Quality Entertainment Essay Examples for Your Learning

Rabbit-proof fence and cultural issues in nursing 

People from all over the world come to the " land of the free and home of the brave" for many reasons. Molly is the oldest of the sisters and appears to be the main figure in this story.

Shawshank redemption

The film is revolved around two main characters Andy Dufresne who has been sent to Shawshank prison for the murder of his wife and her lover and Red who also was sent to Shawshank for murder has been in Shawshank a lot longer than Andy he is referred to as " the man who can →

The story of bonnie and clyde in oklahoma: an introduction

The third man entered the dance hall and joined in the festivities, while Barrow and Hamilton remained in their stolen car, sharing a bottle of whiskey. Clyde and Bonnie dropped out of the limelight for a time but surfaced again in Texas.

Term paper on asian horror movies

However, for the themes to be effective in captivating the audience, it is essential that the film should have adequate cinematographic features to complement the inclination of the film. This approach enables the film to show the essence of time in life and the fear, which is, realized when the dead are manifested to the →

A comparative analysis of jane austen’ s novel emma and the movie clueless

Emma was written in the Realist period of English history and this is reflected in the representation of the characters and themes. The introduction of Emma to the reader is quite prolonged and is followed by a brief synopsis of class structure, the society of the time and Emma's place in this rather complex world.

The alamo drafthouse essay sample

Service Concept Alamo Drafthouse's main product is " movies" Also serves a variety of beer and wine and offers appetizers, hot sandwiches, pizzas, pasta and dessert Service design has a better system than the other theaters that are in the same industry. Write down their selections on a paper from the menu and put in →

Forrest gump by eric roth

In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Romeo is the kind of character that is a strong believer in fate. It is clear to see that these stories are similar in the sense that both Eric Roth and William Shakespeare use the theme of fate and it's effects on people.

Marketing research pixar essay sample

Although the amount of time required for this research depends on the size of the target market and the company's line of business, there is a defined process used to implement the company's products or services. Pixar has a trademark called Renderman, which is an application program interface that assists in creating guidelines for the →

The film rabbit proof fence

The mood between the aboriginal family is very relaxed, they are happy carefree, harmoniess and secure and strong and in power. This is conveyed using film techniques including low angle shots of Molly at the beginning to make it seem as if she is in power and contrasts with the land.

“saving private ryan” movie review

And as a result, throughout the movie; the consequence on the viewer is a feeling of actually being " present" during the scenes the scenes as intense as the assault on the beachhead and during the other action sequences. In the beginning of the movie Tom Hanks who played the role of Captain John Miller →

Look before u leap

She peeped into the well and saw the fox there. While walking away, the fox said, Had you been intelligent enough, you would never have got in without seeing how to get out.

The bloody chamber

Suspense in ' Weekend' can hardly be compared with the suspense in ' The Bloody Chamber'. Whereas the suspense in ' The Bloody Chamber' makes you curious and continue read, in ' Weekend' you do not necessarily have the feeling that it is a riveting read.

Dawn m. ernst

I kept seeing him there every week but I was so shy I said nothing, of course summer was almost over and I went to the last dance just to see him and he was not there. I saw Rob in the hall so I introduced myself and I think he did not really like →

Literary analysis: the last song

She ignored her dad for three years, then her mom decided it would be good idea for Ronnie and Jonah, Ronnie's little brother, to spend the summer with their dad. Unfortunately, Ronnie did not want anything to do with composing or playing the piano anymore and she blamed it all on her dad.

Speak noah

In the summer before entering high school, Melinda is invited to a party that changes her life; and it is not for the better. This quote is a symbol of Melanin's life because the hidden underside of the couch is symbolizing Melanin's secrets that are buried and not visible to people on the outside.

Example of research paper on wizard of oz original movie

The Wizard of Oz is a musical fantasy film of the United States, which is produced by Goldwyn Mayer, and is also based on the famous and commercially unbeatable adaptation of the novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, written by Frank Baum in 1900. In the blink of an eye: A perspective on film editing.

