Quality Artists Essay Examples for Your Learning

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Hope is a good thing for the shawshank redemption

I have done both, reading the book and watching the movie, and my assurance to you is that you will find the film more entertaining than the book itself. Freeman, who plays Red, is a convict for the murder of the one who befriends Andy, and he is serving a life sentence.

A areer in ice sculpting

A Career in Ice Sculpting When we see an ice sculpture glistening in the light we are mesmerized by the intricate designs that have the look of solid crystal. We are in awe as we wonder; how did they learn the art of ice sculpting and how do they apply it in the culinary trade →

Wk 4 perception key

With respect to the recurrence of the note F, it is obvious that the composition has the capacity to release and produce tension in the listener. The difference in the temporary finality created in the middle section and the finality expressed at the end is effective in the sense that, it shows as the effects →

The scapegoat mam

Scapegoating is evident in the case of a crisis in the community. In most instances, people whom the community treat with little respect are taken as scapegoats in the event of a crisis.

Ai weiwei: more than just an artist

As a precursor of twitter in China, Ai Weiwei considerably influenced the style of communication and the liberty of expression of Chinese people. Although it may seem somehow utopic, Ai Weiwei with " Remembering" and twitter made a huge step forward, by making a population aware 5 how to use their rights, in the fight →

Groundhog day

The film unfolds in an inevitable and so entertaining manner but in an effortless that the viewer may be forced to stand back and slap him/herself one understands the real goodness and entertaining the movie is. Towards the end of the film it is noted the he fall in love with Rita and attempts to →

Artists chosen to depict this world in a positive and negative sides

Relating to the audience can either be done either by painting the world in a positive light or otherwise by invoking the darker side of man and society. This approach is to bother and unsettle the audience by invoking negativity in the art work.


In terms of the elements of design, colour is the focal point in fauvism. The three main characteristics of colour then can contribute to the message of the painting such as the hue, the value and the intensity of the colour.

Free essay on how far we will go to change our body image

Take for instance, the cheerleaders in international functions like world cup and even Olympics and it is obvious to note that, most of the ladies who partake in these ceremonies are thin enough thereby elevating the image of a thin lady as opposed to huge one. One of the landmark events with the likes of →

Internship with guangdong folk arts museum in china

With the help of one of the staff, I gained confidence, customer relation skills, teamwork skills, intrapersonal and interpersonal communication skills. The main focus of my internship would be the opportunity to participate in the exhibition of Lingnan Folk Craftworks, Sparkling Flowers, and Ingenious Craftsmanship and Creativity.

The crucible

She is the villain in the movie, she is a liar and a manipulator. The place where witchcraft trials happened and the year when they started, are shown in the movie, which is authentic.

Comparison of three sculptures

The masculinity of David is emphasized more in Bernini's and Michelangelo's sculpture as opposed to Donatello's. The saving grace of the masculinity of Donatello's David is the lower part of the sculpture which shows David stepping over the head of Goliath.

The breakfast club

In one extreme, the film illustrates the dimension labels at which students feel obliged to do in their routine activities and the other extreme illustrates the lack of trust among the professionals and the students in school. First, primary tension is evident as there is fretfulness in the event of the group formation.

Synthesis of pixelization and realistic drawing

Research proposal: Synthesis of pixelization and realistic drawing as an approach to enhance expressivity and artistic part of the painting University Synthesis of pixelization and realistic drawing as an approach to enhance expressivity and artistic part of the painting I. Hybrid is an attempt to synthesize partial pixelization with realistic drawing to arrive at a →

From the baroque period through the romantic age

The social, political and economic conditions alter the meaning and of art and this ment can be further strengthened by citing the changes in art styles namely baroque, rococo, neoclassicism and romanticism throughout the changing political structure and leaders as well as the evolving religious beliefs and the rise of the aristocrats. Whereas the descendants →

Good art in the ancient geometric period essay example

Presentation and Analysis of Ancient Greek Art in two specific periods of time Presentation and analysis of Ancient Greek Art in the Ancient Geometric Period Presentation and Analysis of Ancient Greek Art in the Ancient Classical Period Comparison and contrast of these two periods in terms of sculpture and ceramic creations [The author's name] →

Maltese falcon

In spite of these challenges, the film still came out successful since there was the use of introspective voice-over narration and it employed the use of cinematic styles such lighting the stage and positioning and moving of the camera. Like the Film Noir by Paul Schrader, Maltase Falcon also presents a darker view of life.

