemen, I do not want to read at any greater length, but this is the true complexion of all I have ever said in regard →

Oedipus the king

Oedipus the King Aristotle insisted the key ingredients of tragedy include a character with a fatal flaw, the character's realization of their flaw and their final reversal of fortune. This is evidenced by his tendency to pronounce his greatness to the people, as if finding it necessary to remind them of his importance and →

The vietnam war

Vietnam War Introduction According to Burrows, the Vietnam War was fought between 1959 and 1975, with the major players being the United States, the Soviet Union. The USSR's continued support and supply of materiel to North Vietnam and the Vietcong prompted the American government to react so as to prevent the fall of South →


Africa's Independence Africa has enjoyed a half a century of civilization since the beginning of the second liberation in 1963. The rebirth of the new era saw Africa through its struggle for independence and ushered a period of development.

The epic of gilgamesh

The Epic of Gilgamesh The Epic of Gilgamesh seems a plain legend, however, is a high-valued paper that lifts the veil on much essential information concerning social and political development. People from Mesopotamia used the epic of Gilgamesh to explain different facts and phenomena such as death and desire to gain a power.

World war i: the overthrow of the romantic assignment

The women were kept behind the lines, assisting in the processes of war from helping with the building of munitions, to serving as nurses to the wounded, to staying behind to mourn the loss of loved ones. In lines three to five we view this enraged beast as powerful and widespread, destroying not only the →


Gulf of Tonkin incident Vietnam War is historically based on United s' capitalism campaign in which they wanted to expand their political ideology to communist North Vietnam through the capitalist South Vietnam. It is evident that prior to Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which gave congress approval for expansion of the Vietnam War, United States was →

A character study: phoenix jackson essay

It is evident by the context of the story, and by the way that the white man that she meets treats her, that she is an ex-slave. Phoenix is the protagonist of the story in other words, she is at the center of the story, and is constantly confronted with obstacles which she must overcome →

In an era where magazines are failing, how does fhm maintain its audience?

The magazine is published monthly and changed its name to FHM this being the abbreviated version of ' For Him Magazine' this is probably to gain the audience attention as they can print these letters bigger and bolder which a generic convention that FHM uses. In 2002 according to New York Business Wire, " FHM →

Sand creek massacre

The Sand Creek Massacre: A Ruthless Slaughter of the Cheyenne and Arapaho People On November 29, 1864, possessed by the belief that Native Americans were horrid, distrustful creatures, an attack was led at dawn on Cheyenne and Arapaho lodges encamped at Sand Creek in Colorado Territory, approximately forty miles from the army post of Fort →

Cold warassignment assignment

In 1914, the nephew of Francis Joseph and heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke of Francis Joseph and heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Francis Ferdinand, announced a visit to Sarajevo, Bosnia a nation ruled by Austria- Hungary but home to many Seers and other Slavs and Austria-Hungary, the news of this visit angered Serbian →

The sign of four and stevensons history essay

In this assignment we will be looking at the representation of different colonial territories and their influences in Conan Doyle s The Sign of Four and Stevenson s The Beach of Fales. Small describes the rebels as dancing and howling and a swarm of bees., and compares his life in India before the Mutiny to →

Hiroshima and nagasaki: a role of atomic bomb

Damage to wood-frame buildings extended beyond the burned-over area, and becoming more erratic as distances were reached where only the weakest buildings were damaged, until in the outer portions of the city only minor disturbances of the tile roofs or breakage of glass were visible." The official Japanese figures summed up the building destruction at →

Korean american-q2a

Korean American Introduction Social capital, socioeconomic background, and school resources are some of the factors that affect the aspirations of the Korean Americans especially in education. The growing divide in the educational experience of the Korean American youths arises from the lack of effective social capital in the society as the discussion below portrays.

John winthrop’s model of christian charity

The puritans whenever they used to have a problem with other people or some influential powers they would sort out the matter through negotiations and in accordance with the teachings of Christianity. In short, the Puritans were people who were cheerful having great faith in God which they passed it to their children no matter →

The american west

The paper " The American West" is a wonderful example of a history assignment. Only a small part of the U.S.was frontier.


Therefore, Caliph probed Abu to explain the cause of the story. The Caliph told everyone in the Palace to obey and pretend Abu to fulfill his dream.

Why did the british lose so amny lives at the somme

Other problems were that the Germans were expecting an attack after the British bombardment and the British did not realise that the Germans were hiding in big concrete dug outs and had practiced a routine for when they needed to join back to the frontline. Source D6 tells us it was a vigorous attack by →

Shakespeare’s unconventional declaration of love starting with a banter in one of his poems

In " My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun" by William Shakespeare, Shakespeare declares his love for a woman in a non-traditional way. The first sentence is the same as the title and catches the attention of the reader." My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun".

