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Free research paper on factors influencing job satisfaction among people in the us


Today, job satisfaction has become an increasing factor in the labor market in the United States. Job satisfaction can be influenced through different influences this may include race/ethnicity, income levels and home ownership. Analysis of the survey includes different people from demographic levels. It is important to note the different factors that affect job satisfaction. By doing so managers can be able to balance and provide better benefits and allowances to ensure employees are satisfied with their jobs.


Job satisfaction is vital in any state and it is considered as one of the key factors that influence the economic situation. In prior years the job satisfaction rate has increased and improved. In the U. S it has declined over a number of years with job insecurity been one of the leading factors of job satisfaction in the country. In recent years a survey conducted put the following elements as a subject on job satisfaction gender, race/ethnicity and homeownership as some of the factors that may affect job satisfaction.
In an analysis, researching the percentage of job satisfaction against races showed that 31. 4% of white people were satisfied with their jobs while 10. 1% of non white were satisfied. In regards to the income levels those with high incomes were more satisfied to their jobs than those in middle income jobs and lower income level jobs with 17. 5%, 4. 4% and 2. 6% respectively. After the 2008 financial crisis led to a reduction in the employment levels with many people retrenched from their work places. This recession made the economic situation in the US unbearable making it harder for employment. It led to a number of people losing their homes to banks through foreclosure.
The analysis of the data that was collected relates to the much insecurity that many employees endure especially when their life is not yet satisfied. The importance of job satisfaction in any organization or even country is the fact that it provides for productivity. there are other factors that may also affect job satisfaction for employees this includes working conditions, respect from co workers and financial rewards. If a worker, working conditions are bad then employee satisfaction in their jobs becomes strained by this incapacitates. Disrespect is the core that breaks anyone who is capable of human relations when an employee is disrespected by fellow co workers then the returns are incapable to provide results. Financial reward or incentives are normally used to motivate employees but it can also be in the same position as promotions.

Literature view

Race and ethnicity
Statistics have shown that the level of job satisfaction is low among Hispanics and those with low levels of education between 2011 as compared to 2008. However, employee satisfaction on all demographic levels has decreased or is constant in 2011 compared to 2008. Black American workers have remained the most dissatisfied with their jobs and this statistic has remained the same in both years 2008 and 2011. Most of the Hispanic and black Americans are discriminated upon when it comes to job positions in certain corporations. This has made it impossible for most of them to secure work in big corporations as they are discriminated upon. It is said that this two groups have the highest number of uneducated people.
In the gallop opinion poll which analyzed data between 2004 and 2008 showed that job satisfaction within the races was much more far apart. This was mainly because of education and the lifestyle they were brought up in. many parents within the black American and also the Hispanic lacked opportunities to have a good education which was mostly for lack of enough money to provide this basic need. In many of the states it is also shown that parents are more reluctant to provide this basic need as the value of education has been highly inclined to be of no use. This in turn causes a turnaround effect that leads to the number of uneducated persons who in the end get jobs that offer daily wages that may not be sufficient for their needs. this causes persons within this race group to be less satisfied with their jobs making them even less productive in the job market.

Home ownership

Owning a home in the US is fundamental and many employees struggle with the payment of mortgages which have taken a toll on them. Those who own their homes are able to skillfully maneuver and provide for their families knowing that they have a place of their own. This reduces any pressure on monthly rent and in turn focuses on payment of utilities. Employees who are still paying rent have a reduced job satisfaction percentage as they have a monthly budget which requires them to work to be able to sustain themselves. Managers need to find ways in which the living situation of their employees is a priority. In this analysis it makes it easier for employees to be able to have focus in their work.
In the gallop opinion polls home ownership is a great ingredient to job satisfaction. According to the polls it showed that those who own homes are more likely to transform into self employment. This is mainly because they have less responsibilities when it comes to rent and can easily expand their income into other projects. Those renting have much more responsibility making it difficult to expand to other endeavors. This limits their thinking and reduces productivity in the work place as they have little job satisfaction in what they do on a daily basis. Rent is a utility bill that most waged employees may find harder to manage finding themselves cheaper homes with their share of problems to live in. in such atmospheres may employees can become redundant as they are unable to change their living conditions due to either poor pay or too many piled up bills they may not afford. This causes many of the employees to suffer high debts in credit cards as their wage is not able to sustain their lives. Having a decent home for many employees is motivation and become productive in their works.