Film critical analysis – the future of food

The Future of Food lays bare the way Green Revolution benefitted the large corporations and how the industrial farming of food negatively impacted the small farmers. The objective of the Green Revolution was to facilitate a massive increase in the overall production of crops in the poor or developing nations by promoting an extensive use →


At the beginning of the script Sydney and her father are revealed in the limo heading to the library for a dinner. In the dinner, Sydney quarrels with a number of people and eventually ran away from the dinner.

[1] at local retailers than before. it

On a different aspect, major labels invest a great amount into their signed artists and in order to regain and make back the profit, record deals are often made to benefit the label rather than the artist. In order to provide this for artists on a label there are many individuals and companies working together →

Fashion narrative: photo and speak about its narrative

The photo has a red patch on the left side above the nude male, which creates contract in the photo. The difference serves to show that there is a door or a partition on the background of this photo.

The immaculate conception with saints francis of assisi and anthony of padua

The Immaculate Conception with Saints Francis of Assisi and Anthony of Padua Cardinal Girolamo Verospi commissioned the painting by Giovanni Bennedetto Castiglione, " The Immaculate Conception with saints Francis of Assisi and Anthony Padua", in 1649, for a new church in Osimo at the Capuchin monastery in Italy. Castiglione in this painting was attempting to →

M. butterfly director’s concept

Actually, the absence of disclosure leads to the fateful affair between a fictional French diplomat and a Chinese opera singer. However, due to the disillusions of beauty and stereotype, he engages in a parallel and fateful affair with a fellow man.

Enslaved women and the art

She then went to Columbia University, where she received a master's degree in parasitological in 1 968 and a master's degree in public health in 1969. She moved moved to Athens, Georgia In 1 BE Endowment for the Arts in Sculpt honoree in 1991 In 2002 she recur In 2003 she was visiting artist in →

Leonardo da vinci inventions

Aerial screw - a forerunner to the helicopter: Leonardo wrote this about the aerial screw: " I believethat if this screw device is well manufactured, that is, if it is made of linen cloth, the pores of which have been closed with starch, and if the device is promptly reversed, the screw will engage its →

Comparison of a work of art

Though the place portrayed is in shadow, it is not dark, on the contrary, it is light enough to see elegant detail, and it is the sunlight splashing on the water outside of the secluded shadow that is overly bright and impossible to make out. The ratio of shadow to the sun is also inverted, →

Different aspects of the country in the films

Not only the content of the film, but also the way the films are made, tell us a lot about the country's film industry and about the nation's history and culture. In short, films of any country show a lot about the standards, values, beliefs, culture, and social problems, of that country.

Description of artwork

The artist has also applied some good shape in the in this art, which helps in the attraction of the picture. The picture is very good depending on the size the writer has used in this art.

Example of stylistic analysis essay

This paper will review some of the stylistic characteristics that were present in the work of art, and some of the characteristics shared by the Northern Renaissance. In the painting, the art allows the artist to think of anything, and put it down on the canvas.

Ballet from the beginning essay

Jean-Baptiste Lully, the composer of the music in the ballet Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, was a ballet master and he invented the pirouette, created ballets to perform for the King, and he codified ballet technique that focused on turnout. The changes in the 18th century were popular for the audiences and for the dancers, and lead →

Manborg film critical review

The movie depicts a demonic version of this set of people and the only way out for the people of the world is in the efforts of a man who is also partially a robot. The inability of the movie to move beyond this is also seen in the conventional nature of the villains.

