Quality Economics Essay Examples for Your Learning

“untouchables” by thomas l. friedman

Friedman, discusses how the world is globalizing into three types of skills which allow the countries, companies, and individuals to survive in today's middle class era as compared to the last fifty years. Friedman stresses, " The key to thrive in today's globalization, " you must find the key factor in a flat world to →

Positive and negative consequences of media globalization essay examples

It involves the increased and enhanced movement of goods, ideas, knowledge and even people across national and continental borders therefore leading to an increased interconnectedness on a global scale There are very many aspects of the globalization process but the most visible one is the spread of communication and information technology, which is the →

Immigration essay essay sample

These nomads would often move from place to place in search for their food and a more comfortable place to live, and at the same time leaving a major impact on the culture and way of life in a certain area. They have influenced parts of America like the city of Boston and New York.

Ethnocentricism and its effects on third world countries

In the foreword to The Dance of the Siva author, Romain Rolland, speaks his viewpoint on the imperialistic ways of western society. Because " the average European cannot see beyond the boundaries of his own individual life" , the Chinese saw their invasion of India as liberation of the people.

The globalization/consumption of digital media

It focuses on humanity's horizons, expanding through digital media. Subtopics discussed include: education, brick and mortar commerce, E-commerce, music, cinema, shared " common" culturefrom every corner of the globe , education and the effects of the availability of education to the common man and the not-so-common man and lastly, →

Trade related aspects of intellectual property essay

It also attacks the ethical values of the owner of the products. Aspects of trade-related intellectual property rights include patents, rights related to copyright, trademarks, geographical indications, industrial designs and undisclosed information. Leaders have related the aspects of TRIP with ethics as the infringement is not only illegal but also immoral. The reasons →

Introduction according to zgaga, the concept of academic

IntroductionThe concept ofacademic autonomy has changed significantly during the last decades and Weiler considers that the relative importance of the autonomy of the individualscholar and the autonomy of the institution is one of the ambivalences thatuniversities have in the new context. Thus, the aim of this study is to understand how theeducational stakeholders →

Analysis of different views on the idea of globalization

There is different theory about the opening of the idea of globalization. Some are of the vision that it started from the mid of 20th century with forest conference 1944." While" the others are of the view that this concept was properly ongoing with the institution of W.T.O.in 1995. One may commend or criticize; the →

Good side of globalization

Vietnamese ratio of trade to national income has become twice as much. Globalization contributed to the change not merely in the amount, but in the fundamental qualities of international trade. The stereotype of Vietnam exporting tin or bananas, as the most common products in Vietnam, to the great extent was true.

E-governance essay

It is about the utilization of information technology to increase the quality of the services governments convey to citizens and businesses. Presenting new structures will be both beneficial to its citizen and with the government as well, but proper education and system are needed for the implementation success of e-governance. The main concern here is →

Understanding the phenomena of globalization

Over the years trade has continued to grow to every part of the world. In recent years the growth of globalization has been phenomenal. Unemployment rises due to the amount of people suddenly left without a way to earn a living for themselves and their families. The loss of a corporation can also have a →

Era of globalization essay

The development of technology today and the integration of this modern technology into the learning process lead to educational evaluation and enhancement. The impact of technology in theeducationof today is not new in the education process. 59 billion monthly active users. As of the fourth quarter of 2015, Facebook had 1.

Globalization movement essay sample

From the end of the 20th century to the early of the 21st century, on the one hand the pace of globalization is growing in intensity, on the other hand anti-globalization movement is rolling on with full force. MNC is major player in the globalization context, which is defined by Eweje in his →

Reaction paper on globalization essay sample

The purpose of this paper is to give reactions focusing on the effects of globalization. Madison tells about the harmless way and advantages of globalization in humanity while Blanchette tells about the negative contributions of globalization in human improvement.

The dark side of the tourism – how the world’s biggest tragedy became an attraction

Tourism, indeed, improves the economic development, but in addition to this, society, culture and the environment are also affected. Accordingly, the cultural and social impacts caused by the tourism are as important and relevant as the economical ones since their effects causes significant changes in terms of the lifestyle of a community along with all →

Could broadband be the benchmark for globalization’s progress and adoption?

