- Published: September 11, 2022
- Updated: September 11, 2022
- University / College: McMaster University
- Language: English
- Downloads: 50
– Introduction:
Equal opportunity employment has always been an important topic and concern of multiple organizations and several initiatives in this regard has been taken by United States governments that were applied on different organizations. After the implementation of these laws benefits were encountered in the term of productivity of businesses and increased efficiencies, effectiveness, and capabilities of employees (Mathis, & Jackson, 2011).
The objective of this paper is to shed light on the topic of “ Equal opportunity employment” . This paper has been divided into 8 sections. The first section describes the concept whereas the second describes the formulation of act. The third part of the report discusses the impact of EEO at workplace and then the next one describes the cultural discrimination and role of EEO in reducing the discrimination. The following section discusses the age discrimination and the impact of EEO and then the impact of the act over gender discrimination has been discussed. The section describes the role EEO played in WLB, and the final section consists of the conclusion.
– Equal opportunity employment
Equal opportunity employment is a concept that is important for the applicant, employee, and employer. Equal opportunity employment is a practice of employment and according to this practice; employees cannot take part in employment activities that have been prohibited by law (Mathis, & Jackson, 2011). According to this law, discrimination of employers against employee or applicant on the basis of origin, color, age, sex, race and religion is illegal. Employment discrimination struggle has been a part of American life since decades and heart of the movement of civil rights (Burstein, 1994). Equal opportunity employment assures that employees will be treated fairly, and the applicant will be hired on their abilities rather on the basis of discrimination. The application of equal opportunity is done on employment practices. These include demotion, recruitment, hiring, promotion, section for training, working conditions, payment rates, compensations, advertising, termination, layoff, transfer, accessibility, and special duty details.
However, dignity and integrity is important at any workplace and employee motivation is derived by trust that they will be treated fairly, and equal opportunity employment plays an immense role in the success of any organization. It has been encountered as an essential law in the business environment in order to have justice.
– Formulation of Equal opportunity employment:
The first executive order was signed in 1941 by Franklin (president) in which hiring of employees on discrimination basis was declared prohibited for government contractors. This order was applicable to all employers who were holding contracts of government, but the issue was that there was not any enforcement authority. In 1948, for the same purpose and was signed for armed forces, in order to make sure that equal opportunity and treatment to all people in armed services is given. In 1963, EPA act was passed in which men and women were protected who perform equal work but had to face discrimination in the payment of wages on the basis of sex. This is the first legislation of national civil rights in which the focus was on employment discrimination. The enforcement responsibility was on the department of labor until 1978. In 1964, after having one of the longest debates of the history, the civil right act of 1964 had been passed by U. S Senate. The broad array was included in this act in which discrimination was prohibited such as private conduct, governmental education and services, and public accommodations. According to this act discrimination on the basis of gender, religion, race, color, and national origins were declared prohibited. It was mentioned in the title 7. This title was applicable to employment agencies, labor unions, and private employers. According to this act discrimination in hiring, assignment, recruitment, wages, discipline, layoffs, promotions, discharges, benefits, and in every aspect of employment was declared prohibited.
Through this act “ U. S equal employment opportunity commission” was created as well that was based on five members and the mission of this commission was eliminating the discrimination of unlawful employment. In 1976, ADEA was passed by congress in which people between the ages of 40 to 65 were protected from employment discrimination. Again, the responsibility of enforcement is on the department of labor. Further amendments did in 1972 in order to improve the act. In 1973, the rehabilitation act of 1973 was passed by congress in which under section 501 discriminating qualified individual on the basis of disabilities were declared prohibited. This act was for the federal government. In 1990, another act called “ American with disabilities” was introduced. This act was for the private employers. In 1978, pregnancy discrimination act was announced, and it had been cleared that making discrimination on the basis of pregnancy is an unlawful act.
In 1984, some amendments were done in age discrimination act by congress in order to ensure that people between the ages of 65 to 69 receive the treatment under health plan group. In 1986, the upper age cap of age 70 was removed from the ADA and this amendment was applicable to law enforcement officials, local and state government, and universities. This means that the organizations can retire the people voluntarily that are at the age of 70. In 1986, the IRCA was passed by congress and according to this act discriminating employees on the basis of national origins was declared prohibited. From 1990 to 1998, important amendments were made in prior acts and local and state, law enforcement agencies, and universities were allowed to hire people on the basis of age (EEOC, 2014).
– Impact of Equal opportunity employment at workplace:
Studies provide an access towards the implementation of the law, but this topic has not been prioritized, and very little work has been done on it. It is essential to come across that what impact this practice makes at workplace after having look over the formulation of equal opportunity employment. It has been encountered that women working in places that have been covered by act are gaining access to raising pays and women as compared to men are more satisfied or satisfied at covered workplaces. However, there are still multiple inequalities exist between women and men; there are some areas in which men have more access to opportunities and rewards as compared to women. It has been encounter that legislation provides better outcomes of equity and equity indicators are stronger at the places that come under legislation (Peets, Gardner, Brown & Berns, 2008).
– Cultural discrimination and EEO:
With the enhancement of globalization, organizations are facing a shortage of talent therefore; companies have to hire multitalented workforce in order to have sustainability and multicultural workforce bring a challenge to maintain the diversity at workplace. Diversity can be cultural, demographic, cognitive, and technical (Kochan et al., 2003).