Quot;thinking about music and censorship” 350 word response paper essay

In his next point, Gabe highlighted the necessity for limiting the access of potentially explicit material to those who may not want to hear it or those who should not hear it yet. In his final point and conclusion, Gabe discusses the success of efforts to restrict provocative music from those who do not need →

Here to stay – classical conventions in art

In that sense, the conventions are here to stay.* The difference between Medieval Plainchant and a Madrigal by Lassus Although they do not sound that different to my modern ear, the madrigal by Lassus must have been scandalously witty and playful. I liked it because the men seem to be smiling as they sang.

Film review: on the waterfront by elia kazan

Film Review: On the Waterfront by Elia Kazan The 1954 film On the Waterfront, directed by Elia Kazan, is one which has great significance and influence, not only in regards to film history, but to the world in general. Kazan is an incredible director, and he more than proves the fantastic skill that he has →

Analysis the film: monsoon wedding

The film is based on the upper-middle-class New Delhi in which, there is a family of professionals who are quite modern for the general style of living in New Delhi. One subplot that particularly grabs the attention of the audience is that of the love affair of the wedding organizer and the servant girl.

Human gross national income (gni). you can also

Human geography can be defined as ' The branch of geographydealing with how human activity affects or is influenced by the earth'ssurface.' At this moment in time there are many humanissues and events are happening all around the world for example, rapidpopulation growth as well as globalisation and mass migration. This bringsme onto the next →

Report about the museum printing

The painting is remarkable because it conveys the message of the low class occupied by the rural Africans. The artwork is a painting, which is among the first paintings to be acquired by the Los Angeles County Museum of art.

Age of enlightenment and how it affected art

The age of enlightenment was a cultural movement of various intellectuals during the 18th century in Europe. One of the work of art was painting.

Woody allens movie midnight in paris

The plot of the film centres round an American family who set out to travel to the capital of France for certain business needs and includes an young couple basically the protagonists of the story who are engaged and are compelled to come across a situation which guide them to the fact that life apart →

North movie review

He hired a Lawyer for the purpose and the Judge provided North with the time period covering a summer, for finding new parents. Awestruck North gets up from his sleep and realizes that it was all the part of a dream.

Two works response

Insert Project about art two works response What about these works " captured " your attention The field of contemporary art and culture has the emergence of Andy Warhol, and Roy Lichtenstein, who became influential figures in the field of arts. The works above, through the artwork of Andy and Roy, were more attractive and →

Art and design: whats the big difference

Difference between Art and Design In many occasions, people tend to refer to art and design interchangeably as if the two words are meant to mean the same thing. Personal perception on the difference Many people tend to think of the artist standing before a blank canvas and simultaneously think of the start and the →

God of carnage

Alain and Annette Reille are the parents of the boy named Ferdinand; Michel and Veronique Vallon are the parents of another boy named Bruno. Alain is a well-to-do lawyer and Annette is a housewife who is managing the wealth of their family, as she herself characterizes herself.

Importance of art in early childhood essay

Even though many people think that art does not matter in a child's life, it is a crucial part of the early childhood because children are able to become independent through their art and it helps children develop in many different aspects of life. Art can truly help children's growth and learning abilities in their →

The work of art ans science essay

Among some of its effects especially in line with the artistic work is the fact that it was and it has always been one of the cornerstones of modern biology and is widely applied in the explanation of adaptive evolution in a phenomenon. It has also led to the development and expansion of the medical →

Good essay about the influence of mythology and philosophy on chinese calligraphy and painting

2 The Chinese people are composed of the intermingling of the many different tribes that settled in the Chinese mainland thousands of years ago. 5 The invention of the paper circa 105 A.D.became the turning point in the development of calligraphy and painting.

Art in fashion essay

Sanda Miller, the author of Fashion as Art; Is Fashion Art, states that " a work of art in the classificatory sense is 1.an artefact, 2.a set of the aspects of which has been conferred upon it the status of candidate for appreciation by some person or persons acting on behalf of a certain institution →

History of western art

The collection of images in these museums is made of marble and includes the busts of various early Roman Emperors. Colors in these images are highlight various components of the images and hence engage the audience.