Hitchcock transition from silent to sound movies essay sample

At times it seemed troublesome to guess the meaning and what the actors wanted to convey, but like poetry it was talking to self and provided a chance for each view to interpret the expression in his/her own way The early period of silent movies was romantic and sentimental and witnessed movies, such as The →

Course work on music and soundscapes

In The Mask, the film uses special effects to conjure up the ' cartoon' style of the film's central character he is something ' more than human' and in adding the special effects, this is portrayed to the viewer._________________ Goodykoontz, B.& Jacobs, C.P. Equally, in Planet of the Apes, it is clear that the film →

Maggie steinmiller

Maggie Steinmiller ENGL Professor Wolfslayer February 7, 2013 The Hour of The Wolf by Ingmar BergmanIngmar Bergman's " Hour of the Wolf" is a movie one would have to pay strict attention to from start to finish. He is especially afraid of a certain time at night which he calls the Hour of the Wolf →

Motorcycle diaries

At the start of the movie, you will expect the journey they will undertake is relaxed and puerile, but over the course of the film, we find out that the journey is all about the interpretation of the new, not following the plan. The scene of Alberto packing for the journey and the scene transitioning →

“rear window” pure cinema essay sample

First, they would show L.B.looking out the window, then cut to a shot across the courtyard, then back to L.B.to show his reaction to what he had seen. The 3-shot design is used throughout the entire movie.

Qualities of independent movies and how it differs from other hollywood movies

There are also independent elements in the fact that the camera angles allow the viewer to really be a part of the action. The ending was also typical of independent style because in Hollywood, a wife with a husband of ten years and three beautiful children that lives in a huge house, would never leave →

Walt disney’s mulan and the issue of non-existent feminism

At the same time, the audience this paper seeks to speak to are both the conventional feminist, and the bad feminist to which Gay alludes to. Lastly, Mulan encompasses Gay's explications of bad feminism due to the fact that Mulan must pose and act as a man in order to carry out her goals comfortably.

Rain man the movie

The news of having a brother is a big shock to Charlie, the fact that his brother has autism is very difficult for Charlie to deal with. Charlie puts Raymond on a train back to the institution with a promise that he will be coming to visit him in two weeks.

Into the wild narrative essay

Throughout Into the Wild, Krakauer uses examples of the " American Spirit," and applies it to both his life and Chris McCandless's. While Krakauer does in fact make his story accounting the life of Chris McCandless accurate, he also certainly fails to make it impartial and unbiased.

Chinatown: jj gittes within the archetype of noir heroes

The script, written by Robert Town, recalls that of The Big Sleep, wherein a seemingly regular case unravels Into a cluster of mysteries, the answer to which eludes the detective, and at times even the audience, throughout the film. It departs from the classic noir models in its character development and by consistently returning the →

Shakespeare movie vs play

Themusicwas fast and uplifting during celebration and on the eve of Othello's victory against the turks however the music changed to slow and haunting during Iago's monologues, Othello's lascivious and crazed thought of Cassio and Desdemona and scenes involving death. The chess pieces seem to symbolise Iago's plan to destroy Othello and Desdemona and also →

The notion of gender-bender and why it succeeded in the movies some like it hot, mrs. doubtfire, and tootsie

It is funny because the audience can see that they are men trying to act like woman but the characters in the film do not. It is funny to the audience because they can see how he tries to be taken seriously but they take him less seriously because he is a woman, and it →

The movie ”the dreamers” essay sample

Yet the fact that it was theatrically released with an NC-17 rating, something that had not been done in the States since the movie Bent was released in 1997, is testament to the fact that this is not just pornography, but a movie worthy of the admiration of " cinephiles" everywhere. The setting of Matthew →

Tomorrow when the war began essay year 9

In the seventh chapter of this book, Ellie is faced with her first ordeal of stepping out into enemy territory and running to the safety of a tree." A single movement was the key to finding my spirit. In the final chapters of the novel Kevin emerges in a rage of love and friendship to →

West side story spin on romeo and juliet

Although the plot of the movie " West Side Story" is based on the play " Romeo and Juliet", there are differences as far as the styling and the end of the movie is concerned. Romeo and Juliet end their lives in the play whereas Tony is killed by a member of Sharks gang.

