- Published: November 15, 2021
- Updated: November 15, 2021
- University / College: Florida Atlantic University - Boca Raton
- Language: English
- Downloads: 25
Domestic violence is defined as an intimaterelationship between partners, where one individual wants to assert power and gaincontrol over the other person. Mostly the abuser asserts power in different waysof abuse, which may include physical, psychological, economic and sexual abuse. In certain circumstances the abuser might try to manipulate the victim throughthe use of his or her children. Domestic violence is not restricted towardsonly one gender; in fact it is gender neutral. 1 Although according to Crime Survey for Englandand Wales, women are more prone to domestic violence than men. 1 out of 4 womenand 1 out 6 men have faced domestic abused in their lifetime. 2Estimates of 1. 9 million adults aged between 16 to 59 years have faced domesticviolence in the year ending March 2017.
3 From the above facts presented above, it is clearthat United Kingdom and Wales is dealing with a serious problem of domesticviolence and the CPS is trying to eradicate the problem and tackle it byintroducing new acts and strategies. Firstly, in this plan I will be looking intothe recent developments of law undertaken by CPS and analyse how it iscontributing towards the betterment of the victims and the witnesses. Secondly, if the new act addresses the any inconsistency of the previousacts, which make the laws, work better for victims now. Thirdly, as the police are the first form of contact forthe victim and they work closely in regards to case. I would look into anyadvancements made by the police and if any failure in this aspect. Asreportedly a number of domestic violence cases are going unattended by thepolice and the percentage is soaring high 4Fourthly, my arguments for or against the developments made by the laws. Specifically looking if it is effective enough to bring a positive change inthis sphere.
It is required by CPS to take greater carewhile considering all the facts of the offending behaviour and the relevant backgroundhistory before any action could be taken against the offender. There should notbe any stereotypical assumptions made against the victim or the abuser. As allthe cases must be judged by their own merits by the police and the CPS. CPS Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG)strategy is an overarching framework for crimes, which mainly looks into theoffences, which is committed by power and control. It mainly looks into theprotection of women and girls, but they also recognize that some victims willbe men too. 5This is appreciable as male victims are often failed by the system.
VAWG tacklesdomestic-violence, child-abuse, forced marriages, prostitution, and pornography. 1 https://www. gov. uk/guidance/domestic-violence-and-abuse 2https://www. ons. gov. uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/bulletins/domesticabuseinenglandandwales/yearendingmarch20173 ibid4 https://www. met. police. uk/advice-and-information/domestic-abuse/how-to-report-domestic-abuse/5https://www. cps. gov. uk/sites/default/files/documents/publications/VAWG-Strategy-2017-2020. pdf