Furthermore, although it is common to talk about the " impact" or " effect" of IT or the Internet implying a one-way influence the interaction of IT with society is multidirectional and multidimensional. Cumulatively, these studies have found that a simple model of IT leading to social and organizational effects does not hold

Chungking express and wong kar-wais style movie review example

Wong's exploration of Hong Kong through his use of cinematography and storytelling in Chungking Express is an example of the director-flaneur. In essence, Wong states that globalization offers the flaneur the ability to overcome their problems with traditional society, as he maps Hong Kong with his camera and opens up the flaneur to new →

Does globalization unite or separate us?

There are two opposite positions, good and bad, of the effects of Globalization. But, I think, there is a third one: Globalization is good because enrichesculturein many aspects, but we have to be careful about using the newcommunicationtechnologies because we can lose the habit of talking face to face. With this numbers, →

Medical research that uses animals

The history of animal testing goes back to the writings of the Greeks in the 4th and 3rd centuries CE. Another part of animal testing is to help promote a product or to understand the effects of those products and the percentile of which those effects may cause.

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The collapse of the stock market triggered the Great Depression over 20 years. In fact, is there any correlation between the Great Crash and the Great Depression? To some extent, the collapse of the stock market in 1929 was responsible for the Great Depression.

The most dominant human characteristics

The results of the tests performed will be sent to the investigator in charge of the case. Joe Clayton works as a Laboratory Agent and primary scene responder for the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. He says, " l may be involved in actual bench work once the evidence from the crime scene is submitted to →

Free term paper on deficits and surpluses in the us federal budget

The country has been in the red for quite a while over the years. Deficits and Surpluses in the US Federal Budget The US treasury was established in 1789. Further analysis shows that in the period 1789 to the beginning of the Great Depression period in 1929, the budget was in the red or →

Family resiliency essay

I would rather believe that what has been occurring is not the death of the family but rather a powerful struggle by family units to adapt to societal conditions and to the needs of the individual family members. The adaptability of the family keeps it alive and is the reason that, no matter what the →

Opiate addiction essay

For example; " In an early study, for example, Inciardi reported that a cohort of 239 male heroin addicts from Miami committed 80, 644 criminal acts during the 12 months before being interviewed. ".In part, this is due to the problems associated with the severe withdrawal symptoms that begin about 18 hours after the last use, →

Report on calss

My reaction to the NCLR National Conference of Law Reviews On the first part of the conference was discussed a very interesting topic " How to be an Effective Editor and Chief". My question to the professor was if the editor should edit from specific book in the law?

Budget report essay

I spent a total of $237 or 10% of my total for the term. For June and July , this expense was weighted because I had to do a lot of driving for my internship over the summer. This is nice because if I want to go out to eat with my →

Free essay on policy analysis and program evaluation

The outcomes of the program are promising as it provides good health coverage for individuals and this factor makes it important to fund this program. The major functions of ACA are to ensure that the insurers and health plans who offer their products in small group markets do not deny any health coverage to the →

Chapter single mother was plunged into poverty. the

Itbegins with the discussion of a Single Mother and the coping mechanism ofsingle mothers in terms of economics, emotional and psychological aspects. Thelived experiences of single mothers in raising their children include the economichardship, emotional and psychological were also part of the experiences inraising their children.

Capital budget recommendation

Net Present Value allows decision makers to analyze the present value of a capital investment and determine if the investment will compensate the cash outflow used for capital investment by an excess of the desired rate of return. Taking the cash outflow and inflow from each alternative and the desired rate →

Cubic miles

Yes, I think the new approach is effective because It will give Sam Donaldson the quarterly report, Sam can be aware of the budget difference and make prompt adjustments, Help the department keep the costs within its budget 3. Yes the director should consult Sam, for The new director is newly hired and lack certain →

On think they would save a lot

Republicanswant to repeal the Affordable Care Act over healthcare by taking a big risk in effort to cut taxes or because it would be a bigtax cut for the rich. Republican goal to revoke the AffordableCare Act it is because they think they would save a lot of money in the nextfew years and to →

Economic issues simulation paper essay sample

Castor Collins Health Plans are looking to increase the number of enrollees in the company. Helen is the chief financial officer at Castor Collins Health Plans and she is in charge of the financial operations of the company.