Living abroad

I think living abroad is an experience that you will have never forget, it does not matter if your doing good or your doing bad, i would like to add that in life normally we are going to have tough times in which we normally to confront in in it. Then i realized that we →

Chicago film analysis

Chicago is a film about ambition, the fickle nature of fame, the story of two women who stepped completely out of their pre-assigned boundaries and the consequences that entailed. Excepting scenes set in court, the atmosphere of the film is that of a seedy, 1920's nightclub filled with gangsters, jazzmen, and loose women.

Easy rider

It could be argued that the end scene, when Fonda's character is killed and his bike, the Captain America, explodes, that it is a metaphor for the death of America itself and is a blatant representation of the burning of the American Flag, seeing as the motorcycles gasoline tank is painted with the stars and →

The significance of the cut beak and trimmed wings in ken kesey’s one flew over the cuckoo’s nest

At the old place he stood so long in one spot the piss ate the floor and beams away under him and he kept falling through to the ward below, giving them all kinds of census headaches down there when roll check came around In the face of the awful and long-standing treatment of this →

The power of habit

The Power of Habit The author of The Power of Habit: Why we do what we do in Life and Business, Charles Duhigg, shows us the power of habit, and how we can change the things we do, into beneficial actions that can have a positive affect on our personal and professional lives. To change →

Eraser head critical analysis paper critical thinking examples

The use of imagination technique helps in facilitating creativity and suspense in the film; this in turn helps in appealing to the emotions of the viewers. In this film, the theme of strong sexual undercurrents is clearly elaborated by the use of the image of conception as well as display of Henry Spencer to be →


By learning how to define the aspect of a film, the audience will appreciate the visual story the film tells. The screenwriter did use the character Effie as a way to drive the film forward.

Evaluation of student post mean girls and gossip girl essay example

The thesis about the writer's expectations of the show and the disappointment in the show are in paragraph two and spread over three sentences. Another correction is in the first line of the second paragraph - ' mean girls' needs to be capitalized and have double quotes around it.

How was sparta governed

As a monthly ritual, the kings were expected to make an animal sacrifice to the god Apollo, as to maintain the pleasure of the gods. Being a member of this particular government was considered to be prestigious and ensured the high status of the Spartiate as the position carried on until the death of the →

Free the suicide plan movie review sample

The movie portrays personal stories to establish its relevance with the frequency of the suicides around the United States. It is worth to watch, and discuss the ethical allegations made by the interpretation and portrayal of the content and the characters itself.

Los angeles in the movies

Los Angeles has ever been represented by the media in really opposite ways, from the propaganda images in the 1920sadvertisementLos Angeles as a Eden, to the noir novels of the 1940s, seeking to shatter that portraiture. As theDepressionhit, it shattered the dream-addicted Los Angeles and created a settlement of authors intent on exposing the →

A film about homer hickam: themes in october sky

Even though he was not goon in math and English, it did not stop him and with the help of his teacher who provided him with the things that he needs, assistance and guidance he was able to accomplish and achieve his dreams. The statement of Homer Hickam is trying to say that, we must →

‘mean girls’ is a teenage film

Marx viewed class struggle as the result of the conflict between the groups such as ' The Plastics' and the other groups in which the higher class having all the power and the lower class being taken advantage of.' The Plastics' group which is considered a popular group and creating trends for everyone follow includes →


Engage the Mind miour mind is the scene of the crime", was the tagline for Christopher Nolan's Inception, a film that came out the summer of 2010. It was critically acclaimed and till this day Inception will be remembered as the " dream, within a dream, within a dream," a complex film for intellectual and →

Comparing classic literature to the lion king

Robert Gooding Williams, the author of Disney In Africa And The Inner City: On Race And Space In The Lion King, argues that The Lion King depicts urban decline in the United States." The Lion King marks the elephant graveyard as inner city. Matt Roth, another scholar, argues in his article The Lion King A →

Media reaction paper – west side story

Because this topic of rivalry between the Jewish and Roman Catholic communities was redundant in the industry at the time, the creative team composed of Arthur Laurents, Jerome Robbins and Leonard Bernstein, decided to put the project on hold. West Side Story depicts the love between a Caucasian teenage boy from the West Side of →

Battle royal and racism overview

In light of this the grandfather new that he could never give the white folks a reason to hate him. The story ends with the boy having a dream with his grandfather laughing at him because of his scholarship, and stating that he might understand what it means after going to college.