Art history video

This paper gives a brief overview concerning the Cologne Cathedral in Germany, and the information the video has provided concerning the video. From the video, the cathedral has an amazing impression both from the inside and the outside.

Why i dance: lindsey leduc

Dance Articles- Summary and Evaluation Why I Dance: Lindsey Leduc Summary This article writtenby Lindsey Leduc provides an insight in the mind of one of the most celebrated dance personalities- Lindsey Leduc herself. Leduc has greatly focused on dance being her passion and the wordings that she chooses seem to be too cliched to be →

Read an article in an art magazine then write the summary

The artist is largely inspired by barricades that act as the focal point of Ukrainian protests since the days of other artists. The depiction of President Viktor Yanukovych as an avenger and the overall reflection of the vicious peasant uprising of the 18th century were not welcome amongst conservatives in the Ukrainian art world.

Mona lisa – leonardo da vinci

The enigmatic smile has captured the imagination of the world. 1 cm Location Museum of Modern Art [1], New York City Christ in the Storm of the Sea of Galilee - Rembrandt Rembrandt captures the drama and emotion of this epic scene from the Gospels.

Media archeological analysis of a technological

In the period, between 1960 to 1970 valve amplifiers ranging from low to medium power frequencies and below the microwaves were substituted by the solid state amplifies. The trait of high voltage makes the tube and valve amplifies to be suited for radio transmitters.

Influence of music essay

Though music can be questioned about whether it's good or bad, the purpose of it is to express one's feelings. People should just leave the music that they think is ' bad' out of their life.

Abstract expressionism – art and surreal

On the other hand, surrealism in art derives its meaning as a manifestation of " a style of art and literature developed principally in the 20th century, stressing the subconscious or non-rational significance of imagery arrived at by automatism or the exploitation of chance effects, unexpected juxtapositions, etc".. The works of Hans Hoffman and Jackson →

Iconography of power

Art was a tool of influence and story-telling; it is the reason why it is critical to understand how power is rendered in ancient art and what methods are used to do it. Overall, ancient civilizations encoded their history in their art stressing important figures and constructing amazing building to present the power of their →

The story of stuff v.s

The two sources also differ in the approaches they suggest for the solution of the issue. The solution offered to the issue in the video resembles the second of the two solutions proposed in the article i.e.the social change.

Listening assignment (based on ch. 1 and 5 in your text) due date: on or before midnight tuesday, october 7. papers should be a minimum of 1 pages and no more than 2 pages, word processed, double spaced. place your name and the date in the u

Listening Paper Assignment Affiliation: I was listening during my family dinner from the preparation of the dinner to the end of the dinner and later on I went to complete my studies. My lack of paying attention and boredom which I did not hide well led to the discussions being emotional and criticism increasing.

In technique, and he idolized ben webster,

His gums continued to worsen due to pyorrhea, a disease of the gums, and so he was not able to play the cornet much more. For Duke Ellington, he was " the epitome of the kind of American who goes beyond the rules, a truly good and original man.

Gallery report

The National Gallery consists of two great buildings and is also known as one of the renowned art museums in the world. The intensity of the hues utilized portrays the intensity of the conquests of King Alfonso of Portugal.

Lesson plan #1

A good lesson plan is not just relevant to the learners, it is equally important to teachers as they prepare to deliver content to students. The sample of the lesson plan given is a perfect example of what every art teacher should stick to.

Hagia sophia in terms of plotinus views

In Platonism beauty is viewed as " the manifestation of divine" and the splendor and majesty of the Hagia Sophia is the core symbol of beauty. The beauty of Hagia Sophia integrates it with Plotinus philosophy of love, art and beauty.

Final evaluation about art appreciation

Were you able to develop your research skills in this course? I liked the approach to art promoted by this course.