Organizations formulate diversity strategies that encourage the respect and trust factor between employee and employer, which is essential for successful operations and result in increased work engagement and loyalty. Diversity allows organizations to have a competitive advantage because cultural diversity brings different ideas, capabilities, and efficiencies in the organization that makes the working more effective. It has been observed that diverse teams generate superior results, but if this diversity is not managed properly can bring disastrous situations in the workplace. For example, increased cultural differences bring communication breakdowns, higher cost of turnover, and interpersonal conflicts that lead organizations towards failures (Cox, 1991). Therefore, for having sustainability and competitive advantage it is necessary to manage the diversity effectively and efficiently. It is essential to follow equal employment opportunity practices to gain benefits of diversity and reducing the potential costs. EEO guides the organizations in managing the diversity at workplace in appropriate manners. These practices play significant and positive role in the management of diversity.
– Age discrimination and EEO:
Age discrimination has been a problem at workplace and majority reported that they have to face disadvantages at their workplace due to age discrimination. Age discrimination occurs due to several reasons, and the most common reason is negative stereotyping. This includes that older workers are rigid to change and do not accept technologies easily. Another stereotype is that they are less alert and productive, and they are not reliable due to health reasons and undervalued knowledge. However, older people are lacking in some areas but have efficiency in some other parts. For instance, they have stronger vision and ability to react quickly on the basis of experience.
According to some studies, older workers are more productive due to loyalty and commitment reasons. Age discrimination is taking place more rapidly at the workplace. Thus, age discrimination law protects older employees from the effects of stereotyping such as from layoffs, termination, and demotions (Wood, Wilkinson & Harcourt, 2008; Lahey, 2006). Further, the age discrimination law has disadvantages for older workers because due to the fear of lawsuits employers may not hire older. In such case, the law is beneficial for those who are working in the organization. However, it is disadvantageous for those who are outsiders and not working in any organization. However, at workplace, the age discrimination law is making an impact but still there is a lot more to do. The reason is that in multiple organizations older age people are still the last choice of employers (Dennis & Thomas, 2007).
– Gender discrimination and EEO:
Gender discrimination can have several negative impacts on employees and organizations as well. Gender discrimination has been an important issue and has been pointed out since many decades it exists in multiple places in various dimension such as differences in hiring, promotions, wages, salaries, and facilities.
Employees are the assets of the organization and perform their duties irrespective of their genders. However, when differences in facilities and promotions occur due to gender difference then it decreases the morale and efficiency. Thus, this leads the organizations towards dissatisfied employees that is not good for the sustainability of the organizations. It has been an encounter that gender discrimination occurs in many organizations at different stages from which the most important is hiring; the second is promotions and third is wages.
Organizational productivity is dependent upon employees’ performance, and employees’ performances receive the impact of gender biasness. Therefore, managers at the time of making hiring and promotional policies must consider the equal opportunity practices in order to avoid the negative consequences of gender discrimination. Equal employments opportunities practices allow organizations to accept and realize the importance of female workers (Abbas, Hameed & Waheed, 2011).
– Impact of EEO act on work-life balance:
Work-life balance does not refer to equal balance, but it is about trying to schedule “ equal number of hours for each activity” and it differs on a regular basis. For example, the right balance of today may be change tomorrow. There no size perfect fit for all work-life balance is different for every person. It is a proper prioritization between lifestyle and work. Work-life balance is an important topic and has gained the focus of multiple researchers and academicians.
There are several problems that create hurdles in balancing the work and home life such as overburden of work, increased hours, retirements, heath issues, limited control and choices, and so on. There are several benefits of addressing issues related to work life balance. Some of these include providing work-life balance, able to recruit and retain employees, have higher moral and good relation with employees. Moreover, employees are flexible and respond to business needs when have work-life balance. Thus it also results in increased productivity. Another benefit that employees with appropriate work-life balance contribute in satisfying the expectations of customers. Thus it helps the organization. In order to create this balance, some initiatives have been taken, and some amendment in equal opportunity employment act has been made. These includes the working time was reduced from 48 hours to 40 hours and the application of this law on all organizations took place in 1997. By following these initiatives women were provided facilities of taking leaves until their delivery; the act played an immense role in work-life balance.
The work life balance act was introduced against the declining birth rate, and it has been encountered that the rate of women leaving their work due to marriages declined immensely. It has been encountered that the higher the rate of retention of female the higher the rate of female managers. From studies, it has been observed that work life balance is a measure of equal opportunity employment. Work life balance contributes in the retention of employees and they are able to contribute more actively in the activities of organizations (Kawaguchi, 2013). If people do not have work-life balance, they are not able to make a contribution in the attainment of success of the company.
– Conclusion:
It has been encountered that several initiatives have been taken in order to reduce all type of discrimination at workplace and equal employment opportunity commission designed several acts in order to reduce the discrimination and their impact on businesses. It has been found that these laws played an immense role in increasing g the productivity of the organizations and motivating and encouraging employees. Organizations that are covered by these legislators are more productive, and employees are more satisfied in these organizations as compared to other organizations. However, it has been analyzed that equal employment opportunity practices played an important role in maintaining and created work-life balance that proved in the result of enhanced capability, engagement, interest, and effectiveness of employees.
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