Luther v.s. henry viii assignment

Martin Luther was the monk who created Lutheranism while King Henry VIII created the Anglican Church of England. Henry VIII was the creator of the Anglican Church of England for personal purposes.

What advantages did the north and south have as the civil war began

Adding to this, the South prepared for the war much earlier than the north which gave and this gave them an advantage when it comes to preparedness for the fight.2. Because of this, the naval war between the Monitor and Virginia was dubbed as the " battle of the ironclads".

Regional attitudes and the american identity

The regional attitudes found in the Southern United States are not as culturally opened and diverse compared to the regions of the Northern United States. It was observed that many of the states from the South are not as accepting to foreign immigrants, and this has been evident during my travels.

Leadership styles of ho chi minh and ngo dinh diem assignment

In the context of the Vietnamese society as the course has presented it through the online textbook so far, what evaluation can be made about the leadership styles and personal examples of Ho Chi Mini and Mongo Dinah Diem that would enable both of them to tap into the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese →

Impact of vietnam war assignment

In turn caused by the impact of the war on civilians and the weakness of the southern government and institutions such as RAVE. As such, despite continual aid, such as the American supplying SF with the 4th largest air force in the world from 1 973 to 1975, the RAVE was unable to stop the →

Jews in hollywood

In the story of Russian migrants, Robinson also discusses the impact of such Soviet artists as Sergei Eisenstein and Sergei Prokofiev and their visits to Hollywood. He moved to America the next year to teach at Eastman School of Music and was involved in directing opera and theatre.

Modernism and modernization between japan and korea

Comparison between modernism and modernization of Josean Korea The present day Korea is completely modernized with the advent of technology and the presence of Korean Chaebols that have the inbuilt leadership to command a major chunk of the market share as well as resources that spontaneously create an expertise and market edge to represent in →

Greek mythology and zeus assignment

The favorite of Zeus c. He married a mortal woman and became the first king of Rome b.

American’s stereotypical view on geishas and how they couldn’t be more wrong

The needs of proprietors to educate geisha and prostitutes in the fine arts and other aspects of female education caused a large change in rhetoric for the position of a geisha. It is important to not deny that the role of a geisha was misjudged, stereotyped, and discriminated against for many, many decades.

The louisiana purchase assignment

France turned control of Louisiana to Spain and after the Revolutionary War Britain turned the control of Florida to Spain too. Napoleon was looking to exchange Louisiana for a favor from the King of Spain.

Joan of arc

Further, on the same night that the English soldiers had made her to sign the promise, the female clothing had been removed from her cell leaving her with the option of only the clothing for men. It is also important to note that the trial of Joan of Arc was mainly inspired by the interests →

The ancient mayan economics

Scholars have often used the economic laws of demand and supply to assess the ancient Mayan trade because of the vast availability of resources used by the Maya. The household economy of the ancient Maya was related to the subsistence economy.

Joseph story

The same is particularly the case with Joseph's Biblical and Quran account that the readers could easily judge that the story maintains one and the same source of inspiration, depicting the holy life of Joseph, his spiritual status and position, his brother's nefarious plan against him, his journey to Egypt as a slave, years in →

The true story of the americas after columbus

In fact, the country is recorded to have been wealthy and dominated by the Islamic culture at that time; in addition, the country also had large populations of the Jewish people that were prevalent in Europe. It is believed that during the reign of Charles I, America came to be conquered and colonized by Spain, →

Adolf hitler; truly cruel but surely great assignment

He brought Germany back out of The Depression, and he certainly made Germany the worlds strongest country, during the beginning and middle of World War Two. It was the way he thought and it was Hitlers plan of action that led to his downfall.

Martin luther king. jr speech analysis assignment

Uses a lot of repetition in his speech to make everyone, especially the target audience, the African-Americans to feel the importance of the abuse that was being done to them. He does this to highlight the stereotypical image of the African-Americans and the prejudices that they faced in their everyday lives.

How the economic crisis affects schools

Schools across the nation often have to contend with a lack of adequate funds. Schools across the nation often have to contend with a lack of adequate funds.