Ivan’s childhood and the battle of algiers: war movies analysis

In The Battle of Algiers, the Casbah, and the women's innocence are corrupted by war. The Battle of Algiers, like Ivan's Childhood, is not pro or anti-war in a conventional sense.

The screen provokes a brechtian distancing effect

In this commentary we will first examine this particular sequence of Benny's Video and interpret it within the broader context of the film, then we will reflect on how the clip and the film in general approach the topic of violence. The clip that is examined in this commentary can be separated into two parts: →

Braveheart movie report

While there are no accurate historical records that exist concerning the birth date and place of birth of Sir William Wallace, there are accounts of his exploits, one of the most memorable of these accounts is the mark of the beginning of this resistance movement for the independence of Scotland which was his killing of →

The shawshank redemption

Indeed by contrasting the experiences of a select three characters from the film, the audience is able to see the importance of maintaining hope, in order to pull-through and succeed, Firstly, hope is shown through the character Ellis " Red" Redding, a man who on the inside was " a man who could get you →

American national government

The actual report starts one sunny Saturday in the Capital in 1974, when the two authors have started working on the topic of the Watergate break-in and develops into a broad inquiry through the political fraud and crimes that lead to the resignation of the then president Richard Nixon and his administration. Even though narrated →

Argumentative essay: autobiographical film vs. autobiographical prose

The reality of the film reminds audiences of the fragility of life and how quickly things can change. When tackling the genre of autobiographical film it is important to portray oneself and one's story in an honest light.

Shah rukh khan essay sample

It's something you cannot shrug off easily and it is, perhaps, the essence of his charisma. There's no disputing the fact that Shah Rukh Khan is the most saleable Bollywood star, both in India and overseas.

Into the wild and walden

Thoreau and McCandless had to deal with the airiness of their homes. Thoreau and McCandless were both college graduates that lived their lives to the fullest.

Death of a salesman

The This can be shown in the way that the director handles flashbacks within the play, in which he uses precisely the same actors despite the time lapse and the major physical changes that should have been evident. The method chosen by the director of creating the props and the staging for the settings and →

The negligence in steven zaillian’s film a civil action

In the film A Civil Action, there are several examples of negligence that appear to be crucial to the Beatrice Foods and W.R. The idea that the plaintiffs were searching for money to compensate for the money lost shows a part of the economic aspect of the civil case.

Modern humans – nature’s ultimate predators

However, man became the ultimate and apex predator with advancement from early technology to modern ones, for example, taking a man or woman from 10, 000BC or 20, 000BC whose natural habitat is the wild, the chances of survival without sophisticated tool is zero and such a man or woman could become an easy prey →

Aesthetic analysis on the film lincoln essay examples

Together with the aesthetics utilized in the film, the plot makes the work really engaging and leaves the audience under the bewitching experience of having seen this masterpiece. On the other hand, some may view it as the narrowing as a betrayal of the actual tale of the emancipation of the blacks.

How mary shelley’s frankenstein and gaston leroux’s the phantom of the opera are similar

In the gothic novel Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley and the play The Phantom of the Opera, written by both have monsters whose antagonist behaviors are a direct result from their past experiences. Frankenstein and The Phantom of the Opera share many similar qualities in that both the monsters desire to be wanted by someone.

Inherit the wind by jerome lawrence and robert e. lee

The play was published in 1957, a period of time where people, especially those of Hillsboro, the small town in which the play is set, were only allowed to teach the theory of creationism; teaching evolution was against the law. In Inherit the Wind, the attitude of Hillsboro subtly changes throughout the course of the →

The changing roles of women in house of flying daggers

This is beautifully illustrated in the film House of Flying Daggers, where the director, Zhang Yimou, portrays the changing roles of women, in this Chinese Wuxi martial-arts action-adventure movie, with a strong female lead protagonist, Mei, who is constrained by her loyalty to the House of Flying Daggers, but comes to realize that what she →

Inside job analysis movie review

This movie is an expose of the causes of the global financial meltdown and economic crisis in 2008, leading to loss of trillion of dollars and thousands of jobs. This paper will analyse the movie with a view of finding out the goal of the filmmaker and successes of the movie.