Level of income

Employees with an annual income less than $ 30, 000 are more likely to be least satisfied with their job. On the other hand those with an annual income of more than $70, 000 who are the high income earners are the most satisfied with their jobs. This has resulted to low income earners to be dissatisfied with their jobs as opposed to the high income earners. Income levels tend to concentrate on the social status this comparison has a lot of social impact on individual welfare. Many low income earners attach their incomes to their well being in which many of them are not able to provide the needed nutrition that their families require. Most high income earners have are satisfied with their jobs because they are able to provide both basic needs and luxury need with ease. The middle income earners are satisfied with their jobs as they can be able to provide their basic needs but may not be able to afford luxury needs.
Those who earn high incomes in their work place may also be dissatisfied with their jobs. In the Gallop opinion polls it shows that in the 70% which includes high income earners 26% of this percentage is not satisfied with their jobs. This makes them susceptible to resigning or retiring from theor positions making it harder for them to incline with their works. Those who are middle income earners present a percenle that are satisfied or not satisfied. This is because most of them have never experienced a raise and the others who are transitioning from low income to a steady middle income which makes them comfortable. In many organizations it takes longer for promotions and appraisals to be experienced that this limits productivity as the managers do not create a growth career prospective for their employees. Income levels provide the employees with job satisfaction making sure that they can easily be an increase in the income.


The first hypothesis measures in percentage in job satisfaction according to race. It shows that white people are more satisfied with their jobs than the non white people. The results from the analysis show that with so much racism associated with positions and types of jobs many non white people are not promoted in their workplaces due to discrimination. In the United States a majority of those in the job market working under daily wages. Thus, many of them are not satisfied with their jobs. Black Americans are also part of this analysis in which a small percentage of black Americans are associated with the corporate world. This has changed since Obama became the president.
The second hypothesis is the relationship with income levels in which those with high levels of income are more satisfied with their jobs than those with low incomes. In the data collected in which low, middle and high income earners were interviewed it is shown that those in middle incomes are more satisfied than the low income earners. In real life situations the life satisfaction experience by many resonates to job satisfaction. This also includes income levels which provide a motivational boost to the employees. In similar situations one may find that many non white people are in the ranks of the low income earners leading to no job satisfaction.
The third hypothesis relates to rent and home ownership the data concludes that those who own their homes are more satisfied with their jobs. Job satisfaction falls together with life satisfaction with many employed people dreaming of owning their own homes. The survey percentage of the job satisfaction rate for this makes it possible to enjoy their jobs without worry of rent. For many employed people who pay rent their major discourse is the rent at the end of every month which becomes even more important that the different utility bills associated.


The participants in the survey included people from all walks of life in no particular order. The data collected was random and was conducted through a survey which included a questionnaire interview to cover the questions. The participants included those in daily wages, employed with contracts from different companies. The association of the employees depended on their willingness to participate in the survey. This survey brought participants from different levels to help understand the major factors that may result to been satisfied by their jobs. This helps managers from different corporations understand the needs of the employees.


The GSS provided many types of question for participants regarding different type of study. The question for measuring the dependent variable was abortion, do you believe women should be allows having an abortion for any reason. The GSS also provided many detail information of participants including age, religion, and income level of household. The random selected sample included the age in years, religion views such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, etc, and different level of income.


SPSS software was used for the analysis of job satisfaction in the US. Missing cases were covered and include in the system all variables were recorded to two values to produce contingency tables for the statistical analysis. The order in which the procedures were conducted began with the use of the analyze function to generate frequency tables to describe the sample. Next, the crosstabs function was used to generate contingency tables, followed by the use of the Chi-Square statistic function to test the null hypothesis for each independent variable (IV). In addition, the P-value was set at . 05 for rejection of the null hypothesis