Healthcare as a universal right essay example

Of course, this type of ethics is often a cover for social control by the wealthy and powerful corporate interests, which is certainly the case with politics, society and the health care system in America. Obama suffered a similar fate in 2010 due to the unpopularity of Wall Street bailouts and individual mandates to but →

Research on case study 2 research papers example

Financial planning would help her to create a plan showing how to accomplish the goals and try to reduce unnecessary expenses, which could increase her income and have a lot to save and pay debt. She was supposed to understand her financial position by understanding her personal resources. However, the major challenges that individual face →

Why americans could benefit from universal health care research paper

Unfortunately, the United States in the only industrialized country in the developed world that does not provide Universal Healthcare to its citizens ; however, implementing a universal healthcare system could benefit Americans, in more ways than one. - Definition of a Universal Healthcare System Himmelstein and Woolhandler define a universal health care →

Research paper on benefits of strategic management in healthcare organizations

In dealing with a managed care organization, the following need to be understood and followed: - The physician of the patient must always work for the good of the patient and not intend or do any harm; - Patients interests and rights are prime to the doctor; - Patients need to be treated with respect, care and as →

Access to healthcare services research papers example

For this reason, it is important for the Government to set policies and standards regarding the appropriate access to healthcare services for all individuals of the society. Access to healthcare means that the person receives personal healthcare services in a timely manner and achieves the best health outcomes. There are three discrete steps to attaining →

Professional liability and malpractice research paper

The plaintiff must prove four facts to succeed in a malpractice claim; - There was a professional relationship between the plaintiff and the psychologist so that the psychologist owed a legal duty of care to the plaintiff - There was breach of the duty of care. This means that a standard of care exists and the →

Health insurance for the poor health and social care essay

Social wellness insurance is a mechanism for pull offing and financing wellness attention through pooling of wellness hazards of its members on the one manus, and the fiscal parts of endeavors, families, and the authorities, on the other. SHI is " a fiscal protection mechanism for wellness attention, through wellness hazard sharing and →

Example of sick around america movie review

The survival of Melinda attests to the fact that the health care system in the US is the best, but it is the cost that is high. But the public cannot be well and healthy when they cannot be able to access health care due to the failed insurance system.

Property and liability automobile

PROPERTY and LIABILITY AUTOMOBILE 3/13 The Personal Automobile Policy one of the major costs of operating an automobile Perils Associated with Automobile Ownership/Operation Tort liability lawsuits may result from the harm/damage you cause to other persons or property Note: 60% of all damages paid are for things other than damage to cars Death/Bodily Injury →

Employee insurance essay examples

Providing health insurance is more beneficial to employees than the employer giving them money for treatment. Health insurance guarantees the wellness of the employees. For instance, health insurance covers both the employees and their close family members especially their children; but such coverage is not available in the other alternative.

Example of research paper on access to healthcare across locations

Disparity is healthcare services is one of the problems that the national legislation is trying to address. The cost of healthcare in the region is funded by the taxes and wages of the residents within the Eastern region. The current healthcare system in the region is large out of unison from the Federal government's legislative →

Free new jersey no-fault insurance laws research paper example

The major differences in these car insurance types include availability of restrictions on the right to sue and if the policy holder's insurer pays first party benefits, notwithstanding which driver was at fault for the occurrence of a motor vehicle accident. According to the Insurance Information Institute, the no fault insurance is usually intended to →


SECTION B ' " GENERAL INFORMATION " " " Please " as approprate Date and time of incident or loss " Place of incident or loss "" "..." " ' Names and addresses of any witnesses to the incident or loss '..." '... Yes No If " Yes", please provide name of the insurance company →

Good term paper on cip article 1: fuel prices plunge in spite of political tension in the middle-east

We make an endeavor to list the possible costs and benefits of the scheme. The third study is on the fall in the cost of wind and solar power production. The two forces together has resulted in the fall in the price of gas and fuel in the economy. The energy sector is in boom →

Research paper on medicare

Considering the severity of her condition, durable medical equipment is required, and in this case being a walker, whose cost is shared between the health program and the patient on a 80 to 20% basis. Medicare part D would offer a cover for drug prescription for all individuals with Medicare legibility. Because of →

Marine insurance

Though the Marine Insurance Act is deep in its insurance coverage, it does not provide for losses that occur while the ship is sailing the waters. This has led to the introduction of another insurance called the Marine Cargo Insurance, which provides for losses to cargo while the ship is sailing the →