How does hitchcock create and maintain suspense in his 1960s film ‘psycho’

In between the office scene and the shower scene, there is a lull of tension and suspense to get the greatest impact as possible. Cinematography is vital in 'Psycho' as it is used it to manipulate the viewer in unnerving them and creating tension.

An examination of the movie 12 angry men

By focusing on the legitimate emotions of the jurors, juror 8 was then able to emphasize the seriousness of the problem and make the negotiation pro-active. As a result of juror 8 separating the people from the problem, focusing on interests, and negotiating with objective criteria, juror 8 was able to successfully persuade all of →

The fast-paced action movies

After an exciting and eventful weekend, it's finally Sunday night, and you are dreading the challenges and grind of the upcoming week. Hit Girl is not only an inspiration for girls and women in general but a testament to the power of dedication.

British board of film classification

If this violence however contributes to the plot of the film, making it realistic and trying to express a point then the BBFC can sometimes bypass some of the controversial material. The film was passed for a 15 because it was decided that children of this age would be able to see the perspective the →

Remember the titans argumentative essay

Remember the Titans Directed by Boaz Yakin, Remember the Titans exploresracismin the community of Alexandria and the struggles of dealing with an integrated society, school and football team. Remember the Titans makes evident that ultimately the community of Alexandria are the real winners after the Titans gain victory at the Championship and the public learn →

The long and the short and the tall

The Long and the Short and the Tall is set in the Malayan jungle in the Second World War. In the first act of the play the situation has not sunk in and all the men are having a banter and a laugh.

Big fish film study creative assignment

I soon learned that the most important thing that i had was myfamily, weather we included him in it or not he would always be my dad. I also think that the fish is not real but a metaphor; it is whatever you want the most, and at the time Edward was looking for Sandra.2." →


From the beginning of the movie, when the Toby McGuire is talking to himself but imagining he was actually talking to the girl I found myself kind of giggling and interested what this movie would bring to the table as far as entertainment went. I found a great article with many opinions on the movie →

A dream movie ” inception” essay sample

This is main point that I want to argue in this essay, the relationship of the author's reality and the movie that he wrote by looking at two perspectives that of the characters and the other of objects used in the movie. In conclusion, the connection of an author with a movie that he writes →

The value of life and the human experience

Therefore, the manner in which individuals ought to dole out esteem and reason to life must be inestimable in light of the fact that everything relies upon the individual's viewpoint of life and as well as their achievements/job in the general public and not off financial things. An individual as of now has the ability →

Good essay about technological context-the physician

In the movie The Physician, Philipp Stolzl depicts the role of medical technology in solving mysterious infections and maladies, the laborious challenges undergone by the medics to acquire medical technology and how social and religious belief antagonizes technological development. The movie, The Physician, exalts the role played by the technology in solving the most horrible →

Never skip thumb day: a take on everything that is wrong with gym selfies

The fact that narcissism is identified as a psychological disorder is what makes me feel secure about my lack of gym selfies while munching on deep fried and glazed donuts.via GIPHY It's nice to know that people have ample of time to go in a swanky gym, complete with an amazing floor to ceiling mirror →

Film study of the blind side

When his only caregiver whose couch Michael slept on every night took his own son to a private Christian school to try and get himscholarshipto play basketball, the coach of the basketball and football team saw Michael playing and offered to try to get him a scholarship as well. Over the next several weeks the →

Akira kurosawa” rashomon: the clashing views of different interpretations

The fi of what transpired is offered by the woodcutter, who actually saw the whole event occur; meaning that the accounts given at the trial by the bandit, the samurai's wife, and the samurai were all false. The falsified stories are significant because they reflect the motives of the one describing the event; so, by →

Narrative film story | film studies dissertations

The essay focuses specifically on the narrative and the spectacle of the films and how through the cinematic medium, they help each other to deliver a visual story across to the audience. Todorov reported that the majority of narratives have the same structure, i.e: in a linear storyline, initially all the forces are in balance →

Concussions research

Even though contact sports such as football and hockey have the highest rates of concussions studies show that female athletes actually suffer from concussions more then males do in sports that both males and females can play. One reason is that female athletes are more common to report a concussions then male athletes.