Reading summary

Reading Summary The reading, ' The Martial Arts Film in Chinese Cinema: Historicism and the National ' relate to the Chinese history and myths reflected in Chinese films such as The House of Flying Daggers and Curse of the Golden Flower. The thesis shows the trend of the film industry and the impacts of politics →


Before the 1980s, the cost of production was very high and the revenue from the sales was very low on downward trends. This film was based on a series on true story of occurrence at the waterfront of Manhattan and Brooklyn.

The dividing line between actors and viewers

It is that perception wherein the roles of actors and the audiences are controlled because of the knowledge that what is being portrayed is just a part of a portrayal and is not reality. What happens in the story is revealed through what the actors do onstage so that they are in full control of →

The female form superimposed onto a natural landscape can be seen as a naturally beautiful,without connotations of sexism or sexual agenda

The Natural Beauty of the Landscape and the Nude Female Form Word Count: 549 Shakespeare wrote in Loves Labours Lost, 1588:" Good Lord Boyet, my beauty, though but mean, Needs not the painted flourish of your praise: Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye, Not utterd by base sale of chapmens tongues" In a →

Film noir

Finally, their definition of the genre in terms of its emotional effects on the audience the state of tension and a specific psychological alienation imposed on the spectator is something I agree with. More than qualities inherent to the film, its periodic setting and its production in the forties and early fifties are better markers →

Napster company background essay

Currently, Napster's business model is now completely legal in the eyes of the courts, the music industry, and the artists. By the nature of its business, Napster finds it not difficult to perform it obligations as a seller in terms of product liabilities and warranties.

The combination of chinese and western art

The Combination of Chinese and Western Art The combination of Eastern and Western art began after 1843. This was in order to show of the connection or inspiration that Chinese art has from the Western culture.

The shawshank redemption movie study

Shawshank Redemption The point of view held in the movie is that hope is the most important thing in someone's life. The importance of hope in one's life is shown in the movie through various scenes that show the effects of hope on the lives of the prisoners.

Waterbabies by adam lefevre

Character contrasts of Liz and Emma Liz is portrayed by the playwright as a caring mother who is anxious about the safety of her son. This statement by Emma is a response to Liz question of whether the child on her lap is asleep.

Analysis of why we fight by jarecki

The movie gives a comprehensive account of the foot defense forces that were sent to the war, the workers of the army, the pentagon labor force and armed agents. Additionally, Why we fight displays that the associates of the Congress were not estranged from the course of the war as well as the security consultants.

Review performance about “next to the normal”

Through its concept of assertive realism and its award winning music, the musical has won several awards in different categories, and this signifies its impact in the society. The timing of the lighting effects is in lieu with the message in the storyline and depicts the right emotion.

Describe a situation in which you combined analysis and creativity to solve a challenging problem

This year, I come back to China to find out the many new stores of famous brands in the Chinese market that have been closed and its sales have reduced from about 150 in 2012 to about 100 in 2013. Usually, it is thought that the price is the most important reason to explain the →

12-years a slave

12 years a slave 12 years a slave Picture coloration and composition can be used to communicate a lot of information to the audience and can generate emotion of a particular situation. In the beginning of the film 12 years as a slave, we are introducedto Northup and his present state of life as a →

Influence of dance on culture research paper sample

Some of the eminent artists of their age like Pablo Picasso and Edgar Degas have also expressed their interpretations of dance and translated that onto paper by using the fine strokes of their brush. The statement by Graham clearly shows the connection between dance and paintings that is, the role of dance in paintings.

How will also inform this research and allow

The practice-led research will explore how the context of the sites usedto exhibit text-based art-work changes the meaning of the text used. The shareability of language is explored by Wittgenstein and is essential to the successful use of any language: Wittgenstein goeson to state the impossibility of a private language systems.

The statue of david by michelangelo-a masterpiece

The Renaissance was a European phenomenon in the world of art and letters, which was found operative at the beginning of the 16th century all over Europe. The statue of David was one of the first structures of the male nude.

One genetics and more about routines and habits.