Estimated compensating wage differentials

Critically appraise the findings of empirical surveies that have estimated compensating pay derived functions. Compensating derived function is a term used in labour economic sciences to analyse the relation between the pay rate and the unpleasantness, hazard, or other unwanted properties of a peculiar occupation. One can besides talk of the counterbalancing derived →

Case study on oregon health plan

Generally, the benefits of the Oregon health plan stand that it provides coverage to families of low income earners, and it controls costs, and provision of health services to everyone. It would have been adopted nationwide if the Oregon Health Plan had succeeded in the Oregon. The failure of the plan led to context of →

Summary of kinney system, inc. v. continental insurance company essay sample

A contract of insurance was negotiated in New York to cover Kinney's employees in different states, including those in Florida. The trial judge dismissed the case on the ground of forum non conveniens [1]. New York Airlines, Inc. [2] which said that forum non conveniens does not apply where one of the corporate parties →

The united states healthcare system situation in the context of the story mama might research paper example

Racial inequality is the primary theme in the story. Abraham used to write about health care; however, the story of Banes brings us to the other dimension of health care in America. In the recent years, researchers began to examine a broad range of other factors that may explicate the racial and ethnic differences in →

Section i

2 Specific Objective - To identify the relationship between social security and demand for life insurance - To identify the relationship between birth rate and demand for life insurance - To identify the relationship between average life expectancy and demand for life insurance - To identify the relationship between Inflation and demand for →

Risk assessment of a wind farm

1 Preamble This section of the report presents the background of the wind farm project, in particular offshore wind farm development, objectives, scope of work and the layout of the thesis 1. 5 Layout of the Thesis This section of the report describes the background of offshore wind farms and the objective →

Case digest essay sample

The goods were delivered to the plaintiff-consignee on or about January 25-28, 1977. Petitioner filed third-party complaints against private respondents for indemnity, subrogation, or reimbursement in the event that it is held liable to the plaintiff. The private respondents, carriers Frota Oceanica Brasiliera and Australia-West Pacific Line alleged in their separate answers that →

Dhl tariff and trasit guide

5kg above 100kgs 0.5 2.55 3.80 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.65 7. 75 5 45.

Compensation and benefits strategies recommendations essay sample

This paper will cover the compensation and benefit recommendations we have outlined for Clapton Commercial Construction, this will address the needs for a compensation structure, the company's position in the market, a compensation and benefits strategy, the use of performance incentives and merit pay to recognize and engage employees, and to identify the →

Role of insurance in corporate finance

For example, if an excess of farmers wish to sell wheat futures, the price of futures will be forced down until enough speculators are tempted to buy in the hope of a profit. Sometimes the best solution is to look at how the prices of the two assets have moved together in the past.

The insurance companies and the crisis

In the United States the assets managed by the insurance sector are higher than the assets of the banking sector. Fall in the stock market, the limitations and difficulties in accessing foreign funding, weakening the financial situation of enterprises caused rapid deterioration of the global economy and have had an impact on the financial performance →

Reputation as a sustainable competitive advantage

Acquiring and preserving sustainable competitive advantage and superior performance are a function of the resources and capabilities brought to the competition (Aaker, 1989; Barney, 1995; Conner, 1991; Grant, 1991). In this paper the Harris-Fombrun model, a framework for measuring corporate reputation using a reputation quotient with six categories and 20 individual factors is used to →

Professional liability insurance with dan

DAN professional liability insurance seems to be crafted by the hand of every successful professional in the industry, and resources for risk management and reduction are available with each policy. After doing my research, I quickly realized that finding a plan with such extensive coverage at such an affordable rate would be next to impossible. →

Are electronic medical records a cure for health care? essay sample

These systems have not been fully developed so there can be issues arising such as to maintain the accuracy and privacy of hospital, training of doctors and nurses, sharing of medical data between hospitals and clinics and the most importantly conflict of interest for insurance companies related to health insurance. Answer 2: Factors responsible →

Essay on major problems in the us healthcare system

This situation speaks volumes of the luxury that healthcare has become in the USA. The first solution to correcting the healthcare situation is basic universal health insurance. It is the responsibility of healthcare administrators to determine the needs of their facility and shop for the best solutions.