Salem witch trials

The accusations that led to the Salem Witch Trials, culminating into the hanging of several men and women in Salem originated from the strange and disorderly behaviors from a group of girls that included screaming alongside peculiar utterances while contorting themselves into strange positions, leading William Griggs, the village doctor, who validated his analysis by →

Pls provid for me

Task Segmentation in the Japanese, Yokai culture Yokai is a term in the Japanese culture, which broadly means the period of phantasmagoria where monsters, mysterious apparitions, ghosts and inexplicable phenomena got experienced in the Japanese culture. To start with is the explanation of the emerging academic discipline in the Yokai community, where the myth and →

United states museum of holocaust memorial

The figures that the museum has had twenty five million visitors to date and most impressive and encouragingly eight million of them were children bears testimony to the fact the memorial has been able to hit the nail on the head and it has been able to penetrate what can be called in marketing terminology →

Antoine augustin parmentier

The study on the chemical and physical properties of milk earned him the prize of Royal Society Medicine in the year 1790. Contributions He significantly contributed to gastronomy in several ways including establishing the chemical and physical properties of milk and potato as a food crop.

View on the american history through the name of war by jill lepore

The writer intends to make the reader understand how the English people and the Indians survived the king Phillips war and how the two tribes revived after the war. The war demonstrates the experiences of the British colonialists and the natives that lay foundation to the competition between the Europeans and the Indians over control →

President washingtons inaugural address

The president gave his oaths and revealed his ideas on his presidency and the future of the nation. First of all, the reference to the Constitution is one of these ideals as the nation was built on the idea of equality secured by the Constitution.

Intriguing character of enobarbus in william shakespeare’s play

To begin with a comparison between Enobarbus and Antony, a character who undoubtedly holds a major place in the story, Enobarbus as he is in the play is not a real historical figure like Mark Antony and he is only loosely based off Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus, a general and politician of ancient Rome in the →

The official declaration of separation of american colonies from the british government and war’s start

The was written to show a new theory of government, reasons why they were separating from England, and a formal declaration of war. The reason people wanted the Declaration was because the people thought that they had the right to be free from England and to be their own individual colonies with their own laws.

American dream of the soldiers of the vietnam war assignment

The novel The Things they Carried, the movie " Platoon," as well s an actual story from a Vietnam Veteran each, In their own ways, allude to the powerful ability that the Vietnam war possessed to change a soldier's thoughts on " How to Tell a True War Story," Is an Indictment of the war →

What general lee and general meade did wrong at the battle of gettysburg

What General Lee Did Wrong at the Battle of Gettysburg General Lee had decided, after analyzing the battlefield, to concentra his forces in an area where he felt was the most vulnerable. Still, Meade had made a decisive error in his strategy, and it became apparent at that time that Butterfield had actually had the →

What were the main features of the new deal assignment

The new deal had many different features, but an underlying foundation beneath the entire Idea, was the idea that the federal government had and should thus use Its power to actively Intervene In the economy and do what It could to Improve the standard of living in America. Probably the most successful of all projects, →

Felix longorias wake

The focus of the book is on the Mexican Americans and their struggle for identity and rights. Felix Longorias wake: bereavement, racism, and the rise of Mexican American activism.

History of reggaetón music

The Reggaeton music industry went from being unknown to being one of the most popular genres in American music. The early reggaeton music became a creative outlet for the youth and because of this it got bad feedback from the Puerto Rican government.

Thinking about the human experience

Thinking about the Human Experience Thinking about the Human Experience The humanities are a cluster of s that are offeredin academic centres to learners. The humanities are vital tools in enabling individuals bring logic to their lives, and the entire human experiences they might encounter.

Summarise entitlement for early years education

There are different types of childcare options for children in the early years 0-5 these are: the first one is an organisation called Surestart this helps families from the birth of their child, providing help and support when the parents really need it the most. The last and most unlikely child care provision is a →

With more than often end in divorce. the

Article 3 of The Hague Convention Treaty, considers wrongful where It is in breach of rights of custody attributed to a person, " under the law of the State in which the child was habitually resident" directly before the removal or retention of the child If at the time of removal or retention a parent →

Battle of algiers

Terrorist tactics are justified in the context of a war that is a product of colonization and when enemies cannot be differentiated from the masses, although it is not morally acceptable to use terrorist tactics when fighting a terrorist organization because it punishes combatants and non-combatants alike and uses technology to the detriment of the →

Paper 2 : vote smart

Likewise, with regards to a particular aspect of Inhofe's leadership and political views that this student does not espouse, this is with regards to the level and extent to which he does not believe that enemy combatants should be provided the same rights and privileges that prisoners of war are obligated to have as a →

Social skills assignment

The Internet has evolved to become one of the fastest and most efficient tools a student can use to perform research and to learn about the world. However, the Internet also has created difficulties for educators who must teach and grade skills that cannot be developed through the Internet or skills that may be diminished →