One of the things I have lamented is how much of my life I havewasted living a life of obligation rather than a life of intention. What that simply means is that they are able to let go of thingsthat take up a lot of energy, time, and resources that may be good, and evenprofitable, →

Frida film report

Kahlo is bedridden most of her time but manages to do many paintings in spite of the pain she suffers. One of the issues in the poem that relates to my case is physical pain.

Asse webinar

The barbarian reed pipe starts with Kingston admitting that she heard about moon Orchids disastrous confrontation with her husband, which she related in at the western palace. The main obstacle to her English learning is culturally based on her relationship with the society.

Compare and contrast

Now that I know a lot more about what goes in to making a film and that I realize that sometimes there are more methods of looking at a movie from a cinematographic perspective, it means something completely different. In a theater, it is easier to just get lost in the movie.

Contemporary art

In discussing how the avant-garde as modern art has explored art from the inside and provided the ruling class with the means by which they might explore the ideas of the new age, Greenberg introduces the necessity of a rear-guard action to this general repudiation of exterior reference. Steinberg, Leo." Contemporary Art and the Plight →


Simba symbolizes a young lion and hence the title, Lion King. The young lion seeks to succeed the king.

‘smoke signals’ film review

The film depicts and describes the problems faced by an Indian in the modern 20th century known to be progressing far away from the ancient theories and thoughts of racism, color and ethnic differences. Probably the first movie made from an Indian's point of view, smoke signal reflects stereotypical representation by displaying the behaviors of →

Nurse health care essay

There is also a common perception in both the professional community and the general public that resources are too often misallocated for expensive tertiary care and life support to the neglect of primary prevention, public health, and basic social support. A balance between the needs and capacities of the older person and the demands and →

Renoir’s anti-impressionism

The Bathers of 1887 and Renoir's Anti-Impressionism The precision of technique in the three foreground bathers in the painting suggests that Renoir has made several preparatory drawings in order to achieve such quality.2. It is clear that the irregularity that Renoir was after is manifested in Bathers as this is a painting that is full →

Yimou zhang films

The red tone in this scene is used to portray the intense jealousy of Snow, the fury and impulsion of Snow and the avengement of Moon. This is according to the amount of effort and expectation that he puts in terms of aesthetics in his films.

Asian american art essay examples

Over the years, the Activities of the Asian American Art center have been significant towards the cultural development of both the Asians and the Americans. The founder of organizations of the New Asian dance coalition and the Asian American alliance is the art center.

Free research paper about engl111

Outsiders would deem that the controversial decision of the Beatles to disband, notwithstanding their eminent cult status worldwide, was down to the influence of Yoko Ono, the second spouse of perhaps their best-regarded member, Lennon. The start of the Lennon-Ono love affair alone has resonated to the critical views of the fans of The Beatles →

Music and art comparison; prince’s diamonds and pearls essay

The more musical and rhythmical instruments contributing and accenting the high and low points of the music, the more concentrated flow and musicality of the music. The real visuality of his in depth appreciation for the arts came through in the Diamonds and Pearls music piece mixing popular rock music with culture.

Art is indefinable

An inflexible and permanent definition of art as a result of the aforementioned reasons is detrimental to the progression of art that is crucial to its very continuance. And as a result of this constant evolution art is indefinable.


Avatar: Story telling in the tradition of the legend Avatar is a multi-faceted film with rich scope for interpretation and analysis. But for epic battles and profound victories, the format of the legend is the most similar.

Enjoying horror movies

Enjoying horror movies The popularity of horror movies in recent times is tremendous. It is also said that individuals tends to engage in watching such movies because when people watch these horror movies eventually they engross in terror for the sake of acquiring euphoric sort of relief in the end.

Memphis design-michele de lucchi and ettore sottsass

Postmodernism- Memphis Design-Michele De Lucchi and Ettore Sottsass Postmodernism- Memphis Design-Michele De Lucchi and Ettore Sottsass One of the best examples of postmodernist design that shows a postmodern use of history is the Italian furniture work of Michele De Lucchi and Ettore Sottsass for Memphis design group. Originally dubbed the new design, the postmodernist furniture →