Example of symbolic interactionism essay

It was Shakespeare who adorned London's famous Globe Theater with the Latin motto Totus Mundus Agit Histrionem and who wrote the following lines for Jacques in As You Like It:" All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. For Erving Goffman , arguably the most original American theorist →

Bate of submission critical thinking sample

Parents who smoke around their children yet they know the great lengths that the secondhand smoke goes in destroying vital bodily components for everyday life should take legal responsibility and be accountable for any harm caused to the child, as a result, of their habits. Though smoking is widely seen →

Protecting personal information (ppi): applicability in electronic medical records research papers example

This legislation provided various incentives to private hospitals and venture capitalists for investment in upgrading the medical records book-keeping procedures and designing Electronic Health Records. Electronic Medical Records The National Institute on Health defines Electronic Medical Records as a sequential electronic record encompassing the complete health information about the patient. Furthermore, the information system →

Healthcare system in turmoil essays example

The lack of healthcare resources and the reduction in the number of hospitals and nursing homes added to the depreciating healthcare system. However, the paper highlights the two major problems in the health care system. However, many patients leave the healthcare facility due to the high costs and the lack of medical insurance.

Economic and social effects of hiv/aids

The concluding section assesses the impacts of HIV/AIDS on different elements of social protection schemes, on the social budget, and on the fiscal balance. In scenario 2 the number of contributors changes in proportion to the change in the total number of workers, so that the percentage of workers covered by the scheme is held →

Free case study on human resources

In keeping with Samuel and David employee benefits are progressively more expensive for business to provide to its workforce; as such, the range and options of the benefit are rapidly changing to include flexible benefit plans. Some of the benefits that have not been listed in the General Mills are intangible benefits.

National health insurance ghana health and social care essay

8 July 2011 Thefailureof the cash-and-carry system to provide for the wellness attention demands of the state 's most vulnerable populations placed wellness attention services and bringing betterments on top of the state 's development docket. In 2003, the National Health Insurance Act was approved by parliament, followed by the launch of →

Pressure changes in hospitals industry

Better care has to outweigh more care and until that happens the nation will continue to face care costs issues. It is going to expand Medicaid, more people with insurance will cause more the core of the United States' long-term fiscal imbalance. Social Security costs, by comparison, are projected to increase from five →

One offers a sliding fee and charges $110 to $119 per session

Although therapy is expensive, there are certain measures that could be used as an alternative to therapy, but I would be more comfortable if she will go to counseling. This is why I researched a number of internet resources to really identify the best sources for reputable →

Canadian health care industry essay samples

Unlike some countries that have government-supplied health care, Canada's doctors are independent from the government, they are not employed by the government, but they are paid by the government's insurance program. How much the government spends per citizen varies depending on the age of the person and where they are from in Canada. On the →

Insurance situation in south africa

Crime in South Africa is topic that is very often spoken about amongst South African citizens. Insurance in South Africa can be a difficult situation because of the crime rates within the country. If something were to happen, you can claim from insurance if you have been paying your monthly instalments. I say insurance in →

Free research paper on health economics

The single payer system in the state of Vermont aims at improving the benefits of the underinsured to include vision care, dental care and increment of Medicaid reimbursement to doctors. The implementation of the program does not face challenges because few disparities exist and many people are willing to give →

Good example of expenses projections research paper

Further, during the second phase and the final phase, the total expenses amounted to $299997 and $332950, respectively. All the projections every year were assumed with a growth rate in inflation of 1. During Phase II and the Final Phase, such expenses amounted to $851344 and $944860. All the projections every year were assumed with →

Mao’s consolidation of power between 1949 and 1953 essay sample

Mao used terror and repression constantly in the years from 1949 to 1953, however there were also other methods which he used to consolidate his power, and it is hard to decide whether both methods were equally successful or whether one of them was vital to the survival of the communist party with →

Suggestion: life insurance schemes essay sample

The block and district level forum can be used for promoting and motivating group insurance. The cooperative banks and other cooperative societies may provide a robust platform to sell insurance as these societies are forums that deals with finance matter. The linking of agriculture risk and heath risk with life insurance may be a →