Presentation of results

Frequency tables were examined to determine results on binge drinking. It describes the the percentage of those that have binged within the past two weeks and how many times a person has binged, ranging from none to 10+ times. The questions were enclosed in a closed ended questionnaire in which participant adhered to only answers within the boxed questions. The use of SPSS packages was used to help in data analysis which made it easier to tabulate. The questions covered gender, race, home ownership and the job satisfaction. According to different surveys held to find out the job satisfaction rates in the US different factors are included but with the major three factors it is possible to create and enhance job productivity.
The first hypothesis is that non white people are not satisfied with their jobs as opposed to the white people. The number observed for whites were (1539) and non white (493). The percentage of those satisfied with their jobs in their jobs was the whites with a percentage of 75. 7% against the non whites at 24. 3%. The null hypothesis of was at a. o cells and had an expected countless of 5 with a minimum count of 8. 91.
The second hypothesis showed that those with high income levels were more likely to have more job satisfaction than those with low incomes. The people observed were in three stages those with high income, middle income and the low income earners. There were a total of 4901 people involved in the survey with low income (128), medium income (217) and high income (857) with a total of 3699 missing in the system. According to the data against the dependent variable it shows that the high income earners were the most satisfied with their jobs. In the chi square table the results reflected that 16. 7% have expected count less than 5 with a minimum expected count is 2. 27.
The third hypothesis exhibits how those who own their own homes have a higher percentage of job satisfaction than those who rent. The valid number of home owners in the survey was 874 and those who rent 524. When put on the cross tables those with their own homes is more satisfied with their jobs as opposed to those who rent. The expected cell count is 0. 0% with an expected count of less than 5 while the minimum count is 9. 33.
Job satisfaction not only relates to the work productivity model but also affect the way in which people’s lives are affected in a personal way. Ethnicity/race is one of the major aspects that have affected the job satisfaction with many workers comprising of Hispanics and black Americans who in many cases have low income jobs and no proper promotion strategies. Income levels are a motivation to many in the job markets and with low income earners who in many cases carry out the bulk of the work are the most dissatisfied with their jobs. In regards to home ownership, many Americans regard owning homes as a life satisfaction and when these dreams are shattered because of the low pay many of them become dissatisfied and can prematurely retire from their works.


Job satisfaction is the key most things in many employees factors that affect this satisfaction may lead to negatively affecting the outcome of the company growth. It is important in any organization to understand the need that go with job satisfaction. Other factors that may affect job satisfaction in the US are working conditions, opportunity for advancement, workload and stress level and respect from co workers. Good working conditions are a necessity in any work place from working equipment to attire that protects employees from harm. Without good working conditions then employees are demoralized and they are unable to be productive in their departments. Opportunities for advancement is critical to been satisfied in a job those who have been in the same position for years tend to be relaxed and thus provide no growth for the company.
Companies need to come up with ways in which they can continually improve the work of their employees through interaction. It is well revealed that managers who are more interactive with their employees are more likely to improve on different aspects while still encouraging them. The data collected was used to be able to answer some of the major questions entailed in the job market. Many managers are now able to fully associate well with their employees knowing the different challenges that they face both in their work place and in their personal lives. The data collected was used to simply engage both their productivity to their work proficiency. The questions majorly pointed in the direction of their personal lives showing and proving how job satisfaction relates to personal growth.
The statistical procedures conducted showed that there were a number a people who worked but did not reach the system with many of them satisfied with their jobs and still affected with the same type of challenges with those in the system. The analysis shows how important it is for people to own homes in the US and how it relates to their job satisfaction. In considering this then the information from the data above creates the assumption on the critical points that relate to job satisfaction. The use of the analysis will help managers create more benefits that will keep the employees happy and satisfied with their jobs. In considering this it is important for the employees to be able to relate a sense of responsibility.
Managers in big corporations will need to come up with solutions in which their employees are well treated and can be able to transversely connect with them. there is need for the government to check into their labor laws and help the employees to have good working condition and provide benefit that will ensure that their personal needs are well taken care. This will ensure that employees are more delighted to be in their place of work. Managers also need to exert more effort to understand the plight of their employees and gather the required materiel to enhance productivity in their work places. This will help to improve job satisfaction.
While job satisfaction is highly addressed in many human resources it is also paramount to discuss job dissatisfaction. Job dissatisfaction factors are mainly related to other withdrawal behaviors, including lateness, unionization and grievances or the decision to retire. Job satisfaction is the best way to understand how American employees have been content in their jobs. Most of the population provides a sense which portrays job satisfaction but which is less than in 2008. During this time there has been a reported decline in job satisfaction. This has happened because of over qualification employees are working in positions which they are too qualified for. This has been as a result of companies reducing staff in their companies to cut down on more expenditure. Job security has also reached an all time high with joblessness playing a major role in job satisfaction. Different demographic groups are more satisfied with their jobs than others in statistics is that those above the age of 65 are more likely be satisfied with their jobs.


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"Free research paper on factors influencing job satisfaction among people in the us." AssignBuster, 11 Sept. 2022, assignbuster.com/free-research-paper-on-factors-influencing-job-satisfaction-among-people-in-the-us/.

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