What do you feel are the preferred readings of stardust memories and the kid movie review

Preferred reading is a term in which the director of the movie takes the audience to a message with the codes. A movie with subtexts somehow helps the audience to understand the message that the director is trying to convey to the audience.

Inspector calls

At the end of the play, like her husband, she refuses to believe that she did anything wrong and refuses to acceptresponsibilityfor her part In Eve's death. She is shown to have the belief that women of her class should be protected from things that are what Gerald refers to as 'unpleasant and disturbing.

The transition from silent to sound movies research paper samples

The recording made, people were able to reproduce the record by means of placing the needle at the start of the groove as well as spinning the record circle-wise another time. The idea was for the reproduced sound to match the motion of actors' lips displayed in the moving pictures precisely.

My precious daughter

The one thing that changed my life is the day my precious daughter was born. My daughter means the world to me and I would go to the end of the earth for her.

Real vampires

As much as most people believe that the image of the vampire was spawned from the story of Dracula written by Bram Stoker that is certainly not the case, the story of the vampire started thousands of years ago and p the globe, and continue to engross society today. As much as most people believe →

Introduction to research methods and blended learning

In the article he discussed the benefits and restrictions of blended acquisition in establishments of higher instruction from the position of those who had experience with this method of acquisition. Blended acquisition could besides be defined as the merger of traditional face to face and on-line larning strategies to maximise the effectivity of preparation plans.

Jedda: racist relic or ahead of its time? essay sample

Set in the Northern Territory, it is the tragic story of a young Aboriginal girl of the Arunte tribe, adopted by a white woman, Sarah McCann, as a surrogate for her own baby who has died. As is stated on the Yolngu Boy official website, " In a period spanning forty years only two Australian →

Thanos is actually the hero of infinity war

Even though Thanos's methods to saving the universe might be questionable, his character and story has the build of a hero. He also leaves the audience with a sense of respect for all the hard work he has gone through to achieve his goal.

Collateral vs citizen kane: looking at the similarities

Questions like these create suspense and engage the audience in the movie.and In the start of the movie Vincent's gets into Max's cab max knows LA very well so Vincent offers him $600 to drive him. It is important to connect the end and beginning because the ending reveals clarity and context to the question →

The issue of human rights in “persepolis”

In the current international community, the issue ofhuman rightshad been one of the main issues that are faced by the different countries in the world. Although the book does not present is self as a serious and a complicated book to read, the issues raised in the book has became one of the most controversial →

Blind side

I struggled a lot and I use to be a quiet and shy boy, but now I am a confident and free spirited person and you and your wife have given me reason to believe again. The message is trying to explain that you can be in any situation and find a way out of →

It happy endings knowing that the chances

She raises the kids, cooks, cleans, maintains the house, and even works on top of that, yet he is not satisfied with the outcome of who gets the credit. Jacqueline Schectman, author of Cinderella and the Loss of Father-Love, expresses that " A depleted, isolated mother has less and less to give to her child, →

Mudik in indonesia

The tradition of mudik or home for the holidays is found in many countries. Many people living far away from home in big cities do not only do mudik as a tradition, but also as a reason to run away from urban life and to feel again the atmosphere of the home where their childhood →

Critical thinking on goodfellas critical response

These are the last words of Henry Hill in the 1995 film GoodFellas, directed by Martin Scorcese; in the film, Henry is a gangster who has risen through the ranks to develop himself as a crime boss, only to run afoul of his associates. Henry Hill, in a way, manages to come to terms with →

The themes and ideas of spirited away

The power of a name is that it is the one word that defines a person, and although Chihiro had lost that by becoming Sen, she needed to hold onto that in order to remember the qualities that make her who she truly is. These qualities are very similar to that of a child, as →

Term paper on tokyo cyberpunk

This genre of science fiction involves the envisioning of a near future that is characterized by scientific advancement in the form of cybernetics an information technology. The 1980's is the period that saw " cyberpunk" become a full-fledged genre of science fiction and many authors and filmmakers started writing and filming on the subject.