Critical record of a shipmaster’s duties

It is always the duty of the owner of the vessl to ensure the seaworthiness of ship and if ships sail in a seaworthy condition she will be under insurance cover. " The obligation of the owner to exercise due diligence to ensure that the ship is seaworthy before the commencement of voyage.(ie taking all precaution →

Quantum physics

However, it must be noted that the European Debt Crisis is still going on in most of the European countries, and thus, It might be more favorable for Ping An to focus on the Salsa- Pacific market where most of the markets are still emerging and most importantly, hose markets have low →

The issues essay

If so, what is the main concern?); how the physicians involved in healthcare are regulated and the effectiveness of that system; the previous attempts to provide a national insurance system or alternatives and the outcome; the role of Medicare and Medicaid; whether and how the free market approach can resolve →

Isbn – 978-93-81583-46-3

Despite the tremendous opportunities, there are few challenges and one of the most emerging is the scarcity of skilled human resource in the sector and the ever rising rate of attrition, which continues to haunt the employers. The decision taken by the Government of India in the early 2000, in the process of economic liberalization →

Free report about the future of tria

The article starts with a flashback on the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program that developed after the 9/11 terror acts. It is unknown when such acts are said to be acts of terror or the nature of the repercussions.

Critical thinking on answers to questions

What is surprising is that the metrics for top of the line health care, as what US politicians would claim to be supporting, is actually far below standards in economically developed countries. The answer to the question therefore is, the US will continue to have an insatiable appetite for healthcare services today and in the →

Infrastructure evaluation essays example

Therefore, it might affect the workflow of both clinical and administrative processes. Determining the effects of the introduction of infrastructure in medicine, a thorough assessment of current workflow for all areas likely to be affected ought to be done. Reduction of disruption in the workflow is the only key to succeed after the introduction of →

Healthcare in india research paper examples

In 2011, the Indian government introduced a healthcare scheme for the elderly called ' National Program for the Healthcare of the Elderly'. Despite several measures taken by the government, India still does not have a comprehensive healthcare plan for all the citizens, mainly because of the budgetary constraint of the government and lack of health →

Econ 256 final

How could the insurance company lessen this problem? Without knowing the background information on the potential clients, insurance companies are without the ability to see that while James is risking his life as a police officer, he is also a smoker and racer. Explain what is happening with Jane and how could we modify the →

The affordable care act research papers example

The key aim of this act is to ensure that health insurance is affordable to all individuals in the US. As much as this may not be fair for rich individuals in the society, the health the United States individuals is likely to improve through quality provision of health to all the fraternities despite the →

Health insurance in usa research papers example

This paper tries to understand health insurance terms in USA and the solutions offered by different experts. The essays for review on this topic added to the amazement at the facts of health insurance. In this process neither the patient nor his caregiver are aware of what is the actual cost of the visit to →

Impact of fdi in life insurance sector

The funds of the policyholders cannot be invested outside India. An insurer involved in the business of life insurance is required to invest and keep invested at all times assets, the value of which is not less than the sum of the amount of its liabilities to holders of life →

Example of aggregate demand and aggregate supply essay

When the economy starts using relatively more and more resources, and then the AS curve becomes relatively steeper and becomes less sensitive to the price level in the economy. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978. Print. Mankiw, N.

Macroeconomic factors

9 billion for the year.The last 12 months performance of the company was overwhelmed as the figures have been positive in spite of adverse macro economic factors prevalent in the market. The company has been successfully innovating and designing high teach gadgets to attract consumers.The company is not concerned regarding recession as →

Fundamentals of macroeconomics

Nominal GDP is basically the ups and downs of the market value in prices from its goods and services throughout the year. Household are the target of a business through its goods and services.

Macroeconomics impact on business operations

Macroeconomics is reflection of performance and structure of economics of a nation or a region. Gross Domestic Produce , consumption, unemployment, inflation, international trade etc come in ambit of Macroeconomics. Other than Business Operation or ' Corporation', other key elements of macroeconomic cycle are ' household', ' workforce', ' government' and ' financial →

The political economy of permanent crisis in the philippines by: walden bello

However, the side-effect of this, on the other hand, was that the indigenous people living within the area of the mine sites involved were eventually out of the government's concern, consideration, and protection. The bottom-line of the chapter lies with the idea that underdevelopment of the Philippines must not be blamed wholly on corruption; but →